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Repair of chemically modified bases in DNA is accomplished through base excision repair (BER). This pathway is initiated by a specific DNA glycosylase that recognizes and excises the altered base to yield an abasic (AP) site. After cleavage of the AP site by APE1, repair proceeds through re-synthesis and ligation steps. In mammalian cells, the XRCC1 protein, essential for the maintenance of genomic stability, is involved in both base excision and single-strand break repair. XRCC1 participates in the first step of BER by interacting with the human DNA glycosylases hOGG1 and NEIL1. To analyze the possibility of a general mechanism involving the interaction of XRCC1 with DNA glycosylases we used XRCC1 to pull-down DNA glycosylases activities from human cell extracts. XRCC1 co-purifies with DNA glycosylase activities capable of excising hypoxanthine and dihydrothymine, in addition to 8-oxoguanine, but not uracil. Biochemical analyses with the purified proteins confirmed the interactions between XRCC1 and MPG, hNTH1 or hNEIL2. Furthermore, XRCC1 stimulates the activities of these enzymes. In vivo localization studies show that after genotoxic treatments these DNA glycosylases can be found associated with XRCC1 foci. Our results support a BER model in which XRCC1 is recruited to the repair of alkylated or oxidized bases by the enzyme recognizing the lesion. XRCC1 would then coordinate the subsequent enzymatic steps and modulate the activities of all the proteins involved.  相似文献   

The interaction of human recombinant DNA topoisomerase 1 (Top1) with linear and circular DNA structures containing a nick or short gap but lacking a specific Top1 recognition site was studied. The effect of key excision repair proteins on formation of the Top1 covalent adduct with the DNA repair intermediates was shown. Partial inhibition of the Top1-DNA-adduct formation upon addition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 in the absence of NAD+ was shown, whereas in the presence of NAD+ formation of a high molecular weight product, most likely corresponding to poly(ADP)-ribosylated Top1-DNA adduct, was observed. The data show that the key base excision repair proteins can influence formation of suicide Top1-DNA adducts. Top1 was identified by immunoprecipitation in the bovine testis nuclear extract as the protein forming the main modification product with nick-containing DNA.  相似文献   

Chou WC  Wang HC  Wong FH  Ding SL  Wu PE  Shieh SY  Shen CY 《The EMBO journal》2008,27(23):3140-3150
The DNA damage response (DDR) has an essential function in maintaining genomic stability. Ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM)-checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) and ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR)-Chk1, triggered, respectively, by DNA double-strand breaks and blocked replication forks, are two major DDRs processing structurally complicated DNA damage. In contrast, damage repaired by base excision repair (BER) is structurally simple, but whether, and how, the DDR is involved in repairing this damage is unclear. Here, we demonstrated that ATM-Chk2 was activated in the early response to oxidative and alkylation damage, known to be repaired by BER. Furthermore, Chk2 formed a complex with XRCC1, the BER scaffold protein, and phosphorylated XRCC1 in vivo and in vitro at Thr(284). A mutated XRCC1 lacking Thr(284) phosphorylation was linked to increased accumulation of unrepaired BER intermediate, reduced DNA repair capacity, and higher sensitivity to alkylation damage. In addition, a phosphorylation-mimic form of XRCC1 showed increased interaction with glycosylases, but not other BER proteins. Our results are consistent with the phosphorylation of XRCC1 by ATM-Chk2 facilitating recruitment of downstream BER proteins to the initial damage recognition/excision step to promote BER.  相似文献   

Li N  Wu H  Yang S  Chen D 《DNA Repair》2007,6(9):1297-1306
Neuronal protection induced by ischemic preconditioning has an important role in the reduction of stroke volume and attenuation of neuronal cell death. Ischemic injury is associated with increased oxidative DNA damage, and failure to efficiently repair these oxidatively damaged lesions results in the accumulation of mutations and neuronal cell death. Although the effects of ischemic tolerance can have profound implications, the precise mechanisms mediating this phenomenon remain unclear. The base excision repair (BER) pathway has a major role in the repair of oxidative DNA base damage after ischemic injury. Using a rat model of ischemic preconditioning, we now report that the neuronal protection observed after induction of ischemic tolerance is associated with increased BER. In situ detection of single-strand breaks and apurinic/apyrimidinic sites reduced to baseline levels after reperfusion following ischemic preconditioning. By contrast, no change was seen in the quantity of in situ lesions after reperfusion in non-ischemic preconditioned brain. Induction of the BER proteins XRCC1, DNA polymerase-beta, and DNA ligase III was seen after reperfusion in ischemically conditioned brain. Moreover, an increase in binding between XRCC1 and DNA polymerase-beta was seen under these conditions, as might be expected during formation of functional BER complexes. Using in vitro BER oligonucleotides, we directly demonstrated an increase in total BER capacity of nuclear extracts prepared from ischemic-conditioned brain after reperfusion compared with sham-operated brain. These findings provide direct evidence that increased BER is associated with the neuroprotection induced after ischemic preconditioning, and provides important new mechanistic insight into the important biologic pathways that protect neurons against irreversible ischemic injury.  相似文献   

The X-ray repair cross-complementing group 1 (XRCC1) protein plays a central role in base excision repair (BER) interacting with and modulating activity of key BER proteins. To estimate the influence of XRCC1 on interactions of BER proteins poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1), apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1), flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1), and DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta) with DNA intermediates, photoaffinity labeling using different photoreactive DNA was carried out in the presence or absence of XRCC1. XRCC1 competes with APE1, FEN1, and PARP1 for DNA binding, while Pol beta increases the efficiency of XRCC1 modification. To study the interactions of XRCC1 with DNA and proteins at the initial stages of BER, DNA duplexes containing a photoreactive group in the template strand opposite the damage were designed. DNA duplexes with 8-oxoguanine or dihydrothymine opposite the photoreactive group were recognized and cleaved by specific DNA glycosylases (OGG1 or NTH1, correspondingly), although the rate of oxidized base excision in the photoreactive structures was lower than in normal substrates. XRCC1 does not display any specificity in recognition of DNA duplexes with damaged bases compared to regular DNA. A photoreactive group opposite a synthetic apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site (3-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethyltetrahydrofuran) weakly influences the incision efficiency of AP site analog by APE1. In the absence of magnesium ions, i.e. when incision of AP sites cannot occur, APE1 and XRCC1 compete for DNA binding when present together. However, in the presence of magnesium ions the level of XRCC1 modification increased upon APE1 addition, since APE1 creates nicked DNA duplex, which interacts with XRCC1 more efficiently.  相似文献   

Flap Endonuclease 1 (FEN1) plays important roles both in DNA replication and in base excision repair (BER). However, in both processes FEN1 substrates are likely to be assembled into chromatin. In order to examine how FEN1 is able to work within chromatin, we prepared model nucleosome substrates containing FEN1-cleavable DNA flaps. We find that human FEN1 binds and cleaves such substrates with efficiencies similar to that displayed with naked DNA. Moreover, we demonstrate that both FEN1 and human DNA ligase I can operate successively on DNA within the same nucleosome. These results suggest that some BER steps may not require nucleosome remodeling in vivo and that FEN 1 activity during Okazaki fragment processing can occur on nucleosomal substrates.  相似文献   

Inflammation associated reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONs), including peroxynitrite (ONOO) and nitric oxide (NO), create base lesions that potentially play a role in the toxicity and large genomic rearrangements associated with many malignancies. Little is known about the role of base excision repair (BER) in removing these endogenous DNA lesions. Here, we explore the role of X-ray repair cross-complementing group 1 (XRCC1) in attenuating RONs-induced genotoxicity. XRCC1 is a scaffold protein critical for BER for which polymorphisms modulate the risk of cancer. We exploited CHO and human glioblastoma cell lines engineered to express varied levels of BER proteins to study XRCC1. Cytotoxicity and the levels of DNA repair intermediates (single-strand breaks; SSB) were evaluated following exposure of the cells to the ONOO donor, SIN-1, and to gaseous NO. XRCC1 null cells were slightly more sensitive to SIN-1 than wild-type cells. We used small-scale bioreactors to expose cells to NO and found that XRCC1-deficient CHO cells were not sensitive. However, using a molecular beacon assay to test lesion removal in vitro, we found that XRCC1 facilitates AAG-initiated excision of two key NO-induced DNA lesions: 1,N6-ethenoadenine and hypoxanthine. Furthermore, overexpression of AAG rendered XRCC1-deficient cells sensitive to NO-induced DNA damage. These results show that AAG is a key glycosylase for BER of NO-induced DNA damage and that XRCC1's role in modulating sensitivity to RONs is dependent upon the cellular level of AAG. This demonstrates the importance of considering the expression of other components of the BER pathway when evaluating the impact of XRCC1 polymorphisms on cancer risk.  相似文献   

X-ray repair cross-complementing protein-1 (XRCC1)-deficient cells are sensitive to DNA damaging agents and have delayed processing of DNA base lesions. In support of its role in base excision repair, it was found that XRCC1 forms a tight complex with DNA ligase IIIα and also interacts with DNA polymerase β (Pol β) and other base excision repair (BER) proteins. We have isolated wild-type XRCC1–DNA ligase IIIα heterodimer and mutated XRCC1–DNA ligase IIIα complex that does not interact with Pol β and tested their activities in BER reconstituted with human purified proteins. We find that a point mutation in the XRCC1 protein which disrupts functional interaction with Pol β, affected the ligation efficiency of the mutant XRCC1–DNA ligase IIIα heterodimer in reconstituted BER reactions. We also compared sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide between wild-type CHO-9 cells, XRCC1-deficient EM-C11 cells and EM-C11 cells transfected with empty plasmid vector or with plasmid vector carrying wild-type or mutant XRCC1 gene and find that the plasmid encoding XRCC1 protein, that does not interact with Pol β has reduced ability to rescue the hydrogen peroxide sensitivity of XRCC1- deficient cells. These data suggest an important role for the XRCC1–Pol β interaction for coordinating the efficiency of the BER process.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is a posttranslational protein modification significant for genomic stability and cell survival in response to DNA damage. Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is catalyzed by poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases (PARPs). Among the 17 members of the PARP family, PARP-1 and PARP-2 are described as enzymes whose catalytic activity is stimulated by some types of DNA damages.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe mag1 gene encodes a DNA repair enzyme with sequence similarity to the AlkA family of DNA glycosylases, which are essential for the removal of cytotoxic alkylation products, the premutagenic deamination product hypoxanthine and certain cyclic ethenoadducts such as ethenoadenine. In this paper, we have purified the Mag1 protein and characterized its substrate specificity. It appears that the substrate range of Mag1 is limited to the major alkylation products, such as 3-mA, 3-mG and 7-mG, whereas no significant activity was found towards deamination products, ethenoadducts or oxidation products. The efficiency of 3-mA and 3-mG removal was 5–10 times slower for Mag1 than for Escherichia coli AlkA whereas the rate of 7-mG removal was similar to the two enzymes. The relatively low efficiency for the removal of cytotoxic 3-methylpurines is consistent with the moderate sensitivity of the mag1 mutant to methylating agents. Furthermore, we studied the initial steps of Mag1-dependent base excision repair (BER) and genetic interactions with other repair pathways by mutant analysis. The double mutants mag1 nth1, mag1 apn2 and mag1 rad2 displayed increased resistance to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) compared with the single mutants nth1, apn2 and rad2, respectively, indicating that Mag1 initiates both short-patch (Nth1-dependent) and long-patch (Rad2-dependent) BER of MMS-induced damage. Spontaneous intrachromosomal recombination frequencies increased 3-fold in the mag1 mutant suggesting that Mag1 and recombinational repair (RR) are both involved in repair of alkylated bases. Finally, we show that the deletion of mag1 in the background of rad16, nth1 and rad2 single mutants reduced the total recombination frequencies of all three double mutants, indicating that abasic sites formed as a result of Mag1 removal of spontaneous base lesions are substrates for nucleotide excision repair, long- and short-patch BER and RR.  相似文献   

CK2 phosphorylates the scaffold protein XRCC1, which is required for efficient DNA single-strand break (SSB) repair. Here, we express an XRCC1 protein (XRCC1(ckm)) that cannot be phosphorylated by CK2 in XRCC1 mutated EM9 cells and show that the role of this post-translational modification gives distinct phenotypes in SSB repair and base excision repair (BER). Interestingly, we find that fewer SSBs are formed during BER after treatment with the alkylating agent dimethyl sulfate (DMS) in EM9 cells expressing XRCC1(ckm) (CKM cells) or following inhibition with the CK2 inhibitor 2-dimethylamino-4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-1H-benzimidazole (DMAT). We also show that XRCC1(ckm) protein has a higher affinity for DNA than wild type XRCC1 protein and resides in an immobile fraction on DNA, in particular after damage. We propose a model whereby the increased affinity for DNA sequesters XRCC1(ckm) and the repair enzymes associated with it, at the repair site, which retards kinetics of BER. In conclusion, our results indicate that phosphorylation of XRCC1 by CK2 facilitates the BER incision step, likely by promoting dissociation from DNA.  相似文献   

Phadnis N  Mehta R  Meednu N  Sia EA 《DNA Repair》2006,5(7):829-839
Mitochondrial DNA is predicted to be highly prone to oxidative damage due to its proximity to free radicals generated by oxidative phosphorylation. Base excision repair (BER) is the primary repair pathway responsible for repairing oxidative damage in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. In yeast mitochondria, three N-glycosylases have been identified so far, Ntg1p, Ogg1p and Ung1p. Ntg1p, a broad specificity N-glycosylase, takes part in catalyzing the first step of BER that involves the removal of the damaged base. In this study, we examined the role of Ntg1p in maintaining yeast mitochondrial genome integrity. Using genetic reporters and assays to assess mitochondrial mutations, we found that loss of Ntg1p suppresses mitochondrial point mutation rates, frameshifts and recombination rates. We also observed a suppression of respiration loss in the ntg1-Delta cells in response to ultraviolet light exposure implying an overlap between BER and UV-induced damage in the yeast mitochondrial compartment. Over-expression of the BER AP endonuclease, Apn1p, did not significantly affect the mitochondrial mutation rate in the presence of Ntg1p, whereas Apn1p over-expression in an ntg1-Delta background increased the frequency of mitochondrial mutations. In addition, loss of Apn1p also suppressed mitochondrial point mutations. Our work suggests that both Ntg1p and Apn1p generate mutagenic intermediates in the yeast mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of DNA repair in protecting the genome, the molecular basis for damage recognition and repair remains poorly understood. In the base excision repair pathway (BER), DNA glycosylases recognize and excise damaged bases from DNA. This review focuses on the recent development of chemical approaches that have been applied to the study of BER enzymes. Several distinctive classes of noncleavable substrate analogs that form stable complexes with DNA glycosylases have recently been designed and synthesized. These analogs have been used for biochemical and structural analyses of protein—DNA complexes involving DNA glycosylases, and for the isolation of a novel DNA glycosylase. An approach to trap covalently a DNA glycosylase-intermediate complex has also been used to elucidate the mechanism of DNA glycosylases.  相似文献   

Neurodegeneration is a growing public health concern because of the rapid increase in median and maximum life expectancy in the developed world. Mitochondrial dysfunction seems to play a critical role in neurodegeneration, likely owing to the high energy demand of the central nervous system and its sole reliance on oxidative metabolism for energy production. Loss of mitochondrial function has been clearly demonstrated in several neuropathologies, most notably those associated with age, like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases. Among the common features observed in such conditions is the accumulation of oxidative DNA damage, in particular in the mitochondrial DNA, suggesting that mitochondrial DNA instability may play a causative role in the development of these diseases. In this review we examine the evidence for the accumulation of oxidative DNA damage in mitochondria, and its relationship with loss of mitochondrial function and cell death in neural tissues. Oxidative DNA damage is repaired mainly by the base excision repair pathway. Thus, we review the molecular events and enzymes involved in base excision repair in mitochondria, and explore the possible role of alterations in mitochondrial base excision repair activities in premature aging and age-associated neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

XRCC1 and DNA strand break repair   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Caldecott KW 《DNA Repair》2003,2(9):955-969
DNA single-strand breaks can arise indirectly, as normal intermediates of DNA base excision repair, or directly from damage to deoxyribose. Because single-strand breaks are induced by endogenous reactive molecules such as reactive oxygen species, these lesions pose a continuous threat to genetic integrity. XRCC1 protein plays a major role in facilitating the repair of single-strand breaks in mammalian cells, via an ability to interact with multiple enzymatic components of repair reactions. Here, the protein-protein interactions facilitated by XRCC1, and the repair processes in which these interactions operate, are reviewed. Models for the repair of single-strand breaks during base excision repair and at direct breaks are presented.  相似文献   

The DNA damage dependence of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 (PARP-2) activity is suggestive of its implication in genome surveillance and protection. Here we show that the PARP-2 gene, mainly expressed in actively dividing tissues follows, but to a smaller extent, that of PARP-1 during mouse development. We found that PARP-2 and PARP-1 homo- and heterodimerize; the interacting interfaces, sites of reciprocal modification, have been mapped. PARP-2 was also found to interact with three other proteins involved in the base excision repair pathway: x-ray cross complementing factor 1 (XRCC1), DNA polymerase beta, and DNA ligase III, already known as partners of PARP-1. XRCC1 negatively regulates PARP-2 activity, as it does for PARP-1, while being a polymer acceptor for both PARP-1 and PARP-2. To gain insight into the physiological role of PARP-2 in response to genotoxic stress, we developed by gene disruption mice deficient in PARP-2. Following treatment by the alkylating agent N-nitroso-N-methylurea (MNU), PARP-2-deficient cells displayed an important delay in DNA strand breaks resealing, similar to that observed in PARP-1 deficient cells, thus confirming that PARP-2 is also an active player in base excision repair despite its low capacity to synthesize ADP-ribose polymers.  相似文献   

Each day, approximately 20,000 oxidative lesions form in the DNA of every nucleated human cell. The base excision repair (BER) enzymes that repair these lesions must function in a chromatin milieu. We have determined that the DNA glycosylase hNTH1, apurinic endonuclease (APE), and DNA polymerase β (Pol β), which catalyze the first three steps in BER, are able to process their substrates in both 601- and 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA)-based nucleosomes. hNTH1 formed a discrete ternary complex that was displaced by the addition of APE, suggesting an orderly handoff of substrates from one enzyme to the next. In contrast, DNA ligase IIIα-XRCC1, which completes BER, was appreciably active only at concentrations that led to nucleosome disruption. Ligase IIIα-XRCC1 was also able to bind and disrupt nucleosomes containing a single base gap and, because of this property, enhanced both its own activity and that of Pol β on nucleosome substrates. Collectively, these findings provide insights into rate-limiting steps that govern BER in chromatin and reveal a unique role for ligase IIIα-XRCC1 in enhancing the efficiency of the final two steps in the BER of lesions in nucleosomes.  相似文献   

Human polynucleotide kinase (hPNK) is required for processing and rejoining DNA strand break termini. The 5'-DNA kinase and 3'-phosphatase activities of hPNK can be stimulated by the "scaffold" protein XRCC1, but the mechanism remains to be fully elucidated. Using a variety of fluorescence techniques, we examined the interaction of hPNK with XRCC1 and substrates that model DNA single-strand breaks. hPNK binding to substrates with 5'-OH termini was only approximately 5-fold tighter than that to identical DNA molecules with 5'-phosphate termini, suggesting that hPNK remains bound to the product of its enzymatic activity. The presence of XRCC1 did not influence the binding of hPNK to substrates with 5'-OH termini, but sharply reduced the interaction of hPNK with DNA bearing a 5'-phosphate terminus. These data, together with kinetic data obtained at limiting enzyme concentration, indicate a dual function for the interaction of XRCC1 with hPNK. First, XRCC1 enhances the capacity of hPNK to discriminate between strand breaks with 5'-OH termini and those with 5'-phosphate termini; and second, XRCC1 stimulates hPNK activity by displacing hPNK from the phosphorylated DNA product.  相似文献   

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