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Page RA  Ryan MJ 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(12):1201-1205
The fringe-lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus, uses prey-emitted acoustic cues (frog calls) to assess prey palatability . Previous experiments show that wild T. cirrhosus brought into the laboratory are flexible in their ability to reverse the associations they form between prey cues and prey quality . Here we asked how this flexibility can be achieved in nature. We quantified the rate at which bats learned to associate the calls of a poisonous toad species with palatable prey by placing bats in three groups: (a) social learning, in which a bat inexperienced with the novel association was allowed to observe an experienced bat; (b) social facilitation, in which two inexperienced bats were presented with the experimental task together; and (c) trial-and-error, in which a single inexperienced bat was presented with the experimental task alone. In the social-learning group, bats rapidly acquired the novel association in an average of 5.3 trials. In the social-facilitation and trial-and-error groups, most bats did not approach the call of the poisonous species after 100 trials. Thus, once acquired, novel associations between prey cue and prey quality could spread rapidly through the bat population by cultural transmission. This is the first case to document predator social learning of an acoustic prey cue.  相似文献   

Predators use olfactory, visual and sometimes acoustic cues from the preys to assess food information. However, it is not known if the aggressive hornets (Vespa spp.) use olfactory, visual, or both types of information to find and recognize prey. In the present study, we trained hornet workers (Vespa velutina) to a feeding area. Once the hornets began consistently foraging at this feeding area, we determined whether they located prey (bees, Apis cerana) via olfactory or visual cues. We did this by testing whether hornets were attracted to a dummy bait (bee dummy bait or non-bee dummy bait) treated with extracts of honeybee cuticular hydrocarbons. We then tested whether hornets could distinguish between bee dummy bait and cotton ball dummy bait, both treated with bee odors. Hornets preferred the dummy treated with bee odors, and bee dummies (with bee images) were more attractive to the hornet than the cotton ball dummies with only bee odors. These results clearly indicate that a combination of olfactory and visual cues helps the hornet to locate its prey.  相似文献   

A wide diversity of aquatic organisms release chemical alarm cues upon encountering or being attacked by a predator. These alarm cues can be used by nearby individuals to assess local predation risk. Receivers warned by chemical alarm cues gain a survival benefit when encountering predators. Animals that are in the same prey guild (i.e. that co‐occur and share the same predators) may learn to recognize each others’ chemical alarm cues. This ability may confer an adaptive advantage if the prey animals are vulnerable to the same predators. However, if the prey grow to different sizes and as a consequence are no longer vulnerable to the same suite of predators, then there should no longer be an advantage for the prey to respond to each others’ alarm cues. In this study, we exposed small and large fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to cues from syntopic injured damselfly larvae (Enallagma boreale), cues from injured mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) and to distilled water. Small minnows exhibited antipredatory behaviour and increased shelter use in response to injured damselfly cues but not to the controls of injured mealworm or distilled water. On the contrary, large minnows exhibited no significant change in shelter use in response to any of the injured cues. These data demonstrate that fathead minnows exhibit an antipredator response to damselfly alarm cues, but only when minnows are small and members of the same prey guild as damselfly larvae. These results demonstrate the considerable flexibility in the responses to heterospecific alarm cues.  相似文献   

Predatory behavior of the lizardEumeces okadae upon 40 kinds of potential prey was observed under laboratory conditions. Prey items eaten byE. okadae were those having no particular defense mechanisms. Invertebrates with chemical repellants (phenol, alkaloids and cyanide), dense and long hairs around the body, and with lethal or poisonous bites were rejected. Sensory modalities for prey discrimination varied between the well eaten (preferred) and completely rejected (undesirable) prey. Almost all tasty prey were attacked on sight, while undesirable ones were rejected at various stages using visual and chemical senses. Despite the keen chemical prey discrimination ability inEumeces, this study demonstrated thatE. okadae did not always use chemical cues for prey discrimination. Fast predatory attacks immediately after visual discrimination are directed toward preferred and probably agile prey.  相似文献   

1. To reduce the risk of being eaten by predators, prey alter their morphology or behaviour. This response can be tuned to the current danger if chemical or other cues associated with predators inform the prey about the risks involved. 2. It is well known that various prey species discriminate between chemical cues from predators that fed on conspecific prey and those that fed on heterospecific prey, and react stronger to the first. It is therefore expected that generalist predators are more successful in capturing a given prey species when they are contaminated with chemical cues from another prey species instead of cues from the same prey species. 3. Here, a generalist predatory mite was studied that feeds on thrips larvae as well as on whitefly eggs and crawlers. Mites were marked with cues (i.e. body fluids) of one of these two prey species and were subsequently offered thrips larva. 4. Predators marked with thrips cues killed significantly fewer thrips than predators marked with whitefly cues, even though the predator's tendency to attack was the same. In addition, more thrips larvae sought refuge in the presence of a predatory mite marked with thrips cues instead of whitefly cues. 5. This suggests that generalist predators may experience improved attack success when switching prey species.  相似文献   

Predators often eavesdrop on sexual displays of their prey. These displays can provide multimodal cues that aid predators, but the benefits in attending to them should depend on the environmental sensory conditions under which they forage. We assessed whether bats hunting for frogs use multimodal cues to locate their prey and whether their use varies with ambient conditions. We used a robotic set-up mimicking the sexual display of a male túngara frog (Physalaemus pustulosus) to test prey assessment by fringe-lipped bats (Trachops cirrhosus). These predatory bats primarily use sound of the frog''s call to find their prey, but the bats also use echolocation cues returning from the frog''s dynamically moving vocal sac. In the first experiment, we show that multimodal cues affect attack behaviour: bats made narrower flank attack angles on multimodal trials compared with unimodal trials during which they could only rely on the sound of the frog. In the second experiment, we explored the bat''s use of prey cues in an acoustically more complex environment. Túngara frogs often form mixed-species choruses with other frogs, including the hourglass frog (Dendropsophus ebraccatus). Using a multi-speaker set-up, we tested bat approaches and attacks on the robofrog under three different levels of acoustic complexity: no calling D. ebraccatus males, two calling D. ebraccatus males and five D. ebraccatus males. We found that bats are more directional in their approach to the robofrog when more D. ebraccatus males were calling. Thus, bats seemed to benefit more from multimodal cues when confronted with increased levels of acoustic complexity in their foraging environments. Our data have important consequences for our understanding of the evolution of multimodal sexual displays as they reveal how environmental conditions can alter the natural selection pressures acting on them.  相似文献   

Predators use a variety of information sources to locate potential prey, and likewise prey animals use numerous sources of information to detect and avoid becoming the meal of a potential predator. In freshwater environments, chemosensory cues often play a crucial role in such predator/prey interactions. The importance of chemosensory information to teleost fish in marine environments is not well understood. Here, we tested whether coral reef fish predators are attracted to damage-released chemical cues from already wounded prey in order to find patches of prey and minimize their own costs of obtaining food. Furthermore, we tested if these chemical cues would convey information about status of the prey. Using y-maze experiments, we found that predatory dottybacks, Pseudochromis fuscus, were more attracted to skin extracts of damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis, prey that were in good condition compared to prey in poor body condition. Moreover, in both the laboratory and field, we found that predators could differentiate between skin extracts from prey based on prey size, showing a greater attraction to extracts made from prey that were the appropriate size to consume. This suggests that predators are not attracted to any general substance released from an injured prey fish instead being capable of detecting and distinguishing relatively small differences in the chemical composition of the skin of their prey. These results have implications for understanding predator foraging strategies and highlights that chemical cues play a complex role in predator–prey interactions in marine fish.  相似文献   

Toxic prey that signal their defences to predators using conspicuous warning signals are called ‘aposematic’. Predators learn about the toxic content of aposematic prey and reduce their attacks on them. However, through regulating their toxin intake, predators will include aposematic prey in their diets when the benefits of gaining the nutrients they contain outweigh the costs of ingesting the prey''s toxins. Predators face a problem when managing their toxin intake: prey sharing the same warning signal often vary in their toxicities. Given that predators should avoid uncertainty when managing their toxin intake, we tested whether European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) preferred to eat fixed-defence prey (where all prey contained a 2% quinine solution) to mixed-defence prey (where half the prey contained a 4% quinine solution and the other half contained only water). Our results support the idea that predators should be more ‘risk-averse’ when foraging on variably defended prey and suggest that variation in toxicity levels could be a form of defence.  相似文献   

Foraging strategies of birds can influence trophic plant–insect networks with impacts on primary plant production. Recent experiments show that some forest insectivorous birds can use herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) to locate herbivore‐infested trees, but it is unclear how birds combine or prioritize visual and olfactory information when making foraging decisions. Here, we investigated attraction of ground‐foraging birds to HIPVs and visible prey in short vegetation on farmland in a series of foraging choice experiments. Birds showed an initial preference for HIPVs when visual information was the same for all choice options (i.e., one experimental setup had all options with visible prey, another setup with hidden prey). However, if the alternatives within an experimental setup included visible prey (without HIPV) in competition with HIPV‐only, then birds preferred the visual option over HIPVs. Our results show that olfactory cues can play an important role in birds’ foraging choices when visual information contains little variation; however, visual cues are preferred when variation is present. This suggests certain aspects of bird foraging decisions in agricultural habitats are mediated by olfactory interaction mechanisms between birds and plants. We also found that birds from variety of dietary food guilds were attracted to HIPVs; hence, the ability of birds to use plant cues is probably more general than previously thought, and may influence the biological pest control potential of birds on farmland.  相似文献   

Animals use a variety of proximate cues to assess habitat quality when resources vary spatiotemporally. Two nonmutually exclusive strategies to assess habitat quality involve either direct assessment of landscape features or observation of social cues from conspecifics as a form of information transfer about forage resources. The conspecific attraction hypothesis proposes that individual space use is dependent on the distribution of conspecifics rather than the location of resource patches, whereas the resource dispersion hypothesis proposes that individual space use and social association are driven by the abundance and distribution of resources. We tested the conspecific attraction and the resource dispersion hypotheses as two nonmutually exclusive hypotheses explaining social association and of adult female caribou (Rangifer tarandus). We used location data from GPS collars to estimate interannual site fidelity and networks representing home range overlap and social associations among individual caribou. We found that home range overlap and social associations were correlated with resource distribution in summer and conspecific attraction in winter. In summer, when resources were distributed relatively homogeneously, interannual site fidelity was high and home range overlap and social associations were low. Conversely, in winter when resources were distributed relatively heterogeneously, interannual site fidelity was low and home range overlap and social associations were high. As access to resources changes across seasons, caribou appear to alter social behavior and space use. In summer, caribou may use cues associated with the distribution of forage, and in winter caribou may use cues from conspecifics to access forage. Our results have broad implications for our understanding of caribou socioecology, suggesting that caribou use season‐specific strategies to locate forage. Caribou populations continue to decline globally, and our finding that conspecific attraction is likely related to access to forage suggests that further fragmentation of caribou habitat could limit social association among caribou, particularly in winter when access to resources may be limited.  相似文献   

Abstract. Haplotrema concavum , a carnivorous land snail, responds differently to the same prey when hunting versus when transporting food. The ability of these animals to distinguish between fresh, unmanipulated or uneaten prey and manipulated or partially eaten prey was tested by switching prey items while the predator was in the process of transporting the prey. Predators responded to a switch from a manipulated egg of Anguispira alternata to an unmanipulated egg by suspending transport behavior while the new egg was manipulated. Seven of ten predators responded to a switch from an egg of A. alternata to a conspecific ( H. concavum ) egg by stopping transport and abandoning the less-preferred food. Predators responded to a switch from partially eaten hatchlings of A. alternata to fresh but injured hatchlings by stopping transport after the retrieval stage to eat the new hatchling, after which transport was resumed. Predators which were not engaged in transport behavior attacked rather than retrieved fresh, injured hatchling prey. These results suggest that by manipulating its prey, the predator alters the sensory stimulus of the prey by marking the prey with predator mucus which, in turn, elicits the transport behavior by the predatory snail.  相似文献   

In lizards and snakes, foraging mode (active vs. ambush) is highly correlated with the ability to detect prey chemical cues, and the way in which such cues are utilized. Ambush-foraging lizards tend not to recognize prey scent, whereas active foragers do. Prey scent often elicits strikes in actively-foraging snakes, while ambushers use it to select profitable foraging sites. We tested the influence of foraging ecology on the evolution of squamate chemoreception by gauging the response of Burton's legless lizard ( Lialis burtonis Gray, Pygopodidae) to prey chemical cues. Lialis burtonis is the ecological equivalent of an ambush-foraging snake, feeding at infrequent intervals on relatively large prey, which are swallowed whole. Captive L. burtonis did not respond to prey odour in any manner: prey chemical cues did not elicit elevated tongue-flick rates or feeding strikes, nor were they utilized in the selection of ambush sites. Like other ambushing lizards, L. burtonis appears to be a visually oriented predator. In contrast, an active forager in the same family, the common scaly-foot ( Pygopus lepidopodus ), did tongue-flick in response to odours of its preferred prey. These results extend the correlation between lizard foraging mode and chemosensory abilities to a heretofore-unstudied family, the Pygopodidae.  相似文献   

The ability of prey to recognize and adequately respond to predators determines their survival. Predator‐borne, post‐digestion dietary cues represent essential information for prey about the identity and the level of risk posed by predators. The phylogenetic relatedness hypothesis posits that prey should respond strongly to dietary cues from closely related heterospecifics but respond weakly to such cues from distantly related prey, following a hierarchical pattern. While such responses have mostly been observed in prey at their first encounter with predators, whether prey maintain such hierarchical levels of investment through time remains unclear. We investigated this question by exposing Rhacophorus arboreus tadpoles to the non‐consumptive effect of gape‐limited newt predators Cynops pyrrhogaster that were fed one of five prey diets across a gradient of phylogenetic relatedness: frog tadpoles (Rhacophorus arboreus, Rhacophorus schlegelii, Pelophylax nigromaculatus, and Hyla japonica) and medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Predators’ diet, time, and their interaction significantly influenced tadpole activity level. We found support for the phylogenetic relatedness hypothesis: Investments in defense were stronger to cues from tadpole diets than to cues from fish diet. However, such a hierarchical response was recorded only in the first four days following predator exposure, then gradually disappear by day 8 on which the tadpoles exhibited similar activity level across all predator treatments. The findings suggest that, at least under the threat of gape‐limited predators, prey use phylogenetic information to evaluate risk and appropriately invest in defense during early encounters with predators; however, energy requirements may prevent prey from maintaining a high level of defense over long exposure to predation risk.  相似文献   

Predators unintentionally release chemical and other cues into their environment that can be used by prey to assess predator presence. Prey organisms can therefore perform specific antipredator behavior to reduce predation risk, which can strongly shape the outcome of trophic interactions. In contrast to aquatic systems, studies on cue‐driven antipredator behavior in terrestrial arthropods cover only few species to date. Here, we investigated occurrence and strength of antipredator behavior of the wood cricket Nemobius sylvestris toward cues of 14 syntopic spider species that are potential predators of wood crickets. We used two different behavioral arena experiments to investigate the influence of predator cues on wood cricket mobility. We further tested whether changes in wood cricket mobility can be explained by five predator‐specific traits: hunting mode, commonness, diurnal activity, predator–prey body–size ratio, and predator–prey life stage differences. Crickets were singly recorded (1) in separate arenas, either in presence or absence of spider cues, to analyze changes in mobility on filter paper covered with cues compared with normal mobility on filter paper without cues; and (2) in subdivided arenas partly covered with spider cues, where the crickets could choose between cue‐bearing and cue‐less areas to analyze differences in residence time and mobility when crickets are able to avoid cues. Crickets either increased or reduced their mobility in the presence of spider cues. In the experiments with cues and controls in separate arenas, the magnitude of behavioral change increased significantly with increasing predator–prey body size ratio. When crickets could choose between spider cues and control, their mobility was significantly higher in the presence of cues from common spider species than from rare spiders. We therefore conclude that wood crickets distinguish between cues from different predator species and that spiders unintentionally release a species‐specific composition and size‐dependent quantity of cues, which lead to distinct antipredator behavior in wood crickets.  相似文献   

Decisions regarding foraging patch residence time and the assessmentof patch quality may be mediated by various sources of information.This study examined the use of sensory cues by hunting spidersto assess prey density in the absence of prey capture. Adultfemale wolf spiders [Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz); Lycosidae]had food withheld for 4 days and then were exposed to artificialforaging patches containing four densities of crickets (0, 3,10, 20) with different sensory stimuli (visual and vibratoryinformation, visual only, and vibratory only). The spiders werenot allowed to feed during trials, and patch residence timewas recorded. The spiders varied patch residence time basedon sensory cues alone and spent more time in patches with higherprey density. With visual information only, spiders could apparentlydistinguish among prey densities almost as well as with visualand vibratory cues combined, but residence time did not differamong prey densities when only vibratory information was presented.Measurements of vibration levels produced by cricket activityunder experimental sensory treatments conform to test results,suggesting that visual detection of crickets is important inpatch assessment used in determining patch residence time.  相似文献   

Predator–prey interactions are important in maintaining the structure and dynamics of ecological communities. Both predators and prey use cues from a range of sensory modalities to detect and assess one another; identification of these cues is necessary to understand how selection operates to shape predator–prey interactions. Mud-dauber wasps (Sphecidae) provision their larval nests with paralyzed spiders, and different genera of wasps specialize on particular spider taxa. Sceliphron caementarium (Drury 1773) wasps preferentially capture spiders that build two-dimensional (2D) webs, rather than those that construct three-dimensional (3D) webs, but the basis of this preference is not clear. Wasps may choose spiders based on an assessment of their web architecture, as 3D webs may provide better defenses against wasp predation than do 2D webs. However, because many hymenopterans use chemical cues to locate and recognize prey, it is also possible that mud-dauber wasps rely on chemical cues associated with the spider and/or the web to assess prey suitability. When we offered foraging S. caementarium wasps 2D and 3D spiders both on and off their webs, we found that in both cases the wasps took 2D spiders and avoided 3D spiders, demonstrating that the web itself is not the impediment. Results of a series of behavioral choice assays involving filter paper discs containing spider cues and chemically manipulated spiders or spider dummies corroborated the importance of spider chemical cues in mediation of prey recognition by mud-dauber wasps. We also discuss the relative importance of visual and chemical cues for prey recognition by wasps, examine the anti-predator behaviors of 2D and 3D spiders, and consider the role of wasp predation in spider diversification.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the behavioural, temporal and spatial effects of simulated African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) presence on its two main prey species: kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) and impala (Aepyceros melampus). We spread African wild dog faeces around waterholes and played African wild dog sounds at different intervals to mimic immediate and non‐immediate predation pressure. We looked at anti‐predator behaviour at both a herd and individual level and distinguished between high‐quality (detracts from all other activities), high‐cost vigilance and low‐quality (used to monitor the surrounding in spare time), low‐cost vigilance to determine costs involved. We found that simulated African wild dog presence had little effect on anti‐predator behaviour of their free‐ranging prey. Only when immediate predation risk was mimicked did kudu invest in (additional) high‐quality vigilance, whereas impala showed no response. Regardless of direct cues of African wild dog presence, behavioural adjustments to reduce predation risk were primarily based on environmental factors such as time of the day and broad‐scale habitat structure. Predators have been shown to utilize waterholes to hunt, and prey species are therefore likely to maximize anti‐predator behaviour in this high‐risk environment based on environmental variables affecting predation risk, the main predator within the system, and water requirements, leaving little flexibility to respond to (simulated) African wild dog presence.  相似文献   

To define general principles of predator‐prey dynamics in an estuarine subtidal environment, we manipulated predator density (the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus) and prey (the clam, Macoma balthica) patch distribution in large field enclosures in the Rhode River subestuary of the central Chesapeake Bay. The primary objectives were to determine whether predators forage in a way that maximizes prey consumption and to assess how their foraging success is affected by density of conspecifics. We developed a novel ultrasonic telemetry system to observe behavior of individual predators with unprecedented detail. Behavior of predators was more indicative of optimal than of opportunistic foraging. Predators appeared responsive to the overall quality of prey in their habitat. Rather than remaining on a prey patch until depletion, predators appeared to vary their patch use with quality of the surrounding environment. When multiple (two) prey patches were available, residence time of predators on a prey patch was shorter than when only a single prey patch was available. Predators seemed to move among the prey patches fairly regularly, dividing their foraging time between the patches and consuming prey from each of them at a similar rate. That predators more than doubled their consumption of prey when we doubled the number of prey (by adding the second patch) is consistent with optimizing behaviors ‐ rather than with an opportunistic increase in prey consumption brought about simply by the addition of more prey. Predators at high density, however, appeared to interfere with each other's foraging success, reflected by their lower rates of prey consumption. Blue crabs appear to forage more successfully (and their prey to experience higher mortality) in prey patches located within 15–20 meters of neighboring patch, than in isolated patches. Our results are likely to apply, at least qualitatively, to other crustacean‐bivalve interactions, including those of commercial interest; their quantitative applicability will depend on the mobility of other predators and the scale of patchiness they perceive.  相似文献   

Over relatively long distances, the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis is able to detect volatiles produced by bean plants that are infested by its prey, Tetranychus urticae, the twospotted spider mite. Our investigation examined the separate and combined effects of prey, their products, and prey-induced plant volatiles on when P. persimilis left a potential prey host plant. In wind tunnels, we assessed the relative importance of and interaction among local and distant prey-related cues. The examination of local cues included: (1) all local cues (prey eggs, webbing, and prey-induced plant volatiles), (2) food (prey eggs) and webbing only, (3) plant volatiles only, and (4) no prey-related cues. The examination of distant cues involved the presence or absence of prey-induced plant volatiles from upwind plants. External volatile cues, produced by placing prey-infested plants upwind in the wind tunnel, resulted in more predators leaving downwind plants, and leaving sooner, than when clean plants were upwind, regardless of the availability of prey or prey-related cues on the local plant. However, local cues, especially the presence of food/webbing, had a greater effect than distant cues on timing of predator leaving. Predators remained in larger numbers and for longer times on prey-infested plants. However, the presence of either locally-produced plant volatiles or food/webbing alone still reduced the number of predators leaving a plant in the first hour compared to clean plants. After the first hour, the number of predators leaving was primarily driven by the presence of food/webbing. When no food/webbing was available, predators left plants rapidly; if food/webbing was available, some predatory mites remained on plants at least 24 hours. Even if no food/webbing was available, predators presented with local volatiles remained on plants for several hours longer than on clean plants without local volatiles. These small changes in leaving rates may lead to differences in local population dynamics, and possibly regional persistence, of the predator-prey interaction in patchy environments.  相似文献   

Behaviours related to foraging and feeding in predator–prey systems are fundamental to our understanding of food webs. From the perspective of a predator, the selection of prey size depends upon a number of factors including prey vulnerability, prey size, and the predator's motivation to eat. Thus, feeding motivation and prey visual cues are supposed to influence predator decisions and it is predicted that prey selection by visual cues is modulated by the predator's stomach fullness prior to attacking a prey. This study was conducted using an animal model from the rocky shores ecosystem, a predatory fish, the frillfin goby Bathygobius soporator, and a benthic prey, the mottled shore crab Pachygrapsus transversus. Our results demonstrate that frillfin gobies are capable of visually evaluating prey size and that the size evaluation process is modulated by the level of stomach fullness. Predators with an empty stomach (0% fullness) attacked prey that was larger than the predicted optimal size. Partially satiated predators (50% stomach fullness) selected prey close to the optimal size, while fully satiated predators (100% stomach fullness) showed no preference for size. This finding indicates an integrative response of the predator that depends on the input of both internal and external sensory information when choosing prey. Predator perceptions of visual cues (prey size) and stomach fullness modulate foraging decisions. As a result, a flexible feeding behaviour emerges, evidencing a clearly adaptive response in line with optimal foraging theory predictions.  相似文献   

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