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In many mammalian species, reproductive success decreases with maternal age. One proposed contributor to this age-related decrease in fertility is a reduction in the quantity or functionality of mitochondria in oocytes. This study examined whether maternal age or (in vitro maturation). IVM affect the quantity of mitochondria in equine oocytes. Oocytes were collected from the ovaries of slaughtered mares categorized as young (<12 years) or aged (≥12 years) and either denuded and prepared for analysis immediately (not-IVM) or matured in vitro for 30 hours before preparation (IVM). The mean oocyte mitochondrial DNA copy number was estimated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and found to be significantly lower in oocytes from aged mares and that had been subjected to IVM than in any other group. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that mitochondria in aged mare oocytes subjected to IVM experienced significantly more swelling and loss of cristae than in other groups. We conclude that maternal aging is associated with a heightened susceptibility to mitochondrial damage and loss in equine oocytes, which manifests during IVM. This predisposition to mitochondrial degeneration probably contributes to reduced fertility in aged mares.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of CUDC-101, a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, on the in vitro development and expression of the epigenetic marker histone H3 at lysine 9 (AcH3K9) in pig SCNT embryos. We found that treatment with 1 μmol/L CUDC-101 for 24 hours significantly improved the development of pig SCNT embryos. Compared with the control group, the blastocyst rate was higher (18.5% vs. 10.3%; P < 0.05). To assess in vivo developmental potency, CUDC-101–treated SCNT embryos were transferred into two surrogate mothers, resulting in one pregnancy with six fetuses. We then investigated the acetylation level of histone H3K9 in SCNT embryos treated with CUDC-101 and compared them only against untreated embryos. The acetylation level of control SCNT embryos was lower than that of CUDC-101–treated embryos at pseudo-pronuclear stages, and immunofluorescent signal for H3K9ac in CUDC-101–treated embryos in a pattern similar to that of control group. In conclusion, we demonstrated that CUDC-101 can significantly improve in vitro and in vivo developmental competence and enhance the nuclear reprogramming of pig SCNT embryos.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a gastric peptide having regulatory role in the reproductive system functionality, acting mainly at central level. Because the expression of ghrelin system (ghrelin and its receptor) has been detected in the bovine ovary, the objectives of the present study were to investigate whether ghrelin can affect the developmental potential of in vitro-produced embryos, and to test their quality in terms of relative abundance of various genes related to metabolism, apoptosis and oxidation. In the first experiment, in vitro-produced zygotes were cultured in the absence (control [C]) and in the presence of three concentrations of acylated ghrelin (200 pg/mL [Ghr200], 800 pg/mL [Ghr800]; and 2000 pg/mL [Ghr2000]); blastocyst formation rates were examined on Days 7, 8, and 9. In the second experiment, only the 800 pg/mL dose of ghrelin was used. Zygotes were produced as in experiment 1 and 24 hours post insemination they were divided into 4 groups; in two groups (C; without ghrelin; Ghr800 with ghrelin), embryos were cultured without medium replacement; in the remaining two groups (Control N and GhrN), the culture medium was daily renewed. A pool of Day-7 blastocysts were snap frozen for relative mRNA abundance of various genes related to metabolism, oxidation, implantation, and apoptosis. In experiment 3, embryos were produced as in experiment 2, but in the absence of serum (semi-defined culture medium). In experiment 1, no differences were detected between C, Ghr200, and Ghr2000, although fewer blastocysts were produced in group Ghr800 compared with C. In experiment 2, the lowest blastocysts yield was found in Ghr800, whereas daily renewal of ghrelin (Ghr800N) resulted to increased blastocysts formation rate, which on Day 7 was the highest among groups (P < 0.05). In experiment 3, ghrelin significantly suppressed blastocysts yield. Significant differences were detected in various relative mRNA abundance, giving an overall final notion that embryos produced in the presence of ghrelin were of better quality than controls. Our results imply a specific role of ghrelin in early embryonic development; however, the specific mode of its action needs further investigation.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the efficacy of superstimulation with p-FSH (Folltropin) before the ovum pick-up (OPU) on IVP in lactating and nonlactating Holstein donors. A total of 30 Holstein cows (15 lactating and 15 nonlactating) were blocked by lactation status to one of two groups (control or p-FSH), in a cross-over design. On a random day of the estrous cycle, all cows received an intravaginal progesterone device and 2.0 mg IM of estradiol benzoate (Day 0). Cows in the control group received no further treatment, whereas cows in the p-FSH group received a total dosage of 200 mg of p-FSH on Days 4 and 5 in four decreasing doses 12 hours apart (57, 57, 43, and 43 mg). On Day 7, the progesterone device was removed, and OPU was conducted in both groups (40 hours after the last p-FSH injection in the p-FSH–treated group). There was no difference between groups (P = 0.92) in the numbers of follicles that were aspirated per OPU session (17.2 ± 1.3 vs. 17.1 ± 1.1 in control and p-FSH-treated cows, respectively); however, p-FSH-treated cows had a higher (P < 0.001) percentage of medium-sized follicles (6–10 mm) at the time of the OPU (55.1%; 285/517) than control cows (20.8%; 107/514). Although recovery rate was lower (60.0%, 310/517 vs. 69.8%, 359/514; P = 0.002), p-FSH-treated cows had a higher blastocyst production rate (34.5%, 89/258 vs. 19.8%, 55/278; P < 0.001) and more transferable embryos per OPU session were produced in the p-FSH group (3.0 ± 0.5 vs. 1.8 ± 0.4; P = 0.02). Regardless of treatment, non-lactating cows had a higher blastocyst rate (41.9%, 106/253 vs. 13.4%, 38/283; P = 0.001) and produced more transferable embryos per OPU session (3.5 ± 0.5 vs. 1.3 ± 0.3; P = 0.003) than lactating cows. Thus, superstimulation of Holstein donors with p-FSH before OPU increased the efficiency of IVP. In addition, non-lactating donors had higher percentage of in vitro blastocyst development and produced more embryos per OPU session than lactating cows.  相似文献   

A brief overview of the progress made during the past approximately 40 years on the development of methods for in vitro production of cat embryos and intra- and interspecies embryo transfer is described. The presentation is focused primarily on research done over the past 30 years at the Cincinnati Zoo (1980–1995) and at the Audubon Nature Institute, New Orleans (1996–present) beginning with original studies on determining optimal doses of porcine FSH for ovarian stimulation and uterine embryo recovery, cryopreservation, and transfer. A key early finding was the ability of cats to respond to multiple gonadotropin (porcine FSH) treatments by repeated stimulation of follicular development. With a ≥6-month interval between FSH treatments, over the past 15 years (1998–2013), we have done 1603 laparoscopic oocyte retrievals on 337 cats and recovered >38,000 mature oocytes (mean = 24.1 per laparoscopic oocyte retrieval). The limited information available on in vivo blastocyst development in the cat during the latter portion of the preimplantation period (approximately Days 8 to 12 after coitum or approximately Days 7 to 11 after ovulation) was assembled for the purpose of comparing and contrasting it with the growth, expansion, and zona functioning of in vitro-derived blastocysts. Also, results of transferring morulae and/or blastocysts into synchronous recipients are described to emphasize evidence that appears to allude to an essential role for an intact zona pellucida in successful implantation and subsequent development in the cat. Until 2003, our in vitro-derived embryos were transferred into the uterine horns of recipients to determine the feasibility of producing offspring from such primary methods as IVF, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, SCNT, and embryo cryopreservation. With the exception of SCNT embryos, pregnancy rates were satisfactory, but embryo survival rates were not. Subsequently, after finding that SCNT embryo survival rate could be improved using laparoscopic transfer of early cleavage stage embryos into the oviduct, we applied the technique to embryos derived using IVF with sex-sorted sperm, oocyte vitrification, and embryo cryopreservation. Overall, a pregnancy rate of 67% (14/21) has resulted. Most recently, with the oviductal embryo transfer technique, two litters of Black-Footed cat kittens have been born from intra- and interspecies transfer of cryopreserved embryos.  相似文献   

Despite recent efforts to improve in vitro maturation (IVM) systems for porcine oocytes, developmental competence of in vitro-matured oocytes is still suboptimal compared with those matured in vivo. In this study, we compared oocytes obtained from large (≥8 mm; LF) and medium (3–7 mm; MF) sized follicles in terms of nuclear maturation, intracellular glutathione and reactive oxygen species levels, gene expression, and embryo developmental competence after IVM. In the control group, cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were aspirated from MF and matured for 22 hours with hormones and subsequently matured for 18 to 20 hours without hormones at 39 °C, 5% CO2in vitro. In the LF group, COCs were obtained from follicles larger than 8 mm and were subjected to IVM for only 18 hours. The ovaries have LF were averagely obtained with 1.7% per day during 2012 and it was significantly higher in the winter season. The results of the nuclear stage assessment of the COCs from the LFs are as follows: before IVM (0 hours); germinal vesicle stage (15.2%), metaphase I (MI) stage (55.4%), anaphase and telophase I stages (15.8%), and metaphase II (MII) stage (13.6%). After 6 hours IVM; germinal vesicle (4.2%), MI (43.6%), anaphase and telophase I (9.4%), and MII (42.8%). After 18-hour IVM; MI (9.7%) and MII (90.3%). Oocytes from LF showed a significant (P < 0.001) increase in intracellular glutathione (1.41 vs. 1.00) and decrease in reactive oxygen species (0.8 vs. 1.0) levels compared with the control. The cumulus cells derived from LFs showed lower (P < 0.1) mRNA expression of COX-2 and TNFAIP6, and higher (P < 0.1) mRNA expression of PCNA and Nrf2 compared with the control group-derived cumulus cells. After parthenogenetic activation, in vitro fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) using matured oocytes from LFs, the embryo development was significantly improved (greater blastocyst formation rates and total cell numbers in blastocysts) compared with the control group. In conclusion, oocytes from LFs require only 18 hours to complete oocyte maturation in vitro and their developmental competence is significantly greater than those obtained from MFs. Although their numbers are limited, oocytes from LFs might offer an alternative source for the efficient production of transgenic pigs using SCNT.  相似文献   

Intraoviductal oocyte transfer in combination with in vivo fertilization has arisen as an alternative method to induce pregnancies from cryopreserved oocytes in rabbits. In this study, offspring were obtained for the first time from vitrified rabbit oocytes using this technique. In all the experiments, recipients were artificially inseminated 9 hours before oocyte transfer. Cryopreserved (vitrified and slow-frozen) and noncryopreserved (fresh) oocytes were transferred into both oviducts, which were immediately closed using cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive to block the entry of the recipient's own oocytes. Three transferred group females that received vitrified oocytes became pregnant and delivered a total of nine live young naturally. The results revealed that there were no differences in the live birth rate between vitrified and slow-frozen oocytes (5.5% and 4.4%, respectively). When fresh oocytes were transferred, this rate increased to 19.2%, whereas in the control females (nontransferred) the rate of offspring obtained was 71.4%. This is the first reported result of the development to term of vitrified rabbit oocytes and suggests that an in vivo environment could help improve the results of oocyte cryopreservation.  相似文献   

The production of embryos with a preselected sex sperm is important in the livestock industry. In this study, we examined the efficiency of producing female embryos by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with flow cytometry sorted (ssICSI) and unsorted (usICSI) bovine sperm, and their developmental competence in vitro. For comparison, bovine embryos were also produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF) with sorted (ssIVF) and unsorted (usIVF) bovine sperm. The semen used in this study was from a bull selected for its high fertility and blastocyst developmental competence among four bulls. We first examined and compared pronuclear (PN) formation and cleavage rates of the produced embryos among the treatment groups. Our results demonstrated that PN formation rates (judged by two pronucleus [2PN]) and cleavage rates in ssIVF group (23.1% and 43.6%) were lower than those in the usIVF (71.1% and 71.6%), usICSI (73.1% and 92.8%) and ssICSI (75% and 79.1%) groups, respectively (P < 0.05). Moreover, the blastocyst formation rate in the ssIVF group was less than those in the usIVF, usICSI, and ssICSI groups (2.7% vs. 30.2%, 28.7% and 24.7%, respectively; P < 0.05). Importantly, we reported that the blastocyst formation rate in the ssICSI group was similar to that in the usICSI group, which indicated that ICSI can rescue the damage introduced to sperm by flow cytometry–mediated sex-sorting. Of note, we achieved a blastocyst formation rate in the ssICSI group to be comparable with the usIVF group. We then examined embryo quality by counting the number of normal and apoptotic cells in blastocysts. It was found that, despite the fact that blastocyst formation rate in the ssIVF group was significantly lower than those in the usIVF, usICSI and ssICSI groups, there was no difference in total and apoptotic cell numbers among these groups (P > 0.05). Finally, karyotyping analysis demonstrated that the proportion of female embryos in the ssICSI and ssIVF groups was 100%, whereas it was 58.8% and 57.8% in the usIVF and usICSI groups, respectively. In conclusion, ICSI with flow cytometry sorted bovine sperm provides an alternative approach to produce embryos with predetermined sex.  相似文献   

IVF in horses is rarely successful. One reason for this could be the failure of sperm to fully capacitate or exhibit hyperactive motility. We hypothesized that the zona pellucida (ZP) of equine oocytes prevents fertilization in vitro, and bypassing the ZP would increase fertilization rates. Limited availability of equine oocytes for research has necessitated the use of heterologous oocyte binding assays using bovine oocytes. We sought to validate an assay using bovine oocytes and equine sperm and then to demonstrate that bypassing the ZP using perivitelline sperm injections (PVIs) with equine sperm capacitated with dilauroyl phosphatidylcholine would result in higher fertilization rates than standard IVF in bovine and equine oocytes. In experiment 1, bovine oocytes were used for (1) IVF with bovine sperm, (2) IVF with equine sperm, and (3) intracytoplasmic sperm injections (ICSIs) with equine sperm. Presumptive zygotes were either stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole from 18 to 26 hours at 2-hour intervals or evaluated for cleavage at 56 hours after addition of sperm. Equine sperm fertilized bovine oocytes; however, pronuclei formation was delayed compared with bovine sperm after IVF. The delayed pronuclear formation was not seen after ICSI. In experiment 2, bovine oocytes were assigned to the following five groups: (1) cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) coincubated with bovine sperm; (2) COC exposed to sucrose then coincubated with bovine sperm; (3) COC coincubated with equine sperm; (4) COC exposed to sucrose, and coincubated with equine sperm; and (5) oocytes exposed to sucrose, and 10 to 15 equine sperm injected into the perivitelline (PV) space. Equine sperm tended (P = 0.08) to fertilize more bovine oocytes when injected into the PV space than after IVF. In experiment 3, oocytes were assigned to the following four groups: (1) IVF, equine, and bovine COC coincubated with equine sperm; (2) PVI of equine and bovine oocytes; (3) PVI with equine oocytes pretreated with sucrose; and (4) ICSI of equine oocytes. Oocytes were examined at 24 hours for cleavage. No equine oocytes cleaved after IVF or PVI. However, ICSI conducted with equine sperm treated with dilauroyl phosphatidylcholine resulted in 85% of the oocytes cleaving. Sperm injected into the PV space of equine oocytes did not appear to enter the ooplasm. This study validated the use of bovine oocytes for equine sperm studies and indicates that failure of equine IVF is more than an inability of equine sperm to penetrate the ZP.  相似文献   

Obtaining accurate kinetics and steady-state binding constants for biomolecular interactions normally requires pure and homogeneous protein preparations. Furthermore, in many cases, one of the ligands must be labeled. Over the past decade, several technologies have been introduced that allow for the measurement of kinetics constants for multiple different interactions in parallel. One such technology is bio-layer interferometry (BLI), which has been used to develop systems that can measure up to 96 biomolecular interactions simultaneously. However, despite the ever-increasing throughput of the tools available for measuring protein–protein interactions, the preparation of pure protein still remains a bottleneck in the process of producing high-quality kinetics data. Here, we show that high-quality binding data can be obtained using soluble lysate fractions containing protein that has been biotinylated in vivo using BirA and then applied to BLI sensors without further purification. Furthermore, we show that BirA ligase does not necessarily need to be co-overexpressed with the protein of interest for biotinylation of the biotin acceptor peptide to occur, suggesting that the activity of endogenous BirA in Escherichia coli is sufficient for producing enough biotinylated protein for a binding experiment.  相似文献   

Beyond the potential use of in vitro production of embryos (IVP) in breeding schemes, embryos are also required for the establishment of new biotechnologies such as cloning and transgenesis. Additionally, the knowledge of oocyte and embryo physiology acquired through IVP techniques may stimulate the further development of other techniques such as marker assisted and genomic selection of preimplantation embryos, and also benefit assisted procreation in human beings. Efficient in vitro embryo production is currently a major objective for livestock industries, including small ruminants. The heterogeneity of oocytes collected from growing follicles by laparoscopic ovum pick up or in ovaries of slaughtered females, remains an enormous challenge for IVM success, and still limits the rate of embryo development. In addition, the lower quality of the IVP embryos, compared with their in vivo–derived counterparts, translates into poor cryosurvival, which restricts the wider use of this promising technology. Therefore, many studies have been reported in an attempt to determine the most suitable conditions for IVM, IVF, and in vitro development to maximize embryo production rate and quality. This review aims to present the current panorama of IVP production in small ruminants, describing important steps for its success, reporting the recent advances and also the main obstacles identified for its improvement and dissemination.  相似文献   

This study aimed to demonstrate the expression of growth hormone receptor (GH-R) mRNA and protein in goat ovarian follicles in order to investigate the effects of GH on the survival and development of preantral follicles. The ovaries were processed for the isolation of follicles to study GH-R mRNA expression or to localization of GH-R by immunohistochemical analysis. Pieces of ovarian cortex were cultured for 7 days in minimum essential medium+ (MEM+) in the presence or absence of GH at different concentrations (1, 10, 50, 100, and 200 ng/mL). High expression levels of GH-R mRNA were observed in granulosa/theca cells from large antral follicles. However, preantral follicles do not express mRNA for GH-R. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that the GH-R protein was expressed in the oocytes/granulosa cells of antral follicles, but any protein expression was observed in preantral follicles. The highest (P < 0.05) rate of normal follicles and intermediate follicles was observed after 7 days in MEM+ plus 10 ng/mL GH (70%). In conclusion, GH-R mRNA and protein are expressed in caprine antral follicles, but not in preantral follicles. Moreover, GH maintains the survival of goat preantral follicles and promotes the development of primordial follicles.  相似文献   

At the present, no secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) from soybean (Glycine max) was investigated in detail. In this work we identified five sequences of putative secreted sPLA2 from soybean after a BLAST search in G. max database. Sequence analysis showed a conserved PA2c domain bearing the Ca2+ binding loop and the active site motif. All the five mature proteins contain 12 cysteine residues, which are commonly conserved in plant sPLA2s. We propose a phylogenetic tree based on sequence alignment of reported plant sPLA2s including the novel enzymes from G. max. According to PLA2 superfamily, two of G. max sPLA2s are grouped as XIA and the rest of sequences as XIB, on the basis of differences found in their molecular weights and deviating sequences especially in the N- and C-terminal regions of the isoenzymes. Furthermore, we report the cloning, expression and purification of one of the putative isoenzyme denoted as GmsPLA2-XIA-1. We demonstrate that this mature sPLA2 of 114 residues had PLA2 activity on Triton:phospholipid mixed micelles and determine the kinetic parameters for this system. We generate a model based on the known crystal structure of sPLA2 from rice (isoform II), giving first insights into the three-dimensional structure of folded GmsPLA2-XIA-1. Besides describing the spatial arrangement of highly conserved pair HIS-49/ASP-50 and the Ca+2 loop domains, we propose the putative amino acids involved in the interfacial recognition surface. Additionally, molecular dynamics simulations indicate that calcium ion, besides its key function in the catalytic cycle, plays an important role in the overall stability of GmsPLA2-XIA-1 structure.  相似文献   

Evolvulus alsinoides, also known as Shankpushapi, is a commonly used traditional medicine for enhancing memory. We evaluated the in vitro free radical scavenging and enzymes [acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinestrase, glycogen synthase kinase-3-β (GSK-3-β), rho kinase (ROCK II), prolyl endopeptidase (PEP), catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) and lipoxygenase (LOX)] inhibitory activities of aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts of E. alsinoides. Hydro-alcoholic extract of E. alsinoides demonstrated more free radical scavenging activity as compared to aqueous extract. Hydro-alcoholic extract also showed higher cholinesterase, GSK-3-β, ROCK II, PEP, COMT and LOX enzyme inhibitory activities as compared to aqueous extract. Phytochemical analysis revealed more flavanoids in hydro-alcoholic extract as compared to aqueous extract but no significant difference in phenolic content of the two extracts was observed. Based on in vitro data, hydro-alcoholic extract (100, 300 and 500 mg/kg, p.o.) was selected for in vivo study in intracerebroventricularly injected streptozotocin (STZ) induced cognitive impairment in male Wistar rats. Elevated plus maze, passive avoidance and Morris water maze were used for assessment of cognitive function on 14th, 21st and 28th day after STZ injection. Oxidative stress parameters (malondialdehyde, reduced glutathione, nitric oxide levels and superoxide dismutase activity), cholinergic dysfunction and rho kinase (ROCK II) expression were studied in cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rat brain at the end of the study. Hydro-alcoholic extract of E. alsinoides dose dependently prevented STZ induced cognitive impairment by reducing the oxidative stress, improving cholinergic function and preventing the increase in rho kinase expression. The results suggest an anti-Alzheimer potential of hydro-alcoholic extract of E. alsinoides.  相似文献   

The anthelmintic activity of extracts from Chenopodiumambrosioides, Pycnanthusangolensis and Nutridesintox® was in vitro and in vivo investigated, against Toxocaracanis larvae. The in vitro assays results showed that the aqueous extract of Nutridesintox® was the most effective, followed by C. ambrosioides extracts, hexane, dichloromethane and the infusion. P. angolensis extracts showed a lower anthelmintic activity compared to the other natural products. For the in vivo assays, Nutridesintox®, the hexane extract and the infusion of C. ambrosioides were administered orally to T. canis-infected mice, in single doses, during three consecutive days. The efficacy was evaluated on the 17th day post-infection, not only by counting T. canis larvae in the tissues but also by ELISA detection of IgM and IgG antibodies and histological analysis of liver and lungs. The different treatments did not reduce the larvae burden and had no influence on the antibodies dynamic. Interestingly, a reduction on the inflammatory infiltrates was observed in the liver and lung sections of the group treated with the hexane extract of C. ambrosioides. In conclusion, the hexane extract of C. ambrosioides is of further research interest, as it showed an anthelmintic activity in vitro and a reduction on the inflammatory reaction produced by the infection of T. canis larvae in vivo.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba granulomatous encephalitis is a serious human infection with fatal consequences. The most distressing aspect of Acanthamoeba granulomatous encephalitis is the limited improvement in mortality. The underlying neurobiology is at present not well understood and treatment options are often of limited efficacy. There is therefore a real need to obtain more knowledge regarding the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of Acanthamoeba granulomatous encephalitis and to develop new chemotherapeutic approaches. However, the difficulties in using mammalian models to study this infection have hindered our search for therapeutic interventions. Recent availability of the blood-brain barrier, in vitro and use of locust as an in vivo model will undoubtedly allow us to investigate disease pathogenesis, mechanisms of parasite traversal across the blood-brain barrier and new drug therapies. It is argued that the models described here can offer several advantages in terms of speed, cost, technical convenience, and ethical acceptance. Furthermore, they are extremely valuable tools to discriminate molecules participating from both sides of the host-parasite interaction and will generate potentially useful leads in the identification of new potential drugs, as well as testing drug toxicity.  相似文献   

Artemisone was evaluated, in in vitro and in vivo, for control of bovine babesiosis caused by Babesia bigemina and Babesiabovis parasites. In vitro, artemisone reduced parasitemia in a dose-dependent manner: the inhibitory effects increased gradually, reaching a maximum inhibition of 99.6% and 86.4% for B. bigemina and B. bovis, respectively 72 h after initiation of treatment with initial parasitemia of 0.5%. In calves infected with either B. bigemina or B. bovis artemisone treatment was well tolerated and prevented development of acute babesiosis in all animals except for one B. bovis-infected calf. The treatment did not eliminate all blood parasites, and recovered animals carried a persistent low-level infection. Treatment with artemisone may be useful as an alternative drug for preventing the pathology that results from babesiosis, without interfering with acquired immune protection following recovery from an acute babesiosis infection or vaccination.  相似文献   

This paper describes the in vitro multiplication process of Babesia bigemina sporokinetes in a cell line (IDE8) from Ixodes scapularis ticks. The inoculum was obtained from hemolymph of engorged females of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus ticks naturally infected with B. bigemina. These ticks had been fed on calves living in a tick endemic farm in Brazil. Microscopic morphological details are shown to describe the development of the parasite in the tick cells; the identity of the parasite was confirmed by a duplex PCR method.  相似文献   

Definition of an anatomical reference frame is necessary for in vitro biomechanical testing. Nevertheless, there is neither a clear recommendation, nor consensus in the literature concerning an anatomical reference frame for in vitro testing of the human vertebrae. The scope of this work is to define a reference frame for the human vertebrae for in vitro applications. The proposed anatomical reference frame relies on alignment of well-defined points on the endplates, and on two landmarks on the posterior wall. The repeatability of the proposed alignment procedure has been tested in vitro by 5 operators, on 7 specimens. Furthermore, the feasibility and repeatability of the proposed procedure was assessed in silico, using CT-scans of the same specimens.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii, an obligate intracellular bacterium of worldwide distribution, is responsible for Q fever. Domestic ruminants are the main source of infection for humans. The objectives of this study were to determine (1) whether C. burnetii would adhere to the intact zona pellucida (ZP-intact) of early in vitro–produced bovine embryos; (2) whether the bacteria would adhere to or infect the embryos (ZP-free) after in vitro infection; and (3) the efficacy of the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) washing protocol. One hundred and sixty, eight- to 16-cell bovine embryos produced in vitro, were randomly divided into 16 batches of 10 embryos. Twelve batches (eight ZP-intact and four ZP-free) were incubated in a medium containing C. burnetii CbB1 (Infectiologie Animale et Santé Publique, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique Tours, France). After 18 hours of incubation at 37 °C and 5% CO2 in air, the embryos were washed in 10 successive baths of a PBS and 5% fetal calf serum solution in accordance with the IETS guidelines. In parallel, four batches (two ZP-intact and two ZP-free) were subjected to similar procedures but without exposure to C. burnetii to act as controls. Ten washing fluids from each batch were collected and centrifuged for 1 hour at 13,000× g. The embryos and wash pellets were tested using conventional polymerase chain reaction. C. burnetii DNA was found in all ZP-intact and ZP-Free embryos after 10 successive washes. It was also detected in the first four washing fluids for ZP-intact embryos and in the 10th wash fluid for two of the four batches of ZP-free embryos. In contrast, none of the embryos or their washing fluids in the control batches were DNA positive. These results demonstrate that Cburnetii adheres to and/or penetrates the early embryonic cells and the ZP of in vitro bovine embryos after in vitro infection, and that the standard washing protocol recommended by the IETS for bovine embryos, failed to remove it. The persistence of these bacteria after washing makes the embryo a potential means of transmission of the bacterium during embryo transfer from infected donor cows to healthy recipients and/or their offspring. Further studies are required to investigate whether enzymatic and/or antibiotic treatment of bovine embryos infected by C. burnetii would eliminate the bacteria from the ZP and to verify if similarly results are obtained with in vivo–derived embryos.  相似文献   

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