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Trauma among the Shanidar Neandertals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four of the adult Neandertals from Shanidar Cave, Iraq, Shanidar 1, 3, 4, and 5, show evidence of antemortem trauma. Shanidar 1 sustained injuries to the right frontal squama, the left lateral orbit, the right humerus and right fifth metatarsal. Associated with this trauma are hypoplasia or atrophy of the right clavicle, scapula, and humerus, osteomyelitis of the right clavicle, degenerative joint disease at the right knee, ankle, and first tarsometatarsal joint, and remodeling of the left tibia. Shanidar 3 experienced trauma-related degenerative joint disease at the right talocrural and talocalcaneal joints and sustained a penetrating wound across the left ninth rib. Shanidar 4 suffered a fracture of the right seventh or eighth rib, and Shanidar 5 had a scalp wound over the left frontal. A high frequency of antemortem trauma associated with the survival of the injured individuals appears to have been characteristic of the Neandertals.  相似文献   

Histomorphometric analysis of femoral diaphyseal fragments from the Shanidar 3, 4, 5, and 6 Neandertals provide age at death estimates of 41 (+/- 6.7), 36 (+/- 6.7), 40 (+/- 6.7), and 24 (+/- 6.7) years. These determinations are in agreement with previous macroscopic age assessments. Since the Shanidar 3, 4, and 5 (and slightly younger Shanidar 1) individuals are among the oldest known Neandertals, these age determinations suggest that significant postreproductive survival was rare among the Neandertals and a phenomenon primarily of anatomically modern humans.  相似文献   

Recent examination of the Shanidar 3 remains revealed the presence of anomalous bilateral arthroses in the lumbar region. This paper describes this developmental anomaly, as well as several degenerative changes and offers potential etiologies.The Shanidar 3 remains represent an adult male Neandertal, approximately 35–50 years of age, dating to the Last Glacial. Although the partial skeleton is fragmentary, preserved elements include an almost complete set of ribs, portions of all thoracic vertebrae, all lumbar vertebrae, and the sacrum. Vertebral articulations from S1–T1 can be confidently assigned. The vertebra designated L1 is well preserved but lacks transverse processes. Instead, well defined bilateral articular surfaces, rather than transverse processes, are located on the pedicles. The skeletal elements associated with the anomalous L1 articulations were not recovered.The most likely interpretation is that the arthroses in question represent the facets for a 13th pair of ribs, a rare condition in modern hominid populations. Such lumbar developmental anomalies are an infrequent expression of a larger complex of cranial-caudal border shifting seen in the vertebral column. These shifts result in a change in the usual boundaries between the distinctive vertebral regions and are responsible for the majority of variability present in the vertebral column.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the fossil Neandertal from La Chapelle-aux-Saints was so toothless that he would have had to have his food pre-chewed or otherwise prepared for him. This has also led to the inference that a high level of altruistic social behavior was characteristic of Neandertals. This appears to be in keeping with a current trend among anthropologists to upgrade the cultural and evolutionary status of Neandertals. Close examination of the recovered teeth and the condition of the alveoli indicates that the "old man" of La Chapelle-aux-Saints had upper and lower incisor, canine and premolar teeth on the left side intact and probably in occlusion, and that the same was true of these teeth in the right maxilla. Mandibular incisors, canine, and first premolar had probably been lost to a tumor or abscessing on the right side, but this pathology may have developed near the time of death. The right mandibular second premolar was probably functional, although tilted similarly to the intact premolar on the left. It is very unlikely that the individual was unable to chew food. The dentition thus gives no reliable evidence of altruistic behavior by his cohorts. This study may also relate to hypotheses concerning the ancestry of anatomically modern humans.  相似文献   

Neandertal radial tuberosity orientation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Examination of adult and immature Neandertal radii demonstrates that the medial versus anterior orientations of their radial tuberosities fall within recent human ranges of variation, but on the average their radial tuberosities are significantly more medially, as opposed to anteromedially, oriented. This more posterior positioning of their radial tuberosities implies a maintenance of an effective moment arm for M. biceps brachii through the full range of supination, an interpretation which fits with the hypertrophy of and increased moment arms for their forearm pronator muscles. It is an additional indication of the muscular hypertrophy evident elsewhere in Neandertal upper limbs.  相似文献   

This paper presents bio-anthropological data concerning the Shanidar cave, Proto-Neolithic, Homo sapiens population at the dawn of sedentary life in SW Asia. It was proposed that changes in human organizational systems and perceived environmental contexts, as reflected by ecofacts and tool assemblages, indicating the intensification of harvesting of resources during this Proto-Neolithic cultural component, could have altered existing interrelationships between pathogens, vectors, and human hosts. The individuals comprising the skeletal collection represent both sex subcategories and most age subgroups. Further, no evidence of bio-distance has been documented between them judging from morphometrics and mensurational analyses. Paleopathological investigations of the skeletal record revealed the presence of infectious diseases, lesions of the joints, lesions of the jaws and teeth, benign tumors, hemopoietic and metabolic disorders, as well as severe traumatic conditions. Bone isotopic testing for investigations of dietary patterns indicated a diet heavily based on C3 plants, while the animal protein component was calculated to an intake of less than 10%. The paleopathological profile in conjunction with the archeometric studies, and the rest of the archaeological record present significant reflections of the lives of these Proto-Neolithic people in SW Asia, during this transitional time period.  相似文献   

The depiction of the Neandertals as incompletely erect was based primarily on Boule's (1911, 1912a, 1913) analysis of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 partial skeleton. The inaccurate aspects of Boule's postural reconstruction were corrected during the 1950s. However, it has come to be believed, following Straus and Cave (1957), that Boule's errors of reconstruction were due to the diseased condition of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 remains, rather than to Boule's misinterpretation of morphology. The abnormalities on the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 postcranium include: lower cervical, upper thoracic, and lower thoracic intervertebral degenerative joint disease (DJD), a distal fracture of a mid-thoracic rib, extensive DJD of the left hip, DJD of the right fifth proximal interphalangeal articulation, bilateral humeral head eburnation, and minor exostosis formation on the right humerus, ulna, and radius. These were associated with extensive alveolar inflammation including apical abscesses and antemortem tooth loss, some temporomandibular DJD, bilateral auditory exostoses, and minimal occipital condyle DJD. None of these abnormalities significantly affected Boule's Neandertal postural reconstruction, and a review of his analysis indicates that early twentieth century interpretations of skeletal morphology (primarily of the cranium, cervical vertebrae, lumbar and sacral vertebrae, proximal femora and tibiae, posterior tarsals, and hallucial tarsometatarsal joint), combined with Boule's evolutionary preconceptions, were responsible for his mistaken view of Neandertal posture.  相似文献   

The Shanidar 1 Neandertal partial skeleton presents osteophytic lesions on its vertebrae and appendicular skeleton which appear independent of the multiple traumatic and degenerative joint disease lesions on the individual. In particular, the large flowing osteophyte on the L3 body, a smaller one on the L5 body, and enthesopathic osteophytes on both calcaneal tuberosities, both patellae and the left ulnar olecranon, support a diagnosis of hyperostotic disease (DISH). The diagnosis is supported by small enthesopathic osteophytes on the preserved femoral greater trochanter and scapular corocoid process. This diagnosis would make it the oldest hominid specimen clearly presenting this systemic condition.  相似文献   

Neandertal capitate-metacarpal 2 and 3 articulations have been observed to differ in orientation and shape from those of more recent humans. To evaluate this, we tested for differences in capitate-metacarpal 2 (MC2) and MC2-capitate facet orientations and MC2 and MC3 robusticity indices, and for multivariate shape equivalence of the capitate-MC2/MC3 facets and the MC3 diaphysis and styloid process between samples of Neandertals and recent humans. Canonical discriminant functions of log size-and-shape and log shape transformed measurements were run on variables of the capitate-MC2 and MC3 facets, and these plus MC3 diaphysis and styloid process variables. The null hypothesis of shape equivalence is rejected for both variable sets. Modern human capitate-MC morphology results from nonallometric increases in distal capitate breadth and the projection of the MC3 styloid process, and reductions in MC2 facet height and MC3 facet breadth. These shape changes are associated with a significantly less parasagittal orientation of the capitate-MC2 facets in recent humans, but are only trivially correlated with MC 2 and 3 robusticity indices. The recent human capitate-MC 2 and 3 morphology may reflect a shift in habitual joint reaction forces from more axial to more oblique forces while maintaining similar pronation/supination of the MC2. However, the full behavioral implications of these contrasts remain unclear. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:219–233, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A number of morphometric analyses of Neandertal tali since the turn of the century have failed to reach a consensus on the functional affinities of these fossil foot bones. To clarify the problem a univariate and multivariate analysis of the available Neandertal and Skhūl tali in relation to those of modern humans was performed using nine linear dimensions and four angles. Our analysis indicates that Neandertal tali are indistinguishable from modern human tali in the implied locomotor capabilities and similar in overall size and proportions. The primary differences between the fossil and modern tali involve the greater articular robustness of the fossils, probably to compensate for higher levels of biomechanical stress.  相似文献   

A reassessment of the early last glacial immature Neandertal mandibular corpus from Archi indicates a series of features in which it closely resembles other pre-adolescent Neandertal mandibles and contrasts with those of similarly aged recent humans. These are in the context of a re-aging of the specimen to ca. 3 years on the basis of deciduous dental eruption and attrition and permanent dental calcification. The Archi 1 mandible resembles other immature Neandertals in having a “retreating” symphyseal profile in the context of moderate development of mental trigone features. It is relatively robust in the development of lateral and basilar corpus features and some increased symphyseal and lateral corpus thickness. And it exhibits, along with other Middle Paleolithic immature mandibles, anteriorly wide dental arcades, probably due to large developing anterior permanent tooth crowns.  相似文献   

It has often been reported that the Krapina Neandertal remains bear incised linear striations which appear to be cutmarks. Here, the plausibility of the striations as cutmarks is tested by comparing them to Mousterian butchery marks on large fauna and to cutmarks on modern human skeletons known to have been defleshed with stone tools. The anatomical location, gross appearance, and frequency of occurrence of the striations on the Krapina material do not resemble Mousterian butchery marks on reindeer. The Krapina striations do closely match authenticated cutmarks on 22 modern human skeletons defleshed with stone tools after partial decomposition, preparatory to secondary burial. Data are presented supporting the hypothesis that the striations on the Krapina Neandertal remains are consistent with postmortem processing of corpses with stone tools, probably in preparation for burial of cleaned bones.  相似文献   

Did Neandertals share with modern humans their prolonged periods of growth and delayed ages of maturation? During the past five years, renewed interest in this question has produced dental studies with seemingly contradictory results. Some suggest fast dental growth, 1 , 2 while others appear to suggest a slower, modern‐human dental growth pattern. 3 , 4 Although some apparent contradictions can be reconciled, there remain questions that can be resolved only with additional data and cross‐validation of methods. Moreover, several difficulties are inherent in using dental development to gauge Neandertal life histories. Even with complete data on Neandertal dental development, questions are likely to remain about the meaning of those data with regard to understanding Neandertal life histories.  相似文献   

Grooved stones appear as a new cultural element in Epipaleolithic-Protoneolithic sites (dating from ca. 9000–6000 B.C.) in a broad geographic zone from Southwest Asia to North Africa. Similar objects have been recorded from archeological and ethnographic contexts in both the Old World and the New World. Ethnographic and other evidence has shown that the several types of grooved stones are associated with a variety of functions, mainly related to the manufacture and use of arrows and arrow shafts. It is suggested that these tools may be associated with the discovery and diffusion of the bow and arrow .  相似文献   

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