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A crude P-100 fraction prepared from Bacillus subtilis 21 min after infection with wild-type phage phi 29 supported the in vitro synthesis of late phi 29 RNA by added RNA polymerase. Synthesis of late RNA was also detected when purified phi 29 DNA was transcribed by RNA polymerase in the presence of an S-150 fraction obtained by lysis of phi 29-infected cells in the presence of 1 M NaCl. Late phi 29 RNA was not synthesized when either the P-100 or the S-150 fraction was prepared from cultures infected with phi 29 having a mutation in gene 4.  相似文献   

Influenza virus-specific RNA has been synthesized in vitro, using cytoplasmic or microsomal fractions of influenza virus-infected MDCK cells. The RNA polymerase activity was stimulated 5-30 times by priming with ApG. About 20-30% of the product was polyadenylated. Most of the in vitro product was of positive polarity, as shown by hybridization to strand specific probes and by T1 fingerprinting of the poly(A)+ and poly(A)- RNA segments encoding haemagglutinin and nucleoprotein. The size of poly(A)- RNA segments, determined on sequencing gels, was indistinguishable from that of virion RNA, whereas poly(A)+ RNA segments contain poly(A) tails approximately 50 nucleotides long. The size of in vitro synthesized RNA segments was also determined by gel electrophoresis of S1-treated double-stranded RNAs, obtained by hybridization of poly(A)+ or poly(A)- RNA fractions with excess of unlabelled virion RNA. The results of these experiments indicate that poly(A)- RNA contains full-length complementary RNA. This conclusion is further substantiated by the presence of additional oligonucleotides in the T1 fingerprints of in vitro synthesized poly(A)- haemagglutinin or nucleoprotein RNA, selected by hybridization to cloned DNA probes corresponding to the 3' termini of the genes.  相似文献   

In vitro incorporation of [Me-3H] thymidine and [5-3H] uridine into human platelets was demonstrated. Thymidine incorporation was inhibited by three specific inhibitors of DNA synthesis: hydroxyurea, cytosine arabinoside and daunomycin. The effect was dose-dependent. Uridine uptake by platelets was found to be inhibited by specific inhibitors of RNA synthesis such as actinomycin D, rifampicin and vincristine, the effect of actinomycin D being dose dependent. The drug also led to a time-dependent inhibition of protein synthesis when preincubated with platelets. The platelet RNA profile on polyacrylamide gel was demonstrated to be similar to that of embryonic mouse erythroblast RNA. Synthesis of all three fractions, 28 S, 18 S and 4 S, was inhibited by actinomycin D. These findings show that human platelets are capable of DNA and RNA synthesis, and that these activities play a role in controlling protein synthesis in these cells. Detectable amounts of DNA have been found in whole human platelets, and in isolated mitochondria derived from these cells. Isolated platelet mitochondria incorporated [3H] thymidine and [3H] uridine into their macromolecules. These activities were inhibited by daunomycin and by both rifampicin and actinomycin D, respectively. These results support the assumption that DNA and RNA synthesis found in intact cell preparations takes place most probably in platelet mitochondria.  相似文献   

Synthesis of ribosomal RNA in a cell-free system was achieved using purified Escherichia coli RNA polymerase and bacterial DNA templates from E. coli, Proteus mirabilis and E. coli/P. mirabilis hybrid strains carrying an E. coli DNA enriched for ribosomal RNA genes.Both direct and indirect competition hybridization revealed that from 5 to 15% of the in vitro product, depending on the template used, had sequences homologous to rRNA. The level of synthesis of sequences homologous to rRNA was related directly to the proportion of rRNA genes in the template. The use of heterologous DNA during competition hybridization ensured at least a 100-fold greater sensitivity for the detection of rRNA sequences than from any messenger RNA sequence.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics limits the number average degree of polymerization of RNA transcribed in vitro from DNA without hydrolysis of the pyrophosphate product to substantially less than 100 nucleotide units in size. The existence of considerably longer chains is initially compensated by unreacted nucleoside triphosphates and later by the presence of short chains of dubious biological utility. Pyrophosphate hydrolysis raises the upper limit of this average size by a factor of the order of 103 and effectively defers the approach to equilibrium.  相似文献   

One retroviral RNA is sufficient for synthesis of viral DNA.   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

In vitro RNA synthesis by intact rat brain nuclei   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The characteristics of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity in intact rat cerebral cortex nuclei tested at low ionic strength are presented. The system was most dependent on the presence of spermidine and an ATP-generating system and to a lesser extent on Mg2+ and K+ for maximal incorporation. Substitution of Mg2+ by Mn2+ or of K+ by Na+ resulted in substantially less activity than under the optimum conditions described. Maximal incorporation was about 10 per cent that of brain nuclear systems of high ionic strength. In addition, the labelling patterns of the in vitro RNA products were shown to be very similar to those found in vivo. The stability of isolated nuclei toward degradation of RNA synthetic capacity and products formed was much greater than that of a similar liver system.  相似文献   

Initial experiments in our laboratory have successfully reassembled infectious polyoma virions from dissociated virion products. Virions treated with ethyleneglycol-bis-N,N'-tetraacetic acid and the reducing agent beta-mercaptoethanol at pH 7.5 were dissociated to a 48S DNA-protein complex and capsomere subunits. The virion dissociation products were not infectious by plaque assay and lacked hemagglutination activity. These virion dissociation products were reassembled to intact virions by overnight dialysis against a reassembly buffer containing CaCl2, dimethyl sulfoxide, and Triton X-100 in phosphate-buffered saline at pH 7.4. The biophysical characteristics of the reassembled virions were identical to those of untreated virions in that the reassembled virions had a sedimentation value of 240S in sucrose gradients and a buoyant density of 1.315 g/cm3 in CsCl isopycnic gradients. The reassembled virions were intact as determined by electron microscopy and were found to be 60% resistant to DNase I treatment. Biologically, the reassembled purified virions were found to partially regain both hemagglutinating activity and plaque-forming ability.  相似文献   

The RNA products synthesized in vitro by the virion-associated RNA polymerase of purified vesicular stomatitis virus have previously been shown to contain two distinct 5′-terminal sequences. The mRNA species contain the blocked 5′-terminal G(5′)ppp(5′)A-A-C-A-G sequence and the initiated lead-in RNA segment (approximately 50 bases) contains the unblocked 5′ ppA-C-G sequence. In the present studies, using inosine 5′-triphosphate in place of GTP it is shown that RNA species as large as 14.5S contain an unblocked 5′-ppA-C-(I) sequence indicating that the GTP analogue permits synthesis of a possible precursor of viral mRNA in vitro.  相似文献   

Purified Drosophila X virus (DXV) presents a virion associated RNA polymerase activity. The RNA product is not spontaneously released from the virion and behaves like the virion-borne RNA in velocity gradients. Both product and template are RNase resistant at high ionic strength all over the synthesis. Reannealing of the denatured purified RNAs is faster when an excess template is added. This may be the first published case of a virion-associated replicase.  相似文献   

Premeiotic and postmeiotic (haploid) gene expression during spermatogenesis in the anuran, Xenopus laevis, was studied by analyzing the accumulation of radioactively labelled cytoplasmic polyadenylated [poly (A +)] and non-polyadenylated [poly (A -)] RNAs. Dissociated spermatogenic cells were labelled and maintained in an in vitro system capable of supporting cell differentiation. Labelled cells were separated by density gradient centrifugation into subpopulations enriched for individual spermatogenic stages. RNA was extracted and purified from each cell fraction, and separated into poly (A +) and poly (A -) species. Comparison of poly (A +) to non-poly (A) radioactivity in cells labelled with tritiated uridine or adenosine demonstrated that (1) all cell fractions produced significant quantities of polyadenylated RNA relative to total RNA synthesis; and (2) that a cell fraction enriched for pachytene spermatocyte RNA contained up to 15% of total cytoplasmic and 35% of total polysomal RNA labelled as poly (A +) containing species. RNA was also characterized by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All cell types showed typical poly (A -) peaks of 4S, 18S and 28S, corresponding to tRNA (4S) and rRNAs (18, 28S) respectively. Spermatids and spermatozoa had additional absorbance peaks at 13 and 21S which cosedimented with Xenopus oocyte mitochondrial rRNA. Patterns of incorporation of uridine and adenosine into poly (A +) RNA in all germ cell fractions tested were complex. In all cases, major areas of radioactivity were found in a broad band sedimenting between 6-17S. Spermatid fractions showed a prominent peak of incorporation at 6-8S, while pachytene cells also showed heavier poly (A +) peaks in the 17-25S region. A non-polyadenylated RNA species sedimenting at 6-8S with a relatively rapid rate of turnover was also observed in spermatids. From these results it is concluded that synthesis of transfer, ribosomal, and putative messenger RNA species continues in spermatogenic cells throughout all but the very last stages of spermatogenesis in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Specificity of retroviral RNA packaging.   总被引:28,自引:25,他引:3  

An incubation medium is described which supports RNA synthesis in isolated oocyte nuclei of the newt Notophthalmus, and which permits subsequent autoradiographic examination of the lampbrush chromosomes and nucleoli. By using different concentrations of α-amanitin we distinguish RNA synthesis due to RNA polymerases I, II and III. All RNA synthesis on loops is inhibited by 0.5 μ/ml of α-amanitin and is therefore due to polymerase II. Polymerase III is responsible for RNA synthesis at a small number of discrete sites in condensed chromatm. These include the centromere bars of three of four chromosomes, which probably represent 5S RNA synthesis, as well as 15–20 lesser sites scattered elsewhere. Polymerase I activity is confined to the nucleoli. Dedicated to Professor W. Beermann on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

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