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In order to evaluate the effects of the aldose reductase inhibitor, ONO-2235, on the short-term response of human erythrocyte sorbitol to hyperglycemia in vivo, eleven diet-treated Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients were studied twice in 75 g oral glucose tolerance tests - with and without ONO-2235 (200 mg p.o.) premedication. The erythrocyte sorbitol concentrations increased with the increments of blood glucose and erythrocyte glucose concentrations in the test performed without ONO-2235. The erythrocyte sorbitol response in the test performed with administration of ONO-2235 30 min prior to glucose load was lower than that in the test performed without ONO-2235 (F = 5.782, P less than 0.05). No significant differences were found between the two tests in blood glucose and erythrocyte glucose concentrations (F = 0.092, P = 0.761; F = 0.029, P = 0.860, respectively). It is concluded that human erythrocyte sorbitol concentrations change promptly in response to rapid changes in erythrocyte glucose concentrations and that administered ONO-2235 is effective in inhibiting the human erythrocyte sorbitol pathway in man.  相似文献   

Sixty 6- to 10-week-old male Chinese hamsters were assigned to two groups. In one, the animals were untreated and in the other, they were treated with 0.02 g caffeine/100 ml water orally for 60 days. The sex ratio of the resulting litters showed a significant (P smaller than 0.025) skewing towards females (61.4%) when compared to that of the controls (49.2%).  相似文献   

1. Six weeks after the injection of streptozotocin at 125 mg/kg i.p. in the AV line nondiabetic Chinese hamsters, the animals showed hyperglycemia, increased kidney, pancreas and stomach weights and stomach glucagon contents and depletion of insulin and glucagon in the pancreas. 2. Plasma beta-D-galactosidase and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase were elevated; whereas alpha-D-glucosidase was decreased and alpha-D-galactosidase remained unchanged in the plasma. 3. In the kidney, streptozotocin-diabetes led to depression of alpha-D-mannosidase, beta-D-fucosidase and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activities in both 12,000 g supernatant and precipitate fractions, decreases in alpha-D-glucosidase in the supernatant only and no change in alpha-L-fucosidase, alpha-D-galactosidase, beta-D-galactosidase and beta-D-glucuronidase. 4. In the liver, significant increases in N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, alpha-D-galactosidase, beta-D-galactosidase, beta-D-fucosidase, beta-D-glucosidase and alpha-D-mannosidase were found in either the supernatant or the precipitate fraction of the diabetic animals. The data indicate diabetes-dependent tissue-specific changes in glycohydrolases in the Chinese hamster.  相似文献   

Embryonic development of the Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) was studied from the onset of implantation to the formation of the parietal yolk sac placenta. Implantation began on day 6 of pregnancy, when the embryo became fixed to the uterine luminal epithelium. At this time there was no zona pellucida, and microvilli of the trophoblast and uterine epithelium were closely apposed. Stromal cells immediately adjacent to the implantation chamber began to enlarge and accumulate glycogen. By day 7 the mural trophoblast penetrated the luminal epithelium in discrete area. The trophoblast appeared to phagocytize uterine epithelial cells, although epithelium adjoining the points of penetration was normal. In other areas nascent apical protrusions from the uterine epithelium indented the surface of the trophoblast. The epiblast had enlarged and both visceral and parietal endoderm cells were present. The well-developed decidual cells were epithelioid and completely surrounded the implantation chamber. On day 8 the uterine epithelium had disappeared along the mural surface of the embryo. The embryonic cell mass was elongated and filled the yolk sac cavity. Reichert's membrane was well developed. The uterine epithelial basal lamina was largely disrupted, and the trophoblast was in direct contact with decidual cells. Primary and secondary giant trophoblast cells were present and in contact with extravasated maternal blood. The mural trophoblast formed channels in which blood cells were found in close proximity to Reichert's membrane. Decidual cells were in contact with capillary epithelium and in some cases formed part of the vessel wall. Structural changes occurring in the embryo and endometrium during implantation in the Chinese hamster are described for the first time in this report and are compared to those described for some other myomorph rodents.  相似文献   

The contents of vaginal smear of 4-day cyclic Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) was investigated every 3 hours for 5 days. A light-dark cycle of 14--10 hr was used with the lights turned on at 6 : 00 a.m. Estrous cycle of the Chinese hamster determined by vaginal smears can be divided into 6 periods. The proestrous phase started at about 0 : 00 of day 1, the day of the proestrous phase was designated as day 1 of the estrous cycle. In the afternoon of the same day 1, nucleated epithelial cells gradually increased in number (proestrus : I), and the vaginal contents became to consist solely of nucleated epithelial cells at about 18 : 00 to 21 : 00 (estrus : II). At about 0 : 00 of day 2, however, nucleated epithelial cells were superseded suddenly by cornified epithelial cells, and this phase lasted for 9 to 12 hr (metestrus I : III). Towards the end of the cornified stage, nucleated cells appeared in short duration (metestrus II : IV). And then, in the evening of day 2, leucocytes gradually increased in number with degeneration of nucleated cells (diestrus I : V-1). On day 3, vaginal smear contained a large amount of mucus as well as degenerated nucleated cells and leucocytes (diestrus II : V-2). At about 21 : 000 of day 4, some cornified epithelial cells were seen and then proestrous stage was returned. The females were mated with 3 to 5 males in the evening of day 1, copulation was confirmed in 83.7% females in the next morning,thus the copulation in the Chinese hamster may be thought to occur during the vaginal smear stage of nucleated epithelial cells (estrous phase), i.e. about 18 : 00 to 24 : 00 of day 1.  相似文献   

1. The activity of alpha-galactosidase was found to be significantly higher in the kidney of female than that of male Chinese hamsters in a highly inbred colony but its activity in liver, heart and spleen remained similar between female and male animals. 2. Partially purified renal alpha-galactosidase by sequential column chromatography on Sepharose 6B and DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B showed identical elution profiles, pH optima (4.5), KmS (4.4 mM) and heat-inactivation curves between enzymes of male and female animals. 3. Thus, the observed higher activity of renal alpha-galactosidase in the females was due to elevated enzyme concentration, not a result of enzyme polymorphism.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to identify the human hookworm involved in failed-treatment cases using abnormal hosts and scanning electron microscopy. Thirty-seven, 2 to 6 month old Chinese hamsters (Cricetulus griseus) from a closed, outbred, conventional colony, were each given between 20 and 120 filariform larvae per os. The larvae were cultured from faeces from mebendazole (Vermox) 500 mg single-dose, failed-treatment cases living in the lowveld farming area of the Transvaal Province, South Africa. About 60 to 78 days after inoculation, the animals were killed and adult worms were removed from their small intestines. Eleven (30%) of the 37 hamsters harboured a total of 31 adult worms (19 males and 12 females), while 26 hamsters were refractory to infection. The greatest number of worms recovered from a single animal was six. A total of 27 worms (17 males and 10 females) were subjected to examination by scanning electron microscopy. Micrographs showed male and female worms to be morphologically all of the Necator americanus species, as identified by a pair of ventral and dorsal cutting plates, a dorsal tooth and the fused terminus of spicules in the male bursa. The transverse cuticular striations were distinct and smooth. Several points of interest arose from the results of this study and are discussed.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complexes (SCs), X and Y axes, and various nucleolar structures stain preferentially with silver in surface microspread preparations and are analyzable by both light and electron microscopy. Central elements, kinetochore region material and nuclear annuli which stain with ethanolic phosphotungstic acid are seldom visible after silver staining. SCs can be characterized by length measurements equally well in light and electron micrographs, from which stages of pachytene can also be determined by differentiation of the axes of the XY pair. By electron microscopy, the lateral elements appear as single strands at zygotene and early pachytene, then become double in a plane perpendicular to that of the SC and appear denser and thicker until late pachytene when they become progressively more attenuated and again appear single. These transitions are difficult to explain in terms of separation of associated chromatids. Identification of various silver stained bodies as nucleoli is supported by their orange-red fluorescence with acridine orange. SCs, X and Y axes and associated sex body material are, with a few exceptions, virtually indistinguishable from the background yellow-green fluorescence of the chromatin. Comet-shaped nucleolar bodies are regularly associated with five (in one animal) or six (in two animals) SCs; their positions along particular SCs identifiable by relative lengths indicate these bodies to be expressions of nucleolus organizer regions. They first appear at leptotene in association with unpaired axes and undergo progressive changes through late pachytene, at which time they redistribute their contents coincident with disappearance of the SCs. A characteristic nucleolar double dense body appears at zygotene; unlike the comet-shaped nucleoli, it is unassociated with other nuclear structures, and is assumed to arise from coalescence of previously existing smaller dense bodies. — The silver staining method described is remarkable for the speed and simplicity with which large numbers of spermatocyte nuclei are obtainable for light and electron microscopy. The fidelity of the light microscopic counterpart of the electron microscopic image has been directly assessed at different stages of pachytene. For cytogenetic analysis, critical information often lies beyond the limits of light optical resolution; the correlated electron microscopy required for verification is easily obtained with this method.This paper is warmly dedicated to Professor Hans Bauer on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday and as our expression of gratitude and admiration for his lasting contributions to chromosome biology  相似文献   

Relative length is a constant and distinctive characteristic for each autosomal SC, despite variations in absolute length from cell to cell. Arm ratio is distinctive for each SC except for two of the three sub-acrocentrics, and serves, together with relative length, for identification. The constancy of relative length and arm ratios indicates biological stability and lack of physical distortion in these spread preparations. There is a 11 relationship between relative lengths of autosomal SCs and mitotic autosomes; their arm ratios are also similar. These close parallels provide strikingly similar SC and somatic karyotypes. Variability was observed in sub-acrocentric arm ratios and in lengths of unpaired X and Y axes, correlated with the presence of constitutive heterochromatin. — Utilizing progressive differentiations of the X and Y chromosomes for staging, it is demonstrated that autosomal SCs decrease in length from late zygotene to mid-pachytene, and then increase at late pachytene. Within a nucleus, synchrony of length changes is maintained. It is concluded that the factors governing autosomal SC length are regular for any given bivalent from cell to cell, and may be related to those that control somatic autosome length relationships. — The X and Y axes differ quantitatively as well as qualitatively from autosomal SCs. The SC portion of the X and Y is constant in length through most of pachytene; the unpaired axes shorten and lengthen, but not in proportion to autosomal SCs. X and Y relative lengths and arm ratios vary throughout pachytene and do not maintain proportionality with somatic values. The evidence suggests, but does not prove, that the long arm of the X is paired with the short arm of the Y. — Twists occur in autosomal SCs at increasing frequencies throughout pachytene but cannot account for length changes. The number of twists per SC is directly proportional to SC length. Intertwining of SCs is random and proportional to SC length. End-to-end associations of autosomal SCs appear to be random; however, the ends of the X and Y are less often involved in such connections. — The length of axial material in all chromosomes at pachytene, expressed as an equivalent length of DNA double helix, represents 0.013% of the diploid DNA complement.  相似文献   

Using the Counce-Meyer spreading technique, in over 70 spermatocytes it was possible consistently to obtain whole, flattened nuclei containing complete sets of pachytene SCs. The SCs are visible in both the phase and electron microscopes. Each SC is morphologically intact, preferentially stained, and attached to the nuclear envelope by a dense, terminal plaque. It is thus possible to trace each SC for its entire length. Also, a structure representing the kinetochore is clearly visible in each autosomal SC. Karyotypes comparable to the somatic karyotype can be constructed by arranging SCs according to length and kinetochore position. The observed regularity of SC morphology implies structural stability sufficient to withstand the stresses imposed by the procedure.— A coarse network of closely packed nuclear annuli connecting SC attachment plaques often provides end-to-end associations and may tend to immobilize SCs during processing.— Three kinds of perturbation of SC structure are encountered. Twists in the SC frequently occur, but no regular pattern or correspondence with chiasma distribution is observed. SCs occasionally hook around each other without disruption, but in two instances the unpaired axis of the X apparently was interlocked within an autosomal SC. Stretching of the SC is infrequent; it is conspicuous when it occurs and is usually associated with other obvious distortions of the nucleus.— Distinctive morphologies of the X and Y chromosomes facilitate their identification in all preparations. — During zygotene, autosomal synapsis, i.e., the formation of SCs from the pairing of single axial elements, initiates at distal ends and terminates at the kinetochore region; neither initiation nor termination is synchronous among all autosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons (SR) in pinealocytes of adult (120–130 day-old) male Chinese hamsters (Cricetulus griseus) were classified into types 1, 2 and 3; these have a central dense structure showing rod-like, various and ringlike profiles, respectively. The central structure of the type-2 SR usually appeared as round, oval or comma-like bodies, and occasionally as plates showing various profiles or clubshaped bodies. The quantity of each type of SR, expressed as the SR index, was determined over a 24-h period under a light/dark regime (LD) 1212 or LD 1410. On comparing the results obtained from adults with previously published data from young (60–70-days-old) animals under LD 1212, it was found that, in both young and adult animals, the type-1 and type-3 SR indices exhibited different 24-h variations, whereas the type-2 SR index remained constant over a 24-h period. In addition, the indices of the type-2 SR, but not those of the other SR types, were found to be significantly larger in adult than in young animals. In adult animals, the effects of the photoperiod were different between the three types of SR. A nocturnal increase in the type-1 SR index was observed under both LD 1212 and LD 1410, its time course being different for each of these photoperiods. Under LD 1410, the type-2 SR index showed a significant 24-h rhythm with larger values during the dark period; this was not observed under LD 1212. The type-3 SR index was almost the same under LD 1212 and LD 1410. The results suggest that pinealocyte SR of the Chinese hamster may be composed of three types of SR, each with a different functional role.  相似文献   

Summary Circadian morphological variations of pinealocytes in the superficial pineal of the Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) were studied using quantitative electron-microscopic techniques. The volume of the nucleus and cytoplasm of pinealocytes exhibited similar circadian variations, with the maximum around the middle of the light period and the minimum during the first half of the dark period. Synaptic ribbons in pinealocytes were classified into three groups, type-1, –2 and –3 synaptic ribbons, which appeared as rods, round or irregular bodies and ring-shaped structures, respectively; a synaptic ribbon index was determined for the respective types. The synaptic ribbon index was expressed as the number of synaptic ribbons in the pinealocyte profile representing the cell size. The type-1 synaptic ribbon index, which was smallest during the second half of the light period, was increased during the dark period. The length of straight or slightly curved rods showed a 24-h change similar to that of the type-1 synaptic ribbon index; the length of the rods was maximal during the first half of the dark period and minimal at the end of the light period. There was no apparent circadian variation in the type-2 synaptic ribbon index. The type-3 synaptic ribbon index was higher during the light period than during the dark period; the index attained zero 3h after the onset of darkness and, thereafter, increased gradually.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound intranuclear inclusions have been described, for the first time, in the Leydig cell of the Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus). The inclusions were not found in the 1-day-old animal, rarely found prior to sexual maturity, and commonly found in the sexually mature animals. The incidence of inclusions increases with aging. Their size and content varies greatly. They are surrounded by a single membrane and completely enclosed by nucleoplasm. Their close association with nuclear invaginations of cytoplasmic material, and their content of cytoplasmic structures along with some exhibiting the presence of trimetaphosphatase reaction product, suggest a cytoplasmic origin. This phenomenon involves the migration of cytoplasmic structures into the nucleus followed by detachment on the nucleoplasmic side. The presence of the inclusions is not an indication of an abnormality of the Leydig cell. The Leydig cell of the Chinese hamster may be an excellent model to study factors that initiate inclusion formation, and to determine the functional role of membrane-bound intranuclear inclusions.  相似文献   

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