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生物分类学的新动向--DNA条形编码   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  
肖金花  肖晖  黄大卫 《动物学报》2004,50(5):852-855
过去的一年中 ,DNA条形编码 (DNABarcoding)成为生物分类学中引人注目的新方向。DNA条形编码 ,根据对一个统一的目标基因DNA序列的分析 ,达到物种鉴定的目的 ,它操作的简便性和高效性将以我们无法想象的速度加快物种鉴定和进化历史研究的步伐 ,但国际上对此的争论也不少。本文综述了DNA条形编码的原理、操作过程及最新进展 ,讨论了其可能存在的问题  相似文献   

DNA条形码在膜翅目昆虫中的应用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA条形码的提出,实现了分类学的一次质的飞跃,简便、快捷以及精确的优点使其被广泛应用在物种的分类工作中。膜翅目为昆虫纲的第3大目,其物种具有高度的多样性,种类鉴定工作复杂艰巨。DNA条形码在膜翅目中得到广泛应用。本文针对DNA条形码在膜翅目昆虫的物种分类鉴定、物种发现和隐存种、食物网与生物多样性等方面研究情况予以综述。  相似文献   

The promise of DNA barcoding for taxonomy   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

Recent excitement over the development of an initiative to generate DNA sequences for all named species on the planet has in our opinion generated two major areas of contention as to how this 'DNA barcoding' initiative should proceed. It is critical that these two issues are clarified and resolved, before the use of DNA as a tool for taxonomy and species delimitation can be universalized. The first issue concerns how DNA data are to be used in the context of this initiative; this is the DNA barcode reader problem (or barcoder problem). Currently, many of the published studies under this initiative have used tree building methods and more precisely distance approaches to the construction of the trees that are used to place certain DNA sequences into a taxonomic context. The second problem involves the reaction of the taxonomic community to the directives of the 'DNA barcoding' initiative. This issue is extremely important in that the classical taxonomic approach and the DNA approach will need to be reconciled in order for the 'DNA barcoding' initiative to proceed with any kind of community acceptance. In fact, we feel that DNA barcoding is a misnomer. Our preference is for the title of the London meetings--Barcoding Life. In this paper we discuss these two concerns generated around the DNA barcoding initiative and attempt to present a phylogenetic systematic framework for an improved barcoder as well as a taxonomic framework for interweaving classical taxonomy with the goals of 'DNA barcoding'.  相似文献   

DNA条形码与动植物分类学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA条形码在动植物分类学中的研究最近几年非常火热。这项技术在国外研究的比较多,国内的许多方面的研究还没达到国际水平。我国的动植物种类比较繁多,地区差异也较大,怎样能将这些物种准确,快速的进行分类,是众多动植物学家一直在研究的难题。针对DNA条形码研究的现状和他在动植物学中应用以及它存在的争议来进一步认识DNA条形码。  相似文献   

The perils of DNA barcoding and the need for integrative taxonomy   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

DNA barcoding aims to provide an efficient method for species-level identifications and, as such, will contribute powerfully to taxonomic and biodiversity research. As the number of DNA barcode sequences accumulates, however, these data will also provide a unique 'horizontal' genomics perspective with broad implications. For example, here we compare the goals and methods of DNA barcoding with those of molecular phylogenetics and population genetics, and suggest that DNA barcoding can complement current research in these areas by providing background information that will be helpful in the selection of taxa for further analyses.  相似文献   

Because they house large biodiversity collections and are also research centres with sequencing facilities, natural history museums are well placed to develop DNA barcoding best practices. The main difficulty is generally the vouchering system: it must ensure that all data produced remain attached to the corresponding specimen, from the field to publication in articles and online databases. The Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris is one of the leading laboratories in the Marine Barcode of Life (MarBOL) project, which was used as a pilot programme to include barcode collections for marine molluscs and crustaceans. The system is based on two relational databases. The first one classically records the data (locality and identification) attached to the specimens. In the second one, tissue-clippings, DNA extractions (both preserved in 2D barcode tubes) and PCR data (including primers) are linked to the corresponding specimen. All the steps of the process [sampling event, specimen identification, molecular processing, data submission to Barcode Of Life Database (BOLD) and GenBank] are thus linked together. Furthermore, we have developed several web-based tools to automatically upload data into the system, control the quality of the sequences produced and facilitate the submission to online databases. This work is the result of a joint effort from several teams in the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), but also from a collaborative network of taxonomists and molecular systematists outside the museum, resulting in the vouchering so far of ~41,000 sequences and the production of ~11,000 COI sequences.  相似文献   

In modern taxonomy, DNA barcoding is particularly useful where biometric parameters are difficult to determine or useless owing to the poor quality of samples. These situations are frequent in parasitology. Here, we present an integrated study, based on both DNA barcoding and morphological analysis, on cestodes belonging to the genus Taenia, for which biodiversity is still largely underestimated. In particular, we characterized cestodes from Italian wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris), free‐ranging domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) and hybrids populations. Adult taeniids were collected by post‐mortem examinations of the hosts and morphologically identified as Taenia taeniaeformis. We produced cox1 barcode sequences for all the analysed specimens, and we compared them with reference sequences of individuals belonging to the genus Taenia retrieved from GenBank. In order to evaluate the performance of a DNA barcoding approach to discriminate these parasites, the strength of correlation between species identification based on classical morphology and the molecular divergence of cox1 sequences was measured. Our study provides clear evidence that DNA barcoding is highly efficient to reveal the presence of cryptic lineages within already‐described taeniid species. Indeed, we detected three well‐defined molecular lineages within the whole panel of specimens morphologically identified as T. taeniaeformis. Two of these molecular groups were already identified by other authors and should be ranked at species level. The third molecular group encompasses only samples collected in Italy during this study, and it represents a third candidate species, still morphologically undescribed.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that sexual reproduction promotes disease invasion by increasing the evolutionary potential of the parasite, whereas asexual reproduction tends to enhance establishment success and population growth rate. Gyrodactylid monogeneans are ubiquitous ectoparasites of teleost fish, and the evolutionary success of the specious Gyrodactylus genus is thought to be partly due to their use of various modes of reproduction. Gyrodactylus turnbulli is a natural parasite of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a small, tropical fish used as a model for behavioural, ecological and evolutionary studies. Using experimental infections and a recently developed microsatellite marker, we conclusively show that monogenean parasites reproduce sexually. Conservatively, we estimate that sexual recombination occurs and that between 3.7-10.9% of the parasites in our experimental crosses are hybrid genotypes with ancestors from different laboratory strains of G. turnbulli. We also provide evidence of hybrid vigour and/or inter-strain competition, which appeared to lead to a higher maximum parasite load in mixed infections. Finally, we demonstrate inbreeding avoidance for the first time in platyhelminths which may influence the distribution of parasites within a host and their subsequent exposure to the host's localized immune response. Combined reproductive modes and inbreeding avoidance may explain the extreme evolutionary diversification success of parasites such as Gyrodactylus, where host-parasite coevolution is punctuated by relatively frequent host switching.  相似文献   

Pennellidae is a family of copepod parasites of widely distributed marine fishes. The pennellid species are usually morphologically differentiated by cephalothorax, neck, trunk, and abdomen shape. These characters, however, show high polymorphism and therefore using only this type of data, delimitation at species level of this genus is difficult. In this study, we explored the genetic distances calculated from sequences of a DNA barcoding marker (COI mt) (678 base pairs). We also explored the genetic distances of 25 Peniculus specimens associated within nine marine fish species, four Metapeniculus specimens associated within one marine fish species, and four Trifur specimens associated within one marine fish species. All specimens were collected in Antofagasta Bay, Chile and were calculated from sequences of a DNA barcoding marker (COI mt) (678 base pairs). The genetic distance among the Peniculus specimens was 0.95% from the different host species, the Metapeniculus specimens distance was 0.44% and the Trifur specimens was 2.25%. Genetic difference between Peniculus and Metapeniculus was 17.86% and Peniculus differ from T. tortuosus by 18.16%. We analysed the barcoding gene fragment using Bayesian Inference (BI) for phylogenetic reconstruction using three outgroups. Based on the phylogenetic analysis an ultrametric tree was built and a general mixed Yule-coalescent (bGMYC) model was conducted for species delimitation. Morphometrics analyses were made with Bayesian statistics. Mean and credibility limit (95%) for each parameter was calculated. Results show that based on morphology the individuals collected can be assigned to P. cf. fistula von Nordmann, 1832, Metapeniculus antofagastensis Castro-Romero & Baeza-Kuroki, 1985, and Trifur cf. tortuosus Wilson, 1917. High morphological polymorphism was observed for the lineage of Peniculus associated to several host species of marine fishes. Similar results were obtained for Trifur cf. tortuosus parasites on Chilean marine fishes.  相似文献   

The ectoparasitic monogenean Gyrodactylus derjavini from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was exposed in vitro to macrophages isolated as peritoneal exudate cells or as pronephros cells from the host. Cells colonized the parasite especially in the mannose-rich regions in the cephalic ducts where ciliated structures were abundant. Opsonization with fresh serum, in contrast to heat-inactivated serum, enhanced colonization also on other body parts. The adverse effect of the activated macrophages towards G. derjavini was associated with a heat-labile component released from these cells to the culture medium. Analysis of substances released from the cells showed reactivity for a number of enzymes, complement factor C3, interleukin (Il-1) and reactive oxygen metabolites. Chemotaxis assays with pronephric leucocytes showed chemoattractants in G. derjavini, and the respiratory burst level of macrophages was slightly elevated due to parasite exposure. It is suggested that skin leucocytes contribute to an increased level of complement factors in the trout skin during the host response, whereby a hostile microenvironment for the parasites is created. In addition, the IL-1 production could affect mucous cell secretion and hyperplasia and add to the antiparasitic action of the epithelium. Likewise, reactive oxygen metabolites and various enzymes are likely to be involved in the skin response.  相似文献   

Interactions between monogenean parasites and their fish hosts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parasite factors associated with recognition and selection of the host and the mechanisms in the host responsible for acceptance or rejection of the invading organism were evaluated. Sensory structures in parasites are able to detect differences between different fish species and this ability to discern between fishes may be based on both chemical and mechanical stimuli on the host surface. Complex glycoproteins, proteins, carbohydrates and simple molecules attract parasites or modify their behaviour. Furthermore, attachment of the monogenean parasite to a host is dependent on both mechanical structures and chemical factors in the parasite. These systems comprise anterior pads, posterior haptors, gland secretions, and muscular elements. The parasite needs access to appropriate nutrients which can be absorbed and used for reproduction and in this context signals from the host are needed for an optimal physiological response of the parasite. The innate and adaptive immune systems of the host are important elements in this question. Investigations have indicated that innate host factors (complement, lectins, acute phase reactants, macrophages) can bind to monogeneans and elicit severe damage to the parasites. The targets for these hostile products are not only the monogenean tegument, but may involve the gastrodermis and glands. However, the parasite's ability to avoid and even exploit the wide array of immunological elements of the host may be an important player in the dynamic interactions between host and monogenean determining host specificity. Even fish hosts susceptible to a certain parasite show an ability to mount a protective response at post-infection periods. Elevation of the host's production of adaptive and non-adaptive factors following monogenean infections of a certain duration may explain the acquired response.  相似文献   

DNA barcodes have great potential to assist in species identification, especially when high taxonomical expertise is required. We investigated the utility of the 5′ mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) region to discriminate between 13 European cicada species. These included all nine species currently recognized under the genus Tettigettalna, from which seven are endemic to the southern Iberian Peninsula. These cicadas have species‐specific male calling songs but are morphologically very similar. Mean COI divergence between congeners ranged from 0.4% to 10.6%, but this gene was proven insufficient to determine species limits within genus Tettigettalna because a barcoding gap was absent for several of its species, that is, the highest intraspecific distance exceeded the lowest interspecific distance. The genetic data conflicted with current taxonomic classification for T. argentata and T. mariae. Neighbour‐joining and Bayesian analyses revealed that T. argentata is geographically structured (clades North and South) and might constitute a species complex together with T. aneabi and T. mariae. The latter diverges very little from the southern clade of T. argentata and shares with it its most common haplotype. T. mariae is often in sympatry with T. argentata but it remains unclear whether introgression or incomplete lineage sorting may be responsible for the sharing of haplotypes. T. helianthemi and T. defauti also show high intraspecific variation that might signal hidden cryptic diversity. These taxonomic conflicts must be re‐evaluated with further studies using additional genes and extensive morphological and acoustic analyses.  相似文献   

Plant DNA barcoding: from gene to genome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
DNA barcoding is currently a widely used and effective tool that enables rapid and accurate identification of plant species; however, none of the available loci work across all species. Because single‐locus DNA barcodes lack adequate variations in closely related taxa, recent barcoding studies have placed high emphasis on the use of whole‐chloroplast genome sequences which are now more readily available as a consequence of improving sequencing technologies. While chloroplast genome sequencing can already deliver a reliable barcode for accurate plant identification it is not yet resource‐effective and does not yet offer the speed of analysis provided by single‐locus barcodes to unspecialized laboratory facilities. Here, we review the development of candidate barcodes and discuss the feasibility of using the chloroplast genome as a super‐barcode. We advocate a new approach for DNA barcoding that, for selected groups of taxa, combines the best use of single‐locus barcodes and super‐barcodes for efficient plant identification. Specific barcodes might enhance our ability to distinguish closely related plants at the species and population levels.  相似文献   

Taxonomy is being increasingly informed by genomics. Traditionally, taxonomy has relied extensively on phenotypic traits for the identification and delimitation of species, though with a growing influence from molecular phylogenetics in recent decades. Now, genomics opens up new and more powerful tools for analysing the evolutionary history and relatedness among species, as well as understanding the genetic basis for phenotypic traits and their role in reproductive isolation. New insights gained from genomics will therefore have major effects on taxonomic classifications and species delimitation. How a genomics approach can inform a flawed taxonomy is nicely exemplified by Mason & Taylor ( 2015 ) in this issue of Molecular Ecology. They studied redpolls, which comprise a genus (Acanthis) of fringillid finches with a wide distribution in the Holarctic region, and whose species taxonomy has been a matter of much controversy for decades (Fig.  1 ). Current authoritative checklists classify them into one, two or three species, and five or six subspecies, based largely on geographical differences in phenotypic traits. Previous studies, including a recent one of the subspecies on Iceland (Amouret et al. 2015 ), have found no evidence of differentiation between these taxa in conventional molecular markers. The lack of genetic structure has been interpreted as incomplete lineage sorting among rapidly evolving lineages. Now Mason & Taylor ( 2015 ), using a large data set of genomewide SNPs, verify that they all belong to a single gene pool with a common evolutionary history, and with little or no geographical structuring. They also show that phenotypic traits used in taxonomic classifications (plumage and bill morphology) are closely associated with polygenic patterns of gene expression, presumably driven by ecological selection on a few regulatory genes. Several lessons can be learned from this study. Perhaps the most important one for taxonomy is the risk of taxonomic inflation resulting from overemphasizing phenotypic traits under local adaptation and ignoring a lack of phylogenetic signal in molecular markers.  相似文献   

In the present work we examined the efficacy of three different chemical solutions (EtOH 70%, DMSO-NaCl solution, and Longmire buffer) in field preservation of fish gills to be subsequently screened for monogenean specimens destined to morphological and molecular analyses. Degree of difficulty in collecting monogeneans from gills, morphological state of parasites, integrity of their DNA and reliability of sequence reading were observed and qualitatively compared to those of gills and parasites stored in 5% formalin and 99% ethanol. Data were collected over a period of 2 months. Storage in Longmire buffer resulted in dissociation of gills and parasites, while both DMSO and 70% ethanol provided a fine physical and molecular preservation of gills and monogeneans, allowing rapid collection of parasites from lamellae, and easy extraction, amplification and sequencing of parasitic DNA.  相似文献   

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