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Among animals, especially insects, care of offspring exclusively performed by males is rare. Paternal care increases survival of their offspring but may be costly for males. Our objective was to evaluate the potential survival costs of parental care in the waterbug Abedus ovatus where males only care their eggs. We conducted a capture-mark-recapture study and estimated apparent survival probabilities of parental males, non-parental males and females in a Mexican waterbug population. In addition, we also estimated recapture rates and the transition rates between non-parental males and parental males. Our results suggest that paternal care negatively affects the survival of A. ovatus since survival probability of parental males is lower than non-parental males. The recapture probability was higher in non-parental males than in parental males. The decreased probability of survival in parental males may be due to different factors. As males carry the eggs on their backs this could probably affect their swimming performance and therefore affect their ability to capture prey. Additionally, the physiological wear derived from the intense muscular activity when performing subaquatic parental care behaviors such as brood pumping, could deteriorate their condition and subsequently, their survival. Furthermore, parental males are more conspicuous to predators, especially in the later stages of egg development, which may increase mortality rates. Our results support the trade-off between current and future reproduction and provide evidence of parental care survival costs in a model system where only males care the progeny.  相似文献   

When there is a temporal trade‐off between mating effort and parental care, theoretical models predict that intense sexual selection on males leads to reduced paternal care. Thus, high‐quality males should invest more in mating effort because they have higher chances of acquiring mates, whereas low‐quality males should bias their investment towards parental care. Once paternal care has evolved, offspring value should also influence males’ decisions to invest in offspring attendance. Here, we performed a manipulation under field conditions to investigate the factors that influence male allocation in either mating effort or parental care. We predicted that facultative paternal care in the harem‐holding harvestman Serracutisoma proximum would be negatively influenced by male attractiveness and positively influenced by offspring value. We found that attractive males were less likely to engage in egg attendance and that the higher the perceived paternity, the higher the caring frequency. Finally, egg mortality was not related to caring frequency by males, but predation pressure was much lower than that recorded in previous studies with the same population. Thus, the benefits of facultative male care may be conditional to temporal variation in the intensity of egg predation. In conclusion, males adjust their investment in either territory defence or egg attendance according to their recent mating history and perceived paternity. Our findings suggest that exclusive paternal care can evolve from facultative paternal care only if the trade‐off between mating effort and parental care is circumvented.  相似文献   

Extra‐pair behavior is present in 76% of socially monogamous bird species with biparental care. This behavior may produce costs to females related to a reduction in paternal care. We estimated the percentage of extra‐pair offspring and quantified paternal care in 44 nests of Thorn‐tailed Rayadito (Aphrastura spinicauda) to assess whether males reduce their parental care when females obtain extra‐pair fertilizations. We used data from a sub‐Antarctic population of Rayadito located on Navarino Island (55°4′S, 67°40′W), southern Chile. We found no statistical support for a relationship between variation in paternal care and the percentage of extra‐pair offspring. We discuss how the inability of breeding males to assess their genetic paternity and potential restrictions on behavioral flexibility may explain this result. Additionally, if paternal care is subjected to sexual selection, this could limit a facultative response to female extra‐pair behavior by males. Finally, it is possible that a reduction in paternal care might not have evolved in this particular locality given the low frequency of extra‐pair paternity in our study population.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict how paternal effort should vary depending on confidence of paternity and on the trade-offs between present and future reproduction. In this study we examine patterns of sperm precedence in Phyllomorpha laciniata and how confidence of paternity influences the willingness of males to carry eggs. Female golden egg bugs show a flexible pattern of oviposition behavior, which results in some eggs being carried by adults (mainly males) and some being laid on plants, where mortality rates are very high. Adults are more vulnerable to predators when carrying eggs; thus, it has been suggested that males should only accept eggs if there are chances that at least some of the eggs will be their true genetic offspring. We determined the confidence of paternity for naturally occurring individuals and its variation with the time. Paternity of eggs fertilized by the last males to mate with females previously mated in the field has been determined using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). The exclusion probability was 98%, showing that AFLP markers are suitable for paternity assignment. Sperm mixing seems the most likely mechanism of sperm competition, because the last male to copulate with field females sires an average of 43% of the eggs laid during the next five days. More importantly, the proportion of eggs sired does not change significantly during that period. We argue that intermediate levels of paternity can select for paternal care in this system because: (1) benefits of care in terms of offspring survival are very high; (2) males have nothing to gain from decreasing their parental effort in a given reproductive event because sperm mixing makes it difficult for males to reach high paternity levels and males are left with no cues to assess paternity; (3) males cannot chose to care for their offspring exclusively because they can neither discriminate their own eggs, nor can they predict when their own eggs will be produced; and (4) males suffer no loss of further matings with other females when they carry eggs. Thus, our findings do not support the traditional view that paternal investment is expected to arise only in species where confidence of paternity is high. The results suggest that females maximize the chances that several males will accept eggs at different times by promoting a mechanism of sperm mixing that ensures that all males that have copulated with a female have some chance of fathering offspring, that this probability remains constant with time, and that males have no cues as to when their own offspring will be produced.  相似文献   

1. Which sex should care for offspring depends on the cost and benefits of the behaviour for each sex. Understanding these differences between the sexes is a fundamental step to explain the evolution of animal societies, but it is often difficult to quantify them empirically. A possible approach is to investigate two closely related species that perform a very similar type of care but in which the caring sex differs. 2. Using field and laboratory data, we estimated the benefits and costs of parental care in two species of assassin bugs with very similar ecologies: Rhinocoris tristis, which has exclusive paternal care, and Rhinocoris carmelita, which has exclusive maternal care. 3. In both species, the main benefit of care was a reduction in parasitism and predation of eggs. Guarding R. tristis males consumed eggs (filial cannibalism), and thus managed not to lose weight, but R. carmelita females paid the full energetic cost of care. Guarding male R. tristis incurred survival costs relative to non‐guarding male and female conspecifics. 4. Very high population density and female preference for males already guarding eggs (a preference previously recorded in fish) minimised the promiscuity cost of paternal care in R. tristis, explaining the difference in care pattern between the two species.  相似文献   

Evolutionary transitions among maternal, paternal, and bi‐parental care have been common in many animal groups. We use a mathematical model to examine the effect of male and female life‐history characteristics (stage‐specific maturation and mortality) on evolutionary transitions among maternal, paternal, and bi‐parental care. When males and females are relatively similar – that is, when females initially invest relatively little into eggs and both sexes have similar mortality and maturation – transitions among different patterns of care are unlikely to be strongly favored. As males and females become more different, transitions are more likely. If females initially invest heavily into eggs and this reduces their expected future reproductive success, transitions to increased maternal care (paternal → maternal, paternal → bi‐parental, bi‐parental → maternal) are favored. This effect of anisogamy (i.e., the fact that females initially invest more into each individual zygote than males) might help explain the predominance of maternal care in nature and differs from previous work that found no effect of anisogamy on the origin of different sex‐specific patterns of care from an ancestral state of no care. When male mortality is high or male egg maturation rate is low, males have reduced future reproductive potential and transitions to increased paternal care (maternal → paternal, bi‐parental → paternal, maternal → bi‐parental) are favored. Offspring need (i.e., low offspring survival in the absence of care) also plays a role in transitions to paternal care. In general, basic life‐history differences between the sexes can drive evolutionary transitions among different sex‐specific patterns of care. The finding that simple life‐history differences can alone lead to transitions among maternal and paternal care suggests that the effect of inter‐sexual life‐history differences should be considered as a baseline scenario when attempting to understand how other factors (mate availability, sex differences in the costs of competing for mates) influence the evolution of parental care.  相似文献   

We investigate under which conditions we can expect the evolutionof costly male care for unrelated offspring, when the benefitof such care is in the form of increased mating success. Thisapplies to male helping behavior that cannot be explained aspaternal care because the male's own offspring does not benefitfrom his behavior. Our model shows that caring for others' offspringcan be a stable strategy for males, if a male that does not"help" loses mating opportunities, for example if females discriminateagainst non-helping males as mating partners. This is possiblewhen females are polyandrous. Increasing population densitydecreases the parameter region where male care is stable. Malecare is also more likely to be stable when male mortality rateis higher than that of females. We discuss the results withspecial reference to the golden egg bug Phyllomorpha laciniata,where females lay eggs on conspecifics, often on males beforemating. Males therefore carry mostly unrelated eggs. We investigatehow oviposition rate and female mating rate influences whenegg carrying is an evolutionary stable strategy. We concludethat in the golden egg bug, male egg carrying could be explainedas a form of mating investment.  相似文献   

The necessity for parental care is a driving force for determining mating systems and social organization. The European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus, is a polygynous, gregarious species in which male parental behaviour would not be expected. We had observed males digging in litter burrows that were later occupied by females and their offspring. Males never stayed overnight within these burrows. To determine whether this was some kind of paternal effort we tested the following hypotheses: (1) that male burrowing behaviour was directed towards the male's own offspring or towards the pregnant or lactating mother of the male's offspring; (2) that this behaviour had costs in terms of condition, decreased survival or fecundity; and (3) that it benefited offspring condition or survival. All three assumptions were met. Males worked on the litter burrow of their copulatory partners. Thus, this behaviour was directed towards the male's potential offspring. Male burrowing costs were seen in decreased foraging time and increased body mass loss. Offspring benefits were evident in increased mass at natal emergence. We conclude that male digging at litter burrows can be considered as paternal effort. Lastly, we considered the effects of polygyny on this male parental effort by comparing mating effort, mating success and paternal effort. High mating success was associated with high mating effort and low paternal effort. Moderate to low mating success was associated with lower mating effort and higher paternal effort, indicating a trade-off between the two.  相似文献   

In most animals, males gain a fitness benefit by mating with many females, whereas the number of progeny per female is unlikely to increase as a function of additional mates. Furthermore, males of internally fertilizing species run the risk of investing in offspring of other males if they provide parental care. Nevertheless, males of many avian species and a minority of mammalian species provide parental care, and females of various species mate with multiple males. I investigate a two-locus genetic model for evolution of male parental care and female multiple mating in which females gain a direct benefit by multiple mating from the paternal care they thereby elicit for their offspring. The model suggests that, first, male parental care can evolve when it strongly enhances offspring survival and the direct costs of female multiple mating (e.g., loss of energy, risk of injury, exposure to infectious diseases) are greater than its indirect benefit (e.g., acquisition of good genes, increased genetic diversity among offspring); second, female multiple mating can evolve when paternal care is important for offspring survival or the indirect benefit of multiple mating is larger than its direct cost; and, finally, male parental care and female multiple mating can co-occur.  相似文献   

Parental effort is considered to be costly; therefore, malesare expected to provide less care to unrelated offspring. Theoreticalmodels suggest that males should either reduce their care tothe entire brood or alternatively distinguish between relatedand unrelated nestlings and direct provisioning to kin whenpaternity is in doubt. Reed buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus)have been found to have high levels of extrapair paternity (EPP,i.e., offspring of a male other than the male attending thenest; 55% of offspring), and males are therefore under strongselection pressure to adjust their parental effort accordingto the proportion of EPP in their brood. In this study, we investigatedwhether male reed buntings exhibit a reduction in paternal care(incubation and provisioning nestlings) in relation to decreasedpaternity. We also assess whether males bias their provisioningtoward kin. We measured incubation time, provisioning rates,and food allocation to individual nestlings using video recordingsat the nests. Microsatellite DNA analysis was used to analyzethe paternity of offspring. In direct contrast to a previousstudy on the same species, our results provided no indicationthat males lowered their effort with decreased paternity. Furthermore,in nests of mixed paternity, males did not bias their provisioningbehavior to kin. It remains to be investigated whether the absenceof a relationship between paternity and paternal care can beascribed to absence of reliable paternity cues or whether thebenefits of reducing paternal care did not outweigh the costsin our study population. We found no evidence that the levelof paternal care affected male survival or offspring mass, suggestingthat both the benefits and costs of any reduction in paternalcare would have been low.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that females should choose males that signal viability and quality. However, few studies have found fitness benefits among females mating with highly ornamented males. Here, we use Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), a teleost fish with no parental care, to investigate whether females could gain fitness benefits by mating with highly ornamented and large-sized males. Carotenoid-based coloration signalled by males during spawning is believed to be an indicator of good genes for this species. Paternal effects on offspring size (body length and dry body mass) were examined experimentally by crossing eggs and sperm in vitro from 12 females and 24 males in a split-brood design and raising larvae to 30 days past hatching. We clearly demonstrated that there was a relationship between offspring size and paternal coloration. However, a negative interaction between paternal length and coloration was evident for offspring length, indicating that positive effects of paternal coloration were only present for smaller males. Thus, the red spawning coloration of the male Arctic charr seems to be an indicator of good genes, but the effect of paternal coloration on offspring length, an indicator of 'offspring quality', is size dependent.  相似文献   

1.  Egg and offspring resistance to pathogens is a major determinant of survival and has been mainly ascribed to maternal factors. However, paternal production of antimicrobials was recently suggested to increase offspring survival in species where males perform egg care.
2.  In the peacock blenny, Salaria pavo , a demersal spawning species where males exhibit a pair of anal glands producing lysozyme-like compounds, we tested the antimicrobial activity and the egg protection efficacy of these glands. The anal gland secretion (AGS) has an inhibitory effect on the growth of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, including those causing the most severe fish diseases in marine culture. The egg clutches cared for by males deprived of anal glands have a significantly lower survival rate than those cared for by sham-operated males and non-viable eggs showed clear signs of bacterial infection.
3.  Anal gland secretion production and its protein content are proportional to gland size. In species where male parental care plays a crucial role in offspring survival, females are expected to assess mates selecting those traits that are reliably associated with parental ability. Hence, we experimentally challenged females with dummy males differing in anal gland size. Females definitely preferred dummy males with larger anal glands, suggesting that their choice is driven by the pursuit of direct fecundity benefits.
4.  These findings indicate that antimicrobial production is a crucial component of male parental care. The contribution of antimicrobials to male performance as fathers suggests that the development of traits devoted to this function may influence male attractiveness and be sexually selected.  相似文献   

Nest‐related behaviors may benefit males by increasing offspring survival and their attractiveness to females, but may also limit males’ foraging activity, increase their metabolic expenses, and expose them to increased mortality during nest attendance. Although intensively studied among birds and ectothermic vertebrates, the costs of nest‐related behaviors in arthropods remain poorly explored. Females of the Neotropical harvestman Zygopachylus albomarginis (Arachnida: Opiliones) lay eggs exclusively inside mud nests that are built, repaired, cleaned and defended by males, which may remain stationary and associated with the nest for up to five months. To assess energetic and survival costs of nest‐related behaviors in this arthropod species, we measured body condition of nesting and non‐nesting males and conducted a field capture‐mark‐recapture study to estimate their survival rates. Despite the long period of nest attendance, nesting males sustained good body conditions and presented higher survival rates than non‐nesting males and females. Two ecological conditions may play an important role modulating the costs of nest attendance in the species. First, high food supply in tropical rainforests may provide males with frequent access to food in the vicinity of their nests, reducing or eliminating the costs related to limited foraging opportunities. Second, predation pressure seems to be directly mostly to vagrant individuals, so that the more they move, the more likely they are to be singled out by predators. Taken together, our findings indicate that nest and offspring defense in Z. albomarginis provide numerous benefits, surprisingly imposing no evident cost to the males.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(6):1601-1618
Recent studies of typically monogamous passerine birds have suggested that the fitness benefits males derive by caring for their young may not be as great as was previously thought. This study was conducted to determine whether parental care by male dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis, serves to increase either the quantity or quality of young that they produce. Over a 4-year period, males were caught at the time their eggs hatched, and the subsequent growth and survival of the young of unaided females and control pairs were compared. Broods raised by unaided females gained body mass more slowly and fledged at slightly lower mass than those raised by two parents. However, fledging mass was not correlated with survival to independence. There were no differences in tarsus growth between the two treatment groups. Entire brood loss to predators occurred as often among females without male help as it did among those with male help. However, partial brood loss was more common among female-only broods than among controls; this difference was largely attributable to higher rates of starvation and exposure in female-only broods. There appeared to be an interaction between growth and predation. Female-only broods that were below the median mass of combined treatment groups at 5 days of age were more likely than all other broods to experience partial or complete predation. Male impact on offspring survival varied with age of the offspring. When years were combined, males tended to increase survival during the first half of the nestling period, but their impact at the time of nest-leaving was minimal. In all years, from nest-leaving to independence (ca. 2 weeks), broods without male help survived only about half as well as did those with male help. Independent young raised by one parent were as likely to return the following spring as were young raised by two parents. Thus, paternal care benefits males by improving the survivorship of their fledglings, and may also act as a buffer against poor female parental quality and inclement weather. However, the magnitude of these benefits is such that bigamous males might achieve greater reproductive success than monogamous males. Various possible male strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Females may choose more attractive mates to obtain better viability or attractiveness genes for their offspring. A number of studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between paternal attractiveness and offspring quality. However, this pattern could be due to inheritance of paternal genes and/or it could be due to increased maternal investment in the offspring of more attractive males. To isolate female responses to male appearance from paternal genetic effects, I housed female red junglefowl ( Gallus gallus ) with vasectomized (sterile) males and artificially inseminated them. Male junglefowl with larger combs are more attractive to females. Females laid more eggs when housed with a large-combed, as opposed to a small-combed, vasectomized mate. Neither egg volume nor offspring body condition was associated with comb size of the mother's vasectomized mate. Paternal genetics appeared important. Body condition and comb size were greater for the sons of large-combed sperm donor males. This is consistent with the hypothesis that genetic benefits to offspring maintain female preference for the most ornate males. It is possible that greater body condition and comb size in sons of large-combed sires was not caused by genetic differences, but instead was due to compounds in the ejaculate of large-combed sperm donors inducing greater reproductive investment from females. However, females artificially inseminated by large-combed males did not produce more or larger eggs than females artificially inseminated by small-combed males, and thus there is no other evidence consistent with ejaculate-induced differential investment. Furthermore, only in older chicks was body condition significantly related to sire comb size, suggesting genetic rather than differential investment mechanisms.  相似文献   

Models of optimal parental care predict that parental investment should depend on offspring value or the effect parental care has on offspring benefits. Few studies have examined the effect of external factors that influence offspring survival and the cost of care. In this study on the Florida flagfish (Jordanella floridae), a species with male parental care, we examined whether environmentally induced changes in care result from changes in egg requirements or in parental costs. We manipulated salinity and temperature, as these factors are known to affect the metabolic rate in both eggs and parents. We predicted that if the change in care behavior is determined by costs to the male then it should be paralleled by changes in non‐egg‐directed behavior. Conversely, if egg‐directed behavior changes independently of other behavior it would suggest that behavior is determined primarily by egg requirements. In addition we examined patterns of mating success under the assumption that if male care is affected by environmental factors then female preferences may change accordingly. Males decreased egg‐directed behavior (fanning and cleaning of eggs) at high salinity. Non‐egg‐directed behavior was unaffected by salinity. Temperature had no effects on behavior. Thus, we conclude that changes in egg demands are primarily responsible for the observed results. Successful males were bigger and more aggressive. This suggests that male dominance was an important determinant of male mating success. Unsuccessful males showed significantly more variation in number of red stripes with respect to salinity than successful males. Unsuccessful males may be less able to regulate color expression under varying environmental conditions, in which case color may be an indicator of male quality. We replicated the experiment early and late in the season. Males did not change their effort in care over the season. However, care (fanning) in the absence of eggs increased towards the end of the season. Since pre‐mating fanning was positively correlated to a male’s eventual mating success we conclude that males increased their effort to attract mates late in the season.  相似文献   

Parental care and sexual selection are highly interrelated. Understanding the evolution of sex‐specific patterns of parental care and sexual selection is a major focus of current evolutionary ecology research and requires empirical studies that simultaneously quantify components of both parental care and sexual selection in a single species. In this study, we quantify the dynamics of paternal care and sexual selection in the giant water bug Belostoma lutarium. Specifically, we examined (1) which sex potentially experiences sexual selection, (2) which traits, if any, are associated with attaining a mate by males and/or females (i.e. which traits are potentially under selection), and (3) which male and female traits, if any, relate to paternal care and offspring survival. Our findings suggest that (1) males are likely the choosier sex and that heavier females are more likely to mate than smaller females, (2) that female body weight is under selection if female weight is a trait that is stable within a given individual and (3) body size is sexually dimorphic, with females being the larger sex in this species. There was no evidence of male or female traits being linked to offspring survival in this species, although this is potentially due to the lack of egg predators in our study. We discuss our findings in relation to the evolution of sex roles and future avenues of research in this species.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that caring for young limits the motivation of parents to seek additional mating opportunities. However, in situations where parental care does not involve direct provisioning of the offspring, but rather activities directed at the brood as a whole (e.g. guarding), it may be more efficient for parents to care for large numbers of young at once. This may be especially true for species with exclusive paternal care, with fathers that have recently acquired a brood of young potentially benefitting from vigorously courting prospective mates, so as to maximise their chances of attaining a large number of young to rear together. We experimentally tested this hypothesis in the three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), a fish with male only care. Contrary to our predictions, we found no evidence of any differences in courtship between recently spawned egg‐tending fathers and males that had not spawned. However, males that were permitted to spawn, but then had their eggs taken from them, courted less vigorously. Together, the results of our study suggest that the potential benefits of vigorous courtship in terms of acquiring additional young may be offset by additional costs faced by parental males.  相似文献   

The evolution and expression of mate choice behaviour in either sex depends on the sex‐specific combination of mating costs, benefits of choice and constraints on choice. If the benefits of choice are larger for one sex, we would expect that sex to be choosier, assuming that the mating costs and constraints on choice are equal between sexes. Because deliberate inbreeding is a powerful genetic method for experimental manipulation of the quality of study organisms, we tested the effects of both male and female inbreeding on egg and offspring production in Drosophila littoralis. Female inbreeding significantly reduced offspring production (mostly due to lower egg‐to‐adult viability), whereas male inbreeding did not affect offspring production (despite a slight effect of paternal inbreeding on egg‐to‐adult viability). As inbreeding depressed female quality more than male quality, the benefits of mate choice were larger for males than for females. In mate choice experiments, inbreeding did not affect male mating success (measured as a probability to be accepted as a mate in a large group), suggesting that females did not discriminate among inbred and outbred males. In contrast, female mating success was affected by inbreeding, with outbred females having higher mating success than inbred females. This result was not explained by lower activity of inbred females. Our results show that D. littoralis males benefit from mating with outbred females of high genetic quality and suggest adaptive male mate choice for female genetic quality in this species. Thus, patterns of mating success in mate choice trials mirrored the benefits of choice: the sex that benefited more from choice (i.e. males) was more choosy.  相似文献   

1. Few studies have experimentally quantified the costs and benefits of female egg-guarding behaviour in arthropods under field conditions. Moreover, there is also a lack of studies assessing separately the survival and fecundity costs associated with this behavioural trait. 2. Here we employ field experimental manipulations and capture-mark-recapture methods to identify and quantify the costs and benefits of egg-guarding behaviour for females of the harvestman Acutisoma proximum Mello-Leit?o, a maternal species from south-eastern Brazil. 3. In a female removal experiment that lasted 14 days, eggs left unattended under natural conditions survived 75.6% less than guarded eggs, revealing the importance of female presence preventing egg predation. 4. By monitoring females' reproductive success for 2 years, we show that females experimentally prevented from guarding their eggs produced new clutches more frequently and had mean lifetime fecundity 18% higher than that of control guarding females. 5. Regarding survival, our capture-mark-recapture study does not show any difference between the survival rates of females prevented from caring and that of control guarding females. 6. We found that experimentally females prevented from guarding their eggs have a greater probability to produce another clutch (0.41) than females that cared for the offspring (0.34), regardless of their probability of surviving long enough to do that. 7. Our approach isolates the ecological costs of egg-guarding that would affect survival, such as increased risk of predation, and suggests that maternal egg-guarding also constrains fecundity through physiological costs of egg production. 8. Weighting costs and benefits of egg-guarding we demonstrate that the female's decision to desert would imply an average reduction of 73.3% in their lifetime fitness. Despite the verified fecundity costs of egg-guarding, this behaviour increases female fitness due to the crucial importance of female presence aimed to prevent egg predation.  相似文献   

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