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Proteolipid protein (PLP) is a major structural component of central nervous system (CNS) myelin. Evidence exists that PLP or the related splice variant DM-20 protein may also play a role in early development of oligodendrocytes (OLs), the cells that form CNS myelin. There are several naturally occurring mutations of the PLP gene that have been used to study the roles of PLP both in myelination and in OL differentiation. The PLP mutation in the jimpy (jp) mouse has been extensively characterized. These mutants produce no detectable PLP and exhibit an almost total lack of CNS myelin. Additionally, most OLs in affected animals die prematurely, before producing myelin sheaths. We have studied cultures of jp CNS in order to understand whether OL survival and myelin formation require production of normal PLP. When grown in primary cultures, jp OLs mimic the relatively undifferentiated phenotype of jp OLs in vivo. They produce little myelin basic protein (MBP), never immunostain for PLP, and rarely elaborate myelin-like membranes. We report here that jp OLs grown in medium conditioned by normal astrocytes synthesize MBP and incorporate it into membrane expansions. Some jp OLs grown in this way stain with PLP antibodies, including an antibody to a peptide sequence specific for the mutant jp PLP. This study shows that: (1) an absence of PLP does not necessarily lead to dysmyelination or OL death; (2) OLs are capable of translating at least a portion of the predicted jp PLP; (3) the abnormal PLP made in the cultured jp cells is not toxic to OLs. These results also highlight the importance of environmental factors in controlling OL phenotype. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Both proteolipid proteins (PLP) and DM-20 were found to be present by the immunoblot technique in myelin isolated from quaking mouse brain; however, the relative concentration of these proteins in myelin from quaking brain was substantially reduced when compared to the control. Brain slices from littermate control and quaking mice were incubated with [3H]palmitic acid to determine the incorporation of fatty acid into myelin proteolipid proteins. Fluorography of gels containing myelin proteins from control and quaking mice brain revealed that both PLP and DM-20 were acylated. The incorporation of [3H]palmitic acid into quaking myelin PLP and DM-20 was reduced by 75% and 20% respectively of those in control brain. The significance of differential acylation of quaking myelin PLP and DM-20 is discussed with respect to availability of non-acylated pools of proteolipid proteins and the activities of acylating enzymes.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the structure of the native myelin proteolipid protein (PLP), DM-20 protein and several low molecular mass proteolipids by mass spectrometry. The various proteolipid species were isolated from bovine spinal cord by size-exclusion and ion-exchange chromatography in organic solvents. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) of PLP and DM-20 revealed molecular masses of 31.6 and 27.2 kDa, respectively, which is consistent with the presence of six and four molecules of thioester-bound fatty acids. Electrospray ionization-MS analysis of the deacylated proteins in organic solvents produced the predicted molecular masses of the apoproteins (29.9 and 26.1 kDa), demonstrating that palmitoylation is the major post-translational modification of PLP, and that the majority of PLP and DM-20 molecules in the CNS are fully acylated. A series of myelin-associated, palmitoylated proteolipids with molecular masses raging between 12 kDa and 18 kDa were also isolated and subjected to amino acid analysis, fatty acid analysis, N- and C-terminal sequencing, tryptic digestion and peptide mapping by MALDI-TOF-MS. The results clearly showed that these polypeptides correspond to the N-terminal region (residues 1-105/112) and C-terminal region (residues 113/131-276) of the major PLP, and they appear to be produced by natural proteolytic cleavage within the 60 amino acid-long cytoplasmic domain. These proteolipids are not postmortem artifacts of PLP and DM-20, and are differentially distributed across the CNS.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein has been isolated from bovine brain using the nonionic detergent n-octyl-polydisperse oligooxyethylene. The purified basic protein contains large amounts of heterogeneous lipids.  相似文献   

Paralytic tremor (Plp-pt) is a missense mutation of the myelin proteolipid gene (Plp) in rabbits. The myelin yield in the Plp-pt brain is reduced and the protein and lipid composition of central nervous system (CNS) myelin is abnormal. We studied the intracellular transport of the normal and Plp-pt mutant PLP and DM-20 in transiently transfected Cos-7 cells. While the mutant PLP accumulates in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and does not reach the plasma membrane, the spliced isoform of PLP, mutant DM-20, is normally transported to the cell surface and integrated into the membrane. Analysis of rabbit sciatic nerves revealed that concentration of peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelin proteins is normal in Plp-pt myelin. In the PNS like in the CNS, the level of Plp gene products is subnormal. But this does not affect myelination, in the PNS where PLP, present in low concentration, is not a structural component of compact myelin. The normal level of Plp gene expression in Schwann cells is low and these results suggest that, in the Plp-pt PNS, Schwann cell function is not affected by the deficiency in PLP and/or the impairment of intracellular PLP transport. Special issue dedicated to Dr Marion E. Smith.  相似文献   

Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) contains thioester-bound, long-chain fatty acids which are known to influence the structure of the molecule. To gain further insights into the role of this post-translational modification, we studied the effect that chemical deacylation of PLP had on the morphology of myelin and on the protein's ability to mediate the clustering of lipid vesicles. Incubation of rat optic nerves in isoosmotic solutions containing 100 mM hydroxylamine (HA) pH 7.4 led to deacylation of PLP and decompaction of myelin lamellae at the level of the intraperiod line. Incubation of nerves with milder nucleophilic agents (Tris and methylamine) or diluted HA, conditions that do not remove protein-bound fatty acids, caused no alterations in myelin structure. Other possible effects of HA which could have affected myelin compaction indirectly were ruled out. Incubation of optic nerves with 50 mM dithioerythritol (DTE) also led to the splitting of the myelin intraperiod line and this change again coincided with the removal of fatty acids. In addition, the apparently compacted CNS myelin in the PLP-less myelin-deficient rat, like that in tissue containing deacylated PLP, was readily decompacted upon incubation in isoosmotic buffers, suggesting that the function of PLP as a stabilizer of the interlamellar attachment is, at least in part, mediated by fatty acylation. Furthermore, in contrast to the native protein, PLP deacylated with either HA or DTE failed to induce the clustering of phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol vesicles in vitro. This phenomenon is not due to side-effects of the deacylation procedure since, upon partial repalmitoylation, the protein recovered most of its original vesicle-clustering activity. Collectively, these findings suggest that palmitoylation, by influencing the adhesive properties of PLP, is important for stabilizing the multilamellar structure of myelin.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) and myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) are similar in terms of having extended conformations regulated by their environment (i.e., solubilised or lipid-associated), N-terminal modifications, a dual nature of interactions with lipids, binding to actin and Ca2+-calmodulin, and being substrates for different kinds of protein kinases. The further sequence similarities of segments of MBP with lipid effector regions of MARCKS, and numerous reports in the literature, support the thesis that some developmental isoform of MBP functions in signal transduction.  相似文献   

Isolated CNS myelin membranes were extracted with Triton X-100 under conditions previously established for the isolation of cytoskeletal proteins. Treated myelin retained much of its characteristic lamellar structure despite the removal of most of the major myelin basic protein (18.5 kDa) and the proteolipid protein, which together normally constitute 60% of the total myelin protein. The SDS-PAGE profile of this extract residue demonstrated an enrichment in proteins of Mr 30 to 60 kilodaltons (the Wolfgram group). The major myelin proteins were identified by antibodies on Western immunoblots, as were the 23-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphodiesterase (CNP), actin, tubulin, myelin-associated glycoprotein (MGP) and the 21.5 kDa MBP. The overall behavior of CNP, the 21.5 kDa MBP, MGP and tubulin towards Triton extraction is reminiscent of the behavior of other membrane-skeletal complexes, supporting the idea that these and other minor myelin proteins might be part of heteromolecular complexes with interactions spanning several lamellae of the myelin sheath.  相似文献   

In attempts to elucidate mechanisms of demyelination in the twitcher mouse (Twi), phosphorylation and methylation of myelin basic protein (MBP) were examined in the brainstem and spinal cord of this species. Phosphorylation of MBP in isolated myelin by an endogenous kinase and an exogenous [32P]ATP was not impaired and protein kinase C activity in the brain cytosol was not reduced. When the methylation of an arginine residue of MBP was examined in slices of the brainstem and spinal cord, using [3H]methionine as a donor of the methyl groups, no difference was found between Twi and the controls. Radioactivity of the [3H] methionine residue of MBP of Twi was also similar to that of the controls. Thus, accumulation of psychosine in Twi does not interfere with the activity of endogenous kinase, methylation of MBP, and the synthesis and transport of MBP into myelin membrane.  相似文献   

We examined developmental changes of myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), basic protein (BP), abd proteolipid protein (PLP) in central nervous system myelin isolated from experimental hyperphenylalaninemic rats (PKU rats) and controls. Higher amounts of MAG, including high-molecular-weight MAG in myelin, were found in 12- to 21-day-old control rats than in adult rats. MAG in developing myelin was at a maximum in 18-day-old rats and began to decrease in 21-day-old rats, while PLP and BP in developing myelin increased at these developmental stages. The level of high-molecular-weight MAG decreased in myelin prepared from 21-day-old rats. These results suggest that the decreasing high-molecular-weight MAG is important for compaction of myelin in the early stage of myelination. In myelin from 12- to 18-day-old PKU rats, the ratio of each protein such as MAG, PLP, or BP to that of control was about 0.5 at 12 days, and increased to almost 1.0 at 18 days. The myelination seems to be initially delayed but to be close to that of controls in PKU rats about 18 days old.  相似文献   

To investigate the incorporation of essential fatty acids into myelin components, 24-day-old rabbits were injected intracerebrally with [14C]linoleate, [14C]linolenate, or [3H]Myristate for comparison. Animals were killed 22 hr later and myelin was isolated. [3H]myristate labeled all myelin lipids including monogalactosyl diglyceride, with the exception of sulfatides. With14C-essential fatty acids, only glycerophospholipids were efficiently labeled and their specific activities were in the following decreasing orders: PC>PI>PE>PS with [14C]linoleate, and PE>PC>PI=PS with [14C]linolenate. Among myelin proteins, PLP and DM-20 were labeled with all 3 precursors. PLP was purified from myelin labeled with14C-essential fatty acids. The label was then cleaved from the protein by alkaline methanolysis and was identified as a dienoic ([14C]linoleate) or a tetraenoic ([14C]linolenate) fatty acid. MBP was not labeled with [3H]myristate, but was slightly labeled with both14C-essential fatty acids. The signification of the latter result is discussed.Abbreviations FA fatty acid(s) - HPTLC high-performance thin-layer chromatography - MBP myelin basic protein - PLP proteolipid protein - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine and ethanolamine plasmalogens - PI phosphatidylinositol - PS phosphatidylserine - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate  相似文献   

A variety of proteins have been studied for their ability to interact and alter the thermotropic properties of phospholipid bilayer membranes as detected by differential scanning calorimeter. The proteins studied included: basic myelin protein (A1 protein), cytochrome c, major apoprotein of myelin proteolipid (N-2 apoprotein), gramicidin A, polylysine, ribonuclease and hemoglobin. The lipids used for the interactions were dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol. The interactions were grouped in three categories each having very different effects on the phospholipid phase transition from solid to liquid crystalline. The calorimetric studies were also correlated with data from vesicle permeability and monolayer expansion.Ribonuclease and polylysine which exemplify group 1 interactions, show strong dependence on electrostatic binding. Their effects on lipid bilayers include an increase in the enthalpy of transition (ΔH) accompanied by either an increase or no change in the temperature of transition (Tc). In addition, they show minimal effects on vesicle permeability and monolayer expansion. It was concluded that these interactions represent simple surface binding of the protein on the lipid bilayer without penetration into the hydrocarbon region.Cytochrome c and Al protein, which exemplify group 2 interactions, also show a strong dependence on the presence of net negative charges on the lipid bilayers for their binding. In contrast to the first group, however, they induce a drastic decrease in both Tc and ΔH of the lipid phase transition. Furthermore, they induce a large increase in the permeability of vesicles and a substantial expansion in area of closely packed monolayers at the air-water interface. It was concluded that group 2 interactions represent surface binding followed by partial penetration and/or deformation of the bilayer.Group 3 interactions, shown by proteolipid apoprotein and gramicidin A, were primarily non-polar in character, not requiring electrostatic charges and not inhibited by salt and pH changes. They had no appreciable effect on the Tc but did induce a linear decrease in the magnitude of the ΔH, proportional to the percentage of protein by weight. Membranes containing 50% proteolipid protein still exhibited a thermotropic transition with a ΔH one half that of the pure lipid, and only a small diminution of the size of the cooperative unit. It was concluded that in this case the protein was embedded within the bilayer, associating with a limited number of molecules via non-polar interactions, while the rest of the bilayer was largely unperturbed.  相似文献   

Uncoated vesicles (UCV) loaded with the myelin proteolipid apoprotein covalently tagged with fluorescein (PLPF) were found to interact with isolated oligodendrocytes from bovine brain at 4°C as well as at 37°C. After 1.5 hours of incubation, the labeled protein was localized in the cell membranes. After 2.5 hours the fluorescence intensity associated with the oligodendrocytes decreased and completely disappeared at t=3.5 hours. Addition of KCl or EDTA in the incubation medium significantly hindered the interaction with cells. In contrast, the elimination of membrane proteins from UCV did not perturb cell labeling. A specific role of PLP was suggested since UCV loaded with a soluble protein (BSAF) led to a weak cell labeling.Abbreviations IAF 5-iodacetamidofluorescein - BSA bovine serum albumin - BSA BSA labelled with IAF - PLP proteolipid apoprotein - PLPF aqueous form of PLP tagged with IAF - CV coated vesicles - UCV uncoated vesicles - UCV*PLPF UCV loaded with PLPF - MV model vesicles This work was suported by Cnrs and INSERM.  相似文献   

Since it was first described 25 years ago, phosphorylation has come to be recognized as a widespread and dynamic post-translational modification of myelin protein. In this review, the phosphorylation characteristics of myelin basic protein, protein zero (P0), myelin-associated glycoprotein and 2′3′ cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase are summarized. Emphasis is placed on recent advances in our knowledge concerning the protein kinases involved and the sites, of phosphorylation in the amino acid sequences, where known. The possible roles of myelin protein phosphorylation in modulating myelin structure, the process of myelin assembly and mediation of signal transduction events are discussed. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marion E. Smith.  相似文献   


The segregation of proteins to specific cellular membranes is recognized as a common phenomenon. In oligodendrocytes of the central nervous system, localization of certain proteins to select regions of the plasma membrane gives rise to the myelin membrane. Whilst the fundamental structure and composition of myelin is well understood, less is known of the mechanisms by which the constituent proteins are specifically recruited to those regions of plasma membrane that are forming myelin. The two principal proteins of myelin, the myelin basic protein and proteolipid protein, differ greatly in character and sites of synthesis. The message for myelin basic protein is selectively translocated to the ends of the cell processes, where it is translated on free ribosomes and is incorporated directly into the membrane. Proteolipid protein synthesized at the rough endoplasmic reticulum, processed through the Golgi apparatus, and presumably transported via vesicles to the myelin membrane. This review examines the mechanisms by which these two proteins are targeted to the myelin membrane.  相似文献   

A metalloprotease activity associated with myelin membrane preparations degrades myelin basic protein (MBP), generating a characteristic fragment designated peptide C (MBP 74-170). Using an immunoblotting assay, peptide C-generating activity was detected in mammalian, avian, reptilian, and amphibian brains. The activity was present in rat brain as early as postnatal day 1 and also in adult rat peripheral nerve. Immunohistochemistry with a monoclonal antibody to the purified enzyme revealed that the metalloprotease was present in oligodendrocytes of optic nerve, of both white and grey matter of spinal cord, and also in the cytoplasm of both myelinating and non-myelinating Schwann cells of peripheral nerve.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Alan N. Davison  相似文献   

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