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We have investigated the specificity of six different lysozymes for peptidoglycan substrates obtained by extraction of a number of gram-negative bacteria and Micrococcus lysodeikticus with chloroform/Tris-HCl buffer (chloroform/buffer). The lysozymes included two that are commercially available (hen egg white lysozyme or HEWL, and mutanolysin from Streptomyces globisporus or M1L), and four that were chromatographically purified (bacteriophage lambda lysozyme or LaL, bacteriophage T4 lysozyme or T4L, goose egg white lysozyme or GEWL, and cauliflower lysozyme or CFL). HEWL was much more effective on M. lysodeikticus than on any of the gram-negative cell walls, while the opposite was found for LaL. Also the gram-negative cell walls showed remarkable differences in susceptibility to the different lysozymes, even for closely related species like Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium. These differences could not be due to the presence of lysozyme inhibitors such as Ivy from E. coli in the cell wall substrates because we showed that chloroform extraction effectively removed this inhibitor. Interestingly, we found strong inhibitory activity to HEWL in the chloroform/buffer extracts of Salmonella Typhimurium, and to LaL in the extracts of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, suggesting that other lysozyme inhibitors than Ivy exist and are probably widespread in gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

On the basis of the molecular evolution of hen egg white, human, and turkey lysozymes, three replacements (Trp62 with Tyr, Asn37 with Gly, and Asp101 with Gly) were introduced into the active-site cleft of hen egg white lysozyme by site-directed mutagenesis. The replacement of Trp62 with Tyr led to enhanced bacteriolytic activity at pH 6.2 and a lower binding constant for chitotriose. The fluorescence spectral properties of this mutant hen egg white lysozyme were found to be similar to those of human lysozyme, which contains Tyr at position 62. The replacement of Asn37 with Gly had little effect on the enzymatic activity and binding constant for chitotriose. However, the combination of Asn37----Gly (N37G) replacement with Asp101----Gly (D101G) and Trp62----Tyr (W62Y) conversions enhanced bacteriolytic activity much more than each single mutation and restored hydrolytic activity toward glycol chitin. Consequently, the mutant lysozyme containing triple replacements (N37G, W62Y, and D101G) showed about 3-fold higher bacteriolytic activity than the wild-type hen lysozyme at pH 6.2, which is close to the optimum pH of the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

The structure of lysozyme from guinea hen egg white (GEWL), which differs from hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) by ten amino acid substitutions, was investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. GEWL and HEWL were very similar to each other in their tertiary structure as judged from the profile of 1H-NMR spectra, pH titration, and an N-acetylglucosamine trisaccharide [(GlcNAc)3 binding experiment. However, we have noticed several characteristics which distinguish GEWL from HEWL. The signal of Trp 108 indole N1H of GEWL was shifted upfield by about 0.3 ppm when compared with that of HEWL, and its hydrogen exchange was faster than that of HEWL. The pKa values of Glu 35 estimated from the pH titration curve of Trp 108 indole N1H were different between GEWL and HEWL. From a careful examination of spectral changes caused by (GlcNAc)3 binding, the changes in the chemical shift values of Trp 28 C5H and Asn 59 alpha CH of GEWL were found to be slightly larger than those of HEWL. Ile 55 of HEWL is replaced by valine in GEWL. Such a replacement may affect the neighboring hydrogen bonding between the main chain C = O of Leu 56 and Trp 108 indole N1H, resulting in a change in the microenvironment of the substrate-binding site near Trp 108.  相似文献   

Interaction between hen egg white lysozyme and chitotrisaccharide was investigated by 1H-NMR spectroscopy using partially acetylated chitotrisaccharides and chemically modified lysozyme. Monoacetyl (GlcN-GlcN-GlcNAc), diacetyl (GlcN-GlcNAc-GlcNAc), or triacetyl chitotrisaccharide [(GlcNAc)3] was added to the lysozyme solution, and the changes in the 1H-NMR signals of the lysozyme were analyzed. Although many of the resonances were affected by addition of the saccharide, the most remarkable effect was seen on the signal of Trp28 C5H which is in a hydrophobic box adjacent to the saccharide-binding site. The signal shifted upfield by 0.2 ppm upon (GlcNAc)3 binding, whereas the chemical shift change of the signal resulting from binding of GlcN-GlcNAc-GlcNAc or GlcN-GlcN-GlcNAc was smaller than that resulting from (GlcNAc)3 binding. When the Asp101-modified lysozyme was used instead of the native lysozyme, the chemical shift change of the Trp28 C5H signal resulting from (GlcNAc)3 binding was also smaller than that for the native lysozyme. The chemical shift change of the signal reflects the conformational change of the hydrophobic box region which should synchronize with the movement of the binding site resulting from the saccharide binding. Therefore, the conformational change resulting from the saccharide binding might be reduced when the sugar residues located at binding subsites A and B of the lysozyme are deacetylated, as well as when Asp101 interacting with the sugar residues at the same subsites is modified.  相似文献   

Action of egg white lysozyme on Clostridium tyrobutyricum.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A 500-U ml-1 portion of egg white lysozyme was able to kill 99% of 5 X 10(5) resting vegetative cells of Clostridium tyrobutyricum within 24 h of incubation at 25 degrees C. Spores were completely resistant to lysozyme. Proliferating vegetative cells were severely inhibited, although lysozyme-resistant cells developed in growing cultures in the presence of lysozyme. Whereas early stages of spore germination (loss of optical refractility and heat resistance) were not inhibited by lysozyme, the overall outgrowth of spore cells into vegetative cells was delayed by 1 day in the presence of 500 U of lysosyme ml-1. This delay was independent of the lysozyme sensitivity or resistance of the mother culture of the used spores. It is suggested that this inhibition by lysozyme of the outgrowth of spore cells into vegetative cells of the lactate-fermenting C. tyrobutyricum is the basis for the observation that lysozyme can substitute for nitrate in preventing the "late gas" defect of Edam- and Gouda-type cheeses.  相似文献   

Hexagonal crystals of turkey egg white lysozyme have been examined for activity in order to evaluate their potential for use in time-resolved X-ray crystallographic experiments. Substrates used in this study were hexa-N-acetylglucosamine (hexa-GlcNAc) and a modified analogue of hexa-GlcNAc where the terminal sugar ring was opened by reduction with tritiated sodium borohydride. This gave a labeled beta-N-acetylglucosaminitol unit at the sixth position of the sugar chain and allowed easy quantitation of enzymatic cleavage on TLC plates. Using these substrates, it has been shown that turkey egg white lysozyme is enzymatically active in the crystal. Enzyme dispersed in the buffer surrounding the crystal does not show detectable activity under conditions relevant to an X-ray experiment. Unmodified hexa-GlcNAc is hydrolyzed into di-, tri-, and tetrasaccharides in the crystal. This cleavage pattern is different from that obtained with hen egg white lysozyme in solution and likely causes of the differences are discussed. The reduced radiolabeled oligosaccharide has a unique cleavage pattern with trisaccharides as the products. The specific activity of the enzyme with the radiolabelled analogue was 9.8 (+/- 1.0) x 10(-7) mmol/min/mg protein at 22 degrees C in the crystal.  相似文献   

Secretion of hen egg white lysozyme from Kluyveromyces lactis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hen egg white (HEW) lysozyme was correctly processed and efficiently secreted from an alternative yeast, Kluyveromyces lactis. We constructed secretion vectors using PHO5, PGK, and LAC4 promoters, and found that the highest secretion was obtained under the direction of the PGK promoter in non-selective rich medium. K. lactis secreted HEW lysozyme with two-fold higher efficiency than S. cerevisiae, estimated by using a K. lactis-S. cerevisiae shuttle vector.  相似文献   

A 500-U ml-1 portion of egg white lysozyme was able to kill 99% of 5 X 10(5) resting vegetative cells of Clostridium tyrobutyricum within 24 h of incubation at 25 degrees C. Spores were completely resistant to lysozyme. Proliferating vegetative cells were severely inhibited, although lysozyme-resistant cells developed in growing cultures in the presence of lysozyme. Whereas early stages of spore germination (loss of optical refractility and heat resistance) were not inhibited by lysozyme, the overall outgrowth of spore cells into vegetative cells was delayed by 1 day in the presence of 500 U of lysosyme ml-1. This delay was independent of the lysozyme sensitivity or resistance of the mother culture of the used spores. It is suggested that this inhibition by lysozyme of the outgrowth of spore cells into vegetative cells of the lactate-fermenting C. tyrobutyricum is the basis for the observation that lysozyme can substitute for nitrate in preventing the "late gas" defect of Edam- and Gouda-type cheeses.  相似文献   

K Sasahara  M Sakurai  K Nitta 《Proteins》2001,44(3):180-187
The influence of hydrostatic pressure (< or =100 MPa) on denaturant-induced unfolding of hen egg white lysozyme was investigated by means of ultraviolet spectroscopy at various temperatures. Assuming a two-state transition model, the dependence of Gibbs free-energy change of unfolding on the denaturant concentration was calculated. Under applied hydrostatic pressure, these data were interpreted as suggesting that a two-state model is not applicable in a restricted temperature range; the dominant effect of hydrostatic pressure is to affect the cooperativity in protein unfolding due to a chemical equilibrium shift in the direction of the reduction in the system volume. The deviation from the two-state transition model appears to be rationalized by assuming that applied pressure induces an intermediate conformation between the native and unfolded states of the protein. The implication of the thermodynamic stability of protein under pressure was discussed.  相似文献   

Two crystal forms of lysozyme from the egg white of the embden goose (Anser anser) have been obtained, both of which are suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis. The monoclinic form has space group P21 with cell dimensions a = 38.3 A?, b = 65.7 A?, c = 45.2 a?, β = 116 ° and the triclinic form (space group P1) has cell dimensions of a = 39.9 A?, b = 42.2 A?, c = 57.9 A? and α = 98.8 °, β = 102.5 °, γ = 90.5 °.  相似文献   

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