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Belgio  Erica  Trsková  Eliška  Kotabová  Eva  Ewe  Daniela  Prášil  Ondřej  Kaňa  Radek 《Photosynthesis research》2018,135(1-3):263-274
Photosynthesis Research - It has previously been shown that the long-term treatment of Arabidopsis thaliana with the chloroplast inhibitor lincomycin leads to photosynthetic membranes enriched in...  相似文献   

Chromera velia is a newly cultured photosynthetic marine alveolate. This microalga has a high iron requirement for respiration and photosynthesis, although its natural environment contains less than 1 nm of this metal. We found that this organism uses a novel mechanism of iron uptake, differing from the classic reductive and siderophore-mediated iron uptake systems characterized in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and present in most yeasts and terrestrial plants. C. velia has no trans-plasma membrane electron transfer system, and thus cannot reduce extracellular ferric chelates. It is also unable to use hydroxamate siderophores as iron sources. Iron uptake from ferric citrate by C. velia is not inhibited by a ferrous chelator, but the rate of uptake is strongly decreased by increasing the ferric ligand (citrate) concentration. The cell wall contains a large number of iron binding sites, allowing the cells to concentrate iron in the vicinity of the transport sites. We describe a model of iron uptake in which aqueous ferric ions are first concentrated in the cell wall before being taken up by the cells without prior reduction. We discuss our results in relation to the strategies used by the phytoplankton to take up iron in the oceans.Chromera velia is a newly cultured marine alveolate containing a photosynthetic plastid phylogenetically related to vestigial plastids in apicomplexan (Moore et al., 2008). It represents the closest free-living photosynthetic relative to apicomplexan parasites, thus providing a powerful model to study the evolution of eukaryotic adaptability (Moore et al., 2008). To gain further insight into the biology of this organism, the genome of which remains unsequenced, we investigated its iron metabolism and its mechanisms of iron uptake. We compared the data obtained with other phytoplanktonic organisms sharing the same ecological niche, and with a terrestrial unicellular eukaryote, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. S. cerevisiae is phylogenetically distant from C. velia, but its mechanisms of iron uptake are well characterized, and thus constitutes a useful model in these studies.Iron uptake by terrestrial microorganisms and plants is mostly based on the use of two main strategies, both of which have been previously characterized in S. cerevisiae. The first strategy is the reductive mechanism of uptake. Extracellular ferric complexes are first dissociated by reduction, via trans-plasma membrane electron transfer catalyzed by specialized flavohemoproteins (Fre). Free iron is then imported by a high-affinity permease system (Ftr1) coupled to a copper-dependent oxidase (Fet3), allowing iron to be channeled through the plasma membrane. In the second strategy, the siderophore-mediated mechanism, siderophores excreted by the cells or produced by other bacterial or fungal species are taken up without prior dissociation, via specific, copper-independent high-affinity receptors. Iron is then dissociated from the siderophores inside the cells, probably by reduction (for review, see Kosman, 2003; Philpott, 2006). Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a photosynthetic eukaryotic model organism for the study of iron homeostasis, which shares with yeast the strategy 1 of iron uptake (copper-dependent reductive iron uptake; Merchant et al., 2006).Much less is known about the strategies used by marine phytoplankton to acquire iron. Some data suggest that these two strategies are used by some marine microalgae (Soria-Dengg and Horstmann, 1995; Allen et al., 2008). However, for most marine unicellular eukaryotes the mechanisms of iron assimilation are completely unknown. The strategies used by these organisms to acquire iron must have evolved to adapt to the very particular conditions that prevail in their surrounding natural environment: The transition metal composition of the ocean differs greatly from that of terrestrial environments (Butler, 1998). In particular, iron levels in surface seawater are extremely low (0.02–1 nm; Turner et al., 2001). Therefore a strategy of iron uptake operating efficiently in a terrestrial environment that contains iron at a micromolar level may be inefficient in a marine environment. No classic iron uptake system with an affinity constant in the nanomolar range has ever been found. Additionally, the marine environment imposes physical limits on the classic strategies of uptake, including the high diffusion rate of the species of interest (siderophores or reduced iron; Völker and Wolf-Gladrow, 1999). It is well known that the low levels of iron limits primary production of phytoplankton and carbon fluxes across vast regions of the world’s oceans (Coale et al., 2004; Pollard et al., 2009). It is thus of particular interest to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying acquisition of iron by marine phytoplankton and to determine which iron sources are preferentially assimilated with regards to the yield of carbon fixation.In this study, we investigated the mechanisms of iron uptake by C. velia, and found that this organism uses a nonreductive uptake system of ferric ions, which are first concentrated in the cell wall. Our findings provide a better understanding of the biology of this organism, and highlights the need for further study on the mechanisms of iron acquisition in marine phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Chromera velia is evolutionarily the closest free-living and photosynthetic organism to the medically important obligatory parasitic apicomplexans that cause diseases including malaria and toxoplasmosis. In this study, a novel oligonucleotide probe targeting C.?velia's small subunit ribosomal RNA was designed. To enable usage of this probe as a detection tool, a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) protocol was optimized. The results obtained showed that when used in combination, the C.?velia CV1 probe and optimized FISH protocol enabled efficient detection of C.?velia in culture. This new technique will allow a better understanding of the ecological role of C.?velia within the coral microhabitat.  相似文献   

Chromera velia is a newly discovered photosynthetic eukaryotic alga that has functional chloroplasts closely related to the apicoplast of apicomplexan parasites. Recently, the chloroplast in C. velia was shown to be derived from the red algal lineage. Light-harvesting protein complexes (LHC), which are a group of proteins involved in photon capture and energy transfer in photosynthesis, are important for photosynthesis efficiency, photo-adaptation/accumulation and photo-protection. Although these proteins are encoded by genes located in the nucleus, LHC peptides migrate and function in the chloroplast, hence the LHC may have a different evolutionary history compared to chloroplast evolution. Here, we compare the phylogenetic relationship of the C. velia LHCs to LHCs from other photosynthetic organisms. Twenty-three LHC homologues retrieved from C. velia EST sequences were aligned according to their conserved regions. The C.?velia LHCs are positioned in four separate groups on trees constructed by neighbour-joining, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. A major group of seventeen LHCs from C. velia formed a separate cluster that was closest to dinoflagellate LHC, and to LHC and fucoxanthin chlorophyll-binding proteins from diatoms. One C. velia LHC sequence grouped with LI1818/LI818-like proteins, which were recently identified as environmental stress-induced protein complexes. Only three LHC homologues from C. velia grouped with the LHCs from red algae.  相似文献   

Apicomplexa are protist parasites that include Plasmodium spp., the causative agents of malaria, and Toxoplasma gondii, responsible for toxoplasmosis. Most Apicomplexa possess a relict plastid, the apicoplast, which was acquired by secondary endosymbiosis of a red alga. Despite being nonphotosynthetic, the apicoplast is otherwise metabolically similar to algal and plant plastids and is essential for parasite survival. Previous studies of Toxoplasma gondii identified membrane lipids with some structural features of plastid galactolipids, the major plastid lipid class. However, direct evidence for the plant-like enzymes responsible for galactolipid synthesis in Apicomplexan parasites has not been obtained. Chromera velia is an Apicomplexan relative recently discovered in Australian corals. C. velia retains a photosynthetic plastid, providing a unique model to study the evolution of the apicoplast. Here, we report the unambiguous presence of plant-like monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and digalactosyldiacylglycerol in C. velia and localize digalactosyldiacylglycerol to the plastid. We also provide evidence for a plant-like biosynthesis pathway and identify candidate galactosyltranferases responsible for galactolipid synthesis. Our study provides new insights in the evolution of these important enzymes in plastid-containing eukaryotes and will help reconstruct the evolution of glycerolipid metabolism in important parasites such as Plasmodium and Toxoplasma.  相似文献   

In the present work, we report the first comparative spectroscopic investigation between Photosystem I (PSI) complexes isolated from two red clade algae. Excitation energy transfer was measured in PSI from Chromera velia, an alga possessing a split PsaA protein, and from the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. In both cases, the estimated effective photochemical trapping time was in the 15–25 ps range, i.e. twice as fast as higher plants. In contrast to green phototrophs, the trapping time was rather constant across the whole emission spectrum. The weak wavelength dependence was attributed to the limited presence of long-wavelength emitting chlorophylls, as verified by low temperature spectroscopy. As the trapping kinetics of C. velia PSI were barely distinguishable from those of P. tricornutum PSI, it was concluded that the scission of PsaA protein had no significant impact on the overall PSI functionality. In conclusion, the two red clade algae analysed here, carried amongst the most efficient charge separation so far reported for isolated Photosystems.  相似文献   

Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is a mechanism protecting photosynthetic organisms against excessive irradiation. Here, we analyze a unique NPQ mechanism in the alga Chromera velia, a recently discovered close relative of apicomplexan parasites. NPQ in C. velia is enabled by an operative and fast violaxanthin de-epoxidation to zeaxanthin without accumulation of antheraxanthin. In C. velia violaxanthin also serves as a main light-harvesting pigment. Therefore, in C. velia violaxanthin acts as a key factor in both light harvesting and photoprotection. This is in contrast to a similar alga, Nannochloropsis limnetica, where violaxanthin has only light-harvesting function.  相似文献   

水稻高光效育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻是世界重要的粮食作物,其较低的光合效率是限制水稻产量的重要因素之一,提高水稻的光能利用率对于进一步提高水稻产量具有关键的作用,本文简要回顾国内外水稻高光效育种的发展历程和研究进展,并对杂交选育、基因工程技术、株型改良等水稻高光效育种研究途径进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

Chromera velia is a recently discovered, photosynthetic, marine alveolate closely related to apicomplexan parasites, and more distantly to perkinsids and dinoflagellates. To date, there are no published studies on the sterols of C. velia. Because apicomplexans and perkinsids are not known to synthesize sterols de novo, but rather obtain them from their host organisms, our objective was to examine the composition of the sterols of C. velia to assess whether or not there is any commonality with dinoflagellates as the closest taxonomic group capable of synthesizing sterols de novo. Furthermore, knowledge of the sterols of C. velia may provide insight into the sterol biosynthetic capabilities of apicomplexans prior to loss of sterol biosynthesis. We have found that C. velia possesses two primary sterols, 24-ethylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol, and 24-ethylcholest-5-en-3β-ol, not common to dinoflagellates, but rather commonly found in other classes of algae and plants. In addition, we have identified computationally three genes, SMT1 (sterol-24C-methyltransferase), FDFT1 (farnesyl diphosphate farnesyl transferase, squalene synthase), and IDI1 (isopentenyl diphosphate Δ-isomerase), predicted to be involved in sterol biosynthesis by their similarity to analogous genes in other sterol-producing eukaryotes, including a number of algae.  相似文献   

高光效基因植物表达载体的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过一系列中间载体的构建 ,将来自C4作物 (甘蔗 )光合作用中的关键酶基因 (高光效基因 )RbcS和PEPCase基因插入到植物表达质粒中 ,获得了具有卡那霉素抗性的RbcS植物表达载体 pC2 0SNR和具有PPT除草剂抗性的PEPCase基因的正义 (pC30SNP)和反义 (pC30SNPr)植物表达载体。再将这 3个载体分别转入农杆菌LBA4 4 0 4和A2 81或EHA10 5中 ,获得了适于C3 植物转化的农杆菌重组工程菌株。为进一步利用C4植物高光效基因转化C3 植物 ,以期提高光合效率提供基础。  相似文献   

HIROSE  T.; BAZZAZ  F. A. 《Annals of botany》1998,82(2):195-202
If the light-use efficiency (LUE) of species in a canopy isconstant, canopy photosynthesis (CP) is proportional to thenumber of photons (  相似文献   

Chromera velia is a recently discovered, photosynthetic, free-living alveolate that is the closest free-living relative to non-photosynthetic apicomplexan parasites. Most plastids, regardless of their origin, have membranes composed chiefly of two galactolipids, mono- and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG and DGDG, respectively). Because of the hypothesized shared red algal origin between the plastids of C. velia and dinoflagellates, our primary objectives were to examine how growth temperature affects MGDG and DGDG composition via positive-ion electrospray/mass spectrometry (ESI/MS) and positive ion/electrospray/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (ESI/MS/MS), and to examine galactolipid biosynthetic genes to determine if shared ancestry translates into shared MGDG and DGDG composition. When growing at 20°C, C. velia produces eicosapentaenoic acid-rich 20:5(n-3)/20:5(n-3) (sn-1/sn-2) MGDG and 20:5(n-3)/20:5(n-3) DGDG as its primary galactolipids, with relative percentage compositions of approximately 35 and 60%, respectively. At 30°C these are lessened by approximately 5 and 8%, respectively, by the corresponding production of 20:5/20:4 forms of these lipids. The presence of 20:5 at the sn-1 position is similar to what has been observed previously in a cluster of peridinin-containing dinoflagellates, but the presence of 20:5(n-3) at the sn-2 position is extremely rare. Thus, the forms of MGDG and DGDG in C. velia displayed similarities and differences to what has been observed in peridinin-containing dinoflagellates, such as Lingulodinium polyedrum, which produces 20:5/18:5 and 20:5/18:4 as the major forms of MGDG and DGDG. We develop conceptual models from the galactolipids observed and galactolipid-relevant gene annotations to explain the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acid-containing MGDG and DGDG in both L. polyedrum and C. velia.  相似文献   

低叶绿素b高产水稻突变体及其光合特性的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
最近发现了一个在田间条件下自然产生的低叶绿素b高产水稻突变体(Oryza sativa L.cv.Zhenhui 249),该突变体主要降低了外周捕光天线复合本的含量。这种变化主要表现在叶片全展前后,到叶片发育后期则接近野生型。与以往所研究的突变体不同的是,该突变体叶绿素b含量仅适量减少,因而不影响类囊体膜的稳定性。突变体的光合机构在叶片一生中较稳定,这可能表明突变减少了光系统截获的光能,相对提高  相似文献   

最近发现了一个在田间条件下自然产生的低叶绿素b高产水稻突变体(Oryza sativa L. cv.Zhenhui 249),该突变体主要降低了外周捕光天线复合体的含量.这种变化主要表现在叶片全展前后,到叶片发育后期则接近野生型.与以往所研究的突变体不同的是,该突变体叶绿素b含量仅适量减少,因而不影响类囊体膜的稳定性.突变体的光合机构在叶片一生中较稳定,这可能表明突变减少了光系统截获的光能,相对提高了光能的利用率,减少了O-2的产生.  相似文献   

M. L. Siegal  D. L. Hartl 《Genetics》1996,144(2):715-726
Studies of gene function and regulation in transgenic Drosophila are often compromised by the possibility of genomic position effects on gene expression. We have developed a method, called transgene coplacement, in which any two sequences can be positioned at exactly the same site and orientation in the genome. Transgene coplacement makes use of the bacteriophage P1 system of Cre/loxP site-specific recombination, which we have introduced into Drosophila. In the presence of a cre transgene driven by a dual hsp70-Mos1 promoter, a white reporter gene flanked by loxP sites is excised with virtually 100% efficiency both in somatic cells and in germ cells. A strong maternal effect, resulting from Cre recombinase present in the oocyte, is observed as white or mosaic eye color in F(1) progeny. Excision in germ cells of the F(1) yields a strong grand-maternal effect, observed as a highly skewed ratio of eye-color phenotypes in the F(2) generation. The excision reactions of Cre/loxP and the related FLP/FRT system are used to create Drosophila lines in which transgenes are at exactly allelic sites in homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

Effect of High Temperature on Photosynthesis in Potatoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of high temperatures on the rate of photosynthesiswas studied in several potato varieties. Temperatures of upto 38 °C did not cause a reduction in the photosynthesisof plants that had been grown at these temperatures for longperiods prior to measurement. Higher temperatures of 40–42°C, or the transfer of plants from daytime temperature regimesof 22 °C to 32 °C, caused a reduction in net photosynthesis.This reduction was found to be essentially mesophyllic in origin.High temperature was found to be associated with a decreasein stomatal resistance, an increase in transpiration, and alarger difference between air and leaf temperatures. Dark respirationrates and compensation points for CO2 concentration were alsogreater at the high temperatures. It was concluded that thepotato crop can be adopted to grow and have an adequate rateof photosynthesis even at relatively high temperatures. Source-sinkrelationships, which were modified by the later formation oftubers at higher temperatures, did not affect photosynthesisin this study. Varietal differences in resistance to heat stresswere observed, with the clone Cl-884 showing a more efficientcapacity for photosynthesis at temperatures up to 40 °Cthan many commonly grown varieties. High temperature, photosynthesis, potato, Solanum tuberosum L  相似文献   

A midday depression in net photosynthesis and in stomatal conductancewas observed when leaves of well-watered Vitis vinifera plantswere subjected to a diurnal pattern of variation in leaf temperatureand leaf-to-air water vapour pressure difference similar toa summer day, while photon flux density was kept constant at1450 µmolm–2 s–1,. When leaves were kept atconstant leaf temperature (22.5°C) and leaf-to-air watervapour presure difference (8.5 Pa kPa–1) at the same lightintensity, stomata opened with the onset of illumination andmaximal conductance and photosynthesis values were observedabout 1 h later. Subsequently, conductance and photosynthesisdecreased gradually. Leaf water potential never dropped below{macron}0.3 MPa. Leaves kept under constant environmental conditionsshowed an afternoon decline in photosynthesis at high internalCO2, in carboxylation efficiency and in maximum conductanceas well as an increase in stomatal sensitivity to CO2. Whenthe photon flux density during the day was reduced to 750 µmolm–2 s–1, the afternoon depression in gas exchangerates was attenuated. To evaluate the possible effects of highlight stress on changes in chloroplastic behaviour we comparedlight response curves of photosynthesis determined with an oxygenelectrode, in the morning and in the afternoon after the plantswere exposed to either high or moderate photon flux densities.A significant depression in photosynthetic capacity was foundby this method in high light treated leaves, but not in leavespreviously exposed to moderate photon flux density. Apparentquantum yield decreased in the afternoon, particularly afterexposure to high light. Maximum chlorophyll a fluorescence at22°C was reduced and the quenching of fluorescence afterreaching the peak was slower in the afternoon than in the morning,especially in high light-treated leaves. Changes in the patternsof chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics were observed after lighttreatment, i.e. in the afternoon, with oscillations either absent(after high light) or significantly reduced (after moderatelight) in comparison to the morning. The significance of theseresults is discussed and it is suggested that a direct inhibitoryeffect of high light at the chloroplast level provides the bestinterpretation for the observed afternoon decline in photosyntheticrate. Key words: Carboxylation efficiency, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic capacity, quantum yield, stomatal conductance, Vitis vinifera L.  相似文献   

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