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The occurrence of a number of lysosomal enzymes (Proteases, glycosidases, phosphatases, and esterases) inRuditapes decussatushaemocytes was demonstrated by cytochemical and colorimetric techniques. The levels of 18 enzymes tested monthly varied through the study period (18 months), although they did not conform to a seasonal pattern of variation. No important effect of clam age on enzyme activity levels of haemocytes was detected. In those cytochemical assays in which distinction between granulocytes and hyalinocytes was possible, lysosomal enzymes were only found in granulocytes. Phosphatase was detected inside cytoplasmic granules of granulocytes, suggesting the granules to be lysosomes. NADPH oxidase was not detected in clam haemocytes, which is consistent with the absence of oxidative metabolism coupled with phagocytosis in haemocytes of this clam species. Levels of lysozyme detected inside haemocytes were higher than in serum.  相似文献   

We present the first record in Spanish Mediterranean waters of the protozoan parasite Perkinsus olseni infecting the clam Ruditapes decussatus. Perkinsus infection was detected all year around albeit at a low level of infection intensity. Histological analysis, induction of zoospores and in situ hybridisation assay confirmed the presence of Perkinsus sp. The identity of the parasite was determined by species-specific PCR assay in DNA samples obtained from infected clams. Sequencing of amplified fragments showed 100% identity to the ITS region of P. olseni. We confirmed for the first time the presence of P. olseni in Spanish Mediterranean waters.  相似文献   

The effects of beta-glucans on several immune functions of carpet shell clam (Ruditapes decussatus) and Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) hemocytes were determined. Nitric oxide (NO) production increased significantly in beta-glucan treated mussels and clams. In mussels, beta-glucans increased by themselves the release of free oxygen radicals and also were able to enhance the phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) mediated effect on this hemocyte activity. However, high doses of beta-glucans when combined with zymosan decreased this respiratory burst. In clams, hemolymph treated with several doses of beta-glucans limited the growth of the three bacteria, Vibrio algynolyticus (strain TA15), Vibrio splendidus (strain TA2) and Escherichia coli (strain ATCC 13706). This modulation on the antibacterial activity, however, was not observed when mussel hemolymph was incubated with beta-glucans. These results suggest that the immune responses of these animals can be up and down modulated by external stimuli and, although clams and mussels are both relatively closely related species, their behaviour concerning immune responses can be different.  相似文献   

Okadaic acid (OA), produced by dinoflagellates during harmful algal blooms (HAB), belongs to the Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning toxins that cause gastrointestinal symptoms in humans after consumption. In the present work, Ruditapes decussatus haemocytes were selected to evaluate the effect of OA on cell viability, enzymatic status and immune capacity through the measure by flow cytometry of apoptosis–cell death, non-specific esterase activity and phagocytosis. In order to compare different exposure conditions, two experiments were developed: in vitro exposure to OA and HAB simulation by feeding clams with the OA producer, Prorocentrum lima. Apoptosis was not OA dose-dependent and cell death increased in both assays. Phagocytosis of latex beads and esterase activity decreased in haemocytes incubated with OA. In contrast, esterases increased during the feeding with P. lima. Our results showed that OA and the simulated HAB caused damages on haemocyte functions and viability.  相似文献   

This study investigated the in vitro effects of nitrite on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, NO production, esterase activity and cell apoptosis of Penaeus monodon haemocytes. Haemocytes were in vitro exposed to different dose of nitrite (0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 μM). Cellular responses of nitrite-treated haemocytes were determined by flow cytometry. The results revealed that haemocytes treated by nitrite in vitro showed conspicuous time- and dose-dependent decreases in ROS and NO production as well as esterase activity. Additionally, 0.1 and 0.5 μM nitrite did not affect the apoptotic cell ratio during the 3h experimental time, while significant increases in apoptotic cells were observed after haemocyte exposure to nitrite at 1 μM for 3h, and at 5 or 10 μM for 1h. These results indicated that nitrite suppresses cellular functions, including production of ROS and NO, and activity of esterase. Cell apoptosis of haemocytes would be induced by extracellular nitrite as doses exceed 1 μM.  相似文献   

Most experimental procedures on molluscs are done after acclimatization of wild animals to lab conditions. Similarly, short-term acclimation is often unavoidable in a field survey when biological analysis cannot be done within the day of sample collection. However, acclimatization can affect the general physiological condition and particularly the immune cell responses of molluscs. Our aim was to study the changes in the hemocyte characteristics of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and the carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus acclimated 1 or 2 days under emersed conditions at 14 ± 1 °C and for 1, 2, 7, or 10 days to flowing seawater conditions (submerged) at 9 ± 1 °C, when compared to hemolymph withdrawn from organisms sampled in the field and immediately analyzed in the laboratory (unacclimated). The hemocyte characteristics assessed by flow cytometry were the total (THC) and differential hemocyte count, percentage of dead cells, phagocytosis, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Dead hemocytes were lower in oysters acclimated both in emersed and submerged conditions (1%-5%) compared to those sampled in the field (7%). Compared to oysters, the percentage of dead hemocytes was lower in clams (0.4% vs. 1.1%) and showed a tendency to decrease during acclimatization in both emersed and submerged conditions. In comparison to organisms not acclimated, the phagocytosis of hemocytes decreased in both oysters and clams acclimated under submerged conditions, but was similar in those acclimated in emersed conditions. The ROS production remained stable in both oysters and clams acclimated in emersed conditions, whereas in submerged conditions ROS production did not change in both the hyalinocytes and granulocytes of oysters, but increased in clams. In oysters, the THC decreased when they were acclimated 1 and 2 days in submerged conditions and was mainly caused by a decrease in granulocytes, but the decrease in THC in oysters acclimated 2 days in emersed conditions was caused by a decrease in hyalinocytes and small agranular cells. In clams, the THC was significantly lower in comparison to those not acclimated, regardless of the conditions of the acclimatization. These findings demonstrate that hemocyte characteristics were differentially affected in both species by the tested conditions of acclimatization. The phagocytosis and ROS production in clams and phagocytosis in oysters were not different in those acclimated for 1 day under both conditions, i.e. emersed and submerged, and those sampled in the field (unacclimated). The THC was significantly affected by acclimatization conditions, so the differences between clams and oysters should be considered in studies where important concentrations of hemocytes are required. The difference in the immune response between both species could be related to their habitat (epifaunal vs. infaunal) and their ability of resilience to manipulation and adaptation to captivity. Our results suggest that functional characteristics of hemocytes should be analyzed in both oysters and clams during the first 1 or 2 days, preferably acclimated under emersed rather than submerged conditions.  相似文献   

Heart cells from the clam Ruditapes decussatus were routinely cultured with a high level of reproducibility in sea water based medium. Three cell types attached to the plastic after 2 days and could be maintained in vitro for at least 1 month: epithelial-like cells, round cells and fibroblastic cells. Fibroblastic cells were identified as functional cardiomyocytes due to their spontaneous beating, their ultrastructural characteristics and their reactivity with antibodies against sarcomeric α-actinin, sarcomeric tropomyosin, myosin and troponin T-C. Patch clamp measurements allowed the identification of ionic currents characteristic of cardiomyocytes: a delayed potassium current (I K slow) strongly suppressed (95%) by tetraethylammonium (1 mM), a fast inactivating potassium current (I K fast) inhibited (50%) by 4 amino-pyridine at 1 mM and, at a lower level (34%) by TEA, a calcium dependent potassium current (I KCa) activated by strong depolarization. Three inward voltage activated currents were also characterized in some cardiomyocytes: L-type calcium current (I Ca) inhibited by verapamil at 5 × 10−4 M, T-type Ca2+ current, rapidly activated and inactivated, and sodium current (I Na) observed in only a few cells after strong hyperpolarization. These two currents did not seem to be physiologically essential in the initiation of the beatings of cardiomyocytes. Potassium currents were partially inhibited by tributyltin (TBT) (1 μM) but not by okadaic acid (two marine pollutants). DNA synthesis was also demonstrated in few cultured cells using BrdU (bromo-2′-deoxyuridine). Observed effects of okadaic acid and TBT demonstrated that cultured heart cells from clam Ruditapes decussatus can be used as an experimental model in marine toxicology.  相似文献   

Two episodes of mortality of cultured carpet shell clams (Ruditapes decussatus) associated with bacterial infections were recorded during 2001 and 2002 in a commercial hatchery located in Spain. Vibrio alginolyticus was isolated as the primary organism from moribund clam larvae that were obtained during the two separate events. Vibrio splendidus biovar II, in addition to V. alginolyticus, was isolated as a result of a mixed Vibrio infection from moribund clam larvae obtained from the second mortality event. The larval mortality rates for these events were 62 and 73%, respectively. Mortality was also detected in spat. To our knowledge, this is the fist time that these bacterial species have been associated with larval and juvenile carpet shell clam mortality. The bacterial strains were identified by morphological and biochemical techniques and also by PCR and sequencing of a conserved region of the 16S rRNA gene. In both cases bacteria isolated in pure culture were inoculated into spat of carpet shell clams by intravalvar injection and by immersion. The mortality was attributed to the inoculated strains, since the bacteria were obtained in pure culture from the soft tissues of experimentally infected clams. V. alginolyticus TA15 and V. splendidus biovar II strain TA2 caused similar histological lesions that affected mainly the mantle, the velum, and the connective tissue of infected organisms. The general enzymatic activity of both live cells and extracellular products (ECPs), as evaluated by the API ZYM system, revealed that whole bacterial cells showed greater enzymatic activity than ECPs and that the activity of most enzymes ceased after heat treatment (100 degrees C for 10 min). Both strain TA15 and strain TA2 produced hydroxamate siderophores, although the activity was greater in strain TA15. ECPs from both bacterial species at high concentrations, as well as viable bacteria, caused significant reductions in hemocyte survival after 4 h of incubation, whereas no significant differences in viability were observed during incubation with heat-killed bacteria.  相似文献   

The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a pathogen of many insect species and is actively used in biocontrol. After the peroral inoculation of Galleria mellonella by the Bt in 5% sublethal concentration (LC5), a 1.5-fold increase in the phagocytic activity of infected larvae has been registered on the second and third days after the inoculation. With the increase of Bt-inoculum amount to 15% of sublethal concentration (LC15), a further increase of the phagocytic activity and enhanced encapsulation rates in the haemolymph of infected larvae has been observed. The enhanced cellular immunity during the bacteriosis seems to have resulted from the destruction of midgut epithelium cells followed by the subsequent exposure of gut content to lymph factors activating the immune system of haemocoel.  相似文献   

The pathological condition of the short-neck clam Ruditapes philippinarum was surveyed along the coast of Kumamoto, Japan, in June 2004. DNA sequences of the non-transcribed spacer region and internal transcribed spacer region flanking 5.8S rRNA identified Perkinsus olseni among the clams. Ray’s fluid thioglycollate medium assay indicated that 96.7% of the clams surveyed from the Kiguchi River tidal flat (native clams, Stn KR-N) and 96.7% of the clams surveyed from the Midori River tidal flat (Stn MR) were infected with P. olseni with an infection intensity of 464,278 and 199,937 Perkinsus cells/gram tissue wet weight (gWW), respectively. In contrast, 66.7% of the clams imported from China and stored along the Kiguchi River tidal flat (Stn KR-I) and 20.2% of clams from the Arao tidal flat (Stn AT) were infected with P. olseni with an infection intensity of 37,547 and 3382 Perkinsus cells/gWW, respectively. Brown ring disease was detected in the clam population from Stn KR-I at a prevalence of 90.0%. Polymerase chain reaction and the 16S rRNA sequence suggested that the agents of brown ring disease observed at Stn KR-I were Vibrio tapetis-like bacteria. Sporocysts and metacercariae of unidentified trematodes were also observed in the gonads and mantle of the clams from Stn KR-I, Stn MR, and Stn AT, at prevalences of 7.1-42.9%. Metacestodes (larval tapeworms) were found in the foot and digestive gland at a prevalence of 52.5%, 30.0%, and 14.3% in clams from Stns MR, AT, and KR-N, respectively. Histology also showed massive hemocyte infiltration and inflammation among clams heavily infected with P. olseni. Castration of the follicle was typical among clams infected with the trematode. The data indicate that most of the clams along the coast of Kumamoto are infected with various pathogens at various rates of infection, and these pathogens could have negative effects on the clam population in the long term.  相似文献   

Echinometra lucunter, (Pindá) is a sea urchin encountered in the Brazilian coast and exposed to high and low temperatures related to low and high tides. Despite their great distribution and importance, few studies have been done on the biological function of their coelomocytes. Thus, Echinometra lucunter perivisceral coelomocytes were characterized under optical and transmission electron microscopy. Phagocytic amoebocytes in the perivisceral coelom were labelled by injecting ferritin, and ferritin labelled phagocytic amoebocytes were found in the peristomial connective tissue after injecting India ink into the tissue, indicating the amoebocytes ability to respond to an inflammatory stimulus. Results showed that the phagocytic amoebocytes were the main inflammatory cells found in the innate immune response of E. lucunter. While other works have recorded these phenomena in sea urchins found in moderate and constant temperature, this study reports on these same phenomena in a tropical sea urchin under great variation of temperature, thus providing new data to inflammatory studies in invertebrate pathology.  相似文献   

The shell length, height, and width, live body weight, and edible tissue weight of Manila clam of 1, 2, and 3 years of age were measured, and their correlation coefficients were calculated. The shell morphological traits were used as independent variables, and live body weight or edible tissue weigh used as a dependent variable for calculating the path coefficients, correlation index and determination coefficients. The results showed that the correlation coefficients between each shell morphological trait and the live body weight or edible tissue weight were all highly significant (P < 0. 01). The shell height at 1-year old clams was highly correlated with the live body weight and edible tissue weight. The shell width of 2- to 3-year-old clams was strongly associated with the live body weight, while the shell length was closely linked to the edible tissue weight. The results of coefficients of determination for the morphological traits against weight traits agreed well with the results of path analysis. The correlation indices for all morphological traits against weight traits were approximately the same as determination coefficients regardless of clam age. The correlation indices (R2) of morphological traits against the live body weight of clams of all ages and edible tissue weight of 1-year-old clams were larger than 0.85, but R2 of morphological traits against the edible tissue weight of 2- and 3-year-old clams was smaller than 0.85, indicating that some other factors might be associated with the edible tissue weight of 2- and 3-year-old clams. Multiple regression equations were obtained to estimate shell length X1 (cm), shell height X2 (cm), shell width X3 (cm) against live body weight Y (g), edible tissue weight Z (g): for 1-year-old clams: Y = ?4.317 + 0.18X1 + 0.147X2, (X1 < 0.01, X2 < 0.01), Z = ?1.011 + 0.095X2, (X2 < 0.01); for 2-year-old clams: Y = ?15.119 + 0.249X1 + 0.176X2 + 0.688X3, (X1 < 0.01, X3 < 0.01), Z = ?4.248 + 0.198X1, (X1 < 0.05, X3 < 0.01); and for 3-year-old clams: Y = ?25.013 + 0.415X1 + 1.184X3, (X1 < 0.01, X3 < 0.01), Z = ?7.082 + 0.119X1 + 0.332X3, (X1 < 0.05, X3 < 0.01).  相似文献   


The gametogenic cycle of the clam Ruditapes decussatus was investigated during one year. Samples were collected each month in two different sites located at the gulf of Gabès area. Gametogenic activity was characterized on the basis of histological analysis of the gonads. A classification and a scoring system were then proposed. According to our study, Ruditapes decussatus gametogenesis can be divided in four major steps: (1) a sexual rest (December- February), (2) starting of gametogenesis (February-March), (3) development (March-May), (4) ripe (from April onwards). This study revealed that the gonad of the clam Ruditapes decussatus was surrounded by muscular tissue which could represent the principal storage tissue. Two kinds of hermaphroditism appeared since maturity of gonads: simultaneous one showing gonadal tubules of both males and females in regionally distinct and separate zones and a “superposed” one showing a gonad consisting essentially of mature male gametes and few residual oocytes.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the protozoan parasite Marteilia refringens was studied in Thau lagoon, an important French shellfish site, for 1 year in three potential hosts: the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mytiliidae), the grooved carpet shell Ruditapes decussatus (Veneriidae) and the copepod Paracartia grani (Acartiidae). Parasite DNA was detected by PCR in R. decussatus. In situ hybridisation showed necrotic cells of M. refringens in the digestive epithelia of some R. decussatus suggesting the non-involvement of this species in the parasite life cycle. In contrast, the detection of M. refringens in mussels using PCR appeared bimodal with two peaks in spring and autumn. Histological observations of PCR-positive mussels revealed the presence of different parasite stages including mature sporangia in spring and autumn. These results suggest that the parasite has two cycles per year in the Thau lagoon and that mussels release parasites into the water column during these two periods. Moreover, PCR detection of the parasite in the copepodid stages of P. grani between June and November supports the hypothesis of the transmission of the parasite from mussels to copepods and conversely. In situ hybridisation performed on copepodites showed labeling in some sections. Unusual M. refringens cells were observed in the digestive tract and the gonad from the third copepodid stage, suggesting that the parasite could infect a copepod by ingestion and be released through the gonad. This hypothesis is supported by the PCR detection of parasite DNA in copepod eggs from PCR-positive females, which suggests that eggs could contribute to the parasite spreading in the water and could allow overwintering of M. refringens. Finally, in order to understand the interactions between mussels and copepods, mussel retention efficiency (number of copepods retained by a mussel) was measured for all P. grani developmental stages. Results showed that all copepod stages could contribute to the transmission of the parasite, especially eggs and nauplii which were retained by up to 90%.  相似文献   

环境污染能够影响养殖贝类的免疫能力,是导致贝类大规模死亡的重要原因之一.探讨了大连周边4个海区污染物对采集的菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)免疫毒性影响.结果发现:污染物浓度和种类对蛤仔的免疫和生理指标具有重要影响,在重金属和石油污染物浓度较低的皮口海区,血细胞总数、亮氨酸氨基肽酶活性和血淋巴溶菌酶活性均显著高于其它3个海区(P<0.05),而蛤仔的脂质氧化水平则较低;在重金属和石油污染物浓度较高的黑石礁海区,蛤仔血淋巴谷胱甘肽含量显著高于其它3个海区(P<0.05);在重金属浓度较高的庄河海区,蛤仔表现出较高的超氧化物歧化酶活性(P<0.05).  相似文献   

The green-lipped mussel Perna viridis is distributed widely in the estuarine and coastal areas of the Indo-Pacific region and extensively cultured as an inexpensive protein source. Morphology and immunological activities of hemocytes of P. viridis were investigated using flow cytometry and light and electron microscopy. Three major types of hemocytes were identified in the hemolymph, including dense-granulocyte, semi-granulocyte (small and large size) and hyalinocyte. Other hemocytes, which occurred in low numbers, included granulocytes with different electron-dense/lucent granules and hemoblast-like cells. Based on flow cytometry, two subpopulations were identified. Granulocytes were larger cells, and the more abundant, containing numerous granules in the cytoplasm, and hyalinocytes were the smaller and less abundant with the fewest granules. Flow cytometry revealed that the granulocytes were more active in cell phagocytosis, contained the higher lysosomal content, and showed higher esterase activity and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation compared with hyalinocytes. Immune functions assessed by the flow cytometry indicated that the granulocytes were the main hemocytes involved in the cellular defence in P. viridis.  相似文献   

Recently, natural stocks of the Manila clam, Venerupis (=Ruditapes) philippinarum, have been drastically reduced in Japan. To clarify the reason for this decline in number, clams were sampled monthly from Yamaguchi and processed for histological observations, during which three protozoan parasites were discovered. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that these parasites were unidentified haplosporidian in the connective tissues, Marteilia sp. in the digestive gland and Marteilioides sp. in the oocytes. Histopathological observations suggest that Marteilia sp. and Marteilioides sp. were not pathogenic to the host. However, infection with a haplosporidian may have a negative impact on the clams. The prevalence of these parasites was low and further investigations should be undertaken to clarify their taxonomic status and establish any pathogenicity to clams.  相似文献   

A modulation of the phagocytic activity of hemocytes from the common periwinkle Littorina littorea by secretory-excretory products (SEP) released by trematode rediae during axenic in vitro cultivation was studied. The SEP released by the parasites Himasthla elongata (Echinostomatidae) and Cryptocotyle lingua (Heterophyidae) were found to inhibit the phagocytosis of zymozan particles by periwinkle hemocytes. The specificity of SEP effects was assessed: SEP of Himasthla militaris and Cryptocotyle concavum, two trematodes belonging to the same genera but infecting another closely related prosobranch snail Hydrobia ulvae, were also shown to be able to suppress L. littorea hemocytes phagocytic activity. However, no decrease in phagocytosis rate was observed when SEP of H. elongata and C. lingua were applied to monolayers of hemocytes from the bivalve mollusc Mytilus edulis. SEP from H. elongata was fractionated; only those fractions containing proteins of molecular weight more than 50 kDa were shown to possess inhibitory activity. Different H. elongata SEP concentrations were tested in for their ability to suppress phagocytosis by L. littorea hemocytes. Even very low SEP concentrations were shown to retain their ability to decrease phagocytosis rate, the inhibitory effect being dose-dependent. Hemocytes derived from snails naturally infected with H. elongata were also found to have lower phagocytic ability as compared to healthy individuals.  相似文献   

Bonamia ostreae is a protozoan, affiliated to the order Haplosporidia and to the phylum Cercozoa. This parasite is intracellular and infects haemocytes, cells notably involved in oyster defence mechanisms. Bonamiosis due to the parasite B. ostreae is a disease affecting the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis. The strategies used by protozoan parasites to circumvent host defence mechanisms remain largely unknown in marine bivalve molluscs. In the present work, in vitro experiments were carried out in order to study the interactions between haemocytes from O. edulis and purified parasite, B. ostreae. We monitored cellular and molecular responses of oyster haemocytes by light microscopy, flow cytometry and real-time PCR 1, 2, 4 and 8 h p.i. Light microscopy was used to measure parasite phagocytosis by oyster haemocytes. Parasites were observed inside haemocytes 1 h p.i. and the parasite number increased during the time course of the experiment. Moreover, some bi-nucleated and tri-nucleated parasites were found within haemocytes 2 and 4 h p.i., respectively, suggesting that the parasite can divide inside haemocytes. Host responses to B. ostreae were investigated at the cellular and molecular levels using flow cytometry and real-time PCR. Phagocytosis capacity of haemocytes, esterase activity and production of radical oxygen species appeared modulated during the infection with B. ostreae. Expression levels of expressed sequence tags selected in this study showed variations during the experiment as soon as 1 h p.i. An up-regulation of galectin (OeGal), cytochrome p450 (CYP450), lysozyme, omega GST (OGST), super oxide dismutase Cu/Zn (Oe-SOD Cu/Zn) and a down-regulation of the extracellular super oxide dismutase SOD (Oe-EcSOD) were observed in the presence of the parasite. Finally, the open reading frames of both SODs (Oe-SOD Cu/Zn and Oe-EcSOD) were completely sequenced. These findings provide new insights into the cellular and molecular bases of the host-parasite interactions between the flat oyster, O. edulis, and the parasite, B. ostreae.  相似文献   

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