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Abstract. Ectomycorrhizal species composition and sporocarp abundance in two 15–20-yr old primary stands of Pinus sylvestris in the central part of the Netherlands was compared with those in two 16- and 27-yr old secondary stands of P. sylvestris in the Northeast of the country. The trees of the primary stands were spontaneously seeded in a drifting sand area. Only thin litter and humus layers were present. The trees of the 16-yr old secondary stand were planted on podzolic sandy soil and those of the 27-yr old stand on non-podzolic sandy soil. In both secondary stands thick litter and humus layers had developed. The litter and humus partly originated from former stands at the same sites and partly from the present stands. In the secondary stands the thick litter and humus layers and herb vegetation were removed (‘sod-cutting’) in order to simulate the thin litter and humus layers in the primary stands. Control treatments were present. Surveys in 1991, 1992 and 1993 showed that sod-cutting enhanced both abundance and diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi. However, species richness and diversity were higher in the primary stands than in the secondary ones, also even in the sod-cut plots. High species richness and diversity were associated with low concentrations of nitrogen and relatively high pH in the litter and humus layers, and in the mineral soil.  相似文献   

Nutrient uptake by forest trees is largely dependent on their associated ectomycorrhizal fungi. The presence of extramatrical mycelium produced by ectomycorrhizal fungi allows trees to exploit a larger soil volume. In this paper the effects of macronutrients on the production of extramatrical mycelium are reviewed. It is concluded that elevated levels of nitrogen and, to some extent, phosphorus strongly inhibit the development of extramatrical mycelium. A deficiency of phosphorus, on the other hand, stimulates ectomycorrhizal development. Low levels of phosphorus may offset the negative influence of nitrogen, indicating that the nitrogen effect is indirect. No other macronutrients have been shown to affect extramatrical mycelium significantly, however, very few studies have been made.To explain reduced ectomycorrhizal development under conditions of high N availability, it has been suggested that the host would allocate less carbohydrate to the mycobiont under such conditions owing to a greater demand for carbon by growing shoots. In the present paper an alternative explanation is suggested: The fungus is forced to take up all available nitrogen and must therefore consume the available carbohydrate in order to assimilate it. The surplus of carbohydrates after nitrogen assimilation can then be used to produce fungal mycelium and fruit bodies. However, the total allocation of host carbohydrate to the mycorrhizal fungus is not reduced at elevated levels of N supply. In contrast with previous theories, the present one proposes that it is the fungus, rather than the host which adjusts its carbon allocation patterns to the N supply.  相似文献   

The effects of cadmium on ectomycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris L.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

This study investigated changes in carbon-based plant secondary metabolite concentrations in the needles of Pinus sylvestris saplings, in response to long-term elevation of atmospheric CO2, at two rates of nutrient supply. Experimental trees were grown for 3 years in eight open-top chambers (OTCs), four of which were maintained at ambient (∼350 μmol mol−1) and four at elevated (700 μmol mol−1) CO2 concentrations, plus four open air control plots. Within each of these treatments, plants received either high (7.0 g N m−2 year−1 added) or low (no nutrients added) rates of nutrient supply for two years. Needles from lateral branches were analysed chemically for concentrations of condensed tannins and monoterpenes. Biochemical determinations of cellulase digestibility and protein precipitating capacity of their phenolic extracts were made because of their potential of importance in ecological interactions between pine and other organisms including herbivores and decomposers. Elevated CO2 concentration caused an increase (P<0.05) in dry mass per needle, tree height and the concentration of the monoterpene α-pinene, but there were no direct effects of CO2 concentration on any of the other chemical measurements made. High nutrient availability increased cellulase digestibility of pine needles. There was a significant negative effect of the OTCs on protein precipitating capacity of the needle extracts in comparison to the open-air controls. Results suggest that predicted changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration will be insufficient to produce large changes in the concentration of condensed tannins and monoterpenes in Scots pine. Processes which are influenced by these compounds, such as decomposition and herbivore food selection, along with their effects on ecosystem functioning, are therefore unlikely to be directly affected through changes in these secondary metabolites. Received: 20 October 1997 / Accepted: 28 February 1998  相似文献   

Low molecular weight organic anions (LMWOA) can enhance weathering of mineral grains. We tested the hypothesis that ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi and tree seedlings increase their exudation of LMWOA when supply of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus is low to enhance the mobilization of Mg, K and P from mineral grains. Ectomycorrhizal fungi and Pinus sylvestris seedlings were cultured in symbiosis and in isolation on glass beads with nutrient solution or with sand as a rooting medium, with a complete nutrient supply or with Mg, K, P or N in low supply. Concentrations of all dicarboxylic LMWOA in the rooting medium were measured. Nonmycorrhizal seedlings released predominantly malonate. Colonization with Hebeloma longicaudum decreased the amount of organic anions exuded, whereas Paxillus involutus and Piloderma croceum increased the concentration of oxalate but not the total amount of LMWOA. Phosphorus deficiency increased the concentration of LMWOA by nonmycorrhizal and EcM seedlings. Magnesium deficiency increased the concentration of oxalate by nonmycorrhizal and EcM seedlings, but not the concentration of total LMWOA. Paxillus involutus grown in pure culture responded differently to low nutrient supply compared with symbiotic growth. Ectomycorrhizal fungi did not increase the total concentration of LMWOA compared with nonmycorrhizal seedlings but, depending on the fungal species, they affected the type of LMWOA found.  相似文献   

1. We determined the effects of nutrient enrichment on wood decomposition rates and microbial activity during a 3‐year study in two headwater streams at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, NC, U.S.A. After a 1‐year pretreatment period, one of the streams was continuously enriched with inorganic nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) for 2 years while the other stream served as a reference. We determined the effects of enrichment on both wood veneers and sticks, which have similar carbon quality but differ in physical characteristics (e.g. surface area to volume ratios, presence of bark) that potentially affect microbial colonisation and activity. 2. Oak wood veneers (0.5 mm thick) were placed in streams monthly and allowed to decompose for approximately 90 days. Nutrient addition stimulated ash‐free dry mass loss and increased mean nitrogen content, fungal biomass and microbial respiration on veneers in the treatment stream compared with the reference. The magnitude of the response to enrichment was great, with mass loss 6.1 times, and per cent N, fungal biomass and microbial respiration approximately four times greater in the treatment versus reference stream. 3. Decomposition rate and nitrogen content of maple sticks (ca. 1–2 cm diameter) also increased; however, the effect was less pronounced than for veneers. Wood response overall was greater than that determined for leaves in a comparable study, supporting the hypothesis that response to enrichment may be greater for lower quality organic matter (high C : N) than for higher quality (low C : N) substrates. 4. Our results show that moderate nutrient enrichment can profoundly affect decomposition rate and microbial activity on wood in streams. Thus, the timing and availability of wood that provides retention, structure, attachment sites and food in stream ecosystems may be affected by nutrient concentrations raised by human activities.  相似文献   

Pinus sylvestris seedlings infected with either the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus Paxillus involutus or Suillus variegatus were exposed to a range of Cd or Zn concentrations. This was done to investigate the relationship between the sensitivity of ECM fungi and their host plants over a wide range of concentrations. P. involutus ameliorated the toxicity of Cd and Zn to P. sylvestris with respect to root length, despite significant inhibition of ECM infection levels by Cd (Cd EC50 [effective concentration which inhibits ECM infection by 50%] values were: P. involutus 3.7 μg g-1 Cd; S. variegatus 2.3 μg g-1 Cd). ECM infection by P. involutus also decreased Cd and Zn transport to the plant shoots at potentially toxic concentrations and also influenced the proportion of Zn transported to the roots and shoots, with a higher proportion retained in the roots of the seedlings. ECM infection did increase host biomass production, but this was not affected by the presence of Cd or Zn. Root and shoot biomass production by P. sylvestris, in both the presence and absence of ECM fungi, was unaffected by Cd and Zn at all concentrations tested. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Seedlings of pine, infected with two different ectomycorrhizal fungi, Suillus bovinus (Fr.) O. Kuntze and an unidentified isolate (BP), were exposed to various external Zn concentrations. An additional strain of S. bovinus, cultured on a Zn-enriched medium, was also used. The effect of mycorrhizal associations on Zn uptake and distribution within the plant was determined by AAS.The results show that nonmycorrhizal seedlings have the capability to control the uptake and translocation of Zn to the shoot until the external Zn concentration reaches a threshold level, where no limitation of uptake is possible. Excess Zn is accumulated in the root system to protect the shoot against toxic tissue concentrations. The effect of an ectomycorrhizal infection on Zn uptake and distribution depends on (1) the fungal species (2) the external concentration and (3) the Zn content of the fungal culture medium. Under conditions of low external Zn supply, especially a mycorrhizal infection with S. bovinus led to an increased Zn uptake in root and needles of Pinus sylvestris. Under high external conditions the mycobionts varied considerably in their capability to reduce the transport of Zn to the shoot. Only by an infection with S. bovinus the plant was able to maintain the shoot tissue concentration on a low level. This effect can be enhanced by pretreatment of S. bovinus with high Zn concentrations.  相似文献   

The dormant cambial zone consisted of 5–6 cell layers in the main stem of Pinus sylvestris L. trees that were ca. I00 years old. Time of cambial reactivation was comparable at one (bottom) and 8 (top) meters above the ground. In spring, when the cambium reactivated, the number of cambial cells slightly increased and phloem cells were formed. The production of xylem cells followed 3–4 weeks later. The formation of xylem cells decreased, whereas that of phloem cells increased between late June and early July. Cambial reaction in 1-year-old cuttings that were debudded and treated apically with IAA in lanolin was similar to that in the ca. 100-year-old main stem. However, in debudded cuttings treated with plain lanolin, the number of cells in the carnbial zone decreased during the first week of culture, and only a few phloem cells were formed. Later, the fusiform cambial cells of the cambial zone were divided transversely and lost their typical morphology. It is proposed that some factor(s) from roots may stimulate the initiation of cambial cell division, because when the cambium reactivated, the number of cambial cells slightly increased in the ca. 100-year-old main stem, but decreased in the 1-year-old cuttings.  相似文献   

Growth of the seaweed Ulva rigida C. Agardh was investigated in relation to biomass densities, internal nutrient pools and external nutrient supply. Research was carried out from 23 March to 5 July 1994 in the Sacca di Goro (Po Delta, Northern Italy), whose south-eastern part was covered by extensive mats of Ulva rigida. Two types of field experiments were conducted by incubating Ulva thalli inside large cages. In the first experiment, beginning on 23 March, 100 g of wet thalli were placed into the cages, allowed to grow for two weeks, then collected and replaced. This procedure was repeated 8 times over the study period. In the second experiment, Ulva thalli were left inside the cages and collected at selected time intervals (14, 27, 41, 64 and 76 days) in order to simulate the effects of increased density on growth and nutrient storage.We recorded specific growth rates (NGR) ranging from 0.025 to 0.081 d–1 for a period up to two months in the repeated short-term experiments performed at relatively low initial algal densities (300–500 g AFDW m–3). These NGR resulted significantly related to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the water column. Tissue concentrations of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TN) were almost constant, while extractable nitrate decreased in a similar manner to DIN in the water column. Total phosphorus showed considerable variation, probably linked to pulsed freshwater inflow.In the long-term incubation experiment, NGR of Ulva was inversely related to density. Internal concentrations of both total P and TN reached maximum values after one month; thereafter P concentration remained almost constant, while TN decreased below 2% w/w (by dry weight). The TN decrease was also accompanied by an abrupt decrease in nitrate tissue concentration. The biomass incubated over the two month period suffered a progressive N limitation as shown by a decreasing NY ratio (49.4 to 14.6). The reciprocal control of Ulva against biogeochemical environment and viceversa is a key factor in explaining both resource competition and successional stages in primary producer communities dominated by Ulva. However, when the biomass exceeds a critical threshold level, approximately 1 kg AFDW m–3, the macroalgal community switches from active production to rapid decomposition, probably as a result of selfshading, biomass density and development of anaerobic conditions within the macroalgal beds.  相似文献   

Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is thought to play a role in the regulation of ectomycorrhiza development, and vigorous mycorrhiza formers such as Pisolithus and Laccaria have previously been shown to accumulate large amounts of IAA in the culture medium in vitro, particularly in the presence of tryptophan. Recently, 5-fluoroindole-resistant and IAA-overproducing mutant strains of Hebeloma cylindrosporum Romagnesi have been developed and described by Durand et al. (1992). We have used some of these and corresponding wild-type strains as mycobionts on seedlings of Pinus pinaster (Ait.) Sol. and P. sylvestris L. in semi-hydroponic culture in an attempt to study IAA effects independent of species-specific differences. However, no significant differences between strains were found in host growth rate, shoot carbohydrate concentration, root morphology, root IAA concentration or mycorrhizal biomass. Since previous work showed a stimulation by these and other mutants and strains on mycorrhiza formation in Petri dish and test tube cultures, we assume that a semi-hydroponic culture system prevents the build up of tryptophan of fungal origin, which is most likely a precondition for enhanced IAA production.  相似文献   

Błedzki  Leszek A.  Ellison  Aaron M. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,385(1-3):193-200
The population growth and biomass production of the pitcher-plant (Sarracenia purpurea L.) inquiline, Habrotocha rosa Donner (Rotifera: Bdelloidea), its consumption by other pitcher-plant inqulines, and its excretion of phosphorus (PO4–P) and nitrogen (NO3–N and NH4–N), were investigated in laboratory experiments. Observed population growth and production rate of H. rosa were higher at pH 4 (2.3 rotifers d-1) than at pH 3 (1.3 rotifers d-1), 5 (1.9 rotifers d-1), or 6 (0.8 rotifers d-1). Populations of H. rosa are an abundant and reliable food source for larvae of the dipteran inqulines Wyeomyia smithii (Coq.) and Blaesoxipha fletcheri (Aldrich) that co-occur with H. rosa in S. purpurea pitchers. Abundance of H. rosa within a pitcher is negatively associated with abundance of dipteran larvae, and these larvae consume rotifers in direct proportion to rotifer density (Type I functional response). Habrotrocha rosa may also account for the majority of the plant's supply of N and P. An average population of rotifers in the field (∼400 per pitcher) can excrete ∼5.2 μg NO3-N, ∼3.91 μg NH4-N, and ∼18.4 μg PO4–P per day into a single leaf, and excretion rate is independent of water pH. Over the six-month growing season of pitcher-plants in Massachusetts, U.S.A., we estimate that rotifers could supply 8.8–43 mg of N and 18.2–88 mg of P. These values far exceed the amount of N and P previously estimated to be supplied annually to the plants through insect capture or rainfall. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of ectomycorrhizal association of Pinus pinaster with Hebeloma cylindrosporum was investigated in relation to the nitrogen source supplied as mineral (NH4+ or NO3?) or organic N (L ‐glutamate) and at 5 mol m?3. Plants were grown for 14 and 16 weeks with mineral and organic N, respectively, and samples were collected during the last 6 weeks of culture. Total fungal biomass was estimated using glucosamine amount and its viability was assessed using the glucosamine to ergosterol ratio. Non‐mycorrhizal plants grew better with NH4+ than with NO3? and grew very slowly when supplied with L ‐glutamate. The presence of the fungus decreased the growth of the host plant with mineral N whereas it increased it with L ‐glutamate. Whatever the N source, most of the living fungal biomass was associated with the roots, whereas the main part of the total biomass was assayed outside the root. The form of mineral N did not significantly affect N accumulation rates over the 42 d in control plants. In mycorrhizal plants grown on either N source, the fungal tissues developing outside of the root were always the main N sink. The ectomycorrhizal association did not change 15NH4+ uptake rate by roots, suggesting that the growth decrease of the host‐plant was related to the carbon cost for fungal growth and N assimilation rather than to a direct effect on NH4+ acquisition. In contrast, in NO3?‐grown plants, in addition to draining carbon for NO3? reduction the fungus competed with the root for NO3? uptake. With NH4+ or NO3? feeding, although mycorrhizal association improved N accumulation in shoots, we concluded that it was unlikely that the fungus had supplied the plant with N. In L ‐glutamate‐grown plants, the presence of the fungus increased the proportion of glutamine in the xylem sap and improved both N nutrition and the growth rate of the host plant.  相似文献   

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