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McCormick, N. G. (University of Washington, Seattle), E. J. Ordal, and H. R. Whiteley. Degradation of pyruvate by Micrococcus lactilyticus. II. Studies of cofactors in the formate-exchange reaction. J. Bacteriol. 83:899-906. 1962.-Enzyme preparations from Micrococcus lactilyticus(2) are rendered inactive with respect to formate exchange by treatment with charcoal or Dowex-50, by dialysis, or by fractionation with ammonium sulfate. The activity may be completely restored by a "kochsaft" preparation (BES) obtained from M. lactilyticus and partially restored by similar BES preparations from Escherichia coli and Clostridium butyricum. Diphosphothiamine is required for formate exchange but full activity cannot be restored by known cofactors. Brief exposure to increased temperatures, air, extremes of pH, and absorption with charcoal and Dowex-50 decrease the cofactor activity of BES preparations. The addition of BES preparations from E. coli and Streptococcus faecalis causes a shift in the degradation of pyruvate by extracts of M. lactilyticus from the phosphoroclastic cleavage (to acetyl phosphate and formate) to the dismutation of pyruvate (to lactate, acetate, and carbon dioxide).C. cylindrosporum was found to mediate the formate-exchange reaction; the activity of crude extracts was stimulated by M. lactilyticus and C. butyricum BES preparations. M. lactilyticus BES also increased the formate-exchange activity of extracts of E. coli.  相似文献   

本文介绍了微球菌(Micrococcussp)1504胞外脂肪酶的代谢调节模式。发现在发酵培养基中,通过补加长链脂肪酸及其油酯,能提高脂肪酶的生产水平,而中、短链脂肪酸及其酯抑制产酶能力;高浓度的葡萄糖抑制产酶能力;补加不同浓度的橄揽油,适宜补加时间也应不同。水洗细胞脂肪酶的合成受橄榄油和油酸诱导,受葡萄糖和甘油阻遏,并发现脂肪酶的分解代谢阻遏主要发生在转录水平上。  相似文献   

藻对偶氮染料降解作用的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本实验系统地研究了藻对偶氮染料的降解作用。实验结果表明,藻对多种偶氮染料具有一定的降解作用,其降解程度与染料的结构和藻的种类等因素有关。通过降解机理的研究表明,,藻能够利用偶氮还原酶,作用于偶氮染料的偶氮双键,使其断裂,形成芳香胺类中间产物。藻还可以进一步利用芳香胺类物质。本研究结果启示,应重新评价藻在氧化塘降解有机物质过程中所起的作用,即在氧化塘中,藻不仅起供氧作用,还能够直接参与有机物质的降解。  相似文献   

 建立了轻度降解~(13)C核磁共振法研究多糖结构的方法。美国瓜胶和国产胶1在70℃下用90%甲酸降解3小时。用Bio-Gel p-4的凝胶色谱分离。含20个以上糖残基的片断为主要降解成份。用~(13)C核磁共振法研究,确定它们都是具有以β1-4甘露糖为骨架,其中某些甘露糖的6位碳有α-半乳糖侧链的结构。这些结果与组成分析和甲基化分析结果一致。  相似文献   

本文研究了玉蕈在纤维废弃物上生长期间,培养基中主要成分的降解规律及有关的酶学分析。实验结果表明:1.玉蕈分解纤维素和半纤维素的能力较强,分解木素的能力很弱。因此,玉蕈是褐腐型木腐菌。2.纤维素是玉蕈子实体生长阶段的主要碳源。3.玉蕈生长期间可向培养基中释放羧甲基纤维素酶、滤纸纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、淀粉酶和蛋白酶。酶活性在子实体生长阶段显著增加。进一步证明了子实体阶段酶活性增加与培养温度和子实体形成有密切关系。  相似文献   

Aeromonas sp.D-4不能以LAS作为唯一碳源,它对LAS的利用是通过共代谢来完成的。LAS对D-4具有毒害作用,而且,起始LAS浓度越高,毒害作用越大。LAS的最大去除串与起始LAS浓度呈负相关。当起始LAS在40-120mg/L之间时,去除串较高;如果起始LAS在40mg/L左右,则去除率可达s096以上。研究还表明,Aeromonas sp.D-4纯培养对LAS的去除率(最大值84.97%)大于混合菌(最大值78.57%)。耗氧呼吸测定证实了Aeromonas sp.D-4对于LAS的共代谢和LAS对细菌的毒性,同时也证实了培养基中LAS的消失是细菌作用的结果。  相似文献   

Abstract— The effect of phenylalanine and phenylpyruvate on the metabolism of pyruvate by homogenates of human brain was investigated. In the presence of 5 mM pyruvate as substrate homogenates of human cerebral cortex fixed about 1 μmol of H14CO3-- per g of tissue in 30 min. Phenylpyruvate at a concentration of 5 raw inhibited the fixation of H14 CO3-- by homogenates of human brain by approximately 50 per cent, whereas 5 mM phenylalanine had no effect. The inhibition of pyruvate carboxylation by phenylpyruvate was dependent upon the concentration of the inhibitor. The activity of pyruvate carboxylase (EC in human cerebral cortex was 02–0.4 units, with a Km for pyruvate of about 0.2 mM. Homogenates of human cerebral cortex decarboxylated [1-14C]pyruvate to 14CO2 at a rate of about 5 μmol per g of tissue per 15 min, with a 20–50 per cent reduction in the presence of 5 mM phenylpyruvate; phenylalanine at the same concentration had no effect. The possible toxic effect of phenylpyruvate on the metabolism of pyruvate in the brains of untreated phenylketonuric patients is discussed.  相似文献   

两株真菌降解菜籽饼中植酸的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用选择性培养基从土壤中分离到两株能降解植酸的丝状真菌。这些菌株能利用肌醇作为唯一的碳源和能源而生长。在液态发酵中植酸的降解率分别为74.4%和95.0%;在固态发酵中植酸的降解率为40%左右。某些金属离子对菌株的降解率的提高具有一定的促进作用。对温度、pH和水分等影响因子也进行了初步的探讨。经初步鉴定,这两株菌株中有一株为拟青霉(Paecilomycessp),另一株为青霉(Penicilliumsp.),它们均不产黄曲霉素素。  相似文献   

1. With the aim of elucidating the path of carbon in the formationof ethylene in plants, studies were made on the incorporationof 14C into ethylene evolved from apple slices, using several14C- labeled compounds as substrates. The effects of inhibitorswere also investigated. 2. The formation of ethylene-14C from glucose-14C was inhibitedby fluoride, but unaffected by arsenite, thus suggesting thatglucose is converted to ethylene via pyruvate. 3. Acetate is converted to ethylene after cleavage of C-l andC-2. Only a small portion of the latter (C-2) enters the moleculeof ethylene, the former (C-l) is detected in carbon dioxide.On the other hand, 2, and 3-carbons of pyruvate are converted,without splitting, to ethylene. 4. On removal of air, the incorporation of 14C into ethylenefrom acetate-2-14C was depressed, while that from pyruvate-14Cwas unaffected. 5. Acetaldehyde-l,2-14C is converted to ethylene without conversioninto ethanol. 6. These results are interpreted to suggest the occurrence ofthe pathway in which pyruvate and acetaldehyde may serve asprecursors of ethylene. 1 A part of this paper was read at the regular Meeting of KansaiBranch of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan in Kyoto,October, 1964, and at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Societyof Plant Physiologists in Tokyo, April, 1965 and presented ina preliminary form elsewhere (10).  相似文献   

牧效黄杆菌对蒽菲芘的降解性能研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用定时、定量、逐步提高驯化所用碳源物浓度的方法,以萘为唯一碳源驯化长期被焦化废水污染的泥土浸出液,7周后,平板划线分离出两株黄杆菌FCN1及FCN2。并对这两株菌降解多环芳烃的特性及无机离子对反应的刺激作用进行了研究。结果表明,FCN1及FCN2能降解转化蒽、菲、芘。加入FCN1,反应10h后,蒽、菲、芘去除率分别为84%、69%、80%,而加入FCN2,各物质的去除率分别为76%、40%、71%。反应进行106h,FCN1对蒽、菲、芘所产生的总有机碳(TOC)的去除率分别为70%、54%、69%,而FCN2对相应物的TOC去除率分别为63%、50%、46%。Fe^3 、Mg^2 的加入对FCN1降解多环芳烃有促进作用。  相似文献   

从鸭儿湖氧化塘中分离出具有分解对硝基酚能力的细菌Pseudomonas sp.,代号CTP-02。在实验室条件下,细菌培养物降解对硝基酚的速度与时间之间的动力学方程为dc/dt=-K1t-K2,细菌降解对硝基酚的最适温度为35℃,最适pH为7.5。CTP-02菌降解对硝基酚过程中首先发生脱硝基作用。    相似文献   

白腐真菌对稻草秸秆的降解及其有关酶活性的变化*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以稻草秸秆加20%棉籽壳为培养基质,接种侧耳Z17、921、1024菌株,在不同生长阶段,测定培养物的主要化学成分和有关酶活的变化。结果表明,从接种到子实体形成,所试菌株培养物的纤维素、木质素等呈持续不断的下降趋势,水份、粗蛋白含量却逐渐升高。基质中漆酶酶活性在菌丝生长初期呈迅速上升趋势,后稍降低,而愈创木酚酶活性在菌丝生长初期及子实体形成时达到高峰,后有所降低或消失。  相似文献   

1. Visual purple solutions are prepared under such conditions that the bleaching reaction is irreversible. 2. A method is described for the colorimetric estimation of very small quantities of visual purple. By this means the kinetics of the bleaching reaction are investigated. 3. The results show that the course of the decomposition follows that of a monomolecular reaction, without any measurable period of induction or after effect.  相似文献   

The inner membranes of isolated bovine heart mitochondria undergo pronounced contraction upon being exposed to exogenous adenosine diphosphate (ADP), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and certain other high-energy phosphate compounds. Contraction results in decrease of inner membrane expanse which in turn results in decrease of intracristal space and increase of mitochondrial optical density (OD). The magnitude of the OD change appears to be proportional to the degree of contraction Half-maximal contraction can be achieved with ADP or ATP at concentrations as low as about 0 3 µM. Atractyloside at concentrations as low as about 1.2 nmol/mg mitochondrial protein completely inhibits the contraction. It is concluded from these and other observations that inner membrane contraction occurs as a result of adenine nucleotide binding to the carrier involved in the exchange of adenine nucleotides across the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

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