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The relationship between death of cells of Escherichia coli in artificial sea water and time was established as linear, and statistical tests demonstrated that the most suitable measure of survival was log per cent after 24 hr. Survival of E. coli in water supplemented with cysteine at levels of 0.284 × 10-6 to 284 × 10-6m was increased greatly over that in untreated water. To provide an insight into the mode of action of cysteine, the effect of concentration of various sulfhydryl and disulfide compounds was measured, and the influence of several compounds that lack a functional sulfur group but which are capable of affecting oxidation-reduction potential was determined. Moreover, a number of substances related structurally to cysteine were tested to ascertain their influence on the survival of cells of E. coli in artificial sea water. It appeared that the beneficial effect of cysteine was not due to the sulfhydryl group of the amino acid or to the ability of the compound to influence oxidation-reduction potential. Some sulfhydryl compounds had no favorable effect and, in general, disulfides were more active than the corresponding sulfhydryl compounds. Substances that lack a functional sulfur group but influence oxidation-reduction potential had no significant activity. The beneficial effect of a number of compounds related structurally to cysteine indicates that both an amino and carboxyl group are required for activity. It is suggested that cysteine and other amino acids act to increase survival of cells of E. coli in sea water by a chelation mechanism.  相似文献   

Factors Affecting the Survival of Bacteria in Sea Water   总被引:19,自引:16,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

The survival of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Cms), the causal organism of bacterial ring rot in potato, was studied in water, to assess the risks for dissemination of Cms via surface water and infection of potato crops by irrigation. Cms was able to survive for a maximum period of 7 days in non‐sterile surface water at 10°C, a period during which Cms can be transported over long distances, but will also be strongly diluted. It is concluded that contamination of surface water with Cms can pose a threat on potato production only if aquatic host plants can multiply Cms in high densities. Survival of a fluidal and non‐mucoid strain was also studied in sterile ditch water and simulated ‘drainage water’, in sterile MilliQ water, in tap water, in physiological salt and in artificial xylem fluid. In addition, the influence of temperature and low oxygen conditions on persistence of Cms in some of these diluents was studied. A maximum survival period of 35 days was found for Cms in sterile tap water at 20°C, independent of the strain used. In the other diluents survival periods ranged between 0 and 21 days. Relatively poor survival was found in MilliQ water and artificial xylem fluid. Low temperatures of 4°C do not favour survival as it does in soil. Oxygen depletion affected survival detrimentally. Survival periods determined by agar dilution plating and a direct viable counting method, based on the use of indicators for esterase activity and membrane integrity were similar. Therefore, it was concluded that under the experimental conditions studied, Cms did not form cells in a viable but non‐culturable state.  相似文献   

Abstract When suspensions of Escherichia coli or the marine luminescent bacterium Vibrio harveyi were mixed with Dead Sea water, the number of viable bacteria decreased by 90% in a time varying from less than 1 h to several hours, depending on the bacterial strain tested. Survival was better at low temperatures, and diluting the Dead Sea water permitted prolonged survival of both coliform bacteria and V. harveyi . The death rate of E. coli in Dead Sea water was comparable to that in water from the Great Salt Lake (Utah). The high concentrations of calcium and magnesium in Dead Sea water, rather than the high total salinity, was identified as the main factor responsible for the rapid die-off. Exposure to direct solar irradiation significantly increased the die-off rate of E. coli in Dead Sea water.
Large numbers of coliform bacteria were recovered from the lake at distances of at least 20 m from a sewage discharge site on the western shore of the Dead Sea.  相似文献   

Survival of R+Escherichia coli in sea Water   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The survival of Escherichia coli strains in sea water appears not to be affected by the possession of an R(+) factor. Sea water induces no detectable curing of R(+)E. coli.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌感受态细胞转化能力的影响因素   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
探讨了大肠杆菌菌株、细菌生长状态、转化溶液、抗冻剂及保存时间、质粒长度和纯度对感受态细胞转化能力的影响。结果表明,以100 mmol/L CaCl2为缓冲液,采用经活化培养的A600为0.55的TG1制备的感受态细胞,在冰上放置6h后转化,所得转化率最高,可达2×106-4×107cfu/μg DNA(pUC19)。随着质粒长度增加和纯度降低,转化率有所下降。若感受态细胞要保存备用,以15%甘油为抗冻剂优于7%DMSO,但添加抗冻剂对转化率有抑制作用。贮于甘油的感受态细胞在-70℃冻存两个月后仍有较理想的转化率。  相似文献   

Maximal revival of heat-damaged Escherichia coli occurred in nutrient media containing 0.8 to 1.0% (w/v) of Difco yeast extract. Vitamins did not appear to be involved in the recovery process. The situation with amino acids was less clear-cut, and, although certain of these may be essential for revival, proof for this is as yet inconclusive. Replica plating, in which colonies (from cells which had survived a heating process) on a rich medium were replicated onto minimal agar, revealed that no auxotrophic mutants had been formed as a result of heat treatment. Bacteria which were heated in 1% (w/v) yeast extract were killed more slowly than those heated in water.  相似文献   

The survival of Escherichia coli in organic soils (Histosols) was examined. The death rate of this organism in Pahokee muck was less than that observed in Pompano fine sand. The number of viable E. coli cells found in the muck was approximately threefold greater than that found in the sand following 8 days of incubation. The initial population of the coliform affected the death rate. The rate of loss of viability varied 100-fold when the population size decreased from 2.5 × 107 to 3.4 × 104. Other factors affecting the viability of E. coli in muck were aerobic versus anaerobic growth of the organism and moist versus flooded conditions in the soil. The greatest survival of the coliform was noted with anaerobically grown cells amended to flooded soil. That the observed decrease in E. coli viability in soil was the result of biotic factors was demonstrated with amendment of sterile soil with E. coli. When 1.1 × 105 bacteria per g of soil were added to sterile muck, a population of 3.0 × 107 organisms per g of soil developed over a 10-day period. The role of the protozoa in eradication of the coliform from the muck was indicated by a sixfold increase in the protozoan population in natural soil amended with E. coli. Higher organic matter content in a Histosol compared with a mineral soil resulted in an increased survival of the fecal coliforms. Biotic factors are instrumental in the decline in coliform populations, but the potential for growth of the coliform in the organic soil could extend the survival of the organism.  相似文献   

The development of bacterial communities in drinking water distribution systems leads to a food chain which supports the growth of macroorganisms incompatible with water quality requirements and esthetics. Nevertheless, very few studies have examined the microbial communities in drinking water distribution systems and their trophic relationships. This study was done to quantify the microbial communities (especially bacteria and protozoa) and obtain direct and indirect proof of protozoan feeding on bacteria in two distribution networks, one of GAC water (i.e., water filtered on granular activated carbon) and the other of nanofiltered water. The nanofiltered water-supplied network contained no organisms larger than bacteria, either in the water phase (on average, 5 × 107 bacterial cells liter−1) or in the biofilm (on average, 7 × 106 bacterial cells cm−2). No protozoa were detected in the whole nanofiltered water-supplied network (water plus biofilm). In contrast, the GAC water-supplied network contained bacteria (on average, 3 × 108 cells liter−1 in water and 4 × 107 cells cm−2 in biofilm) and protozoa (on average, 105 cells liter−1 in water and 103 cells cm−2 in biofilm). The water contained mostly flagellates (93%), ciliates (1.8%), thecamoebae (1.6%), and naked amoebae (1.1%). The biofilm had only ciliates (52%) and thecamoebae (48%). Only the ciliates at the solid-liquid interface of the GAC water-supplied network had a measurable grazing activity in laboratory test (estimated at 2 bacteria per ciliate per h). Protozoan ingestion of bacteria was indirectly shown by adding Escherichia coli to the experimental distribution systems. Unexpectedly, E. coli was lost from the GAC water-supplied network more rapidly than from the nanofiltered water-supplied network, perhaps because of the grazing activity of protozoa in GAC water but not in nanofiltered water. Thus, the GAC water-supplied network contained a functional ecosystem with well-established and structured microbial communities, while the nanofiltered water-supplied system did not. The presence of protozoa in drinking water distribution systems must not be neglected because these populations may regulate the autochthonous and allochthonous bacterial populations.  相似文献   

A small endodeoxyribonuclease )2.3 S) that is active on single-stranded DNA has been extensively purified from Escherichia coli so as to be free of other known DNases. It has an alkaline pH optimum (9.5), requires Mg2+, and makes 3'-hydroxy and 5'-phosphate termini. The nuclease nicks duplex DNA, particularly if treated with OsO4, irradiated with ultraviolet light, or exposed to pH 5. The uracil-containing duplex DNA from the Bacillus subtilis phage PBS-2 is an especially good substrate; it is made acid-soluble by levels of the enzyme which fail to produce any acid-soluble material in other single-stranded or duplex DNAs. Neither RNA nor RNA-DNA hybrid are degraded by the enzyme. The enzyme specificity suggests that it might act at abnormal regions in DNA, so that its in vivo function could be to initiate an excision repair sequence. Its high activity on uracil-containing DNA could imply that the enzyme provides an alternative mechanism for excising uracil residues from DNA to the pathway utilizing uracil-DNA N-glycosidase. We suggest that this enzyme be designated as endonuclease V of E. coli.  相似文献   

A number of mutants of Escherichia coli defective in the ung gene (structural gene for uracil-deoxyribonucleic acid [ura-DNA] glycosylase) are shown to be abnormally sensitive to treatment with sodium bisulfite when compared with congenic ung+ strains. These results provide further evidence that sodium bisulfite causes the deamination of cytosine to uracil in DNA and that ura-DNA glycosylase is required for the repair of U-G mispairs. The effect of the chemical is apparently selective with respect to base damage; coliphages containing cytosine in their DNA are inactivated by treatment with sodium bisulfite, whereas those containing hydroxymethylcytosine are not. ura-DNA glycosylase and the major apurinic-apyrimidinic endonuclease of E. coli may function in the same repair pathway, since the extent of inactivation of a congenic set of strains which are ung xth (structural gene for the major apurinic-apyrimidinic endonuclease of E. coli) or ung xth+ is the same.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌JM109感受态形成因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析大肠杆菌JM109感受态形成因素,提高转化效率。方法:采用不同生长状态、不同转化溶液、不同保存时间及热激处理时间的细菌制备感受态,分析转化效率。结果:以20mmol/L MgCl2 80mmol/L CaCl2为处理液,经活化培养OD600为0.82的菌液制备感受态细胞,4℃放置12~24h之内,42℃热激处理60s,转化效率最高,可达9.8×106~1.2×107cfu/μg DNA(pUC19)。随着质粒长度增加,转化效率下降。结论:感受态细胞形成与生长状态关系密切,金属离子、有机溶剂对感受态的形成影响显著。感受态形成过程中,细胞可能发生了一系列的生理变化。  相似文献   

Studies describing the survival of Escherichia coli in foods, more often than not use the O157:H7 serovar as the target organism. Whilst E. coli O157:H7 is undoubtedly the predominant agent of concern for foodborne disease caused by enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), a consequence of this concern is the commonly held view that this one serovar is 'atypical' in its response to stress conditions and therefore better able to survive adverse environments. Many of the studies published do not make comparisons with other E. coli (either commensal organisms or other pathogenic types) or other members of the Enterobacteriaceae, that would justify this view. Nevertheless, there has been a great deal of valuable data and information generated describing the fate of E. coli O157:H7 in a range of foods stored under various conditions. In many respects, the results of these studies are not surprising considering the survivability of other closely related pathogens, such as Shigella spp. This ability to survive in foods for long periods of time confirms the need for reliable control measures where contamination is possible or likely, e.g. proper handling and thorough cooking of beefburgers. The factors that may influence survival in different foods are described, with the intention of providing an insight in this area of food safety. Key considerations for carrying out survival studies are identified, with particular reference to methodologies used.  相似文献   

Survival of Escherichia coli in lake bottom sediment.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The survival of Escherichia coli in bottom sediment (Lake Onalaska, navigation pool no. 7, Mississippi River) was studied by using in situ dialysis culture of sterile (autoclaved) and unsterile sediment samples. Bags made from dialysis tubing were filled with either course sand sediment (28.8% fine) or organic, silty clay sediment (77.2% fine) and placed at the sediment-water interface. Bags representing sterile controls, unsterile uninoculated controls, autoclaved inoculated sediment, and unsterile inoculated sediment were studied during a 5-day period for each sediment type. Daily most-probable-number determinations indicated that E. coli populations in unsterile inoculated sediment fluctuated between 5.3 X 10(2) and 2.2 X 10(3) bacteria per g of silty clay and between 3.0 X 10(3) and 1.4 X 10(4) bacteria per g of sand. Autoclaved silty clay sediment inoculated with 1.0 X 10(6) bacteria per g increased to 2.2 X 10(8) bacteria per g in 3 days. During the same period, autoclaved sand sediment inoculated with 1.2 X 10(5) cells per g increased to 5.4 X 10(7) bacteria per g. By day 5, populations in both cultures had decreased by 1 log. The ability of E. coli to survive for several days in aquatic sediment in situ suggests that fecal coliforms in water may not always indicate recent fecal contamination of that water but rather resuspension of viable sediment-bound bacteria.  相似文献   

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