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The neuromodulator adenosine is acting through specific receptors coupled to adenylate cyclase via G-proteins. The expression of both adenosine receptors A1 and A2 as well as forkolin binding sites was investigated by radioligand binding techniques in 8-day-old neurons isolated from fetal rat forebrain and cultured in chemically-defined medium. Adenosine A1 receptors were specifically labeled with [3H]chloro-N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA), whereas [3H]CGS 21680 was used for the analysis of A2 receptors. Cultured neurons exhibited high affinity binding sites for CCPA (Bmax=160 fmol/mg protein; Kd=2.9 nM), and for CGS 21680 (Bmax=14 fmol/mg protein; Kd=1.7 nM). These data correlate well with those obtained in crude membranes isolated from the newborn rat forebrain. The incubation of culture membranes in the additional presence of guanylyl-5-imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p, a GTP analogue) led to significantly increased Kd-values, suggesting the association of adenosine receptors with G-proteins. Finally, cultured neurons also bound specifically [3H]forskolin with characteristics close to those found in the newborn brain, indicating that cultured neurons appear as an appropriate model for studying the neuromodulatory properties of adenosine.  相似文献   

1. The nonhomogeneous spatial distribution of ionic channels in neurons has been implied from intracellular recordings at somatic and dendritic locations. These reports indicate that Na- and Ca-dependent regenerative currents are distributed differently throughout the neuron. Although a variety of K conductances and a noninactivating Na conductance have been described in intracellular studies, little is known about the spatial distribution of inward and outward currents throughout different regions of the neuron. 2. We recorded from cell-attached patches from cultured hippocampal cells from 1-day-old rats. The cells were cultured for 3-21 days. The spatial distribution of a variety of ionic channels was determined by comparing the conductances from somatic and dendritic membranes. Single-channel currents obtained from cell-attached patches were identified by the time course of ensemble (averaged) responses, voltage dependence, and the effect of channel blocking agents. 3. We consistently observed that only the rapidly inactivating inward current was localized to the soma. The other channel types that we studied, including an inward noninactivating, delayed rectifier and transient A-type currents, were observed in both the somatic and dendritic regions. 4. We suggest that the distribution of ionic conductances that we have observed may be functional in limiting excitability during development of neurons.  相似文献   

Nicotine increases the number of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in brain. This study investigated the effects of chronic nicotine treatment on nAChRs expressed in primary cultured neurons. In particular, we studied the chronic effects of nicotine exposure on the total density, surface expression and turnover rate of heteromeric nAChRs. The receptor density was measured by [12?I]epibatidine ([12?I]EB) binding. Untreated and nicotine-treated neurons were compared from several regions of embryonic (E19) rat brain. Twelve days of treatment with 10 μM nicotine produced a twofold up-regulation of nAChRs. Biotinylation and whole-cell binding studies indicated that up-regulation resulted from an increase in the number of cell surface receptors as well as intracellular receptors. nAChR subunit composition in cortical and hippocampal neurons was assessed by immunoprecipitation with subunit-selective antibodies. These neurons contain predominantly α4, β2 and α5 subunits, but α2, α3, α6 and β4 subunits were also detected. Chronic nicotine exposure yielded a twofold increase in the β2-containing receptors and a smaller up-regulation in the α4-containing nAChRs. To explore the mechanisms of up-regulation we investigated the effects of nicotine on the receptor turnover rate. We found that the turnover rate of surface receptors was > 2 weeks and chronic nicotine exposure had no effect on this rate.  相似文献   

We carried out electrophysiological experiments on cultured neurons of the rat hippocampus. The voltage-clamp technique and extracellular stimulation of single presynaptic axons were used for measurements of the evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents (eIPSCs). It was found that 1 μM thapsigargin is capable of modulating inhibitory synaptic transmission, and the effects were ambivalent. Among 21 examined cells, eIPSCs decreased in 15 neurons and were augmented in 6 units; the kinetic parameters of these currents underwent no changes. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 374–376, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

The expression and activity of glutamate transporters (EAAC1, GLAST and GLT1) were examined during the development of cortical neuron-enriched cultures. Protein content and mitochondrial respiration both increased during the first 7 days, later stabilized and decreased from DIV14. Glutamate transport and extracellular concentration were relatively constant from DIV3 to 18. The kinetic parameters of glutamate transport were at DIV7:Km=19±3 μM and Vmax=1068±83 pmol/mg protein/min and at DIV14: Km=40.8±9.3 μM and Vmax=1060±235 pmol/mg protein/min. The shift in Km towards higher values suggest a more important participation of GLAST after DIV14. At DIV7 and 14, glutamate transport was poorly sensitive to dihydrokaïnate (DHK) suggesting a weak participation of GLT1 in glutamate transport. Western blot experiments and immunocytochemistry showed that EAAC1 was expressed by neurons whatever the stage of the culture. GLAST was found in astrocytes as soon as DIV3 and labeling increased during the development of the culture. There was little neuronal GLT1 immunoreactivity at DIV7, only detected by immunocytochemistry. From DIV10 to 18, an increasing astrocytic expression of GLT1 was observed, also detected by Western blotting. These results show that: (1) glutamate uptake remains stable all along the development of the cultures although the pattern of expression of the different transporters is changing, suggesting that glutamate transport is highly regulated; (2) neuronal EAAC1 may play a critical role during the early stages of the culture when it is expressed alone; and (3) the developmental expression pattern of glutamate transporters in cortical neuron-enriched cultures is quite similar to that observed in vivo during early postnatal development.  相似文献   

Although glycine receptors are found in most areas of the brain, including the hippocampus, their functional significance remains largely unknown. In the present study, we have investigated the role of presynaptic glycine receptors on excitatory nerve terminals in spontaneous glutamatergic transmission. Spontaneous EPSCs (sEPSCs) were recorded in mechanically dissociated rat dentate hilar neurons attached with native presynaptic nerve terminals using a conventional whole-cell patch recording technique under voltage-clamp conditions. Exogenously applied glycine or taurine significantly increased the frequency of sEPSCs in a concentration-dependent manner. This facilitatory effect of glycine was blocked by 1 μM strychnine, a specific glycine receptor antagonist, but was not affected by 30 μM picrotoxin. In addition, Zn2+ (10 μM) potentiated the glycine action on sEPSC frequency. Pharmacological data suggested that the activation of presynaptic glycine receptors directly depolarizes glutamatergic terminals resulting in the facilitation of spontaneous glutamate release. Bumetanide (10 μM), a specific Na-K-2C co-transporter blocker, gradually attenuated the glycine-induced sEPSC facilitation, suggesting that the depolarizing action of presynaptic glycine receptors was due to a higher intraterminal Cl concentration. The present results suggest that presynaptic glycine receptors on excitatory nerve terminals might play an important role in the excitability of the dentate gyrus-hilus-CA3 network in physiological and/or pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Two distinct classes of nociceptive primary afferents, peptidergic and non-peptidergic, respond similarly to acute noxious stimulation; however the peptidergic afferents are more likely to play a role in inflammatory pain, while the non-peptidergic afferents may be more characteristically involved in neuropathic pain. Using multiple immunofluorescence, we determined the proportions of neurons in the rat L4 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) that co-express AMPA or NMDA glutamate receptors and markers for the peptidergic and non-peptidergic classes of primary afferents, substance P and P2X(3), respectively. The fraction of DRG neurons immunostained for the NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor (40%) was significantly higher than that of DRG neurons immunostained for the GluR2/3 (27%) or the GluR4 (34%) subunits of the AMPA receptor. Of all DRG neurons double-immunostained for glutamate receptor subunits and either marker for peptidergic and non-peptidergic afferents, a significantly larger proportion expressed GluR4 than GluR2/3 or NR1 and in a significantly larger proportion of P2X(3)- than SP-positive DRG neurons. These observations support the idea that nociceptors, involved primarily in the mediation of neuropathic pain, may be presynaptically modulated by GluR4-containing AMPA receptors.  相似文献   

To study various aspects of GABAergic metabolism in an easily accessible system, dissociated cells from postnatal rat cerebral cortex were cultured in a serum-based medium and characterized morphologically and biochemically. The majority (70–90%) of the neurons were GABAergic as determined by three double-labeling procedures. The specific activity of glutamine synthetase in the cultures was 4–5% of the levels in rat astrocyte cultures and intact rat brain, indicating that glia were a minor component. The developmental increase of GABA levels preceded the increase of GAD activity in both immunocytochemical and biochemical experiments. GABA turnover rates also increased with culture age and were 20–30% of GAD activity. Four anti-GAD antibodies, which recognize GAD subunits with differing molecular masses to varying degrees, were used to stain cultured neurons and make immunoblots. Immunoblots showed that the neurons contained two major subunits of GAD which differed in mass by 2 kDa. All four antibodies immunostained both neuronal perikarya and neurites but one antibody, which on the immunoblots predominantly labeled the GAD protein with the lower molecular weight, showed a somewhat more pronounced punctate staining, possibly indicating a principal localization to neurites.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) acts through the receptor tyrosine kinase trkA to serve as a trophic factor for cholinergic neurons in the medial septal nucleus and vertical limb of the diagonal band. We have previously shown that the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is selectively expressed in a large fraction of trkA-expressing cholinergic neurons in these brain regions in the adult rat, and that NGF induces the expression of neuronal-NOS in these cells. Herein, we show that: 1) neuronal-NOS is also localized to these neurons in the developing septum; 2) the expression of neuronal-NOS is regulated in the developing medial septal nucleus and vertical limb of the diagonal band; 3) neuronal-NOS regulation parallels that for other markers of basal forebrain cholinergic neuron differentiation, such as cholineacetyltransferase; and 4) NGF infusion in the postnatal period induces robust increases in neuronal-NOS mRNA and in NOS activity in the basal forebrain. Taken together with earlier findings, our results suggest that neuronal-NOS has a role in the differentiation and mature function of septal cholinergic neurons. Through enhancing neuronal-NOS synthesis, endogenous NGF is likely to regulate NO functions in vivo. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Hans Thoenen.  相似文献   

We cultured a P19 mouse teratocarcinoma cell line and induced its neuronal differentiation to study the function of ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluRs) in early neuronal development. Immunocytochemical studies showed 85% neuronal population at 5 days in vitro (DIV) with microtubule-associated protein 2-positive staining. Thirty percent and 50% of the cells expressed the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isopropinonate (AMPA) receptor subunit, GluR2/3, and the kainate (kainic acid; KA) receptor subunit, GluR5/6/7, respectively. In Western blot analysis, the temporal expression of GluR2/3 began to appear at 3 DIV, whereas GluR5/6/7 was already expressed in the undifferentiated cells. P19-derived neurons began to respond to glutamate, AMPA and KA, but not to the metabotropic GluR agonist trans-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-decarboxylic acid, by 5 DIV in terms of increases in intracellular calcium and phospholipase C-mediated poly-phosphoinositide turnover. Furthermore, KA reduced cell death of P19-derived neurons in both atmospheric and hypobaric conditions in a phospholipase C-dependent manner. The common AMPA/KA receptor antagonist, 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, but not the AMPA receptor antagonist, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-nitro-2,3-dioxo-benzo[f]quinoxaline-7-sulfonamide disodium, profoundly increased hypobaric insult-induced neurotoxicity. In a flow cytometry study, the nerve growth factor-mediated antiapoptotic effect was facilitated by AMPA, with an induction of TrkA, but not p75(NTR) expression. Therefore, AMPA and KA receptors might mediate neurotrophic functions to facilitate neurotrophic factor signaling to protect neurons against hypoxic insult in early neuronal development.  相似文献   

目的:探讨在大鼠海马神经元原代培养过程中,阿糖胞苷对培养神经元的影响。方法:将新生24 h大鼠,分离出海马组织,进行原代海马神经元培养,再将细胞分为阿糖胞苷组和对照组,阿糖胞苷组加入1μmol/L阿糖胞苷,通过检测神经元特异性标志物微管相关蛋白-2(Map-2)计算培养神经元的数量,通过台盼蓝染色法观察细胞的存活率。结果:培养第7天,阿糖胞苷组神经元数量为(11±3)个,对照组为(10±4)个,两组无明显差异;阿糖胞苷组神经元细胞在培养第14天时存活率为74%,培养第21天时存活率为49%,而对照组神经元14天时存活率为96%,21天存活率为88%,两组神经元存活率差异明显。结论:原代培养海马神经元时,阿糖胞苷对神经元产量及形态影响不明显,但是由于阿糖胞苷的毒性作用,明显缩短神经元的存活时间,影响长期培养神经元的存活率。  相似文献   

Extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb) has been therapeutically used for several decades to increase peripheral and cerebral blood flow so as to prevent cardiovascular and neurovascular diseases. However, the role of EGb in neuroprotective effects has received much attention recently. In this study, we investigated the effect of EGb on the development of NOS and AChE positive neurons in the rat embryonic basal forebrain. The results showed that treated with EGb, the OD of MTT staining analysis, and the numbers, the cell sizes and circumferences of NOS and AChE positive neurons were greatly promoted. These data suggest that EGb had similar effects of the neurotrophins such as NGF and BDNF in promoting the development of NOS and AChE positive neurons in the rat embryonic basal forebrain.  相似文献   

We have studied the activation of phospholipase D (PLD) by glutamate in rat cultured astrocytes by measuring the PLD-catalyzed formation of [32P]phosphatidylbutanol in [32P]Pi-prelabeled cells, stimulated in the presence of butanol. Glutamate elicited the activation of PLD in cortical astrocytes but not in cortical neurons, whereas similar glutamate activation of phosphoinositide phospholipase C was found in both astrocytes and neurons. The extent of PLD stimulation by glutamate was similar in astrocytes from brain cortex and hippocampus, but no effect was found in cerebellar astrocytes. In cortical astrocytes, the glutamate response was insensitive to antagonists of ionotropic glutamate receptors and was reproduced by agonists of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) with a rank order of agonist potency similar to that reported for group I mGluR-mediated phosphoinositide phospholipase activation [quisqualate > (S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine > (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid]. The response to (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid was inhibited by the mGluR antagonist (S)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine and, less potently, by 1-aminoindan-1,5-dicarboxylic acid and 4-carboxyphenylglycine, two antagonists of group I mGluRs that display higher potency on mGluR1 than on mGluR5. The mGluR5-selective agonist (RS)-2-chloro-5-hydroxyphenylglycine also activated PLD in astrocytes. These findings indicate the involvement of group I mGluRs, most likely mGluR5, in the glutamate activation of PLD in cultured rat cortical astrocytes.  相似文献   



To investigate the anti-apoptotic effect of MADP, an analog of salidroside, against glutamate induced apoptosis in the cultured rat hippocampal neurons.

Main methods

Cytotoxicity was determined by the MTT method and lactate dehydrogenase release to the medium. Cell apoptosis was evaluated by Hoechst 33342 staining, TUNEL assay and flow cytometric analysis. Western blotting was applied for detecting protein levels of cellular signaling molecules.

Key findings

Our results showed that glutamate exposure significantly induces cell apoptosis, whereas the pretreatment of salidroside or MADP remarkably improves cell viability. Most importantly, the anti-apoptotic effect of MADP against glutamate insult is superior to salidroside. To explore the involved mechanisms, we measured some pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic protein levels, and several cell survival signaling pathways were analyzed as well. No visible alterations in Bcl-2 and Bax protein levels were observed by MADP or salidroside. Akt and JNK phosphorylation was robustly stimulated by MADP in the glutamate-treated neurons. Salidroside treatment results in a slight activation in Akt, while no significant alteration in JNK activity was observed.


MADP exhibits higher capacity to attenuate glutamate induced cell apoptosis in the cultured rat hippocampal neurons, suggesting that MADP might be a better candidate than salidroside for developing novel drugs treating neuron loss associated disorders.  相似文献   

Primary neurons in culture are considered to be a highly relevant model in the study of neuronal development and activity. They can be cultivated and differentiated in vitro but are difficult to transfect using conventional methods. To address this problem, a capillary electroporation system called Cellaxess Elektra was developed for efficient and reproducible transfection of primary cortical and hippocampal neurons without significant impact on cell morphology and viability. The cells are transfected in any stage of differentiation and development, directly in cell culture plates. Genetic material is delivered in situ to as many as 384 samples at a time, which enables both high-throughput and high-quality screening for hard-to-transfect primary cells, meaning that gene function can be studied on a genome-wide scale in cells previously inaccessible to genetic manipulation.  相似文献   

突触前代谢型谷氨酸受体调节神经递质的释放   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
谷氨酸通过激活离子型受体(iGluR)介导快速兴奋性突触传递,参与脑内几乎所有生理过程。谷氨酸过量释放可导致与脑缺血,缺氧及变性疾病有关的兴奋毒作用,最终引起神经元的死亡。代谢型谷氨酸受体(mGluRs)是一个与G-蛋白偶联的受体家族,分三型共八个亚型。其中Ⅱ和Ⅲ型mGluRs主要位于突触前,发挥对谷氨酸释放的负反馈调节。Ⅲ型mGluRs中的mGluR7位于谷氨酸能末梢突触前膜的活性区,发挥自身受体的作用,对正常情况下突触传递过程的谷氨酸释放进行负反馈调节;而属于Ⅱ型的mGluR2及属于Ⅲ型的mGluR4和mGluR8,则位于远离突有膜活性区的外突触区,因而正常突触传递过程中释放的谷氨酸量不能激活它们。只有在突触传递增强的情况下才被激活,抑制递质的释放。国外,mGluRs还分布在GABA能纤维末梢,通过突触前机制抑制GABA的释放。对突触前膜受体尤其是位于外突触区的mGluRs受体的研究,将有可能开发出理想的工具药,从而预防和阻止谷氨酸过量释放引起的神经毒及神经元的死亡。  相似文献   

We compared the receptor-mediated endocytosis for galactose and mannose exposing ligands in primary cultures of hepatocytes from newborn and adult rats. The endocytic pathway was revealed ultrastructurally using colloidal gold particles coupled to lactosylated bovine serum albumin and invertase. The binding activity on the cell surfaces is observed by keeping the cells at 4 degrees C. For both ligands used, the binding capacity for hepatocytes from adult rats was greater than for neonatal cultured cells. Increasing the temperature to 37 degrees C, we observed that the protein-gold complexes entered the intracellular endocytic organelles. Within 5-15 min, the marker was confined in vesicles close to the cell surface and in the endosome, while after 60 min, the marker is found in lysosome-like compartments. We found that the process of endocytosis is similar for galactose and mannose exposing ligands. The organelles involved in the process of endocytosis in newborn cultured hepatocytes are not different in shape from those of cultured cells of adult rats, but the process of internalization is slower.  相似文献   

Iontophoretic application of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) onto the membrane of individual brain neurons produced changes in the spontaneous occurrence of their extracellular action potentials. Neurons in the cortex and hypothalamus tended to be excited by the application of this 41-residue peptide, while those in the thalamus and lateral septal area were inhibited. In general, neurons excited by CRF were also inhibited by the local application of dopamine (DA) and morphine (MOR), while those which were inhibited by CRF were excited by DA and MOR. Glutamate excited the majority of cells tested independent of the other peptide responses. The results suggest that CRF activates several CNS regions with some specificity, and may be involved in neuronal modulation of pituitary as well as extrapituitary events.  相似文献   

The possible neuroprotective effect of D-glucose against glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity was studied in rat cortical neurons in primary culture. Brief (5-min) exposure of neurons to glutamate (100 microM) increased delayed (24-h) necrosis and apoptosis by 3- and 1.8-fold, respectively. Glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity was accompanied by a D-(-)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate (100 microM) and N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (1 mM)-inhibitable, time-dependent ATP depletion (55% at 24 h), confirming the involvement of NMDA receptor stimulation followed by nitric oxide synthesis in this process. Furthermore, the presence of D-glucose (20 mM), but not its inactive enantiomer, L-glucose, fully prevented glutamate-mediated delayed ATP depletion, necrosis, and apoptosis. Succinate- cytochrome c reductase activity, but not the activities of NADH-coenzyme Q(1) reductase or cytochrome c oxidase, was inhibited by 32% by glutamate treatment, an effect that was abolished by incubation with D-glucose. Lactate accumulation in the culture medium was unmodified by any of these treatments, ruling out the possible involvement of the glycolysis pathway in either glutamate neurotoxicity or D-glucose neuroprotection. In contrast, D-glucose, but not L-glucose, abolished glutamate-mediated glutathione oxidation and NADPH depletion. Our results suggest that NADPH production from D-glucose accounts for glutathione regeneration and protection from mitochondrial dysfunction. This supports the notion that the activity of the pentose phosphate pathway may be an important factor in protecting neurons against glutamate neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

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