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Human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase preparations which vary in lipid content, from lipid-rich to lipid-poor, have been successfully prepared using deoxycholate. It was found that the lipid content of the enzyme decreased gradually as the deoxycholate concentration used in its preparation was increased. The binding of lipid to lipid-poor preparations of the enzyme has been investigated. It was found that the activity of such preparations was highly dependent on their phospholipid contents. Maximum specific activity was associated with a fixed phospholipid content. The lipid-poor enzyme was highly activated by addition of either endogenous(membrane) or exogenous lipid. Based on the data presented, it was concluded that acetylcholinesterase is a phospholipoprotein, and its activity is highly dependent on its phospholipid component.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize conceptus development based on pre- and postnatal measurements of in vivo- and in vitro-derived bovine pregnancies. In vivo-produced embryos were obtained after superovulation, whereas in vitro-produced embryos were derived from established procedures for bovine IVM, IVF and IVC. Blastocysts were transferred to recipients to obtain pregnancies of single (in vivo/singleton or in vitro/singleton groups) or twin fetuses (in vitro/twins group). Ultrasonographic examinations were performed weekly, from Day 30 of gestation through term. Videotaped images were digitized, and still-frames were used for the measurement of conceptus traits. Calves and fetal membranes (FM) were examined and measured upon delivery. In vitro-produced fetuses were smaller than in vivo controls (P < 0.05) during early pregnancy (Day 37 to Day 58), but in vitro/singletons presented significantly higher weights at birth than in vivo/control and in vitro/twin calves (P < 0.05). From late first trimester of pregnancy (Day 72 to Day 93), placentomes surrounding in vitro-derived singleton fetuses were longer and thinner than controls (P < 0.05). At term, the presence of giant cotyledons in the fetal membranes in the in vitro group was associated with a larger cotyledonary surface area in the fetal horn (P < 0.05). The biphasic growth pattern seen in in vitro-produced pregnancies was characterized by conceptus growth retardation during early pregnancy, followed by changes in the development of the placental tissue. Resulting high birth weights may be a consequence of aberrant placental development due to the disruption of the placental restraint on fetal growth toward the end of pregnancy.  相似文献   

In the studies reported here we demonstrate that bombesin decreases food intake in wolf (Canis lupus) pups without altering glucose or insulin levels. A high dose of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK, 5 μg/kg) decreased food intake. CCK produced a transient increase in insulin, without altering glucose. Glucagon (0.5 mg/kg) failed to decrease food intake despite producing a marked hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. Calcitonin was ineffective at decreasing food intake, although it did decrease the time spent feeding. These studies suggest a potential role for peripheral peptides in food regulation in the wolf.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜籽粒着生密度及其相关性状全基因组关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油菜角果内籽粒着生密度影响每果粒数,对油菜产量有直接或间接影响。本研究以不同遗传背景和地理来源的213份甘蓝型油菜品种(系)构成的自然群体为研究对象,利用芸薹属60 K Illumina Infinium SNP芯片进行群体结构、亲缘关系以及连锁不平衡分析;然后基于最优模型对籽粒着生密度及其相关性状进行全基因组关联(GWAS)分析。通过GWAS分析,共检测到10个SNP位点与籽粒着生密度及其相关性状关联。其中与籽粒着生密度关联的标记有2个,表型贡献率分别为9.49%和11.17%;与角果有效长关联的标记有6个,单个位点可解释9.81%~12.17%的表型变异;与每果粒数相关联的标记有2个,分别解释10.44%和10.87%的表型变异。通过分析关联SNP位点的LD区间的基因信息,筛选出16个与籽粒着生密度及其相关性状有关的候选基因,其中KMD4和UGT76C2基因与细胞分裂素的调控有关;AGL104和ADC2基因参与种子的形成过程;MCCB、NGA2和MATE等基因参与侧生器官的生长发育过程,它们的异常表达会导致一些侧生器官的变异。ADC2和UGT76C2两个候选基因可能对籽粒着生密度和每果粒数一因多效性。  相似文献   

Callitrichid hepatitis (CH) is an acute, often fatal viral infection of New World primates from the family Callitrichidae. The etiologic agent of CH is unknown. We report here the isolation of an arenavirus from a common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) with CH by using in vitro cultures of marmoset hepatocytes and Vero-E6 cells. Enveloped virions 67 to 133 nm in diameter with ribosomelike internal structures were seen in infected cultures. Immunofluorescence and Western immunoblot analysis using CH-specific antisera (principally from animals exposed to CH during zoo outbreaks) revealed three antigens in cells infected with this CH-associated virus (CHV). These antigens had the same electrophoretic mobilities on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels as did the nucleocapsid, GP2, and GPC proteins of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Monoclonal antibodies specific for these arenavirus proteins also reacted with the three CHV antigens. Conversely, the CH-specific antisera reacted with the nucleocapsid, GP2, and GPC proteins of LCMV. CHV thus appears to be a close antigenic relative of LCMV. The serologic association of CHV with several CH outbreaks implicate it as the etiologic agent of this disease.  相似文献   

Severe and irregular stunting of sugar beet has been associated with Helicotylenchus vulgaris but little is known of the pathogenicity of this nematode. A survey was made at 10 sites in East Anglia on calcareous soils (Wantage series) on which the original damage was reported. Numbers were usually maintained under a variety of crops, despite fluctuations during the period. In field trials, aldicarb treatment did not improve the yield of either sugar beet or winter wheat on land infested with H. vulgaris. In pot tests growth of sugar beet was stimulated by low nematode inocula; this effect diminished as numbers inoculated increased. Sugar beet grown at 10 °C and 15 °C with H. vulgaris grew markedly better in sterilised soil than in untreated field soil, especially at the higher temperature early in the experiment. It is concluded that though H. vulgaris may damage sugar beet it requires an atypical combination of external conditions to cause significant yield loss.  相似文献   

The macromolecular self-association of ADP-ribosyltransferase protein in solution was studied by several experimental techniques: quantitative gel filtration, electrophoretic analyses in non-denaturing gels, and cross-linking the enzyme protein with glutaraldehyde, dimethyl pimelimidate, dimethyl suberimidate, dimethyl 3,3'-dithiobisproprionimidate and tetranitromethane. The self-association of the polypeptide components obtained by plasmin digestion was also determined by using the above cross-linking agents. Monomers and cross-linked dimers of the enzyme protein, possessing enzymic activity, were separated in non-denaturing gels by electrophoresis. The basic polypeptide fragments, exhibiting molecular masses of 29 kDa and 36 kDa, self-associated, whereas the polypeptides with molecular masses of 56 kDa and 42 kDa associated only to a negligible extent, indicating that the peptide regions that also bind DNA and histones are probable sites of self-association in the intact enzyme molecule. Macromolecular association of the enzyme was indicated by a protein-concentration-dependent red-shift in protein fluorescence. The specific enzymic activity of the isolated ADP-ribosyltransferase depended on the concentration of the enzyme protein, and at 2.00 microM concentration the enzyme was self-inhibitory. Dilution of the enzyme protein to 30-40 nM resulted in a large increase in its specific activity. Further dilution to 1-3 nM coincided with a marked decrease of specific activity. Direct enzymic assays of electrophoretically separated monomers and cross-linked dimers demonstrated that the dimer appears to be the active molecular species that catalyses poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis. The NAD+ glycohydrolase activity of the enzyme was also dependent on protein concentration and was highest at 1-3 nM enzyme concentration, when polymerase activity was minimal, indicating that the monomeric enzyme behaved as a glycohydrolase, whereas poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of enzyme molecules was maximal when the enzyme tends to be self-associated to the dimeric form.  相似文献   

水稻根系生长及其对土壤紧密度的反应   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
采用筒栽方法研究了杂交稻汕优63和65002在分蘖期,穗分化期,开花期和成熟期根系生长量和垂直分布以及开花期土壤容重对根系生长和分布的影响,结果表明,根系生长量以开花期最高,开花后下降,随生育进展,深层根系(20-45cm)比例提高,分蘖期到穗 分化期是根系重量增长最快,且根系向下生长的主要时期,随耕层以下土壤容重提高,根系生长量下降,同时深层根系比例下降。  相似文献   

生态农业综合评价的指标体系及其权重   总被引:41,自引:4,他引:37  
本文简要讨论了生态农业综合评价的重要意义及国内外的研究概况;探讨了生态农业综合评价的原则,并以德清县澉山乡生态农业建设为例,探讨了综合评价指标体系及各指标权重的确定方法。  相似文献   

The binding of human intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL) to HepG2 cells was studied. We found that human 125I-IDL interact with a binding site of high-affinity (Kd 0.74 micrograms/ml, Bmax 0.049 micrograms/mg cell protein) and a binding site of lower affinity (Kd 86.8 micrograms/ml; Bmax 0.53 micrograms/mg cell protein). The high-affinity binding sites show characteristics of LDL-receptors since they interact with IDL and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and are calcium dependent. The low-affinity binding sites are calcium-independent and interact with IDL, LDL, high density lipoproteins-3 (HDL3), apolipoprotein (apo) E-liposomes, apoCs-liposomes, apoA-I-liposomes but not with liposomes containing albumin or erythrocyte membrane proteins. Therefore, HepG2 cells have on their surface a binding site that resembles or is identical to the lipoprotein binding site (LBS) that we found on rat liver membranes (Brissette and No?l (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 6847-6852). Internalization, degradation and cholesterol ester selective uptake were determined in the presence or in the absence of a sufficient amount of human HDL3 to abolish the interaction of IDL to the LBS in order to obtain information on the function of this site. Our results suggest that the LBS participates in the internalization of IDL but not in their degradation and that it is responsible for the selective uptake of cholesterol esters of IDL.  相似文献   

为探讨农田土壤不同组分呼吸及其对温度变化的响应,选取山东平邑旱耕土和湖南桃江水稻土为供试土壤,设置4个温度水平(5、15、25、35 ℃),对两种土壤的轻组、重组及全土进行63 d的培养试验.结果表明: 两种土壤全土的呼吸均高于轻组和重组.旱耕土重组的呼吸高于轻组,水稻土重组和轻组的呼吸在5~25 ℃温度水平下无显著差异,但35 ℃下重组高于轻组.在不同温度水平下,旱耕土轻组、重组和全土累积呼吸量分别占其初始碳的0.3%~2.8%、0.4%~3.7%和0.6%~7.0%,水稻土分别占其初始碳的0.4%~3.0%、0.3%~3.8%和0.7%~5.3%.两种土壤全土及轻、重组呼吸的温度敏感性(Q10)均随温度升高和培养时间延长而降低;水稻土重组的Q10高于轻组,旱耕土重组和轻组Q10的差异无明显规律.在5~25 ℃温度水平下,旱耕土全土Q10显著高于水稻土,但在25~35 ℃下低于水稻土.说明平邑旱耕土有机碳矿化强度高于桃江水稻土,且对温度变化的响应总体比水稻土更敏感.  相似文献   

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