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Protein functional sites are key targets for drug design and protein engineering, but their large-scale experimental characterization remains difficult. The evolutionary trace (ET) is a computational approach to this problem that has been useful in a variety of case studies, but its proteomic scale application is partially hindered because automated retrieval of input sequences from databases often includes some with errors that degrade functional site identification. To recognize and purge these sequences, this study introduces a novel and structure-free measure of ET quality called rank information (RI). It is shown that RI decreases in response to errors in sequences, alignments, or functional classifications. Conversely, an automated procedure to increase RI by selectively removing sequences improves functional site identification so as to nearly match manually curated traces in kinases and in a test set of 79 diverse proteins. Thus we conclude that RI partially reflects the evolutionary consistency of sequence, structure, and function. In practice, as the size of the proteome continues to grow exponentially, it provides a novel and structure-free measure of ET quality that increases its accuracy for large-scale automated annotation of protein functional sites.  相似文献   

Alkaline D-peptidase (Adp) from Bacillus cereus DF4-B is a D-stereospecific endopeptidase acting on oligopeptides composed of D-phenylalanine and the primary structure deduced from its gene, adp, shows a similarity with D-stereospecific hydrolases from Ochrobactrum anthropi strains. We have isolated DNA fragments covering the flanking region of adp from DF4-B genome and found an additional gene, adp2, located upstream of adp. The deduced amino acid sequence of Adp2 showed 96% and 85% identity with those of Adp from B. cereus strains AH559 and DF4-B, respectively. The recombinant Adp2 expressed in Escherichia coli was purified to homogeneity and characterized. It had hydrolyzing activity toward (D-Phe)3, (D-Phe)4, and (D-Phe)6 but did not act on (L-Phe)4, D-Phe-NH2, and L-Phe-NH2, some characteristics that are closely related to those of Adp from strain DF4-B. These results indicate that highly homologous genes encoding D-stereospecific endopeptidases are arranged in a tandem manner on the genomic DNA of B. cereus DF4-B.  相似文献   

Large-scale analysis of pseudogenes in the human genome   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Pseudogenes are considered as genomic fossils: disabled copies of functional genes that were once active in the ancient genome. Recently, whole-genome computational approaches have revealed thousands of pseudogenes in the genomes of the human and other eukaryotes. Identification of these pseudogenes can improve the accuracy of gene annotation. It also offers new insight on the evolutionary history and the stability of the genome as a whole.  相似文献   

Phytoplasmas are cell-wallless Gram-positive low G + C bacteria belonging to the Mollicutes that inhabit the cytoplasm of plants and insects. Although phytoplasmas possess two ribosomal RNA (rrn) operons, only one has been fully sequenced. Here, we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of both rrn operons (designated rrnA and rrnB) of onion yellows (OY) phytoplasma. Both operons have rRNA genes organized as 5'-16S-23S-5S-3' with very highly conserved sequences; the 16S, 23S, and 5S rRNA genes are 99.9, 99.8, and 99.1% identical between the two operons. However, the organization of tRNA genes in the upstream region from 16S rRNA gene and in the downstream region from 5S rRNA gene differs markedly. Several promoter candidates were detected upstream from both operons, which suggests that both operons are functional. Interestingly, both have a tRNA(Ile) gene in the 16S-23S spacer region, while the reported rrnB operon of loofah witches' broom phytoplasma does not, indicating heterogenous gene organization of rrnB within phytoplasmas. The phytoplasma tRNA gene organization is similar to that of acholeplasmas, a closely related mollicute, and different from that of mycoplasmas, another mollicute. Moreover, the organization suggests that the rrn operons were derived from that of a related nonmollicute bacterium, Bacillus subtilis. This data should shed light on the evolutionary relationships and phylogeny of the mollicutes.  相似文献   

Two major classes of retrotransposons have invaded eukaryotic genomes: the LTR retrotransposons closely resembling the proviral integrated form of infectious retroviruses, and the non-LTR retrotransposons including the widespread, autonomous LINE elements. Here, we review the modeling effects of the latter class of elements, which are the most active in humans, and whose enzymatic machinery is subverted to generate a large series of "secondary" retroelements. These include the processed pseudogenes, naturally present in all eukaryotic genomes possessing non-LTR retroelements, and the very successful SINE elements such as the human Alu sequences which have evolved refined parasitic strategies to efficiently bypass the original "protectionist" cis-preference of LINEs for their own retrotransposition.  相似文献   

Nucleotide substitution, insertion and deletion (indel) events are the major driving forces that have shaped genomes. Using the recently identified human ribosomal protein (RP) pseudogene sequences, we have thoroughly studied DNA mutation patterns in the human genome. We analyzed a total of 1726 processed RP pseudogene sequences, comprising more than 700 000 bases. To be sure to differentiate the sequence changes occurring in the functional genes during evolution from those occurring in pseudogenes after they were fixed in the genome, we used only pseudogene sequences originating from parts of RP genes that are identical in human and mouse. Overall, we found that nucleotide transitions are more common than transversions, by roughly a factor of two. Moreover, the substitution rates amongst the 12 possible nucleotide pairs are not homogeneous as they are affected by the type of immediately neighboring nucleotides and the overall local G+C content. Finally, our dataset is large enough that it has many indels, thus allowing for the first time statistically robust analysis of these events. Overall, we found that deletions are about three times more common than insertions (3740 versus 1291). The frequencies of both these events follow characteristic power–law behavior associated with the size of the indel. However, unexpectedly, the frequency of 3 bp deletions (in contrast to 3 bp insertions) violates this trend, being considerably higher than that of 2 bp deletions. The possible biological implications of such a 3 bp bias are discussed.  相似文献   

Many copies of nuclear counterparts of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were found in nuclear DNA from sperm heads of the domestic dog, Canis familiaris, by DNA-DNA hybridization and DNA sequencing. Nuclear counterparts homologous to the mtDNA D-loop region were cloned into lambda phage vectors (EMBL4 and lambda gt11), and nucleotide sequences of seven different mtDNA pseudogenes were then determined. The seven pseudogenes were E3 (474 bp; 82% homology with canine mtDNA), E13 (1867 bp; 67%), 8B (2375 bp; 78%), 12A (2650 bp; 79%), 33 (4131 bp; 86%), 47 (4251 bp; 86%), and E17 (5721 bp; 71%). These seven mtDNA pseudogenes corresponded to portions of cytoplasmic mtDNA containing the genes ile, ND1, leu, 16S rRNA, val, 12S rRNA, phe, D-loop, pro, thr, cytb, and glu. A neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree constructed from 12S rRNA sequences in mtDNA pseudogenes 8B, 33, 47, and E17 and in 10 mtDNA fragments from other species showed that these four pseudogenes form a monophyletic clade with canine mtDNA. A neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree based on the 318-bp cytb region showed that the canine pseudogenes existed before the divergence of 17 related canids, and their divergence dates were calculated at around 4.4 to 8.6 million years ago.  相似文献   

Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 is the first of 22 different Shewanella spp. whose genomes have been or are being sequenced and thus serves as the model organism for studying the functional repertoire of the Shewanella genus. The original MR-1 genome annotation revealed a large number of transposase genes and pseudogenes, indicating that many of the genome's functions may be decaying. Comparative analyses of the sequenced Shewanella strains suggest that 209 genes in MR-1 have in-frame stop codons, frameshifts, or interruptions and/or are truncated and that 65 of the original pseudogene predictions were erroneous. Among the decaying functions are that of one of three chemotaxis clusters, type I pilus production, starch utilization, and nitrite respiration. Many of the mutations could be attributed to members of 41 different types of insertion sequence (IS) elements and three types of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements identified here for the first time. The high copy numbers of individual mobile elements (up to 71) are expected to promote large-scale genome recombination events, as evidenced by the displacement of the algA promoter. The ability of MR-1 to acquire foreign genes via reactions catalyzed by both the integron integrase and the ISSod25-encoded integrases is suggested by the presence of attC sites and genes whose sequences are characteristic of other species downstream of each site. This large number of mobile elements and multiple potential sites for integrase-mediated acquisition of foreign DNA indicate that the MR-1 genome is exceptionally dynamic, with many functions and regulatory control points in the process of decay or reinvention.  相似文献   

Expression of an uncoupling protein gene homolog in chickens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An avian uncoupling protein (UCP) gene homolog was recently sequenced from skeletal muscle and was proposed to have a role in thermogenesis in chickens, ducks and hummingbirds. Since mammalian UCP 2 and UCP 3 also appear to have functions associated with energy and substrate partitioning and body weight regulation, the purpose of this study was to further characterize chicken UCP under conditions of nutritional stress and/or leptin administration. Male 3-week-old chickens were starved for 24 or 48 h and then half of each group was refed for an additional 24 h. In a follow-up experiment, chickens were fed or starved for 48 h with or without leptin administration. Feed deprivation increased UCP mRNA expression in skeletal muscle by up to 260% (P<0.001), and in a time-dependent manner in pectoralis muscle. Refeeding for 24 h normalized muscle UCP mRNA levels. Leptin administration had no effect on muscle UCP. Chicken muscle UCP mRNA levels were highly correlated with plasma triglyceride and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations, and with circulating levels of insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-II. These results suggest that, as in mammals, avian UCP is up-regulated during feed deprivation and is highly correlated with increased fatty acid oxidation and flux into skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins are notorious toxic secondary metabolites known for their impacts on human and animal health, and their effects on the marketability of key grain and nut crops. Understanding aflatoxin biosynthesis is the focus of a large and diverse research community. Concerted efforts by this community have led not only to a well-characterized biosynthetic pathway, but also to the discovery of novel regulatory mechanisms. Common to secondary metabolism is the clustering of biosynthetic genes and their regulation by pathway specific as well as global regulators. Recent data show that arrangement of secondary metabolite genes in clusters may allow for an important global regulation of secondary metabolism based on physical location along the chromosome. Available genomic and proteomic tools are now allowing us to examine aflatoxin biosynthesis more broadly and to put its regulation in context with fungal development and fungal ecology. This review covers our current understanding of the biosynthesis and regulation of aflatoxin and highlights new and emerging information garnered from structural and functional genomics. The focus of this review will be on studies in Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, the two agronomically important species that produce aflatoxin. Also covered will be the important contributions gained by studies on production of the aflatoxin precursor sterigmatocystin in Aspergillus nidulans.  相似文献   

The distribution of folates in plant cells suggests a complex traffic of the vitamin between the organelles and the cytosol. The Arabidopsis thaliana protein AtFOLT1 encoded by the At5g66380 gene is the closest homolog of the mitochondrial folate transporters (MFTs) characterized in mammalian cells. AtFOLT1 belongs to the mitochondrial carrier family, but GFP-tagging experiments and Western blot analyses indicated that it is targeted to the envelope of chloroplasts. By using the glycine auxotroph Chinese hamster ovary glyB cell line, which lacks a functional MFT and is deficient in folates transport into mitochondria, we showed by complementation that AtFOLT1 functions as a folate transporter in a hamster background. Indeed, stable transfectants bearing the AtFOLT1 cDNA have enhanced levels of folates in mitochondria and can support growth in glycine-free medium. Also, the expression of AtFOLT1 in Escherichia coli allows bacterial cells to uptake exogenous folate. Disruption of the AtFOLT1 gene in Arabidopsis does not lead to phenotypic alterations in folate-sufficient or folate-deficient plants. Also, the atfolt1 null mutant contains wild-type levels of folates in chloroplasts and preserves the enzymatic capacity to catalyze folate-dependent reactions in this subcellular compartment. These findings suggest strongly that, despite many common features shared by chloroplasts and mitochondria from mammals regarding folate metabolism, the folate import mechanisms in these organelles are not equivalent: folate uptake by mammalian mitochondria is mediated by a unique transporter, whereas there are alternative routes for folate import into chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Phytoplasmas are cell wall-less prokaryotes living as obligate parasites and pathogens of plants and insects, making them attractive subjects for studies to gain a greater understanding of transkingdom parasitism and pathogenicity. During a study of two phytoplasma genomes, we obtained evidence for previously unreported clustering of genes, pseudogenes, mobile genetic elements, intergenic repeat units, and repetitive extragenic palindromes that occur in multiple, homologous clusters in some phytoplasma genomes. The clusters represent previously unrecognized mosaics, possibly assembled through multiple events of targeted mobile element attack, duplication, recombination, and rearrangement. Multiple clusters could conceivably afford potential for genome reduction through homologous recombination. Differences in the sizes and multiplicity of such clusters possibly account for some of the previously reported but unexplained variations in genome size among closely related phytoplasma strains.  相似文献   

The plant tryptophan (Trp) biosynthetic pathway produces many secondary metabolites with diverse functions.Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA),proposed as a derivative from Trp or its precursors,plays an essential role in plant growth and development.Although the Trp-dependant and Trp-independent IAA biosynthetic pathways have been proposed,the enzymes,reactions and regulatory mechanisms are largely unknown.In Arabidopsis,indole-3-glycerol phosphate (IGP) is suggested to serve as a branchpoint component in the Trp-independent IAA biosynthesis.To address whether other enzymes in addition to Trp synthase α(TSA1) catalyze IGP cleavage,we identified and characterized an indole synthase (INS) gene,a homolog of TSA1 in Arabidopsis.INS exhibits different subcellular localization from TSA1 owing to the lack of chloroplast transit peptide (cTP).In silico data show that the expression levels of INS and TSA1 in all examined organs are quite different.Histochemical staining of INS promoter-GUS transgenic lines indicates that INS is expressed in vascular tissue of cotyledons,hypocotyls,roots and rosette leaves as well as in flowers and siliques.INS is capable of complementing the Trp auxotrophy of Escherichia coil △trpA strain,which is defective in Trp synthesis due to the deletion of TSA.This implies that INS catalyzes the conversion of IGP to indole and may be involved in the biosynthesis of Trp-independent IAA or other secondary metabolites in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

FXR1, an autosomal homolog of the fragile X mental retardation gene.   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Fragile X mental retardation syndrome, the most common cause of hereditary mental retardation, is directly associated with the FMR1 gene at Xq27.3. FMR1 encodes an RNA binding protein and the syndrome results from lack of expression of FMR1 or expression of a mutant protein that is impaired in RNA binding. We found a novel gene, FXR1, that is highly homologous to FMR1 and located on chromosome 12 at 12q13. FXR1 encodes a protein which, like FMR1, contains two KH domains and is highly conserved in vertebrates. The 3' untranslated regions (3'UTRs) of the human and Xenopus laevis FXR1 mRNAs are strikingly conserved (approximately 90% identity), suggesting conservation of an important function. The KH domains of FXR1 and FMR1 are almost identical, and the two proteins have similar RNA binding properties in vitro. However, FXR1 and FMR1 have very different carboxy-termini. FXR1 and FMR1 are expressed in many tissues, and both proteins, which are cytoplasmic, can be expressed in the same cells. Interestingly, cells from a fragile X patient that do not have any detectable FMR1 express normal levels of FXR1. These findings demonstrate that FMR1 and FXR1 are members of a gene family and suggest a biological role for FXR1 that is related to that of FMR1.  相似文献   

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