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A scheme for lysine biosynthesis using variants of the Brevibacterium flavum intermediary metabolite synthesis is discussed. The main precursor of lysine that we are concerned with here is oxalacetate, which can be synthesized through the TCA or glyoxylate cycles or by carboxylation of PEP. Material energy balances for the main pathways of lysine biosynthesis from glucose and acetate have been formulated. Energy consumption, in the from of ATP – PATP (number of mol ATP consumed/1 mol lysine synthesized), was calculated for the main pathways of lysine biosynthesis. Theoretical conversion yields Ypmax (g product/g substrate) were estimated. Experimental data were presented concerning the increase of Yp by means of metabolism regulation: (a) by TCA-and glyoxylate-cycle enzyme induction; (b) by maintaining PEP carboxylase activity; (c) by eliminating by-product synthesis.  相似文献   

Brevibacterium flavum 22 and 22L producing lysine and glutamic acid should be reclassified as Corynebacterium glutamicum on the basis of their chemotaxonomic characteristics: the IV type of the cell wall, corynomycolic acids C32--C34, 57.8% of GC in DNA.  相似文献   

Dihydrodipicolinate (DDP)* synthetase and DDP-reductase were partially purified about 30 and 15 folds, respectively, from sonic extracts of Brevibacterium flavum.

In contrast with DDP-synthetase from Escherichia coli, the B. flavum enzyme was only slightly inhibited by α, ε-diaminopimelate, a precursor of lysine, but not by lysine itself. Single or simultaneous addition of any other amino acid(s) of aspartate family did not affect the activity significantly. Optimum pH for DDP-synthetase was 8.4 with Tris-HCl buffer. Kms for aspartic-β-semialdehyde and pyruvate at pH 7.5 were 2×10?4m and 1×10?4m, respectively. The formation of DDP-synthetase was not significantly repressed by lysine.

DDP-reductase of B. flavum required NADH or NADPH as the cofactor. This enzyme was not inhibited by single or simultaneous addition of aspartate family amino acid(s).

From the above results, the regulation mechanism of lysine biosynthesis in B. flavum was discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of two carbon sources (sucrose and acetate), aeration conditions and threonine concentration on the homoserine and lysine biosynthesis by the threonine-dependent mutant Brevibacterium flavum 2T was examined. It was demonstrated that acetate provided the predominant synthesis of homoserine to a far greater extent than sucrose (with the weight/weight ratio of homoserine : lysine being 2.5-5.0 and 0.8-1,2, respectively). The maximal level of homoserine and lysine was 18-21 and 3-7 g/l on the acetate containing medium and 18-22 and 12-16 g/l on the sucrose containing medium, respectively. On sucrose the total amount of amino acids and the total yield of products as related to the consumed substrate were greater than on acetate. Using the sucrose medium, the effect of aeration conditions and threonine concentration on the biosynthesis of both compounds was investigated. With an aeration increase from 1.3 to 4.6 g O2/l.hr the optimal concentration of threonine in the medium grow. The biosynthesis of homoserine was less sensitive to the inhibitory effect of excessive threonine than that of lysine. With an increase of the threonine concentration in the medium from 0.25 to 3.0 g/l the ratio homoserine : lysine grew from 1.03 to 5.20 (with the sulphite number being 4.6 g O2/l.hr). This effect was independent of the aeration conditions.  相似文献   

The activity of hydrogenase was assayed in the intact cells and subcellular fractions of Brevibacterium flavum. The organism was shown to have the membrane-bound form of hydrogenase. The soluble NAD+-reducing hydrogenase was not found. Oxygen inhibited the hydrogenase activity, and its action was reversible. Molecular hydrogen activated the hydrogenase of B. flavum, which was shown to be a constitutive enzyme.  相似文献   

The regulatory properties of four enzymes (homocitrate synthase, -aminoadipate reductase, saccharopine reductase, saccharopine dehydrogenase) involved in the lysine biosynthesis of Pichia guilliermondii were investigated and compared with the regulatory patterns found in other yeast species. The first enzyme of the pathway, homocitrate synthase, is feedback-inhibited by L-lysine. Some other amino acids (-aminoadipate, glutamate, tryptophan, leucine) and lysine analogues are also inhibitors of one or more enzymes. It is shown that only the synthesis of homocitrate synthase is weakly repressed by L-lysine.  相似文献   

Regulation of enzymes of lysine biosynthesis in Corynebacterium glutamicum   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The regulation of the six enzymes responsible for the conversion of aspartate to lysine, together with homoserine dehydrogenase, was studied in Corynebacterium glutamicum. In addition to aspartate kinase activity, the synthesis of diaminopimelate decarboxylase was also found to be regulated. The specific activity of this enzyme was reduced to one-third in extracts of cells grown in the presence of lysine. Aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase, dihydrodipicolinate synthase, dihydrodipicolinate reductase, and diaminopimelate dehydrogenase were neither influenced in their specific activity, nor inhibited, by any of the aspartate family of amino acids. Homoserine dehydrogenase was repressed by methionine (to 15% of its original activity) and inhibited by threonine (4% remaining activity). Inclusion of leucine in the growth medium resulted in a twofold increase of homoserine dehydrogenase specific activity. The flow of aspartate semialdehyde to either lysine or homoserine was influenced by the activity of homoserine dehydrogenase or dihydrodipicolinate synthase. Thus, the twofold increase in homoserine dehydrogenase activity resulted in a decrease in lysine formation accompanied by the formation of isoleucine. In contrast, repression of homoserine dehydrogenase resulted in increased lysine formation. A similar increase of the flow of aspartate semialdehyde to lysine was found in strains with increased dihydrodipicolinate synthase activity, constructed by introducing the dapA gene of Escherichia coli (coding for the synthase) into C. glutamicum.  相似文献   

黄色短杆菌产L-组氨酸菌株的诱变育种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以黄色短杆菌为出发菌,采用诱变育种的方法选育得到一株能高产L-组氨酸的突变菌株。在加有150g·L-1葡萄 糖;35g·L-1硫酸铵;10g·L-1蛋白胨的发酵培养基中培养72h,产L-组氨酸128.28mg·L-1。  相似文献   

采用甘油防冻营养液对产精氨酸的黄色短杆菌(Brevibacterium flawm)变异株AN78在普通冰箱冷冻室(-18℃~-20℃)进行冷冻保藏试验,4年中分别进行了AN78菌株的产L-精氨酸试验,在500mL摇瓶试验中产精氨酸30-35g/L;保藏2年的菌种在20L发酵罐试验中产精氨酸63.1g/L,转化率22.8%,发酵周期81h。试验结果好于以前的报道。该方法可作为氨基酸生产行业中一种简便有效的菌种冷冻保藏方法。  相似文献   

L-异亮氨酸产生菌选育的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以黄色短杆菌(Brevibacteriumflavum)ATCC14067为出发菌株,经硫酸二乙酯(DES)、紫外线(UV)和亚硝基胍(NTG)逐级诱变处理,α-氨基-β-羟基戊酸(AHV)、S-2-氨基乙基-L-半胱氨酸(AEC)、磺胺胍(SG)、乙硫氨酸(Eth)、α-氨基丁酸(α-AB)、异亮氨酸氧肟酸(IleHx)等氨基酸结构类似物及琥珀酸为碳源平板定向筛选,获得一株L-异亮氨酸高产菌ZQ-4(AHV~γ、AEC~γ、SAM~γ、SG~γ、Eth~γ、α-AB~γ、IleHx~γ)在含13.5%葡萄糖培养基中,摇瓶发酵72h、L-异亮氨酸积累可达2.8-3.0%。  相似文献   

In Brevibacterium flavum, prephenate dehydratase in the phenylalanine specific biosynthetic pathway was strongly inhibited by phenylalanine and activated by tyrosine. Furthermore. the inhibition by phenylalanine was completely reversed by tyrosine. Inhibition by tyrosine of prephenate dehydrogenase in the tyrosine specific pathway was very weak. Overall regulation mechanism of the aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in B. flavum was proposed on the bases of these results and the previous findings on 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7- phosphate synthetase(DAHP synthetase*) of the common pathway and on anthranilate synthetase of the tryptophan specific pathway. Two types of m-fluorophenylalanine(mFP) resistant mutants which accumulated phenylalanine alone or both phenylalanine and tyrosine, respectively, were derived. The accumulation in the former mutants was inhibited by tyrosine, but that in the latter was affected neither by tyrosine nor by phenylalanine. DAHP synthetase of the latter mutants had been desensitized from the synergistic feedback inhibition by tyrosine and phenylalanine, while prephenate dehydratase of the former mutants had been desensitized in the feedback inhibition by phenylalanine. Tyrosine auxotroph accumulated phenylalanine under tyrosine limitation and its accumulation was inhibited by the excessive addition of tyrosine. Phenylalanine auxotroph accumulated tyrosine under phenylalanine limitation and its accumulation was inhibited by the excessive addition of phenylalanine. These results in vivo strongly supported the proposed regulation mechanism in which synthesis of phenylalanine in preference to tyrosine was assumed.  相似文献   

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