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The widespread montane Mexican horned lizard Phrynosoma orbiculare (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae) represents an ideal species to investigate the relative impacts of Neogene vicariance and Quaternary climate change on lineage diversification across the Mexican highlands. We used mitochondrial DNA to examine the maternal history of P. orbiculare and estimate the timing and tempo of lineage diversification. Based on our results, we inferred 11 geographically structured, well supported mitochondrial lineages within this species, suggesting P. orbiculare represents a species complex. Six divergences between lineages likely occurred during the Late Miocene and Pliocene, and four splits probably happened during the Pleistocene. Diversification rate appeared relatively constant through time. Spatial and temporal divergences between lineages of P. orbiculare and co-distributed taxa suggest that a distinct period of uplifting of the Transvolcanic Belt around 7.5-3 million years ago broadly impacted diversification in taxa associated with this mountain range. To the north, several river drainages acting as filter barriers differentially subdivided co-distributed highland taxa through time. Diversification patterns observed in P. orbiculare provide additional insight into the mechanisms that impacted differentiation of highland taxa across the complex Mexican highlands.  相似文献   

We investigated differentiation processes in the Neotropical fish Astyanax that represents a model system for examining adaptation to caves, including regressive evolution. In particular, we analyzed microsatellite and mitochondrial data of seven cave and seven surface populations from Mexico to test whether the evolution of the cave fish represents a case of parallel evolution. Our data revealed that Astyanax invaded northern Mexico across the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt at least three times and that populations of all three invasions adapted to subterranean habitats. Significant differentiation was found between the cave and surface populations. We did not observe gene flow between the strongly eye and pigment reduced old cave populations (Sabinos, Tinaja, Pachon) and the surface fish, even when syntopically occurring like in Yerbaniz cave. Little gene flow, if any, was found between cave populations, which are variable in eye and pigmentation (Micos, Chica, Caballo Moro caves), and surface fish. This suggests that the variability is due to their more recent origin rather than to hybridization. Finally, admixture of the young Chica cave fish population with nuclear markers from older cave fish demonstrates that gene flow between populations that independently colonized caves occurs. Thus, all criteria of parallel speciation are fulfilled. Moreover, the microsatellite data provide evidence that two co-occurring groups with small sunken eyes and externally visible eyes, respectively, differentiated within the partly lightened Caballo Moro karst window cave and might represent an example for incipient sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

The genus Abies is distributed discontinuously in the temperate and subtropical montane forests of the northern hemisphere. In Mesoamerica (Mexico and northern Central America), modern firs originated from the divergence of isolated mountain populations of migrating North American taxa. However, the number of ancestral species, migratory waves and diversification speed of these taxa is unknown. Here, variation in repetitive (Pt30204, Pt63718, and Pt71936) and non-repetitive (rbcL, rps18-rpl20 and trnL-trnF) regions of the chloroplast genome was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the Mesoamerican Abies in a genus-wide context. These phylogenies and two fossil-calibrated scenarios were further employed to estimate divergence dates and diversification rates within the genus, and to test the hypothesis that, as in many angiosperms, conifers may exhibit accelerated speciation rates in the subtropics. All phylogenies showed five main clusters that mostly agreed with the currently recognized sections of Abies and with the geographic distribution of species. The Mesoamerican taxa formed a single group with species from southwestern North America of sections Oiamel and Grandis. However, populations of the same species were not monophyletic within this group. Divergence of this whole group dated back to the late Paleocene and the early Miocene depending on the calibration used, which translated in very low diversification rates (r0.0 = 0.026-0.054, r0.9 = 0.009-0.019 sp/Ma). Such low rates were a constant along the entire genus, including both the subtropical and temperate taxa. An extended phylogeographic analysis on the Mesoamerican clade indicated that Abies flinckii and A. concolor were the most divergent taxa, while the remaining species (A. durangensis, A. guatemalensis, A. hickelii, A. religiosa and A. vejari) formed a single group. Altogether, these results show that divergence of Mesoamerican firs coincides with a model of environmental stasis and decreased extinction rate, being probably prompted by a series of range expansions and isolation-by-distance.  相似文献   

Aim To test the hypothesis that the vicariant event responsible for north–south divergences in two clades of the fish genus Poeciliopsis Regan was also responsible for north–south divergences in the fish Poecilia butleri Jordan. Location Central Mexico. Methods Parsimony, distance, maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of a mitochondrial gene. Molecular clock test and Bayesian analyses of divergence time. Results We report concordant phylogeographical patterns between two clades in the genus Poeciliopsis (i.e. the other formed by P. latidens Garman and P. fasciata Meek, and the other formed by P. presidionis Jordan and P. turneri Miller) and the clade of Poecilia butleri, with northern and southern individuals within each clade grouping into separate lineages. There is also evidence for slower substitution rates in Poecilia compared with Poeciliopsis. After taking into account these substitution rate discrepancies with Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analyses, north–south divergences in Poecilia butleri were equivalent to those reported for Poeciliopsis latidens‐fasciata and P. presidionis‐turneri. Main conclusions The same Plio‐Pleistocene vicariant event associated with geological activity of the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) appears to have caused divergence in three different freshwater fish lineages. This study is an example of how comparative phylogeography can strengthen inferences about vicariant events in regions of high biological diversity and complex geological history such as the TMVB.  相似文献   

In the present study, mitochondrial DNA polymerase chain reaction-restriction-fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and nuclear DNA inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) assays were used to assess the phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships among Garra rufa samples from Anatolia. The complete mtDNA NADH 3/4 dehydrogenase (ND-3/4) gene amplified by PCR was digested with eight restriction enzymes. These enzymes produced 20 composite haplotypes for G. rufa populations. All the mtDNA haplotypes detected were highly diverged from each other and each lineage had a unique genetic profile. The evaluation of mtDNA PCR-RFLP data coupled with geological history of Anatolia indicated a deep genetic divergence among the mtDNA haplotypes of G. rufa populations from drainages of the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf, suggesting an early isolation of Tigris-Euphrates with Orontes river and other rivers draining into the Mediterranean Sea. In general, data from both mtDNA and nDNA were congruent.  相似文献   

The snake-eyed lizards of the genus Ophisops (Lacertidae) have been through a series of taxonomical revisions, but still their phylogenetic relationships remain uncertain. In the present study we estimate the phylogeographic structure of O. elegans across its distributional range and we evaluate the relationships between O. elegans and the sympatric, in North Africa, species O. occidentalis, using partial mtDNA sequences (16S rRNA, COI, and cyt b). All phylogenetic analyses produced topologically identical trees where extant populations of O. elegans and O. occidentalis were found polyphyletic. Taking into account all the potential causes of polyphyly (introgressive hybridization, incomplete lineage sorting, and imperfect taxonomy) we suggest the inaccurate taxonomy as the most likely explanation for the observed pattern. Our results stress the need for re-evaluation of the current taxonomical status of these species and their subspecies. Furthermore, our biogeographic analyses and the estimated time of divergences suggest a late Miocene diversification within these species, where the present distribution of O. elegans and O. occidentalis was the result of several dispersal and vicariant events, which are associated with climatic oscillations (the late Miocene aridification of Asia and northern Africa) and paleogeographic barriers of late Miocene and Pliocene period.  相似文献   

New analytical methods are improving our ability to reconstruct robust species trees from multilocus datasets, despite difficulties in phylogenetic reconstruction associated with recent, rapid divergence, incomplete lineage sorting and/or introgression. In this study, we applied these methods to resolve the radiation of toads in the Bufo bufo (Anura, Bufonidae) species group, ranging from the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa to Siberia, based on sequences from two mitochondrial and four nuclear DNA regions (3490 base pairs). We obtained a fully-resolved topology, with the recently described Bufo eichwaldi from the Talysh Mountains in south Azerbaijan and Iran as the sister taxon to a clade including: (1) north African, Iberian, and most French populations, referred herein to Bufo spinosus based on the implied inclusion of populations from its type locality and (2) a second clade, sister to B. spinosus, including two sister subclades: one with all samples of Bufo verrucosissimus from the Caucasus and another one with samples of B. bufo from northern France to Russia, including the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas and most of Anatolia. Coalescent-based estimations of time to most recent common ancestors for each species and selected subclades allowed historical reconstruction of the diversification of the species group in the context of Mediterranean paleogeography and indicated a long evolutionary history in this region. Finally, we used our data to delimit the ranges of the four species, particularly the more widespread and historically confused B. spinosus and B. bufo, and identify potential contact zones, some of which show striking parallels with other co-distributed species.  相似文献   

Aim To reconstruct the regional biogeographical history of the bushy‐tailed woodrat, Neotoma cinerea (Rodentia: Cricetidae), across its distribution using multiple sources of information, including genetic data, ecological niche models and the palaeorecord. Location Western North America. Methods We analysed complete cytochrome b gene (1143 bp) sequences from 182 specimens of N. cinerea using Bayesian and coalescent methods to infer phylogenetic relationships, time of major divergences, and recent demographic trends. For comparison, we developed clade‐specific ecological niche models for groups of interest and analysed spatial trends of N. cinerea in the palaeorecord as well as temporal frequency trends across strata of individual palaeomiddens. Results We found two largely allopatric clades within N. cinerea, with several regionally distinct subclades showing contrasting recent population dynamics. Niche models showed consistent habitat at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and modern times in the Rocky Mountains and northern United States, while the Great Basin may have been markedly less suitable at the LGM than today. The palaeorecord showed great spatio‐temporal variability in the presence of N. cinerea, but documents broad‐scale patterns of occupancy and regional population trends. Main conclusions The Quaternary dynamics and evolutionary history of N. cinerea appear to have been shaped by both vicariant events associated with geographical barriers and the availability of suitable habitat through time. Divergence of the two major clades dates to the Pliocene–Pleistocene transition, with clades separated by the Green and Colorado rivers and northern Rocky Mountain Pleistocene glaciations. We found largely concordant genetic, niche model and palaeorecord patterns suggesting long‐term population stability in the Rocky Mountains, while extant clades in the Great Basin and far north appear to have expanded or re‐expanded into these regions relatively recently. Furthermore, disjunct haplotype distributions, regional demographic history, and historical distribution of suitable habitat suggest that the Great Basin has been a particularly dynamic region.  相似文献   

Integrating information from species occurrence data, environmental variables and molecular markers can provide valuable insights about the processes of population persistence and differentiation. In this study, we present the most comprehensive overview of the evolutionary history of the North African salamander Salamandra algira (Caudata, Salamandridae) to date, including analyses of climatic and topographical variables, and sequences of two mitochondrial and two nuclear DNA fragments, with a special focus on Algerian populations, under‐represented in previous studies. Coalescent‐based phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA data recover four well‐supported population groups corresponding to described subspecies, with a western clade including populations in north‐western Morocco (with two subclades corresponding to the subspecies tingitana and splendens), and an eastern clade including populations from north‐eastern Morocco (subspecies spelaea) and Algeria (subspecies algira). Inferred split times between major clades date back to the Miocene, with additional splits within each major clade in the Plio‐Pleistocene. Present climatic (aridity) and topographical factors account for geographical discontinuities across population groups and help identify potential areas of secondary contact between clades corresponding to the subspecies tingitana and splendens in the Rif mountains in Morocco. Niche analysis indicates the absence of phylogenetic signal in the use of environmental space in this species.  相似文献   

The frog Leptodactylus validus occurs in northern South America, Trinidad and Tobago, and the southern Lesser Antilles (Grenada and St. Vincent). Mitochondrial DNA sequences were used to perform a nested clade phylogeographic analysis (NCPA), to date colonization events, and to analyze colonization patterns using on a relaxed molecular clock and coalescent simulations. L. validus originated on the mainland and first colonized Trinidad with subsequent independent colonizations of Tobago and the Lesser Antilles from Trinidad. The NCPA suggests a historical vicariant event between populations in Trinidad and Tobago from those in the Lesser Antilles. The colonization of Trinidad occurred 1 million years ago (mya) and the colonization of the Lesser Antillean islands occurred 0.4 mya. The coalescent approach supported the scenario where L. validus dispersed from Trinidad to St. Vincent and from there to Grenada, a dispersal event that could have been mediated by human introduction as recent as 1600 years ago.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the evolutionary relationship between modern humans and Neanderthals is essential for improving the resolution of hominin phylogenetic hypotheses. Currently, four distinct chronologies for the timing of population divergence are available, ranging from the late Middle Pleistocene to the late Early Pleistocene, each based on different interpretations of hominin taxonomy. Genetic data can present an independent estimate of the evolutionary timescale involved, making it possible to distinguish between these competing models of hominin evolution. We analysed five dated Neanderthal mitochondrial genomes, together with those of 54 modern humans, and inferred a genetic chronology using multiple age calibrations. Our mean date estimates are consistent with a process of genetic divergence within an ancestral population, commencing approximately 410-440 ka. These results suggest that a reappraisal of key elements in the Pleistocene hominin fossil record may now be required.  相似文献   

Gelidium elegans Kützing is commonly found in Korea, China, and Japan, and is the economically most important agarophyte in the northwest Pacific. To assess the genetic structure of the Korean species, we analyzed 1200 base pairs of the mitochondrial cox1 gene from 272 individuals collected from 36 locations. A total of 34 haplotypes were found, most of which were unique, including 27 (79%) ‘private’ haplotypes. The nucleotide and haplotype diversities of cox1 within G. elegans were 0.711 ± 0.028 (H) and 0.00736 ± 0.00038 (π), respectively. The distribution of cox1 haplotypes, pairwise FST values, results of neutrality tests, AMOVA, and mismatch distribution revealed the existence of a deep genetic break between central Pacific Japan and all the other locations, corresponding to the surface seawater current patterns as well as the genetic signature of potential demographic expansion.  相似文献   

During Pleistocene, the Laurentide ice sheet rearranged and diversified biotic distributions in eastern North America, yet had minimal physical impact in western North America where lineage diversification is instead hypothesized to result from climatic changes. If Pleistocene climatic fluctuations impacted desert species, the latter would reflect patterns of restricted gene flow concomitant with indications of demographic bottlenecks. Accordingly, molecular evidence for refugia should be present within these distributions and for subsequent range expansions as conditions improved. We sought answers to these questions by evaluating mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from four species of rattlesnakes [Crotalus mitchellii (speckled rattlesnake), Crotalus cerastes (sidewinder), Crotalus tigris (tiger rattlesnake), Crotalus ruber (red diamond rattlesnake)] with distributions restricted to desert regions of southwestern North America. We inferred relationships using parsimony and maximum likelihood, tested intraspecific clades for population expansions, applied an isolation-with-migration model to determine bi-directional migration rates (m) among regions, and inferred divergence times for species and clades by applying a semiparametric penalized likelihood approach to our molecular data. Evidence for significant range expansion was present in two of eight regions in two species (Crotalus mitchellii pyrrhus, C. tigris region north). Two species (C. cerastes, C. mitchellii) showed a distribution concomitant with northward displacement of Baja California from mainland México, followed by vicariant separation into subclades. Effects of Pleistocene climate fluctuations were found in the distributions of all four species. Three regional diversification patterns were identified: (i) shallow genetic diversity that resulted from Pleistocene climatic events (C. tigris, C. ruber); (ii) deep Pleistocene divisions indicating allopatric segregation of subclades within refugia (C. mitchellii, C. cerastes); and (iii) lineage diversifications that extended to Pliocene or Late Miocene (C. mitchellii, C. cerastes). Clade-diversifying and clade-constraining effects impacted the four species of rattlesnakes unequally. We found relatively high levels of molecular diversification in the two most broadly distributed species (C. mitchellii, C. cerastes), and lower levels of genetic diversification in the two species (C. tigris, C. ruber) whose ranges are relatively more restricted. Furthermore, in several cases, the distributions of subspecies were not congruent with our molecular information. We suggest regional conservation perspectives for southwestern deserts cannot rely upon subspecies as biodiversity surrogates, but must instead employ a molecular and deep historical perspective as a primary mechanism to frame biodiversity reserves within this region.  相似文献   

The European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758), is one of the world's most widely distributed chelonian species. We investigated its mitochondrial phylogeography and demography using ∼1300 cyt b sequences from the entire range, with a focus on the eastern part, in particular on Turkey, where the species currently suffers massive losses. Coloration data from >1450 turtles were compared with mtDNA differentiation to assess the validity of the currently accepted subspecies from Turkey, the Black Sea Region, the Transcaucasus, and Iran. Our study region harbors considerable part of the mtDNA diversity of Emys, including a newly discovered lineage and 16 new haplotypes. In this area corresponding to approximately one-third of the entire distribution range, six out of the ten mitochondrial lineages and about half of all 72 haplotypes occur. Two mitochondrial lineages (VIII, X) are confined to small ranges along the southern coast of Turkey, another lineage (I) occupies the remainder of Turkey, the entire Black Sea Region, and the north-eastern part of the species’ range. In the south-western corner of the Black Sea and in the Aegean Region, two lineages (II, IV) occur that have their main distribution areas farther west. In the Transcaucasus and northern Iran, another endemic lineage (VII) is found. Lineage I is the largest and most diverse of all lineages and has its greatest diversity in Anatolia. Phylogeographic and demographic data suggest Anatolia as an ancient glacial refuge for turtles harboring mitochondrial lineages I, VIII and X, and that Anatolia and the Black Sea coasts constitute a hotspot for a younger burst of diversification within lineage I. These two regions correspond to the glacial refuge from which lineage I turtles recolonized more northerly parts of the range in the Holocene; lineage II represents an off-shoot of lineage I that became isolated in a westward-located refuge in the south-eastern Balkans during a previous Pleistocene glacial. Our data on coloration indicate that such characters have only limited value for delineating evolutionarily significant units. We propose to reduce the number of subspecies using mtDNA lineages as arbiter, and to recognize three subspecies as valid in Turkey, the Black Sea Region, the Transcaucasus and Iran: Emys orbicularis orbicularis (mtDNA lineage I); E. o. eiselti Fritz et al., 1998 (X); and E. o. persica Eichwald, 1831 (VII). However, the southern Turkish lineage VIII most probably represents an additional undescribed subspecies. Both southern Turkish endemics are critically endangered, with only three surviving populations of fewer than 30 adults each. We recommend establishing sanctuaries for them, and including them in the IUCN Red List.  相似文献   

The exact location of glacial refugia and the patterns of postglacial range expansion of European mammals are not yet completely elucidated. Therefore, further detailed studies covering a large part of the Western Palearctic region are still needed. In this order, we sequenced 972 bp of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (mtDNA cyt b) from 124 yellow-necked fieldmice (Apodemus flavicollis) collected from 53 European localities. The aims of the study were to answer the following questions: Did the Mediterranean peninsulas act as the main refuge for yellow-necked fieldmouse or did the species also survive in more easterly refugia (the Caucasus or the southern Ural) and in Central Europe? What is the role of Turkey and Near East regions as Quaternary glacial refuges for this species and as a source for postglacial recolonisers of the Western Palearctic region? The results provide a clear picture of the impact of the quaternary glaciations on the genetic and geographic structure of the fieldmouse. This species survived the ice ages in two main refuges, the first one in the Italo-Balkan region; the second one in Turkey and the Near East regions. It is from the Balkan refuge that it recolonised all European regions at the end of the last glaciation. The Turkish and Near East populations are distinct from the European ones and they did not recolonise the Palearctic region probably because: (i) they were blocked by the Black Sea and the Caucasus, (ii) the long term presence of fieldmice populations in the Balkans prevented their expansion. These are genetically differentiated from the European and Russian ones and could be described as a particular subspecies. This result emphasises the importance of Turkey and the Near and Middle East regions as a refuge for Palearctic mammals.  相似文献   

We sequenced 998 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b and 799 bp of nuclear gene BRCA1 in the Lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura suaveolens group) over its geographic range from Portugal to Japan. The aims of the study were to identify the main clades within the group and respective refugia resulting from Pleistocene glaciations. Analyses revealed the Asian lesser white-toothed shrew (C. shantungensis) as the basal clade, followed by a major branch of C. suaveolens, subdivided sensu stricto into six clades, which split-up in the Upper Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene (1.9-0.9 Myr). The largest clade, occurring over a huge range from east Europe to Mongolia, shows evidence of population expansion after a bottleneck. West European clades originated from Iberian and Italo-Balkanic refugia. In the Near East, three clades evolved in an apparent hotspot of refugia (west Turkey, south-west and south-east of the Caucasus). Most clades include specimens of different morphotypes and the validity of many taxa in the C. suaveolens group has to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

Ixodes scapularis is the principal tick vector of the Lyme borreliosis agent Borrelia burgdorferi and other tick-borne zoonoses in northeastern North America. The degree of seasonal synchrony of nymphal and larval ticks may be important in influencing the basic reproductive number of the pathogens transmitted by I. scapularis. Because the seasonal phenology of tick vectors is partly controlled by ambient temperature, climate and climate change could shape the population biology of tick-borne pathogens. We used projected monthly normal temperatures, obtained from the second version of the Canadian Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM2) under emissions scenario A2 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for a site in southern Ontario, Canada, to simulate the phenology of I. scapularis in a mathematical model. The simulated seasonal abundance of ticks then determined transmission of three candidate pathogens amongst a population of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) using a susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model. Fitness of the different pathogens, in terms of resilience to changes in tick and rodent mortality, minima for infection duration, transmission efficiency and particularly any additional mortality of rodents specifically associated with infection, varied according to the seasonal pattern of immature tick activity, which was different under the temperature conditions projected for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s. In each case, pathogens that were long-lived, highly transmissible and had little impact on rodent mortality rates were the fittest. However, under the seasonal tick activity patterns projected for the 2020s and 2050s, the fitness of pathogens that are shorter-lived, less efficiently transmitted, and more pathogenic to their natural hosts, increased. Therefore, climate change may affect the frequency and distribution of I. scapularis-borne pathogens and alter their evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   

To clarify the relationship between two genera, Draba and the narrow genus Coelonema, endemic to the QilianMountains of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, phylogenetic analyses were conducted using nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS, and the chloroplast DNA trnL, from Coelonema draboides and 30 species of Draba representing eight sections, including 25 species of Chinese Draba, seven of which were endemic to the study region. The results unambiguously support several previously published proposals to unite Coelonema with Draba and accommodate C. draboides in the latter genus on the basis of morphological re-examination. Our molecular data presented here also provide evidence that these two genera should be combined as a monophyletic group with high support. In addition, it is estimated that Draba may have originated about 1.36–2.71 Mya, with C. draboides diverging from Draba about 0.15–0.31 Mya, based on the molecular calibration of ITS datasets. The assumed speciation and rapid expansion of these two genera is likely to have occurred in the eastern edge of the QilianMountains area according to molecular phylogeny and estimated divergence times, which correspond well with the known geological and paleobotanical histories of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

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