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Nitrate Accumulation and its Relation to Leaf Elongation in Spinach Leaves   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The leaf elongation rate (LER) of spinach leaves during theday was twice that during the night when grown at a photon fluxdensity of 145 µmol m–2 s–1. All leaves showedthe same LER-pattern over 24 h. Due to low turgor, LER was lowin the afternoon and in the first hours of the night until wateruptake restored full turgor. Osmotic potential remained constantdue to increased nitrate uptake and starch degradation in thisperiod. LER increased to high rates in the second part of thenight and in the morning. The lower rate in the dark comparedto the light was not caused by the lower night temperatures,as increased photon flux density during growth resulted in equalrates in the light and the dark. Increased relative humiditydecreased LER and afternoon rates were most sensitive to waterstress. A ‘low light’ night period did not changeLER-pattern during the night or on the following day. We concludethat nitrate is not an obligatory osmoticum during the nightand can be exchanged for organic osmotica without decreasingLER. During the night the turgor is first restored by increasingwater uptake, nitrate uptake and starch degradation. This resultedin increased leaf fresh weight in this period. Thereafter, elongationincreased by simultaneous uptake of nitrate and water. Nitrateconcentration was, therefore, constant in the older leaves.In the younger leaves nitrate concentration increased to replacesoluble carbohydrates. The vacuoles of the old leaves were filledwith nitrate before those of the young leaves. Key words: Spinacia oleracea L., nitrate accumulation, osmotic potential, organic acids  相似文献   

Nitrate reduction in leaves of tomato occurred at the same ratein plants grown in 8.0 mol m–3 nitrate as in plants grownin 2.0 mol m–3 nitrate, but at a much slower rate in plantsgrown in 0.1 mol m–3 nitrate. However, the plants grownin 8.0 mol m–3 nitrate had a larger leaf system than theplants grown in 2.0 mol m–3 nitrate, and so the totalcapacity to assimilate nitrate was greater in the plants grownin the higher concentration. It was shown that plants grownin 8.0 mol m–3 nitrate were better buffered against nitratewithdrawal than plants grown in 2.0 mol m–3 nitrate asthe rate of nitrate reduction declined more slowly when plantswere transferred to 0.1 mol m–3 nitrate from the higherconcentration than from the lower concentration. Furthermore,leaf expansion continued in the plants transferred from thehigher concentration, whereas it ceased abruptly in the plantstransferred from the lower concentration. It was concluded thatboth continuing expansion and continuing nitrate reduction wereaccompanied, and possibly caused by, a release of nitrate fromstorage pools in the lower part of the stem or the roots. Duringwithdrawal of nitrate the leaves were shown to maintain potentialactivity of the enzyme nitrate reductase although there wasno nitrate to be reduced. When nitrate was resupplied it couldbe reduced very quickly and reduction in the leaves was seento increase within 5 h of resupply. By 3 d after resupply furtherenzyme activity had been induced. Key words: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase activity, nitrate withdrawal  相似文献   

Yield stress threshold (Y) and volumetric extensibility () arethe rheological properties that appear to control root growth.In this study they were measured in wheat roots by means ofparallel measurement of the growth rate (r) of intact wheatroots and of the turgor pressures (P) of individual cells withinthe expansion zone. Growth and turgor pressure were manipulatedby immersion in graded osmoticum (mannitol) solutions. Turgorwas measured with a pressure probe and growth rate by visualobservation. The influence of various growth conditions on Yand was investigated; (a) At 27 °C.In 0.5 mol m–3 CaCl2 r, P, Y and were20.7±4.6 µm min–1, 0.77±0.05 MPa,0.07±0.03 MPa and 26±1.9 µm min–1MPa–1 (expressed as increase in length), respectively.Following 24 h growth in 10 mol m–3 KC1 these parametersbecame 12.3±3.5 µm min–1, 0.72±0.04MPa, 0.13±0.01 MPa and 21±0.7 µm min–1MPa–1. After 24 h osmotic adjustment in 150 mol m–3mannitol/0.5 mol m–3 CaCl2 r= 19.6±4.2 µmmin–1, P = 0.68±0.05 MPa and Y and were 0.07±0.04MPa and 30±0.2 µm min–1 MPa–01, respectively.After 24 h growth in 350 mol m–3 mannitol/0.5 mol m–3CaCl2 r= 13.3±4.1 µm min–1, P= 0.58±0.07MPa, Y=0.12±0.01 MPa and ø 32±0.2 tim min–1MPa–1. During osmotic adjustment in 200 mol m–3mannitol/0.5 mol m–3 CaCl2, with or without KCl, the recoveryof growth rate corresponded to turgor pressure recovery (t1/2approximately 3 h). (b) At 15 °C. Lowered temperature dramatically influencedthe growth parameters which became r= 8.3±2.8 um min–1,P=0.78 MPa, r=<0.2 MPa and =15±0.1 µm min–1MPa–1. Therefore, Y and are influenced by 10 mol m–3 K+ ionsand low temperature. In each case the effective pressure forgrowth (P-Y) was large indicating that small fluctuations ofsoil water potential will not stop root elongation. Key words: Yield threshold, cell wall extensibility, wheat root growth, temperature, turgor pressur  相似文献   

Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. botrytis) and broccoli (Brassicaoleracea L. italica) plants were grown in large pots in growthchambers for a range of temperatures (mean air temperaturesfrom 7.0-25.3 C) and irradi-ances (from 9.3-50.8 mol m–2d–1 or 4.7-25.4 MJ m–2 d–1). The extinctioncoefficient for PAR decreased with plant size reaching a valueof 0.55 in cauliflower and 0.45 in broccoli at plant leaf areasof 0.235 m2 and 0.227 m2, respectively. The leaf area expansionrate was unaffected by irradiance when compared at identicalleaf surface temperatures. The response of expansion rate tosurface temperature was fitted to a broken stick model witha base temperature of –0.7C and an optimum temperatureof 21.0C. The radiation conversion coefficient increased withair temperature below 13.8C and remained constant above this.The estimated radiation conversion coefficient above 13.8Cand for a PPFD of 20 mol m–2 d–1 was 0.77 g mol–1in cauliflower and 0.87 g mol–1 in broccoli. The radiationconversion coefficient declined with increasing irradiance levelfrom a maximum of 1.89 g mol–1 at near nil irradiancein cauliflower. Key words: Leaf area, dry matter, radiation use efficiency, extinction coefficient  相似文献   

A series of physical and chemical analyses were made on theexpanding zone of maize seedling roots grown in hydroponics.Comparison of longitudinal profiles of local relative elementalgrowth rate and turgor pressure indicated that cell walls becomelooser in the apical 5 mm and then tighten 5–10 mm fromthe root tip. Immersion of roots in 200 mol m–3 mannitol(an osmotic stress of 0·48 MPa) rapidly and evenly reducedturgor pressure along the whole growing region. Growth was reducedto a greater extent in the region 5–10 mm from the roottip than in the apical region. This indicated rapid wall-looseningin the root tip, but not in the more basal regions. Following 24 h immersion in 400 mol m–3 mannitol (an osmoticstress of 0·96 MPa) turgor had recovered to pre-stressedvalues. Under this stress treatment, growth was reduced in theregion 4–10 mm from the root tip, despite the recoveryof turgor, indicating a tightening of the wall. In the rootapex, local relative elemental growth rate was unchanged incomparison to control tissue, showing that wall properties herewere similar to the control values. Cellulose microfibrils on the inner face of cortical cell wallsbecame increasingly more parallel to the root axis along thegrowth profile of both unstressed and stressed roots. Orientationdid not correlate with the wall loosening in the apical regionof unstressed roots, or with the tightening in the region 5–10mm from the root tip following 24 h of osmotic stress. Longitudinal profiles of the possible wall-loosening enzymexyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) had good correspondencewith an increase in wall loosening during development. In thezone of wall tightening following osmotic stress, XET activitywas decreased per unit dry weight (compared with the unstressedcontrol), but not per unit fresh weight. Key words: Osmotic stress, turgor, growth, cell wall properties, microfibrils, XET  相似文献   

A detailed study of the calcifuge Lupinus Iuteus L. (yellowlupin) has been carried out in an attempt to explain its poorperformance in the presence of high concentrations of rhizosphenccalcium. Plants were grown on two different calcium regimes,1 or 15 mol m Ca and, after an establishment period,measurements were made of the rate of leaf extension, finallength of the leaflets and the leaf gas exchange. In addition,the distribution of calcium within the leaf tissue was investigated. At 15 mol m–3 Ca, leaflet length at full expansion wasreduced as a consequence of reduced extension rate and a declinein cell wall extensibility. Transpiration in excised leaves,assayed gravimetrically, was significantly reduced in plantsgrown in high calcium. Similar results were also obtained fromgas exchange measurements. Analysis of A/C, curves indicatedthat in plants grown in high [Ca] there was a substantial reductionin net assimilation over a range of concentrations of CO2 X-raymicroanalysis revealed that a large amount of cal cium deliveredin the xylem sap is retained in the mesophyll tissue, and mostof that reaching the epidermal tissue is not found in the guardcells but in the cells adjacent to them, which in this speciesare not anatomically distinct as ‘subsidiary’ cells. Key words: Calcium, calcifuge, Lupinus luteus, stomata, leaf growth  相似文献   

Stem from three- and four-week-old Soyabean [Glycine max (L.)Merr. cv. Tracy] plants reduced from 0.3 to 0.7 µmol nitrateh–l g–l f. wt. Leaf activity was 4.7–7.6 µmolnitrate h–l g–l f. wt. Outer stem was two to fourtimes more active at reducing nitrate than was inner stem. Plantnitrate nutrition had a strong effect upon the ratio of activitypresent in stem and leaf. More nitrate increased the proportionpresent in leaves. Glycine max L., soyabean, nitrate assimilation, nitrogen metabolism, Rhizobium japonicum  相似文献   

Turgor regulation and effects of high NaCl and water deficiton growth and internal solutes were studied after transferringtobacco cells from control culture medium (osmotic pressure= 0.13–0.15 MPa at time of transfer) to culture mediumcontaining either 82 mol m–3 NaCl or 150 mol m–3melibiose (osmotic pressure of media = 0.62 MPa). Followingtransfer to media with higher osmotic pressure, expansion rateand turgor pressure were reduced. Within 24 h of imposing thewater deficit, expansion rate had returned to that of cellsin control culture medium. However, by 24 h, turgor pressurehad only risen from 0.2 MPa to 0.65 MPa in the NaCl treatmentand to 0.53 MPa in the melibiose treatment, while it was 0.73MPa in the control treatment. Furthermore, turgor pressure remainedwithin 0.05 MPa of these respective values for the rest of the(75 h) experiment. These results suggest differences in bothcell wall properties (extensibility and/or threshold turgor)and the level at which turgor is maintained for cells in thevarious treatments. Solutes contributing nearly all (82–97%) of the osmoticpressure in cells were identified. The initial (up to 24 h)increases in turgor pressure were mainly due to increases insolute concentrations caused by relatively slow expansion rates.However, increased Na+ and Cl uptake contributed toincreased turgor pressure in the NaCl treatment and caused turgorpressure of cells in this treatment to increase faster thanin the melibiose treatment. Likewise, expansion rate rose morequickly in the NaCl than in the melibiose treatment. After 24h, maximum expansion rate was reached and concentrations ofmost internal solutes began to decrease. Nevertheless, turgorpressure remained relatively constant. The constancy of turgorpressure was due to increased glucose uptake rates relativeto controls, with consequent increases in concentrations ofsucrose, glucose and fructose and, in cells in the melibiosetreatment, of organic acids. Glucose uptake was slower in theNaCl than in the melibiose treatment but higher turgor pressurewas maintained in the NaCl treatment due to high uptake of Na+and Cl. Glucose uptake appears to respond to a systemof turgor regulation, but further experiments are required toconfirm this and to determine whether Na+ and Cl uptakealso respond to a system of turgor regulation. Key words: Salinity, water deficit, growth  相似文献   

The early time-course of turgor adjustment following a hyper-or hypo-osomotic shock was examined in the brackish-water charophyteLamprothamnium papulosum. The response to a reduction in turgorwas a five to seven-fold stimulation of the influxes of Cl,K+ and Na+. The distribution of radioactive tracers in the cellsuggested that the ionic composition of the cytoplasm was strictlycontrolled during turgor adjustment. Metabolic activity wasrelatively unaffected by the loss of turgor. high fluxes throughthe cytoplasm, and a cytoplasmic K concentration possiblyas high as 280 mol m–3. Osmotic adjustment to a lower salinity was achieved by largeincreases in the passive effluxes of K+ and Cl ratherthan by decreases in their influxes. The membrane remained hyperpolarized during hyperosmotic adjustmentbut depolarized after a hypo-osmotic change. This result isdiscussed in relation to changes in the driving forces for ionmovements during osmotic transitions. Key words: Lamprothamnium, Turgor, Osmotic stress  相似文献   

The effects of a range of applied nitrate (NO3) concentrations(0–20 mol m3) on germination and emergence percentageof Triticum aestivum L. cv. Otane were examined at 30, 60, 90and 120 mm sowing depths. Germination percentage was not affectedby either sowing depth or applied NO3 concentration whereasemergence percentage decreased with increased sowing depth regardlessof applied NO3 concentration. Nitrate did not affectemergence percentage at 30 mm sowing depth, but at 60 to 120mm depth, emergence percentage decreased sharply with an increasedapplied NO3 concentration of 0 to 1·0 mol m–3then decreased only slightly with further increases in appliedNO3 of about 5·0 mol m–3. Root and shoot growth, NO3 accumulation and nitrate reductaseactivity (NRA) of plants supplied with 0, 1·0 and 1·0mol m–3 NO3 at a sowing depth of 60 mm were measuredprior to emergence. The coleoptile of all seedlings opened withinthe substrate. Prior to emergence from the substrate, shootextension growth was unaffected by additional NO3 butshoot fr. wt. and dry wt. were both greater at 1·0 and1·0 mol m–3 NO3 than with zero NO3.Root dry wt. was unaffected by NO3. Nitrate concentrationand NRA in root and shoot were always low without NO3.At 1·0 and 10 mol m3 NO3, NO3 accumulatedin the root and shoot to concentrations substantially greaterthan that applied and caused the induction of NRA. Regardlessof the applied NO3 concentration, seedlings which failedto emerge still had substantial seed reserves one month afterplanting. Coleoptile length was substantially less for seedlingswhich did not emerge than for seedlings which emerged, but wasnot affected by NO3. It is proposed that (a) decreasedemergence percentage with increased sowing depth was due tothe emergence of leaf I from the coleoptile within the substrateand (b) decreased emergence percentage with additional NO3was due to the increased expansion of leaf 1 within the substrateresulting in greater folding and damage of the leaf. Key words: Triticum aestivwn L., nitrate, sowing depth, seedling growth, seedling emergence  相似文献   

Growth and nitrate uptake kinetics in vegetatively growing barley(Hordeum vulgare L., cvs Laevigatum, Golf, and Mette) were investigatedin solution culture under long-term limitations of externalnitrogen availability. Nitrate was fed to the cultures at relativeaddition rates (RA) ranging from 0.02 to 0.2 d–1. Therelative growth rate (RG, calculated for total plant dry weight)correlated well with RA in the range 0.02 to 0.07 d–1.In the RA range from 0.07 to 0.2 d–1 RG continued to increase,but an increasing fraction of nitrogen, added and absorbed,was apparently stored rather than used for structural growth.The RG of the roots was less affected by RA. Vmax, for net nitrateuptake increased with RA up to 0.11 d–1, but decreasedat higher RA. The decline in Vmax coincided with a build-upof nitrate stores in both roots and shoots. Vmax, expressedper unit nitrogen in the plants (the relative Vmax, was higherthan required for maintenance of growth (up to 30-fold) at lowRA, whereas at higher RA the relative Vmax decreased. Kineticpredictions of steady-state external nitrate concentrationsduring N-limited growth ranged from 0.2 to 5.0 mmol m–3over the RG range 0.02 to 0.11 d–1. It is suggested thatthe nitrate uptake system is not under specific regulation atlow RA, but co-ordinated with root protein synthesis and growthin general. At RA higher than 0.11 d–1, however, specificregulation of nitrate uptake, possibly via root nitrate pools,become important. The three cultivars showed very similar growthand nitrate uptake characteristics. Key words: Barley, growth, nitrogen limitation, nitrate uptake, kinetics  相似文献   

The tetraammonium salt of the K+ binding fluorescent dye benzofuranisophthalate (PBFI) was used to investigate the influence ofpotassium nutrition (0.1–2.1 mol m–3) on apoplasticK+ inVicia faba leaves by means of ratio imaging. As a referencethe infiltration-centrifugation method was used. Both methodsreflected the influence of K+ supply on apoplastic K+ concentration.The abaxial leaf side revealed significantly higher K+ concentrations(20-25 mol m–3) than the adaxial side (5–8 mol m–3).Application of CCCP led to an immediate increase in apoplasticK+ demonstrating the reliability of the PBFI method. Key words: Vicia faba, leaf, apoplast, K+, PBFI, ratio imaging, ratiometric fluorescence microscopy  相似文献   

The internal cycling of nitrogen (N) has been studied in applerootstocks grown in sand culture and subjected to a constantN supply, or defoliation, or withholding the N supply in theautumn in order to manipulate the amount of N stored over thewinter. The trees subsequently received either no N or 8–0mol N m–3 (labelled with 15N to 498 atom%) with the irrigationthe following spring in order to determine the effect of thecurrent N supply on the remobilization of N for leaf growth. Provision of an autumnal N supply delayed leaf senescence andreduced the amount of N withdrawn from leaves from 156 mg Nplant–1 to 91 mg N plant–1. Loss of protein ribulose1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RUBISCO) accounted for83–87% of the soluble protein N lost during leaf senescence,there being a preferential loss of RUBISCO compared with othersoluble leaf proteins. Remobilization of N from perennial woody tissues (stems androots) in the spring was used predominantly for leaf growth.The amount of N remobilized depended upon the size of the Nstore, but was unaffected by the current N supply, demonstratingthat fertilization of trees does not alter the efficiency withwhich they cycle N. Degradation of RUBISCO in the autumn accountedfor between 32% and 48% of the N subsequently remobilized forleaf growth the following spring, suggesting that RUBISCO hasa role as a summer store for N. Key words: Malus domestica, Borkh, nitrogen, senescence, ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase, oxygenase, storage, remobilization  相似文献   

Pinitol, a Compatible Solute in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The irrigation of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. plants with400 mol m–3 NaCl to induce crassulacean acid metabolism(CAM) was accompanied by the accumulation of pinitol. Pinitolconstituted 71% of the soluble carbohydrate fraction and 9.7%dry weight in the CAM form. Pinitol in the C3 form did not exceed5% of the soluble carbohydrate fraction. Pinitol appeared metabolicallyinert: it was not readily degraded during 96 h of darkness inthe CAM form or during CAM deinduction. Preparations of CAMM. crystallinum protoplasts, vacuoles and chloroplasts showedpinitol to be chloroplastic at a concentration of about 230mol m–3 and cytosolic at about 100 mol m–3. No pinitolwas detected in vacuoles. CAM leaf extracts possessed a highermyo-inositol phosphate synthesising capacity than C3 extracts,revealing greater activity in the CAM form of glucose-6-phosphatecycloaldolase, an enzyme in the pathway of pinitol synthesis. Although pinitol accumulation and CAM induction could not beseparated and appeared to be specific responses to water stress,there may not be a causal link between them. Pinitol may functionas a compatible solute in the cytosol and especially the chloroplaststo counteract the presence of high concentrations of Na+ andCl ions in the vacuole. The accumulation of pinitol,though apparently not directly related to CAM may, like CAM,be viewed as an aspect of the adaptation of the plant to a reductionin water availability. Key words: pinitol, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L, CAM, compatible solute  相似文献   

Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were asepticallycultivated and the effects of different N-nutrition on net uptakeand reduction of nitrate were investigated. The characteristicsof nitrate uptake were calculated, Ks as 0?2 mol m–3 andVmax as 18 µmol g–1 d–1. Low pH, and Al3+ in the medium caused adecrease in nitrate uptake rate. An in vivo assay was set upwhich allowed the measurement of NRA in both roots and needlesof spruce seedlings. The in vivo nitrate reductase activitywas repressed by ammonium and stimulated by nitrate. Nitratereduction was similar to nitrate uptake, negatively affectedby low pH and ammonium. Therefore, a limited N-supply to spruceseemed to occur when pH was low in the rhizosphere combinedwith the presence of Al3+ and . Key words: Spruce, nitrate uptake, nitrate reduction  相似文献   

Low temperature (6 C) growth was examined in two cultivarsof Vicia faba L. supplied with 4 and 20 mol m–3 N as nitrateor urea. Both cultivars showed similar growth responses to increasedapplied-N concentration regardless of N-form. Total leaf areaincreased, as did root, stem and leaf dry weight, total carboncontent and total nitrogen content. In contrast to findingsat higher growth temperatures, 20 mol m–3 urea-N gavesubstantially greater growth (all parameters measured) than20 mol m–3 nitrate-N. The increased carbon content per plant associated with increasedapplied nitrate or urea concentration, or with urea in comparisonto nitrate, was due to a greater leaf area per plant for CO2uptake and not an increased CO2, uptake per unit area, carbon,chlorophyll or dry weight, all of which either remained constantor decreased. Nitrate reductase activity was substantial inplants given nitrate but negligible in plants given urea. Neitherfree nitrate nor free urea contributed greatly to nitrogen levelsin plant tissues. It is concluded that there is no evidence for a restrictionin nitrate reduction at 6 C, and it is likely that urea givesgreater growth than nitrate because of greater rates of uptake. Vicia faba, broad bean, low temperature growth, carbon assimilation, nitrogen assimilation  相似文献   

The growth rate of hydroponically grown wheat roots was reducedby mannitol solutions of various osmotic pressures. For example,following 24 h exposure to 0·96 MPa mannitol root elongationwas reduced from 1· mm h–1 to 0·1 mm h–1 Mature cell length was reduced from 290 µm in unstressedroots to 100 µm in 0·96 MPa mannitol. This indicatesa reduction in cell production rate from about 4 per h in theunstressed roots to 1 per h in the highest stress treatment. The growing zone extended over the apical 4·5 mm in unstressedroots but became shorter as growth ceased in the proximal regionsat higher levels of osmotic stress. The turgor pressure along the apical 5·0 mm of unstressedroots was between 0·5 and 0·6 MPa but declinedto 0·41 MPa over the next 50 mm. Following 24 h in 0·48(200 mol m–3) or 0·72 MPa (300 mol m) mannitol,turgor along the apical 50 mm was indistinguishable from thatof unstressed roots but turgor declined more steeply in theregion 5·10 mm from the tip. At the highest level ofstress (0·96 MPa or 400 mol m–3 mannitol) turgordeclined steeply within the apical 20 mm. Key words: Growth, turgor pressure, wall rheology, osmotic stress, osmotic adjustment  相似文献   

Inhibition of Light-Stimulated Leaf Expansion by Abscisic Acid   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
Abscisic acid (ABA) applied to intact bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)leaves or to isolated leaf discs inhibits light-stimulated cellenlargement This effect may be obtained with 10–4 molm–3 ABA, but is more significant at higher concentrations.The inhibition of disc expansion by ABA is greater for discsprovided with an external supply of sucrose than for discs providedwith KC1, and may be completely overcome by increasing the KC1concentration externally to 50 mol m–3. Decreased growthrate of ABA-treated tissue is not correlated with loss of solutesfrom growing cells, but is correlated with a decrease in cellwall extensibility. ABA does not prevent light-stimulated acidificationof the leaf surface, and stimulates the acidification of theexternal solution by leaf pieces. However, the capacity of thecell walls to undergo acid-induced wall loosening is diminishedby ABA-treatment. The possibility that ABA acts directly byinhibiting growth processes at the cellular level, or indirectlyby causing stomatal closure, is discussed. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, ABA, Inhibition, Leaf expansion  相似文献   

The response of the germination of seeds of Barbarea vema (Mill.)Aschers, Brassica chinensis L., Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.& Coss., Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes L., Camelinasaliva (L.) Crantz, Eruca saliva Mill., Lepidium sativum L.,Nasturtium officinale R. Br., and Rorippa palustris (L.) Besserto white fluorescent light of different photon flux densitiesapplied for different daily durations in a diurnal alternatingtemperature regime of 20 °C/30 °C (16 h/8 h) was quantifiedby linear relations between probit percentage germination andthe logarithm of photon dose, the product of photon flux densityand duration. The low energy reaction, in which increasing dosepromotes germination, was detected in all the seed populationsbut in Barbarea vema and Brassica Juncea the lowest photon doseapplied (10–5–2 and 10–5 7 mol m–2 d–1,respectively) was sufficient to saturate the response. Comparisons,where possible, between photoperiods demonstrated reciprocity,i.e. germination was proportional to photon dose irrespectiveof photoperiod, for the low energy reaction in Brassica oleracea(1 min d–1 to 1 h d–1), Camelina saliva (1 min d–1to 8 h d–1), Eruca saliva (1 min d–1 to 24 h d–1),Lepidium sativum (I min d–1 to 8 h d–1) and Rorippapalustris (1 min d–1 to 8 h d–1), but not in Brassicachinensis and Nasturtium officinale. The high irradiance reaction,in which increasing dose inhibits germination, was detectedin Barbarea vema, Brassica chinensis, Brassica juncea, Brassicaoleracea, and Camelina saliva. The minimum dose at which inhibitionwas detected was lO–0–3 mol m–2 d–1.These results are discussed in the context of devising optimallight regimes for laboratory tests intended to maximize germination The response of germination to photon dose was also quantifiedwith 3 x 10–4 M GA2, co-applied (Brassica chinensis, Camelinasaliva, and Lepidium sativum) and with 2 x 10–2 M potassiumnitrate co-applied (Brassica chinensis). In the latter casepotassium nitrate had no effect in the dark and inhibited germinationin the light, but GA2, promoted germination substantially inall three species. Variation amongst seeds in the minimum photondose required to stimulate germination was not affected by co-applicationof GA2, in Brassica chinensis and Camelina saliva, whereas seedsof Lepidium salivum showed a narrower distribution of sensitivitiesto the low energy reaction in the presence of GA2 Barbarea vema (Mill.) Aschers, Brassica chinensis L., Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. & Coss., Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes L., Camelina saliva (L.) Crantz, Eruca saliva Mill., Lepidium satiaum L., Nasturtium officinale R. Br., Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser, Cruciferae, light, gibberellic acid, seed germination, seed dormancy  相似文献   

The Occurrence of Nitrate Reduction in the Leaves of Woody Plants   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Nitrate reductase activities greater than 02 µmol h–1g–1 f. wt, measured by an in vivo assay, occurred in 41per cent of a large sample (555 species) of woody plants. Ifseveral taxonomic groups (Gymnosperms, Ericaceae and Proteaceae)with consistently low activities were discounted activitiesgreater than 02 µmol h–1 g–1 f. wt occurredin 73 per cent of the species. This compares with 93 per centin herbaceous species, suggesting that leaf nitrate reductionis of common occurrence in woody plants. In a small sample ofspecies leaf nitrate reductase activity correlated with nitrateconcentration in the xylem sap. Low activities occurred consistentlyin the Gymnosperms, Ericaceae and Proteaceae. Feeding cut shootsof representatives of these groups with nitrate caused inductionof leaf nitrate reductase activity in the Gymnosperms and Proteaceae,but only limited induction in the Ericaceae. The Ericaceae,with the exception of two species, had low activities and lownitrate reductase inducibility. Root assimilation may predominatein the Gymnosperms and Proteaceae. It is suggested that nitratereduction generally occurs in the leaves of trees from a varietyof plant communities and that this may be related to the lowerenergy cost of leaf, as opposed to root, nitrate assimilation. Nitrate reductase, trees and shrubs, leaves, nitrate assimilation, nitrate translocation, nitrate reductase induction, energy cost, plant ecology  相似文献   

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