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Astragalus nitidiflorus is an endangered perennial, but short-lived legume of SE Spain, which has been re-found after 100 years. To identify possible weak points that might contribute to its rarity and hamper its conservation, this paper presents data concerning location, habitat, demographic features and reproductive biology of the species. Censuses of three cohorts of seedlings show that the seedling stage is the most critical in the life cycle. The adult plants show a long flowering season with a high degree of synchrony. Despite the low reproductive success of the species, the annual seed production is very high due to the high floral production. The data show that A. nitidiflorus is a facultative xenogamous species, but the presence of pollinators can enhance fruit set. The viability of the species is not limited by the flowering and fruiting process, however the maintenance of the habitat in the early successional stages seems to be the critical point for long-term survival of the species.  相似文献   

We focus on reconstructing a spatiotemporal scenario of diversification of a widespread South American species, the Pectoral Sparrow Arremon taciturnus (Aves: Passerellidae). This species is widely distributed in both the humid and the dry forests of South America and therefore provides an interesting model for understanding the connection between different biomes of South America. We examined nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial genes Cytochrome b (cyt-b) and NADH subunit 2 (ND2) from 107 specimens, and one nuclear marker (intron 7 of the β-fibrinogen gene) from a subset of samples collected across the distribution ranges of A. t. taciturnus and A. t. nigrirostris. Six major lineages were recovered in the phylogenies that displayed high levels of variance of allele frequencies and corresponded to distinct geographical locations. The estimation of divergence times provided evidence that diversification of the six lineages of the Pectoral Sparrow occurred throughout the Late Pleistocene across major cis-Andean biomes and Amazonian interfluves. Our dataset for A. taciturnus provides further evidence that rivers in Amazonia constitute barriers promoting allopatric speciation, with occasional sharing of alleles among lineages, particularly those with adjacent distributions.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors promoting species formation is a major task in evolutionary research. Here, we employ an integrative approach to study the evolutionary history of the Californian scrub white oak species complex (genus Quercus). To infer the relative importance of geographical isolation and ecological divergence in driving the speciation process, we (i) analysed inter‐ and intraspecific patterns of genetic differentiation and employed an approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) framework to evaluate different plausible scenarios of species divergence. In a second step, we (ii) linked the inferred divergence pathways with current and past species distribution models (SDMs) and (iii) tested for niche differentiation and phylogenetic niche conservatism across taxa. ABC analyses showed that the most plausible scenario is the one considering the divergence of two main lineages followed by a more recent pulse of speciation. Genotypic data in conjunction with SDMs and niche differentiation analyses support that different factors (geography vs. environment) and modes of speciation (parapatry, allopatry and maybe sympatry) have played a role in the divergence process within this complex. We found no significant relationship between genetic differentiation and niche overlap, which probably reflects niche lability and/or that multiple factors, have contributed to speciation. Our study shows that different mechanisms can drive divergence even among closely related taxa representing early stages of species formation and exemplifies the importance of adopting integrative approaches to get a better understanding of the speciation process.  相似文献   

During a settlement decision, the presence of conspecifics is crucial to species subject to Allee effects, for which the number of founders affects the subsequent growth of the colony. Marking the area (physically or chemically) conveys information about the number of conspecifics present in a new patch. Here, we study how an individual affinity for the marker affects the dynamics of a foundation process. A generic population model is presented, in which marking and affinity for the marker are at stake. Our results show that population size thresholds can appear, below which settlement is not possible. This model is then used to study the dynamics of migration and aggregation in a set of interconnected populations. We show that affinity for the marker can induce asymmetries in the population distribution. Anelosimus eximius is a social spider subject to Allee effects, for which silk potentially acts as a marker. We test our predictions with field experiments involving two populations of A. eximius in a Y-shaped setup. The agreement between our experimental and theoretical results strongly supports the validity of the model. This allows us to use the model to estimate a realistic set of parameters of biological significance to this social spider.  相似文献   

Aim Climatic fluctuations during the Pleistocene have shaped the population structure of many extant taxa. However, few studies have examined widespread species inhabiting the Australian continent, where periods of increased aridity characterized the Pleistocene. Here we investigate the phylogeography and population history of a widespread and vagile southern Australian marsupial, the western grey kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus). Location Southern Australia. Methods We examined the variation of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region from 511 individuals of M. fuliginosus sampled throughout their transcontinental distribution. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses were used to investigate the phylogeography and coalescence analyses were then used to test hypothesized biogeographical scenarios. Results The combined results of the phylogeographical and coalescence analyses revealed a complex evolutionary history. Macropus fuliginosus originated in the south‐west of the continent, with north‐western and south‐western populations subsequently diverging as a result of vicariance events during the mid‐Pleistocene. Subsequent arid phases affected these populations differently. In the north‐west, the expansion and contraction of the arid zone resulted in repeated vicariance events and multiple divergent north‐western mtDNA subclades. In contrast, the south‐western population was less impacted by climatic oscillations but gave rise to a major transcontinental eastward expansion. Main conclusions Macropus fuliginosus exhibits the genetic signature of divergence due to unidentified barriers in south‐western Western Australia, while previously identified barriers across southern Australia appear to have had little impact despite evidence of a broad‐scale range expansion prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). This pattern of localized expansion and contraction is comparable to unglaciated regions in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Furthermore, this study indicates that despite the potential similarities between Northern Hemisphere glaciation and the activation of dune systems in the Australian arid zone, both of which rendered large areas inhospitable, the biotic responses and resultant phylogeographical signatures are dissimilar. Whereas a limited number of major geographically concordant refugia are observed in glaciated areas, the Southern Hemisphere arid zone appears to be associated with multiple species‐specific idiosyncratic refugia.  相似文献   

Matrix-based models lie at the core of many applications across the physical, engineering and life sciences. In ecology, matrix models arise naturally via population projection matrices (PPM). The eigendata of PPMs provide detailed quantitative and qualitative information on the dynamic behaviour of model populations, especially their asymptotic rates of growth or decline. A fundamental task in modern ecology is to assess the effect that perturbations to life-cycle transition rates of individuals have on such eigendata. The prevailing assessment tools in ecological applications of PPMs are direct matrix simulations of eigendata and linearised extrapolations to the typically non-linear relationship between perturbation magnitude and the resulting matrix eigenvalues. In recent years, mathematical systems theory has developed an analytical framework, called 'Robustness Analysis and Robust Control', encompassing also algorithms and numerical tools. This framework provides a systematic and precise approach to studying perturbations and uncertainty in systems represented by matrices. Here we lay down the foundations and concepts for a 'robustness' inspired approach to predictive analyses in population ecology. We treat a number of application-specific perturbation problems and show how they can be formulated and analysed using these robustness methodologies.  相似文献   

Hybridization and introgression can play an important role in speciation. Here, we examine their roles in the origin and evolution of Picea purpurea, a diploid spruce species occurring on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP). Phylogenetic relationships and ecological differences between this species and its relatives, P. schrenkiana, Plikiangensis and Pwilsonii, are unclear. To clarify them, we surveyed sequence variation within and between them for 11 nuclear loci, three chloroplast (cp) and two mitochondrial (mt) DNA fragments, and examined their ecological requirements using ecological niche modelling. Initial analyses based on 11 nuclear loci rejected a close relationship between P. schrenkiana and Ppurpurea. BP&P tests and ecological niche modelling indicated substantial divergence between the remaining three species and supported the species status of P. purpurea, which contained many private alleles as expected for a well‐established species. Sequence variation for cpDNA and mtDNA suggested a close relationship between Ppurpurea and Pwilsonii, while variation at the nuclear se1364 gene suggested Ppurpurea was more closely related to Plikiangensis. Analyses of genetic divergence, Bayesian clustering and model comparison using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) of nuclear (nr) DNA variation all supported the hypothesis that Ppurpurea originated by homoploid hybrid speciation from Pwilsonii and Plikiangensis. The ABC analysis dated the origin of Ppurpurea at the Pleistocene, and the estimated hybrid parameter indicated that 69% of its nuclear composition was contributed by Plikiangensis and 31% by P. wilsonii. Our results further suggested that during or immediately following its formation, P. purpurea was subject to organelle DNA introgression from Pwilsonii such that it came to possess both mtDNA and cpDNA of Pwilsonii. The estimated parameters indicated that following its origin, Ppurpurea underwent an expansion during/after the largest Pleistocene glaciation recorded for the QTP.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic global climate change is expected to cause severe range contractions among alpine plants. Alpine areas in the Mediterranean region are of special concern because of the high abundance of endemic species with narrow ranges. This study combined species distribution models, population structure analyses and Bayesian skyline plots to trace the past and future distribution and diversity of Linaria glacialis, an endangered narrow endemic species that inhabits summits of Sierra Nevada (Spain). The results showed that: (i) the habitat of this alpine‐Mediterranean species in Sierra Nevada suffered little changes during glacial and interglacial stages of late Quaternary; (ii) climatic oscillations in the last millennium (Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age) moderately affected the demographic trends of Lglacialis; (iii) future warming conditions will cause severe range contractions; and (iv) genetic diversity will not diminish at the same pace as the distribution range. As a consequence of the low population structure of this species, genetic impoverishment in the alpine zones of Sierra Nevada should be limited during range contraction. We conclude that maintenance of large effective population sizes via high mutation rates and high levels of gene flow may promote the resilience of alpine plant species when confronted with global warming.  相似文献   

The sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, is a widespread fish species that typically inhabits coastal tidal marsh and mangrove swamp environments, ranging from Cape Cod, Massaschusetts to northern Mexico and into the Caribbean. This wide range crosses several biogeographic boundaries which are coincident with genetic structuring within numerous species originating in the Pleistocene. In addition, the more northerly reaches of this species range have been further subject to the evolutionary consequences of Pleistocene glaciation due to local extinction and recolonization of formerly glaciated sites. C. variegatus thus provides an excellent vertebrate model system within which to test the extent of genetic differentiation among populations in a dominant coastal ecosystem and examine patterns of historical demography in populations distributed along a latitudinal gradient. Using mitochondrial control region and ND2 sequence data, we discovered monophyletic clades within C. variegatus with divergence times within the Pleistocene, and very low gene flow between most sites. Intraspecific genetic breaks appear to correspond broadly to biogeographic or oceanic boundaries. Pleistocene climate change appears to have had dramatic impacts on the size and distribution of populations within and near the glacial margins, but has also affected populations far from formerly glaciated regions.  相似文献   

Capsella is a model plant genus of the Brassicaceae closely related to Arabidopsis. To disentangle its biogeographical history and intrageneric phylogenetic relationships, 282 individuals of all five currently recognized Capsella species were genotyped using a restriction digest‐based next‐generation sequencing method. Our analysis retrieved two main lineages within Capsella that split c. one million years ago, with western C. grandiflora and C. rubella forming a sister lineage to the eastern lineage consisting of C. orientalis. The split was attributed to continuous latitudinal displacements of the Eurasian steppe belt to the south during Early Pleistocene glacial cycles. During the interglacial cycles of the Late Pleistocene, hybridization of the two lineages took place in the southwestern East European Plain, leading to the allotetraploid C. bursa‐pastoris. Extant genetic variation within C. orientalis postdated any extensive glacial events. Ecological niche modeling showed that suitable habitat for C. orientalis existed during the Last Glacial Maximum around the north coast of the Black Sea and in southern Kazakhstan. Such a scenario is also supported by population genomic data that uncovered the highest genetic diversity in the south Kazakhstan cluster, suggesting that C. orientalis originated in continental Asia and migrated north‐ and possibly eastwards after the last ice age. Post‐glacial hybridization events between C. bursa‐pastoris and C. grandiflora/rubella in the southwestern East European Plain and the Mediterranean gave rise to C. thracica. Introgression of C. grandiflora/rubella into C. bursa‐pastoris resulted in a new Mediterranean cluster within the already existing Eurasian C. bursa‐pastoris cluster. This study shows that the continuous displacement and disruption of the Eurasian steppe belt during the Pleistocene was the driving force in the evolution of Capsella.  相似文献   

Recurrent cycles of climatic change during the Quaternary period have dramatically affected the population genetic structure of many species. We reconstruct the recent demographic history of the coyote (Canis latrans) through the use of Bayesian techniques to examine the effects of Late Quaternary climatic perturbations on the genetic structure of a highly mobile generalist species. Our analysis reveals a lack of phylogeographic structure throughout the range but past population size changes correlated with climatic changes. We conclude that even generalist carnivorous species are very susceptible to environmental changes associated with climatic perturbations. This effect may be enhanced in coyotes by interspecific competition with larger carnivores.  相似文献   

We postulated that the biogeographical history of South-east Asia contributed to extensive admixture during Pleistocene low sea levels of genetic groups of an obligate freshwater fish (the river catfish, Hemibagrus nemurus) isolated during periods of high sea levels. During Pleistocene glacial maxima, the sea level was lower than at present and the islands of the Sunda shelf (Sumatra, Borneo and Java) and the Asian mainland were connected by lowlands traversed by rivers. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms in mitochondrial DNA were documented for 140 putative H. nemurus analysed from 13 sampling sites resulting in the definition of 35 haplotypes. The high level of haplotype differentiation (mean P × 100 = 2.22, SD = 1.33) indicates that the subdivision of the ancestral H. netnurus group was extensive and probably occurred early in the Pleistocene. The occurrence of some genetically divergent groups of the H. netnurus complex occurring in sympatry in widely separated locations supports the proposition that low sea levels aided the dispersion and mingling of genetic groups. Based on both genetic and morphological evidence, the main H. nemurus line gave rise to three regional groups: (1) a morphologically distinct ‘Indochinese’ group composed of two mtDNA clades overlapping in east peninsular Malaysia; (2) a ‘Sundaic’ group composed of various lineages of differing morphology and genetic identity; (3) a genetically distinct ‘Sarawak’ group in west Borneo, similar in morphology to the ‘Sundaic’ and ‘Indochinese’ groups, but including a small, golden colour morph as a distinct dade. The morphologically similar Sundaic forms from west Java, Sumatra and west Borneo show some degree of genetic divergence, but their phylogenetic relationships are poorly resolved. The most genetically and morphologically distinct Sundaic dade, assigned to H. hoevenii, colonized the Kapuas river (west Borneo), east Sumatra and south peninsular Malaysia. Contrary to our original hypothesis and present biogeographical theory, little exchange of genetic groups has apparently occurred between the mainland and the Sunda Islands during recent glaciations.  相似文献   

Enzymes, representing 23 genetic loci, were studied in n = 320 European river barbels (Barbus barbus L. 1758) from the contact zone of the Rhine and the upper Danube. Barbel revealed the highest heterozygosity estimate (He = 0.137) of 10 sympatric freshwater fishes (range He = 0.017–0.106). The geographical genetic subdivision in barbel (GST = 0.1690) surpassed the respective estimates in two other cyprinid species (GST ≤ 0.1415) and in three anadromous fishes (range GST = 0.0330–0.1290) from the same study area, but it fell short of the spatial genetic fragmentation of two resident salmonid species (GST ≥ 0.2678) and of sculpins (GST = 0.8489). The theoretical gene flow in the unobstructed Danube was NemDAN = 4.98, and across the weirs in the southern Rhine NemRHE = 1.84. The Rhine/Danube watershed exceeded any other isolation effect on the gene pool despite a low genetic distance (DRHE/DAN = 0.0321) among Rhenish and Danubian samples. The range history in central Europe might imply the colonization of the study area from a Danubian and from a Rhenish or a Rhôdanian refuge. The concluded admixture of eastern and western barbels has produced a weakly pronounced cline of increasing allozymic affinity of Rhenish to Danubian barbels in the southern Rhine system. Oberschwaben has served as an important colonization pathway in the phylogeographical exchange between the Danube and west Europe. The influence of stocking for fisheries on the allozymes is not known precisely, but it appears to be of minor importance.  相似文献   

The expansion–contraction (EC) model predicts demographic and range contraction of temperate species during Pleistocene glaciations as a consequence of climate‐related habitat changes, and provides a paradigm for explaining the high intraspecific diversity found in refugia in terms of long‐term demographic stability. However, recent evidence has revealed a weak predictive power of this model for terrestrial species in insular and coastal settings. We investigated the Pleistocene EC dynamics and their evolutionary consequences on temperate species using the Maltese archipelago and its endemic lizard Podarcis filfolensis as a model system. The evolutionary and demographic history of P. filfolensis as inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear sequences data does not conform to the EC model predictions, supporting (i) demographic and spatial stability or expansion, rather than contraction, of the northern and southern lineages during the last glacial period; and (ii) a major role for allopatric differentiation primed by sea‐level dynamics, rather than prolonged demographic stability, in the formation of the observed genetic diversity. When combined with evidence from other Mediterranean refugia, this study shows how the incorporation of Pleistocene sea‐level variations in the EC model accounts for a reverse demographic and range response of insular and coastal temperate biotas relative to continental ones. Furthermore, this cross‐archipelago pattern in which allopatric diversity is formed and shaped by EC cycles resembles that seen between isolated populations within mainland refugia and suggests that the EC model, originally developed to explain population fluctuations into and out‐of refugia, may be appropriate for describing the demographic and evolutionary dynamics driving the high genetic diversity observed in these areas.  相似文献   

The systematics of the arid‐adapted Old World Gerbillus rodent genus has always been challenging, with many different taxonomic arrangements proposed. Beyond such taxonomic aspects, the timing and geographical pattern of the evolutionary history of this group remains largely unknown. Based on mitochondrial (cytochrome b) and nuclear (interphotoreceptor retinoid‐binding protein) sequences obtained from the specimens of 21 species, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of the group, estimated the ages and putative ancestral ranges of its major lineages. Four major clades were clearly retrieved within Gerbillus, for which we propose a subgenus rank. We showed that the emergence of the genus dates back to the end of the Miocene, which corresponds to a period of aridification and C4 vegetation expansion in open habitats, while the four sublineages originated at the end of the Pliocene. Most subsequent diversification events occurred during the Pleistocene, a period characterized by recurrent climatic/environmental shifts with increasing aridification during the last two millions of years. Finally, we suggested that most of the Gerbillus evolutionary history took place in Africa. Only in a few instances did dispersal events from Africa to Asia give birth to extant Asian lineages, a pattern that contrasts with what has been found in many animal groups.  相似文献   

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