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Spiders are considered conservative with regard to their resting metabolic rate, presenting the same allometric relation with body mass as the majority of land-arthropods. Nevertheless, web-building is thought to have a great impact on the energetic metabolism, and any modification that affects this complex behavior is expected to have an impact over the daily energetic budget. We analyzed the possibility of the presence of the cribellum having an effect on the allometric relation between resting metabolic rate and body mass for an ecribellate species (Zosis geniculata) and a cribellate one (Metazygia rogenhoferi), and employed a model selection approach to test if these species had the same allometric relationship as other land-arthropods. Our results show that M. rogenhoferi has a higher resting metabolic rate, while Z. geniculata fitted the allometric prediction for land arthropods. This indicates that the absence of the cribellum is associated with a higher resting metabolic rate, thus explaining the higher promptness to activity found for the ecribellate species. If our result proves to be a general rule among spiders, the radiation of Araneoidea could be connected to a more energy-consuming life style. Thus, we briefly outline an alternative model of diversification of Araneoidea that accounts for this possibility.  相似文献   

Manggur, which means to plane down or sharpen, is a manual process in producing copper blades of Balinese gamelan orchestra. The craftsmen of Manggur work 6 to 8 hours a day, sitting on the floor with folded legs and hunched back. Because the craftsmen often complain about musculoskeletal problems after having completed a full day work, an ergonomic intervention was made by changing their usual working posture (the first working posture) into working on tables while sitting on chairs for one hour and alternately standing for half an hour (the second working posture). Treatment by subject design was applied to 22 randomly chosen craftsmen. Resting heart rate and working heart rate were measured by using a stopwatch, and the number of musculoskeletal complaints were recorded with Nordic Body Map Questionnaire. As a result, the second working posture caused significant reductions in working heart rate, work pulse (the difference between working heart rate and resting heart rate) and the number of musculoskeletal complaints. These results suggest that the change of working posture in manggur decreases cardiovascular load and musculoskeletal strain among Balinese gamelan craftsmen.  相似文献   

Bats play a key role as host for multiple microorganism and virus without showing clinical manifestations of disease. After recognition of a potential threat, innate immunity triggers acute phase response, a systemic reaction that contributes to restrain microbial and viral growth. APR is characterized by fever, leukocytosis, and production of acute phase proteins, but also by behavioral changes, including somnolence, lethargy, and anorexia. Deploying immune responses, such as acute phase response, represents an energetic cost for vertebrates. In bats, it has been suggested that higher metabolic rates reached during flight might subsidize any inherent cost of raising metabolism to activate an immune response. Therefore, a central question is whether immune response represents a significant cost to bats and, if so, how much is the metabolic cost of these responses. Here, we assess the resting metabolic rate of Artibeus lituratus in response to challenge with LPS. In addition, we assessed parameters of acute phase response including fever, body mass loss, and leukocytosis in this specie. We found that challenge with LPS leads to an increase of 40% in resting metabolic rate of A. lituratus, concomitant with body mass loss and an increase in body temperature of 1.5 °C.  相似文献   

The energetic cost of acoustic signalling varies tremendously among species. Understanding factors responsible for this heterogeneity is important for understanding the costs and benefits of signalling. Here, we present a general model, based on well‐established principles of bioenergetics, which predicts the energetic cost of call production across species. We test model predictions using an extensive database of resting and calling metabolic rates of insects, amphibians and birds. Results are largely supportive of model predictions. Calling metabolic rates scale predictably with body mass and temperature such that calling and resting metabolic rates are directly proportional to each other. The cost of acoustic signalling is ~8 times higher than resting metabolic rate in ectotherms, and ~2 times higher in birds. Differences in the increase in metabolic rate during calling are explained by the relative size of species’ sound‐producing muscles. Combined with published work, we quantify call efficiency and discuss model implications.  相似文献   

Arctic marine mammals live in a rapidly changing environment due to the amplified effects of global warming. Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) have responded to declines in Arctic sea-ice extent by increasingly hauling out on land farther from their benthic foraging habitat. Energy models can be useful for better understanding the potential implications of changes in behavior on body condition and reproduction but require behavior-specific metabolic rates. Here we measured the resting metabolic rates (RMR) of three captive, adult female Pacific walruses through breath-by-breath respirometry when fed and fasted resting out of water (sitting and lying down) and while fed resting in water. RMR in and out of water were positively related with pretrial energy intake when not fasted and 25% higher than RMR when walruses were fasted and out of water. Overall, RMR was higher than previously estimated for this species. Fasting RMR out of water was only 25% lower than subsurface swimming metabolic rates suggestive of relatively efficient swimming in adult females. Our results identify the importance of considering feeding status and species-specific differences in affecting metabolic costs. Further research is needed to better understand potential energetic costs of thermoregulation at temperatures experienced by wild walruses.  相似文献   

Behavioral thermoregulation represents an important strategy for reducing energetic costs in thermally challenging environments, particularly among terrestrial vertebrates. Because of the cryptic lifestyle of aquatic species, the energetic benefits of such behaviors in marine endotherms have been much more difficult to demonstrate. In this study, I examined the importance of behavioral thermoregulation in the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) pup, a small-bodied endotherm that spends prolonged periods at sea. The thermal neutral zones of three weaned male northern fur seal pups (body mass range = 11.8-12.8 kg) were determined by measuring resting metabolic rate using open-flow respirometry at water temperatures ranging from 2.5° to 25.0°C. Metabolic rate averaged 10.03 ± 2.26 mL O?kg?1 min?1 for pups resting within their thermal neutral zone; lower critical temperature was 8.3° ± 2.5°C , approximately 8°C higher than the coldest sea surface temperatures encountered in northern Pacific waters. To determine whether behavioral strategies could mitigate this potential thermal limitation, I measured metabolic rate during grooming activities and the unique jughandling behavior of fur seals. Both sedentary grooming and active grooming resulted in significant increases in metabolic rate relative to rest (P = 0.001), and percent time spent grooming increased significantly at colder water temperatures (P < 0.001). Jughandling metabolic rate (12.71 ± 2.73 mL O?kg?1 min ?1) was significantly greater than resting rates at water temperatures within the thermal neutral zone (P < 0.05) but less than resting metabolism at colder water temperatures. These data indicate that behavioral strategies may help to mitigate thermal challenges faced by northern fur seal pups while resting at sea.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1998,55(4):905-913
Pair formation in the lesser wax moth,Achroia grisella(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), is initiated by male ultrasonic signals that attract receptive females. Individual males vary in attractiveness to females, and the most attractive males are distinguished by exaggeration of three signal characters: pulse rate, peak amplitude and asynchrony interval (temporal separation between pulses generated by movements of the left and right wings during a given wing upstroke or downstroke). Using flow-through respirometry, we measured the resting and signalling metabolic rates of males whose relative attractiveness was known. Acoustic recordings and metabolic measurements were made simultaneously, and we calculated net metabolic rates and factorial metabolic scopes as measures for the energetic cost of signalling. On average, attractive males had higher net metabolic rates and factorial metabolic scopes than unattractive ones, but many unattractive males also had high values. Thus, high expenditure of energy on signalling is necessary but not sufficient for attractiveness. This may result because only one of the three signal characters critical for female preference, pulse rate, is correlated with energy expenditure. Although the results are consistent with the good genes model of sexual selection, they do not conflict with other indirect or direct mechanisms of female choice.  相似文献   

1. The interaction between the density of ingesta and gravity observed in the digestive systems of ruminant herbivores should receive attention in other non‐ruminant herbivorous mammals. The resting postures adopted by non‐ruminants are of particular interest. 2. A new interpretation of established findings regarding the digestive tract of sloths illustrates that the interplay of posture, anatomy, the density of ingesta and gravity can provide a novel explanation of behavioural and morphological adaptations in herbivores, as the average particle size and dry‐matter content increases within their forestomach from its caudal towards its cranial portion. In sloths, this could be indicative of a stratification of ingesta occurring in the upright sitting posture adopted while resting, as opposed to their characteristic upside down posture when moving. 3. The sitting resting posture of sloths could therefore be an adaptation to exploit the tendency of the forestomach contents to stratify in order to pass larger, more difficult‐to‐digest particles faster from the fermentation chamber.  相似文献   

Does the strength of an immune response reflect its energetic cost?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The energetic cost of immune responses has been proposed to be an important basis for trade-offs between life-history traits, such as between survival and reproduction. A critical assumption of this hypothesis is that the magnitude of the energetic cost increases with the strength of an immune response, so that energy can be saved by partly suppressing a response. Here, we test this assumption experimentally. The immune system of great tits Parus major was experimentally activated by injecting different doses of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in the wing web. We found the resting metabolic rate of immune challenged birds to increase by 5%. However, although great tits injected with a high dose had a stronger immune response, this was not paralleled by a higher metabolic rate. Thus, we found the energetic cost of the immune response to be relatively low and not dose-dependent. This suggests to us that the energetic cost of immune responses cannot form the basis for trade-offs between life-history traits.  相似文献   

Negative effects of parasites on their hosts are well documented, but the proximate mechanisms by which parasites reduce their host’s fitness are poorly understood. For example, it has been suggested that parasites might be energetically demanding. However, a recent meta-analysis suggests that they have statistically insignificant effects on host resting metabolic rate (RMR). It is possible, though, that energetic costs associated with parasites are only manifested during and/or following periods of activity. Here, we measured CO2 production (a surrogate for metabolism) in Mediterranean geckos (Hemidactylus turcicus) infected with a lung parasite, the pentastome Raillietiella indica, under two physiological conditions: rested and recently active. In rested geckos, there was a negative, but non-significant association between the number of pentastomes (i.e., infection intensity) and CO2 production. In recently active geckos (chased for 3 minutes), we recorded CO2 production from its maximum value until it declined to a stationary phase. We analyzed this decline as a 3 phase function (initial decline, secondary decline, stationary). Geckos that were recently active showed, in the secondary phase, a significant decrease in CO2 production as pentastome intensity increased. Moreover, duration of the secondary phase showed a significant positive association with the number of pentastomes. These results suggest that the intensity of pentastome load exerts a weak effect on the metabolism of resting geckos, but a strong physiological effect on geckos that have recently been active; we speculate this occurs via mechanical constraints on breathing. Our results provide a potential mechanism by which pentastomes can reduce gecko fitness.  相似文献   

The growth/survival trade-off is a fundamental aspect of life-history evolution that is often explained by the direct energetic requirement for growth that cannot be allocated into maintenance. However, there is currently no empirical consensus on whether fast-growing individuals have higher resting metabolic rates at thermoneutrality (RMRt) than slow growers. Moreover, the link between growth rate and daily energy expenditure (DEE) has never been tested in a wild endotherm. We assessed the energetic and survival costs of growth in juvenile eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) during a year of low food abundance by quantifying post-emergent growth rate (n = 88), RMRt (n = 66), DEE (n = 20), and overwinter survival. Both RMRt and DEE were significantly and positively related to growth rate. The effect size was stronger for DEE than RMRt, suggesting that the energy cost of growth in wild animals is more likely to be related to the maintenance of a higher foraging rate (included in DEE) than to tissue accretion (included in RMRt). Fast growers were significantly less likely to survive the following winter compared to slow growers. Juveniles with high or low RMRt were less likely to survive winter than juveniles with intermediate RMRt. In contrast, DEE was unrelated to survival. In addition, botfly parasitism simultaneously decreased growth rate and survival, suggesting that the energetic budget of juveniles was restricted by the simultaneous costs of growth and parasitism. Although the biology of the species (seed-storing hibernator) and the context of our study (constraining environmental conditions) were ideally combined to reveal a direct relationship between current use of energy and future availability, it remains unclear whether the energetic cost of growth was directly responsible for reduced survival.  相似文献   

Measurements of the energy costs of individual behaviours provide insights into how animals trade-off resource allocation and energy acquisition decisions. The energetic costs while resting on water are poorly known for seabirds but could comprise a substantial proportion of their daily energy expenditure. We measured the cost of resting on water in Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla , a species which does not fly during the night and for which estimating energy expenditure while resting on the water is therefore important. Their resting metabolic rate on water at 12.5 °C was at least 40% higher compared with resting at the same temperature in air. This indicates that, at comparable temperatures, metabolic costs are elevated for birds resting at sea compared with on land. We argue that Kittiwakes meet much of this extra thermoregulatory demand by dedicated metabolic activity. During the winter months, their costs are likely to be even higher owing to lower sea temperatures. Accordingly, we suggest that migration to milder latitudes, following breeding, will provide enhanced benefits, particularly to seabirds such as Kittiwakes which rest on the sea surface during darkness.  相似文献   

Temperature and mass dependency of insect metabolic rates are well known, while less attention has been given to other factors, such as age. Among insect species that experience seasonal variation in environmental conditions, such as in temperate latitudes, age may also have indirect effects on the metabolic rate. We examined the effect of age on the resting metabolic rate of Leptinotarsa decemlineata during 11 days after adult emergence by using flow-through respirometry. Age had a significant mass-independent effect on metabolic rate of beetles. A twofold increase in metabolic rate occurred during the first 2 days of adult life after which metabolic rate decreased with age relatively slowly. Ten day-old adult beetles had a metabolic rate similar to newly emerged beetles. The beetles have to be able to complete their development and prepare for overwintering during the relatively short favourable summer periods. Therefore, the observed pattern in metabolic rate may reflect physiological changes in the pre-diapause beetles adapted to temperate latitudes.  相似文献   

Howlers (Alouatta spp.) spend more than half of the daytime resting and their diet consists predominantly of leaves. Associated with a general strategy of energy conservation, their positional behavior is characterized by quadrupedalism as the major locomotor mode, and sitting as the most common resting and feeding posture. However, researchers have sparse information on the degree to which age-sex classes fit the generic trends and the influence of habitat structure on them. We compare the activity budget, dietary composition, and positional behavior by age-sex or age classes in a group of black-and-gold howlers (Alouatta caraya) in a small orchard forest. We collected 26,474 behavioral records via instantaneous scan sampling over 1 yr. The main activity was resting (56%) and the diet comprised mainly leaves (82%); sitting was the most adopted feeding (61%) and resting (52%) posture, and walking was the most prevalent locomotor mode (38%). There are age-sex differences for all major behaviors. Whereas resting tended to increase with body size, moving decreased. We observed no difference in the consumption of major plant parts. There were ontogenetic differences in most positional behaviors. Sitting increased from infants to adults during feeding, whereas the opposite occurred for bridging and hanging. During resting, infants curled more and lay less than the other classes did, whereas adults engaged in more sitting. Adults and subadults walked more than individuals of other ages did; infants climbed and bridged more than others did; and, there were opposing trends in leaping and descending. Habitat structure is a partial explanation of the locomotor behavior of black-and-gold howlers.  相似文献   

Energy expenditure was measured during pregnancy in seven primigravid women at 12-15, 25-28, and 34-36 weeks and after the cessation of lactation. On each occasion the resting metabolic rate and the increase in metabolic rate after ingestion of a liquid test meal were measured by indirect calorimetry. In absolute terms the resting metabolic rate increased steadily during pregnancy but when expressed per unit of body weight no change was found. The energetic response to a mixed constituent meal was significantly reduced by 28% in the middle trimester of pregnancy. These findings suggest a possible maternal adaptation to increase energetic efficiency at a time when the energy demands of the fetus are high.  相似文献   

Understanding the cost of immune function is essential for more accurate characterization of energy budgets of animals and better understanding of the role of immunity in the evolution of life-history strategies. We examined the energetic cost of maintaining a normally functioning immune system and mounting a mild immune response in wild male white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). To evaluate the cost of maintaining immunocompetence, we compared resting and daily metabolic rates (RMR; DMR) and masses of body organs of mice whose immune systems were suppressed by cyclophosphamide with those of control mice. To evaluate the cost of mounting an immune response, we measured RMR, DMR, and organ masses in mice whose humoral and cell-mediated immune responses had been stimulated by injections of sheep red blood cells and phytohemagglutinin, respectively. Immunosuppression resulted in a significant reduction in circulating leukocytes, by 225%, but no significant effect on metabolic rates or organ masses. Immunochallenged animals showed no significant differences in metabolic rates compared with control animals but did exhibit significantly smaller dry masses of the small intestine and testes, by 74% and 22%, respectively. We concluded that the cost of maintaining the immune system was minimal. In contrast, there was a significant energetic cost of mounting an immune response that, depending on its magnitude, can be met through reductions in energy allocation to other physiological systems.  相似文献   



Resting pulse rate has been observed to be associated with cardiovascular diseases. However, its association with lipid metabolic dysfunctions remains unclear, especially resting pulse rate as an indicator for identifying the risk of lipid metabolic dysfunctions. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between resting pulse rate and lipid metabolic dysfunctions, and then evaluate the feasibility of resting pulse rate as an indicator for screening the risk of lipid metabolic dysfunctions.


A cross-sectional survey was performed, and 16,926 subjects were included in this study from rural community residents aged 35–78 years. Resting pulse rate and relevant covariates were collected from a standard questionnaire. The fasting blood samples were collected and measured for lipid profile. Predictive performance was analyzed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.


A significant correlation was observed between resting pulse rate and TC (r = 0.102, P = 0.001), TG (r = 0.182, P = 0.001), and dyslipidemia (r = 0.037, P = 0.008). In the multivariate models, the adjusted odds ratios for hypercholesterolemia (from 1.07 to 1.15), hypertriglyceridemia (1.11 to 1.16), low HDL hypercholesterolemia (1.03 to 1.06), high LDL hypercholesterolemia (0.92 to 1.14), and dyslipidemia (1.04 to 1.07) were positively increased across quartiles of resting pulse rate (P for trend <0.05). The ROC curve indicated that resting pulse rate had low sensitivity (78.95%, 74.18%, 51.54%, 44.39%, and 54.22%), specificity (55.88%, 59.46%, 57.27%, 65.02%, and 60.56%), and the area under ROC curve (0.70, 0.69, 0.54, 0.56, and 0.58) for identifying the risk of hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL hypercholesterolemia, high LDL hypercholesterolemia, and dyslipidemia, respectively.


Fast resting pulse rate was associated with a moderate increased risk of lipid metabolic dysfunctions in rural adults. However, resting pulse rate as an indicator has limited potential for screening the risk of lipid metabolic dysfunctions.  相似文献   

B. G. Lovegrove 《Oecologia》1986,69(4):551-555
Summary The social Damara mole-rat Cryptomys damarensis (124 g), has a mean (±SD) resting metabolic rate of 0.57±0.09 cm3 O2 g-1 h-1, within a thermoneutral zone of 27–31° C. This rate of metabolism is 43% lower than that predicted by the curve for rodents, and 29% lower than that predicted by the subterranean rodent curve. These data support the hypothesis that the resting metabolic rates of social and solitary subterranean rodents are lower than those of solitary species inhabiting mesic habitats. These low resting metabolic rates may represent an energy-saving adaptation to aridity. The energetic cost of burrowing, in relation to the dispersion patterns of food in arid habitats, may explain these low metabolic rates.  相似文献   

Changes in ambient temperature and solar radiation may affect sloths' metabolic rate and body temperature, with consequent changes in activities, postures and microhabitat selection. Although the separate effect of temperature and solar radiation on sloth's behaviour have been previously studied, the combined effect of these climatic factors on behavioural aspects of sloths has never been systematically evaluated in field conditions. Here we evaluated the influence of hourly ambient temperature variation on maned sloth (Bradypus torquatus) activities, postures and tree crown positions, under sunny and cloudy conditions; and tested if any of the animal posture and position increase their exposure to human detection. We performed 350 h of visual observation on eight maned sloths, equipped with radio-backpacks, in northern Bahia, Brazil, recording their activities, and their resting postures and positions on tree crowns. We also recorded the time taken to visualize the sloths on 58 days to analyse if sloths' detection is affected by posture and position. Higher ambient temperature, within a range of 21–33°C, increased the sloths' activity levels in cloudy conditions but reduced their activity in sunny conditions. Increasing ambient temperature also reduced the frequency of huddled posture and increased the frequency of extended posture and permanence in the inner tree crown. Lastly, the postures and positions did not influence sloths' detectability. Thus, the direction of the temperature–activity relationship depends on climatic conditions (sunny/cloudy), and individuals rely on resting postures and positions to thermoregulate. The warmer and drier future climate, expected to occur in the northern Atlantic Forest, may impose change in the diurnal activity levels and postural pattern for this threatened species, leading maned sloths to reduce its activity on sunny and warmer days and adopting an extended posture.  相似文献   

The functional link between food as an energy source and metabolizable energy is the digestive tract. The digestive organs may change in size, structure, or retention time in response to energetic demands of the animal. Very efficient digestive tracts may be better at processing food but require higher energetic investments for maintenance even when post-absorptive. These costs influence the resting metabolic rate (RMR) that is defined as the energy necessary to fuel vital metabolic functions in a resting animal. In bats a trade-off between the necessity for a highly efficient digestive tract and moderate energetic maintenance costs may be particularly important. We hypothesized that low RMR coincides with low digestive efficiency (defined as apparent metabolizable energy coefficient (MEC)) and that phases of increased energetic demand are compensated for by increased digestive efficiency. We measured RMR and apparent MEC in the bats species Myotis nattereri, M. bechsteinii, and Plecotus auritus. In support of our hypothesis, M. nattereri has the lowest mass-specific RMR of the three species and the lowest apparent MEC. However, apparent MEC did not change during phases with differing energetic demands in any of the bat species, probably because bats operate at the limit of their sustainable energy demand.  相似文献   

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