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中国斑蚜科物种多样性及地理分布格局   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
从分类群的多样性、寄主植物多样性和地理分布多样性3个方面系统研究了中国斑蚜科蚜虫的物种多样性。分类群的多样性从亚科、属和种3个不同阶元进行了描述。寄主植物的多样性体现在:不同蚜虫类群寄主植物的丰富度,其中角斑蚜亚科的寄主最为丰富,包括14个科的植物;同类寄主植物上取食蚜虫的多样性,其中桦木科植物上有15个属的蚜虫取食。在地理分布上,斑蚜科在中国主要分布在古北界的4个区和东洋界的3个区,以古北界的成分占优势;而且华北区种类最为丰富,其次为东北区、华中区、华南区和蒙新区。属的分布类型可分为12种,分别为中国特有分布型、东亚特有分布型、古北界特有分布型、东洋界特有分布型、全北界分布型、全北界和澳洲界共有分布型、古北界和东洋界共有分布型、全北界和东洋界共有分布型、全北界和非洲界共有分布型、古北界、东洋界和非洲界共有分布型、东洋界和澳洲界共有分布型及东洋界、非洲界和澳洲界共有分布型,其中以东亚特有分布型为最丰富,有10个属;其次为全北界分布型,有7个属,同时中国的特有成分也相当高,涉及6个属。纵观整个中国斑蚜科属级阶元的分布类型,中国的斑蚜科以全北界成分为主,其次为东洋界成分。斑蚜科在中国的地理分布,由东向西,种类越来越贫乏,特别是青藏高原,种类很少;从南北向来看,以华北区为中心,向两边扩散,东北区、华南区和华中区种类都有所减少。  相似文献   


We compile and analyze data on the population genetic structure of broad-sense clonal plant populations where sexual recruitment is rare or absent. The data from 27 studies show a common theme: multiclonal populations of intermediate diversity and evenness tend to be the rule, most clones are restricted to one or a few populations, and widespread clones are exceptional. While a few studies have demonstrated that ecological differences among sympatric clones do occur, more experimental and theoretical studies are necessary to determine the role of selection and other evolutionary forces in maintaining clonal polymorphism.  相似文献   

We analyzed species number of macroalgae in relation to environmental variables at two spatial levels comprising 202 individual sites and 26 entire estuaries in Denmark. The species number of macroalgae increased with salinity and declined with nutrient concentrations both at the sites and in the estuaries. Availability of hard substratum was associated with higher species richness at the sites. The number of macroalgal species in the estuaries increased with higher mean depth and longer coastline, suggesting that both the vertical and horizontal extension of the colonization area are important for the maximum representation of macroalgal species. Mean depth explained as a single predictor 60% of the variability in species number in entire estuaries. Estuaries with high mean depth also tend to be large and have high salinity and transparent waters due to efficient exchange with open waters. In conclusion, we find that the regulation of species richness of macroalgae in Danish estuaries, though complex, is influenced predictably by salinity, water transparency, nutrient concentration, and availability of hard substrata.  相似文献   

In this study, we use a quantitative genetics model of structured populations to investigate the evolution of senescence in a variable environment. Adaptation to local environments depends on phenotypic traits whose optimal values vary with age and with environmental conditions. We study different scenarios of environmental heterogeneity, where the environment changes abruptly, gradually, or cyclically with time and where the environment is heterogeneous in space with different populations connected by migration. The strength of selection decreases with age, which predicts slower adaptation of traits expressed late in the life cycle, potentially generating stronger senescence in habitats where selection changes in space or in time. This prediction is however complicated by the fact that the genetic variance also increases with age. Using numerical calculations, we found that the rate of senescence is generally increased when the environment varies. In particular, migration between different habitats is a source of senescence in heterogeneous landscapes. We also show that the rate of senescence can vary transiently when the population is not at equilibrium, with possible implications for experimental evolution and the study of invasive species. Our results highlight the need to study age‐specific adaptation, as a changing environment can have a different impact on different age classes.  相似文献   

生态学的时空特性(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 众所周知,几乎所有的生态学特征和现象都受限于一定的时间和空间。因此,相应的科学假设和相关的生态学结论也只能基于这些特定的时空尺度范围。我们利用颇为熟知的事例,引用生态学文献中的具体实例,提纲挈领地论述了时空在生态学研究中的重要性。这些实例包括我们在长白山对云、冷杉(Picea jezoensis, Abies nephrolepis)林林冠结构的模拟、在北美应用遥感和气象方法对碳通量的估算,以及测定湿地生态系统对加温的反应等。文中所涉及的所有生态学现象,对时间和空间都有强烈的依赖性。因而, 从生态学问题的提出,到科学假设的演绎,以至试验设计和综合数据分析,都必须以时、空为前提,才不至于导致荒谬结论。  相似文献   

The adaptive strategies pursued by organisms faced with different trophic resource regimes may play a major role in diversity regulation. Selection for fitness in resource-rich or resource-unstable environments favors generalized, inefficient populations and results in low diversity; selection for fitness in resource-poor or resource-stable environments favors specialized, efficient populations and results in high diversity. Therefore, insofar as trophic resource levels influence diversifications and extinctions, diversification should be associated with lower, and extinctions with higher, resource levels. This conclusion is directly opposed to that of most recent investigators, but can be rationalized from theoretical considerations and deserves careful consideration.  相似文献   

To understand the evolutionary consequences of hybridization between the outcrossing plant Geum rivale (Rosaceae) and the selfer Geum urbanum, we tested the predictions of two simple models that assume either (A) low or (B) high pollen fitness in hybrids. Model A predicts only four genotypic classes (G. rivale, G. rivale backcross [BCR], F1, and Geum urbanum) and asymmetric introgression from inbreeding to outbreeding species. Model B predicts additional genotypic classes and potential generation of novel inbreeding lines in the hybrid swarm. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of adults revealed only the four genotypes predicted by model A. However, microsatellite analysis of parent–progeny arrays demonstrated production of selfed offspring by F1 and BCR maternal parents and contribution of these genotypes to outcross pollen pools, as predicted by model B. Moreover, AFLP and morphological analysis showed that the offspring generation comprised genotypes and phenotypes covering the entire spectrum of variation between the two parental species, in line with model B. A common garden experiment indicated no systematic reduction in fitness of offspring derived from hybrid parents. The genetic structure of the adults in the Geum hybrid swarm cannot be explained by restricted mating patterns but may result from ecological selection acting on a diverse offspring population.  相似文献   

草甸昆虫群落及其空间与时间结构   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
吴亚  金翠霞 《昆虫学报》1980,(2):156-166
自然生态系统包含若干生物群落,它们既是历史和进化的产物,又是现实世界空间和时间的函数。很早以前,我国劳动人民就已懂得利用生物群落之间的空间和时间关系来提高产量和避免虫害;目前国内外大力开展的生物防治,其实质也是应用种群之间的食物链索关系以达到调节数量平衡的目的;因此,群落与生态系统的研究,既具有深远的理论意义,又具有巨大的实践价值。  相似文献   

Information on genetic composition of past and present populations may be obtained by analyzing DNA from archival samples. A study is presented on the genetic population structure of extant and extinct local populations of Atlantic salmon from 1913 to 1989 using dried scales as a source of DNA. Variation at six microsatellite loci was studied. Tests for differentiation among populations and among time series within populations showed that population structure was stable over time. This was also confirmed by a neighbor-joining dendrogram, which showed a clear clustering of samples from individual rivers that covered a time span of up to 76 years. These results suggest that salmon populations evolve as semi-independent units connected by modest amounts of gene flow. Additionally, a clear association between geographic and genetic distance was found. This relationship has otherwise been difficult to establish in several recent studies. The discrepancy may be due to impact of human activities on the genetic structure of present populations, whereas old samples represent populations in a more unaffected state. However, other explanations related to differences in the sampling of past and present populations may be equally valid.  相似文献   

The role of ecological factors in promoting morphological diversity within and among species is an area of debate among evolutionary biologists. Using morphological differences between sympatric species as evidence that competition promotes divergence (e.g., character displacement), has, in particular, drawn harsh criticism because morphological differences may have evolved during allopatry. In contrast to species, alternative phenotypes within a species have a common phylogenetic history, so differences between phenotypes are likely to result from ecological conditions experienced in sympatry. Using cannibal and typical larval phenotypes of the Arizona tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, we tested two predictions of the hypothesis that resource competition promotes morphological divergence: (1) larval phenotypes should reduce competition by using different resources; and (2) the advantage to developing the alternative, cannibal phenotype should be highest when competition among typical larvae is most intense. We used field surveys and a field experiment to test these predictions. The two larval phenotypes used different resources, especially when competition was intense. The advantage to individual larvae of becoming cannibals was highest when competition for resources among typical larvae was high. These results support the hypothesis that resource competition can promote morphological divergence.  相似文献   

昆虫种群的空间、数量、时间结构及其动态   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
本文讨论了昆虫种群动态的内容,把种群动态概括地分为空简、数量与时间三个方面。生态学上的空简系具有实质结构的场所,种群空间动态主要包括扩散、分布及生态特性的地方分化。作者根据种群的特性保存及特性成长与变动环境的关系,提出了变境成长的概念。 数量结构除了种群年龄、性比、滞育体等指标外,并注意到与生殖力及化性(Voltinism)相联系的种群遗传结构。某些昆虫种群通过作用于繁殖及死亡的反馈机制,在一定程度上可以调节其数量,影响到种群的数量变动形式。 时间连贯性及时间序列系本文在种群时间动态中所讨论的两个主要问题,时间是作用种群动态的一个因素,具有一定的形态外貌,种群的时间外貌与结构反映了种群时间动态的现实性,时间的连贯及序列共同形成了种群动态在时间上的必然途径及其与环境因素相互之间的顺序关系。 空、数、时变化各沿着一定的序列进行,这些序列所以被看成是预测害虫动态的基础,系由于种群任一动态都是在一定的种群结构基础上,以及空间因素与时间因素特定联系的形式下发生的,不同的联系产生不同的生理生态学后果,因而使得此复杂的种群动态问题,有可能借助于生物数量方法,作出种群的数量及分布预测。  相似文献   

试图通过对碱化草地景观动态过程与群落多样性和空间格局的关系的分析,探讨利用景观的多样性指标和空间格局指数来解释和预测景观发展动态及其对气候变化的响应的可能性。运用空间仿真的方法,对东北松嫩平原碱化草地景观动态进行了模拟。模型强调景观内的斑块(即空间匀质生态系统)的演替与土壤碱化度的相互耦合作用。在当前气候条件下,模型的输出结果与观测到的1989 ̄1993年在1hm^2样地内的斑块分布动态非常吻合。  相似文献   

锡林郭勒草原景观多样性的时间变化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用锡林郭勒草原典型区段的两个不同年代的遥感信息源,结合实地考察目视解释研究区1978年(MSS)、1992年(TM)的卫片影像,得到研究两张不同时期的植被图,以植物群落做为确定景观单元的最主要因子,在ARC/INFO软件的支持下,通过景观元素空间格局的变化,进一步分析得出在14a的时间进程中,研究区景观破碎花现象加剧,多样性指数增加,优势度指数下降,人类不合理的放牧利用、农田开展等经营活动,引起  相似文献   

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