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In total, 23 field trials have been performed during the past 5 years to assess the effect of strobilurin containing fungicides on mycotoxin production in winter wheat. In 85% of the plots, the treatment with strobilurins at growth stages before blossom increased the content of deoxynivalenol in comparison with untreated controls. This effect was intensified by treatments at BBCH stage 45–49 and could be demonstrated in a great number of various cultivars. Application of strobilurin containing fungicides at early growth stages seems to be a risk factor for mycotoxin formation in wheat, especially under favourable conditions forFusarium infections. Presented at the 26th Mykotoxin-Workshop in Herrsching. Germany, May 17–19, 2004  相似文献   

Fungicide treatments, repeated twice yearly at timings suitable for controlling eyespot, to plots of continuous winter wheat over 17 yr (except for a year in “set‐aside”), resulted in altered population structures of the eyespot pathogens (Tapesia spp.) and performance of the fungicides. Carbendazim failed to control eyespot after 3 yr of the experiment because of rapid selection for resistance. Carbendazim often increased disease compared with that in untreated plots. This may have resulted from control of unknown antagonistic fungi or, possibly, from selection for increased fitness in carbendazim ‐resistant strains. In the final years of the experiment, prochloraz, applied with or without carbendazim, became ineffective. This gradual loss of efficacy is explained by selection in favour of T. acuformis rather than T. yallundae (which had a naturally narrower range of sensitivity levels in its populations) and for strains with least sensitivity within the T. acuformis population, although no resistance to prochloraz was found. Effects of treatments on yield were usually not statistically significant. This may be explained partly by the predominance of the more slowly developing T. acuformis in many of the plots.  相似文献   

Soil treatment fungicides were tested against take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) in three field experiments with winter wheat. Fungicides were applied as drenches either before sowing in autumn, and incorporated by rotary harrowing, or to the crop in spring. The most effective treatments were autumn applied benomyl (20 kg/ha) and nuarimol (0·55-4·4 kg/ha). However, the highest nuarimol concentration depressed yield. Benomyl sometimes induced a resurgence of take-all in the second wheat crop after treatment. Nuarimol had no adverse effects in subsequent crops, and neither fungicide hindered the onset of take-all decline in a third crop after treatment. The possible value of soil treatment in future control strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

The retention of deoxynivalenol in noodles and bread made from naturally-contaminated flour was examined by a chemical analysis (HPLC) and bioassays. The retention level of deoxynivalenol obtained from both assays was reduced by boiling process, although only the bioassays showed it to have been reduced by baking. This study is the first to estimate the exposure to deoxynivalenol from the consumption of the final products of wheat flour in Japan.  相似文献   

Effects of eyespot on the yield of winter wheat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In two experiments, on Julia and Zephyr spring barley, evidence was obtained that the development of powdery mildew in sprayed plots depended very much on their proximity to unsprayed crop. The effective period of control achieved with one spray was greater where plots were well separated from unsprayed crop than where they were surrounded by or very close to unsprayed crop. There is probably a risk that small plot experiments may not only underestimate the potential effectiveness of fungicides in agricultural practice, but also give misleading information on optimal spray timing.  相似文献   

河南若干小麦品种籽粒戊聚糖含量的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1999-2000年对河南省8个有代表性的小麦品种的戊聚糖进行了测定,不同品种戊聚糖的平均含量变化范围为6%-9%。不同品种和不同生态条件下小麦籽粒戊聚糖含量均有很大差异。5个试点小麦籽粒戊聚糖的平均含量与千粒重,降落值均成负相关关系(r=-0.83,r=-0.31),而与蛋白质的含量却呈正相关关系(r=0.35)。说明戊聚糖含量与生态因素有很大关系,采用Eberhart-Russell模型对小鼠戊聚糖含量的稳定性进行分析。发现豫麦34是戊聚糖含量较理想的品种。  相似文献   

不同耕作方式和秸秆还田对麦田土壤有机碳含量的影响   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
通过两个生长季试验,研究了不同耕作方式和秸秆还田及其交互效应对小麦全生育期0~20 cm土壤有机碳含量的影响.结果表明:小麦不同生育时期0~20 cm土层有机碳含量呈明显的动态变化;秸秆还田各处理的有机碳含量都高于无秸秆还田处理;保护性耕作措施土壤有机碳增加量显著高于传统翻耕.除传统翻耕处理外,各处理0~10 cm土层的有机碳含量都高于10~20 cm土层,秸秆还田各处理0~10 cm土层有机碳含量表现为深松(PS)>旋耕(PR)>免耕(PZ)>耙耕(PH)>传统翻耕(PC),而10~20 cm土层表现为传统翻耕(PC)>深松(PS)>旋耕(PR)>耙耕(PH)>免耕(PZ),说明保护性耕作措施能提高0~10 cm土层的有机碳含量.多因素方差分析表明:耕作因素、秸秆因素和两者交互效应在不同生育期对0~20 cm土层的有机碳含量都有显著影响.  相似文献   

The effects of water shortage on the yield of winter wheat (cv. Maris Huntsman) were investigated in covered field plots on silt-loam soil. Plants were subjected to drought at different stages of growth, but none of the treatments significantly decreased yield. Some treatments decreased the number of ears per unit area, and number of grains per ear, but these effects were offset by increases in individual grain weight. We estimate that the soil water deficit (151 mm) in the treatment which had the largest effect on yield, albeit non-significant, would be expected in nature about 15 years in 100 or less. Drought also had little effect on plant water potential and stomatal conductance. The lack of effect of drought on plant water status and yield may be attributable to the large available water content of the silt loam and the deep rooting of winter wheat. On this type of soil, therefore, water shortage appears not to be an important cause of variation in the yield of winter wheat.  相似文献   

喷灌对冬小麦植株氮素积累运转及籽粒蛋白质含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以百农矮抗58为试验材料,以地面灌溉为对照,采用大田试验的方法,研究了喷灌对冬小麦植株氮素积累运转及蛋白质含量的影响.结果表明: 拔节期喷灌条件下冬小麦植株氮素积累量与地面灌溉条件下相比没有显著差异;孕穗期至成熟期,喷灌条件下冬小麦植株氮素积累量显著高于地面灌溉条件.喷灌条件下叶片、茎鞘、颖壳开花前贮藏氮素的运转量和对籽粒氮素的贡献率均大于地面灌溉条件;而开花后同化氮素对籽粒的贡献率较地面灌溉条件降低.喷灌条件下冬小麦籽粒的蛋白质含量和蛋白质产量较地面灌溉条件显著提高.表明喷灌可明显调节冬小麦氮素物质运转和籽粒蛋白质积累.  相似文献   

Putative biological and chemical treatments for controlling take-all were used in each of three consecutive years at two locations where winter wheat crops were grown in naturally-infested fields. The chemical treatments more often decreased take-all than the biological treatments, but no treatment consistently and significantly decreased take-all, nor did any cause a significant increase in yield. An isolate of Bacillus cereus var. mycoides and one of B. pumilis, applied as soil drenches in autumn or spring, or in the seed furrows, were usually ineffective. Of the few significant effects on disease, half were associated with increases and half with decreases, and most occurred in April and did not persist to late June. Two strains of Pseudomonas pluorescens applied to the seed were ineffective. The fungicide benomyl, applied as a drench in autumn and spring at 20 kg/ha was ineffective, while nuarimol, applied as a drench in autumn at 2 kg/ha was sometimes effective. Nuarimol incorporated into the seed bed at 2 kg/ha was the most effective treatment. In analyses using a functional relationship model for data from treated and untreated plots 12% of 176 data sets for biological treatments, 38% of 96 data sets for chemical treatments and 81% of 16 data sets for combined treatments showed increasing efficiency of the treatment with increasing disease intensity. These findings also demonstrate an additional advantage of the experimental design, namely that treatments are tested at different disease intensity levels within fields.  相似文献   

赵刚  樊廷录  李尚中  张建军  王勇  党翼  王磊 《生态学杂志》2013,24(10):2807-2813
以冬小麦收获后高留茬休闲地为对照,连续4年在陇东黄土旱塬设6个油菜播种期,研究了休闲期作物覆盖对土壤水分及后作冬小麦产量与水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:不同播种期夏休闲期土壤贮水量差异显著(P<0.05),其中8月5日播种油菜的土壤蓄水效率为58.5%,产量和水分利用效率较对照提高7.5%和5.9%.平均而言,夏休闲期复种油菜后作小麦干旱年份增产16.1%,平水年份增产6.8%.夏休闲期复种油菜是西北旱地小麦抗旱增产的有益途径.  相似文献   

The influence of water activity (aw) on deoxynivalenol accumulation in wheat at 25°C was studied. Gnotobiotic grains were conditioned at different aw levels, inoculated with a toxigenic Fusarium graminearum strain, and incubated for ten weeks. The highest accumulation of deoxynivalenol (1130 ug/kg) was detected at aw 0.980. At aw 0.945 and 0.925 the maximum quantities of toxin accumulated were 113 ug/kg and 93 ug/kg respectively. Deoxynivalenol was not detected in the substrate at aw 0.900. Results suggest that intermediate aw levels (0.97 – 0.92) are particularly critical at post harvest time because those are conditions under which deoxynivalenol production is most likely to be initiated naturally.  相似文献   

Summary Root-colonizing pseudomonads capable of inhibiting seedling winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) root growth in an agar seedling bioassay also significantly inhibited wheat root growth in vermiculite; however, the inhibitory trait is quite labile in laboratory culturing. The extent of inhibition in both the agar and vermiculite medium depended on inoculum level. These pseudomonads were found to produce a toxin capable of inhibiting growth ofEscherichia coli C-la andBacillus subtilis. Field isolates that strongly inhibit growth of indicator bacteria also inhibited root growth. Toxin production by the bacteria appeared necessary for inhibition of root growth and indicator bacteria as toxin-negative (TOX) mutants no longer inhibited either. Antibiosis towardsE. coli as well as wheat seedling root inhibition in agar was reversed by L-methionine, providing further evidence that a toxin, produced by these organisms, is involved in growth retardation.Contribution in cooperation with the College of Agric. Res. Center, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164. Scientific Paper No. 6837.  相似文献   

冬小麦种植模式对水分利用效率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
齐林  陈雨海  周勋波  刘岩  高会军 《生态学报》2011,31(7):1888-1895
在同一种植密度下,设3种种植模式,包括25 cm等行距平作、"20+40"大小行平作和"20+40"沟播。研究了冬小麦沟播和平作种植对产量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,"20+40"沟播产量显著高于平作;叶片相对含水量(RWC)、水势(Ψw)和叶片水平水分利用效率随生育进程的推进呈整体下降趋势,其中,沟播处理RWCΨw和叶片水平水分利用效率的平均值均显著高于等行距和"20+40"平作处理;另外,"20+40"沟播还能明显提高冬小麦田土壤贮水量,减少总耗水量,从而提高水分利用效率。灌水增加了冬小麦产量和叶片相对含水量等各水分指标,降低了水分利用效率,减小了各种植模式间差异。"20+40"沟播在灌水135 mm条件下既保障产量又较等行距节水25%。由此表明,冬小麦"20+40"沟播可改善叶片水分状况,提高水分利用效率,增加作物产量。  相似文献   

The effects of three fungicides of a new generation were studied for cyprinid young of the year. Acute toxicity (96 h of exposure) has an extremely negative effect on fish. The minimal lethal concentrations of fungicides (LC16) caused metabolic disorders and the activation of detoxication processes in carp liver at the very beginning of exposure to toxins (24–96 h). The increase in exposure led to the lipid peroxidation process intensifying and to a simultaneous decrease in the effectiveness of antioxidant protection (AOP) and detoxication. The inhibition of the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione-S-transferase was observed, and the depletion of reduced glutathione reserves in the liver was found. The progression of intoxication over 15 days resulted in morphological and functional alterations in the fish liver and death in 49% of fish exposed to toxins.  相似文献   

为探索小麦高产高效优质生产技术途径,指导小麦晚播生产实践,2012年10月—2014年6月,以弱春性小麦偃展4110和半冬性小麦矮抗58为材料进行连续2年的田间定位试验,设置了常规适播(10月中旬、240万株·hm-2)和极端晚播(11月中旬、600万株·hm-2)两种栽培模式,研究了极端晚播对0~40 cm土层土壤硝态氮含量、小麦氮素吸收利用、产量、籽粒蛋白质含量和氮素吸收效率的影响.结果表明: 与常规适播处理相比,两个生长季极端晚播处理均使拔节和开花期0~40 cm土壤硝态氮含量显著提高,从而促进拔节后小麦植株氮素吸收积累,成熟期穗部氮素的分配比例也得到提高,最终显著提高小麦籽粒蛋白质含量和偃展4110的蛋白质产量、氮素吸收效率,但对籽粒产量的影响因品种而异.其中,极端晚播处理使偃展4110的籽粒产量显著提高,而矮抗58的籽粒产量却显著降低.因此,极端晚播栽培模式可维持小麦拔节后的土壤氮供应,有利于提高小麦氮素吸收效率,从而提高小麦籽粒产量和蛋白质含量,是灌区小麦高产优质的有效途径之一.  相似文献   

小量播种条件下冬小麦的产量效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2001~2003年在北京进行了2个年度的秋播,研究冬小麦在小量播种条件下的产量效应.结果表明,在22.5kg·hm^-2播量处理中,DS1号和临抗1号的平均最高产量分别达6836.25和7353.75kg·hm^-2,在一些重复小区中,产量超过7500kg·hm^-2,小量播种试验中,参试品种有正常的生育表现.麦苗的总糖、脯氨酸、赖氨酸含量较高,单株分蘖能力强.旗叶净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔阻力、CO2传导度和叶肉细胞CO2浓度表明植株的生理功能较旺盛.硝酸还原酶和超氧化物歧化酶活性较高,表明植株代谢活性较强.在产量结构中,单株穗数多.在小量播种生产中,品种选择是前提,播量确定是关键。  相似文献   

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