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Summary Bounded estimates on divergence times between lineaes are crucial to the calculation of absolute rates of molecular evolution. Upper (minimum) bounds on divergence times are easily estimated based on earliest fossil finds. Lower (maximum) bounds are more difficult to estimate; the age of putative ancestors may be used, though in practice it is virtually impossible to distinguish ancestors from primitive sister groups, which do not, of logical necessit, consitute lower bounds on divergence times. Two relatively new approaches to estimating lower bounds directly assess the incompleteness of the fossil record. The first uses taphonomic control groups to distinguish real absences from nonpreservation, while the second, and probably more powerful, uses the quality of the fossil recored to estimate confidence intervals on the bases of stratigraphic ranges. For some groups, especially vertebrates, the inclusion or exclusion of problematic fossils can dramaticaly affect estimated lower bounds on divergence times, often swamping the uncertainties due to the incompleteness of the fossil record and/or corelation and dating errors. When datable paleogeographic events reflect ancient divisions of faunas, a lower bound on the divergence time of speices within a fauna can be established based on the geologic, rather than fossil, record. The fossil records of hominids, eutherianmammals, echinoids, and geese are used as examples.This article was presented at the C.S.E.O.L. Conferrence on DNA-DNA Hybridization and Evolution, Lake Arrowhead, California, May 11–14, 1989  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes have recently become widely used in animal phylogeny, mainly to infer the relationships between vertebrates and other bilaterians. However, only 11 of 723 complete mitochondrial genomes available in the public databases are of early metazoans, including cnidarians (Anthozoa, mainly Scleractinia) and sponges. Although some cnidarians (Medusozoa) are known to possess atypical linear mitochondrial DNA, the anthozoan mitochondrial genome is circular and its organization is similar to that of other metazoans. Because the phylogenetic relationships among Anthozoa as well as their relation to other early metazoans still need to be clarified, we tested whether sequencing the complete mitochondrial genome of Savalia savaglia, an anthozoan belonging to the order Zoantharia (=Zoanthidea), could be useful to infer such relationships. Compared to other anthozoans, S. savaglia’s genome is unusually long (20,766 bp) due to the presence of several noncoding intergenic regions (3691 bp). The genome contains all 13 protein coding genes commonly found in metazoans, but like other Anthozoa it lacks most of the tRNAs. Phylogenetic analyses of S. savaglia mitochondrial sequences show Zoantharia branching closely to other Hexacorallia, either as a sister group to Actiniaria or as a sister group to Actiniaria and Scleractinia. The close relationships suggested between Zoantharia and Actiniaria are reinforced by strong similarities in their gene order and the presence of similar introns in the COI and ND5 genes. Our study suggests that mitochondrial genomes can be a source of potentially valuable information on the phylogeny of Hexacorallia and may provide new insights into the evolution of early metazoans. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Axel Meyer]  相似文献   

Sciaenid fishes are widely distributed throughout the coastal waters and estuaries of the world. A total of 23 genera of this family are endemic to the Old World. However, evolutionary relationships among Old World sciaenid fishes and their origin have remained unresolved despite their diversity and importance. Besides, hypotheses that explain the origin and biogeographical distribution of sciaenid fishes are controversial. In this study, the complete mitochondrial genome sequences of seven representative sciaenid species were determined and a well-resolved tree was recovered. This new timescale demonstrated that the sciaenid originated during the late Jurassic to early Cretaceous Period. The estimated origin time of sciaenid fish is 208 Mya, and the origin of Old World sciaenid is estimated at 126 Mya. Reconstruction of ancestral distributions indicated a plesiomorphic distribution and center of origin in the New World, with at least one lineage subsequently dispersed to the Old World. Moreover, we conclude that the common ancestors of Old World sciaenid fishes were derived from species of New World.  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned and sequenced over 9 kb of the mitochondrial genome from the sea starPisaster ochraceus. Within a continuous 8.0-kb fragment are located the genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1, 2, 3, and 4L (ND1, ND2, ND3, and ND4L), cytochrome oxidase subunits I, II, and III (COI, COII, and COIII), and adenosine triphosphatase subunits 6 and 8 (ATPase 6 and ATPase 8). This large fragment also contains a cluster of 13 tRNA genes between ND1 and COI as well as the genes for isoleucine tRNA between ND1 and ND2, arginine tRNA between COI and ND4L, lysine tRNA between COII and ATPase 8, and the serine (UCN) tRNA between COIII and ND3. The genes for the other five tRNAs lie outside this fragment. The gene for phenylalanine tRNA is located between cytochrome b and the 12S ribosomal genes. The genes for tRNAglu and tRNAthr are 3 to the 12S ribosomal gene. The tRNAs for histidine and serine (AGN) are adjacent to each other and lie between ND4 and ND5. These data confirm the novel gene order in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of sea stars and delineate additional distinctions between the sea star and other mtDNA molecules.  相似文献   

An experimental decay methodology is developed for a cnidarian model organism to serve as a comparison to the many previous such studies on bilaterians. This allows an examination of inherent bias against the fossilisation of cnidarian tissue and their diagnostic characters, under what conditions these occur, and in what way. The decay sequence of Actinia equina was examined under a series of controlled conditions. These experiments show that cnidarian decay begins with an initial rupturing of the epidermis, followed by rapid loss of recognisable internal morphological characters. This suggests that bacteria work quicker on the epidermis than autolysis does on the internal anatomy. The data also show that diploblastic tissue is not universally decayed more slowly under anoxic or reducing conditions than under oxic conditions. Indeed, some cnidarian characters decay more rapidly under anoxic conditions than they do under oxic conditions. This suggests the decay pathways acting may be different to those affecting soft bilaterian tissue such as soft epidermis and internal organs. What is most important in the decay of soft polyp anatomy is the microbial community, which can be dominated by oxic or anoxic bacteria. Different Lagerstätte, even of the same type, will inevitably have subtle difference in their bacterial communities, which among other factors, could be a control on soft polyp preservation leading to either an absence of compelling soft anthozoans (Burgess Shale) or an astonishing abundance (Qingjiang biota).  相似文献   

Demosponges are among the most primitive biomineralized metazoans to appear first in the fossil record with hard skeletons; their confirmed earliest fossils are from the lower Cambrian rocks about 520 Ma, with putative demosponge biomarkers reported from 713 to 635 Ma sediments. In this study, we use mitogenomic data to approach the early divergence timescale of demosponges using relaxed molecular clock techniques and likelihood-evaluated fossil calibration strategies. We found that among various molecular dating models, the correlated rate model yielded time estimates of demosponges in this analysis which is most congruent with the fossil appearance dates of demosponges. Our dating analyses show that crown groups of Demospongiae appeared at about 704 (674–741) Ma, and the silicification in demosponges (divergence of spicular sponges) began about 633 (616–648) Ma indicating a gap of over 100 million years between the origin of silicification and their first unequivocal appearance of siliceous spicules in the fossil record (520–525 Ma); demosponges with tetraxon-type spicules (Tetractinellida) are dated here at about 514 (498–530) Ma, an estimate comparable with the earliest tetraxial megasclere fossil records (510–520 Ma, Ordian Age, middle Cambrian).  相似文献   

目的 获得中国地鼠线粒体基因组序列,为线粒体疾病模型提供分子数据.方法 参照近缘物种的线粒体基因组序列,设计27对特异引物,采用TD-PCR及测序技术获得了中国地鼠的线粒体全基因组序列,分析了其基因组特点和各基因的定位.还结合GenBank中已发表的其他5种啮齿类动物的线粒体基因组序列,探讨啮齿类动物不同科间的系统进化关系.结果 中国地鼠线粒体基因组全长为16 283 bp,碱基组成为33.53%A、30.50%T、12.98%G、22.80%C,包括13个蛋白质编码基因、2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因和1个非编码基因控制区.中国地鼠和金黄地鼠亲缘关系最近.结论 中国地鼠线粒体基因组各基因长度、位置与典型的啮齿类动物相似,其编码蛋白质区域和rRNA基因与其他啮齿类动物具有很高的同源性,显示线粒体基因组在进化上十分保守.5种动物的分子系统进化树与传统分类地位一致.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of corals of the genus Seriatopora has not previously been studied using molecular sequence markers. As a first step toward a re-evaluation of species boundaries in this genus, mitochondrial sequence variability was analyzed in 51 samples collected from Okinawa, New Caledonia, and the Philippines. Four clusters of sequences were detected that showed little concordance with species currently recognized on a morphological basis. The most likely explanation is that the skeletal characters used for species identification are highly variable (polymorphic or phenotypically plastic); alternative explanations include introgression/hybridization, or deep coalescence and the retention of ancestral mitochondrial polymorphisms. In all individuals sequenced, two copies of trnW were found on either side of the atp8 gene near the putative D-loop, a novel mitochondrial gene arrangement that may have arisen from a duplication of the trnW-atp8 region followed by a deletion of one atp8.  相似文献   

Summary The DNA sequence was determined for the cytochrome c oxidase II (COII), tRNALys, and ATPase 8 genes from the mitochondrial genome of the meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus. When compared to other rodents, three different patterns of evolutionary divergence were found. Nucleotide variation in tRNALys is concentrated in the TC loop. Nucleotide variation in the COII gene in three genera of rodents (Microtus, Mus, Rattus) consists predominantly of transitions in the third base positions of codons. The predicted amino acid sequence in highly conserved (>92% similarity). Analysis of the ATPase 8 gene among four genera (Microtus, Cricetulus, Mus, Rattus) revealed more detectable transversions than transitions, many fixed first and second position mutations, and considerable amino acid divergence. The rate of nucleotide substitution at nonsynonymous sites in the ATPase 8 gene is 10 times the rate in the COII gene. In contrast, the estimated absolute mutation rate as determined by analysis of nucleotide substitutions at fourfold degenerate sites probably is the same for the two genes. The primary sequences of the ATPase 8 and COII peptides are constrained differently, but each peptide is conserved in terms of predicted secondary-level configuration.  相似文献   



Phasianidae is a family of Galliformes containing 38 genera and approximately 138 species, which is grouped into two tribes based on their morphological features, the Pheasants and Partridges. Several studies have attempted to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the Phasianidae, but many questions still remain unaddressed, such as the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships among Crossoptilon species. The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) has been extensively used to infer avian genetic diversification with reasonable resolution. Here, we sequenced the entire mitogenomes of three Crossoptilon species (C. harmani, C. mantchuricum and C. crossoptilon) to investigate their evolutionary relationship among Crossoptilon species.


The complete mitogenomes of C. harmani, C. mantchuricum and C. crossoptilon are 16682 bp, 16690 bp and 16680 bp in length, respectively, encoding a standard set of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, and a putative control region. C. auritum and C. mantchuricum are more closely related genetically, whereas C. harmani is more closely related to C. crossoptilon. Crossoptilon has a closer relationship with Lophura, and the following phylogenetic relationship was reconstructed: ((Crossoptilon + Lophura) + (Phasianus + Chrysolophus)). The divergence time between the clades C. harmani-C. crossoptilon and C. mantchuricum-C. auritum is consistent with the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the Tertiary Pliocene. The Ka/Ks analysis showed that atp8 gene in the Crossoptilon likely experienced a strong selective pressure in adaptation to the plateau environment.


C. auritum with C. mantchuricum and C. harmani with C. crossoptilon form two pairs of sister groups. The genetic distance between C. harmani and C. crossoptilon is far less than the interspecific distance and is close to the intraspecific distance of Crossoptilon, indicating that C. harmani is much more closely related to C. crossoptilon. Our mito-phylogenomic analysis supports the monophyly of Crossoptilon and its closer relationship with Lophura. The uplift of Tibetan Plateau is suggested to impact the divergence between C. harmani-C. crossoptilon clade and C. mantchuricum-C. auritum clade during the Tertiary Pliocene. Atp8 gene in the Crossoptilon species might have experienced a strong selective pressure for adaptation to the plateau environment.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1234-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks (chelicerates) form one of the most diverse groups of arthropods on land, but their origin and times of diversification are not yet established. We estimated, for the first time, the molecular divergence times for these chelicerates using complete mitochondrial sequences from 25 taxa. All mitochondrial genes were evaluated individually or after concatenation. Sequences belonging to three missing genes (ND3, 6, and tRNA-Asp) from three taxa, as well as the faster-evolving ribosomal RNAs (12S and 16S), tRNAs, and the third base of each codon from 11 protein-coding genes (PCGs) (COI-III, CYTB, ATP8, 6, ND1-2, 4L, and 4-5), were identified and removed. The remaining concatenated sequences from 11 PCGs produced a completely resolved phylogenetic tree and confirmed that all chelicerates are monophyletic. Removing the third base from each codon was essential to resolve the phylogeny, which allowed deep divergence times to be calculated using three nodes calibrated with upper and lower priors. Our estimates indicate that the orders and classes of spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks diversified in the late Paleozoic, much earlier than previously reported from fossil date estimates. The divergence time estimated for ticks suggests that their first land hosts could have been amphibians rather than reptiles. Using molecular data, we separated the spider-scorpion clades and estimated their divergence times at 397 ± 23 million years ago. Algae, fungi, plants, and animals, including insects, were well established on land when these chelicerates diversified. Future analyses, involving mitochondrial sequences from additional chelicerate taxa and the inclusion of nuclear genes (or entire genomes) will provide a more complete picture of the evolution of the Chelicerata, the second most abundant group of animals on earth. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Seven major plastid protein encoding genes were positioned on the soybean chloroplast DNA by heterologous hybridization. These include the genes for the alpha, beta and epsilon subunits of the CF1 component of ATP synthase (atpA, atpB and atpE respectively), for subunit III of the CF0 component of ATP synthase (atpH), for the cytochrome f (cytF), for the ‘32 Kd’ thylakoid protein (psbA), and for the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (rbcL), all of which map in the large single copy region. The atpB, atpE and rbcL genes are located in the region adjacent to one of the segments of the inverted repeat. The genetic organization of the soybean chloroplast DNA is compared to that of other plastid genomes.  相似文献   

The presence, genetic identity and diversity of algal endosymbionts (Symbiodinium) in 114 species from 69 genera (20 families) of octocorals from the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), the far eastern Pacific (EP) and the Caribbean was examined, and patterns of the octocoral-algal symbiosis were compared with patterns in the host phylogeny. Genetic analyses of the zooxanthellae were based on ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region. In the GBR samples, Symbiodinium clades A and G were encountered with A and G being rare. Clade B zooxanthellae have been previously reported from a GBR octocoral, but are also rare in octocorals from this region. Symbiodinium G has so far only been found in Foraminifera, but is rare in these organisms. In the Caribbean samples, only Symbiodinium clades B and C are present. Hence, Symbiodinium diversity at the level of phylogenetic clades is lower in octocorals from the Caribbean compared to those from the GBR. However, an unprecedented level of ITS1 diversity was observed within individual colonies of some Caribbean gorgonians, implying either that these simultaneously harbour multiple strains of clade B zooxanthellae, or that ITS1 heterogeneity exists within the genomes of some zooxanthellae. Intracladal diversity based on ITS should therefore be interpreted with caution, especially in cases where no independent evidence exists to support distinctiveness, such as ecological distribution or physiological characteristics. All samples from EP are azooxanthellate. Three unrelated GBR taxa that are described in the literature as azooxanthellate (Junceella fragilis, Euplexaura nuttingi and Stereonephthya sp. 1) contain clade G zooxanthellae, and their symbiotic association with zooxanthellae was confirmed by histology. These corals are pale in colour, whereas related azooxanthellate species are brightly coloured. The evolutionary loss or gain of zooxanthellae may have altered the light sensitivity of the host tissues, requiring the animals to adopt or reduce pigmentation. Finally, we superimposed patterns of the octocoral-algal symbiosis onto a molecular phylogeny of the host. The data show that many losses/gains of endosymbiosis have occurred during the evolution of octocorals. The ancestral state (azooxanthellate or zooxanthellate) in octocorals remains unclear, but the data suggest that on an evolutionary timescale octocorals can switch more easily between mixotrophy and heterotrophy compared to scleractinian corals, which coincides with a low reliance on photosynthetic carbon gain in the former group of organisms.  相似文献   

The cloverleaf secondary structure of transfer RNA (tRNA) is highly conserved across all forms of life. Here, we provide sequence data and inferred secondary structures for all tRNA genes from 8 new arachnid mitochondrial genomes, including representatives from 6 orders. These data show remarkable reductions in tRNA gene sequences, indicating that T-arms are missing from many of the 22 tRNAs in the genomes of 4 out of 7 orders of arachnids. Additionally, all opisthothele spiders possess some tRNA genes that lack sequences that could form well-paired aminoacyl acceptor stems. We trace the evolution of T-arm loss onto phylogenies of arachnids and show that a genome-wide propensity to lose sequences that encode canonical cloverleaf structures likely evolved multiple times within arachnids. Mapping of structural characters also shows that certain tRNA genes appear more evolutionarily prone to lose the sequence coding for the T-arm and that once a T-arm is lost, it is not regained. We use tRNA structural data to construct a phylogeny of arachnids and find high bootstrap support for a clade that is not supported in phylogenies that are based on more traditional morphological characters. Together, our data demonstrate variability in structural evolution among different tRNAs as well as evidence for parallel evolution of the loss of sequence coding for tRNA arms within an ancient and diverse group of animals.  相似文献   



Disorders of the mitochondrial respiratory chain are heterogeneous in their symptoms and underlying genetics. Simple links between candidate mutations and expression of disease phenotype typically do not exist. It thus remains unclear how the genetic variation in the mitochondrial genome contributes to the phenotypic expression of complex traits and disease phenotypes.

Scope of review

I summarize the basic genetic processes known to underpin mitochondrial disease. I highlight other plausible processes, drawn from the evolutionary biological literature, whose contribution to mitochondrial disease expression remains largely empirically unexplored. I highlight recent advances to the field, and discuss common-ground and -goals shared by researchers across medical and evolutionary domains.

Major conclusions

Mitochondrial genetic variance is linked to phenotypic variance across a variety of traits (e.g. reproductive function, life expectancy) fundamental to the upkeep of good health. Evolutionary theory predicts that mitochondrial genomes are destined to accumulate male-harming (but female-friendly) mutations, and this prediction has received proof-of-principle support. Furthermore, mitochondrial effects on the phenotype are typically manifested via interactions between mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Thus, whether a mitochondrial mutation is pathogenic in effect can depend on the nuclear genotype in which is it expressed.

General significance

Many disease phenotypes associated with OXPHOS malfunction might be determined by the outcomes of mitochondrial–nuclear interactions, and by the evolutionary forces that historically shaped mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. Concepts and results drawn from the evolutionary sciences can have broad, but currently under-utilized, applicability to the medical sciences and provide new insights into understanding the complex genetics of mitochondrial disease. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Frontiers of Mitochondrial Research.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships of the order Carnivora have been extensively studied. However, phylogenetic studies based on different types of data, species samples, and methods of analysis provide contradictory results. Consequently, phylogenetic relationships of Carnivora remain contentious. Here, the sequence of 12 mitochondrial genes (10,842 nucleotides) from a total of 38 carnivore species was used to investigate the phylogeny of the caniform (dog-like) carnivores. An analysis using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian approaches provided a unique and well-supported solution to most contentious relationships within Caniformia. The clade Arctoidea was shown to consist of three major monophyletic groups: Pinnipedia, Ursidae, and Musteloidea. Within Pinnipedia, the families Otariidae and Odobenidae formed a clade, sister to Phocidae. Within Musteloidea, there was a sister relationship between true mustelids (i.e., excluding the skunks) and procyonids, and between ailurids and mephitids (skunks). Despite a high level of confidence obtained at most nodes, uncertainty remained about the relative position of the three major arctoid clades.  相似文献   

缅甸陆龟线粒体全基因组的测序及分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张颖  聂刘旺  宋娇莲 《动物学报》2007,53(1):151-158
本文参照近缘物种的线粒体基因组序列,设计17对特异引物,采用LD-PCR、PCR及测序技术获得了我国广西产缅甸陆龟的线粒体全基因组序列,分析了其基因组特点和各基因的定位。结果表明:缅甸陆龟线粒体基因组全长为16813bp,碱基组成为35.30%A、26.47%T、12.09%G、26.14%C,包括13个蛋白质编码基因、2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因和1个非编码基因控制区(D-Loop区)。缅甸陆龟线粒体基因组各基因长度、位置与典型的脊椎动物相似,其编码蛋白质区域和rRNA基因与其它脊椎动物具有很高的同源性,显示龟类线粒体基因组在进化上十分保守。将缅甸陆龟的线粒体基因组序列提交到GenBank,获得的检索号为DQ656607。本文还结合GenBank中已发表的其它16种龟鳖类动物的线粒体基因组序列,探讨龟鳖类动物不同科间的系统进化关系。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic positions of bryophytes and charophytes, together with their genome features, are important for understanding early land plant evolution. Here we report the complete nucleotide sequence (105,340 bp) of the circular-mapping mitochondrial DNA of the moss Physcomitrella patens. Available evidence suggests that the multipartite structure of the mitochondrial genome in flowering plants does not occur in Physcomitrella. It contains genes for 3 rRNAs (rnl, rns, and rrn5), 24 tRNAs, and 42 conserved mitochondrial proteins (14 ribosomal proteins, 4 ccm proteins, 9 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunits, 5 ATPase subunits, 2 succinate dehydrogenase subunits, apocytochrome b, 3 cytochrome oxidase subunits, and 4 other proteins). We estimate that 5 tRNA genes are missing that might be encoded by the nuclear genome. The overall mitochondrial genome structure is similar in Physcomitrella, Chara vulgaris, Chaetosphaeridium globosum, and Marchantia polymorpha, with easily identifiable inversions and translocations. Significant synteny with angiosperm and chlorophyte mitochondrial genomes was not detected. Phylogenetic analysis of 18 conserved proteins suggests that the moss-liverwort clade is sister to angiosperms, which is consistent with a previous analysis of chloroplast genes but is not consistent with some analyses using mitochondrial sequences. In Physcomitrella, 27 introns are present within 16 genes. Nine of its intron positions are shared with angiosperms and 4 with Marchantia, which in turn shares only one intron position with angiosperms. The phylogenetic analysis as well as the syntenic structure suggest that the mitochondrial genomes of Physcomitrella and Marchantia retain prototype features among land plant mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   

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