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In aquatic vertebrates that acquire oxygen aerially dive duration scales positively with body mass, i.e. larger animals can dive for longer periods, however in bimodally respiring animals the relationship between dive duration and body mass is unclear. In this study we investigated the relationships between body size, aquatic respiration, and dive duration in the bimodally respiring turtle, Elseya albagula. Under normoxic conditions, dive duration was found to be independent of body mass. The dive durations of smaller turtles were equivalent to that of larger individuals despite their relatively smaller oxygen stores and higher mass specific metabolic rates. Smaller turtles were able to increase their dive duration through the use of aquatic respiration. Smaller turtles had a relatively higher cloacal bursae surface area than larger turtles, which allowed them to extract a relatively larger amount of oxygen from the water. By removing the ability to respire aquatically (hypoxic conditions), the dive duration of the smaller turtles significantly decreased restoring the normal positive relationship between body size and dive duration that is seen in other air-breathing vertebrates.  相似文献   

Starting even before the end of World War II, the discipline of comparative physiology and biochemistry experienced a period of unprecedented growth and development that pioneers in this field thought would never end. However, by the mid-1970s many of the major mechanistic problems in the field were pretty well understood in principle, and by the mid-1980s workers in the field widely recognized that the discipline was at the point of diminishing returns. One response to this was disillusionment, which turned out to be premature because the field was already absorbing molecular biology tools which has now caused a kind of renaissance in mechanistic physiology studies. The second major response to the sense of disillusionment led to a search for new approaches, and out of this endeavor the newly rejuvenated field of evolutionary physiology arose, and this research area too is now in a growth phase. These general patterns of growth and development in our discipline as a whole are particularly clearly evident in the field of aquatic mammals and birds. Between the 1930s and the 1970s, studies of diving physiology and biochemistry made great progress in mechanistically explaining the basic diving response of aquatic mammals and birds. Key components of the diving response (apnea, bradycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction, redistribution of cardiac output) were found in essentially all species analyzed and were generally taken to be biological adaptations. By the mid-1970s, this approach to unraveling the diving response had run 'out of steam' and was in conceptual stasis. The breakthrough which gave renewal to the field at this time was the development of microprocessor based monitoring of diving animals in their natural environments, which led to a flurry of studies mostly confirming the essential outlines of the diving response based upon laboratory studies and firmly placing it into a proper biological context, underlining its plasticity and species specificities. Now as we begin a new millenium, despite ever more detailed field monitoring of physiology, behavior and ecology, studies aimed at improving understanding of physiological mechanisms in diving are again approaching a point of diminishing returns. To avoid another conceptual stasis, what seems required are new initiatives which may arise from two differing approaches. The first is purely experimental, relying on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) to expand the framework of the original 'diving response' concept. The second, evolutionary study of the diving response, is synthetic, linked to both field and laboratory studies. To date the evolution of the diving response has only been analyzed in pinnipeds and from these studies two kinds of patterns have emerged. (1) Some physiological and biochemical characters, required and used in diving animals, are highly conserved not only in pinnipeds but in all vertebrates; these traits are necessarily similar in all pinnipeds and include diving apnea, bradycardia, tissue specific hypoperfusion, and hypometabolism of hypoperfused tissues. (2) Another group of functionally linked characters are more malleable and include (i) spleen mass, (ii) blood volume, and (iii) hemoglobin (Hb) pool size. Increases in any of these traits (or in a morphological character, body size) improve diving capacity. Assuming that conserved physiological function means conserved sequences in specific genes and their products (and that evolving function requires changes in such sequences), it is possible to rationalize both the above trait categories in pinniped phylogeny. However, it is more difficult for molecular evolution theory to explain how complex regulatory systems like those involved in bradycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction remain the same through phylogenetic time than it is to explain physiological change driven by directional natural selection.  相似文献   

Advances in our understanding of skeletal stem cells and their role in bone development and repair, offer the potential to open new frontiers in bone regeneration. Tissue engineering seeks to harness the regenerative capacity innate to bone for the replacement of tissue lost or damaged through a broad range of conditions associated with an increasingly aged population. The strategy entails ex vivo expansion of multipotential populations followed by delivery to the site of damage on dynamically durable-biodegradable three-dimensional structures which provide the requisite extracellular microenvironment for stem cell driven tissue development. This review will examine bone stem cell biology, and current advances in skeletal tissue engineering through the enhancement and marrying of biologically informed and clinically relevant strategies.  相似文献   

Several studies have investigated the possible influence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) on body posture and whether cervical spine disorders, such as cervicogenic dizziness (CGD) could play an additional role in affecting static balance. The purpose of this study was to analyze static postural behavior by means of static posturography, in patients affected by either TMD or CGD alone or by both conditions, and to compare findings with a group of healthy subjects. Significant changes in posturographic parameters were found among the three groups of patients and when compared with controls. When the three study groups were compared to each other, subjects affected by a combination of TMD and CGD showed worse postural performances with respect to subjects affected by CGD or TMD alone. Correlations with self-perceived dizziness, anxiety, depression and jaw functionality, investigated by means of validated questionnaires, were found among all patient groups. These results provide new evidences for the presence of static balance alterations in patients suffering from TMD with and without associated cervical spine impairment, by using a reliable diagnostic technique. Further studies are needed in order to identify any causal relation between these two disorders.  相似文献   

Robert T. Furbank 《Planta》1988,176(4):433-440
The relationship between the redox state of the primary electron acceptor of photosystem II (QA) and the rate of O2 evolution in isolated mesophyll chloroplasts from Zea mays L. is examined using pulse-modulated chlorophyll a fluorescence techniques. A linear relationship between photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qQ) and the rate of O2 evolution is evident under most conditions with either glycerate 3-phosphate or oxaloacetate as substrates. There appears to be no effect of the transthylakoid pH gradient on the rate of electron transfer from photosystem II into QA in these chloroplasts. However, the proportion of electron transport occurring through cyclic-pseudocyclic pathways relative to the non-cyclic pathway appears to be regulated by metabolic demand for ATP. The majority of non-photochemical quenching in these chloroplasts at moderate irradiances appeared to be energy-dependent quenching.Abbreviations and symbols PSII photosystem II - Fm maximum fluorescence obtained on application of a saturating light pulse - Fo basal fluorescence recorded in the absence of actinic light (i.e. all PSII traps are open) - Fv Fm-Fo - qQ photochemical quenching - qNP non-photochemical quenching - qE energy-dependent quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence  相似文献   

The perturbing effect of guanidium hydrochloride and pH on the molecular structure of water buffalo apomyoglobin has been investigated by circular dichroism in the far and near ultraviolet and by fluorescence. In the wavelength region between 320 and 260 nm the circular dichroic spectrum of the globin is highly structured and the contributions of the aromatic chromophores have been resolved. Buffalo apomyoglobin undergoes a structural transition at neutral pH which involves elements of the secondary and tertiary structure, as indicated by changes of dichroic activity of the peptide and aromatic chromophores and the fluorescence of the two tryptophanyl residues. The possibility of charge-transfer complex between indole and imidazole is discussed. A major structural transition with abrupt unfolding takes place in the pH region between 5.6 and 4.3. Below pH 4.3 the peptide helical residues, which survive the acid transition, appear to be resistent to further acidification to pH 2.0 while tryptophanyl emission is quenched and shifted to longer wavelengths. A structural transition occurs also in alkali above pH 10, which has been detected by the same techniques. The relationships between buffalo and sperm whale apomyoglobin are discussed.  相似文献   

Skene  Keith R. 《Plant and Soil》2003,248(1-2):21-30
In this paper we examine the key elements of cluster or proteoid roots, and trace their origins back to regular root properties. By viewing the root system as being composed of two categories of surface, the high transport capacity (HTC) area, just behind the meristem, and the low transport capacity (LTC) area (the rest of the root system), based on export and import capacities, we examine root system architecture in terms of structure–function relationships, and conclude that measuring total root exudation per unit area, volume or mass will not give useful comparative data for root transport properties. Furthermore, the cluster root represents a manipulation of the HTC to LTC root surface area ratio. Increased exudation and P uptake may be no higher in individual rootlets than in other HTC regions of the root system. We also examine the transformation theory (the theory of form resulting from a series of forces, which, when altered, lead to a change, or transformation in form) as an explanation of cluster root evolution, and conclude that the cluster root requires only a change in pericycle response to depleted internal nutrient levels, with the other characteristics representing consequences stemming from the form and constraints of the root system.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, much progress has been made toward an understanding of the mechanism of regulation of neural differentiation. In this article, following a brief overview of neural induction research, I would like to discuss the potential contribution of basic embryological research to the progress of human therapeutic development in the present and future, focusing on the medical application of in vitro differentiation of neural tissues. This kind of linkage between basic and medical research will probably be strengthened even more by the recent emergence of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Human pluripotent stem cells are powerful tools for bridging the gap from our accumulated knowledge of embryology to regenerative medicine, as well as to a wide spectrum of medical and pharmaceutical research and development. In this commentary, I describe these issues with a particular emphasis on the contributions made by Japanese scientists.  相似文献   

The association of serotonin with the alimentary canal of Locusta migratoria was investigated using immunohistochemistry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to electrochemical detection. Serotonin-like immunoreactive processes were differentially distributed between and within three regions of the alimentary canal; the foregut, midgut and hindgut. The midgut possessed the most serotonin-like immunoreactive processes, while the hindgut contained only a few immunoreactive processes. Using HPLC coupled to electrochemical detection the serotonin content was highest in the midgut followed by the foregut and hindgut. The physiological response of the midgut to serotonin as well as to the combination of serotonin and proctolin was also examined. It was found that the application of serotonin to the midgut leads to a dose-dependent reduction in tonus of the circular muscles. Serotonin was also able to inhibit a proctolin-induced contraction of the midgut in a dose-dependent manner. The physiological and pharmacological properties of serotonin agonists and antagonists on the midgut were also investigated. The results indicate that alpha-methyl 5-HT was the most effective agonist leading to a 108% relaxation at 10(-9) M compared to that caused by the same serotonin concentration. Among several serotonin receptor antagonists tested, mianserin was the most potent. The application of mianserin at 10(-5) M in combination with 5x10(-6) M serotonin resulted in a 66% reduction of the serotonin-induced relaxation of midgut muscle. The serotonin antagonist cyproheptadine was less effective leading to a 39% reduction of the 5x10(-6) M serotonin-induced relaxation. Ketanserin was a weak antagonist.  相似文献   

Abstract. The sabellid polychaete, Terebrasabella heterouncinata, forms burrows in gastropod shells. It is a small, intratubular brooder that breeds semi‐continuously. It has been shown to self‐fertilize, but its reproductive biology suggests that some form of sperm transfer must occur between individuals. To gain an understanding of its fertilization biology, the ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and the sperm in T. heterouncinata was described, and the animal examined for sperm storage structures. Spermiogenesis occurs in clusters of eight spermatids. The mature sperm has an elongate nucleus and a bilaterally symmetrical acrosome with twisted subacrosomal spaces. The midpiece is short, with three crescent‐shaped mitochondria, and forms a tight sheath around the axoneme. A single spermatheca, which opens on the inner ventral part of the crown near the buccal region, is present. It is a simple blind‐ending duct that runs below the ventral nerve cord and is longer than 100 μm. This is the first record of a single spermatheca in Sabellidae. The shape of the sperm and the presence of a spermatheca confirm that individuals of T. heterouncinata produce ent‐aquasperm and would normally cross‐fertilize.  相似文献   

Nutrient transport in mycorrhizas occurs across specialized interfaces which are the result of corrdinated development of the organisms. The structural modifications give rise to large areas of either inter- or intra-cellular interface in which wall synthesis is frequently modified and in which altered distribution of membrane bound ATPases is important, particularly with respect to mechanisms that may be involved in bidirectional transfer of nutrients. Except in orchid mycorrhizas, net movement of organic carbon from plant to fungus occurs, complemented by mineral nutrient movement in the opposite direction. The general consensus is that sustained transfer at rates that will maintain the growth and development of the organisms requires increases in the rates at which nutrients are lost from the organisms; possible mechanisms for this are discussed. The transfer processes are essential in determining both plant and fungal productivity and an approach to calculating the efficiency of the symbiosis in terms of the expenditure of carbon (or of phosphorus) is discussed.  相似文献   

Current evolutionary models for amphibian life cycles reflect tradeoffs in size-specific growth and mortality rates between the aquatic and terrestrial stages. A limitation of these models is that they do not incorporate evolutionary phenomena that are associated with metapopulation structure. In this work I address components of the evolution of complex life cycles (CLCs) that are tied to the metapopulation dynamics of amphibians that use seasonal wetlands that vary in hydroperiod. In particular, I describe how selection for the minimum length of the larval period affects metapopulation viability and the selection/migration equilibrium. Selection to increase the minimum length of the larval period functionally reduces the number of viable breeding sites on the landscape, increases the average distance between neighboring sites, and increases the risk of metapopulation extinction. Within a metapopulation, asymmetric gene flow between populations that are adapted to different hydroperiods tends to swamp local selection for long larval periods at sites with long hydroperiods. The evolutionary stability of CLCs of many species with metapopulation structure may reflect the fact that extremely small metamorphs cannot survive on land, while lineages with long larval periods incur a high risk of metapopulation extinction. I encourage theorists to more carefully consider how life history traits and metapopulation viability are related for these and other taxa.  相似文献   

Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells proliferate in a cystine-free medium, with the same growth rate, reaching the same final cell density, as in a cystine-containing medium, provided that the inoculum is taken from a pre-culture sufficiently early, at 47–53 h. With an inoculum from a 103 h culture an extended lag phase accompanied by cell death was observed during the first 50 h of cystine-free culture, even though the culture had been adapted to cystine-free conditions for 10 passages. Cystine-free cultures seeded with a 103 h inoculum had lower growth rates and reached lower final cell densities than corresponding cystine-supplied cultures. Cysteine biosynthesis occurs from methionine via the β-cystathionine pathway. More methionine was consumed by the cells in cystine-free media, and cystathionine was secreted when methionine and cystine were supplied in excess. The data suggest that cysteine biosynthesis is up-regulated in proliferating cells but down-regulated when the cells enter the stationary phase. In cultures supplied with cystine (10–100 mg 1-1), the specific uptake rate and total consumption of cystine, as well as the uptake of glutamate, glutamine and glucose increased with increasing cystine concentrations. These results are interpreted in view of system x c , a concentration dependent amino acid transporter. Similarly, the consumption of amino acids transported by system L (ile, leu, val, tyr) was enhanced in cystine-containing cultures, as compared to cystine-free cultures. Uptake of cystine, methionine and system L amino acids ceases abruptly in all cultures, even before growth ceased. The specific growth rate starts to decline early during the growth phase, but this growth behaviour could not be correlated to the depletion of nutrients. We therefore propose that the observed growth pattern is a result of (auto)regulatory events that control both proliferation and metabolism. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Determining whether the terrestrial biosphere will be a source or sink of carbon (C) under a future climate of elevated CO2 (eCO2) and warming requires accurate quantification of gross primary production (GPP), the largest flux of C in the global C cycle. We evaluated 6 years (2007–2012) of flux‐derived GPP data from the Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment (PHACE) experiment, situated in a grassland in Wyoming, USA. The GPP data were used to calibrate a light response model whose basic formulation has been successfully used in a variety of ecosystems. The model was extended by modeling maximum photosynthetic rate (Amax) and light‐use efficiency (Q) as functions of soil water, air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, vegetation greenness, and nitrogen at current and antecedent (past) timescales. The model fits the observed GPP well (R2 = 0.79), which was confirmed by other model performance checks that compared different variants of the model (e.g. with and without antecedent effects). Stimulation of cumulative 6‐year GPP by warming (29%, P = 0.02) and eCO2 (26%, P = 0.07) was primarily driven by enhanced C uptake during spring (129%, P = 0.001) and fall (124%, P = 0.001), respectively, which was consistent across years. Antecedent air temperature (Tairant) and vapor pressure deficit (VPDant) effects on Amax (over the past 3–4 days and 1–3 days, respectively) were the most significant predictors of temporal variability in GPP among most treatments. The importance of VPDant suggests that atmospheric drought is important for predicting GPP under current and future climate; we highlight the need for experimental studies to identify the mechanisms underlying such antecedent effects. Finally, posterior estimates of cumulative GPP under control and eCO2 treatments were tested as a benchmark against 12 terrestrial biosphere models (TBMs). The narrow uncertainties of these data‐driven GPP estimates suggest that they could be useful semi‐independent data streams for validating TBMs.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to collate data relevant to understanding the evolution of viviparity in general, and complex placentae in particular. The wide range of reproductive modes exhibited by lizards provides a solid model system for investigating the evolution of viviparity. Within the lizards are oviparous species, viviparous species that have a very simple placenta and little nutrient uptake from the mother during pregnancy (lecithotrophic viviparity), through a range of species that have intermediate placental complexities and placental nutrient provision, to species that lay microlecithal eggs and most nutrients are provided across the placenta during development (obligate placentotrophy). In its commonest form, lecithotrophic viviparity, some uptake of water, inorganic ions and oxygen occurs from the mother to the embryo during pregnancy. In contrast, the evolution of complex placentae is rare, but has evolved at least five times. Where there is still predominantly a reliance on egg yolk, the omphaloplacenta seems to be paramount in the provision of nutrition to the embryo via histotrophy, whereas the chorioallantoic placenta is more likely involved in gas exchange. Reliance on provision of substantial organic nutrient is correlated with the regional specialisation of the chorioallantoic placenta to form a placentome for nutrient uptake, particularly lipids, and the further development of the gas exchange capabilities of the other parts of the chorioallantois.  相似文献   

Inferences on the evolution of human speech based on anatomical data must take into account its physiology, acoustics and perception. Human speech is generated by the supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT) acting as an acoustic filter on noise sources generated by turbulent airflow and quasi-periodic phonation generated by the activity of the larynx. The formant frequencies, which are major determinants of phonetic quality, are the frequencies at which relative energy maxima will pass through the SVT filter. Neither the articulatory gestures of the tongue nor their acoustic consequences can be fractionated into oral and pharyngeal cavity components. Moreover, the acoustic cues that specify individual consonants and vowels are “encoded”, i.e., melded together. Formant frequency encoding makes human speech a vehicle for rapid vocal communication. Non-human primates lack the anatomy that enables modern humans to produce sounds that enhance this process, as well as the neural mechanisms necessary for the voluntary control of speech articulation. The specific claims of Duchin (1990) are discussed.  相似文献   

Callinectes sapidus and Callinectes similis are found in estuaries along the northern Gulf of Mexico. Juvenile C. sapidus are heavier at similar carapace widths than juvenile C. similis. Juvenile C. sapidus and C. similis exhibit similar patterns of hemolymph osmolality, oxygen consumption, lactic acid concentration, and renal filtration and secretory rates along constant and fluctuating salinity gradients. When similar sized juveniles were present, significantly more C. sapidus were preyed upon at 30 PSU but not at 5 PSU. Juvenile C. similis are more vulnerable to predation by adult C. sapidus at low salinity, this increased predation by adult C. sapidus on juvenile C. similis at 5 PSU may contribute to limiting the presence of C. similis to higher salinity water along estuarine gradients.  相似文献   

Studies of postcopulatory sexual selection typically estimate a male's fertilization success from his paternity success ( P 2) calculated at hatching or birth. However, P 2 may be affected by differential embryo viability, thereby confounding estimations of true fertilization success ( F 2). This study examines the effects of variation in the ability of males to influence embryo viability upon the inequality between P 2 and F 2. It also investigates the consequences of this inequality for testing the hypothesis that polyandrous females accrue viability benefits for their offspring through facilitation of sperm competition (good-sperm model). Simulations of competitive mating trials show that although relative measures of male reproductive success tend to underestimate the strength of underlying good-sperm processes, good-sperm processes can be seriously overestimated using P 2 values if males influence the viability of the embryos they sire. This study cautions the interpretation of P 2 values as a proxy for fertilization success or sperm competitiveness in studies of postcopulatory sexual selection, and highlights that the good-sperm hypothesis needs empirical support from studies able to identify and separate unequivocally the males' ability to win fertilizations from their ability to influence the development of embryos.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of female selection of copulationpartners remains unresolved, particularly in polygamous specieswhere males do not provide paternal care. In these species thepossibility that direct benefits other than paternal care mayplay an important role in the evolution of female choice hasreceived little attention. I tested whether direct benefitsare associated with female choice in the polygamous feral fowl,Gallus g. domesticus, where females prefer socially dominantcopulation partners and males do not care for the young butdo provide females with three commodities: food, vigilance,and sperm. I used a combination of empirical and experimentaldata to show that male propensity to offer food and vigilance,but not sperm, was positively associated with male social status,suggesting that the provision of these resources may be costlyand condition dependent in males. Copulation success was correlatedwith male status but not with the number of feedings a femalereceived from a male, indicating that a female preferred dominantpartners that in general provided any female with more food,rather than partners that provided only her with more food,consistent with the idea that females may use male resourceprovisioning as a proximate mechanism to assess male condition.Together, these results indicate that male resources provisioningis (1) tightly linked to male social status, (2) a potentialindicator of male condition and possibly genetic quality, and(3) a potential criterion for females to select dominant partners,thus playing an important role in the evolution of partner choiceeven in polygamous species lacking paternal care.  相似文献   

The position and structure of paired ‘lateral organs’ in the foot of Arthritica semen and Arthritica bifurca might indicate a chemosensory function. In both species part of the organ is also glandular. In A. semen the glandular epithelium is detached piecemeal and, probably by means of the foot, is moved to and grafted upon the gills of the same individual. The transferred epithelia appear as disk‐shaped actively secretory ‘gill bodies’ which, attached to the abfrontal side of the inner demibranch, replace the ordinary unciliated gill epithelium. The secretion is liberated into the suprabranchial chamber, which serves as a marsupium, but its function is uncertain. Arthritica semen is a protandric hermaphrodite and produces very large ova that undergo a direct development that results in a non‐planktonic lecithotrophic crawling juvenile stage. The sperm cells have filiform nuclei that are straight in the euspermatozoa and more or less helicoidal in what is considered to represent paraspermatozoa. By a process of aggregation, spermatozeugmata are formed which consist exclusively either of euspermatozoa or paraspermatozoa. Spermatozoa are stored in the oviduct in A. semen but in paired seminal receptacles in A. bifurca.  相似文献   

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