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Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are able to self-renew and to differentiate into any cell type. To escape error transmission to future cell progeny, ESC require robust mechanisms to ensure genomic stability. It was stated that stress defense of mouse and human ESC against oxidative stress and irradiation is superior compared with differentiated cells. Here, we investigated heat shock response of human ESC (hESC) and their differentiated progeny. Fibroblast-like cells were generated by spontaneous hESC differentiation via embryoid bodies. Like normal human diploid fibroblasts, these cells have a finite lifespan in culture, undergo replicative senescence and die. We found that sublethal heat shock affected survival of both cell types, but in hESC it induced apoptosis, whereas in differentiated cells it produced cell cycle arrest and premature senescence phenotype. Heat shock survived hESC and differentiated cells restored the properties of initial cells. Heated hESC progeny exhibited pluripotent markers and the capacity to differentiate into the cells of three germ layers. Fibroblast-like cells resisted heat shock, proliferated for a limited number of passages and entered replicative senescence as unheated parental cells. Taken together, these results show for the first time that both hESC and their differentiated derivatives are sensitive to heat shock, but the mechanisms of their stress response are different: hESC undergo apoptosis, whereas differentiated cells under the same conditions exhibit stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) phenotype. Both cell types that survived sublethal heat shock sustain parental cell properties.  相似文献   

Stem cells in adult organism are responsible for cell turnover and tissue regeneration. The study of stem cell stress response contributes to our knowledge on the mechanisms of damaged tissue repair. Previously, we demonstrated that sublethal heat shock (HS) induced apoptosis in human embryonic stem cells. This study aimed to investigate HS response of human adult stem cells. Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) cultivated in vitro were challenged with sublethal HS. It was found that sublethal HS did not affect the cell viability assessed by annexin V/propidium staining. However, MSCs subjected to severe HS exhibited features of stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS): irreversible cell cycle arrest, altered morphology, increased expression of senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activity, and induction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 protein. High level of Hsp70 accumulation induced by sublethal HS did not return to the basal level, at least, after 72 h of the cell recovery when most cells exhibited SIPS hallmarks. MSCs survived sublethal HS, and resumed proliferation sustained the properties of parental MSCs: diploid karyotype, replicative senescence, expression of the cell surface markers, and capacity for multilineage differentiation. Our results showed for the first time that in human MSCs, sublethal HS induced premature senescence rather than apoptosis or necrosis. MSC progeny that survived sublethal HS manifested stem cell properties of the parental cells: limited replicative life span and multilineage capacity.  相似文献   

It has been reported that interferon (IFN)-gamma should inhibit in vitro mouse embryo growth by direct cell toxicity. However, the mechanism involved has not been clearly established. In the present study, this question was addressed using the embryonic stem (ES) cell model. It was found that IFN-gamma, induces a dose-dependent apoptosis in ES cells, as assessed by trypan-blue staining, by Annexin-V labeling and DNA analysis, Moreover, IFN-gamma treatment cooperates with Fas-mediated apoptosis, a phenomenon that has been recently reported. As Bcl-2 oncoprotein functions as a death repressor molecule in an evolutionarily conserved cell death pathway, its expression was analyzed by flow cytometry. It was demonstrated that Bcl-2 is expressed in ES cells. When compared to untreated ES cells, IFN-gamma-treated, apoptotic cells expressed a lower Bcl-2 level and a normal level of Fas, whereas surviving cells expressed a normal level of Bcl-2 but a lower Fas expression. Altogether, these data suggest that IFN-gamma may influence early mouse embryo development by promoting apoptosis, which may constitute a novel mechanism of IFN-gamma embryotoxicity.  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞培养系统的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘雪梅  朱桂金 《生命科学》2007,19(3):306-310
人胚胎干细胞(hESC)具有永久的自我更新和多潜能分化能力,可在一定条件下定向分化为三个胚层的各种细胞。这些特性使其在再生医学(细胞治疗)、药物筛选及早期胚胎发育研究中具有重要的应用前景;但人胚胎干细胞培养系统中大量的动物源性物质和复杂的未知成份大大阻碍了其医学应用价值,所以建立一个没有动物源物质、成份确定的人胚胎干细胞培养系统足非常重要的。本文简要介绍了为适应hESC临床应用和基础研究的需要,改良其培养系统的研究进展。  相似文献   

‘Requirements for Human Embryonic Stem Cells’ is the first set of guidelines on human embryonic stem cells in China, jointly drafted and agreed upon by experts from the Chinese Society for Stem Cell Research. This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, test regulations, instructions for use, labelling requirements, packaging requirements, storage requirements and transportation requirements for human embryonic stem cells, which is applicable to the quality control for human embryonic stem cells. It was originally released by the China Society for Cell Biology on 26 February 2019 and was further revised on 30 April 2020. We hope that publication of these guidelines will promote institutional establishment, acceptance and execution of proper protocols, and accelerate the international standardization of human embryonic stem cells for applications.  相似文献   

Over the last several decades, murine embryonic stem cells (mESCs) have been used as a model for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research. The relevance of this approach has not yet been proven. There is a great deal of evidence that is indicative of substantial differences between these two cell types. An analysis of the literature shows that the differences concern ESC proliferation, self-renewal, and differentiation. Consequently, mESC may be considered as a model object for hESC studies only for some aspects of their biology. The alternative model objects, such as primate ESC, are also discussed briefly in this review.  相似文献   

The carbohydrates present on the surface of differentiated human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are not yet well established. Here, we have employed a panel of lectins and several anti-carbohydrate antibodies to determine the carbohydrates that are present at day 12 of hESC differentiation as embryoid bodies (EBs). On the basis of staining with fluorescein-labeled lectins, we have determined the presence of both terminal and internally linked alpha-d-mannopyranosyl groups, poly-N-acetyllactosaminyl chains, both alpha2,3- and alpha2,6-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), alpha1,6-linked l-fucosyl, and beta-D-galactosyl groups, and more specifically, the T, Tn, and sialyl-Tn antigens. However, no alpha1,2-linked l-fucosyl, terminal nonreducing alpha-D-galactosyl, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl, nor N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosaminyl groups were found by this approach. We also established the presence of Neu5Acalpha2,3/2,6-Galbeta1,4 GlcNAc-terminated chains on the surfaces of 12-day-old EBs, as indicated by the great enhancement of staining by Erythrina cristagalli agglutinin (ECA) after treatment with neuraminidase. In each case, inhibition of binding by a haptenic sugar or treatment with neuraminidase was used to eliminate the possibility of nonspecific binding of the lectins. A comparison with undifferentiated cell staining revealed an increase in alpha2,3-linked Neu5Ac as well as a change to exclusively alpha1,6-linked l-fucose upon differentiation.  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞的研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
来自着床前的囊胚和早期人胚胎的人胚胎干细胞是未分化的多能干细胞,具有无限增殖和分化的潜力,这种特性使之在基础研究和移植治疗中具有广泛的应用。尤其是胚胎干细胞可以产生任何类型的可供临床使用的细胞、组织和器官的潜力,将会带来一场医学革命。  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy was employed to elucidate the macromolecular phenotype of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and their differentiated progeny. Undifferentiated hESCs and hiPSC lines were found to be not clearly distinguishable from each other. However, although both hESC and hiPSC variants appeared to undergo similar changes during differentiation in terms of cell surface antigens, the derived cell types from all cell lines could be discriminated using FTIR spectroscopy. We foresee a possible future role for FTIR microspectroscopy as a powerful and objective investigative and quality control tool in regenerative medicine. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the cytoprotective effects of Inonotus obliquus against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and premature senescence. Pretreatment with I. obliquus scavenged intracellular ROS and prevented lipid peroxidation in hydrogen peroxide-treated human fibroblasts. As a result, I. obliquus exerted protective effects against hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis and premature senescence in human fibroblasts. In addition, I. obliquus suppressed UV-induced morphologic skin changes, such as skin thickening and wrinkle formation, in hairless mice in vivo and increased collagen synthesis through inhibition of MMP-1 and MMP-9 activities in hydrogen peroxide-treated human fibroblasts. Taken together, these results demonstrate that I. obliquus can prevent the aging process by attenuating oxidative stress in a model of stress-induced premature senescence.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem (ES) cells have the capacity for self-renewal and are able to differentiate into any cell type. However, obtaining high-efficient neural differentiation from human ES cells remains a challenge. This study describes an improved 4-stage protocol to induce a human ES cell line derived from a Chinese population to differentiate into neural cells. At the first stage, embryonic bodies (EBs) were formed in a chemically-defined neural inducing medium rather than in traditional serum or serum-replacement medium. At the second stage, rosette-like structures were formed. At the third stage, the rosette-like structures were manually selected rather than enzymatically digested to form floating neurospheres. At the fourth stage, the neurospheres were further differentiated into neurons. The results show that, at the second stage, the rate of the formation of rosette-like structures from EBs induced by noggin was 88+/-6.32%, higher than that of retinoic acid 55+/-5.27%. Immunocytochemistry staining was used to confirm the neural identity of the cells. These results show a major improvement in obtaining efficient neural differentiation of human ES cells.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) hold great promise for cell-based therapies and drug screening applications. However, growing and processing large quantities of undifferentiated hESCs is a challenging task. Conventionally, hESCs are passaged as clusters, which can limit their growth efficiency and use in downstream applications. This study demonstrates that hESCs can be passaged as single cells using Accutase, a formulated mixture of digestive enzymes. In contrast to trypsin treatment, Accutase treatment does not significantly affect the viability and proliferation rate of hESC dissociation into single cells. Accutase-dissociated single cells can be separated by FACS and proliferate as fully pluripotent hESCs. An Oct4-eGFP reporter construct engineered into hESCs was used to monitor the pluripotency of hESCs passaged with Accutase. Compared to collagenase-passaged hESCs, Accutase-treated cultures contained a larger proportion of undifferentiated (Oct4-positive) cells. Additionally, Accutase-passaged undifferentiated hESCs could be grown as monolayers without the need for monitoring and/or selection for quality hESC colonies.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) hold great promise in regenerative medicine. However, before the full potential of these cells is achieved, major basic biological questions need to be addressed. In particular, there are still gaps in our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying the derivation of hESCs from blastocysts, the regulation of the undifferentiated, pluripotent state, and the control of differentiation into specific lineages. Furthermore, we still do not fully understand the tumorigenic potential of hESCs, limiting their use in regenerative medicine. The RB pathway is a key signaling module that controls cellular proliferation, cell survival, chromatin structure, and cellular differentiation in mammalian cells. Members of the RB pathway are important regulators of hESC biology and manipulation of the activity of this pathway may provide novel means to control the fate of hESCs. Here we review what is known about the expression and function of members of the RB pathway in hESCs and discuss areas of interest in this field. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 1023–1030, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Availability of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) has enhanced human neural differentiation research. The derivation of neural progenitor (NP) cells from hESC facilitates the interrogation of human embryonic development through the generation of neuronal subtypes and supporting glial cells. These cells will likely lead to novel drug screening and cell therapy uses. This review will discuss the current status of derivation, maintenance and further differentiation of NP cells with special emphasis on the cellular signaling involved in these processes. The derivation process affects the yield and homogeneity of the NP cells. Then when exposed to the correct environmental signaling cues, NP cells can follow a unique and robust temporal cell differentiation process forming numerous phenotypes.  相似文献   

Teratogens are substances that may cause defects in normal embryonic development while not necessarily being toxic in adults. Identification of possible teratogenic compounds has been historically beset by the species‐specific nature of the teratogen response. To examine teratogenic effects on early human development we performed non‐biased expression profiling of differentiating human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells treated with several drugs – ethanol, lithium, retinoic acid (RA), caffeine and thalidomide, which is known to be highly species specific. Our results point to the potency of specific teratogens and their affected tissues and pathways. Specifically, we could show that ethanol caused dramatic increase in endodermal differentiation, RA caused misregulation of neural development and thalidomide affected both these processes. We thus propose this method as a valuable addition to currently available animal screening approaches.  相似文献   

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