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The accuracy and precision of sexual swellings and fecal steroids as measures of ovarian function and the periovulatory period were compared in 4 sexually mature, individually housed, sooty mangabey females. Fecal samples were collected daily over a 10-week period during the normal breeding season. Serum was collected 3×/week, daily during peak swelling, and sex skin was rated 5×/week on a 0–5 relative scale. Both fecal estradiol (fE2) and progesterone (fP4) were significantly correlated with serum values in composite E2-aligned profiles and within the cycles of individual females with average correlations of rs = 0.6. Follicular phase means for fE2 and luteal phase means for fP4 were significantly correlated with the serum means across cycles, suggesting that fecal concentrations could be used to accurately evaluate cycle phases within and across females. In contrast, the timing of peak swelling relative to the periovulatory period varied considerably across the cycles of individual females. Although maximum tumescence appears to bracket the periovulatory period, individual differences in the duration of peak swelling and the timing of its onset and end tend to obscure the exact time of ovulation in relation to maximal tumescence. These data illustrate the utility of fecal steroid analysis as a tool for further evaluation of the signal value of sexual skin and its role in mating interactions. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted with female sooty mangabeys to describe the occurrence of perineal swelling during pregnancy and to document the associated patterns of ovarian hormone secretion and sexual behavior. Menstrual cycles and pregnancies were charted in 29 female subjects by recording daily vaginal bleeding and perineal swelling. As in other swelling species, maximum perineal tumescence corresponded with the periovulatory phase of the cycle; however, a second tumescence was recorded during pregnancy, with a peak at 49 days postconception. The swelling patterns were similar with the exception that deturgescence was slower during pregnancy. In a second study, blood samples were obtained weekly from nine females to document the estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) profiles during pregnancy. Analyses revealed increased E2 concentrations and low P4 levels in association with the postconception swelling. A third study compared sexual behavior during ovulatory and post-conception tumescent peaks. Behavioral data revealed that, although there was no overall difference in male mount rate to females during the ovulatory and postconception maximum swelling period, when only the alpha male was considered, significantly fewer mounts were directed to females exhibiting a post-conception versus an ovulatory maximum tumescence.  相似文献   

Serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHAS), androstenedione and cortisol were determined in multiple samples from 86 sooty mangabeys of varying ages (0-17 years). Testosterone, androstenedione, DHAS and cortisol were measured by radioimmunoassay; LH was determined by in vitro bioassay. Serum LH concentrations were elevated in neonates (less than 6 months) and in animals older than 72 months of age. The higher LH levels were associated with increased circulating concentrations of testosterone in males but not females. The pubertal rise in serum testosterone at approximately 55-60 months of age in males was coincident with rapid body growth. No pubertal growth spurt was observed in females. Serum levels of androstenedione and DHAS were highest during early postnatal life (less than 6 months) with androstenedione exceeding 600 ng/dl in males and 250 micrograms/dl in females, but declined rapidly in both sexes to a baseline of 150 ng/dl by 19 months of age. Serum androstenedione did not fluctuate significantly in adult animals. The pattern of age-related changes in serum DHAS paralleled those of serum androstenedione, whereas serum cortisol values did not change significantly with age. Developmental changes in serum LH, testosterone and body weight suggest that the sooty mangabey matures substantially later than the rhesus monkey. The pattern of serum gonadal and adrenal steroids during sexual maturation is similar to that seen in the baboon with no evidence of an adrenarche.  相似文献   

Seasonal levels of LH, FSH, testosterone (T) and prolactin (PRL) were determined in plasma of six captive adult male pudu (Pudu puda) kept in Concepcion, Chile. Average PRL levels exhibited one peak (28 ng/ml) in December (summer); minimal levels (3 to 6 ng/ml) were detected between April and July. FSH concentrations remained at peak levels (54–63 ng/ml) from December until March; minimal values (25–33 ng/ml) were detected from April until October. T levels exhibited two, almost equal peaks; the first peak (2.8 ng/ml) was detected in March (rut) and the second one (2.7 ng/ml) in October (spring). Both T peaks were preceded by an earlier elevation of LH in February and July (both around 1.3 ng/ml). During the fall, only the alpha male exhibited a sharp peak of T (8.4 ng/ml), whereas in the spring five out of six bucks demonstrated an increase of T levels. Two peaks of LH and T and the 4 months of elevated FSH may be related to a long period of spermatogenesis observed in this species.  相似文献   

Abstract: The lineage of HIV-2-like viruses was studied in feral sooty mangabeys (SMs) by serological and genetic methods. Four feral sooty mangabeys were positive for simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) antibodies and a new isolate, SIVsmSL92a, was obtained. Genetic analysis of gag genes showed that SIVsmSL92a was highly diverse and a distinct sequence subtype within the SIVsm/HIV-2 family. The results showed that SIVsm is the most diverse group of SIVs found thus far in a single monkey species.  相似文献   

A group of 38 free ranging crested mangabeys in the Tana River Primate Reserve was studied over a 6-week period for a total of 209.5 hr and behavioral comparisons made to a captive group of sooty mangabeys. Although quantitative comparisons between these two mangabey species are not possible, the present data suggest that these geographically separated mangabeys share several behavioral similarities. Copulatory behavior in both species involved a pattern of female darting and female vocalizing following the mount by the male. Several similarities in agonistic behavior also existed: 1) The victim often returned or stayed within 1 m of the aggressor following an agonistic episode; 2) retaliation in which the victim first fled or avoided the aggressor, then subsequently, chased or lunged at the aggressor, typically while screaming; and 3) frequent redirection of aggression by the victim following an agonistic episode. A dominance rank reversal occurred between the two adult male crested mangabeys with no severe wounding. The rank reversal seemed to be related to two subsequent behaviors which included infant carriage by the deposed alpha in the presence of the new alpha male and female demonstrations of extreme protectiveness of their infants in the presence of the new alpha male. Both of these behaviors have been reported in the sooty mangabey group.  相似文献   

We examined the behavior of two arboreal monkeys—Piliocolobus badius (western red colobus) and Cercopithecus diana (Diana monkey)—in the presence and absence of a third, predominately terrestrial monkey, Cercocebus atys (sooty mangabey) in the Ivory Coast's Taï Forest. Via experimental data, we show that sooty mangabeys are effective sentinels for ground predators. Then we compared strata use of red colobus and Diana monkeys in the presence and absence of mangabeys. Our data indicate that red colobus and Diana monkeys descend to low forest levels and to the forest floor significantly more often when mangabeys are spatially intermingled with them, i.e. in polyspecific associations. The niche extension may provide some foraging advantage, especially for red colobus. We identified the specific causal agent—relaxed ground predator pressure—of a temporary shift in habitat use. In this instance, the presence of one species (Cercocebus atys) leads to the temporary expansion of a niche normally avoided by others Piliocolobus badius and Cercopithecus diana.  相似文献   

Abstract: Reference values of some hematologic and plasma chemical parameters were established in two species of clinically normal Cercopithecidae. The following variables were studied in seven mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) and nine white-crowned mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus lunulatus): hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte and leucocyte counts, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, glucose, urea, uric acid, cholesterol, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine phosphokinase, lactic dehydrogenase, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, total serum proteins, albumin, globulins, albumin-globulin ratio, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, total phosphorus, chloride, and serum osmolality. Few differences were observed when compared with human hematological data and with other species of Cercopithecidae Primates.  相似文献   

Age-related differences in serum luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), salivary testosterone, and 17-beta estradiol levels are reported for Ache Amerindian males (n = 17; mean age, 37.1 +/- 14.2 SD) of Paraguay in order to explore population variation in patterns of male reproductive senescence in a foraging/agricultural community. Hormone associations were examined to test various hypotheses for age-related differences in hypothalamic-pituitary function. Significant increases in FSH (r = 0.75, P < 0.0005) and LH (r = 0.65, P < 0.01) were noted in association with aging. No significant correlation was observed between morning or evening testosterone and age. Morning and evening estradiol levels were associated with morning and evening testosterone, respectively (morning, r = 0.53, P = 0.05; evening, r = 0.63, P = 0.02). Evening estradiol was also positively associated with LH (r = 0.66, P = 0.02), suggesting testicular production to be an important source of circulating estradiol. Morning estradiol tended to rise with age, but was not significant (r = 0.39, P = 0.15). Anthropometric measurements of height, weight, body mass index, and fat percent did not change significantly with age. In contrast to testosterone, age-related differences in gonadotropin levels may be independent of energetic status, less variant, and more universal among male populations. Implications for gonadotropin function and aging on human male reproductive senescence and life histories are discussed.  相似文献   

The Sanje mangabey (Cercocebus sanjei) is endemic to the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania, and is classified as Endangered due to its putatively declining population size, habitat degradation and fragmentation. Previous population size estimates have ranged from 1,350 to 3,500 individuals, with the last direct survey being conducted 15 years before the present study. Previous estimates are now thought to have underestimated the population due to a limited knowledge of group and habitat size, nonsystematic approaches and the use of visual methods that are not suitable for surveying the Sanje mangabey with its semi-terrestrial and elusive behaviors. We used an acoustic survey method with observers recording the distinctive “whoop-gobble” vocalization produced by mangabeys and point transect distance sampling to model a detection function and estimate abundance. Twenty-eight surveys were conducted throughout the two forests where Sanje mangabeys are found: Mwanihana forest in the Udzungwa Mountains National Park (n = 13), and the Uzungwa Scarp Nature Reserve (n = 15). Group density was found to be significantly lower in the relatively unprotected Uzungwa Scarp forest (0.15 groups/km2; 95% CI: 0.08–0.27) compared to the well-protected Mwanihana forest (0.29 groups/km2; 95% CI: 0.19–0.43; p = .03). We estimate that there are 1,712 (95% CI: 1,141–2,567) individuals in Mwanihana and 1,455 (95% CI: 783–2,702) in the Uzungwa Scarp, resulting in a total population size of 3,167 (95% CI: 2,181–4,596) individuals. The difference in group density between sites is likely a result of the differing protection status and levels of enforcement between the forests, suggesting that protection of the Uzungwa Scarp should be increased to encourage recovery of the population, and reduce the threat of degradation and hunting. Our results contribute to the reassessment of the species' IUCN Red List status and informing management and conservation action planning.  相似文献   

The Cape mole rat Georychus capensis is a solitary mole rat that inhabits the winter rainfall region of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Circulating basal concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) were found to be significantly higher in the breeding season in both sexes. During both the breeding and non-breeding season, administration of exogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) increased circulatory LH levels. The magnitude of the LH response to an overdose of exogenous GnRH both in and out of the breeding season in males and females was not significantly different. Typically, seasonally breeding species exhibit a down-regulation of the pituitary and reproductive functions out of the breeding season. It appears that there is no down-regulation of GnRH receptors at the level of the pituitary out of the breeding season, because the pituitary responds to an exogenous GnRH challenge equally both in and out of the breeding period. The Cape mole rat exhibits the potential for opportunistic breeding out of the breeding period, provided that environmental factors are favourable. This finding questions whether this mole rat is actually a seasonal breeder or whether reproduction is hindered by the ecological constraint of the lack of opportunities to burrow and find mates at certain times of the year.  相似文献   

运用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、葡聚糖凝胶层析、酶联免疫等实验方法,对多疣狭口蛙Kaloula verrucosa繁殖前期、繁殖期、繁殖后期的皮肤分泌物进行初步的成分分离,并对其不同时期皮肤分泌物成分中卵泡刺激素(Follicle stimulating hormone,FSH)及黄体生成素(Luteinizing hormone, LH)进行了免疫检测和定量比较.结果 表明:多疣狭口蛙皮肤分泌物中FSH的含量在其繁殖前期处于三个时期中的最高,繁殖期次之,繁殖后期最低;而LH则是在繁殖期含量最高,繁殖前期含量略偏低,到繁殖后期含量最低.  相似文献   

Irisin is a product of fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5 (FNDC5) and plays an important role in energy homeostasis. In this study, we aimed to determine effects of intracerebroventricular administration of irisin on the hypothalamus–pituitary–gonadal axis by molecular, biochemical, and morphological findings. Fourty male Wistar-Albino rats were used and divided into four groups including control, sham (vehicle), 10, and 100 nM irisin infused groups (n = 10). Hypothalamic gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) level and serum luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and testosterone levels were determined. Testicular tissue histology and spermiogram analysis were also performed. Both irisin concentrations significantly reduced hypothalamic GnRH messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein levels (p < 0.05). It was found that serum LH, FSH, and testosterone levels and Sertoli and Leydig cell numbers were decreased by irisin administration (p < 0.05). In addition, irisin administration reduced sperm density and mobility (p < 0.05). However, it did not cause any change in testicular and epididymis weights and tubular diameter. Our results reveal that irisin can play a role in the central regulation of reproductive behavior and also reduces testosterone levels by suppressing LH and FSH secretion. These results suggest that the discovery of irisin receptor antagonists may be beneficial in the treatment of infertility.  相似文献   

The variability of the superovulation response in cattle is an important problem to the commercial embryo transfer industry. Plasma LH and FSH concentrations around the time of estrus and ovulation were studied in relation to embryo production, to try and elucidate this problem. Sixteen cows were superovulated with 38 mg FSH-P and estrus synchronized with prostaglandin F(2) alpha. On the third and fourth day of superovulation increases in plasma LH but not FSH were detected. The LH and FSH profiles appeared to be normal in the size of the surge but in many cases they were were abnormal in timing. Transferable embryo production appeared to be lower in cows in which the LH and FSH surges were not coincident, and in cows where the surges were early or late with reference to estrus. FSH appeared to be primarily responsible for the number of embryos produced and LH for their quality, i.e. the number transferable.  相似文献   

Morphology of the dentofacial complex of early hominins has figured prominently in the inference of their dietary adaptations. Recent theoretical analysis of craniofacial morphology of Australopithecus africanus proposes that skull form in this taxon represents adaptation to feeding on large, hard objects. A modern analog for this specific dietary specialization is provided by the West African sooty mangabey, Cercocebus atys. This species habitually feeds on the large, exceptionally hard nuts of Sacoglottis gabonensis, stereotypically crushing the seed casings using their premolars and molars. This type of behavior has been inferred for A. africanus based on mathematical stress analysis and aspects of dental wear and morphology. While postcanine megadontia, premolar enlargement and thick molar enamel characterize both A. africanus and C. atys, these features are not universally associated with durophagy among living anthropoids. Occlusal microwear analysis reveals complex microwear textures in C. atys unlike those observed in A. africanus, but more closely resembling textures observed in Paranthropus robustus. Since sooty mangabeys process hard objects in a manner similar to that proposed for A. africanus, yet do so without the craniofacial buttressing characteristic of this hominin, it follows that derived features of the australopith skull are sufficient but not necessary for the consumption of large, hard objects. The adaptive significance of australopith craniofacial morphology may instead be related to the toughness, rather than the hardness, of ingested foods.  相似文献   

The formation of two new groups of sooty mangabeys (N=6; N=11) comprised of individuals removed from their natal group of 98 animals led to dominance rank challenges with aggression and wounding, though this occurred after an interval of months. Dominance rank challenges were not expected because, unlike rhesus macaques, adult female sooty mangabeys do not affiliate with adult kin significantly more than nonkin and show minimal agonistic aiding even with adult kin, thus rank would seem to be independent of aiding. Moreover, during the last nine years, severe wounding of adults in a large stable group of sooty mangabeys has been virtually absent and agonistic behavior in a stable group of sooty mangabeys is exhibited at a low rate compared to some macaque species. New members in the group of six maintained their relative ranks for 12 weeks after which the beta supplanted the alpha female with no serious wounding. This ranking remained stable for 29 weeks after which the alpha and beta females were supplanted with fatal wounds inflicted to the alpha and less severe wounds to the beta female. The second subgroup also kept their relative ranks initially. However, after 27 weeks the lowest ranking female severely wounded the next to last ranking female and 1 week later attacked and displaced the alpha female with minimal wounding. Fourteen weeks later the beta female (formerly the alpha) attacked and severely wounded the new alpha female and regained the top dominance position. These events suggest that although sooty mangabeys do not exhibit strong kin preferential behavior among adults, they do have defined relationships within the long term, stable group. Removal from those defined relationships allows the possibility of social reorganization that may be mediated by serious aggression.  相似文献   

We present information on food hardness and monthly dietary changes in female sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys) in Tai Forest, Ivory Coast to reassess the hypothesis that thick molar enamel is parsimoniously interpreted as a response to consumption of hard foods during fallback periods. We demonstrate that the diet of sooty mangabeys varies seasonally, but that one food—Sacoglottis gabonensis—is the most frequently consumed food every month and year round. This food is the hardest item in the sooty diet. Given that this species has among the thickest enamel within the primate order, a plausible conclusion is that thick enamel in this taxon evolved not in response to seasonally critical function or fallback foods, but rather to the habitual, year round processing of a mechanically protected foodstuff. These data serve as a caution against de rigueur interpretations that reliance on fallback foods during lean periods primarily explains the evolution of thick enamel in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:413–423, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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