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Naturally occurring population variation in reproductive mode presents an opportunity for researchers to test hypotheses regarding the evolution of sex. Asexual reproduction frequently assumes a geographical pattern, in which parthenogenesis‐dominated populations are more broadly dispersed than their sexual conspecifics. We evaluate the geographical distribution of genomic signatures associated with parthenogenesis using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data from two Japanese harvestman sister taxa, Leiobunum manubriatum and Leiobunum globosum. Asexual reproduction is putatively facultative in these species, and female‐biased localities are common in habitat margins. Past karyotypic and current cytometric work indicates L. globosum is entirely tetraploid, while L. manubriatum may be either diploid or tetraploid. We estimated species phylogeny, genetic differentiation, diversity, and mitonuclear discordance in females collected across the species range in order to identify range expansion toward marginal habitat, potential for hybrid origin, and persistence of asexual lineages. Our results point to northward expansion of a tetraploid ancestor of L. manubriatum and L. globosum, coupled with support for greater male gene flow in southern L. manubriatum localities. Specimens from localities in the Tohoku and Hokkaido regions were indistinct, particularly those of L. globosum, potentially due to little mitochondrial differentiation or haplotypic variation. Although L. manubriatum overlaps with L. globosum across its entire range, L. globosum was reconstructed as monophyletic with strong support using mtDNA, and marginal support with nuclear loci. Ultimately, we find evidence for continued sexual reproduction in both species and describe opportunities to clarify the rate and mechanism of parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

Species delimitation is fundamental for biological studies, yet precise delimitation is not an easy task, and every involved approach has an inherent failure rate. Integrative taxonomy, a method that merges multiple lines of evidence, can profoundly contribute to reliable alpha‐taxonomy and shed light on the processes behind speciation. In this study, we explored and validated species limits in a group of closely related Megabunus harvestmen (Eupnoi, Phalangiidae) endemic to the European Alps. Without a priori species hypotheses, we used multiple sources of inference, including mitochondrial and multilocus nuclear DNA, morphometrics and chemistry. The results of these discovery approaches revealed morphological crypsis and multiple new species within two of the five hitherto known species. Based on our analyses, we discussed the most plausible evolutionary scenarios, invoked the most reasonable species hypotheses and validated the new species limits. Building upon the achieved rigour, three new species, Megabunus cryptobergomas Muster and Wachter sp. nov., Megabunus coelodonta Muster and Steiner sp. nov., and Megabunus lentipes Muster and Komposch sp. nov., are formally described. In addition, we provide a dichotomous morphological key to the Megabunus species of the Alps. Our work demonstrates the suitability of integrative, discovery‐based approaches in combination with validation approaches to precisely characterize species and enabled us to implement nomenclatural consequences for this genus.  相似文献   

Aim To develop a comprehensive explanation for the biological diversity of Southeast Asia, especially in the Wallacea and Sundaland regions. This study focuses on a group of arachnids, mite harvestmen, which are thought to be an extremely old group of endemic animals that have been present in the region since most of its land supposedly formed part of the northern rim of the supercontinent Gondwana. Location Eastern Himalayas, Thai‐Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Sulawesi, and New Guinea. Methods  Approximately 5.6 kb of sequence data were obtained from 110 South‐east Asian Cyphophthalmi specimens. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted under a variety of methods and analytical parameters, and the optimal tree was dated using calibration points derived from fossil data. Event based and paralogy‐free subtree biogeographical analyses were conducted. Results The Southeast Asian family Stylocellidae was recovered as monophyletic, arising on what is now the Thai‐Malay Peninsula and diversifying into three main clades. One clade (Meghalaya, here formally placed in Stylocellidae) expanded north as far as the eastern Himalayas, a second clade entered Borneo and later expanded back across the Sundaland Peninsula to Sumatra, and a third clade expanded out of Borneo into the entire lower part of Sundaland. Molecular dating suggested that Stylocellidae separated from other Cyphophthalmi 295 Ma and began diversifying 258 Ma, and the lineage that inhabits mostly Borneo today began diversifying between 175 and 150 Ma. Main conclusions The topology and molecular dating of our phylogenetic hypothesis suggest that Stylocellidae originated on Gondwana, arrived in Southeast Asia via the Cimmerian palaeocontinent, and subsequently diversified north, then south. Their present distribution in the Indo‐Malay Archipelago is explained largely by a diversification over the Sundaland Peninsula before western Sulawesi departed and the peninsula was extensively inundated.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic estimation of the temperate Gondwanan mite harvestman family Pettalidae (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi) was conducted using 143 morphological variables (59 raw and 84 scaled measurements) from 37 ingroup and 15 outgroup terminals. We used custom algorithms to do pairwise comparisons between characters and identify sets of dependent characters, which were collapsed using principal components analysis. We analysed the resulting data without discretization under the parsimony criterion. Monophyly or paraphyly of most groups suspected from previous molecular and morphological phylogenetic studies were recovered. Trees were optimized for monophyly of 20 different focus clades by varying character phylogenetic independence. This yielded a final tree with monophyly of 15 out of 20 focus clades, including the South African pettalids, which contains the troglomorphic species Speleosiro argasiformis Lawrence, 1931. Two of the remaining five clades were found paraphyletic, with the genera Aoraki, Rakaia, and Siro always being found polyphyeletic.  相似文献   

The lizards of the Egernia group of Australia and Melanesia include some of the most distinctive members of the family Scincidae in morphology (including giant size, spinose scalation), ecology and behaviour. Social behaviour, including long‐term recognition of individuals and kin, mate fidelity and home site fidelity, is amongst the most complex known in squamate reptiles and is the subject of an expanding number of studies. Lack of a sound phylogeny for the Egernia group has limited our ability to understand the evolution and patterns of variation in social behaviour within this group, and evidence for the monophyly of the largest genus, Egernia (64% of the species), has been lacking. We present data derived from nucleotide sequences that establish a phylogenetic framework for the Egernia group. We used two mitochondrial sequences, the protein‐encoding ND4 gene and a ribosomal gene, 12s rRNA, and two nuclear sequences, the protein‐encoding c‐mos, and non‐encoding intron 7 of β‐fibrinogen. Our phylogenetic analyses show that Corucia of the Solomon Islands is the sister group of the rest of the Egernia group. The genus Egernia is paraphyletic, including four well‐supported monophyletic units, one of which is the sister lineage of the Tiliqua lineage (Tiliqua plus Cyclodomorphus). We suggest a revised taxonomic scheme that recognizes the major monophyletic lineages in Egernia (s.l.) as distinct genera. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 781–794.  相似文献   

Opiliones are an order of arachnids commonly known as harvestmen. Although they belong to the class of arachnids, harvestmen are not spiders. Harvestmen are well known for their exceptionally long legs compared to body size, and the made up of two main parts, cephalothorax and abdomen. Although over 6,400 species of harvestmen have been discovered worldwide, the research on these arachnids is still an unexplored field comparing to spiders or insects. The Harvestmen is the Arachnids disregarded to Korean researchers. Therefore, in Korea, it doesn't become nearly the investigation of the harvestmen. Histological data about the harvestmen tries to be provided through the research of the internal structure of the harvestmen. The study of structures of the opiliones was made with the histological image and it focused mainly on the eye, leg, and genital organs.  相似文献   

We present the first phylogenetic study on the widespread Middle American microhylid frog genus Hypopachus. Partial sequences of mitochondrial (12S and 16S ribosomal RNA) and nuclear (rhodopsin) genes (1275 bp total) were analyzed from 43 samples of Hypopachus, three currently recognized species of Gastrophryne, and seven arthroleptid, brevicipitid and microhylid outgroup taxa. Maximum parsimony (PAUP), maximum likelihood (RAxML) and Bayesian inference (MrBayes) optimality criteria were used for phylogenetic analyses, and BEAST was used to estimate divergence dates of major clades. Population-level analyses were conducted with the programs NETWORK and Arlequin. Results confirm the placement of Hypopachus and Gastrophryne as sister taxa, but the latter genus was strongly supported as paraphyletic. The African phrynomerine genus Phrynomantis was recovered as the sister taxon to a monophyletic Chiasmocleis, rendering our well-supported clade of gastrophrynines paraphyletic. Hypopachus barberi was supported as a disjunctly distributed highland species, and we recovered a basal split in lowland populations of Hypopachus variolosus from the Pacific versant of Mexico and elsewhere in the Mesoamerican lowlands. Dating analyses from BEAST estimate speciation within the genus Hypopachus occurred in the late Miocene/early Pliocene for most clades. Previous studies have not found bioacoustic or morphological differences among these lowland clades, and our molecular data support the continued recognition of two species in the genus Hypopachus.  相似文献   

Abstract. Metabolic rates of adult Lophopilio palpinalis (Herbst, 1799) (Arachnida, Opiliones, Phalangioidea) and Paranemastoma quadripunctatum (Perty, 1833) (Arachnida, Opiliones, Troguloidea) are measured during rest and activity. Carbon dioxide release during rest is continuous in both species. Mean values at 20 °C are 4.2 µL min−1 g−1 for the males of P. quadripunctatum, 4.1 µL min−1 g−1 for the males of L. palpinalis and 4.7 µL min−1 g−1 for the females of L. palpinalis, thus being significantly higher in the egg-producing females. In L. palpinalis, respiratory quotient at rest is 0.84. Spontaneous walking activity with speeds of 15–30 cm min−1 raises the metabolic rate by up to three-fold in both species. Lophopilio palpinalis is made to undertake constant running on a treadmill with speeds of 60, 72 and 96 cm min−1. Enforced activity causes the animals to raise their metabolic rates by up to five-fold above resting rates. Animals reach a steady state of CO2 release on the treadmill and show a fast t1/2 on-response, indicating aerobic exercise. The minimum cost of locomotion is determined to be 2.5 × 10−3 J cm−1 g−1, thus fitting the predicted values for terrestrial locomotion.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among Clariidae species (Teleostei, Siluriformes) were assessed using 563 nucleotides of the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene. We included 32 Clariidae species representative of seven genera in our analysis. Hetropneustes fossilis (Heteropneustidae) and Clarotes laticeps (Claroteidae) were used as outgroups. The molecular data identified two evolutionary lineages that correspond on one hand to African species and on the other hand to Asian species. Morphological and osteological evolution in Clariidae did not follow an orthogenetic series. Species with robust body, strong ossified head, and large adipose fin were not ancestral ones and eel-like species were not phylogenetically related and represent independent adaptation to life in mud. Adaptation to life in deep water occurred two times independently in lake Tanganyika (with Dinotopterus cunningtoni) and in Lake Malawi (with Bathyclarias species). Molecular dating using a molecular clock of 1% divergence per million years and a comparison with fossils records allowed an estimate of the timing of cladogenesis within the species studied. The Clariidae family originated in Asia 50 MY ago but contemporary African and Asian studied species originated from a common ancestor that was present on the Arabian plate about 15 MY ago. Systematic implications of these results are also discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Plesiastrea used to be a member of the traditional family Faviidae, falling into the challenging ‘Bigmessidae’ clade, and was re-established until recent molecular phylogenies published. The entire mitogenome of the symbiotic coral Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck, 1816), the type species of the family Plesiastreidae, was sequenced. The length of the mitochondrial genome is 15,320 bp and it includes thirteen protein-coding genes (PCGs), two rRNAs and two tRNAs. The nucleotide composition of GC is 32%. We perform phylogenetic reconstruction based on maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian analysis(BI) using all PCGs. Our result indicates that P. versipora clusters closely with species which belong to Mussidae, Merulinidae and Lobophylliidae. Our phylogenetic analyses provide solid evidence for phylogenetic placement of P. versipora and the evolutionary relationships among different families within the traditional robust clade of Scleractinia. In addition, the mitogenome data provide useful information for further molecular systematic investigations on Plesiastreidae as well as conservation biology research of P. versipora.  相似文献   

Fissiphalliidae, a new family of the Opiliones suborder Laniatores, is described in the superfamily Gonyleptoidea, based on a new genus (Fissiphallius n. gen.) und 3 new species (F. sturmi n. sp., F. spinulatus n. sp., F. sympatricus n. sp.) from Colombia. Most emphasized are the male genitalic characters, unique in Opiliones: A honzontally split truncus which results in a long movable (glans) and an immovable finger (distal part of the truncus). Both hide the extremely long stylus with the seminal opening at its end. In an expanded state, the movable finger is bent dorsally by an erectile vesicle. It is shown that male genitalic characters in Opiliones display clear functional and constructional traits on the family level. Those characters, if used appropriately, will demonstrate that several families in gonyleptoid Laniatores are polyphyletic and should be divided into several taxa of the family level.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a useful tool for identifying interspecific variation in often overlooked structures that may represent useful sources for informative phylogenetic characters. In this study, we used SEM to compare the morphology of 12 cosmetid species from Central America, the Caribbean, and North America including multiple species for the genera Cynorta, Erginulus, and Paecilaema. To determine if microanatomical structures were unique to the cosmetid taxa under examination, we investigated the microanatomical structures of six additional species of gonyleptoidean harvestmen representing the families Agoristenidae, Cranaidae, Gonyleptidae, Manaosbiidae, and Stygnidae. Our results indicate that the shape of the ocularium (narrow, intermediate, or broad) did not vary within cosmetid genera, whereas the morphology of the rough pit glands on the eye mound varied considerably between species. Each cosmetid species had 10–20 rough pit glands on the ocularium whereas only the eye mounds of Avima intermedia (Agoristenidae) and Glysterus sp. (Gonyleptidae) had similar structures. With regards to the surface texture of the dorsal scutum, cosmetid harvestmen exhibited a rivulose‐microgranulate morphology (6 species), a microtuberculate‐rivulose‐microrgranulate morphology (4 species), or a microgranulate morphology (2 species). In contrast, each of the gonyleptoidean species exhibited a microgranulate pattern, with the exception of Stygnoplus clavotibialis, which had a rivulose‐microgranulate surface texture. For cosmetid harvestmen, we observed considerable interspecific variation in the shape and number of teeth on the fixed and moveable fingers of the male chelicerae. Similarly, we also observed interspecific variation in the distribution and shape of tubercles on the ventral and dorsal surfaces of the femur of the pedipalp. Overall, our results indicate that there are several microanatomical structures associated with the ocularium, dorsal scutum, male chelicera, and pedipalp that could represent informative phylogenetic characters in future taxonomic studies of cosmetid harvestmen. J. Morphol. 275:1386–1405, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Heteropachylinae Kury, 1994 is currently considered an early lineage of Gonyleptidae Sundevall, 1833 and includes small harvestmen that occur in the Atlantic Forests, mainly in the Northeast Region of Brazil. The species of Heteropachylinae were spread in different subfamilies until the establishment of the group. As a result of that, until now there were no comparative works on the subfamily in the literature. In this study, the first systematic review for Heteropachylinae was carried out and the first phylogenetic hypothesis for their taxa is proposed, by means of a cladistic approach. A total of 102 morphological characters was coded for 21 terminal taxa: 11 species of Heteropachylinae, two species from the genus Mangaratiba Mello‐Leitão, 1940 (considered as Heteropachylinae before this paper), seven other gonyleptids, and one cosmetid. The data were analysed using heuristic search algorithms, resulting in one most parsimonious tree (280 steps, consistency index = 0.47, retention index = 0.63). A parsimony analysis under implied weights was also performed, resulting in three trees. According to the results, Heteropachylinae is a monophyletic and well‐supported group if Mangaratiba is excluded. This genus should be returned to where it was originally described – Pachylinae. The subfamily distribution is restricted from Ceará to Espírito Santo Brazilian states. Pseudopucrolia Roewer, 1912 is considered a senior synonym of Melloa Roewer, 1930, Thaumatoleptes Roewer, 1930, and Tribunosoma Roewer, 1943. Two species of Heteropachylus Roewer, 1913, Heteropachylus ramphonotus sp. nov. and Heteropachylus gracilis sp. nov. , from Bahia and Espírito Santo Brazilian states, are newly described. Heteropachylus is considered a senior synonym of Chavesincola Soares & Soares, 1946 and Aesotrinoma H. Soares, 1977. A new genus is also described for a new species from Bahia and Espírito Santo Brazilian states, Magnispina neptunus gen. et sp. nov. Lectotypes are designated for the following species: Pseudopucrolia incerta (Mello‐Leitão, 1928) comb. nov. , Pseudopucrolia discrepans (Roewer, 1943) comb.nov. , Pseudopucrolia rugosa (Roewer, 1930) comb. nov. , Heteropachylus inexpectabilis (Soares & Soares, 1946) comb. nov. and Heteropachylus spiniger Roewer, 1913. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 437–483.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were conducted on cytochrome b sequence data of the most geographically and taxonomically broad sampling of Cavia taxa to date. Primary objectives included providing the first extensive molecular phylogenetic framework for the genus, testing the taxonomic and systematic hypotheses of previous authors and providing insight into the evolutionary and biogeographic history of the genus. Support was found for the morphologically defined species C. aperea, C. tschudii, C. magna and C. fulgida and the taxonomic placement of taxa previously subject to conflicting taxonomic opinions (e.g. C. nana, C. anolaimae and C. guianae) was further resolved. Additionally, we elevate the Ecuadorian C. a. patzelti to species status, restrict the distributional limits and suggest taxonomic affiliations of some C. tschudii subspecies, and provide strong evidence for the geographic origin of guinea pig domestication. Finally, we provide an estimated evolutionary timeline for the genus Cavia, which appears to extend well into the late Miocene.  相似文献   

The systematic relationships of the freshwater shrimp family, Kakaducarididae, were examined using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Combined nuclear (18S rDNA, 28S rDNA, Histone) and mitochondrial (16S rDNA) analyses placed the kakaducaridid genera, Kakaducaris and Leptopalaemon, as a strongly supported clade within the Palaemonidae, in a close relationship with the genus Macrobrachium. Monophyly of the Australian Kakaducarididae was strongly supported by the molecular data. Estimated net divergence times between Kakaducaris and Leptopalaemon using mitochondrial 16S rDNA equate to a late Miocene/Pliocene split. Within Leptopalaemon, each locality was distinct for mitochondrial COI haplotypes, suggesting long-term isolation or recent genetic bottlenecks, a lack of contemporary gene flow amongst sites and a small Ne. Mitochondrial groupings within Leptopalaemon were largely congruent with several previously recognised morphotypes. Estimated net divergence times between L. gagadjui and the new Leptopalaemon morphotypes equate to a split in the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene. The hypothesis that the Kakaducarididae is comprised of relict species in specialised ecological niches is not supported by the molecular data, which instead suggest a relatively recent origin for the group in northern Australia, sometime in the late Miocene or Pliocene.  相似文献   

《Comptes rendus biologies》2019,342(5-6):230-235
Discocyrtoides pinorum sp. nov. is described from the conifers forest in Paraná State, Southern Brazil. This is the second species of Discocyrtoides Mello-Leitão, 1923, the other being known from São Paulo State. It is remarkable for having greenish/yellowish spots in the dorsal scutum highly contrasting with the brown background, a feature rare in Mitobatinae, hitherto known only for Ruschia Mello-Leitão, 1940. It is the first record of this genus for Paraná State (WWF Ecoregion NT0101, Araucaria moist forests). Terminology for the male genitalia of the Mitobatinae is defined and illustrated.  相似文献   

The rigid leg segments of arthropods are flexibly connected by joints, which usually consist of two ball-and-bowl hinges, permitting a uniaxial pivoting up to 140°. Here, we report the occurrence of hyperflexible joints (range of movements?=?160–200°) in the pedipalps (second pair of appendages) of some harvestmen (Sabaconidae and Nemastomatidae), representing some of the most flexible leg joints among arthropods. Hyperflexion is achieved by a reduction of hinges and a strong constriction of the joint region. We demonstrate that hyperflexion occurs during prey capture and is used to clamp appendages of the prey, in addition to attachment by glue secreted by specialized setae. By means of high-speed video recordings, we found that in the Sabaconidae the tibiotarsal joint of the pedipalp can flex extremely rapidly (<5 ms), limiting prey escape. This is the fastest reported predatory strike in arachnids and caused both by leverage and a click mechanism. By comparative analysis of different related taxa, we retraced joint evolution and found that hyperflexion has independently evolved in Sabaconidae and Nemastomatidae, with totally different joint kinematics. We hypothesize that (rapid) hyperflexion evolved to enhance the efficiency of the pedipalp as a means of prey capture, because in springtails detachable scales limit the action of the sticky secretion of pedipalpal setae.  相似文献   

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