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Pavao Rudan 《American journal of physical anthropology》1977,46(1):161-165
Results of a part of multidisciplinary studies in six villages on the island of Hvar (Yugoslavia) are presented. Six quantitative properties of dermatoglyphics were analysed (TRC, PII, a-b, b-c and c-d ridge counts, and atd angle). “Biological distances” among the surveyed couples from all six villages were analysed using Penrose's C2H, and its components: C2Q and (v-l/v)C2Z with regard to sex and possibility of determining the direction of endogamy or exogamy. Significant correlation between “geographical distances” and (v-l/v)C2Z is obtained for males, indicating that the social organisation in the examined rural population, from the point of view of demography, has some influence on the distribution of the dermatoglyphical characters. 相似文献
This study addresses the long-standing controversy in skeletal biology concerning the relative utility of skeletal metric and nonmetric traits for studies of biological relationship. This controversy centers on the relative heritability of these two trait sets. This paper presents heritabilities for a series of skeletal metric and nonmetric traits measured with the same sample of mother-offspring pairs from the Cayo Santiago skeletal collection of rhesus macaques. Skeletal nonmetric traits display significantly greater heritability estimates than metric traits. This difference is due primarily to the high heritability estimates of hyperostotic nonmetric traits. Foraminal traits are not significantly more heritable than skeletal metric traits. The generality of this pattern of heritability values, in which hyperostotic nonmetric traits are more highly heritable than foraminal nonmetric and metric traits, depends on future empirical study of the correlation of heritability values in populations and theoretical work. 相似文献
Genetic correlations between sides and heritability of asymmetry for nonmetric traits in rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The use of nonmetric traits for estimation of biological distance is a long-standing practice in biological anthropology. Nonmetric traits can be scored using either the individual or the side of the individual as the unit of measure. If sides of the individual are genetically correlated the use of sides would produce redundant genetic information. For this reason, Korey (Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 53:19-23, 1980) argues for the use of individuals as the unit of measure for nonmetric traits. Ossenberg (Am. J. Phys, Anthropol. 54:471-479, 1981), however, argues that bilateral occurrence of nonmetric traits indicates greater genetic liability for the trait and that therefore the sides are the more biologically correct unit of measure. Genetic correlations for 13 cranial nonmetric traits are estimated for a sample of rhesus macaque skeletons from Cayo Santiago. In addition, heritability of asymmetry is estimated for these 13 traits as a test of Ossenberg's contention that asymmetry is genetically influenced. Significant genetic correlations between sides support Korey's contention that nonmetric traits should be scored by individual. Only two asymmetry heritabilities were significantly different from zero, providing no significant support for Ossenberg's contention that asymmetry is genetically determined. Our results support the theory that asymmetry represents a measure of the ability of an organism to buffer stresses. Therefore, a measure of the heritability of asymmetry is a measure of the heritability of the ability to buffer stresses. This ability does not appear to be heritable in this sample. 相似文献
The general lack of phenotypic correlation among skeletal nonmetric traits has been interpreted as indicating a lack of genetic correlation among these traits. Nonmetric traits scored on animals in the skeletal collection of rhesus macaques from Cayo Santiago are used to calculate phenotypic, genetic, and environmental correlations between traits. The results show that even when phenotypic correlations are low, there may be large, significant genetic correlations among these traits. The genetic correlation pattern suggests that genes which affect nonmetric trait variation act primarily at a local level in the cranium, even though there are genes with pleiotropic effects on skeletal nonmetric traits throughout the cranium. Environmental and phenotypic correlations do not show this neighborhood pattern of correlation. 相似文献
A method for recovering dermatoglyphic data from tamarin cadavers is described. The method involves the complete removal of the palmar and plantar pads with no destruction to the underlying skeletal elements. Once recovered, the pads are stored in a formalin solution. The stored pads of 213 individuals have remained in a good state of preservation for dermatoglyphic analysis for over four years. 相似文献
S B Gilligan I B Borecki S Mathew M Vijaykumar K C Malhotra D C Rao 《American journal of physical anthropology》1987,74(1):117-123
Accessory triradii and the atd angle were examined via complex segregation analysis in order to evaluate possible genetic effects on these dermatoglyphic traits, measured in an endogamous Brahmin caste of peninsular India. The phenotypes considered included: presence of accessory palmar triradii a' and d', associated with the interdigital areas II and IV, respectively; presence of an accessory axial triradius tt' associated with the proximal margin of the palm; and an arctanh-transformation of the atd angle measurement. For all accessory triradii considered in the present investigation familial resemblance was evident. The most parsimonious model which could account for the observed resemblance was a multifactorial model that includes polygenic effects as well as transmissible environmental effects that are inherited in the same pattern as polygenes. Evidence of familial resemblance was also found for the arctanh-transformed atd angle, which could be attributed, initially, to both a major effect and a multifactorial component. Tests of transmission of a putative major gene were performed which yielded results consistent with Mendelian transmission, although an alternative test of no transmission of the major effect also fit the data. In light of these contrasting results we are precluded from accepting with confidence the notion of a major gene influence on the atd angle. We have concluded that the accessory triradii a', d', and tt', and the atd angle are influenced by multifactorial effects, including additive polygenes and possible environmental factors, such as intrauterine effects. 相似文献
Principal components analysis and trend surface analysis have been applied to a transition mire with the aim to characterize the vegetation pattern and reveal the major trends of variation. The first three PCA axes were ecologically interpretable, viz. the 1 st and 2nd as a complex soil moisture gradient and the 3rd axis as a gradient in the amount of peat in the soil. The ecological interpretability of the 1st axis of PCA after VARIMAX rotation, is unclear because some outlier samples caused a reorientation of the axis. TSA appeared to be useful for the clarification of joint patterns of species groups, which were major contributors to ordination axes in terms of component loadings. The smooth effect of TSA was briefly discussed in connection with the influence of extremes upon the outcoming trend structure. The use of four-variable TSA including a time series is emphasized for the study of spatial-temporal relations and ecological succession. 相似文献
漂白湿润淋溶土表层的有效钾、全磷、有效磷含量显著高于表下层,其它养分上下两层的含量差异尽管没有达到的显著性水平,但都有向表层集中的趋势.主分量分析结果表明,第一主分量是含氮有机质形成过程强度的量度,表层和表下层有机质、全氮、全磷、有效氮、表下层有效磷均对第一主分量有较大的正向负荷量.第二主分量表示含氮有机质形成过程强度大致相同的情况下,各种养分对红薯产量促进作用的量度,其中表层和表下层有效钾、表下层有效磷对第二主分量的负荷量最大,远远超出其它因素的作用.相关分析也表明,三者与红薯产量呈极显著正相关.这间接表明,将钾肥施入表层和表下层均能提高红薯产量,磷肥只有施入表下层才有增产效果,而氮肥目前不表现增产作用.以上结论为肥料三要素组合试验所证实.这意味着在不改变变量属性的前提下,把多个变量按照变量的特性组合成少数新变量用来解决多因素复杂问题的主分量分析方法,能够科学地、合理地指导作物施肥。 相似文献
温敏性品种雌雄蚁蚕蛋白质双向电泳图谱差异分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为探讨温敏性品种限伴雌雄蚁体蛋白组分的差异, 对刚孵出的雌(黑色)、雄(赤色)蚁体蛋白用双向电泳的技术和方法进行蛋白组分的比较分析。结果显示:在易溶蛋白中, 雄蚁和雌蚁分别检测到269和250个蛋白点, 能相互匹配的蛋白点占86.71%, 特异蛋白雄蚁有43个, 雌蚁有25个。在难溶蛋白中, 雄蚁和雌蚁分别检测到370和427个蛋白点, 能互相匹配的占80.10%, 雄、雌蚁的特异蛋白分别为52个和106个。结果表明雌雄蚁体的蛋白组成存在差异。 相似文献
Abstract We manipulated developmental time and dry weight at eclosion in 15 genotypes of Drosophila melanogaster by growing the larvae in 9 environments defined by 3 yeast concentrations at 3 temperatures. We observed how the genetic and various environmental components of phenotypic variation scaled with the mean values of the traits. Temperature, yeast, within-environmental factors and genotype influenced the genotypic and environmental standard deviations of the two traits in patterns that point to very different modes of physiological and developmental action of these factors. Since different factors affected the environmental and genetic components of the phenotypic variation either in parallel or inversely, we conclude that environmental heterogeneity may have small or large effects on evolutionary rates depending on which factors cause the heterogeneity. The analysis also suggests that the scaling of variances with the mean is not as trivial as is often assumed when coefficients of variation are computed to “standardize” variation. 相似文献
Nico Salmaso 《Hydrobiologia》1996,337(1-3):49-68
Seasonal variations and spatial homogeneity of the phytoplankton community were followed, from spring 1991 to spring 1992, in four pelagic stations of a large deep subalpine lake (Lake Garda, Northern Italy). Both cluster analysis and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) applied to Bray & Curtis' dissimilarity matrices computed on density and biovolume data were employed; the Bray & Curtis index, calculated between pairs of chronologically contiguous samples, was also used as a measure of the community change rate over the temporal succession. In the tree diagrams obtained both from density and biovolume data, six groups of different size have been identified, with ordered sequences of samples within them. Superimposition of the results of cluster analysis on the NMDS configurations has allowed interpretations of the trajectories of the samples as a chronological and cyclical succession of compositionally homogeneous groups. A clear relationship between the community change rate and stability of the water column has been assessed. The specific composition of the six groups has been discussed in relation to environmental variables and in terms of adaptive strategies. During winter (winter-spring group) the turbulence of the water and the availability of nutrients favour the development of colonial Bacillariophyceae (Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton, Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngb.) Kütz., Aulacoseira spp.), Cyanophyceae (Planktothrix agardhii (Gom.) Anagn. et Kom. and Planktolyngbya limnetica (Lemur.) Kom.-Legn. et Cronb.) and Cryptophyceae. In late spring group, with the stabilisation of the water column and silicon depletion, the diatoms give way to small, opportunistic species (Ankyra judayi (G. M. Smith) Fott, Cyclotella spp., Chroomonas acuta Utermhöl) and larger species (Ceratium hirundinella (O. F. Müll.) Dujardin). The three summer groups are characterised by a development of Chlorophyceae (chiefly Chlorococcales), Cyanophyceae (mainly Chroococcales), Cyclotella spp. and Dinophyceae. With the autumn destratification the summer community undergoes a rearrangement principally in favour of Cyanophyceae and Cryptophyceae. 相似文献
The surface morphology of the human astragalus (talus) is difficult to represent accurately using landmarks as it is essentially globular in shape. Advances in laser scanning technology allow fast and accurate capture of bone surface morphology. However, methodologies to utilise these new accurate 3D data have not been fully developed. The present study uses canonical sampling of whole surface morphology attained through laser scanning and for the first time applies the technique to analysis of bone morphology. We introduce a new technique for identifying allometric shape characters in whole bone surface morphology. In a sample of adult human astragalus the new technique is successful in identifying and isolating intra-specific allometric shape characters in a bone which typically lacks landmarks and has, consequently, proved difficult to analyse using traditional 3D morphometric methods. 相似文献
The primary feathers of birds are subject to cyclical forces in flight causing their shafts (rachises) to bend. The amount the feathers deflect during flight is dependent upon the flexural stiffness of the rachises. By quantifying scaling relationships between body mass and feather linear dimensions in a large data set of living birds, we show that both feather length and feather diameter scale much closer to predictions for geometric similarity than they do to elastic similarity. Scaling allometry also indicates that the primary feathers of larger birds are relatively shorter and their rachises relatively narrower, compared to those of smaller birds. Two-point bending tests indicated that larger birds have more flexible feathers than smaller species. Discriminant functional analyses (DFA) showed that body mass, primary feather length and rachis diameter can be used to differentiate between different magnitudes of feather bending stiffness, with primary feather length explaining 63% of variance in rachis stiffness. Adding fossil measurement data to our DFA showed that Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis do not overlap with extant birds. This strongly suggests that the bending stiffness of their primary feathers was different to extant birds and provides further evidence for distinctive flight styles and likely limited flight ability in Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis. 相似文献
Power of the joint segregation analysis method for testing mixed major-gene and polygene inheritance models of quantitative traits 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
J. Wang D. W. Podlich M. Cooper I. H. DeLacy 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2001,103(5):804-816
Understanding the genetic architecture of quantitative traits can greatly assist the design of strategies for their manipulation
in plant-breeding programs. For a number of traits, genetic variation can be the result of segregation of a few major genes
and many polygenes (minor genes). The joint segregation analysis (JSA) is a maximum-likelihood approach for fitting segregation
models through the simultaneous use of phenotypic information from multiple generations. Our objective in this paper was to
use computer simulation to quantify the power of the JSA method for testing the mixed-inheritance model for quantitative traits
when it was applied to the six basic generations: both parents (P1 and P2), F1, F2, and both backcross generations (B1 and B2) derived from crossing the F1 to each parent. A total of 1968 genetic model-experiment scenarios were considered in the simulation study to quantify the
power of the method. Factors that interacted to influence the power of the JSA method to correctly detect genetic models were:
(1) whether there were one or two major genes in combination with polygenes, (2) the heritability of the major genes and polygenes,
(3) the level of dispersion of the major genes and polygenes between the two parents, and (4) the number of individuals examined
in each generation (population size). The greatest levels of power were observed for the genetic models defined with simple
inheritance; e.g., the power was greater than 90% for the one major gene model, regardless of the population size and major-gene
heritability. Lower levels of power were observed for the genetic models with complex inheritance (major genes and polygenes),
low heritability, small population sizes and a large dispersion of favourable genes among the two parents; e.g., the power
was less than 5% for the two major-gene model with a heritability value of 0.3 and population sizes of 100 individuals. The
JSA methodology was then applied to a previously studied sorghum data-set to investigate the genetic control of the putative
drought resistance-trait osmotic adjustment in three crosses. The previous study concluded that there were two major genes
segregating for osmotic adjustment in the three crosses. Application of the JSA method resulted in a change in the proposed
genetic model. The presence of the two major genes was confirmed with the addition of an unspecified number of polygenes.
Received: 18 August 2000 / Accepted: 9 March 2001 相似文献
Matthew C. O'Neill 《American journal of physical anthropology》2012,149(3):356-364
Metabolic costs of resting and locomotion have been used to gain novel insights into the behavioral ecology and evolution of a wide range of primates; however, most previous studies have not considered gait‐specific effects. Here, metabolic costs of ring‐tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) walking, cantering and galloping are used to test for gait‐specific effects and a potential correspondence between costs and preferred speeds. Metabolic costs, including the net cost of locomotion (COL) and net cost of transport (COT), change as a curvilinear function of walking speed and (at least provisionally) as a linear function of cantering and galloping speeds. The baseline quantity used to calculate net costs had a significant effect on the magnitude of speed‐specific estimates of COL and COT, especially for walking. This is because non‐locomotor metabolism constitutes a substantial fraction (41–61%, on average) of gross metabolic rate at slow speeds. The slope‐based estimate of the COT was 5.26 J kg?1 m?1 for all gaits and speeds, while the gait‐specific estimates differed between walking (0.5 m s?1: 6.69 J kg?1 m?1) and cantering/galloping (2.0 m s?1: 5.61 J kg?1 m?1). During laboratory‐based overground locomotion, ring‐tailed lemurs preferred to walk at ~0.5 m s?1 and canter/gallop at ~2.0 m s?1, with the preferred walking speed corresponding well to the COT minima. Compared with birds and other mammals, ring‐tailed lemurs are relatively economical in walking, cantering, and galloping. These results support the view that energetic optima are an important movement criterion for locomotion in ring‐tailed lemurs, and other terrestrial animals. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Sakdullah Abdulkadir Makoto Tsuchiya 《Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology》2008,354(1):1-8
In the one-step method, fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) have been prepared without prior lipid extraction. Each oyster, clam, and squid sample was esterified with 14% boron-trifluoride (BF3) in methanol at 100 °C for 120 min, and hexane was used to help dissolve the lipids. This method gave a higher recovery of fatty acids as compared to the conventional method. Using an internal standard, the fatty acid content of the sample can be determined quantitatively and qualitatively. Due to its simplicity, speed, and reduced organic solvent usage, the one-step method should be useful for the determination of fatty acid composition in marine biological samples. 相似文献
In a previous study we could demonstrate that in terms of the required forces alternate traction is preferable to simultaneous traction for the obstetrical delivery of calves. The aims of this study were to examine the required energies for delivery of calves and to compare the effects of the factors of calf and traction method on the forces and energies required for the delivery. In a biomechanical in vitro model 12 stillborn Holstein-Friesian calves were pulled through the pelvic specimen of a cow at a controlled speed using two electric motors. Traction was applied simultaneously (ST) to both legs or alternately (AT) to one leg at a time to advance it 10 cm (AT 10) or 5 cm (AT5). Energies on each limb were measured digitally using load cells. The lowest energy for the entrance of the elbows in the pelvis was necessary using AT10 (19.9 ± 7.2 kJ, P < 0.05). In contrast, for the entrance of the chest, AT10 (104.9 ± 24.7 kJ) demanded 9% (P < 0.01) and 16% (P < 0.001) more energy than AT5 (96.7 ± 21.0 kJ) and ST (90.5 ± 24.9 kJ), respectively. Simultaneous traction tended to be better than AT5 (P = 0.09). Variance component estimates revealed that the factor calf contributed the main effect to the emerging forces and required energy. The traction method was responsible for up to 13% of the variance in most of the cases, but it accounted for 42% of the variance regarding the forces on the lower limb as the chest entered the pelvis. Based on these findings, the decision of the clinician whether or not to perform a manual traction should depend mainly on the calf. However, when such a decision has been made, alternate limb traction, 10 cm at a time, should be used until both elbows have entered the pelvis and a simultaneous traction should then be applied to complete extraction of the chest. 相似文献
Souvik Kusari Sebastian Zühlke Thomas Borsch Michael Spiteller 《Phytochemistry》2009,70(10):1222-1232
A spectrum of eight pharmacologically important secondary compounds, all putatively belonging to the polyketide pathway (hypericin, pseudohypericin, emodin, hyperforin, hyperoside, rutin, quercetin, and quercitrin) were analyzed in several hypericin-producing species of Hypericum by LC–MS/MS. Different organs such as leaves, stems and roots of wild-grown plants of Hypericum hirsutum L., Hypericum maculatum Crantz s. l., Hypericum montanum L., Hypericum tetrapterum Fr. collected in Slovakia and of Hypericum perforatum L. collected in India were examined individually. Highest contents of hypericin, pseudohypericin, and emodin were found in H. montanum, suggesting that there are alternative species to H. perforatum with high pharmaceutical value. Amounts of hyperforin and quercetin were highest in H. perforatum, whereas highest contents of hyperoside and quercitrin were found in H. maculatum. A significant positive correlation between hypericin and pseudohypericin as well as between hypericin and emodin was observed by Kruskal’s multidimensional scaling (MDS), indicating a parallel enhancement of emodin as a common precursor in the biosynthetic pathways of hypericin and pseudohypericin. Furthermore, MDS combined with principal component analysis (PCA) revealed strong correlations in the occurrence of pseudohypericin and emodin, pseudohypericin and quercitrin, hypericin and quercitrin, emodin and quercitrin, hyperoside and quercitrin, rutin and quercetin, and, hyperforin and quercetin. On the other hand, rutin showed a negative correlation with emodin as well as with quercitrin. Furthermore, hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis (HACA) clustered hypericin and pseudohypericin, grouping emodin at equal distance from both. Considerable infraspecific variability in secondary compound spectrum and load of different populations of H. maculatum from Slovakia underscores the need for detailed studies of genotypic variation and environmental factors in relation to polyketide biosynthesis and accumulation. 相似文献
Detecting the action of selection in natural populations can be achieved using the QST-FST comparison that relies on the estimation of FST with neutral markers, and QST using quantitative traits potentially under selection. QST higher than FST suggests the action of directional selection and thus potential local adaptation. In this article, we apply the QST-FST comparison to four populations of the hermaphroditic freshwater snail Radix balthica located in a floodplain habitat. In contrast to most studies published so far, we did not detect evidence of directional selection for local optima for any of the traits we measured: QST calculated using three different methods was never higher than FST. A strong inbreeding depression was also detected, indicating that outcrossing is probably predominant over selfing in the studied populations. Our results suggest that in this floodplain habitat, local adaptation of R. balthica populations may be hindered by genetic drift, and possibly altered by uneven gene flow linked to flood frequency. 相似文献