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Our understanding of human jaw biomechanics has been enhanced by computational modelling, but comparatively few studies have addressed the dynamics of chewing. Consequently, ambiguities remain regarding predicted jaw-gapes and forces on the mandibular condyles. Here, we used a new platform to simulate unilateral chewing. The model, based on a previous study, included curvilinear articular guidance, a mobile hyoid apparatus, and a compressible food bolus. Muscles were represented by Hill-type actuators with drive profiles tuned to produce target jaw and hyoid movements. The cycle duration was 732 ms. At maximum gape, the lower incisor-point was 20.1mm down, 5.8mm posterior, and 2.3mm lateral to its initial, tooth-contact position. Its maximum laterodeviation to the working-side during closing was 6.1mm, at which time the bolus was struck. The hyoid's movement, completed by the end of jaw-opening, was 3.4mm upward and 1.6mm forward. The mandibular condyles moved asymmetrically. Their compressive loads were low during opening, slightly higher on the working-side at bolus-collapse, and highest bilaterally when the teeth contacted. The model's movements and the directions of its condylar forces were consistent with experimental observations, resolving seeming discordances in previous simulations. Its inclusion of hyoid dynamics is a step towards modelling mastication.  相似文献   

Optoelectronic analysis of mandibular movement and electromyography (EMG) of masticatory muscles in Cavia porcellus indicate bilateral, unilateral, and gnawing cycles. During bilateral and unilateral cycles, the mandibular tip moves forward, lateral, and down during the lingual phase of the power stroke to bring the teeth into occlusion. EMG activity is generally asymmetric, with the exception of activity of the temporalis muscle during bilateral cycles. During gnawing cycles, the mandible moves in an anteroposterior direction that is opposite that during bilateral and unilateral chew cycles. Bilateral and unilateral cycles of pellets were significantly longer than carrot. With the exception of the width of bilateral cycles, the magnitude of cycle width, length, and height during the mastication of carrots was greater than that during the mastication of pellets. Significant differences exist between EMG durations during mastication of pellets and carrots. The lateral pterygoid displays continuous activity during gnawing cycles. Significant differences also exist in the durations of EMG activity between the working and balancing side during all three cycle types. High level activity of balancing side temporalis and anterior belly of digastric (ABD) during bilateral cycles occurs during rotation and depression of the mandible during the power stroke. The temporalis apparently provides a ?braking”? or compensatory role during closing and power strokes. Differences between Cavia masticatory patterns and those shown by Rattus and Mesocricetus are apparently due to differences in dental morphology, occlusal relationships, and, possibly, the poorly developed temporalis in Cavia. The large number and wide diversity of rodent groups afford students of mammalian mastication an opportunity to investigate and compare different masticatory specializations.  相似文献   

Analysis of lateral and dorsoventral radiographic films shows that ingestion, transport, and mastication in Pedetes capensis (Rodentia) are cyclic and their movement patterns are essentially similar for the three food types offered. During the ingestion cycle, closing of the mouth is accompanied by a backward translation of the condyles, so that movement is predominantly orthal. During the opening stage, the extent of the anterior condylar translation is smaller. As a result the mandibular incisors move ventrally and posteriorly. During the ingestion cycles, food is transported to the back of the tongue, with the transverse rugae and the folds of the upper lip playing important roles. Springhares show a bilateral masticatory pattern; food is chewed on both sides simultaneously. During chewing, the condyles lie in their most forward position at maximum opening of the mouth. The mouth is closed by rotation of the lower jaw around the temporomandibular joint coupled with posterior condylar translation. At the beginning of the slow-closing stage, the upward rotation of the mandible slows and the jaw slowly shifts forward. During the grinding stage, the mandible is shifted forward with both toothrows in occlusion. During the opening stage, the jaw returns to its starting position. Comparison of kinematic and anatomical data on rodent mastication suggests that some dental characteristics form the most important factors regulating the masticatory pattern and consequently allow reasonably reliable prediction of rodent masticatory patterns.  相似文献   

Kinematic analyses of mandibular movement in humans demonstrate that the mandibular instantaneous center of rotation (ICoR) is commonly located near the level of the occlusal plane and varies in its position during a chewing sequence. Few data are available regarding the location of the ICoR in nonhuman primates and it remains unclear how the position of the ICoR varies in association with mastication and/or gape behaviors. ICoR was quantified throughout the gape cycle in five species of nonhuman primates (Macaca mulatta, Cebus apella, Chlorocebus aethiops, Eulemur fulvus, and Varecia variegata). The ICoR is commonly located below the mandibular condyle close to the occlusal plane and varies considerably both superoinferiorly and anteroposteriorly through the gape cycle. The path of the ICoR, and by inference condylar movement, in Macaca and Chlorocebus differs from humans whereas movement in Cebus resembles that of humans. Similarities between humans and Cebus in articular eminence and occlusal morphology may explain these resemblances. Food material properties had little influence on ICoR movement parameters.  相似文献   

The relationship between translation of the mandibular condyle during symmetrical mandibular rotation, i.e., symmetrical jaw depression and elevation, and the function of the superficial masseter muscle was examined in light of relative torque and the length-tension relationship for muscle. Lateral cephalograms of live adult rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were analyzed using two models: (1) Model A, normal symmetrical jaw rotation accompanied by condylar translation; and (2) Model B, mandibular rotation about an axis fixed at the position of the condyles during centric occlusion. The decrease in relative torque and the excursion of the superficial masseter at mouth-open positions are significantly greater in Model B than in Model A. Symmetrical rotation of the jaw about a fixed axis would result in a 35% greater loss of maximum producible tension at maximum gape than rotation associated with condylar translation. These results suggest that condylar translation during mandibular depression and elevation functions to minimize reduction in relative torque and excursion of superficial masseter muscle, thereby maintaining optimal potential for exerting maximum tension during jaw closure.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the shape of the bony temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is functionally related to sagittal sliding of the condyle during mastication is tested, and a model of the relation of sagittal sliding to mandibular size, TMJ shape, and diet is developed. Sagittal sliding is defined as fore-aft motion of the condyle during mandibular translation and/or angular rotation. Ascending ramus height is used as a structural correlate of the distance between the condyle and the mandibular axis of rotation (CR). Cineradiographic data on sagittal sliding and gape during mastication in Ateles spp., Macaca fascicularis, Papio anubis, and Pan troglodytes in conjunction with comparative data on mandibular size and TMJ shape are used to evaluate the hypothesis. The results show that 1) linear and angular gape are highly positively correlated with sagittal sliding, 2) pure mandibular translation is rare during mastication, 3) the CR is rarely if ever located at the condyle during mastication, 4) angular gape should be standardized in interindividual comparisons of sagittal sliding, and 5) the height of the ascending ramus (and by inference the CR-to-condyle distance) is highly positively correlated with absolute sagittal sliding. Sagittal sliding relative to the length of the articular eminence was the variable used to explore the relation between TMJ shape and sliding. This variable standardized absolute sagittal sliding relative to joint size. The relative depth and orientation of the articular eminence were not correlated with relative sagittal sliding. The anteroposterior curvature of the condyle was highly negatively correlated with relative sagittal sliding. Flat condyles are associated with large amounts of relative sagittal sliding. A flat condyle increases joint contact area, which reduces joint stress. A flat condyle also increases joint congruence, and this may facilitate the combined sliding and rolling motion of the condyle when the sliding motion is relatively large. The shape of the entoglenoid process was also positively correlated with relative sagittal sliding. A relatively large entoglenoid process may help to guide sagittal sliding and prevent excessive mediolateral sliding of the condyle. The functional model makes a number of predictions about the correlations between food consistency and food object size, mandibular size, TMJ shape, and sagittal sliding of the condyle during mastication and incision. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:67–88, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hiran M. Dutta 《Zoomorphology》1987,106(6):369-381
Summary Astronotus ocellatus captures its prey by creating a negative pressure in the buccal cavity which is caused by its quick expansion. Once the prey has been accommodated, the buccal cavity undergoes a compression which may propel the prey towards the pharyngeal jaws for mastication. The motion picture recordings indicate retracted premaxillae at the beginning of food intake followed by a maximum attainment of mouth gape and then mastication. During the maximum opening of the mouth the premaxillae are protruded and dentaries are at maximum depression. These events are followed by activities such as buccopharyngeal cavity expansion, bulging on the ventral surface of the head, and prominent curvature on the ventral surface anterior to the urohyal, caused by the upward movement of the glossohyal. Based on the cinematographic results, it may be inferred that the maximum mouth gape is caused by the sternohyoid-hyoid-interopercular-mandible coupling, and not by the opercular apparatus-mandible coupling, as the latter acts after the full descent of the lower jaw. Impression of the expanded buccopharyngeal cavity has been made by a paraffin mold technique, which confirms the displacement of the buccopharyngeal elements during expansion of the cavity.  相似文献   

Wear facets on molars of the Eocene primate Adapis magnus are described. Striations on these wear facets indicate three separate directions of mandibular movement during mastication. One direction corresponds to a first stage of mastication involving orthal retraction of the mandible. The remaining two directions correspond to buccal and lingual phases of a second stage of mastication involving a transverse movement of the mandible. The mechanics of jaw adduction are analysed for both the orthal retraction and transverse stages of mastication. During the orthal retraction stage the greatest component of bite force is provided by the temporalis muscles acting directly against the food with the mandible functioning as a link rather than as a lever. A geometrical argument suggests that during the transverse stage of mastication bite force is provided by the temporalis muscles of both sides, the ipsilateral medial and lateral pterygoid muscles, and the contralateral masseter muscle.  相似文献   

Correlations between dental morphology, arch configuration, and jaw movement patterns were quantitatively investigated in 23 ceboid species to elucidate integrative aspects of occlusal functional anatomy in an adaptive and evolutionary context. Differential maxillary-mandibular arch widths are primary in guiding lateral jaw movements. These movements are characterized according to their associated condylar shifts as either predominantly translatory or rotational. Predominantly translatory movements result from peripheral contact relationships between maxillary arches which are considerably wider posteriorly than their opposing mandibular arches. The greatest degree of mandibular movement is in the molar region in functional association with wide “primitive” maxillary molars, narrow mandibular molars, constricted maxillary intercanine widths, and narrow maxillary incisors. In contrast, predominantly rotational masticatory jaw movements result from differential arch widths which are greatest in the maxillary canine and incisor regions. Here most jaw movement is in the anterior segment and this is reflected in small maxillary-mandibular molar width differences, a high degree of premolarization, wide-set maxillary canine teeth, and wide maxillary incisors. Possible selectional factors in the putative evolution of rotational predominance in mastication from the more primitive translatory pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: Clinical observations and mathematical models show that dental implants are influenced by the magnitude of loading. Therefore, the knowledge of mandible movement during mastication is important to assess occlusal and masticatory force vectors. The purpose of this study was to detect the path of movement of the lower jaw and to distinguish stages of mastication, duration of bolus processing and peak amplitude of mastication. Method: Motion analysis was used to record three-dimensional mandible movements. Individualized sensors were rigidly attached to the mandible of 51 study participants. At the beginning of the measurement, all subjects were asked to move the mandible in extreme positions (maximal opening and maximal lateral movements). Then, each subject masticated a bite of hard and soft food. Duration of bolus mastication and peak amplitude of mastication movement in mesio-distal, cranio-caudal and vestibulo-oral axes related to peak amplitude of marginal movements were evaluated for each subject. The chewing record of each subject was divided into three phases (chopping, grinding and swallowing), and the duration of mastication and number of closing movements were evaluated. Results: The findings of this pilot study suggest that masticatory movements vary in individuals. Bolus character influences the process duration, but not the frequency of closing movements. Neither gender nor age had any influence on either the time or frequency of bolus processing. Conclusion: Relationships to directions and magnitudes of acting chewing force should be more precisely examined since transversally acted forces during grinding are important factors in tooth/implant overloading.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the masticatory apparatus, and particularly of the mandibular joints, has led to the view that mandibular movement in the Rodentia is predominantly propalinal, or forwards and backwards in direction. As part of an investigation into the mechanism of function of the mandibular joints in these animals, the feeding behaviour of "August" strain and "Wistar" rats was examined by cinephotography and cinefluorography. The rats were trained to feed on barium sulphate impregnated biscuit and animal cake and to drink radio-opaque liquids. Cinefluorographic recordings of ingestion, mastication, deglutition and of drinking were taken in both the lateral and dorso-ventral projections.
Analysis of the recordings has shown a fundamental separation of ingestive and masticatory activity in the rat, which can be attributed to the morphology of the jaws and particularly to the disparity in the lengths of the mandibular and maxillary diastemas. To bring the incisor teeth into occlusion for ingestion, the mandible is brought forward through the rest position and the condyle into articulation with the anterior part of the fossa. In mastication the condyle is moved backwards to bring the molar teeth into occlusion and the condyle into articulation with the posterior articular facet on the fossa. Once the mandible has been moved into the appropriate position for either ingestion or mastication and deglutition, the movements involved in the separation or chewing of the food are cyclical with combined horizontal and transverse movements as well as the fundamental vertical movement acting to open and close the mouth. The basic movement of ingestion carries the mandibular incisors upwards and forwards across the lingual surfaces of the maxillary incisors, so separating the bite. The grinding stroke of mastication is a horizontal movement carrying the mandibular molars anteriorly across the maxillary.  相似文献   

Frontal plane mandibular movements during mastication and the associated electromyographic (EMG) activity for left and right superficial masseter, posterior temporalis, anterior temporalis, and anterior belly of the digastric (ABD) were studied for two adult male Macaca mulatta by the new technique of “contour” analysis. Contour analysis allowed graphic and quantitative portrayal of multiple chew cycle patterns of mandibular movement and EMG activity during active mastication. A series of computer programs (ATS, ATSED, ATSXYZ) facilitated the collection, editing and definition, and finally processing of these masticatory data into contour plots. These preliminary data indicated the essential symmetry of mandibular movement patterns, high chew cycle variability inferior to occlusion, multiple centers of intense EMG activity for balancing-side superficial masseter, and no difference between working-side anterior and posterior temporalis EMG patterns. Maximum EMG amplitude was found in the area of buccal phase power stroke (BPS). Maximum EMG amplitude for ABD was located medial and inferior to occlusion; all other muscle maximum amplitudes were buccal and inferior to occlusion. The location of maximum EMG amplitudes for superficial masseter and ABD were closer to occlusion (more superior) during mastication of carrot than were maximum amplitudes during biscuit mastication. The absence of any detectable shift of EMG maximum amplitude location between biscuit and carrot for posterior and anterior temporalis suggested, along with the continuous EMG activity of working-side posterior temporalis, a secondary role for the temporalis (compensation for superficial masseter activity) during active mastication.  相似文献   

We assessed feeding and masticatory function in western tarsiers, Tarsius bancanus,from field study, from videotaped recordings of the feeding and chewing behavior of wild-caught animals in temporary captivity, from dissections of the muscles of mastication, and from scanning electron microscopic (SEM) examination of wear features of the teeth. Ingestion of large items of animal prey is made possible by the animal’s extremely wide gape. Anterior translation of the knob-like mandibular condyle in the anteroposteriorly elongated mandibular fossa makes possible a gape angle of 60–70‡. We observed two means of ingestion of grasshopper prey: ingestion by mastication, in which the postcanine teeth sever and reduce bites of the food as it is thrust into the mouth cavity, and repeated gape-shove sequences, during which the tarsier pushed grasshoppers of large diameter into the anterior part of its mouth and attempted to sever a bite with its anterior teeth. Morsels were successfully severed after three to five such sequences, and reduced quickly,with relatively few powerful, crushing chews. The insect cuticle was not evenly comminuted during mastication. We observed a marked side-to-side grinding component in the normal chewing cycle of T. bancanuson videotape and confirmed it by SEM. The main jaw adductors are bulky, long-fibered muscles that can accommodate wide grapes and still generate, at wide degrees of gape,the high occlusal pressures necessary to fracture thick chitinous exoskeletons of the scarabid beetles that form a substantial element of the western tarsier’s diet.  相似文献   

High-speed cinematography shows that Suncus murinus (Crocidurinae) masticates fast (mean 5.5, 5–10 masticatory cycles per sec). Their grasping behavior is not stereotyped. The unilateral mandibular movements combine vertical, anteroposterior, and lateral displacements; and any masticatory sequence may include crushing, repositioning, shearing, and grinding components. Size and consistency of food influence the duration of individual chewing cycles. As food is transferred to the new working side, the chewing direction reverses, either near maximum closure or near maximum opening. An unfused mandibular symphysis permits tilting movements of the two halves of the mandible. Food may be squeezed between the lower incisors. The working side tilts outward during closing; this may improve shearing or grinding action. The closing phase is posteriorly directed. Thus, the masticatory movements of these shrews differ from those that have been described in many other mammals.  相似文献   

The movement of the entire tongue and intermolar eminence during mastication is described in the domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Tongue movement and jaw position were analyzed videofluorographically from separate lateral and dorso-ventral views in six rabbits. Metallic markers were inserted into the tongue so that its movement was visible on the fluorographic image. Frame-by-frame analysis of the videofluorographic tape recordings demonstrates that tongue movement in all animals was identical in direction during each part of the chewing cycle. In the lateral view the forepart of the tongue moves down and forward during the opening stroke, whereas the intermolar eminence moves up and forward to appose the palate. During the closing stroke, as the tip of the tongue moves up and back, the intermolar eminence lowers from the palate and retracts. During the power stroke the forepart of the tongue is at its most elevated and retruded position, while the intermolar eminence is its lowest and most retruded. The dorso-ventral view showed that lateral movement of the tongue and mandible are highly synchronous. The intermolar eminence decreases in width during the power stroke, possibly twisting to place or keep food on the teeth. An anterior to posterior undulating movement of the entire tongue occurs throughout the chewing cycle. As the intermolar eminence elevates to appose the palate during the opening stroke, it may replace the bolus on the teeth on the chewing side. The intermolar eminence also appears to be twisting during the closing and power strokes to place or maintain food on the teeth.  相似文献   

Single-element and/or rosette strain gages were bonded to mandibular cortical bone in Galago crassicaudatus and Macaca fascicularis. Five galago and eleven macaque bone strain experiments were performed and analyzed. In vivo bone strain was recorded from the lateral surface of the mandibular corpus below the postcanine tooth row during transducer biting and during mastication and ingestion of food objects. In macaques and galagos, the mandibular corpus on the balancing side is primarily bent in the sagittal plane during mastication and is both twisted about its long axis and bent in the sagittal plane during transducer biting. On the working side, it is primarily twisted about its long axis and directly sheared perpendicular to its long axis, and portions of it are bent in the sagittal plane during mastication and molar transducer biting. In macaques, the mandibular corpus on each side is primarily bent in the sagittal plane and twisted during incisal transducer biting and ingestion of food objects, and it is transversely bent and slightly twisted during jaw opening. Since galagos usually refused to bite the transducer or food objects with their incisors, an adequate characterization of mandibular stress patterns during these behaviors was not possible. In galagos the mandibular corpus experiences very little transverse bending stress during jaw opening, perhaps in part due to its unfused mandibular symphysis. Marked differences in the patterns of mandibular bone strain were present between galagos and macaques during the masticatory power stroke and during transducer biting. Galagos consistently had much more strain on the working side of the mandibular corpus than on the balancing side. These experiments support the hypothesis that galagos, in contrast to macaques, employ a larger amount of working-side muscle force relative to the balancing-side muscle force during unilateral biting and mastication, and that the fused mandibular symphysis is an adaption to use a maximal amount of balancing-side muscle force during unilateral biting and mastication. These experiments also demonstrate the effects that rosette position, bite force magnitudes, and types of food eaten have on recorded mandibular strain patterns.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the hyoid apparatus and positional changes of the hyoid bone during mastication and deglutition are described in the New Zealand White rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). A testable model is constructed to predict the range of movement during function of the hyoid, a bone entirely suspended by soft tissue. Frame-by-frame analysis of a videofluorographic tape confirms the accuracy of the prediction through observation of hyoid bone excursion during oral behavior. During chewing, translation of the hyoid bone is diminutive and irregular, lacking a clearly discernible path of excursion. However, some movements of the hyoid occur with regularity. During fast opening, anterodorsal movement of the hyoid is interrupted with an abrupt posteroventral depression when the bolus is moved posteriorly toward the cheek teeth by the tongue. This clockwise rotation (when viewed from the right side) of the hyoid accompanies jaw opening and is reversed (posteroventral movement) for the jaw closing sequence. Lateral movements of the hyoid may be slightly coupled to mandibular rotation in the horizontal plane. The findings suggest that the hyoid bone maintains a relatively static position during the dynamics of chewing. The primary function would be to provide a stable base for the movements of the tongue. Another possible function would be to control the position of the larynx within the pharyngeal cavity. Some characteristic features of the rabbit hyoid apparatus may be consequential to relatively erect posture and a saltatory mode of locomotion.  相似文献   

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