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Objective: To investigate the associations among parenting style, gender, Chinese culture, and overweight children's attraction to physical activity. Research Methods and Procedures: A total of 104 parents with overweight children were recruited from six primary schools in Hong Kong, China. Only overweight children in grades 3 through 6 (8 to 12 years of age) were invited to participate. Overweight children were defined and identified using the international cut‐off points stratified by sex and age. Questionnaires were used to assess Children's Attraction to Physical Activity (CAPA), perceived competence, and parental socialization influences. Results: Parental influence, especially father's role modeling, was significantly related to attraction to physical activity in overweight Chinese children. Perceived physical competence was also an important correlate of an overweight child's attraction to physical activity. Gender differences in CAPA were not significant among the Chinese overweight children. However, gender differences were observed in the relationship between parent physical activity orientation and CAPA. Discussion: In addition to a child's perceived competence, father's role modeling can provide additional and significant influence with regard to overweight children's attraction to physical activity. Differences in cultural orientation toward body weight should be considered when explaining overweight children's physical activity.  相似文献   

Learning and attention were examined in rats after injections of one of several molecules related to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH). The initial phase of the learning process was linearly related to the length of the peptide with the smallest fragment (MSH/ACTH 4–10) improving learning the most and the largest molecule (ACTH 1–24) exerting no effect. Later stages of the learning problem, which were sensitive to the attentional state of the organism, resulted in U-shaped relations with the length of the same peptides. Enhancement of attention was significant only for the MSH compounds. These data indicate that some behaviors may be influenced as a function of the redundant information contained in the molecule while other behaviors may be discretely related to the specific conformation of the molecule.  相似文献   

The development of valid animal models of learning is especially important since learning is critical for nearly all aspects of human behavior and identifying appropriate surrogates provides additional opportunity to study various aspects of learning. Examining the factors that affect learning is often complicated by the need to administer the same task repeatedly across experimental conditions. Incremental repeated acquisition (IRA) tasks have been used extensively in animal research because they circumvent this problem by requiring a subject to learn different response chains repeatedly across sessions. The present study examined the association of age, sex of the participant, and IQ on the performance of an incremental repeated acquisition task in 837 children, aged 5-13 years. This task required children to learn to press four response levers in a specific sequence that was randomly chosen. Illumination of colored indicator lights signaled position in the required response chain. Initially, for the first link, only one of the four levers was correct: a response to it resulted in the delivery of a monetary reinforcer (5 cents). After mastery of the first link (i.e. three correct presses), the children were presented with a two-link response chain: a different lever had to be pressed before pressing the previously correct lever. After mastery of the two-link chain, the response chain length was once again increased, and so on until a response chain consisting of six links was completed or until the task timed out. Older children and children with higher IQs mastered longer response chain lengths and were more accurate in performance of this learning task than younger children. In addition, older children and children with higher IQs had higher effective response rates and lower ineffective response rates. No significant effects of the sex of the participant were demonstrated for any of the variables on this task, except overall response rate. The results indicate that this test is sensitive to developmental variables in children, with the degree of sensitivity of certain dependent variables being age-dependent. Characterization of performance of this task by humans facilitates comparisons with animal models employing the same task, thus enhancing its translational utility.  相似文献   

Human behaviour is often based on social learning, a mechanism that has been documented also in a variety of other vertebrates. However, social learning as a means of problem-solving may be optimal only under specific conditions, and both theoretical work and laboratory experiments highlight the importance of a potential model''s identity. Here we present the results from a social learning experiment on six wild vervet monkey groups, where models were either a dominant female or a dominant male. We presented ‘artificial fruit’ boxes that had doors on opposite, differently coloured ends for access to food. One option was blocked during the demonstration phase, creating consistent demonstrations of one possible solution. Following demonstrations we found a significantly higher participation rate and same-door manipulation in groups with female models compared to groups with male models. These differences appeared to be owing to selective attention of bystanders to female model behaviour rather than owing to female tolerance. Our results demonstrate the favoured role of dominant females as a source for ‘directed’ social learning in a species with female philopatry. Our findings imply that migration does not necessarily lead to an exchange of socially acquired information within populations, potentially causing highly localized traditions.  相似文献   

Lineage specification in the preimplantation mouse embryo is a regulative process. Thus, it has been difficult to ascertain whether segregation of the inner-cell-mass (ICM) into precursors of the pluripotent epiblast (EPI) and the differentiating primitive endoderm (PE) is random or influenced by developmental history. Here, our results lead to a unifying model for cell fate specification in which the time of internalization and the relative contribution of ICM cells generated by two waves of asymmetric divisions influence cell fate. We show that cells generated in the second wave express higher levels of Fgfr2 than those generated in the first, leading to ICM cells with varying Fgfr2 expression. To test whether such heterogeneity is enough to bias cell fate, we upregulate Fgfr2 and show it directs cells towards PE. Our results suggest that the strength of this bias is influenced by the number of cells generated in the first wave and, mostly likely, by the level of Fgf signalling in the ICM. Differences in the developmental potential of eight-cell- and 16-cell-stage outside blastomeres placed in the inside of chimaeric embryos further support this conclusion. These results unite previous findings demonstrating the importance of developmental history and Fgf signalling in determining cell fate.  相似文献   

Inspired by studies demonstrating mate-choice copying effects in non-human species, recent studies of attractiveness judgements suggest that social learning also influences human preferences. In the first part of our article, we review evidence for social learning effects on preferences in humans and other animals. In the second part, we present new empirical evidence that social learning not only influences the attractiveness of specific individuals, but can also generalize to judgements of previously unseen individuals possessing similar physical traits. The different conditions represent different populations and, once a preference arises in a population, social learning can lead to the spread of preferences within that population. In the final part of our article, we discuss the theoretical basis for, and possible impact of, biases in social learning whereby individuals may preferentially copy the choices of those with high status or better access to critical information about potential mates. Such biases could mean that the choices of a select few individuals carry the greatest weight, rapidly generating agreement in preferences within a population. Collectively, these issues suggest that social learning mechanisms encourage the spread of preferences for certain traits once they arise within a population and so may explain certain cross-cultural differences.  相似文献   

From a few presentations of an object, perceptual systems are able to extract invariant properties such that novel presentations are immediately recognized. This may be enabled by inferring the set of all representations equivalent under certain transformations. We implemented this principle in a neurodynamic model that stores activity patterns representing transformed versions of the same object in a distributed fashion within maps, such that translation across the map corresponds to the relevant transformation. When a pattern on the map is activated, this causes activity to spread out as a wave across the map, activating all the transformed versions represented. Computational studies illustrate the efficacy of the proposed mechanism. The model rapidly learns and successfully recognizes rotated and scaled versions of a visual representation from a few prior presentations. For topographical maps such as primary visual cortex, the mechanism simultaneously represents identity and variation of visual percepts whose features change through time.  相似文献   

Pesticides are substances that have been widely used throughout the world to kill, repel, or control organisms such as certain forms of plants or animals considered as pests. Depending on their type, dose, and persistence in the environment, they can have impact even on non-target species such as beneficial insects (honeybees) in different ways, including reduction in their survival rate and interference with their reproduction process. Honeybee Apis mellifera is a major pollinator and has substantial economical and ecological values. Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a mysterious phenomenon in which adult honeybee workers suddenly abandon from their hives, leaving behind food, brood, and queen. It is lately drawing a lot of attention due to pollination crisis as well as global agriculture and medical demands. If the problem of CCD is not resolved soon enough, this could have a major impact on food industry affecting world’s economy a big time. Causes of CCD are not known. In this overview, I discuss CCD, biogenic amines-based-pesticides (neonicotinoids and formamidines), and their disruptive effects on biogenic amine signaling causing olfactory dysfunction in honeybees. According to my hypothesis, chronic exposure of biogenic amines-based-pesticides to honeybee foragers in hives and agricultural fields can disrupt neural cholinergic and octopaminergic signaling. Abnormality in biogenic amines-mediated neuronal signaling impairs their olfactory learning and memory, therefore foragers do not return to their hive – a possible cause of CCD. This overview is an attempt to discuss a hypothetical link among biogenic amines-based pesticides, olfactory learning and memory, and CCD.  相似文献   

最近基因组研究表明树鼩属于灵长类或是与灵长类亲缘关系最密切的姐妹种.因此,树鼩可能是应用于建立人类疾病动物模型的最佳动物之一.该文报道一种抑郁症的社会竞争失败病因学树鼩(Tupaia belangerichinensis)模型.一对雄性树鼩被饲养在一个双笼中,用网格把双笼隔开,网格上有一小门.适应1周后,把小门打开,这一对树鼩产生短暂的争斗,每天一次,连续21天.其中争斗失败者被称为服从者.这个过程可导致每天1 h的直接社交冲突和23 h的间接相互影响(比如通过气味、视觉等).与正常对照相比,失败者在第三周也就是社交冲突的最后一周显示了体重、自主活动、躲避行为、尿液皮质醇水平等的变化,并且这种改变可持续至少2周以上.此外,还报道全新的记忆模型,一种被捕获条件反射树鼩模型.在一个封闭的小房间中放置捕获笼,其中挂有一片苹果,小房间中有一只自由活动的树鼩.训练的前4次树鼩进入捕获笼吃苹果并不触发捕获笼关闭,但在第5次时触发捕获笼关闭,并持续一小时才释放树鼩.第1-5次树鼩进入捕获笼的延迟时时间作为适心性指标,其中第5次才是作为被捕获的一次学习训练.24 h后,测试树鼩进入捕获笼的延迟时间作为被捕获记忆能力指标.树鼩经过第5次被捕获训练,能形成很好的被捕获记忆,因为24 h后的延迟时间极人地增加.在训练前腹腔注射已知能阻断记忆形成的NMDA受体拮抗剂MK-801(0.2 mg/kg,腹腔注射),对适应指标没有显著影响,但足极大地缩短了24 h后测试的延迟时间,即阻断了被捕获记忆.这些结果表明了一种抑郁症的慢性社会竞争失败与学习和记忆的一次被捕获条件反射树鼩模型.这两种树趵模型对抑郁症与学习和记忆的机理研究、抗抑郁症新药的临床前药效学评价具有潜在的重要意义.
Recent genome studies indicate that tree shrew is in the order or a closest sister of primates, and thus may be one of the best animals to model human diseases. In this paper, we report on a social defeat model of depression in tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis). Two male tree shrews were housed in a pair-cage consisting of two independent cages separated by a wire mesh partition with a door connecting the two cages. After one week adaptation, the connecting door was opened and a brief fighting occurs between the two male tree shrews and this social conflict session consisted of 1 h direct conflict (fighting) and 23 h indirect influence (e.g. smell, visual cues) per day for 21 days. The defeated tree shrew was considered the subordinate. Compared with naive animals, subordinate tree shrews at the final week of social conflict session showed alterations in body weight, locomotion, avoidance behavior and urinary cortisol levels.Remarkably, these alterations persisted for over two weeks. We also report on a novel captive conditioning model of learning and memory in tree shrew. An automatic trapping cage was placed in a small closed room with a freely-moving tree shrew. For the first four trials, the tree shrew was not trapped when it entered the cage and ate the bait apple, but it was trapped and kept in the cage for 1 h on the fifth trial. Latency was defined as the time between release of the tree shrew and when it entered the captive cage. Latencies during the five trials indicated adaptation. A test trial 24 h later was used to measure whether the one-trial trapping during the fifth trial could form captive memory. Tree shrews showed much longer trapping latencies in the test trial than the adaptation trials. The N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist MK-801 (0.2 mg/kg, i.p.), known to prevent the formation of memory, did not affect latencies in the adaptation trails, but did block captive memory as it led to much shorter trapping latencies compared to saline treatment in the test trial. These results demonstrate a chronic social defeat model of depression and a novel one-trial captive conditioning model for learning and memory in tree shrews, which are important for mechanism studies of depression, learning,memory, and preclinical evaluation for new antidepressants.  相似文献   

In this work we develop approximate aggregation techniques in the context of slow-fast linear population models governed by stochastic differential equations and apply the results to the treatment of populations with spatial heterogeneity. Approximate aggregation techniques allow one to transform a complex system involving many coupled variables and in which there are processes with different time scales, by a simpler reduced model with a fewer number of ‘global’ variables, in such a way that the dynamics of the former can be approximated by that of the latter. In our model we contemplate a linear fast deterministic process together with a linear slow process in which the parameters are affected by additive noise, and give conditions for the solutions corresponding to positive initial conditions to remain positive for all times. By letting the fast process reach equilibrium we build a reduced system with a lesser number of variables, and provide results relating the asymptotic behaviour of the first- and second-order moments of the population vector for the original and the reduced system. The general technique is illustrated by analysing a multiregional stochastic system in which dispersal is deterministic and the rate growth of the populations in each patch is affected by additive noise.  相似文献   

We study how individual memory items are stored assuming that situations given in the environment can be represented in the form of synaptic-like couplings in recurrent neural networks. Previous numerical investigations have shown that specific architectures based on suppression or max units can successfully learn static or dynamic stimuli (situations). Here we provide a theoretical basis concerning the learning process convergence and the network response to a novel stimulus. We show that, besides learning “simple” static situations, a nD network can learn and replicate a sequence of up to n different vectors or frames. We find limits on the learning rate and show coupling matrices developing during training in different cases including expansion of the network into the case of nonlinear interunit coupling. Furthermore, we show that a specific coupling matrix provides low-pass-filter properties to the units, thus connecting networks constructed by static summation units with continuous-time networks. We also show under which conditions such networks can be used to perform arithmetic calculations by means of pattern completion.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo estimate the extent of changes in mean BLLs from colder to warmer months, in children aged 1–5 years with different status of lead in colder months.MethodologyWe performed a systematic review using an in-house algorithm developed in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, and CINHAL. Search was performed between November 2012 and July 2013, and data evaluation and extraction were subsequently conducted. The mean BLLs observed in the warmer months was divided by the one observed in the colder months to obtain the warmer-to-colder ratio (WCR). Study-specific WCRs were pooled using the fixed-effects method of Mantel–Haenszel to estimate the combined WCR.ResultsFrom 4040 papers initially identified, eight cohort studies were considered relevant for inclusion. The combined WCR was inversely related to the BLLs observed during colder months. The values were 1.25 (95% CI: 0.90–1.60), 1.06 (95% CI: 0.92–1.19), and 0.95 (95% CI: 0.51–1.39) for children showing baseline BLLs of <10 μg dL−1, 10–20 μg dL−1and ≥20 μg dL−1, respectively. The combined WCR was influenced neither by children's age nor place/date of study.ConclusionThe extent of the summer increase in BLLs depends on the BLLs in the colder months.  相似文献   



Empathy is deeply linked with the ability to adapt to human social environments. The present study investigated the relationship between the empathy trait and attention elicited by discriminating facial expressions.


Event-related potentials were measured while 32 participants (17 men and 15 women) discriminated facial expressions (happy or angry) and colors of flowers (yellow or purple) under an oddball paradigm. The empathy trait of participants was measured using the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1980).


The empathy trait correlated positively with both the early portion (300 to 600 ms after stimulus onset) and late portion (600 to 800 ms after stimulus onset) of late positive potential (LPP) amplitude elicited by faces, but not with LPP elicited by flowers.


This result suggests that, compared to people with low empathy, people with high empathy pay more attention when discriminating facial expressions. The present study suggests that differences exist in methods of adapting to social environments between people with high and low empathy.  相似文献   

Effective and validated animal models are valuable to investigate the pathogenesis and potential therapeutics for human diseases. There is much concern for diabetic retinopathy (DR) in that it affects substantial number of working population all around the world, resulting in visual deterioration and social deprivation. In this review, we discuss animal models of DR based on different species of animals from zebrafish to monkeys and prerequisites for animal models. Despite criticisms on imprudent use of laboratory animals, we hope that animal models of DR will be appropriately utilized to deepen our understanding on the pathogenesis of DR and to support our struggle to find novel therapeutics against catastrophic visual loss from DR.  相似文献   

Learning can allow individuals to increase their fitness in particular environments. The advantage to learning depends on the predictability of the environment and the extent to which animals can adjust their behaviour. Earlier general models have investigated when environmental predictability might favour the evolution of learning in foraging animals. Here, we construct a theoretical model that predicts the advantages to learning using a specific biological example: oviposition in the Lepidoptera. Our model includes environmental and behavioural complexities relevant to host selection in these insects and tests whether the predictions of the general models still hold. Our results demonstrate how the advantage of learning is maximised when within-generation variability is minimised (the local environment consists mainly of a single host plant species) and between-generation variability is maximised (different host plant species are the most common in different generations). We discuss how our results: (a) can be applied to recent empirical work in different lepidopteran species and (b) predict an important role of learning in lepidopteran agricultural pests.  相似文献   

In randomized clinical trials, it is often of interest to estimate the effect of treatment on quality of life (QOL), in addition to those on the event itself. When an event occurs in some patients prior to QOL score assessment, investigators may compare QOL scores between patient subgroups defined by the event after randomization. However, owing to postrandomization selection bias, this analysis can mislead investigators about treatment efficacy and result in paradoxical findings. The recent Japanese Osteoporosis Intervention Trial (JOINT‐02), which compared the benefits of a combination therapy for fracture prevention with those of a monotherapy, exemplifies the case in point; the average QOL score was higher in the combination therapy arm for the unfractured subgroup but was lower for the fractured subgroup. To address this issue, principal strata effects (PSEs), which are treatment effects estimated within subgroups of individuals stratified by potential intermediate variable, have been discussed in the literature. In this paper, we describe a simple procedure for estimating the PSEs using marginal structural models. This procedure utilizes SAS code for the estimation. In addition, we present a simple sensitivity analysis method for examining the resulting estimates. The analyses of JOINT‐02 data using these methods revealed that QOL scores were higher in the combination therapy arm than in the monotherapy arm for both subgroups.  相似文献   



The present study sought to clarify the relationship between empathy trait and attention responses to happy, angry, surprised, afraid, and sad facial expressions. As indices of attention, we recorded event-related potentials (ERP) and focused on N170 and late positive potential (LPP) components.


Twenty-two participants (12 males, 10 females) discriminated facial expressions (happy, angry, surprised, afraid, and sad) from emotionally neutral faces under an oddball paradigm. The empathy trait of participants was measured using the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI, J Pers Soc Psychol 44:113–126, 1983).


Participants with higher IRI scores showed: 1) more negative amplitude of N170 (140 to 200 ms) in the right posterior temporal area elicited by happy, angry, surprised, and afraid faces; 2) more positive amplitude of early LPP (300 to 600 ms) in the parietal area elicited in response to angry and afraid faces; and 3) more positive amplitude of late LPP (600 to 800 ms) in the frontal area elicited in response to happy, angry, surprised, afraid, and sad faces, compared to participants with lower IRI scores.


These results suggest that individuals with high empathy pay attention to various facial expressions more than those with low empathy, from very-early stage (reflected in N170) to late-stage (reflected in LPP) processing of faces.  相似文献   

One of the neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the accumulation of beta-amyloid peptides (Aβ) in senile plaques. Aβ-induced oxidative stress is believed to be responsible for degeneration and apoptosis of neurons and consequent cognitive and memory deficits. Here, we investigated the possible neuroprotective effect of the heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitor geldanamycin (GA) against amyloid pathogenesis in adult male Wistar rats. GA or vehicle was injected into the lateral cerebral ventricles of rats 24 h before injection of Aβ (1–42) in CA1 area of hippocampus. The learning and memory of the rats were assessed 7 days after injection of Aβ using passive avoidance (PA) task. As potential contributing factors in Aβ-induced memory decline, we evaluated apoptotic markers and also used terminal-transferase UTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) technique to detect apoptosis in the hippocampus of Aβ-injected rats. Our behavioral data suggest that GA pretreatment can significantly suppress memory deficits in Aβ-injected rats. There was also not only a marked increase in Hsp70 level but also upregulated 70 kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K) in the hippocampus of GA-treated groups with a reduction in apoptotic factors including caspase-3, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, and TUNEL-positive cells as well. Thus, we conclude that GA exerts its protective effects against Aβ (1–42) toxicity and memory deficits, at least in part, by upregulating of Hsp70 and P70S6K.  相似文献   

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