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An eightfold punch belonging to the Aùtoselect-system is described. It is provided for the preparation of bioassay plates. From the agar of large quadratic test plates moving automatically on a carriage of the machine, 64 holes are made by eight punches. The punches arranged in a row over the test plate are lowered, if the carriage stops, and so they cut out and exhaust agar discs in a pattern of 8 × 8.  相似文献   

An automatic eightfold-pipetter has been developed with the same basic unit as the diluter of the Autoselect-system. The pipetter is fitted with eight pipettes on a bridge over the basic unit. By means of the pipettes a volume of 0.05 ml from eight tubes is exhauseted and delivered in the holes of a test plate. Both the test plate and a cassette with 64 tubes are located on a moving carriage. the test plate on the first floor and the cassette on the ground floor. If the pipettes transfer the samples from the tubes to the holes the distance between the pipettes must be changed by a special device from 20 to 30 mm, because the distance between the holes on the test plate differs from that of the tubes. For the transfer of 64 samples 2 minutes only are needed.  相似文献   

As a part of the Autoselect-system an eightfold diluter is described. Cassettes with 64 tubes are placed on the carriage of the machine and moved automatically in eight steps. One of the cassettes is loaded with separated samples in 64 tubes and the other one with 64 empty tubes. When the carriage stops, a defined volume of samples is exhausted by eight pipettes, mounted on a bridge spanning over the ground unit from left to right, and after beeing moved to the second cassette the pipettes deliver the samples into a row of empty tubes. At the same time by eight syringes mounted on both sides of the machine a defined volume of buffer is delivered through tubes and canules. By this way all samples can be diluted in two minutes.  相似文献   

An inoculator enabling the isolation of colonies from petridishes onto agar-filled microcultur cups, arranged in a pattern of 8 × 8 in cassettes, is described. The transfer of the colonies takes place by turning of an inoculation cross with 4 loops. While the cross stops and lowers, one loop is sterilized, another, which has been sterilized shortly before, is being cooled in sterile water, the next one is taking off some material from a colony and the last is spreading the material on the agar of a cup. The capacity of the machine accounts about 600 colonies per hour.  相似文献   

The advantages of the Autoselect-system are explained. They are offered by a higher speed of all manipulations, by a significantly better accuracy, by getting more informations and by easier physical labour. In the most cases the automated work can be done in a fourth till a tenth of the time needed for manual handlings. The capacity of the machines amounts 5 000 to 30 000 colonies/samples per day. Special problems as well as possibilities for a further increase of the efficiency are discussed.  相似文献   

The methodical principle of an automated selection system for antibiotic producers, the Autoselectsystem, consisting of six machines and a computer is explained. In order to work with this machines the following material is needed: Cassettes with 64 microculture cups for cultivation of colonies on agar, cassettes with glass-tubes for dilution of samples, and test-plates with 64 holes for performing the agar diffusion test. The cups, the tubes and holes are arranged in a pattern of 8×8. In a serie of papers the machines will be described.  相似文献   

An agardeliverer, one of the machines of the Autoselect-system is described. This machine allows to pour melted agar automatically into a row of 8 microculture cups of a cassette with 64 cups. By changing the agarcontainer provided for one medium against another container with 8 chambers the machine offers the possibility to deliver 1 to 8 media simultaneously. In this respect the machine gets more and more interest not only for the selection of antibiotic producers, but also for taxonomic, genetic and other studies. Sterile conditions are ensured by sterilizing the head of the machine before starting the work.  相似文献   

The facial pits of pit vipers are suited for thermal imaging. The difference of radiance between radiator and background necessary for evoking a reaction of the viper is 0.1 mW/cm2 for one pit; this corresponds to a difference of temperature of 0.3 to 0.4° C. The image formation of radiators on the membrane is similar to that of a pinhole camera. A point by point seperation on the membrane can't be achieved; however a point seperation by nervous processing is conceivable. The spatial cut-off frequency of image formation is 0.5 mm–1.  相似文献   

Vaccine development: From empiric discovery to knowledge‐based improvement A successful vaccination requires an efficient immune response towards the vaccine and the induction of long‐lasting immunological memory. Pattern recognition receptors such as the Toll‐like receptors are crucial components of the innate immune system required for the initiation of an anti‐infective immune response. TLR ligands may serve as efficient adjuvants for vaccines. Strategies for improvement of vaccines and for the future development of vaccines against as yet “non‐vaccinable” infectious diseases include novel antigen preparations, targeting of pattern recognition receptors, and exploitation of novel administration routes such as mucosal vaccination.  相似文献   

By use of a laboratory fermenter with a gastight circle aeration system all interesting values connected with the respiration of microorganisms can be determined. The advantage of the respiration fermenter is the simple control of the oxygen partial pressure with high accuracy. The aeration is carried out by inert gas-oxygen-mixtures. This system was used to avoid errors in oxygen-concentration measurement and regulation by oxygen sensitive sensors in fermentation fluids. For each selected oxygen partial pressure in the course of fermentation the following date in connection with all desired analytical values can be determined by manual or automatical means. Total oxygen consumption, momentary oxygen consumption rate, kinetics of oxygen consumption rate, kinetics of respiratory quotient. Several opportunities of measurement are presented and examples for application in various microbial systems are given.  相似文献   

The present contribution deals with the exoskeleton of Notiothauma reedi MacLachlan. A special attention has been paid to the external male genital apparatus with particular reference to the sperm-pump. Finally the structures, which have a bearing on the phylogeny of the order Mecoptera have been duly discussed.
Abkürzungen a Analis - apx Höcker am Analkomplex - at vordere Tentorialgrube - Atf antennifer - au Auxilium - Ax Axillare - Ba Basalare - BaSp Basalarspalt - bbsch mediales Borstenbüschel an der Lacinien-Basis - bc Basicostalsklerit - bcb Basicostalborsten - bsk Basalsklerit der Maxille - bt Basituberculus des Gonostylus - c Costa - Cd Cardo - Cer Cercus - Clp Clypeus - cu Cubitus - Cx Coxa - DCv Dorsocervicale - Dej Ductus ejaculatorius - ec vorderes Mandibelgelenk - Epm Epimerum - Eps Episternum - es Epistomalsutur - fb Frenularborsten - fl laterobasaler Membranflügel des Labrum - Fl Flagellum - flg Flügel des Pumpenkörpersklerites - For Foramen occipitale - Fr Frons - fs Fortsatz der Subgena - fspmk Fortsätze des Pumpenkörpersklerites - Ga Galea - gb Gonobasis - Ge Gena - gel Gelenk zwischen Pumpenkörpersklerit und Pistillträger - gesp nicht verschlossener Teil der Genitalspalte - glfl Gleitfläche des Pumpenkörpersklerites - GP Gelenkfortsatz - gst Gonostylus - h Humeralader - ha Hypandrium - hc hinteres Mandibelgelenk - hdr mediale Hakendornen der Lacinia - hsk Halshautsklerit - HP Humeralplatte - jb Jugumborsten - Ju Jugum - l Leiste auf dem Clypeolabrum - la lappiger Fortsatz am Hinterende der Genitalfalten - lblc laterale Borstenreihe der Lacinia - lblr lateraler Borstensaum des labrum - Lc Lacinia - LCv Laterocervicale - lepi lateraler Fortsatz des Epiandrium - lm mediale Lamelle des Pumpenkörpersklerites - loc Lateralocellus - Lr Labrum - lsplc laterale Spange der Lacinia - lth laterales Tergalhorn des TVI und TVII - m Media - Md Mandibel - mepi medianer Fortsatz des Epiandrium - Mer Meron - mld Mulde des Pumpenkörpersklerites - mOc Medianocellus - MP Mittelplatte - mt Mediotuberculus des Gonostylus - mth medianes Tergalhorn des TV - N Notum - Ng Nygma - no Notalorgan - ns Sulcus auf dem Pronotum - Occ Occiput - ocs Occipitalnaht - pcs Praecoxalsutur - Pd Pedicellus - pf pfannenartiger Anhang des Pumpenkörpersklerites - Pge Postgena - PgeL Postgenallobus - Plb Palpus labialis - plFlG pleurales Flügelgelenk - plHG pleurales Hüftgelenk - PlS Pleuralsutur - pmk Pumpenkörpersklerit - Pmt Postmentum - Pmx Palpus maxillaris - PN Postnotum - po Postnotalorgan - PrEps Praeepisternum - Prm Praementum - PrSct Praescutum - ps Pistill - PSge Processus subgenalis - Pst Pterostigma - pstr Pistillträger - pt hintere Tentorialgrube - qua terminale Borstenquaste - qua terminale Borstenquaste der Maxille - r Radius - rbga rückwärtige Borstenreihe der Galea - rs Sector radii - rsplc rückwärtige Spange der Lacinia - sa Furcalgrube - Sa Subalare - sc Subcosta - Sc Scapus - Scl Scutellum - Sct Scutum - Sge Subgena - sgs Subgenalnaht - sl terminaler Seitenlappen des Labrum - SL sternaler Gelenkfortsatz für die Coxa - spga laterale Spange der Galea - sprn Spermarinne des Pumpenkörpersklerites - St Sternum - Stg Stigma - STg Subtegula - Sti Stipes - sto Stylarorgan - T Tergum - TB Tentorialbrücke - TG Tegula - Thy Thyridium - Tn Trochantinus - Tr Trochanter - trs Transversalsutur des N1 - ts Sulcus temporalis - u membranbekleidete Medialseite des Pumpenkörpersklerites - ub Unguitractorborsten - Un Unguis - Utr Unguitractor - Vx Vertex - w wulstartige Verdickung am Hinterende des Flügels des Pumpenkörpersklerites - wnkgr Winkelgruben - wnkz Winkelzähne - x Anhang am Hinterende der linken Genitalfalte - y caudales Ende der Genitalspalte - z l. Aufgabelung der Media - zi zipfelförmiger Anhang des Flügels des Pumpenkörpersklerites  相似文献   

Soil – an underestimated biotope The soil is a biotope with high species abundances and richness. It is, furthermore, a location where important ecosystem services are realized. Recent research projects on the origin and development of soil animal communities, on the heterogeneous interactions within the soil nutrient net and the distribution of soil animals show the different ecological traits and adaptabilities of the world beneath our feet. So research contributes to maintain the eco‐resource of soil and its sustainable use.  相似文献   

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