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The aim of the present study was to evaluate retropatellar contact characteristics at different angles of flexion of the knee joint. To this end, 6 cadaveric legs were examined using pressure sensitive film (Fuji Prescale type "super low") at angles of flexion of 45 degrees, 60 degrees, 90 degrees and 120 degrees both in neutral rotation and 10 degrees internal and external rotation of the femur in the same knee joints. A force of 140 N was applied to both the vastus medialis and lateralis, and a comparison made with a medially and a laterally dominating muscle force. The contact areas decreased with increasing angles of flexion. The medially dominating muscle traction increased the contact area. Comparison between internal and external rotation revealed a decrease in contact area on internal rotation. The pressure measurements were comparable in all loading situations. Comparison between neutral and medial traction revealed significant differences in contact area, pressure and force. The influence of femoral rotation showed no significant difference. A comparison of the different angles of flexion revealed only few significant differences. To prevent the development of retropatellar arthrosis, maximum contact areas are necessary. The study has shown an advantage for medially dominating muscle traction, and external rotation of the femur.  相似文献   

Isokinetic exercise has been commonly used in knee rehabilitation, conditioning and research in the past two decades. Although many investigators have used various experimental and theoretical approaches to study the muscle and joint force involved in isokinetic knee extension and flexion exercises, only a few of these studies have actually distinguished between the tibiofemoral joint forces and muscle forces. Therefore, the objective of this study was to specify, via an eletromyography(EMG)-driven muscle force model of the knee, the magnitude of the tibiofemoral joint and muscle forces acting during isokinetic knee extension and flexion exercises. Fifteen subjects ranging from 21 to 36 years of age volunteered to participate in this study. A Kin Com exercise machine (Chattecx Corporation, Chattanooga, TN, U.S.A.) was used as the loading device. An EMG-driven muscle force model was used to predict muscle forces, and a biomechanical model was used to analyze two knee joint constraint forces; compression and shear force. The methods used in this study were shown to be valid and reliable (r > 0.84 andp < 0.05). The effects on the tibiofemoral joint force during knee isokinetic exercises were compared with several functional activities that were investigated by earlier researchers. The muscle forces generated during knee isokinetic exercise were also obtained. Based on the findings obtained in this study, several therapeutic justifications for knee rehabilitation are proposed.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional dynamic modelling of human knee joint   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A mathematical dynamic model of the two-dimensional representation of the knee joint is presented. The profiles of the joint surfaces are determined from X-ray films and they are represented by polynomials. The joint ligaments are modelled as nonlinear elastic springs of realistic stiffness properties. Nonlinear equations of motion coupled with nonlinear constraint conditions are solved numerically. Time derivatives are approximated by Newmark difference formulae and the resulting nonlinear algebraic equations are solved employing the Newton-Raphson iteration scheme. Several dynamic loads are applied to the center of mass of the tibia and the ensuing motion is investigated. Numerical results on ligament forces, contact point locations between femur and tibia, and the orientation of tibia relative to femur are presented. The results are shown to be consistent with the anatomy of the knee joint.  相似文献   

The tidemark of the chondro-osseous junction of the normal human knee joint   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The chondro-osseous junction includes the junction between calcified and non-calcified cartilage matrices often referred to as the tidemark. A detailed knowledge of the structure, function and pathophysiology of the chondro-osseous junction is essential for an understanding both of the normal elongation of bones and of the pathogenesis of osteoarthrosis. In this study the molecular anatomy of the tidemark was studied using histochemical techniques, including lectin histochemistry, on blocks of normal cartilage from human knee joints. The tidemark stained with H&E, picro-sirius red, toluidine blue, safranin O and methyl green, but not with alcian blue in the presence of magnesium chloride at 0.05 M or above. It stained with only four lectins, those from Datura stramonium, Maclura pomifera, Erythrina crystagalli and Helix pomatia, out of the 19 used. Therefore, it is rich in collagen and contains hyaluronan, but appears to lack the glycosaminoglycans of conventional proteoglycans and it expresses a very limited and distinctive lectin staining glycoprofile, which is probably attributable to specific glycoproteins. In addition, the tidemark had a distinct microanatomical trilaminate appearance. From all of these results it is clear that this part of the chondro-osseous junctional region is chemically more complex and distinctive than has previously been described.  相似文献   

A model of knee mobility able to predict the range and pattern of movement in the unloaded joint was proposed by Wilson et al. (J. Biomech. 31 (1998) 1127-1136). The articular surfaces in the lateral and medial compartments and isometric fascicles in three of the knee ligaments were represented as five constraints on motion between the femur and tibia in a single degree-of-freedom parallel spatial mechanism. The path of movement of the bones during passive flexion was found by solving the forward kinematics of the mechanism using an iterative method. The present paper shows that such a mechanism-based solution approach can lead to an underestimation of the flexion range. This is due to the mechanism reaching a 'stationary configuration' and 'locking'. A new, constraint-based approach to the solution of the model joint displacement is proposed. It avoids the representation of ligaments and articular surfaces by kinematically equivalent chains of one degree-of-freedom pairs which are prone to singularities. It relies instead on a numerical solution of five non-linear constraint equations to find the relative positions of the bones at a series of flexion angles. The method is successful both in its ability to predict motion through a physiological range and in its efficiency with a solution rate forty times faster than the original algorithm. The new approach may be extended to include more complex joint surface geometry, allowing a study of the effects of articular surface shape and ligament arrangement on joint kinematics.  相似文献   

This paper presents some results on the modeling and the parameter estimation of the human knee joint. Based on the geometric characteristics of the femur condyle and the tibia plateau, a part of femoro-tibial joint model includes an involute-on-plane submodel. Data recorded by camera type device are used to analyze the kinematic characteristics of the knee joint and to estimate the corresponding submodel parameters. Experimental results are presented and the model is further validated.  相似文献   

A validated three-dimensional computational model of a human knee joint   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper presents a three-dimensional finite element tibio-femoral joint model of a human knee that was validated using experimental data. The geometry of the joint model was obtained from magnetic resonance (MR) images of a cadaveric knee specimen. The same specimen was biomechanically tested using a robotic/universal force-moment sensor (UFS) system and knee kinematic data under anterior-posterior tibial loads (up to 100 N) were obtained. In the finite element model (FEM), cartilage was modeled as an elastic material, ligaments were represented as nonlinear elastic springs, and menisci were simulated by equivalent-resistance springs. Reference lengths (zero-load lengths) of the ligaments and stiffness of the meniscus springs were estimated using an optimization procedure that involved the minimization of the differences between the kinematics predicted by the model and those obtained experimentally. The joint kinematics and in-situ forces in the ligaments in response to axial tibial moments of up to 10 Nm were calculated using the model and were compared with published experimental data on knee specimens. It was also demonstrated that the equivalent-resistance springs representing the menisci are important for accurate calculation of knee kinematics. Thus, the methodology developed in this study can be a valuable tool for further analysis of knee joint function and could serve as a step toward the development of more advanced computational knee models.  相似文献   

The areas of the femoral origin of the cruciate ligaments have approximately the shape of sectors of ellipses, the one for the anterior ligament on the lateral condyle posteroproximally and the one for the posterior ligament on the medial condyle distally. By means of a new technique of dissection, combined with the use of X-rays, the change in distance between the origin and insertion and so the change of tension of single bundles of the ligaments could be analyzed. Only a rather thin bundle in each cruciate ligament is in constant tension: "guiding bundles." The maximal diminution of distance between the origin and insertion for some bundles is 65%. In the anterior cruciate ligament the majority of fibres are taut in extreme extension: "limiting bundles." The same is true in the posterior cruciate ligament in extreme flexion. There are also some fibres, especially in the posterior cruciate ligament, that are taut only in an intermediate position. The geometric analysis of the function of different groups of fibers was performed by a modification of Menschik's concept of a four-bar link.  相似文献   

Malalignment and joint space loss in the arthritic human knee can be measured quantitatively by employing a frame that allows for parallax correction of radiographs taken from the weight bearing lower limb. This standardized method will assist pre-operative planning for osteotomies and post-operative follow-up of patients with surgically re-aligned lower limbs. The procedure requires anatomically important points to be digitized, together with reference points built into the frame. Data are then processed automatically in a desk top computer, and the program provides for an easily understood diagram and listing of characteristic indices of malalignment.  相似文献   

It was found that the dependence of the viscosity of calf thymus chromatin dispersions and human leukocytes on ethidium bromide concentration had two peaks indicative of domains with circular supercoiled DNA and varying resistance to ultrasound in the cells and isolated chromatin. The hypothesis of V. D. Paponov and P. S. Gromov (Bull. Exp. Biol. Med., N5, 590, 1985) on the transformation of static relations of nucleosome DNA-containing nuclei into dynamic, after chromatin exposure to ultrasound due to DNA linearization in chromatin domains possessing circular supercoiled DNA, has been confirmed.  相似文献   

We developed a novel approach that requires subjects to produce and finely tune ground reaction forces (GRFs) while standing. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability of electromyographic data recorded during these tasks. Healthy young adults stood with their dominant leg in a boot fixed to a force platform. A target matching protocol required subjects to control both the direction and magnitude of GRF along the horizontal plane while maintaining constant inferior–superior loads of 50% body-weight (BW). Each target matching task was repeated three times in a random order. Subjects were retested with the same protocol 2–3 days later. Normalised electromyography data of eight muscles crossing the knee joint was collected for each successful target match. A random model, single measures intra-class correlation analysed the reliability for both test–retest and intra-day results, in addition to inter-subject reliability. The GRFs required to meet the targets were comparable to a range of activities of daily living, ranging from 0.48 to 0.58 N/kg of BW in the horizontal plane while maintaining 50% BW in the vertical plane. We observed moderate to high ICC values (0.60–0.993) for most muscles in most directions, indicating low within-subject variance. In addition, moderate to high between-subject reliability was observed in all eight muscle activation profiles, indicating subjects used similar neuromuscular control strategies to achieve the desired GRFs. In conclusion, our protocol identifies non-random weight-bearing motor control strategies while generating direction dependent GRFs. These results provide reliable insight into knee joint stabilisation strategies during weight bearing.  相似文献   

The targeting movements of a human arm were examined when restricted to a horizontal plane. The three joints at shoulder, elbow, and wrist are allowed to move. Thus, the system is redundant and needs constraints. A model calculation using a simple form of constraint is found to describe the experimental results: a cost function is applied to each joint. The constraint consists in minimizing the sum of the costs of all three joints. The cost functions might be interpreted as to describing the energy cost necessary to move the joint and/or represent a mechanism which avoids singularities.  相似文献   

By generalizing a previous model proposed in the literature, a new spatial kinematic model of the knee joint passive motion is presented. The model is based on an equivalent spatial parallel mechanism which relies upon the assumption that fibers within the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the medial collateral ligament (MCL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) can be considered as isometric during the knee flexion in passive motion (virtually unloaded motion). The articular surfaces of femoral and tibial condyles are modelled as 3-D surfaces of general shapes. In particular, the paper presents the closure equations of the new mechanism both for surfaces represented by means of scalar equations that have the Cartesian coordinates of the points of the surface as variables and for surfaces represented in parametric form. An example of simulation is presented in the case both femoral condyles are modelled as ellipsoidal surfaces and tibial condyles as spherical surfaces. The results of the simulation are compared to those of the previous models and to measurements. The comparison confirms the expectation that a better approximation of the tibiofemoral condyle surfaces leads to a more accurate model of the knee passive motion.  相似文献   

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