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This article examines processes involved in blood donation and 'blood management' in an anthropological light. It claims that blood management is not restricted to the procedures that medical professionals employ on blood outside of bodies, but that 'management' practice is enforced by donors themselves onto their own internal bodily processes. It suggests that donation and transfusion centre on issues of time-management and production; concepts of temporal synchrony and investment are employed to explore the implications of this dimension of blood donation. By way of a comparison with gift-giving amongst Jains in India, this article argues for an 'overlapping' of – and dependency between – different economies within blood-banking processes. In examining the general processes involved in blood donation, it aims to provide the groundwork for future comparative analyses of blood-banking processes.  相似文献   

恢复及演替过程中的土壤生态学考虑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 人类社会的日益扩张,导致人类加速占据地球表面景观,并胁迫地球上生态系统提供不断增长的资源需求和废物吸收能力。所以保护尚未“开放”的自然生态系统及恢复退化的生态系统成为人类长期生存的重要保证。该文着重讨论了恢复过程中的土壤生态学问题。土壤是所有陆地生态系统的结构与功能基础。土壤微生物与动物的种群变化,土壤有机质的积累,及主要元素地球化学循环的改变是恢复生态的重要环节。生态恢复与演替有许多共性,所以演替理论对于认识生态系统恢复中的结构与功能变化有着很大帮助。与自然演替不同的是,人的积极参与在生态恢复中占有中心位置。从最初样地的确立与物种的选择,到后续的灌溉与施肥管理,人的选择影响着土壤的演化,生态系统的发展方向,和最终恢复生态的结果。为保障恢复生态系统的可持续性,短期的工作目标,如提供养分促进植物生长,务必与长期的工作目标,如土壤的恢复相结合。植物与土壤的相互反馈是生态恢复成功的重要标志。成功的生态恢复不仅是对现有生态学理论的“试金检验”,也是推动生态学学科发展的重要原动力。  相似文献   

根据中国亚热带常绿阔叶林区域的气象资料和植物分布资料,计算了组成中国亚热带常绿阔叶林的112个优势种及常见种的Thornthwaite潜在可能蒸散指标和湿度指标,利用其湿度气候分类和湿度气候分类对优势种和常见种进行了气候类型划分,分为5种类型并划分了优势种及常见种的Thornthwaite水热指标分布类群,分别为:G1低温半湿润型,G2中温中湿型,G3中温湿润型,G4高温半湿润型,G5高温中湿型。  相似文献   

Heavy metal tolerant Silene vulgaris plants, originating from different metalliferous sites in Germany and one in Ireland, were crossed to each other and to nontolerant plants from a nonmetalliferous site in The Netherlands. Analysis of the crosses suggested that there were two distinct major gene loci for zinc tolerance among a total of five tolerant populations. The tolerance loci for zinc, copper, and cadmium in the Irish plants were shown to be identical with those in the German populations. It is argued that the occurrence of common major genes for tolerance among different geographically isolated populations must have resulted from independent parallel evolution in local nontolerant ancestral populations. Each of the tolerances studied seems to be controlled by only a few specific major genes.  相似文献   

随机与系统取样的生态学信息量比较   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
系统取样与随机取样是两种常用的取样方法。植被取样,也即是一有关植被数据的收集过程,通常采用系统取样的方法,其具有简便快捷易于操作的特点,但所获得的数据常是不甚妥当地应用于一些要求取样必须为随机的统计检验分析。随机取样从理论上来讲则是最理想的,但在植被实际调查过程中,真正达到随机取样的可能性较小。两者除了各自的统计学特点以及实际操作的可行性之外,在相同取样面积等条件下,所收集的数据所包含的生态学信息量是否显著不同,迄今鲜有报道。本文借助地理信息系统(GIS)技术,以在海南霸王岭自然保护区所建立的永久样地为例,进行了计算机模拟的随机与系统取样。结果表明,在取样面积小于最小取样面积的范围内,随机取样在物种丰富度、种群密度、物种重要值等指标的测度上,在相同取样面积的条件下,所含信息量一般高于系统取样下所含信息;当取样面积较大时,两种取样方法所含的信息量则未有明显差异。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to compare a panel of blind assessors with one of sighted assessors in the discrimination of food products. Each panel had 20 screened and trained assessors. Five commercial food products were used: crackers, liver paste, powdered orange juice mix, Reggiano cheese and yogurt. Slight flavor and/or texture modifications were introduced for adequate discrimination difficulty. Each pair of products was tested by both panels using the triangle test and a scaled difference from control test. Numbers of correct answers for the triangle test were similar for both panels. There were minor differences between the panels in the difference from control test, due to the sighted panel having more training in the use of the scale. Overall the panels of trained blind and sighted assessors were equivalent in their performance.  相似文献   

倪健  宋永昌 《生态学报》1998,18(3):248-262
根据中国亚热带常绿阔叶林区的资料和植物分布资料,利用Kira的温暖指数和寒冷指主徐文铎从中变化出的湿润指数计算了中国亚热带常绿阔叶林112上优势种及常见种的水热指标值,分析了树种分布与气候的关系,并将优势种及常见种划分为5个Kira水热指标分布类群,它们是;G1低温半湿润型,G2代温湿润型,G3低中温湿润型,G4高中温湿润型,G5高温湿润型。  相似文献   

Scrub evergreen forests cover most of the cedar breaks region of the Edwards Plateau of central Texas; however, limited strips of deciduous forests are found on north-facing slopes just below the limestone caprock. Dominant species occurring in the deciduous forests in descending order of importance include Quercus texana, Q. glaucoides, Juniperus ashei, Diospyros texana, Prunus serotina, Aesculus pavia, Juglans nigra, and Fraxinus texensis. Nineteen woody species were found in the deciduous forests. Forty-eight percent of the species were exclusive to the deciduous forest community. The deciduous forests had a statistically greater number of species/stand and a higher density. The deciduous species found in the strip forests had combined relative density, dominance and importance values of 59, 93 and 72%, respectively. Dominants in the evergreen forest were J. ashei and D. texana, which had relative density, dominance, and importance values totaling 90, 97 and 93%, respectively. Total dominance was the same for both communities; however, J. ashei dominance was 20 times higher in the evergreen forests. Soils of the deciduous forests were significantly deeper and rockier. Also, these soils had higher organic contents and water retention capacities. The potential field capacity (PFC) was 3.47 times higher for the deciduous forest soils resulting in a 2.36-fold increase in the water availability index (WAI). Factors regulating distribution and composition of the deciduous forest communities appear to be insolation and PFC, resulting in part from differences in topographic position.  相似文献   

BASKER  D. 《Chemical senses》1976,2(2):207-209
Expanded tables are presented for the selection of assessorsfor taste panels. These tables may also be used for comparingthe assessors' discrimination ability, after the panel sessionshave been completed. *Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, TheVolcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. 1976 Series, No. 159-E.  相似文献   

A statistical method for comparing matrices of genetic variation and covariation between groups (e.g., species, populations, a single population grown in distinct environments) is proposed. This maximum-likelihood method provides a test of the overall null hypothesis that two covariance component matrices are identical. Moreover, when the overall null hypothesis is rejected, the method provides a framework for isolating the particular components that differ significantly between the groups. Simulation studies reveal that discouragingly large experiments are necessary to obtain acceptable power for comparing genetic covariance component matrices. For example, even in cases of a single trait measured on 900 individuals in a nested design of 100 sires and three dams per sire in each population, the power was only about 0.5 when additive genetic variance differed by a factor of 2.5. Nevertheless, this flexible method makes valid comparison of covariance component matrices possible.  相似文献   

mtDNA基因树拓扑距离比较和基因分群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基因树间拓扑距离数据的比较进一步证明:与分割拓扑距离相比,能经拓扑距离是一种更为精确的测度,利用相对通经拓扑距离构建了8个基因的拓扑距离树。基因的拓扑距离树能直观地反映不同基因树的拓扑结构差异大小,可用来对基因进行分群。此外,发现不同DNA序列用于构建多基因树中其系统发生信息存在“累加”,“合取”,“含盖”,“相斥”等数学关系。这可解释在mtDNA基因组中一些基因比另一些基因更适合用来的构建树的结果。结果提示从GenBank中应选择具有累加基因的DNA序列或蛋白质氨基酸序列合并来构建物种。在讨论中还提出了一种获得真树的新建树策略。  相似文献   

Anthropometric characteristics of athletes are considered to be an important determinant of success in sport. The aim of the present study was to compare several anthropometric parameters and subjective characteristics of professional elite triathletes with anthropometric profiles of professional cyclists and sportive students. In total 93 volunteers (21 male and female triathletes, 26 male cyclists and as a control group 46 male and female students) participated in this study. Eight different anthropometric parameters were measured and a five-page questionnaire containing 35 general questions had to be completed. Interestingly, there were no significant differences between the arm span, the lengths of the lower limb and the circumference of waist and hip between male triathletes and cyclists. As expected, the athletes had significantly lower heart rates and lower weights as compared to the controls. Further results showed that male cyclists had a higher BMI, larger thighs and were taller as compared to the male triathletes. The present study could not evaluate specific anthropometric characteristics as predictive factors of performance in elite athletes. Thus, individual successful performance is linked to discipline and talent rather than to a specific anthropometric profile.  相似文献   

Unrestricted gene flow would be expected to lead to similar chromosome knob frequencies in sympatric populations of maize and teosinte. Chi-square tests were therefore used to compare chromosome knob frequencies of 45 collections of Mexican teosinte, grouped according to six geographic regions, with sympatric and allopatric populations of maize. Comparisons of knob frequencies between sympatric and allopatric populations within each region produced an initial classification for each knob-forming position. Further comparisons for each knob position over all regions, led to an interpretation of results for sympatric populations of maize and teosinte in terms of gene flow, selection, differentiation, ancestral similarities, and ancestral differences. Within regions, a high number of knob positions suggesting gene flow was associated with a low number of knob positions suggesting recent differentiation, and vice versa. It is suggested that the teosinte populations most likely to represent unique sources of germplasm are those most susceptible to future genetic erosion by maize. These relationships may represent a general model applicable to a number of crop plants and associated weed races.  相似文献   

藻类细胞生长抑制试验在单项毒物条件下进行时,常未考虑毒物对藻类细胞的联合作用(拮抗效应、叠加效应和协同效应)。本研究采用单项毒物试验和多种毒物同时存在时的正交试验(L16<4 ̄5>),评价了进入武汉市墨水湖中试稳定塘的主要污染物(硫化物、挥发酚、石油类)对羊角月牙藻的96h的毒性效应。结果表明,正交试验的EC50值都比单项毒物试验低得多,其96hEC50降低20-80%,受试的几种主要污染物对藻类有协同毒性效应或叠加毒性效应。采用正交试验方法进行藻类细胞生长抑制试验以制定稳定塘的入水标准,更接近真实。  相似文献   

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