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Klaus Kannemann 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1982,24(7):679-684
A generalized algorithm is presented for generating the ensemble of unique r × c contingency tables with arbitrary, fixed row and column sums, and of arbitrary, even large, sizes. This further contributes to the operational solution of the exact ensemble distribution of 2-way contingency tables and cross classifications, along with the sampling distribution of the conventional χ2-like test statistic, or of any other test statistic calculated from the tables. The associated enumeration problem of Integer arrays with fixed row and column sums has been operationally solved. 相似文献
K. Kannemann 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1984,26(1):39-47
A practical methodology is presented for the exact combinatory evaluation of 2-way cross-classifications. The combinatory distribution is based on a test-statistic relating to the information content of an observed table. Several examples of exact evaluation accompany this presentation. 相似文献
K. Kannemann 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1980,22(5):377-390
A generalizing, analytic model is developed for 2-way cross-classifications with fixed class sizes The model is expressed in closed form as a simple operator formula, and is readily extended to n-way cross-classifications, and to such cases where one or more cells are vacuous or fixed. The model permits easy derivation, by means of simple differential operators, of the exact power moments, product moments, and factorial moments of the cell frequencies. From this, the moments of the exact sampling distribution of the conventional x2-statistic can be computed, which, in turn, leads to a reappraisal of the Chi-square approximation for sparse and isotropic contingency tables. Here, the Gamma distribution is considered, and numerical results are presented that would suggest preference of the Gamma approximation over the Chi-square in such cases. 相似文献
Patrick McHugh John Brennan Niall Galligan Claire McGonagle Michael Byrne 《Mental health in family medicine》2013,10(1):53-59
Aims This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a primary care adult mental health service operating within a stepped care model of service delivery.Methods Supervised by a principal psychologist manager, psychology graduate practitioners provided one-to-one brief cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to service users. The Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) was used to assess service user treatment outcomes. Satisfaction questionnaires were administered to service users and referring general practitioners (GPs).Results A total of 43 individuals attended for an initial appointment, of whom 19 (44.2%) completed brief CBT treatment. Of the 13 service users who were in the clinical range pre-treatment, 11 (84.6%) achieved clinical and reliably significant improvement. Of the six service users who were in the non-clinical range pre-treatment, three (50%) achieved reliably significant improvement. Both service users and GPs indicated high levels of satisfaction with the service, although service accessibility was highlighted as needing improvement.Conclusion The service was effective in treating mild to moderate mental health problems in primary care. Stricter adherence to a stepped care model through the provision of low-intensity, high-throughput interventions would be desirable for future service provision. 相似文献
A relation between gene dosage and UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyl-transferase (UFGT) activity was found in homozygous dominant and recessive parental lines and their F1 progeny for both of the genes An1 and An2. In both F2 crosses, progeny plants could be classified as belonging to groups showing either a low or a medium to high UFGT activity. Test crosses showed that heterozygous and homozygous dominant plants were present throughout the medium- to high-active group. The dosage relation in F2 plants is most probably confounded by the segregation of modifiers. Thermal inactivation experiments indicated that structurally different UFGT enzymes are formed in homozygous dominant lines as well as in lines homozygous recessive for either An1 or An2. Lines homozygous recessive for the gene An4 contain a UFGT with a half-life time at 55° C of less than 8 min, whereas UFGTs from lines homozygous dominant for An4 show a half-life time of 25 min or above, with one exception. This relation was confirmed in the F2 progeny; heterozygotes for An4 showed an intermediate half-life time. It is concluded that An4 might be the structural gene for the enzyme; An1 and An2 are both regulatory genes. UFGT activity in flowerbuds of An4/An4 plants seems to be lower than in an4/an4 plants. Anthers of flowers of an4/an4 lines, however, are virtually devoid of UFGT activity. 相似文献
Anna Tramontano Elisabetta Bianchi Sara Venturini Franck Martin Antonelo Pessi Maurizio Sallozzo 《Journal of molecular recognition : JMR》1994,7(1):9-24
Conformationally constraining selectable peptides onto a suitable scaffold that enables their conformation to be predicted or readily determined by experimental techniques would considerably boost drug discovery process by reducing the gap between the discovery of a peptide lead and the design of a peptidomimetic with a more desirable pharmacological profile. With this in mind, we designed the minibody, a 61-residue β-protein aimed at retaining some desirable features of immunogloblin variable domains, such as tolerance to sequence variability in selected regions of the protein and predictability of main chain conformation of the same regions, based on the ‘canonical structures’ model. To test the ability of the minibody scaffold to support functional sites we also designed a metal binding version of the protein by suitably choosing the sequences of its loops. The minibody was produced both by chemical syntyhesis and expression in E. coli and charactgerized by size exclusion chromatography, UV CD (circular dichroism) spectroscopy and metal binding activity. All our data supported the model, but a more detailed structural characterization of the molecule was impaired by its low soubility. We were able to overcome this problem both by further; mutagenesis of the framework and by addition of a solublizing motif. The minibody is being used to select constrained human IL-6 peptidic ligands from a library displayed on the surface of the f1 bacteriophage. 相似文献
E. Nieman 《BioControl》1991,36(1):77-86
The mothMimorista pulchellalis was monitored over 2 years after liberation in a jointed cactus (Opuntia aurantiaca) infestation in South Africa. Moth and cactus densities were estimated using a system of randomly-assigned quadrats and the impact of the moth on the cactus population quantified. Moths appeared adapted to survive on the etiolated form of jointed cactus plants, killing approximately 1% of the increment in small plants annually. Large plants were also attacked but damage was negligible. The moths occurred in low numbers throughout the study period and generally went through 3 generations in a year.
Résumé La pyraleMimorista pulchellalis a été surveillée durant les deux années qui suivirent sa libération dans une infestation de figuier de Barbarie en Afrique du Sud. Les densités de pyrale et de cactus ont été estimées en utilisant un système de quadrats distribués au hasard et l'impact de la pyrale sur la population de cactus a été quantifiée. Les pyrales semblaient adaptées à survivre sur la forme étiolée des plants de cactus tuant approximativement 1% de l'accroissement annuel des petits plants. Les gros plants étaient aussi attaqués, mais les dégats étaient négligeables. La pyrale existait en faibles nombres durant toute la période d'étude et elle présentait généralement 3 générations par an.相似文献
The orexins are hypothalamic neuropeptides most well known for their roles in regulating feeding and sleeping behaviors. Recent findings suggest that orexin-A may also modulate anxiety, although how and when the orexin system is involved remains unclear. To address this, we investigated the dose-dependent effects of the orexin-1 receptor antagonist SB-334867 in two rodent models of anxiety: the cat odor avoidance model and the elevated plus maze. In both models we tested the effects of SB-334867 when anxiety is novel (Trial 1) and familiar (Trial 2). In the first experiment, Wistar rats were treated with vehicle or SB-334867 (5, 10 or 20 mg/kg, i.p.) prior to their first or second exposure to cat odor. During Trial 1, rats treated with 10 mg/kg of SB-334867 approached the cat odor stimulus more than vehicle-treated rats. During Trial 2 the effects were more marked, with 10 mg/kg of SB-334867 increasing approach times, increasing the number of times rats exited the hide box to engage in exploratory behavior, and decreasing overall hide times. In addition, the 20 mg/kg dose decreased general activity during Trial 2. In the second experiment, the effects of SB-334867 (10 and 20 mg/kg) were tested in the elevated plus maze. There were no significant differences produced by drug treatment during either Trial 1 or Trial 2. Results suggest that SB-334867 decreases anxiety induced by some, but not all, stressors. 相似文献
David W. Deerfield Douglas J. Fox Martin Head-Gordon Richard G. Hiskey Lee G. Pedersen 《Proteins》1995,21(3):244-255
The first coordination shell of an Mg(II) ion in a model protein environment is studied. Complexes containing a model carboxylate, an Mg(II) ion, various ligands (NH3, H2S, imidazole, and formaldehyde) and water of hydration about the divalent metal ion were geometry optimized. We find that for complexes with the same coordination number, the unidentate carboxylate–Mg(II) ion is greater than 10 kcal mol?1 more stable than the bidentate orientation. Imidazole was found to be the most stable ligand, followed in order by NH3 formaldehyde, H2O, and H2S. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献