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The northern pike Esox lucius L. is a freshwater fish exhibiting pronounced population subdivision and low genetic variability. However, there is limited knowledge on phylogeographical patterns within the species, and it is not known whether the low genetic variability reflects primarily current low effective population sizes or historical bottlenecks. We analysed six microsatellite loci in ten populations from Europe and North America. Genetic variation was low, with the average number of alleles within populations ranging from 2.3 to 4.0 per locus. Genetic differentiation among populations was high (overall θST = 0.51; overall ρST = 0.50). Multidimensional scaling analysis of genetic distances between populations and spatial analysis of molecular variance suggested a single phylogeographical race within the sampled populations from northern Europe, whereas North American and southern European populations were highly distinct. A population from Ireland was monomorphic at all loci, presumably reflecting founder events associated with introduction of the species to the island in the sixteenth century. Bayesian analysis of demographic parameters showed differences in θ (a product of effective population size and mutation rate) among populations from large and small water bodies, but the relative differences in θ were smaller than expected, which could reflect population subdivision within the larger water bodies. Finally, the analyses showed drastic population declines on a time scale of several thousand years within European populations, which we ascribe to either glacial bottlenecks or postglacial founder events.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 91–101.  相似文献   

Roche  W.  O′Grady  M.  Bracken  J. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1999,392(2):217-223
A study of a stocked upland reservoir trout fishery, using gill nets, revealed the presence of a large stock of pike and poor trout numbers. The overall growth rate of pike was slow. Two year-classes of pike dominated, but the broad age and length frequency ranges, and the high average weight of individuals were indicative of an unexploited stock. Higher than normal water levels during the spawning period and into the summer period in both 1985 and 1986, coincided with the dominant pike year-classes recorded several years later. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Comparing the patterns of population divergence using both neutral genetic and phenotypic traits provides an opportunity to examine the relative importance of evolutionary mechanisms in shaping population differences. We used microsatellite markers to examine population genetic structure in the Mexican sailfin mollies Poecilia velifera and P. petenensis. We compared patterns of genetic structure and divergence to that in two types of phenotypic traits: morphological characters and mating behaviours. Populations within each species were genetically distinct, and conformed to a model of isolation by distance, with populations within different geographical regions being more genetically similar to one another than were populations from different regions. Bayesian clustering and barrier analyses provided additional support for population separation, especially between geographical regions. In contrast, none of the phenotypic traits showed any type of geographical pattern, and population divergence in these traits was uncorrelated with that found in neutral markers. There was also a weaker pattern of regional differences among geographical regions compared to neutral genetic divergence. These results suggest that while divergence in neutral traits is likely a product of population history and genetic drift, phenotypic divergence is governed by different mechanisms, such as natural and sexual selection, and arises at spatial scales independent from those of neutral markers.  相似文献   

The relationship between metabolic rate of pike (Y, mgO2) and body weight (X, g) over the range 40–1291 gat 15° C is of the form: Y=aXb. For resting metabolic rate (Vo2, rest), the scaling coefficient, b , is 0.80 and for maximum metabolic rate measured after exhaustive swimming (V02, max), b is 0.99. Factorial metabolic scope (V02, max/ V02, rest) increases with body weight. Peak postprandial oxygen consumption (V02, ASDA) is a constant multiple of V02 rest for any discrete meal (expressed as % of body weight) up to 10% body weight. V02ASDA after a single meal can utilize the entire metabolic scope (V02, max—V02, rest) of juvenile but not adult pike.  相似文献   


Background and Aims Adansonia

comprises nine species, six of which are endemic to Madagascar. Genetic relationships between the Malagasy species remain unresolved due to conflicting results between nuclear and plastid DNA variation. Morphologically intermediate individuals between distinct species have been identified, indicative of interspecific hybridization. In this paper, microsatellite data are used to identify potential cases of hybridization and to provide insights into the evolutionary history of the genus on Madagascar.


Eleven microsatellites amplified with new primers developed for Adansonia rubrostipa were used to analyse 672 individuals collected at 27 sites for the six Malagasy species and morphologically intermediate individuals. Rates of individual admixture were examined using three Bayesian clustering programs, STRUCTURE, BAPS and NewHybrids, with no a priori species assignment.

Key Results

Population differentiation was coherent, with recognized species boundaries. In the four Malagasy species of section Longitubae, 8·0, 9·0 and 9·5 % of individuals with mixed genotypes were identified by BAPS, NewHybrids and STRUCTURE, respectively. At sites with sympatric populations of A. rubrostipa and A. za, NewHybrids indicated these individuals to be F2 and, predominantly, backcrosses with both parental species. In northern Madagascar, two populations of trees combining A. za and A. perrieri morphology and microsatellite alleles were identified in the current absence of the parental species.


The clear genetic differentiation observed between the six species may reflect their adaptation to different assortments of climate regimes and habitats during the colonization of the island. Microsatellite variation reveals that hybridization probably occurred in secondary contact between species of section Longitubae. This type of hybridization may also have been involved in the differentiation of a local new stabilized entity showing specific microsatellite alleles and morphological characters, suggesting a potential role of hybridization in the recent history of diversification on Madagascar.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of the Alpine marmot, Marmota marmota, was studied by an analysis of five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Eight locations were sampled in the French Alps, one from Les Ecrins valley (n = 160), another from La Sassière valley (n = 289) and the six others from the Maurienne valley (n = 139). Information on social group structure was available for both Les Ecrins and La Sassière but not for the other samples. The high levels of genetic diversity observed are at odds with the results obtained using microsatellites, minisatellites and allozymes on Alpine marmots from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Strong deficits in heterozygotes were found in Les Ecrins and La Sassière. They are caused by a Wahlund effect due to the family structure (i.e. differentiation between the family groups). The family groups exhibit excess of heterozygotes rather than deficits. This may be caused by outbreeding and this is compatible with recent results from the genetics of related social species when information on the social structure is taken into account. The observed outbreeding could be the result of females mating with transient males or males coming from neighbouring colonies. Both indicate that the species may not be as monogamous as is usually believed. The results are also compatible with a male-biased dispersal but do not allow us to exclude some female migration. We also found a significant correlation between geographical and genetic distance indicating that isolation by distance could be an issue in marmots. This study is the first that analysed populations of marmots taking into account the social structure within populations and assessing inbreeding at different levels (region, valley, population, and family groups). Our study clearly demonstrated that the sampling strategy and behavioural information can have dramatic effects on both the results and interpretation of the genetic data.  相似文献   

The green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea) was once a common Australian Hylid. Today, many populations are small and fragmented as a result of dramatic declines in distribution and abundance. We undertook a large-scale assessment of genetic structure and diversity in L. aurea using four species-specific microsatellite markers. Twenty-one locations were sampled from throughout the species range covering 1000 km of the east coast of Australia. Levels of allelic diversity and heterozygosity were high (uncorrected mean alleles/locus and H(E) were 4.8-8.8 and 0.43-0.8, respectively) compared to other amphibian species and significant differences among sampled sites were recorded. Despite recent population declines, no sites displayed a genetic signature indicative of a population bottleneck. Significant genetic structuring (overall F(ST) 0.172) was detected throughout the species range, but was relatively low compared to previous amphibian studies employing microsatellites. In addition we found that some areas sampled within continuous habitat showed evidence of weak genetic structuring (data subset F(ST) 0.034). We conclude that maintaining areas of continuous habitat is critical to the conservation of the species and argue that population recovery and/or persistence in all areas sampled is possible if appropriate protection and management are afforded.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin of biodiversity requires knowledge on the evolutionary processes that drive divergence and speciation, as well as on the processes constraining it. Intraspecific polymorphisms can provide insight into the mechanisms that generate and maintain phenotypic, behavioural and life history diversification, and can help us understand not only the processes that lead to speciation but also the processes that prevent local fixation of morphs. The ‘desert cichlid’ Herichtys minckleyi is a highly polymorphic species endemic to a biodiversity hotspot in northern Mexico, the Cuatro Ciénegas valley. This species is polymorphic in body shape and trophic apparatus, and eco‐morphotypes coexist in small spring‐fed lagoons across the valley. We investigated the genetic structure of these polymorphisms and their phylogeographic history by analysing the entire control region of the mitochondrial DNA and 10 nuclear microsatellite markers in several populations from different sites and morphs. We found two very divergent mitochondrial lineages that most likely predate the closing of the valley and are not associated with morphotypes or sites. One of these lineages is also found in the sister species Herichthys cyanoguttatus. Data from neutral microsatellite markers suggest that most lagoons or drainages constitute their own genetic cluster with sympatric eco‐morphotypes forming panmictic populations. Alternative mechanisms such as phenotypic plasticity and a few loci controlled traits provide possible explanations for the sympatric coexistence of discrete nonoverlapping eco‐morphotypes with apparent lack of barriers to gene flow within multiple lagoons and drainages.  相似文献   

阔苞菊(Pluchea indica)是一种红树林伴生植物,以其在原产地的药用特性和部分引入地的入侵性而闻名。本研究旨在评估阔苞菊在其分布范围内遗传变异的地理分布,确定影响其遗传结构的因素,并利用这些信息对阔苞菊在原产地和引入地的保护和管理策略提出建议。 我们以来自阔苞菊原产地(亚洲)和引入地(美国)的31个种群共348个个体的15个核微卫星位点数据对阔苞菊的遗传多样性和种群结构进行了评估。在大尺度范围以及局部区域两种空间尺度上对阔苞菊遗传变异的空间格局进行了探讨,并验证了以下假说:地理距离和自然地理屏障将影响种群结构并在空间尺度上产生不同程度的分化。研究结果表明,与所研究区域内的其它红树林物种的遗传多样性参数相比, 我们发现阔苞菊在种群水平上具有相对较高的遗传多样性以及在物种水平上具有明显的遗传分化。大多数阔苞菊种群显示杂合子缺失, 这主要是由于近交和有限的基因流所导致。在较大空间尺度上进行的种群结构分析显示,该物种自然分布范围内存在两个主要遗传谱系,中国的种群与印度尼西亚、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、柬埔寨和菲律宾的种群分别属于不同的谱系,而美国的种群可能来自于中国的谱系。 此外,在局部区域范围内也同样检测到种群之间的遗传分化。大部分阔苞菊种群所表现出的遗传瓶颈效应强调了其具有本地灭绝的风险。基于上述研究结果,我们建议采用原位保护策略对阔苞菊进行管理,并开展对优先保护种群的保护行动以维持遗传多样性。  相似文献   

Bryophytes are a group of land plants in which the role of hybridization has long been challenged. Using genotyping by sequencing to circumvent the lack of molecular variation at selected loci previously used for phylogeny and morphology, we determine the level of genetic and morphological divergence and reproductive isolation between the sibling Syrrhopodon annotinus and S. simmondsii (Calymperaceae, Bryopsida) that occur in sympatry but in different habitats in lowland Amazonian rainforests. A clear morphological differentiation and a low (0.06), but significant Fst derived from the analysis of 183 single nucleotide polymorphisms were observed between the two species. Conspecific pairs of individuals consistently exhibited higher average kinship coefficients along a gradient of geographic isolation than interspecific pairs. The weak, but significant genetic divergence observed is consistent with growing evidence that ecological specialization can lead to genetic differentiation among bryophyte species. Nevertheless, the spatial genetic structures of the two species were significantly correlated, as evidenced by the significant slope of the Mantel test based on kinship coefficients between pairs of interspecific individuals and the geographic distance separating them. Interspecific pairs of individuals are thus more closely related when they are geographically closer, suggesting that isolation‐by‐distance is stronger than the interspecific reproductive barrier and pointing to interspecific gene flow. We conclude that interspecific introgression, whose role has long been questioned in bryophytes, may take place even in species wherein sporophyte production is scarce due to dioicy, raising the question as to what mechanisms maintain differentiation despite weak reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Pacific threadfin, Polydactylus sexfilis, is popular fish in recreational fishing, as well as aquaculture in Hawaii. Its natural population has been continuously declining in the past several decades. Microsatellite DNA markers are useful DNA-based tool for monitoring Pacific threadfin populations. In this study, fifteen Microsatellite (MS) DNA markers were identified from a partial genomic Pacific threadfin DNA library enriched in CA repeats, and six highly-polymorphic microsatellite loci were employed to analyze genetic similarity and differences between the wild population and hatchery population in Oahu Island. A total of 37 alleles were detected at the six MS loci in the two populations. Statistical analysis of fixation index (F(ST)) and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed no genetic differentiation between the wild and hatchery populations (F(ST) = 0.001, CI(95%) = -0.01-0.021). Both high genetic diversity (H(o) = 0.664-0.674 and H(e) = 0.710-0.715) and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed in the wild and hatchery populations. Results of genetic bottleneck analysis indicated that the hatchery was founded with sufficient numbers of brooders as inbreeding coefficient is very low (F(IS) = 0.052-0.072) in both wild and hatchery populations. Further studies are needed for comprehensive determinations of genetic varieties of primary founder broodstocks and successive offspring of the hatchery and wild populations with increased number of Pacific threadfin sample collections.  相似文献   

Small but significant differences were found in allele frequencies among five populations (overall F ST estimate (θ)=0·004, P=0·006; overall R ST estimate (RHO)=0·019, P <0·00001) of the demersal cichlid Copadichromis sp.'virginalis kajose', collected from five locations in Lake Malawi. Pairwise F ST estimates revealed significant differences between the most southerly population (Cape Maclear), and the three most northerly populations (Mbamba Bay, Metangula and Chilola). Pairwise R ST estimates also revealed significant differences between some populations, but no geographical pattern was discernible. There was no evidence of isolation by distance using either the shortest straight-line distance between samples, or the distance around the shoreline following a 50 m depth contour. F ST estimates were considerably lower than found in previous studies on the mbuna (rock-dwelling species), but higher than those found in a study of three pelagic cichlid species from Lake Malawi. Substructuring in C. sp.'virginalis kajose' appears to be on a similar scale to the Atlantic cod.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the genetic structure in an endangered Alpine plant (Eryngium alpinum L.), we developed microsatellites. Two different approaches were used: an enrichment protocol and the classical technique of hybridization on nylon membranes. We identified 25 loci, 13 of which revealed to be polymorphic. The polymorphism was rather low (2–6 alleles; HE = 0.49 ± 0.16), probably due to the short size of microsatellites (6–10 dinucleotide repeats) and to the fine spatial scale investigated. However, these markers are expected to provide a new insight about the genetic processes at work within and among E. alpinum populations.  相似文献   

介绍了我国野生大豆遗传资源主要的形态类型、物种内遗传关系和遗传结构。进化的瓶颈不仅发生在由野生大豆到栽培大豆,也以另一种方式"分化瓶颈"出现于同性状的不同表型类型之间。野生大豆种内种子大小类型是否存在遗传分化?野生和半野生大豆的边界在哪?半野生大豆如何产生的?半野生大豆遗传上密切于栽培种还是野生种?百粒重3~4g的小粒半野生大豆与百粒重8.5g以上的特大粒半野生大豆是否有遗传差异?百粒重8.5g以上的特大粒半野生大豆是否属于栽培大豆?野生大豆的种皮色和种子大小哪个更能反映进化程度?栽培大豆基因是否已经渗入到野生大豆?对这些在学术界常年存在的疑问本文介绍了我们的研究答案。我们认为"真"半野生大豆不存在于现在中国半野生资源收集品中;一些野生大豆中的白花、灰毛、无泥膜性状来源于栽培大豆的基因渗透。  相似文献   

The morphology, phenology and allozyme polymorphism in seven tetraploidDactylis glomerata populations growing in the French Alps were studied. Based on habitat and morphological characteristics, two of the populations could be classified asD. glomerata subsp.reichenbachii, which is known to comprise diploid and tetraploid plants growing exclusively on dolomite, on south-facing meadows. This subspecies has been previously recorded in the Italian and Swiss Alps but not in the French Alps. The remaining five populations were morphologically intermediate but more similar to the cosmopolitanD. glomerata subsp.glomerata. On the basis of allozyme variation, all populations were more related to subsp.reichenbachii than to the cosmopolitan subsp.glomerata, suggesting that gene flow has occurred between the two tetraploid subspecies. The possibility that selection has acted differently on morphological and allozyme characters is discussed.  相似文献   

Sorbus torminalis L. Crantz is a colonizing tree species usually found at low density in managed European forests. Using six microsatellite markers, we investigated spatial and temporal patterns of genetic structure within a 472-ha population of 185 individuals to infer processes shaping the distribution of genetic diversity. Only eight young stems were found to be the result of vegetative reproduction. Despite high levels of gene flow (standard deviation of gene dispersal = 360 m), marked patterns of isolation by distance were detected, associated with an aggregated distribution of individuals in approximately 100-m patches. This spatial structure of both genes and individuals is likely to result from patterns of seedling recruitment combined with low tree density. Our results suggest that landscape factors and logging cycles markedly shape the distribution of favourable sites for seedling establishment, which are then colonized by sibling cohorts as a result of joint seed transportation by frugivores. These combined genetic and demographic processes result in similar genetic structure both within and among logging units. However, conversion to high forest may enhance genetic structuring.  相似文献   

The Steller's sea lion Eumetopias jubatus is an endangered marine mammal that has experienced dramatic population declines over much of its range during the past five decades. Studies using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have shown that an apparently continuous population includes a strong division, yielding two discrete stocks, western and eastern. Based on a weaker split within the western stock, a third Asian stock has also been defined. While these findings indicate strong female philopatry, a recent study using nuclear microsatellite markers found little evidence of any genetic structure, implying extensive paternal gene flow. However, this result was at odds with mark–recapture data, and both sample sizes and genetic resolution were limited. To address these concerns, we increased analytical power by genotyping over 700 individuals from across the species' range at 13 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. We found a clear phylogenetic break between populations of the eastern stock and those of the western and Asian stocks. However, our data provide little support for the classification of a separate Asian stock. Our findings show that mtDNA structuring is not due simply to female philopatry, but instead reflects a genuine discontinuity within the range, with implications for both the phylogeography and conservation of this important marine mammal.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is known to cause genetic differentiation between small populations of rare species and decrease genetic variation within such populations. However, common species with recently fragmented populations have rarely been studied in this context. We investigated genetic variation and its relationship to population size and geographical isolation of populations of the common plant species, Lychnis flos-cuculi L., in fragmented fen grasslands. We analysed 467 plants from 28 L. flos-cuculi populations of different sizes (60 000-54 000 flowering individuals) in northeastern Switzerland using seven polymorphic microsatellite loci. Genetic differentiation between populations is small (F(ST) = 0.022; amova; P < 0.001), suggesting that gene flow among populations is still high or that habitat fragmentation is too recent to result in pronounced differentiation. Observed heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.44) significantly deviates from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and within-population inbreeding coefficient F(IS) is high (0.30-0.59), indicating a mixed mating breeding system with substantial inbreeding in L. flos-cuculi. Gene diversity is the only measure of genetic variation which decreased with decreasing population size (R = 0.42; P < 0.05). While our results do not indicate pronounced effects of habitat fragmentation on genetic variation in the still common L. flos-cuculi, the lower gene diversity of smaller populations suggests that the species is not entirely unaffected.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在明确我国东北地区灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus种群遗传变异及种群遗传结构,阐明种群间遗传分化与基因流。【方法】利用9对微卫星引物对采自我国东北地区15个地理种群的375头灰飞虱样品进行测序与分析;利用GeneAlex6.51, GENEPOP4.0.9和STRUCTURE 2.3.4等软件分析灰飞虱地理种群间的遗传多样性、遗传分化、基因流及种群遗传结构。【结果】在所分析的375头灰飞虱个体中,各位点平均有效等位基因数Na=6.898;总体上,灰飞虱不同地理种群遗传多样性较高(平均观测杂合度Ho=0.548;平均期望杂合度He=0.582),各种群间基因流较低(Nm=0.660)。UPGMA聚类树、PCoA及STRCTURE分析结果表明,东北地区灰飞虱种群分为两分支:吉林(JL)和沈阳(SY2012,SY2013和SY2014)种群聚为一支;其余种群聚为一支。AMOVA分析结果表明,灰飞虱遗传变异主要来自种群内(87%),种群间变异水平较低(13%)。【结论】中国东北地区灰飞虱遗传多样性较高,不同地理种群存在一定程度的遗传分化,且基因交流较低,存在一...  相似文献   

 A subset of populations of the European taxa of Carex sect. Digitatae, including Carex digitata, C. pallens, C. ornithopoda, C. pediformis ssp. rhizodes and C. humilis have been investigated for allozyme variation. The (presumably) distantly related C. pendula was used as a reference taxon. Carex digitata, C. pallens and C. ornithopoda on the one hand, and C. humilis and C. pediformis on the other, shared the majority of the alleles. Cluster analyses based on genetic distances grouped populations of C. digitata and C. ornithopoda in a mixed subcluster whereas all populations of C. pallens formed a subcluster distinct from the digitata/ornithopoda cluster. This in spite of the fact that C. ornithopoda is morphologically clearly distinct from C. digitata whereas C. pallens is barely distinguishable from the latter. Carex pediformis and C. humilis appeared not more genetically similar to C. digitata than to the reference taxon. It is concluded that 1) C. digitata, C. pallens and C. ornithopoda are closely related and most probably forms a monophyletic group, 2) C. pallens is a genetically distinct species, 3) C. pediformis and C. humilis are not closely related to the rest of C. sect. Digitatae, 4) C. pediformis and C. humilis are relatively closely related, 5) introgression do occur between the investigated species but not to such an extent that it can explain major geographic patterns of variation in C. digitata. Received December 21, 2001; accepted November 14, 2002 Published online: March 24, 2003  相似文献   

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