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Light-scattering studies were done to investigate the DNA collapse transition, a large and discontinuous reduction in the radius of gyration. Of particular concern was differentiating the compaction of a single DNA molecule from aggregation. Solutions of RK2 plasmid DNA (Mr = 37 × 106) or bacteriophage T7 DNA (Mr = 25 × 106) were titrated with the condensing reagents spermidine in aqueous solvent or magnesium ion in ethanol–water solvent. The transition was followed by the change in scattering at a single angle or by the change in the angular dependence of scattering. At concentrations below 1 μg/mL, only aggregation could be detected by observation at a single angle; therefore, to study the collapse transition, it was necessary to measure the angular dependence of scattering. The intensities measured between the angles 30° and 60° were fit to known scattering functions. At low concentrations of the condensing reagent, the data were consistent with the scattering function of a random coil. On the other hand, during the transition at higher reagent concentrations, the curve that fit the data required two components—the scattering function for a random coil with a large radius of gyration, plus that for a sphere with a radius about one-fifth of that of the coil. The fractional concentration of the sphere increased with increasing condensing-reagent concentration. This two-component behavior is in apparent contrast to the situation with a more flexible polymer such as polystyrene, in accord with theoretical predictions. At still higher reagent concentrations, aggregation was apparent. Condensation to a collapsed state was reversible without hysteresis, while dissolution of the aggregated state nearly always occurred with hysteresis. Qualitative agreement between the observed DNA collapse transition and the theoretical phase diagram presented in the preceding paper was found, although the light-scattering results did not show quantitative agreement with the simple theoretical model.  相似文献   

Dynamics of DNA condensation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
D Porschke 《Biochemistry》1984,23(21):4821-4828
The condensation of DNA induced by spermine and spermidine is investigated by equilibrium titrations and stopped-flow and field-jump experiments using scattered light detection. The spermine concentration required for the cooperative condensation process is measured at different DNA concentrations; these data are used to evaluate both the condensation threshold degree of spermine binding and the binding constant of spermine according to an excluded-site model. Stopped-flow measurements of the spermine-induced condensation demonstrate the existence of two processes: (1) A "fast" reaction is observed in the millisecond time range, when the reactant concentrations are around 1 microM; it is associated with a characteristic induction period and is assigned to the intramolecular condensation reaction. (2) A slow reaction with time constants of, e.g., 100 s strongly dependent upon both spermine and DNA concentrations is assigned to an intermolecular DNA association. The unusual time course of the intramolecular condensation reaction with the induction period provides evidence for a "threshold kinetics". During the induction period, spermine molecules are bound to DNA, but the degree of binding remains below the threshold value. As soon as the degree of ligand binding arrives at the threshold, the DNA is condensed in a relatively fast reaction. Model calculations of the spermine binding kinetics according to an excluded-site model demonstrate that the spermine molecules bound to DNA are mobile along the double helix. A comparison of the experimental data with the results of Monte Carlo simulations suggests a rate constant of approximately 200 s-1 for spermine movement by one nucleotide residue.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

DNA toroids: stages in condensation.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
R Golan  L I Pietrasanta  W Hsieh  H G Hansma 《Biochemistry》1999,38(42):14069-14076
The effects of polylysine (PLL) and PLL-asialoorosomucoid (AsOR) on DNA condensation have been analyzed by AFM. Different types of condensed DNA structures were observed, which show a sequence of conformational changes as circular plasmid DNA molecules condense progressively. The structures range from circular molecules with the length of the plasmid DNA to small toroids and short rods with approximately 1/6 to 1/8 the contour length of the uncondensed circular DNA. Single plasmid molecules of 6800 base pairs (bp) condense into single toroids of approximately 110 nm diameter, measured center-to-center. The results are consistent with a model for DNA condensation in which circular DNA molecules fold several times into progressively shorter rods. Structures intermediate between toroids and rods suggest that at least some toroids may form by the opening up of rods as proposed by Dunlap et al. [(1997) Nucleic Acids Res. 25, 3095]. Toroids and rods formed at lysine:nucleotide ratios of 5:1 and 6:1. This high lysine:nucleotide ratio is discussed in relation to entropic considerations and the overcharging of macroions. PLL-AsOR is much more effective than PLL alone for condensing DNA, because several PLL molecules are attached to a single AsOR molecule, resulting in an increased cation density.  相似文献   

Teif VB 《Biophysical journal》2005,89(4):2574-2587
We test and compare different models for ligand-induced DNA condensation. Using 14C-labeled spermidine3+, we measure the binding to condensed DNA at micromolar to molar polyamine concentrations. DNA aggregates at a critical polyamine concentration. Spermidine3+ binding becomes highly cooperative at the onset of aggregation. At higher concentrations, spermidine3+ binding to condensed DNA reaches a plateau with the degree of binding equal to 0.7 (NH(4+)/PO3-). Condensed DNA exists in a wide range of spermidine concentrations with the roughly constant degree of ligand binding. At greater concentrations, the degree of binding increases again. Further spermidine penetration between the double helices causes DNA resolubilization. We show that a simple two-state model without ligand-ligand interactions qualitatively predicts the reentrant aggregation-resolubilization behavior and the dependence on the ligand, Na+, and DNA concentrations. However, such models are inconsistent with the cooperative ligand binding to condensed DNA. Including the contact or long-range ligand-ligand interactions improves the coincidence with the experiments, if binding to condensed DNA is slightly more cooperative than to the starting DNA. For example, in the contact interaction model it is equivalent to an additional McGhee-von Hippel cooperativity parameter of approximately 2. Possible physical mechanisms for the observed cooperativity of ligand binding are discussed.  相似文献   

A fluorescent method is proposed for assessing DNA condensation in aqueous solutions with variety of condensing agents. The technique is based on the effect of concentration-dependent self-quenching of covalently bound fluorophores upon DNA collapse. The method allows a more precise determination of charge equivalency in titration experiments with various polycations. The technique's ability to determine the number of DNA molecules that are condensed together in close proximity is under further investigation.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of a simple, bead-spring model of semiflexible polyelectrolytes such as DNA are performed. All charges are explicitly treated. Starting from extended, noncondensed conformations, condensed structures form in the simulations with tetravalent or trivalent counterions. No condensates form or are stable for divalent counterions. The mechanism by which condensates form is described. Briefly, condensation occurs because electrostatic interactions dominate entropy, and the favored coulombic structure is a charge-ordered state. Condensation is a generic phenomenon and occurs for a variety of polyelectrolyte parameters. Toroids and rods are the condensate structures. Toroids form preferentially when the molecular stiffness is sufficiently strong.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosomes must be organised into a highly ordered and compacted form to allow proper segregation of DNA during each round of cell division. Two new studies report observations of DNA compaction by eukaryotic and bacterial condensin molecules in real time using magnetic and optical trapping micromanipulation techniques.  相似文献   

In the presence of multivalent cations, high molecular weight DNA undergoes a dramatic condensation to a compact, usually highly ordered toroidal structure. This review begins with an overview of DNA condensation : condensing agents, morphology, kinetics, and reversibility, and the minimum size required to form orderly condensates. It then summarizes the statistical mechanics of the collapse of stiff polymers, which shows why DNA condensation is abrupt and why toroids are favored structures. Various ways to estimate or measure intermolecular forces in DNA condensation are discussed, all of them agreeing that the free energy change per base pair is very small, on the order of 1% of thermal energy. Experimental evidence is surveyed showing that DNA condensation occurs when about 90% of its charge is neutralized by counterions. The various intermolecular forces whose interplay gives rise to DNA condensation are then reviewed. The entropy loss upon collapse of the expanded wormlike coil costs free energy, and stiffness sets limits on tight curvature. However, the dominant contributions seem to come from ions and water. Electrostatic repulsions must be overcome by high salt concentrations or by the correlated fluctuations of territorially bound multivalent cations. Hydration must be adjusted to allow a cooperative accommodation of the water structure surrounding surface groups on the DNA helices as they approach. Undulations of the DNA in its confined surroundings extend the range of the electrostatic forces. The condensing ions may also subtly modify the local structure of the double helix. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 44: 269–282, 1997  相似文献   

Exchange of counterions in DNA condensation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Murayama Y  Sano M 《Biopolymers》2005,77(6):354-360
We measured the fluorescence intensity of DNA-bound fluorescent dyes YO-PRO-1 (oxazole yellow) and YOYO-1 (dimer of oxazole yellow) at various spermidine concentrations to determine how counterions on DNA are exchanged in the process of DNA condensation. A decrease of fluorescence intensity was observed with an increase of spermidine. Considering the chemical equilibrium under the competition between the dye and spermidine for counterion condensation on DNA, the theoretical curve well describes the decrease of the fluorescence intensity. These results indicate that dyes are exchanged for spermidine at the binding site on DNA; that is, the exchange of counterions occurs. The parameters associated with the decrease of the fluorescence intensity show that the relative affinity of the dye and spermidine for DNA depends on the state of DNA. Moreover, YOYO-1 prevents the DNA condensation, but the effect of YO-PRO-1 on the condensation is very slight, though both dyes intercalate for DNA; the high affinity of YOYO-1 compared to YO-PRO-1 enables prevention of the condensation.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of cation-induced DNA condensation.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An estimation of the various free energy contributions to DNA collapse into toroidal particles is made, considering DNA bending and segment mobility, electrostatic repulsions between DNA chains, and attractive forces resulting from correlated counterion fluctuations. It is shown that the process of DNA condensation becomes spontaneous in the presence of divalent cations in methanol, and in the presence of tri- or tetravalent cations in water media. This is a consequence of the large decrease in the electrostatic repulsion between charged DNA segments, allowing the attractive force resulting from correlated fluctuations of bound counterions to become dominant. Our calculations indicate that short DNA fragments would condense into multimolecular particles in order to maximize the attractive force due to counterion fluctuations.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation has now become recognised as an important and generic aspect of protein energy landscapes. Since the discovery that numerous human diseases are caused by protein aggregation, the biophysical characterisation of misfolded states and their aggregation mechanisms has received increased attention. Utilising experimental techniques and computational approaches established for the analysis of protein folding reactions has ensured rapid advances in the study of pathways leading to amyloid fibrils and amyloid-related aggregates. Here we describe recent experimental and theoretical advances in the elucidation of the conformational properties of dynamic, heterogeneous and/or insoluble protein ensembles populated on complex, multidimensional protein energy landscapes. We discuss current understanding of aggregation mechanisms in this context and describe how the synergy between biochemical, biophysical and cell-biological experiments are beginning to provide detailed insights into the partitioning of non-native species between protein folding and aggregation pathways.  相似文献   

Xu Y  Seeman D  Yan Y  Sun L  Post J  Dubin PL 《Biomacromolecules》2012,13(5):1642-1651
The effect of heparin on both native and denatured protein aggregation was investigated by turbidimetry and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Turbidimetric data show that heparin is capable of inhibiting and reversing the native aggregation of bovine serum albumin (BSA), β-lactoglobulin (BLG), and Zn-insulin at a pH near pI and at low ionic strength I; however, the results vary with regard to the range of pH, I, and protein-heparin stoichiometry required to achieve these effects. The kinetics of this process were studied to determine the mechanism by which interaction with heparin could result in inhibition or reversal of native protein aggregates. For each protein, the binding of heparin to distinctive intermediate aggregates formed at different times in the aggregation process dictates the outcome of complexation. This differential binding was explained by changes in the affinity of a given protein for heparin, partly due to the effects of protein charge anisotropy as visualized by electrostatic modeling. The heparin effect can be further extended to include inhibition of denaturing protein aggregation, as seen from the kinetics of BLG aggregation under conditions of thermally induced unfolding with and without heparin.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function mutations in the Parkin gene (PARK2) are responsible for the majority of autosomal recessive Parkinson disease. A growing body of evidence indicates that misfolding and aggregation of Parkin is a major mechanism of Parkin inactivation, accounting for the loss-of-function phenotype of various pathogenic Parkin mutants. Remarkably, wild-type Parkin is also prone to misfolding under certain cellular conditions, suggesting a more general role of Parkin in the pathogenesis of Parkinson disease. We now show that misfolding of Parkin can lead to two phenotypes: the formation of detergent-insoluble, aggregated Parkin, or destabilization of Parkin resulting in an accelerated proteasomal degradation. By combining two pathogenic Parkin mutations, we could demonstrate that destabilization of Parkin is dominant over the formation of detergent-insoluble Parkin aggregates. Furthermore, a comparative analysis with HHARI, an E3 ubiquitin ligase with an RBR domain highly homologous to that of Parkin, revealed that folding of Parkin is specifically dependent on the integrity of the C-terminal domain, but not on the presence of a putative PDZ-binding motif at the extreme C terminus.  相似文献   

DNA condensation observed in vitro with the addition of polyvalent counterions is due to intermolecular attractive forces. We introduce a quantitative model of these forces in a Brownian dynamics simulation in addition to a standard mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann repulsion. The comparison of a theoretical value of the effective diameter calculated from the second virial coefficient in cylindrical geometry with some experimental results allows a quantitative evaluation of the one-parameter attractive potential. We show afterward that with a sufficient concentration of divalent salt (typically approximately 20 mM MgCl(2)), supercoiled DNA adopts a collapsed form where opposing segments of interwound regions present zones of lateral contact. However, under the same conditions the same plasmid without torsional stress does not collapse. The condensed molecules present coexisting open and collapsed plectonemic regions. Furthermore, simulations show that circular DNA in 50% methanol solutions with 20 mM MgCl(2) aggregates without the requirement of torsional energy. This confirms known experimental results. Finally, a simulated DNA molecule confined in a box of variable size also presents some local collapsed zones in 20 mM MgCl(2) above a critical concentration of the DNA. Conformational entropy reduction obtained either by supercoiling or by confinement seems thus to play a crucial role in all forms of condensation of DNA.  相似文献   

Three conditions which influence both the aggregation rate and the final size of aggregates of dissociated embryonic chick retina cells were studied to determine whether there was a strict relationship between these two variables. The length of trypsinization time, age of the embryo, and concentration of chondroitin sulfate in the medium under some conditions showed an inverse relationship between their influence on aggregation rate and the final size of the aggregates; conditions favoring more rapid aggregation reduced the size of aggregates formed by 24 hr. Embryonic liver cells also showed this inverse relationship when cultured with chondroitin sulfate. These observations and other similar observations in the literature emphasize that when interpreting the action of exogenous promoters or inhibitors of cell aggregation, attention should be given to the possibility that there might not be a direct relationship between initial rate and final size.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid (NC) protein NCp7 of the immunodeficiency virus type 1 is a small basic protein with two zinc finger motifs. NCp7 has key roles in virus replication and structure, which rely on its interactions with nucleic acids. Although most interactions involve RNAs, binding to the viral DNA is thought to be of importance to achieve protection of the DNA against cellular nucleases and its integration into the host genome. We investigated the interaction of NCp7 with plasmid DNA as a model system. The fluorescence probe YOYO-1 was used as the reporter. Binding of NCp7 to DNA caused DNA condensation, as inferred from the dramatic decrease in YOYO-1 fluorescence. Efficient condensation of DNA required the full length NCp7 with the zinc fingers. The fingerless peptide was less efficient in condensing DNA. Binding of both these NC peptides led to freezing of the segmental dynamics of DNA as revealed by anisotropy decay kinetics of YOYO-1. The truncated peptide NC(12–55) which retains the zinc fingers did not lead to DNA condensation despite its ability to bind and partially freeze the segmental motion of DNA. We propose that the histone-like property of NCp7 leading to DNA condensation contributes to viral DNA stability, in vivo.  相似文献   

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