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Chromosome mapping of three common markers, ie major and 5S rRNA genes (rDNA) and telomeric repeats, and conventional chromosome bandings were applied to two sibling species, Apodemus sylvaticus Linnaeus, 1758 and A. flavicollis Melchior, 1834, to further investigate intra- and interspecific karyological differentiation in the genus Apodemus. A slight variation of the rDNA-patterns was detected between the two Apodemus species. In both of them, the major NORs were located on autosome pairs 8, 11, 12 and 22, while the two other rDNA sites detected on chromosomes 7 and 21 were variable in, respectively, A. sylvaticus and A. flavicollis. Several tiny rDNA sites were present on the sex chromosomes in both species, but their incidence was lower in A. flavicollis. Single 5S rDNA chromosomal sites were conserved on chromosome pair 20. No interstitial sites of telomeric repeats were present in either species. In the Sicilian population of A. sylvaticus, the constitutive heterochromatin pattern corresponded to the “sylvaticus-E1” cytotype, while A. flavicollis had a species-specific pattern restricted to centromeres of all chromosomes. The results are discussed in relation to cytogenetic data available for the genus, with emphasis on the Sylvaemus group/subgenus.  相似文献   

The three species of flying fishes—Indo-Pacific Cypselurus poecilopterus, Central Pacific C. simus, and Eastern Pacific C. callopterus form a particular species group within the subgenus Poecilocypselurus. These species rather weakly differ in the body height, number of predorsal scales and number of gill rakers. The sculls of these three species are very much alike; there are just very small differences in the proportions of some bones and the number of skull lateral line canals and pores. It could be imagined that C. poecilopterus has appeared in the Indo-Malayan Archipelago area and thence extended in all directions (up to the coasts of the Eastern Africa, Northern and Eastern Australia, New Guinea and adjacent islands, the western islands of Polynesia and the waters of Japan). C. callopterus inhabiting warm waters of the Eastern Pacific and C. simus whose area is situated in the central part of the Pacific Ocean are seemingly derived from this species.  相似文献   

The problems of delimitation of species of Prosopis originate from the few morphological discontinuities which exist among some of them; some, however, originated as a result of wide distribution of germplasm without proper knowledge of the species, in particular, much material catalogued as P. juliflora, but being of other species, was distributed for reforestation projects worldwide. This work tests the morphological results obtained for P. pallida and P. limensis of the Peruvian–Ecuadorian coast and for P. juliflora of the Caribbean Basin of Colombia and Venezuela utilizing a study of AFLPs and a study of the morphology of plantlets developed in a conventional garden study. The phenogram obtained for the AFLPs demonstrates each of the three species to be a well differentiated cluster and the molecular variance between them is significantly greater than the variance within each species. Study of the plantlets also indicates statistically significant differences for four morphological characters between P. juliflora and the other two species (P. pallida and P. limensis). These results, in addition to the morphological differentiation evident between adult plants of P. pallida and P. limensis and the clear separation of these two species from P. juliflora, corroborate the genetic identity of the three taxa analyzed.  相似文献   

The symbionts of the macronuclei of Paramecium bursaria and P. caudatum, “Holospora curviuscula” 02AZ16 and H. obtusa 88Ti, respectively, were obtained and investigated. The 16S rDNA nucleotide sequences of “Holospora curviuscula” were obtained for the first time. The differences in 16S rDNA (3.4%) suggest their classification within the genus Holospora. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the symbionts revealed that these intranuclear symbionts of the ciliates belonged to the order Rickettsiales, forming within a compact cluster of related species.  相似文献   

1. An improved radioassay for glutathione synthetase and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase was developed. 2. Xenopus laevis liver gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase was purified 324-fold by saline-bicarbonate extraction, protamine sulphate precipitation, CM-cellulose and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, and gel filtration. 3. Rat liver gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase was purified 11400-fold by a procedure similar to that employed for the Xenopus laevis enzyme. 4. Rat liver gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity was inhibited by GSH and activated by glycine. These effects, which were not found in the enzyme from Xenopus laevis, may have a regulatory significance. 5. Isotope-exchange experiments revealed fundamental differences in the partial reactions catalysed by the rat and Xenopus laevis synthetases. The enzyme from Xenopus laevis appears to follow a Bi Bi Uni Uni Ping Pong mechanism, with glutamyl-enzyme as intermediate before the addition of cysteine and the release of gamma-glutamylcysteine. The results for the rat liver enzyme are consistent with a Tri Tri sequential mechanism.  相似文献   

A thermostable -xylosidase from a hyperthermophilic bacterium, Thermotoga maritima, was over-expressed in Escherichia coli using the T7 polymerase expression system. The expressed -xylosidase was purified in two steps, heat treatment and immobilized metal affinity chromatography, and gave a single band on SDS-PAGE. The maximum activity on p-nitrophenyl -d-xylopyranoside was at 90 °C and pH 6.1. The purified enzyme had a half-life of over 22-min at 95 °C, and retained over 57% of its activity after holding a pH ranging from 5.4 to 8.5 for 1 h at 80 °C. Among all tested substrates, the purified enzyme had specific activities of 275, 50 and 29 U mg–1 on pNPX, pNPAF, and pNPG, respectively. The apparent Michaelis constant of the -xylosidase was 0.13 mm for pNPX with a V max of 280 U mg–1. When the purified -xylosidase was added to xylanase, corncob xylan was hydrolized completely to xylose.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of anaxyelid wasp is described and figured from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber as Curvitexis kopylovi gen. et sp. nov. The placement of this new genus within the Anaxyelidae is corroborated by its wing venation and the configuration of its mesosoma. This new genus differs from all other Syntexinae from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber biota, inter alia, owing to its forewing with the vein 1Rs curved and longer than 1M, the crossvein 1r-rs absent, the vein 2Rs + M present; the hind wing with the abscissa 2M + Cu present, the vein m-cu absent, and the cell r closed. The recently described Paraxiphydria resinata Gao et al., 2022 is transferred to Anaxyelidae: Syntexinae, and the subfamily Paraxiphydriinae Gao et al., 2022 is synonymized under Syntexinae.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic and antitumour factors have been documented in the venom of snakes, although little information is available on the identification of cytotoxic products in snake serum. In the present study, we purified and characterized a new cytotoxic factor from serum of the non-venomous African rock python (Python sebae), endowed with antitumour activity. PSS (P. sebae serum) exerted a cytotoxic activity and reduced dose-dependently the viability of several different tumour cell lines. In a model of human squamous cell carcinoma xenograft (A431), subcutaneous injection of PSS in proximity of the tumour mass reduced the tumour volume by 20%. Fractionation of PSS by ion-exchange chromatography yielded an active protein fraction, F5, which significantly reduced tumour cell viability in vitro and, strikingly, tumour growth in vivo. F5 is composed of P1 (peak 1) and P2 subunits interacting in a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio to form a heterotetramer in equilibrium with a hexameric form, which retained biological activity only when assembled. The two peptides share sequence similarity with PIP {PLI-γ [type-γ PLA(2) (phospholipase A(2)) inhibitor] from Python reticulatus}, existing as a homohexamer. More importantly, although PIP inhibits the hydrolytic activity of PLA(2), the anti-PLA(2) function of F5 is negligible. Using high-resolution MS, we covered 87 and 97% of the sequences of P1 and P2 respectively. In conclusion, in the present study we have identified and thoroughly characterized a novel protein displaying high sequence similarity to PLI-γ and possessing remarkable cytotoxic and antitumour effects that can be exploited for potential pharmacological applications.  相似文献   

The ThCAP gene, which encodes a cold acclimation protein, was isolated from a Tamarix hispida NaCl-stress root cDNA library; its expression patterns were then assayed by qRT-PCR in different T. hispida tissues treated with low temperature (4°C), salt (400 mM NaCl), drought (20% PEG6000) and exogenous abscisic acid (100 μM). Induction of ThCAP gene was not only responsive to different stress conditions but was also organ specific. When transgenic Populus (P. davidiana × P. bolleana) plants were generated, expressing ThCAP under regulation of the cauliflower mosaic virus CaMV 35S promoter, they had a greater resistance to low temperature than non-transgenic seedlings, suggesting that ThCAP might play an important role in cold tolerance.  相似文献   

The method of polymerase chain reaction with random primers (RAPD PCR) was used to identify the progeny of the crosses between three sturgeon species, Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii Brandt, 1869), Siberian sturgeon (A. baerii Brandt, 1869), and sterlet (A. ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758). Using ten primers, genetic variation in 70 yearlings, produced in seven individual crosses: Acipenser schrenckii × A. schrenckii, A. baerii × A. baerii, A. ruthenus × A. ruthenus, A. schrenckii × A. baerii, A. baerii × A. schrenckii, A. schrenckii × A. ruthenus, and A. ruthenus × A. schrenckii was described and evaluated. It was demonstrated that the samples composed of hybrids from individual crosses were more variable than the samples of parental species. On the other hand, pooled samples of hybrids from two cross directions were genetically less variable than the pooled samples of their parents. The three main features of the hybrid RAPD profiles identified included: (1) preservation of marker DNA fragments of both parents in one genome; (2) presence of specific DNA fragments, absent from both parents; and (3) dependence of the frequency of some DNA fragments from the cross direction. Multidimensional scaling clearly distinguishes in the space of three coordinates the individuals of original species and the hybrid progeny with differentiation in the groups of direct and backcross hybrids. Analysis of relationships (UPGMA and NJ) pointed to substantial differentiation between the species, as well as between the species and hybrid progeny. Close genetic relationships between direct and backcross hybrids were demonstrated. Multilocus RAPD markers in association with statistical methods are considered to be the useful tool for discrimination of interspecific hybrids of sturgeon. Possible reasons for the differences in the hybrid RAPD profiles are discussed. Original Russian Text ? K.V. Rozhkovan, G.N. Chelomina, E.I. Rachek, 2008, published in Genetika, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 11, pp. 1453–1460.  相似文献   

Parasitoid complexes of two species of the genus Phyllonorycter (Ph. apparella and Ph. populifoliella) reared from 2 plants (Populus tremula and P. nigra) were studied in Ul’yanovsk Province, Russia. Twenty species of parasitoids are new for Ph. apparella and 12 are new for Ph. populifoliella. Minotetrastichus frontalis and Pnigalio agraules are the dominant species for both parasitoid complexes. The highest relative abundance was observed for Ph. apparella on Populus tremula (75%) and for Ph. populifoliella on P. nigra (61%). The parasitoid complexes of Ph. apparella and Ph. populifoliella show high similarity (the Jaccard coefficient is 0.65).  相似文献   

α2-Macroglobulin (α2-M), a large molecular mass proteinase-binding protein, was identified in plasma from tuatara (Sphenodon), a rare reptile endemic to New Zealand. In this genus, α2-M constitutes 11–13% of total plasma protein (∼2.2–3.9 mg/ml). Analysis of blood samples collected at approximately monthly intervals from individual tuatara indicated that the plasma level of α2-M remains fairly constant. The subunits of tuatara α2-M have an apparent molecular mass of ∼160 kDa as determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the intact protein is an oligomer that contains inter-chain disulfide bonds. N-terminal sequence analyses of tuatara α2-M revealed a distinct similarity to α-macroglobulins of other vertebrates and that at least two types of α2-M subunits are present in plasma of tuatara.  相似文献   

This study reviews the nominal taxa within the species “Nemachilus” stoliczkae and “N.” dorsonotatus, described by Herzenstein (1888). N. dorsonotatus, N. d. retropinnis, and N. plagiognathus are reviewed within the species Triplophysa stoliczkae; it is suggested that this species is represented by at least 5 subspecies. N. stoliczkae brevicauda, N. s. leptosoma (synonym, N. s. productus), and N. s. crassicauda are considered as valid species, the last 2 are related to the group including the species T. tenuis, T. choprai, T. tenuicauda, and T. yasinensis rather than with T. stoliczkae. It was shown that the “stoliczkae” species group (sensu Prokofiev, 2001) should be divided into three species groups: “stoliczkae” (s. str.), “tenuis,” and “robusta”; their diagnoses and the species composition are presented. A new species from the “stoliczkae” group is described (T. scapanognatha sp. nova), related to T. tanggulaensis (Zhu, 1982). Original Russian Text ? A.M. Prokofiev, 2007, published in Voprosy Ikhtiologii, 2007, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 5–25.  相似文献   

The ras superfamily of GTP binding proteins encompasses a wide range of family members, related by conserved amino-acid motifs, and act as molecular binary switches that play key roles in cellular processes. Gene duplication and divergence has been postulated as the mechanism by which such family members have evolved their specific functions. We have cloned and sequenced a ras-like gene, tbrlp, from the primitive eukaryote Trypanosoma brucei. The gene encodes a protein of 227 amino acids and contains the six conserved subdomains that designate it as a ras/rap subfamily member. However, the presence of key diagnostic residues characteristic of both the ras and rap families of GTP confuse the familial classification of this gene. Phylogenetic analysis of the GTP binding domain places its origins at the divergence point of the ras/rap families and suggests that tbrlp is an ancestral gene to the ras/rap genes of higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The synthesis of chitosan-graft-γ-cyclodextrin (Ch-g-γ-CD) using persulfate/ascorbic acid redox system was done and characterized by FTIR, XRD, TGA and SEM/EDX. The optimum yield of the copolymer was obtained using 16 × 10−3 M γ-cyclodextrins (γ-CD), 2.8 × 10−2 M ascorbic acid (AA), 1.8 × 10−2 M K2S2O8 and 0.1 g chitosan in 25 mL of 2% aqueous formic acid at 45 ± 0.2 °C. The highest percent grafting samples were evaluated for cadmium metal ion (Cd(II)) removal from the aqueous solutions where the sorption capacities were found proportional to the grafting extent. The sorption was pH and concentration dependent where, pH = 8.5 was found to be the optimum value. The adsorption data were modeled using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The equilibrium data followed the Langmuir isotherm model with maximum sorption capacity of 833.33 mg/g. The influence of electrolytes, sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) on Cd(II) uptake was also studied. Desorption of the cadmium loaded Ch-g-γ-CD was accomplished with 0.01 N H2SO4. The adsorbent exhibited high reusability and could be successfully recycled for nine cycles where in the ninth cycle 27% adsorption was feasible.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of the A-chain of major hemoglobin component from Cuckoo (Eudynamys scolopaceae) is presented. Separation of the polypeptide subunits was achieved by ion exchange chromatography in the presence of 8 M urea. The sequence was studied by automatic Edman degradation of the native chain and its tryptic fragments in a gas-phase sequencer. Comparison with other avian hemoglobins shows residues 21, 30, 96, 110, and 114 as being specific to Cuckoo. The functional significance of these is discussed.  相似文献   

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