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A method for callus induction, adventitious bud regeneration, shoot multiplication and rooting of in vitro formed shoots of Helianthus annuus L. var. Argentario is described. Hypocotyl and cotyledon explants formed callus on medium containing 2 mgl–1 naphthalene acetic acid and 0.5 mgl–1 benzyladenine. Adventitious buds were formed on hypocotyl segments on medium containing 0.5–2 mgl–1 benzyladenine. The optimal level of sucrose concentration for shoot regeneration from hypocotyls was 1.5%. Multiplication from shoot apices was promoted by kinetin (2 mgl–1) plus gibberellic acid (5 mgl–1), benzyladenine (2 mgl–1) plus gibberellic acid (10 mgl–1) or at lower frequency by benzyladenine (1 mgl–1). A general feature of the plantlets formed in vitro was the precocious flowering.  相似文献   

Huang  Xing  Liang  Yongsheng  Zhang  Baoqing  Song  Xiupeng  Li  Yangrui  Li  Changning  Qin  Zhengqiang  Li  Dewei  Wei  Jiguang  Wu  Jianming 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2022,41(7):2614-2628
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Sugarcane is an important crop worldwide, and most sugar is derived directly from sugarcane. Due to its thermophilic nature, the yield of sugarcane is largely...  相似文献   

Introgression of Erianthus arundinaceus has been the focus of several sugarcane breeding programs in the world, because the species has desirable traits such as high biomass production, vigour, ratooning ability and good resistance to environmental stresses and disease. In this study four genetic maps were constructed for two intergeneric populations. The first population (BC1) was generated from a cross between an Erianthus/Saccharum hybrid YC96-40 and a commercial sugarcane variety CP84-1198. The second population (BC2) was generated from a cross between YCE01-116, a progeny of the BC1 cross and NJ57-416, a commercial sugarcane cultivar. Markers across both populations were generated using 35 AFLP and 23 SSR primer pairs. A total of 756 and 728 polymorphic markers were scored in the BC1 and BC2 populations, respectively. In the BC1 population, a higher proportion of markers was derived from the Erianthus ancestor than those from the Saccharum ancestor Badila. In the BC2 population, both the number and proportion of markers derived from Erianthus were approximately half of those in the BC1 population. Linkage analysis led to the construction of 38, 57, 36 and 47 linkage groups (LGs) for YC96-40, CP84-1198, YCE01-116, and NJ57-416, encompassing 116, 174, 97 and 159 markers (including single dose, double dose and bi-parental markers), respectively. These LGs could be further placed into four, five, five and six homology groups (HGs), respectively, based on information from multi-allelic SSR markers and repulsion phase linkages detected between LGs. Analysis of repulsion phase linkage indicated that Erianthus behaved like a true autopolyploid.  相似文献   

Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) straw left in the field after harvest interferes with the growth of winter and summer weeds. In the last years, there was a progressive move away from burning sugarcane straw to retaining it on the soil surface after harvest to prevent soil degradation and environmental pollution. Water-soluble phenolics leachated from straw into soil may suppress weed growth. A study was carried out to investigate (1) the effect of biotic (unautoclaved) soil treated with burned and unburned sugarcane straw leachates on seedling growth and foliar proline content of beggarticks (Bidens subalternans L.) and wild mustard (Brassica campestris L.), (2) the modification of sugarcane straw phytotoxicity in abiotic (autoclaved) soil and biotic (unautoclaved) soil plus activated charcoal, and (3) changes of inorganic ions and phenolic contents in biotic soil after treatment with burned and unburned sugarcane straw leachate. Unburned straw leachate significantly inhibited root elongation of 7-d-old beggarticks and wild mustard seedlings. Burned straw leachate did not affect seedling growth of the assayed weeds suggesting that organic straw phytotoxins were involved. Experiments with activated charcoal, however, did not provide clear evidence supporting the involve of organic molecules in straw phytotoxicity. Unburned straw leachate incorporated in biotic soil was more inhibitory than in abiotic soil on root growth suggesting that microbial activity is involved in sugarcane straw interference. There was no evidence of nutrient microbial immobilization. Unburned sugarcane straw leachate increased total phenolic content in biotic soil more than in abiotic soil or biotic soil plus charcoal. Burned sugarcane straw leachate did not increase phenolic compounds levels in biotic soil. Linear regression analysis indicated a strong correlation between levels of soil phenolic contents and root growth inhibition. Soil characteristics evaluated in soil treated with burned and unburned sugarcane straw leachate suggest that straw phytotoxicity is related with organic molecules, such as phenolic compounds, rather than to variations in inorganic nutrients. Unburned straw leachate induced proline accumulation in seedling leaves of both beggarticks and wild mustard. Proline foliar content was higher in seedlings grown in biotic soil than in seedlings grown in biotic soil plus charcoal suggesting that straw organic constituents induced proline accumulation. Proline foliar content of seedlings grown in biotic soil treated with burned straw leachate was not significantly different from water control. The present study showed that sugarcane straw leachate interferes with seedling growth of beggarticks and wild mustard and that water-soluble phenolics can play a role in the seedling growth inhibition of the assayed weeds.  相似文献   

甘蔗器官固氮酶活性及其对接种固氮菌的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林丽  张新成  李杨瑞  梁俊 《西北植物学报》2008,28(12):2472-2477
以巴西固氮甘蔗品种B1、B8和广西主栽甘蔗品种ROC22和ROC16为材料,通过桶栽砂培方法,研究不同品种甘蔗及接种固氮菌R16SH后不同生育期和不同器官(根、茎、叶片、叶鞘)的固氮酶活性.结果显示,4个品种甘蔗及接菌后各器官的固氮酶活性均在伸长初期或伸长盛期达到高峰,且以根和茎较高,叶、叶鞘次之;B1、B8根的接菌效果最佳,其固氮酶活性分别比对照增加13.22%和12.42%,而B1和ROC16茎的固氮酶活性分别比对照提高12.19%和12.02%,叶片提高了8%~9%,叶鞘的固氮酶活性变化最小;4个品种甘蔗固氮酶活性表现为B8>B1>ROC22>ROC16,且品种B8与ROC22和ROC16存在显著或极显著差异;相对于品种ROC22和ROC16,固氮菌R16SH对B1与B8的株高以及B1的茎径有更好的生长诱导效应,且在伸长期表现最明显.研究表明,甘蔗的固氮酶活性在品种、器官及生育期间均存在明显差异,接种固氮菌能不同程度提高各品种器官的固氮酶活性,且各品种根、茎以及B1和B8的叶片固氮酶活性显著或极显著差异增加;巴西固氮甘蔗品种表现出比广西主栽甘蔗品种更强的固氮酶活性,且对接种固氮菌反应更敏感.  相似文献   

甘蔗与斑茅割手密复合体杂交后代的分子标记鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效利用甘蔗野生种质拓宽甘蔗遗传基础,本研究利用甘蔗与斑茅割手密复合体进行杂交,同时应用序列相关扩增多态性(SRAP)和微卫星(SSR)分子标记技术鉴定其后代。两种分子标记鉴定结果相互印证表明:3个杂交组合的后代中,经表型鉴定含斑茅血缘的34个后代为真杂种。该真杂种后代为进一步综合利用斑茅、割手密的优异基因改良甘蔗品种提供了优良的创新种质。  相似文献   

甘蔗不同部位的固氮酶活性检测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
比较巴西2个固氮甘蔗品种‘B1’、‘B8’的叶片、主脉、叶鞘、茎、根和根际周围固氮酶活性的结果表明:茎、根、根际周围的固氮酶活性较高。  相似文献   

斑茅割手密复合体(GXAS07-6-1)是广西蔗茅属斑茅和广西甘蔗属割手密的属间杂种,聚集了双亲的优点。本研究利用基于Alu-like的PCR鉴定方法对GXAS07-6-1及甘蔗与GXAS07-6-1的3份F_1材料进行真实性鉴定,基于基因组原位杂交技术(GISH)对父本GXAS07-6-1及其3份F_1染色体组成及核型进行分析。研究结果表明:3份F_1材料为GXAS07-6-1的真杂种;父本GXAS07-6-1的染色体众数为62条,其中30条来自蔗茅属斑茅,32条来自甘蔗属割手密,核型分类属于1B,其染色体按"n+n"方式传递;GXASF_108-2-17、GXASF_108-2-22、GXASF_108-2-32的染色体数目为78~80条,其中69~71条来自甘蔗属,9~11条来自蔗茅属斑茅,3份F_1的核型分类分别属于2B、1B、1B,染色体传递方式均为"n+n"。父本GXAS07-6-1及3份F_1材料中均未发现有染色体的交换或易位现象。甘蔗与斑割复合体杂交,蔗茅属斑茅染色体在亲子间传递过程存在丢失现象。  相似文献   

甘蔗抗旱性生理生化鉴定指标   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
利用因子分析和灰色关联度分析方法研究了甘蔗叶片相对含水量、膜脂过氧化代谢、活性氧代谢、光合参数及蔗茎产量性状等指标与抗旱性的关系.结果表明,干旱胁迫下甘蔗叶片的MDA含量和PMP明显提高,而RWC、SOD活性、Chl含量、Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、△Fv/Ft、△Fv/Fo和蔗茎单茎重(SSW)8个抗旱性指标均显著降低.SSW与其它9个生理生化指标的相关性大小依次为PMP>SOD活性>MDA含量>RWC>Fv/Fo>Fv/Fm>Chl含量>Fv/Fo>Fv/Ft,其中,SSW与Fv/Fo和ΔFv/Ft相关性不显著.通过因子分析将10个甘蔗抗旱性指标用4个公共因子表示,累加方差贡献率达到92.08%.因子l主要是反映光合作用特性指标对甘蔗品种抗旱性起支配作用,因子2主要是反映叶片相对含水量及活性氧代谢指标对甘蔗品种抗旱性起支配作用,因子3和因子4分别只有SSW和Chl含量有较大载荷.灰色关联度分析表明,各抗旱性生理生化指标与SSW关联密切程度依次为Fv/Fm>PMP>Fv/Fo>RWC>MDA含量>SOD活性>ΔFv/Ft>Chl含量>Fv/Fo.  相似文献   

A possible strategy to produce variant sugarcane plants with beneficial traits was tested by promoting somaclonal variation in vitro through the action of the hypomethylation and mutagenic agent 5-Azacytidine (Azac). Treatment of calli in liquid medium caused high levels of necrosis. Consequently, 6- to 8-week-old calli of cultivar NCo376 were exposed to 50 and 100 μM Azac in semi-solid callus induction medium (CIM) (MS salts and vitamins, sucrose, casein hydrolysate, agar, with or without 3 mg l?1 2,4-D) for 1 week. They were then transferred to fresh CIM with 2,4-D and to CIM without 2,4-D, for 2 and 8–10 weeks, respectively. The highest callus necrosis (>60 %) and reduced recovery (<40 %) were recorded for calli treated with 100 μM Azac without 2,4-D, which also resulted in lower plant yield (12 plantlets/0.2 g calli) than the control (18 plantlets/0.2 g calli). From methylation-sensitive amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses, the highest polymorphisms (4.2 %) were also obtained from plants derived from the 100 μM Azac treatment without 2,4-D. After 9 months of field growth, Azac-derived plants exhibited phenotypic differences compared with the controls. Ex vitro screening resulted in the identification of one plant from the 100 μM Azac with 2,4-D treatment putatively tolerant to smut, and three plants from the 100 μM Azac with 2,4-D and one from the 50 μM Azac with 2,4-D treatments, potentially tolerant to the herbicide imazapyr.  相似文献   

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant - Mutagenic breeding is an approach being developed especially for those characteristics that are not inherited through conventional genetic...  相似文献   

Trehalose Is a nonreduclng dlsaccharlde of glucose that functions as a protectant In the stabilization of blologlcal structures and enhances stress tolerance to abiotic stresses in organisms. We report here the expression of a Grlfola frondosa trehalose synthase (TSase) gene for Improving drought tolerance In sugarcane (Saccharum offlclnarum L.). The expression of the transgene was under the control of two tandem copies of the CaMV35S promoter and transferred Into sugarcane by Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105. The transgenlc plants accumulated high levels of trehalose, up to 8.805-12.863 mg/g fresh weight, whereas It was present at undetectable level in nontransgenlc plants. It has been reported that transgenlc plants transformed with Escherlchla coil TPS (trehalose-6-phosphatesynthase) and/or TPP (trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase) are severely stunted and have root morphologlc alterations. Interestingly, our transgenlc sugarcane plants had no obvious morphological changes and no growth Inhibition in the field. Trehalose accumulation in 35S-35S:TSase plants resulted In In- creased drought tolerance, as shown by the drought and the drought physiological Indexes, such as the rate of bound water/free water, plasma membrane permeability, malondlaldehyde content, chlorophyll a and b contents, and activity of SOD and POD of the excised leaves. These results suggest that transgenlc plants transformed with the TSase gene can accumulate high levels of trehalose and have enhanced tolerance to drought.  相似文献   

An in vitro system was established for the characterisation of inorganic nitrogen uptake by sugarcane plantlets of variety NCo376. After multiplication and rooting, plantlets (0.27–0.3 g fresh mass) were placed on N-free medium for 4 days, and then supplied with 2–20 mM N as NO3 ?-N only, NH4 +-N only or NO3 ?-N + NH4 +-N (as 1:1). With few exceptions, on all the tested N media, the in vitro plants always had a higher Vmax for NH4 +-N (28.69–66.51 μmol g?1 h?1) than for NO3 ?-N uptake (10.24–30.19 μmol g?1 h?1) and the Km indicated a higher affinity for NO3 ?-N (0.02–7.38 mM) than for NH4 +-N (0.06–9.15 mM). When N was applied as 4 and 20 mM to varieties N12, N19 and N36, the interaction between variety, N form and concentration resulted in differences in the Vmax and Km. The high N-use efficient varieties (N12 and N19), as determined in previous pot and field trials, behaved similarly under all tested conditions and displayed a lower Vmax and Km than the low N-use efficient ones (NCo376 and N36). Based on this finding, it was suggested that the N-use efficient designation (from pot and field trials) may not be ascribed solely to N uptake. Assessment of the relative preference index (RPI) for NO3 ?-N and NH4 +-N uptake revealed that, at present, the RPI has no application in sugarcane due to its preferential uptake of NH4 +-N.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium-mediated transformation (AMT) of sugarcane has been limited by low transformation efficiency, high variability between experiments and genotype specificity. We tested combinations of parameters that have been useful in other recalcitrant plant systems, aiming to develop an efficient and reproducible method. Applied to elite sugarcane cultivar Q117, key parameters were (i) minimal handling of callus near the time of co-cultivation, (ii) use of a super-binary helper vector with additional virB,C,G gene copies, and (iii) use of Agrobacterium strain AGL1. Transformation efficiency was in the range 0.5 to 3.5 stably transformed, embryogenic-callus-forming lines per gram fresh weight of co-cultivated callus, over six independent callus batches. Addition of 5 μM copper sulphate to the callus-growth medium appeared beneficial in a single further test. Following selection for aminoglycoside resistance conferred by PUbi-aphA, 87 % of transformed lines that formed embryogenic callus were regenerable to plants. Southern blot analysis of 24 transgenic lines showed 21 % with a single-copy insertion of an intact T-DNA without vector backbone, and a mean transgene copy number of 2.5. Over multiple batches, the AMT protocol approached the transformation efficiency from our routine conditions for particle bombardment of Q117. However, the same parameters were ineffective for AMT of cultivars Q208 and Q172, and yielded a lower transformation efficiency (0.02) with KQ228. As experienced in other systems such as rice, high-efficiency transformation of one recipient genotype may provide useful starting parameters for work towards AMT of additional genotypes.  相似文献   

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