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A major challenge in habitat restoration is targeting the key aspects of a species' niche for enhancement, particularly for species that use a diverse set of habitat features. However, restoration that focuses on limited aspects of a species' niche may neglect other resources that are critical to population persistence. We evaluated the ability of native plant hedgerows, planted to increase pollen and nectar resources for wild bees in agricultural landscapes, to provide suitable nesting habitat and enhance nesting rates of ground‐nesting bees. We found that, when compared to unmanaged field edges (controls), hedgerows did not augment most indicators of nest habitat quality (bare ground, soil surface irregularity, and soil hardness), although coarser soils were associated with higher incidence and richness of nesting bees. Hedgerows did not augment nesting rates when compared to control edges. Although all the bee species we detected nesting were also found foraging on floral resources, the foraging versus nesting assemblages found within a site were highly dissimilar. These results may reflect sampling error; or, species found foraging but not nesting in hedgerows could be utilizing hedgerows as “partial habitats,” nesting outside hedgerow plantings but foraging on the floral resources they provide. We conclude that although hedgerows are known to provide critical floral resources to wild bees especially in resource‐poor intensive agricultural landscapes, simply increasing vegetative diversity and structure may not be simultaneously enhancing nesting habitat for ground‐nesting bees.  相似文献   

Modeling pollination ecosystem services requires a spatially explicit, process‐based approach because they depend on both the behavioral responses of pollinators to the amount and spatial arrangement of habitat and on the within‐ and between‐season dynamics of pollinator populations in response to land use. We describe a novel pollinator model predicting flower visitation rates by wild central‐place foragers (e.g., nesting bees) in spatially explicit landscapes. The model goes beyond existing approaches by: (1) integrating preferential use of more rewarding floral and nesting resources; (2) considering population growth over time; (3) allowing different dispersal distances for workers and reproductives; (4) providing visitation rates for use in crop pollination models. We use the model to estimate the effect of establishing grassy field margins offering nesting resources and a low quantity of flower resources, and/or late‐flowering flower strips offering no nesting resources but abundant flowers, on bumble bee populations and visitation rates to flowers in landscapes that differ in amounts of linear seminatural habitats and early mass‐flowering crops. Flower strips were three times more effective in increasing pollinator populations and visitation rates than field margins, and this effect increased over time. Late‐blooming flower strips increased early‐season visitation rates, but decreased visitation rates in other late‐season flowers. Increases in population size over time in response to flower strips and amounts of linear seminatural habitats reduced this apparent competition for pollinators. Our spatially explicit, process‐based model generates emergent patterns reflecting empirical observations, such that adding flower resources may have contrasting short‐ and long‐term effects due to apparent competition for pollinators and pollinator population size increase. It allows exploring these effects and comparing effect sizes in ways not possible with other existing models. Future applications include species comparisons, analysis of the sensitivity of predictions to life‐history traits, as well as large‐scale management intervention and policy assessment.  相似文献   

Capsule Hedgerows and margins managed under agri‐environment schemes appear to attract greater numbers of some farmland bird species.

Aims To examine fine‐scale habitat associations of farmland birds to determine whether Entry Level Stewardship, the wider countryside agri‐environment scheme for England, provides a mechanism for affecting population changes.

Methods Ninety‐seven 1‐km squares in East Anglia were surveyed to create two‐dimensional habitat maps showing the location of all habitat patches and associated stewardship management. Modified territory‐mapping techniques were used to produce relative estimates of bird numbers within each discrete habitat patch within each square. The effect of Entry Level Stewardship on species density was then analysed using glms.

Results Boundaries managed under Entry Level Stewardship appeared to attract higher densities of Blue Tits, Dunnocks, Common Whitethroats and Yellowhammers. Margins managed under the scheme also had higher densities of Yellowhammers.

Conclusions Existing boundary habitat management under Entry Level Stewardship may provide a mechanism for increasing the populations of some farmland bird species. Boundary management options should continue to be promoted, although rebalancing the scheme more towards in‐field options is likely to be more widely beneficial.  相似文献   

Niche differentiation is a key concept in the field of ecology and refers to the process by which competing species within an ecological community partition utilization of environmental resources to achieve coexistence. The existence of niche differentiation is uniquely difficult to prove on account of the fact that historical interaction among species, which plays a key role in elucidating the current state of coexistence among species, is not well known. We created continuous niche gradients in nest‐site resources between two sympatric secondary cavity‐nesting birds, the green‐backed tit (Parus monticolus) and the russet sparrow (Passer cinnamomeus), and investigated whether nesting site is a factor contributing to limiting breeding overlap by regular inspection and 388,160 min of film recording. Our results indicate that although we manipulated nest site availability to be uniformly high along the habitat gradient, the two bird species have little overlap in nest sites and rarely compete for them. Furthermore, the green‐backed tit possessed a wide range of fundamental niche that covered that of the russet sparrow, while their reproductive time was largely segregated. The sparrow was more aggressive and outcompeted the tit in their overlapped range. These results suggest that even though nesting sites are crucial to the reproduction of cavity‐nesting birds, some other factor plays a more important role in limiting niche overlap between sparrows and tits in space and time. Given that these two cavity‐nesting birds continued to use different habitats and breed in segregated time after our manipulation, their relationship is better explained by the ghost of competition past theory.  相似文献   

As sea levels rise, birds nesting in coastal marshes will be particularly vulnerable to increased tidal inundation. Understanding how marsh birds select their nesting habitat along the elevational gradient of these marshes will provide insight into how these species might be affected by rising sea levels. Clapper Rails (Rallus crepitans) are coastal marsh‐nesting birds whose nests are vulnerable to flooding, but it is not clear if they select for habitat along the elevational gradient or only use other habitat cues. Our objective was to determine if Clapper Rails select higher‐elevation nest sites, while also controlling for selection of other habitat variables at both landscape and territory levels, by comparing nest habitat to habitat in other areas of territories and at random points in the marsh landscape. At the landscape level, Clapper Rails did not exhibit selection for the elevational gradient, with nests and random points at similar elevations. At the territory level, however, nest‐site selection was most influenced by elevation and plant height, with Clapper Rails selecting nest sites with higher elevations and in areas with taller plants. However, the strength of the elevation effect was uncertain, suggesting the importance of precise elevation measurements in the field. Given this selection for higher‐elevation nest sites, Clapper Rails may be somewhat resilient to increased tidal inundation. However, the potential for increased intra‐ and interspecific competition for high‐elevation marshes should make conservation of these habitats a priority.  相似文献   

Evaluating habitat suitability is often complex, as habitat effects may be scale‐dependent, critical resources may be spatially segregated, and resource availability may also depend on intra‐ and inter‐specific interactions. Using analyses that spanned multiple years and spatial scales, we investigated habitat requirements of a territorial generalist, the common raven Corvus corax, in a relatively pristine woodland, Bia?owie?a Forest (E Poland). We compiled data from multiple raven surveys conducted between 1985 and 2001. Ravens were regularly distributed over the entire study area but declined in density over 50% within the 16 yr interval. In the same period game and forest management significantly reduced ungulate densities and likely diminished the habitat quality with regard to food supply, especially carrion. To better understand habitat requirements of ravens we studied breeding performance in relation to three different habitat types across multiple scales: open areas, coniferous‐dominated forest, and deciduous‐dominated forest. We found a prominent dissimilarity between raven nesting and foraging habitats highlighting the importance of resource complementation for ravens. On a fine scale, large old pines were exclusively selected as nesting trees and nesting areas were generally coniferous‐dominated. However, at increasingly broader scales, coniferous habitats were negatively associated with raven reproductive success as those habitats likely provide a lower food supply. Only where the coniferous nesting areas at smaller scales were complemented with high percentages of deciduous forests and open areas at broader scales did the breeding performance increase. In addition to habitat composition, intra‐specific interactions were important determinants of reproductive performance and very successful neighbors decreased reproductive performance of a focal pair. Most of previous studies have investigated resource complementation in terms of habitat edges or proximity of complementing resource patches. Our study demonstrates that the concept of landscape complementation also applies to gradients in landscape composition and emphasizes the importance of scales and intraspecific interactions in habitat analyses.  相似文献   

Understanding resource selection by animals is important when considering habitat suitability at proposed release sites within threatened species recovery programmes. Multi-scale investigatory approaches are increasingly encouraged, as the patchy distribution of suitable habitats in fragmented landscapes often determines species presence and survival. Habitat models applied to a threatened New Zealand forest passerine, the South Island saddleback (Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus), reintroduced to Ulva Island (Stewart Island) found that at landscape scale breeding pairs? preferences for sites near the coast were driven by micro-scale vegetation structure. We tested these results by examining models of breeding site selection by a reintroduced saddleback population on Motuara Island (Marlborough Sounds) at two scales: (1) micro-scale, for habitat characteristics that may drive breeding site selection, and (2) landscape scale, for variations in micro-scale habitat characteristics that may influence site colonisation in breeding pairs. Results indicated that birds on Motuara Island responded similarly to those on Ulva Island, i.e. birds primarily settled at the margins of coastal scrub and forest and later cohorts moved into larger stands of coastal forest where they established breeding territories. Plant species composition was also important in providing breeding saddleback pairs with adequate food supply and nesting support. However, Motuara Island birds differed in their partitioning of habitat use: preferred habitats were used for nesting while birds were foraging outside territorial boundaries or in shared sites. These differences may be explained because Motuara has a more homogeneous distribution of microscale habitats throughout the landscape and a highly bird-populated environment. These results show that resource distribution and abundance across the landscape needs to be accounted for in the modelling of density?bird?habitat relationships. In the search for future release sites, food (invertebrates and fruiting tree species) should be abundant close to available nesting sites, or evenly spread and available throughout the landscape.  相似文献   

Many studies have dealt with the habitat requirements of cavity‐nesting birds, but there is no meta‐analysis on the subject and individual study results remain vague or contradictory. We conducted a meta‐analysis to increase the available evidence for nest‐site selection of cavity‐nesting birds. Literature was searched in Web of Science and Google Scholar and included studies that provide data on the habitat requirements of cavity‐nesting birds in temperate and boreal forests of varying naturalness. To compare nest and non‐nest‐tree characteristics, the following data were collected from the literature: diameter at breast height (DBH) and its standard deviation (SD), sample size of trees with and without active nest, amount of nest and available trees described as dead or with a broken crown, and amount of nest and available trees that were lacking these characteristics. Further collected data included bird species nesting in the cavities and nest‐building type (nonexcavator/excavator), forest type (coniferous/deciduous/mixed), biome (temperate/boreal), and naturalness (managed/natural). From these data, three effect sizes were calculated that describe potential nest trees in terms of DBH, vital status (dead/alive), and crown status (broken/intact). These tree characteristics can be easily recognized by foresters. The results show that on average large‐diameter trees, dead trees, and trees with broken crowns were selected for nesting. The magnitude of this effect varied depending primarily on bird species and the explanatory variables forest type and naturalness. Biome had lowest influence (indicated by ΔAIC). We conclude that diameter at breast height, vitality, and crown status can be used as tree characteristics for the selection of trees that should be retained in selectively harvested forests.  相似文献   

Ground‐nesting farmland birds such as the grey partridge (Perdix perdix) have been rapidly declining due to a combination of habitat loss, food shortage, and predation. Predator activity is the least understood factor, especially its modulation by landscape composition and complexity. An important question is whether agri‐environment schemes such as flower strips are potentially useful for reducing predation risk, for example, from red fox (Vulpes vulpes). We employed 120 camera traps for two summers in an agricultural landscape in Central Germany to record predator activity (i.e., the number of predator captures) as a proxy for predation risk and used generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) to investigate how the surrounding landscape affects predator activity in different vegetation types (flower strips, hedges, field margins, winter cereal, and rapeseed fields). Additionally, we used 48 cameras to study the distribution of predator captures within flower strips. Vegetation type was the most important factor determining the number of predator captures and capture rates in flower strips were lower than in hedges or field margins. Red fox capture rates were the highest of all predators in every vegetation type, confirming their importance as a predator for ground‐nesting birds. The number of fox captures increased with woodland area and decreased with structural richness and distance to settlements. In flower strips, capture rates in the center were approximately 9 times lower than at the edge. We conclude that the optimal landscape for ground‐nesting farmland birds seems to be open farmland with broad extensive vegetation elements and a high structural richness. Broad flower blocks provide valuable, comparatively safe nesting habitats, and the predation risk can further be minimized by placing them away from woods and settlements. Our results suggest that adequate landscape management may reduce predation pressure.  相似文献   

Overwintering polyphagous predator density and composition was compared within a mid‐field overwintering refuge (“beetle bank”) and two conventional hedgebanks over a 5‐year period. During the study predator densities in the beetle bank were similar to or greater than those in the conventional hedgebanks. Whilst predator densities remained relatively stable in both of the hedgebanks over time, densities fluctuated significantly within the beetle bank. Many of the species recorded on the beetle bank are considered to be important predators of cereal aphids. The results are discussed in terms of the implications of creating such a habitat for the biological control of cereal aphids.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat loss and fragmentation affect populations worldwide. For example, many bird populations of boreal forests have declined due to intensive forestry. To target conservation actions for such species, determining the key factors that affect their habitat selection is essential. Remote sensing methods provide highly potential means to measure habitat variables over large areas. We aim at identifying the key‐features of habitats by utilizing remote sensing data. As a case example, we study the nest site selection of a primary hole‐nesting passerine, the willow tit Poecile montanus, in a managed forest landscape. Using presence–absence data, we determine the most important habitat characteristics of the nest sites for three spatial scales by generalized linear mixed effect models. Our results highlight the importance of the availability of nesting sites – standing decaying deciduous trees – in the nest site selection of P. montanus. It seems to prefer moist habitats with high densities of deciduous trees and to avoid open areas, but does not require mature or intact habitats. Most of the nest site selection seems to occur within small scales. In this case, remote sensing data alone was insufficient for producing reliable models, but adding information of an ecologically important feature from direct field surveys greatly improved model performances. For the conservation and maintenance of dead wood dependent species, changes in forestry practices are necessary to keep the key characteristics of the habitat. Most importantly, continuous availability of standing decaying wood should be secured.  相似文献   

Bees require distinct foraging and nesting resources to occur in close proximity. However, spatial and temporal patterns in the availability and quantity of these resources can be affected by disturbances like wildfire. The potential for spatial or temporal separation of foraging and nesting resources is of particular concern for solitary wood‐cavity‐nesting bees as they are central‐place, short‐distance foragers once they have established their nest. Often the importance of nesting resources for bees have been tested by sampling foraging bees as a proxy, and nesting bees have rarely been studied in a community context, particularly postdisturbance. We tested how wood‐cavity‐nesting bee species richness, nesting success, and nesting and floral resources varied across gradients of wildfire severity and time‐since‐burn. We sampled nesting bees via nesting boxes within four wildfires in southwest Montana, USA, using a space‐for‐time substitution chronosequence approach spanning 3–25 years postburn and including an unburned control. We found that bee nesting success and species richness declined with increasing time postburn, with a complete lack of successful bee nesting in unburned areas. Nesting and floral resources were highly variable across both burn severity and time‐since‐burn, yet generally did not have strong effects on nesting success. Our results together suggest that burned areas may provide important habitat for wood‐cavity‐nesting bees in this system. Given ongoing fire regime shifts as well as other threats facing wild bee communities, this work helps provide essential information necessary for the management and conservation of wood‐cavity‐nesting bees.  相似文献   

Capsule During winter songbirds were far more abundant in game cover crops than conventional agricultural habitats.

Aims To quantify game crop use during winter by farmland songbirds when compared with conventional farmland at a regional scale.

Methods Songbirds were counted on 20 farms in eastern Scotland. The number of songbirds using game crops was compared with a sample of nearby conventional crops – with particular emphasis on set-aside and cereal stubbles.

Results Game crops supported up to 100 times as many birds per hectare, of significantly more species, than the other two habitat categories. Many of these species were those currently causing concern because of their declining populations.

Conclusion Game crops could provide opportunities for increasing food resources to songbirds whose populations may be limited by food availability and possibly arrest population declines. At present, the only measures likely to facilitate this are the government's various agri-environment schemes.  相似文献   

Increasing goose population sizes gives rise to conflicts with human socioeconomic interests and in some circumstances conservation interests. Grazing by high abundances of geese in grasslands is postulated to lead to a very short and homogeneous sward height negatively affecting cover for breeding meadow birds and impacting survival of nests and chicks. We studied the effects of spring grazing barnacle geese Branta leucopsis and brent geese Branta bernicla on occupancy of extensively farmed freshwater grasslands by nesting and brood‐rearing waders on the island Mandø in the Danish Wadden Sea. We hypothesized that goose grazing would lead to a shorter grass sward, negatively affecting the field occupancy by territorial/nesting and chick‐rearing waders, particularly species preferring taller vegetation. Goose grazing led to a short grass sward (<5 cm height) over most of the island. To achieve a variation in sward height, we kept geese off certain fields using laser light. We analyzed effects of field size, sward height, mosaic structure of the vegetation, proximity to shrub as cover for potential predators, and elevation above ground water level as a measure of wetness on field occupancy by nesting and chick‐rearing waders. The analysis indicated that the most important factor explaining field occupancy by nesting redshank Tringa totanus, black‐tailed godwit Limosa limosa, oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus and lapwing Vanellus vanellus as well as by chick‐rearing black‐tailed godwit and lapwing was short vegetation height. Distance to shrub cover and elevation were less important. Hence, despite very intensive goose grazing, we could not detect any negative effect on the field occupancy by nesting nor chick‐rearing waders, including redshank and black‐tailed godwit, which are known to favor longer vegetation to conceal their nests and hide their chicks. Possible negative effects may be buffered by mosaic structures in fields and proximity to taller vegetation along fences and ditches.  相似文献   

Over the last six decades, populations of wader species like the Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) have sharply decreased in the Netherlands. Agricultural intensification has led to reduced habitat quality for meadow birds. As a consequence, reproductive success has declined. One of the main drivers of this decline in reproductive success is reduced food availability for meadow bird chicks. Agri-environment schemes (AES), designed to halt this decline, have so far been insufficient. Most of these AES focus on entire fields, but recent research suggests that differences in suitability exist within fields. Grass field margins may be more suitable for meadow bird chicks than the center of intensively managed grass lands. To improve existing meadow bird AES it could be beneficial to implement additional management in field margins of intensively managed grass fields. An already existing type of field margin AES with additional management is the botanical field margin. Here, we evaluate four different types of field margin management, including botanical field margins, focusing on aerial insects (an important part of the diet of Black-tailed Godwit chicks and Redshank chicks) in field centers and margins. Grass field margins contained more large aerial insects than field centers and, more importantly, additional management of the grass field margin increased the number of aerial insects in the margin. We conclude that combining meadow bird AES and botanical field margin management may enhance meadow bird food availability and improve the efficacy of AES.  相似文献   

Native pollinators are increasingly needed on conventional farms yet rarely fostered via management. One solution is habitat restoration in marginal areas, but colonization may be constrained if resident pollinator richness is low or if restored areas fail to provide sufficient floral or nesting resources. We quantified restoration outcomes for native bees, and associated resources, on three conventional farms with forb‐grass prairie plantings on marginal areas of varying sizes, in a heavily farmed region of central North America. We tested bee abundance and richness in restored prairie versus the dominant habitats of the region—crops, forest remnants, and edges of fields and roads. Restored prairie supported 2× more species (95 of 119 total species) and 3× more bees (72% of captured individuals) compared to the other cover types. All richness and abundance differences among habitat types were associated with higher floral resources in restored prairie. Thirty percent of the bee species were unique to prairie, consistent with long‐distance dispersal but begging the question of origin given the absence of prairie regionally. Our results suggest that road and field edges may be the source, as these areas had more floral and nesting resources than forest or crop fields combined and supported 55% of all species despite covering only approximately 5% of the sampled farms. Habitat scarcity is not the only constraint on native bees in agricultural landscapes, with increasing concern over disease and chemicals. However, we observed that restored areas on marginal lands of conventional farms can support abundant and species‐rich populations of native bees.  相似文献   

Individuals that settle in poor habitats may reduce resource investments in various life history traits; for example, resources may be withheld from costly advertisement signals. There may be geographic variation in advertisement levels that correspond with habitat quality; however, this is poorly documented and it is unclear whether such habitat effects have consequences for the function of mate‐choice signals within habitats. We examined song output of male black‐capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) during the dawn chorus in two contrasting habitats (mature forest vs. young forest) known to differ in quality. Dominance rank is indicative of phenotypic quality in this species and was assessed during the preceding winter. We measured the song output of males participating in the dawn chorus during the nesting/egg laying period. Males living in young forest had reduced song output; however, a habitat–rank interaction term showed that dominant birds accounted for most of this difference. This suggests that signal reliability might be lost in poor habitats. We generate several hypotheses to explain these findings.  相似文献   

Forest edges and habitat selection in birds: a functional approach   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Duncan McCollin 《Ecography》1998,21(3):247-260
Edge effects encompass a complex panoply of biotic and biotic phenomena across woodlan borders. I identify four main explanations which have been proposed to explain avian habital selection with respect to forest edges: 1) individualistic resource and patch use. 2) biotic interactions: 3) microclimate modification 4) changes in vegetation structure. In relates nest site location in woodlands relative to the edge to the proximity of food resources. It is shown that all other things being equal birds which are wholly dependent on resources found within woodlands will tend to avid forest edges. Woodland species dependent upon resources found in adjacent habitats will tend to be found near to edges to enable their exploitation. 2) identifies competition predation and brood parasitism as factor which have the potential to influence bird habitat selection near edges. 3) identifies microclimate modification as a potential influence which may are directly on nesting success or indirectly through its effects on food supply: 4) relates the activities of birds such as nesting feeding or Research on edge effects of birds in woodland has provided few practical recommendations to conservation managers. Forest edge management needs to take into account the multiple cause and defects which influence habitat selection at the edge and to target species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Large-scale declines in pollinator species are a concern at present. Such declines have been attributed to a range of factors that act in tandem, rather than in isolation. Some of the most pervasive factors affecting pollinator populations are habitat loss and degradation, which results in the loss of floral resources, nesting sites and landscape connectivity. Intensification of agriculture and urbanisation are two major causes of such habitat alterations. Hedgerows and grasslands are two vital habitats for pollinators in European landscapes. When managed appropriately, these habitats may provide abundant floral resources and nesting opportunities, as well as connectivity between habitats in a fragmented landscape. This study examined the effects that management practices of hedgerows and grasslands may have on bumblebee species, an important group of wild pollinators. Bumblebee abundance was recorded using transect walks in managed and unmanaged sites, including both hedgerows and grasslands. Greater densities of bumblebees were found in unmanaged grasslands in comparison to managed grasslands. Unmanaged hedgerows were also found to have a greater density of bumblebees than managed hedgerows. These results indicate that sites which are less intensively managed provide a more suitable habitat for bumblebees. Therefore, our study underlines the importance of (a) enforcing restrictions on hedge-cutting, and (b) reducing the management intensity of grasslands to provide adequate habitat for pollinators.  相似文献   

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