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Phyllodistomum umblae (Fabricius, 1780), originally described on the basis of specimens recovered from the ureter of Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus in Drangedalen, Norway, is here redescribed with both light (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) from material obtained from the type host and type locality. This species has been overlooked in general text-books of this century, e.g. those of Dawes and Yamaguti, but was discussed by Nybelin in a paper in 1926 in which he suggested its conspecificity with P. conostomum Olsson. The dimensions, shapes, position and arrangement of the internal structures and selected size ratios are described and illustrated with LM-pictures. The SEM-investigation reveals the tegumental microstructure, and special emphasis is given to the arrangement of papillae. The body papillae comprise: (a) constant numbers in a constant bilateral arrangement; (b) a variable number in an orientated bilateral concentration called rows; (c) regional concentrations; (d) randomly distributed ones. This system and its variability are described and figured. Four types of papillae, and their distribution as seen by SEM, are described. These results are compared with the results from other SEM–investigations on gorgoderids.  相似文献   

It is shown, that the distribution of Phyllodistomum umblae in the excretory system of all investigated species of salmonids has a principal similarity. The distribution of P. umblae in the excretory system of the Siberian dace and the Siberian roach is distinguished from that of P. folium.  相似文献   

Rosas‐Valdez, R., Choudhury, A. & Pérez‐Ponce de León, G. (2011). Molecular prospecting for cryptic species in Phyllodistomum lacustri (Platyhelminthes, Gorgoderidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 296–305. Partial sequences of the 28S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) genes were compared among populations of a widely distributed and morphologically uniform digenean species in North America, Phyllodistomum lacustri, a parasite characteristically associated with ictalurid catfishes. Specimens were collected from the urinary bladder of ictalurid hosts in six localities of North America, spanning most of the latitudinal range of this freshwater fish group. Sequences of other congeneric species, including a potentially close relative, P. staffordi, were also obtained and used for comparison. Analyses of both molecular markers show very low or no intrapopulation variation within each sampling site. However, samples of P. lacustri from different hosts and regions exhibit varying levels of interpopulation genetic differences. Such differences are explained by the wide geographical distribution and host range of the ictalurids they parasitize, particularly in ictalurids distributed in Mexican freshwaters where they experienced a diversification process. Variation in both nuclear and mitochondrial genes and phylogenetic analyses, in conjunction with geographical and host information (drainage isolation and endemicity of the host species), indicate that at least three populations show potential as cryptic species.  相似文献   

Haploid complement of Phyllodistomumn umblae ex baikal whitefish from Lake Baikal consists of 8 chromosomes (6 metacentrics and 2 submetacentrics). The significant difference is observed in the ratio of acrocentrics and metacentrics in the haploid set of chromosomes between isolated populations of P. umblae from Baikal region and from Chukotka. The hypothesis is advanced that these chromosome populations may be chromosome races of P. umblae.  相似文献   

Dugarov ZhN 《Parazitologiia》2000,34(4):315-322
The host variability of adults of Phyllodistomum umblae and P. folium in fishes of the Baikal region has been studied. The absence of considerable geographical variability of P. umblae in Coregonus lavaretus (Lake Baikal, Lake Storsj?n in Sweden) has been shown. The complexes of most stable (the size of acetabulum and eggs, location of acetabulum, ovary and vitelline bodies) and variable (the distance from oral sucker to intestinal bifurcation, distance from intestinal back edge to body end, width of seminal vesicle) features of trematodes of the genus Phyllodistomum have been determined.  相似文献   

Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) were first found in the Ebro River (Spain) in Ribaroja reservoir, in the summer of 2001. This paper reports a study to detect parasites in this bivalve species. From September 2003 to August 2004, a total of 1380 zebra mussels were collected and dissected or sectioned in paraffin and haematoxylin and eosin staining. We observed the presence of Phyllodistomum folium (Olfers, 1816) in two hosts (prevalence 0.14%). Sporocysts containing metacercariae were located within the gill lamellae. One of the mussels was collected in January and the other one in July. In both cases the shell length was >2 cm. P. folium had not been previously reported in Spain and D. polymorpha is its only known intermediate host. It represents a new invasive species in this river basin, presumably introduced together with the zebra mussels.  相似文献   

Digeneans and cestodes are species‐rich taxa and can seriously impact human health, fisheries, aqua‐ and agriculture, and wildlife conservation and management. DNA barcoding using the COI Folmer region could be applied for species detection and identification, but both ‘universal’ and taxon‐specific COI primers fail to amplify in many flatworm taxa. We found that high levels of nucleotide variation at priming sites made it unrealistic to design primers targeting all flatworms. We developed new degenerate primers that enabled acquisition of the COI barcode region from 100% of specimens tested (n = 46), representing 23 families of digeneans and 6 orders of cestodes. This high success rate represents an improvement over existing methods. Primers and methods provided here are critical pieces towards redressing the current paucity of COI barcodes for these taxa in public databases.  相似文献   

Experimental infection of Tinca tinca and Carassius auratus have demonstrated that Cercaria duplicata von Baer, 1827 is the larval form of Phyllodistomum elongatum Nybelin, 1926 and that the life-cycle occurs between Anodonta cygnea (intermediate host) and Tinca tinca or Carassius auratus (final host) without a second intermediate host. The life-history experimentally completed in the laboratory occurs in the following way: -- adult in the ureters of Tinca tinca and Carassius auratus; -- mother sporocyst and daughter sporocyst of Phyllodistorum elongatum in Anodonta cygnea give rise to the large-tailed rhopalocercous cercaria; -- metacercaria encysted within transformed tail in water.  相似文献   

Summary The present study examines spermiogenesis, and in particular the formation of the acrosome, in ten species of chitons belonging to four families. This study emphasizes the formation of the acrosome but brings to light several other structures that have received little or no mention in previous studies. The process of spermiogenesis is essentially similar in each species, although Chaetopleura exhibits some significant differences. In early spermiogenesis the Golgi body secretes numerous small pro-acrosomal vesicles that gradually migrate into the apical cytoplasm. The chromatin condenses from granules into fibres which become twisted within the nucleus. A small bundle of chromatin fibres projects from the main nuclear mass into the anterior filament; this coincides with the appearance of a developing manchette of microtubules around the nucleus that originates from the two centrioles. Radiating from the distal centriole is the centriolar satellite complex, which is attached to the plasma membrane by the annulus. The distal centriole produces the flagellum posteriorly and it exits eccentrically through a ring of folded membrane that houses the annulus. Extending from the annulus on one side of the flagellum, in all but one species, is a dense fibrous body that has not been previously reported. The proximal centriole lies perpendicular to the end of the distal centriole and is attached to it by fibro-granular material. Pro-acrosomal vesicles migrate anteriorly through the cytoplasm and move into the anterior filament to one side of the expanding nucleus. Eventually these vesicles migrate all the way to the tip of the sperm, where they fuse to form one of two granules in the acrosome. In mature sperm the nucleus is bullet-shaped with a long anterior filament and contains dense chromatin with occasional lacunae. The mitochondria vary in both number and position in the mature sperm of different species. Both centrioles are housed eccentrically in a posterior indentation of the nucleus, where the membranes are modified. The elongate flagellum tapers to a long filamentous end-piece that roughly corresponds to the anterior filament and may be important in sperm locomotion for hydrodynamic reasons. An acrosome is present in all ten species and stained positively for acid phosphatase in three species that were tested.  相似文献   

Phyllodistomum funduli n. sp. is described from the urinary bladder and ureters of the plains topminnow, Fundulus sciadicus, from Cedar Creek in Keith County, Nebraska (41 degrees 11.18'N, 101 degrees 21.77'W). Phyllodistomum funduli differs from most other Phyllodistomum species reported in possessing an oral sucker that is larger than the acetabulum. Currently, 7 other species of Phyllodistomum have been reported to possess this trait. A comparison of P. funduli with these 7 other species indicates that P. funduli is a distinct species, lacking notches, posterior body folds, caudal projections, or cephalic glands found in some congeners. There is no published report on parasites other than monogeneans inhabiting the plains topminnow, and there is no other report of members from the Gorgoderidae inhabiting any members of the Fundulidae.  相似文献   

1. A survey of lakes in Anglesey and Snowdonia, Wales, in the summer of 1997 recorded changes in the triclad fauna which had occurred since earlier studies in the 1950s and in 1973. Two native species, Polycelis tenuis and Dugesia polychroa, and two immigrants, Planaria torva and especially Dugesia tigrina, have increased their range. The triclad fauna has remained unchanged with time in eleven out of sixteen lakes in Snowdonia, in contrast to only one out of fourteen lakes on Anglesey. This supports the hypothesis produced in the 1950s, that the triclad fauna of the ion-poor, unproductive lakes in Snowdonia would change little with time, being maintained by ecological interactions, whereas the ion-rich, productive lakes on Anglesey, from which native Dugesia spp. and Dendrocoelum lacteum are historically absent, would increase in triclad diversity. 2. An examination of national records for the distribution of D. tigrina and Pl. torva indicated their continuing dispersal in both still and running waters in mainland Britain, with the former species having the greater frequency of occurrence. 3. The reasons for this may be that D. tigrina is (a) more easily dispersed, (b) a more opportunistic, catholic feeder, (c) a more vigorous competitor, (d) able to reproduce asexually and (e) able to prey to some extent on other triclad species, as shown in the laboratory but not yet confirmed in the field. The absence of D. tigrina and Pl. torva from unproductive lakes may be explained in terms of low temperature and feeding mode, and a low standing crop of gastropods, respectively. 4. Seven surveys (1961–1997) of the triclad fauna (six species) of Colemere, England, revealed that D. tigrina was confined to one small area of the littoral zone until the mid-1980s, after which it spread fairly rapidly to occupy the entire shore by 1997. Its expansion has been to the detriment of all the native species, particularly P. tenuis, except Dd. lacteum. The possible extinction of Pl. torva may be linked to a numerical reduction in snails, particularly Potamopyrgus jenkinsi. 5. Dugesia tigrina has an adverse effect on the native triclad fauna in lakes, particularly when only a few species are present. This has been explained in terms of the availability of a wider variety of food. The presence of a larger number of triclad species denies the immigrant food items, particularly crustaceans and snails, the food refuges of Dd. lacteum and Dugesia spp., respectively. However, the long-term study of Colemere has shown that more diverse triclad faunas may also be vulnerable to this immigrant. The effect of Pl. torva on native triclads remains uncertain.  相似文献   

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