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Rapid clonal growth of primary cultures of human costal chondrocytes in a defined medium has been achieved. The basal nutrient medium used for such growth is MCDB 104. It is prepared without linoleic acid and supplemented with 1 microgram/ml insulin, 100 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor, 1.0 x 10(-7) M dexamethasone, and 5 micrograms/ml mixed lipids, presented to the cells in the form of liposomes. The lipid supplement contains soybean lecithin, cholesterol, sphingomyelin, vitamin E, and vitamin E acetate. No expression of cartilage-like differentiation occurs in the defined medium. However, colonies grown for several days in the defined medium and then grown for an additional period of time in medium F12 supplemented with fetal bovine serum and chicken embryo extract synthesize large amounts of refractile matrix that is stained intensely by acidified alcian green, thus demonstrating that the cells growing in the defined medium are capable of expressing cartilage matrix in a permissive environment. Good clonal growth and expression of differentiation can also be obtained by inoculating primary cultures of human chondrocytes directly into the F12-serum-embryo extract medium.  相似文献   

A serum-free medium (LEP-1) has been developed for mouse epidermal keratinocytes. LEP-1 consists of "Ca2+-free" Eagle's MEM with non-essential amino acids and seven added supplements (transferrin, 5 micrograms/ml; epidermal growth factor (EGF), 5 ng/ml; hydrocortisone, 0.5 microM; insulin, 5 micrograms/ml; phosphoethanolamine and ethanolamine, each 50 microM; bovine pituitary extract, 180 micrograms of protein/ml). Although serum-free the culture system was dependent for growth on bovine pituitary extract as the only still undefined supplement. LEP-1 supports sustained multiplication of mouse keratinocytes for 25 or more population doublings. A clonal growth assay was developed to investigate the action of growth factors, hormones and other supplements on keratinocytes. Cells grown in LEP-1 (calcium concentration was 0.03 mM) maintained a high proliferative rate and presented the typical morphology of basal epidermal cells. When the calcium concentration of the medium was raised to 1.0 mM, the cells were triggered to differentiate terminally. The epithelial nature of the cells was demonstrated both by electron microscopy and by immunostaining with anti-keratin antibody. The maturation stage of the keratinocytes was defined by several morphological features during the proliferative phase and in terminally differentiating cultures. This serum-free system supported a useful number of cell divisions while keratinocytes retained the capacity to undergo terminal differentiation when given the appropriate stimulus. It provides, therefore, provides a useful model for investigations on growth, differentiation and malignant transformation of epidermal cells in culture.  相似文献   

Clonal growth of primary cultures of rabbit ear chondrocytes in a defined medium without serum or other undefined additives has been achieved. The clonal inoculum is a suspension of fully differentiated chondrocytes prepared by collagenase digestion of rabbit ear cartilage and used with no prior adaptation or selection in culture. When inoculated into medium MCDB 104 supplemented with 100 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor (FGF), 1 microgram/ml insulin, and 5 micrograms/ml of a lipid supplement previously developed for human fibroblasts, the isolated chondrocytes undergo clonal multiplication to form large colonies of epithelial-like cells. Colonies grown in the defined medium for 14 days accumulate at their centers refractile cartilage-like matrix that is stained by acidified Alcian green, although the amount is significantly less than with undefined additives. This system opens the way for detailed studies, in a defined background medium, of factors that regulate phenotypic expression of cartilage-like differentiated properties.  相似文献   

Retinoylation (retinoic acid acylation) is a covalent modification of proteins occurring in a variety of eukaryotic cell lines. In this study, we found that proteins in undifferentiated and squamous-differentiated normal human epidermal keratinocytes were retinoylated after treatment with [3H]retinoic acid. The major retinoylated proteins were identified as cytokeratins based on their profile in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and their immunoreactivity with anti-keratin monoclonal antibodies. The covalently bound [3H]retinoic acid was not removed by mild hydrolysis with methanolic-KOH indicating that it is not linked to the cytokeratins by a thioester bond. The results raise the possibility that retinoylation of cytokeratins is involved in some of the effects of retinoic acid on keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Vanilloid receptor subtype 1, VR1, is an ion channel that serves as a polymodal detector of pain-producing chemicals such as capsaicin and protons in primary afferent neurons. Here we showed that both capsaicin and acidification produced elevations in the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) in cultured human epidermal keratinocytes. The capsaicin- and acidification-evoked increases in [Ca(2+)](i) were inhibited by capsazepine, an antagonist to VR1. VR1-like immunoreactivity was observed in the cells. These findings suggest that functional VR1-like protein is present and functions as a sensor against noxious chemical stimuli, such as capsaicin or acidification, in epidermal keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Growth and differentiation of keratinocytes in a serum-free medium (keratinocyte growth medium or KGM) was studied and compared to that under conditions in which serum and feeder cell layers were used. Cells were grown in KGM containing 0.1 mM calcium (KGM/low calcium), KGM containing 1.2 mM calcium (KGM/normal calcium), or Dulbecco's modified Eagles medium containing 5% fetal calf serum and 1.8 mM calcium in presence of mitomycin treated 3T3 M cells (DMEM/5% FCS). Plating efficiency and rate of growth were similar in the three media till confluence. In postconfluent cultures, protein and DNA content of cells attached to the plate in KGM/low-calcium dishes decreased as an increased number of cells were shed into the medium. Cell shedding was much less evident in the presence of normal calcium. Cells grown in KGM/low calcium had a higher rate of cell proliferation (3H-thymidine incorporation into cellular DNA) than cells grown in normal calcium. Transglutaminase activity, involucrin content, and cornified envelope formation were greatest in cells grown in KGM/normal calcium, intermediate in cells grown in DMEM/5% FCS, and least in cells grown in KGM/low calcium. Keratin profiles from cells grown in KGM/low calcium showed a lower percentage of high molecular weight bands compared to the keratin profiles from cells grown in the presence of normal calcium. Keratinocytes in KGM/low calcium grew as a monolayer of cuboidal cells with few features of differentiation, whereas cells grown in KGM/normal calcium stratified into multilayered islands (3-5 layers) surmounted by 2-4 layers of enucleated cells with thickened cornified envelopes. Cells grown in KGM/normal calcium also contained tonofilaments and lamellar bodies unlike cells grown in KGM/low calcium. Cells grown in DMEM/5% FCS also formed stratified layers comparable to cells grown in KGM/normal calcium but lacked cornified cells, keratohyalin granules, tonofilament bundles, and lamellar bodies. These studies indicate the usefulness of serum-free conditions for the culture of human keratinocytes and confirm the importance of extracellular calcium in keratinocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary A novel protein-free synthetic medium was developed for the culture of normal human oral keratinocytes. This medium, designated PFM-7, supports the serial cultivation of primary or secondary normal oral keratinocytes in protein-free, chemically defined conditions. Normal oral keratinocytes in PFM-7 exhibited nearly equal growth in mass culture without noticeable changes in morphology, response to added growth factors, or gene expression of growth factors and their receptors, compared to cells in Keratinocyte-SFM containing epidermal growth factor and bovine pituitary extract. Furthermore, PFM-7 supported the serial subcultivation of human squamous cell carcinoma cells and enabled both normal and malignant oral squamous cells derived from the same patient to grow under the same protein-free defined conditions. These results indicate that PFM-7 can be used for precise investigations of growth mechanisms, cell products, and gene expression associated with carcinogenesis of human epidermal cells.  相似文献   

Summary We report the development of culture conditions which routinely support clonal growth of normal human uroepithelial cells (HUC). Secondary cultures seeded at clonal densities and grown under conditions described herein have a colony-forming efficiency (CFE) and colony size that will be useful for in vitro experiments. Primary cultures were dispersed to single cells and seeded in a supplemented Ham's F12 medium containing 1% fetal bovine serum together with 3×105 lethally irradiated Swiss 3T3 feeder cells on plastic substrates preequilibrated with F12 medium containing 5 or 10% serum. Using these conditions, the average CFE was 16.1±2.5%. A cloning efficiency of 4.9±1.5% was obtained under the same conditions in serum-free F12+ when supplemented with a mixture of trace elements or 0.1 mM ethanolamine. The epithelial nature of the cloned cells was confirmed by morphology and by positive immunofluorescent staining for human epithelial keratin proteins. To make this system useful for mutagenesis experiments, a clone of Swiss 3T3 feeder cells resistant to 5 μg/ml 6-thioguanine (6TG) was derived from the parental cell line. This 6-TG-resistant Swiss 3T3 clone supports HUC clonal growth with a CFE of 17.9±2.0% CFE. We also report clonal growth of HUC without feeder cells using supplemented MCDB 170 medium containing 70 μg/ml bovine pituitary extract. The average cloning efficiency using these conditions was 5.7±1.7%. This work was supported by NIH grant 29525 to C. A. R. L. J. L. is a recipient of National Science Foundation predoctoral fellowship.  相似文献   

Clonal growth of human keratinocytes with small amounts of dialyzed serum   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Summary A survey of commercially availabla media revealed that medium F-12 was superior to medium 199 for clonal growth of human epidermal keratinocytes (HK) when supplemented with 10 μg/ml hydrocortisone (HC) plus dialyzed fetal bovine serum protein (FBSP), rather than the whole serum used in previous studies. Qualitative and quantitative adjustment of the medium composition for optimal clonal growth with minimal amounts of FBSP generated a new medium, MCDB 151, which supports clonal growth of HK with 10 μg/ml HC and as little as 1 mg/ml FBSP (equivalent in protein concentration to 2.0% whole serum). MCDB 151 differs significantly from MCDB 105, previously developed in this laboratory for normal human fibroblasts, and each medium selectively favors growth of its own type of cell in primary cultures of disaggregated human neonatal foreskin cells. Differences in the amounts of calcium and adenine in the two media appear to be among the most influential factors mediating the selective growth. Optimal growth of HK occurs at a very low level of Ca2+ that causes the colonies to remain as monolayers rather than stratifying as they do in the presence of higher levels of calcium. However, keratin synthesis, which was examined through use of highly specific fluorescent antibodies, is not affected by the Ca2+ concentration. Agents that increase intracellular cyclic AMP levels appear to have no effect on HK growth in MCDB 151 with 10 μg/ml HC and 1.0 mg/ml FBSP. This paper contains material from a thesis submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Colorado, Boulder, by Donna M. Peehl in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. This work was supported by Grant CA 15305 from the National Cancer Institute and Grant AG 00310 from the National Institute on Aging.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) purified from platelets is a potent growth inhibitor of several normal epithelial cell types in culture. In contrast, some carcinoma cell lines derived from tumors of these same tissues are resistant to this factor. Using recombinant human TGF-beta, the authors have confirmed these results with six normal human epidermal keratinocyte strains and four human epidermal squamous carcinoma cell lines. However, the sensitivity of normal cells to TGF-beta was found to depend on the culture conditions. When grown in a specialized nutrient medium supplemented with pituitary extract, keratinocytes were completely inhibited by the addition of 0.3 ng/ml TGF-beta. In contrast, when their growth was supported by cocultivation with 3T3 fibroblast feeder cells, 30- to 100-fold higher concentrations of TGF-beta were required to achieve comparable growth inhibition. This differential sensitivity occurred despite the fact that in both culture systems TGF-beta in the culture medium had a half-life of about 50 minutes, becoming tightly bound to the surface of the culture dish. Bound TGF-beta proved to be biologically active and stable for about a week in the absence of 3T3 feeder cells. Incubating 3T3 cells on TGF-beta-coated dishes, however, resulted in nearly quantitative removal and degradation of the TGF-beta within 2 days, permitting normal rates of keratinocyte growth. The binding of TGF-beta to surfaces and the ability of fibroblasts to attenuate its inhibitory activity for epithelial cells must be considered when evaluating in vitro models and in planning strategies for the use of this factor in vivo.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) on the expression of Type I and II transglutaminase in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK cells). Treatment of undifferentiated NHEK cells with 100 pM TGF-beta 1 caused a 10- to 15-fold increase in the activity of a soluble transglutaminase. Based on its cellular distribution and immunoreactivity this transglutaminase was identified as Type II (tissue) transglutaminase. TGF-beta 1 did not enhance the levels of the membrane-bound Type I (epidermal) transglutaminase activity which is induced during squamous cell differentiation and did not increase Type II transglutaminase activity in differentiated NHEK cells. Several SV40 large T antigen-immortalized NHEK cell lines also exhibited a dramatic increase in transglutaminase Type II activity after TGF-beta 1 treatment; however, TGF-beta 1 did not induce any significant change in transglutaminase activity in the carcinoma-derived cell lines SCC-13, SCC-15, and SQCC/Y1. Half-maximal stimulation of transglutaminase Type II activity in NHEK cells occurred at a dose of 15 pM TGF-beta 1. TGF-beta 2 was about equally effective. This enhancement in transglutaminase activity was related to an increase in the amount of transglutaminase Type II protein as indicated by immunoblot analysis. Northern blot analyses using a specific cDNA probe for Type II transglutaminase showed that exposure of NHEK cells to TGF-beta 1 caused a marked increase in the mRNA levels of this enzyme which could be observed as early as 4 h after the addition of TGF-beta 1. Maximal induction of transglutaminase Type II mRNA occurred between 18 and 24 h. The increase in Type II transglutaminase mRNA levels was blocked by the presence of cycloheximide, suggesting that this increase in mRNA by TGF-beta 1 is dependent on protein synthesis.  相似文献   

ICAM-1 protein in keratinocytes is thought to contribute to cutaneous inflammatory reactions. Its induction depends-among others-on cytokines such as TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-1 or on retinoic acid (RA), a key regulator of epidermal homeostasis. We investigated the effect of treatments with TNF-alpha, RA or their combination on ICAM-1 expression on proliferative or differentiating keratinocytes over an 8 day culture period. Basal ICAM-1 levels were undetectable at low (30 microM) and standard (88 microM) Ca2+ and RA alone did not induce ICAM-1. However, at high Ca2+ (1500 microM), ICAM-1 levels were augmented in response to RA-treatment. TNF-alpha induced a transient ICAM-1 increase in NHK, which reached peak-levels 2-4 days post cytokine stimulus. RA potentiated the TNF-alpha-induced ICAM-1 response in all Ca2+-concentrations. This potentiating effect of RA was confirmed at the mRNA level. In summary, our results establish retinoic acid as an enhancer of TNF-alpha-induced ICAM-1 levels in NHK.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a defined method for human epidermal keratinocyte culture. The minimally supplemented basal medium supported establishment of primary cultures from neonatal foreskin in a defined environment. It also supported serial cultivation and rapid expansion of cell number. Casein replaced serum for defined cryopreservation. Cells were serially cultivated in medium containing 0.08 mM calcium. The rate of cell division however remained high after addition of 1.8 mM calcium. The particulate transglutaminase activity of the cultures was low at confluence, even in the presence of 1.88 mM calcium, indicating an enrichment of the basal cell population. Culture with small amounts (0.3%) of chelated serum increased particulate transglutaminase activity approximately 2.2-fold in low calcium cultures and approximately 3.5-fold in high calcium cultures. A gradual reduction in growth rate of serum-treated cultures upon serial cultivation also indicated a depletion of cells with basal cell character. Bovine hypothalamic extract and cholera toxin were able to avert, in part, the differentiation-promoting effects of serum. Keratinocytes serially cultivated in the defined medium maintained the ability to develop normally into a morphologically differentiated epidermis.  相似文献   

Migration, proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes are important processes during tissue regeneration and wound healing of the skin. Here, we focussed on proteases that contribute to extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling as a prerequisite of keratinocyte migration. In particular, we assessed the significance of the mammalian cysteine peptidase cathepsin B for human keratinocytes during regeneration from scratch wounding. We describe the construction of a scratch apparatus that allows applying scratches of defined length, width and depth to cultured cells in a reproducible fashion. The rationale for our approach derived from our previous work where we have shown that HaCaT keratinocytes secrete cathepsin B into the extracellular space during spontaneous and induced migration. Here, we observed rapid removal of type IV collagen from underneath lamellipodial extensions of keratinocytes at the advancing fronts of regenerating monolayers, indicating that proteolytic ECM remodeling starts upon initiation of keratinocyte migration. Furthermore, we verified our previous results with HaCaT cells by using normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) and show that non-cell-permeant cathepsin B-specific inhibitors delayed full regeneration of the monolayers from scratch wounding in both cell systems, HaCaT and NHEK. Application of a single dose of cathepsin B inhibitor directly after scratch wounding of keratinocytes demonstrated that cathepsin B is essential during initial stages of wound healing, while its contribution to the subsequent processes of proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes was of less significance. This notion was supported by our observation that the cathepsin B inhibitors used in this study did not affect proliferation rates of keratinocytes of regenerating cultures. Thus, we conclude that cathepsin B is indeed involved in ECM remodeling after its secretion from migrating keratinocytes. Cathepsin B might directly cleave ECM constituents or it may initiate proteolytic cascades that involve other proteases with the ability to degrade ECM components. Because cathepsin B is important for enabling migration of both, HaCaT cells and NHEK, our results support the notion that HaCaT keratinocytes represent an excellent cell culture model for analysis of human epidermal skin keratinocyte migration.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF beta 1) is a potent inhibitor of epithelial cell proliferation and its effects on growth and differentiation have been extensively characterized in cultured keratinocytes. We used two TGF beta 1-specific polyclonal antibodies (anti-LC and anti-CC) to determine the presence of TGF beta 1 peptide in keratinocytes in sections of normal human skin in situ and in both plaque and nonplaque skin from individuals with psoriasis. In contrast to the differentiation phenotype expressed by keratinocytes in normal epidermis, keratinocytes in the psoriatic plaque exhibit a hyperproliferative/regenerative differentiation phenotype. Anti-TGF beta 1 staining was observed primarily in the epidermis. Anti-LC TGF beta 1 antibody stained nonproliferating, differentiated suprabasal keratinocytes intracellularly in normal skin but did not stain psoriatic plaques from five of seven patients. In contrast, anti-CC TGF beta 1 antibody stained suprabasal keratinocytes extracellularly in psoriatic plaques, but did not stain normal skin. Both anti-LC and anti-CC stained suprabasal keratinocytes intracellularly in nonplaque psoriatic skin. Thus, the conformation or structure of TGF beta 1 and its localization vary in keratinocytes with distinct differentiation phenotypes suggesting that TGF beta 1 is a potential modulator of keratinocyte differentiation in vivo. Selective association of TGF beta 1 with nonproliferating keratinocytes in the suprabasal layers of the epidermis and its exclusion from the proliferating keratinocytes in the basal layer suggest that it may be a physiological regulator of keratinocyte proliferation. In addition, the intracellular localization of TGF beta 1 peptide in both normal and psoriatic keratinocytes suggests that it is constitutively synthesized by epidermal keratinocytes in vivo.  相似文献   

Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an important cellular phenomenon in organ developments, cancer invasions, and wound healing, and many types of transformed cell lines are used for investigating for molecular mechanisms of EMT. However, there are few reports for EMT in normal human epithelial cells, which are non-transformed or non-immortalized cells, in vitro. Therefore, normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) serially cultured in low-calcium concentration medium (LCM) were used for investigating relations between differentiation and proliferation and mesenchymal-like phenotype in the present study, since long-term cultivation of NHEK is achieved in LCM. Interestingly, NHEK serially cultured in LCM consisted essentially of cytokeratin–vimentin double positive cells (98%), although the NHEK exhibited differentiation under high-calcium culture condition with 3T3 feeder layer. The vimentin expression was suppressed under high-calcium condition. These results may indicate the importance of mesenchymal-like phenotype for serially cultivation of NHEK in vitro.  相似文献   

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