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Huang SW  Ardlie KG  Yu HT 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(9):2349-2354
t-haplotypes are a meiotic drive system found on the 17th chromosome of the house mouse (Mus musculus). They can be found in wild populations of all four genetically differentiated subspecies. The drive phenomenon is male-specific, such that heterozygous males (+/t) show non-Mendelian transmission and transmit the t-chromosome to > 90% of their offspring. So far the most comprehensive studies on the frequencies of t-haplotypes in natural populations have been on just one of the subspecies (M. musculus domesticus). We applied molecular methods to accurately screen t-haplotypes in a large number of populations of a second subspecies (M. musculus castaneus) distributed in Taiwan. We found that the overall t-haplotype frequency is low in M. m. castaneus (0.108), and the chromosomes are patchily distributed among its populations, closely resembling the situation found in M. m. domesticus. Further, we found the frequencies of t-haplotypes in our sample did not differ in relation to the sex or age of mice. This resemblance in the frequency and distribution among populations of the two distinct subspecies suggests that similar general mechanisms might be responsible for the low frequencies in both subspecies.  相似文献   

Green-revertible albino is a novel type of chlorophyll deficiency in rice (Oryza sativa L.), which is helpful for further research in chlorophyll synthesis and chloroplast development to illuminate their molecular mechanism. In the previous study, we had reported a single recessive gene, gra(t), controlling this trait on the long arm of chromosome 2. In this paper, we mapped the gra(t) gene using 1,936 recessive individuals with albino phenotype in the F2 population derived from the cross between themo-photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile (T/PGMS) line Pei'ai 64S and the spontaneous mutant Qiufeng M. Eventually, it was located to a confined region of 42.4 kb flanked by two microsatellite markers RM2-97 and RM13553. Based on the annotation results of RiceGAAS system, 11 open reading frames (ORFs) were predicted in this region. Among them, ORF6 was the most possible gene related to chloroplast development, which encoded the chloroplast protein synthesis elongation factor Tu in rice. Therefore, we designated it as the candidate gene of gra(t). Sequence analysis indicated that only one base substitution C to T occurred in the coding region, which caused a missense mutation (Thr to Ile) in gra(t) mutant. These results are very valuable for further study on gra(t) gene.  相似文献   

The endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia is the most widespread bacteria in insects, yet the ecology of novel acquisitions in natural host populations is poorly understood. Using temporal data separated by 12 years, I tested the hypothesis that immigration of a parasitoid wasp led to transmission of its Wolbachia strain to its dipteran host, resulting in double‐strain infection, and I used geographic and community surveys to explore the history of transmission in fly and parasitoid. Double infection in the fly host was present before immigration of the parasitoid. Equal prevalence of double infection in males and females, constant prevalence before and after immigration in two regions, and increase in one region of immigration indicate little if no competition between strains. Double infection was present throughout the fly's distribution range, but proportions varied highly (0–0.71, mean = 0.26). Two fly‐specific MLST strains, observed in Eastern and Western Europe, respectively, differed at hcpA only. Flies with either fly‐strain could be double infected with the parasitoid's strain. The geographic distribution of double infection implies that it is older than the fly host's extent distribution range and that different proportions of double infection are caused by demographic fluctuations in the fly. The geographic data in combination with community surveys of infections and strains further suggest that the parasitoid strain was the fly's ancestral strain that was transmitted to the parasitoid, that is, the reverse transmission route as first hypothesized. Based on these findings together with a comparison of oviposition strategies of other hosts harboring related Wolbachia strains, I hypothesize that trans‐infection during an insect host's puparial metamorphosis might be important in promoting horizontal transmission among diverse holometabolic taxa.  相似文献   

Connectivity of marine populations is shaped by complex interactions between biological and physical processes across the seascape. The influence of environmental features on the genetic structure of populations has key implications for the dynamics and persistence of populations, and an understanding of spatial scales and patterns of connectivity is crucial for management and conservation. This study employed a seascape genomics approach combining larval dispersal modeling and population genomic analysis using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained from RADseq to examine environmental factors influencing patterns of genetic structure and connectivity for a highly dispersive mud crab Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796) in the Sulu Sea. Dispersal simulations reveal widespread but asymmetric larval dispersal influenced by persistent southward and westward surface circulation features in the Sulu Sea. Despite potential for widespread dispersal across the Sulu Sea, significant genetic differentiation was detected among eight populations based on 1,655 SNPs (FST = 0.0057, p < .001) and a subset of 1,643 putatively neutral SNP markers (FST = 0.0042, p < .001). Oceanography influences genetic structure, with redundancy analysis (RDA) indicating significant contribution of asymmetric ocean currents to neutral genetic variation (Radj2 = 0.133, p = .035). Genetic structure may also reflect demographic factors, with divergent populations characterized by low effective population sizes (N e < 50). Pronounced latitudinal genetic structure was recovered for loci putatively under selection (FST = 0.2390, p < .001), significantly correlated with sea surface temperature variabilities during peak spawning months for S. olivacea (Radj2 = 0.692–0.763; p < .050), suggesting putative signatures of selection and local adaptation to thermal clines. While oceanography and dispersal ability likely shape patterns of gene flow and genetic structure of S. olivacea across the Sulu Sea, the impacts of genetic drift and natural selection influenced by sea surface temperature also appear as likely drivers of population genetic structure. This study contributes to the growing body of literature documenting population genetic structure and local adaptation for highly dispersive marine species, and provides information useful for spatial management of the fishery resource.  相似文献   

Summary B chromosomes are often considered genomic parasites. Paternal sex ratio (PSR) is an extreme example of a parasitic B chromosome in the parasitoid waspNasonia vitripennis. PSR is transmitted through the sperm of carrier males and destroys the other paternal chromosomes in early fertilized eggs. PSR disrupts the normal haplodiploid sex determination in this wasp by converting diploid (female) eggs into haploid (male) eggs that bear PSR. In this study I compare a number of phenotypic fitness aspects of PSR and standard (non-PSR) males. In general, PSR males were as fit as standard males. No significant differences were found in longevity (with one exception), ability to compete for mates and sperm depletion rates. PSR males produced 11–22% larger family sizes and developed slightly faster than standard males. Under conditions of sperm competition, females who mated with both types of males fertilized a constant proportion of eggs with each sperm type over their lifetime. PSR males produced fewer offspring among progenies from double-inseminated females. Phenotypic fitness effects are believed to play a minor role in determining PSR frequencies in natural populations.  相似文献   

Acanthophyllum squarrosum and two closely related species, A. heratense and A. laxiusculum (Caryophyllaceae), form a complex that covers parts of subalpine steppes of the Irano-Turanian (IT) region. In this study, we explored the genetic structure and phylogeography of this complex based on partial sequences of two chloroplasts (psbA–trnH and rpl32–trnL (UAG)) and two nuclear (EST24 and nrITS) DNA regions. We analysed 80 individuals from eight populations and detected 12 chloroplast haplotypes, 16 and eight nuclear alleles in EST24 and nrITS sequences, respectively. Phylogenetic trees and haplotype networks did not show distinct genetic groups in the complex and this could be explained by incomplete lineage sorting or introgression between species. Divergence time analysis revealed a Quaternary origin for A. squarrosum complex at approximately 1.8 million years ago (Mya) and the neutrality test results indicated that this complex experienced a recent population expansion. AMOVA analysis of the chloroplast regions showed a significant genetic differentiation among populations and low genetic differentiation within populations, but opposite results were found with nuclear markers, implying introgression between A. squarrosum complex populations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND [corrected] AND AIMS: The Caesalpinia hintonii group comprises six species of endemic shrubs or trees, C. epifanioi, C. hintonii, C. laxa, C. macvaughii, C. melanadenia and C. oyamae, found in scattered patches of seasonally dry forest in the Río Balsas depression and the neighbouring Tehuacán-Cuicatlán valley, which are part of the Mexican morphotectonic province of Sierra Madre del Sur. An evaluation is made of phylogeographic patterns and genetic diversity with a phylogenetic analysis of the C. hintonii complex in order to study the dynamics of speciation in this endemic group of legumes. METHODS: A phylogeographic study based on four highly variable non-coding plastid regions (trnL intron, trnL-F intergenic spacer, trnH-psbA intergenic spacer, and accD-psaI intergenic spacer) was carried out for the Caesalpinia hintonii complex. Five of the six taxa of the C. hintonii complex were included. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The plastid analyses involving multiple accessions of each taxon from throughout their ranges resolved C. epifanioi and C. hintonii as well-supported clusters, but C. oyamae has two unexpectedly divergent lineages. Two well-supported geographic clades: eastern (C. epifanioi, C. melanadenia and C. oyamae) and western (C. hintonii and C. macvaughii) were established. The analyses performed provide evidence of recent morphostatic radiation in C. oyamae resulting from isolation and local adaptation. This pattern of genetic differentiation without morphological divergence may be a model that fits many groups of tropical woody taxa inhabiting similarly dry forests subjected to shifting selection.  相似文献   

Vanadium compounds are known for a variety of pharmacological properties. Many of them display antitumoral and osteogenic effects in several cell lines. Free radicals induce the development of tumoral processes. Natural polyphenols such as flavonoids have antioxidant properties since they scavenge different free radicals. For these reasons it is interesting to investigate the effects of a new complex generated between the vanadyl(IV) cation and the flavonoid hesperidin. The complex has been synthesized and characterized by physicochemical methods. Spectroscopic analysis revealed a 1:1 stoichiometry of ligand:VO and coordination by deprotonated cis-hydroxyl groups to the disaccharide moiety of the ligand. The complex improves the superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity of the ligand, but the scavenging of other radicals tested does not change upon complexation. When tested on two tumoral cell lines in culture (one of them derived from a rat osteosarcoma UMR106 and the other from human colon adenocarcinoma Caco-2), the complex enhanced the antiproliferative effects of the free ligand, and this effect correlated with the morphological alterations toward apoptosis. Also, on the osteoblastic cell line the complex stimulated cell proliferation and collagen type I production at low concentrations. At higher doses the complex behaved as a cytotoxic compound for the osteoblasts.  相似文献   

The chicozapote ( Manilkara zapota ) is a tropical fruit tree that occurs in two morphologically distinct populations in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. Forest populations consist of tall, straight trees, while swamp populations have a short, shrub-like growth form. Swamp populations also have smaller leaves, fruit and seeds. We performed a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis on four different populations of chicozapote to test if there was a genetic component to this variation. The populations differed in respect to habitat type (swamp vs. forest) and geographical location (east vs. west). We surveyed 80 random primers, nine of which revealed interpopulation band differences (28 band differences in total). Unweighted pair group method analysis ( UPGMA ) and neighbour-joining dendrograms showed no separation of individuals between the different populations. Analysis of the RAPD data showed no significant differences between swamp and forest populations ( P > 0.1). The lack of genetic differentiation suggests a failure to find a correlation between the RAPD loci and adaptive traits. The observed morphological differences between the swamp and forest populations of chicozapote may either be that gene flow has prevented a build-up of neutral marker differences or a plastic response to differences in habitat.  相似文献   

Eulmur fulvus , a complex comprising six subspecies, is a classic example of species status conferred through evolutionary taxonomy. We used the phylogcnctic species concept as an alternative method to the biological species concept for determining historic patterns of gene flow between the various E. julvus subspecies and for conferring species status. In this paper, we used population aggregation analysis to determine the proper species partitions and cladistic analysis to reconstruct the evolutionary relationships of the different populations in the Eulemur fulvus complex. We sequenced three mtDNA gene regions (d-loop, 12S, and cyt-b) and one nuclear region, casein kinase, for a total of 1247 bases. Through population aggregation analysis, we determined that the E. fulvus complex should be split into three units; one unit supported by six diagnostic sites comprising E.f. albocollans , one unit supported by three diagnostic sites comprising E.f. collaris , and one unit supported by two diagnostic sites comprising the four other subspecies. Although all six subspecies in the E. julvus complex share a common ancestor, we found in our cladistic analysis that E. J. collaris and E. j. albocollans share a common ancestor that more recently split off from the common ancestor of the four other E. fulvus subspecies.  相似文献   

We examined genetic differentiation among 23 samples of non-migratory river galaxias from 17 streams in the Taieri River system, South Island, New Zealand. Four major genetic types were found, two of which occur in narrow sympatry in one location. These were compared with topotypical material representing Galaxias anomalus from the Clutha system (Otago) and G. vulgaris from the Waimakariri system (Canterbury) in order to establish identity. Morphological examination of these four major genetic types revealed consistent concomitant differences. The results suggest that there are at least three species of river galaxias in the Taieri system: G. anomalus, G. vulgaris and at least one previously undescribed species. We propose that the genetic structuring and subsequent speciation of this group has been promoted by the absence of the marine juvenile phase that is found in five other members of the genus native to New Zealand. This structuring may be exacerbated by population fragmentation over the last century owing to the negative influence of introduced trout. The phylogenetic diversity within the river system mirrors the diverse flora and invertebrate fauna of the region, and has conservation implications that parallel those resulting from our improved knowledge of the New Zealand herpetofauna through the application of genetic analysis.  相似文献   

Positive assortative mating occurs when individuals with similar phenotypes mate more frequently with each other than is expected by chance. In species in which both the males and females are ornamented, assortative pairings could arise from mutual mate choice on the same trait. We test this mechanism of mate choice and assortative pairing in the Diamond Firetail (Stagonopleura guttata), an Australian estrildid finch in which both sexes are ornamented with red bills, red rumps and white flank spots. We have previously shown sex differences in the degree of ornamentation as females have more flank spots than males. These white flank spots are used during sexual display, being fully displayed by courting males and by females when approaching a displaying male. Here, we experimentally test whether mutual mate preference is based on the number of flank spots. There was no evidence for a direct mutual preference for spot number. Given a choice of potential mates with a natural or experimentally manipulated number of flank spots, males preferred females with more spots, while female preference was not solely based on flank spots. Intriguingly, in both wild and captive Diamond Firetails, we found the number of flank spots in pairs was correlated suggesting a basis for positive assortative pairing. Nevertheless, we conclude that assortative pairing in Diamond Firetails is not due to mutual choice of mates based on the number of flank spots. We discuss different selection pathways for this trait in each sex.  相似文献   

Human killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) are expressed on natural killer (NK) cells and are involved in their immunoreactivity. While KIR with a long cytoplasmic tail deliver an inhibitory signal when bound to their respective major histocompatibility complex class I ligands, KIR with a short cytoplasmic tail can activate NK responses. The expansion of the KIR gene family originally appeared to be a phenomenon restricted to primates (human, apes, and monkeys) in comparison to rodents, which via convergent evolution have numerous C-type lectin-like Ly49 molecules that function analogously. Further studies have shown that multiple KIR are also present in cow and horse. In this study, we have identified by comparative genomics the first and possibly only KIR gene, named KIR2DL1, in the domesticated pig (Sus scrofa) allowing further evolutionary comparisons to be made. It encodes a protein with two extracellular immunoglobulin domains (D0 + D2), and a long cytoplasmic tail containing two inhibitory motifs. We have mapped the pig KIR2DL1 gene to chromosome 6q. Flanked by LILRa, LILRb, and LILRc, members of the leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor (LILR) family, on the centromeric end, and FCAR, NCR1, NALP7, NALP2, and GP6 on the telomeric end, pig demonstrates conservation of synteny with the human leukocyte receptor complex (LRC). Both the porcine KIR and LILR genes have diverged sufficiently to no longer be clearly orthologous with known human LRC family members.  相似文献   

Bacterial production of a plasmid-encoded bacteriophage P22 tailspike protein shows different yield and impact on cell viability in RecA+ LexA+, RecA- LexA+ and RecA+ LexA1(Ind-) backgrounds. In a LexA1(Ind-) context, we have observed lesser toxicity and higher productivity than in the wild-type strain, in which the bacterial growth was inhibited after induction of recombinant gene expression. Also, a negative effect of the incubation temperature on the growth of producing cells was also detected. By exploring the molecular basis of these inhibitory events, we found a connection between the dosage of the recombinant gene and the proteolytic stability of the encoded protein. Under both genetic and environmental conditions favoring higher plasmid copy number and consequently increasing the synthesis rate of the recombinant protein, enhanced protein degradation was observed in parallel with an important growth inhibition. Altogether, the obtained data suggest the existence of a critical concentration of recombinant protein over which cell proteolysis is stimulated at rates not compatible with optimal physiological conditions for bacterial growth.  相似文献   

Dong YP  Shi MJ  Tong BH  Zhang QF 《Luminescence》2012,27(5):414-418
Chemiluminescence (CL) of a cyclometallated iridium (III) complex {tris[1‐(2,6‐dimethylphenoxy)‐4‐(4‐chlorophenyl)phthalazine]iridium(III)} in the presence of potassium permanganate and oxalic acid is reported for the first time. Cysteine exhibits sufficient enhancing effect on the CL generated from the cyclometallated iridium(III) complex, which make it possible for the sensitive detection of cysteine using a flow‐injection–chemiluminescence (FI–CL) method. The optimum conditions for the chemiluminescence emission were investigated. Under the optimal condition, the linear range for the determination of cysteine was 1.0 × 10–9–5.0 × 10–6 mol/L with a detection limit of 6.9 × 10–10 mol/L. A relative standard deviation of 1.6% was obtained for eight replicate determinations. The mechanisms of CL are proposed and the emitting species was identified as the metal‐to‐ligand charge‐transfer (MLCT) excited states of the iridium complex. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is a self-compatible perennial allotetraploid species (2n=4x=44), whereas Robusta coffee (C. canephora L.) is a self-incompatible perennial diploid species (2n=2x=22). C. arabica (C(a) C(a) E(a) E(a) ) is derived from a spontaneous hybridization between two closely related diploid coffee species, C. canephora (CC) and C. eugenioides (EE). To investigate the patterns and degree of DNA sequence divergence between the Arabica and Robusta coffee genomes, we identified orthologous bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) from C. arabica and C. canephora, and compared their sequences to trace their evolutionary history. Although a high level of sequence similarity was found between BACs from C. arabica and C. canephora, numerous chromosomal rearrangements were detected, including inversions, deletions and insertions. DNA sequence identity between C. arabica and C. canephora orthologous BACs ranged from 93.4% (between E(a) and C(a) ) to 94.6% (between C(a) and C). Analysis of eight orthologous gene pairs resulted in estimated ages of divergence between 0.046 and 0.665 million years, indicating a recent origin of the allotetraploid species C. arabica. Analysis of transposable elements revealed differential insertion events that contributed to the size increase in the C(a) sub-genome compared to its diploid relative. In particular, we showed that insertion of a Ty1-copia LTR retrotransposon occurred specifically in C. arabica, probably shortly after allopolyploid formation. The two sub-genomes of C. arabica, C(a) and E(a) , showed sufficient sequence differences, and a whole-genome shotgun approach could be suitable for sequencing the allotetraploid genome of C. arabica.  相似文献   

In isolated rat lung perfused with a physiological saline solution (5.5 mM glucose), complex I inhibitors decrease lung tissue ATP and increase endothelial permeability (Kf), effects that are overcome using an amphipathic quinone (CoQ1) [Free Radic. Biol. Med. 65:1455–1463; 2013]. To address the microvascular endothelial contribution to these intact lung responses, rat pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells in culture (PMVEC) were treated with the complex I inhibitor rotenone and ATP levels and cell monolayer permeability (PS) were measured. There were no detectable effects on ATP or permeability in experimental medium that, like the lung perfusate, contained 5.5 mM glucose. To unmask a potential mitochondrial contribution, the glucose concentration was lowered to 0.2 mM. Under these conditions, rotenone decreased ATP from 18.4±1.6 (mean±SEM) to 4.6±0.8 nmol/mg protein, depolarized the mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) from −129.0±3.7 (mean±SEM) to −92.8±5.5 mV, and decreased O2 consumption from 2.0±0.1 (mean±SEM) to 0.3±0.1 nmol/min/mg protein. Rotenone also increased PMVEC monolayer permeability (reported as PS in nl/min) to FITC–dextran (~40 kDa) continually over a 6 h time course. When CoQ1 was present with rotenone, normal ATP (17.4±1.4 nmol/mg protein), O2 consumption (1.5±0.1 nmol/min/mg protein), Δψm (−125.2±3.3 mV), and permeability (PS) were maintained. Protective effects of CoQ1 on rotenone-induced changes in ATP, O2 consumption rate, Δψm, and permeability were blocked by dicumarol or antimycin A, inhibitors of the quinone-mediated cytosol–mitochondria electron shuttle [Free Radic. Biol. Med. 65:1455–1463; 2013]. Key rotenone effects without and with CoQ1 were qualitatively reproduced using the alternative complex I inhibitor, piericidin A. We conclude that, as in the intact lung, PMVEC ATP supply is linked to the permeability response to complex I inhibitors. In contrast to the intact lung, the association in PMVEC was revealed only after decreasing the glucose concentration in the experimental medium from 5.5 to 0.2 mM.  相似文献   

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