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We investigated the effect of uniform (UST) and non-uniform (NUST) skin temperature on thermal exchanges during a 3-h water immersion in five male subjects wearing (NUST) or not wearing (UST) a water-perfused garment. UST was achieved by immersing the nude subject in water up to the neck. For each subject, the water temperature was adjusted to the critical temperature ( T(cw), 31.4 +/- 0.9 degrees C) or 3 degrees C below T(cw) ( T(cw) - 3). NUST was achieved by perfusing different segments of the perfused garment with water of different temperatures. The water temperature of the segment was independently adjusted according to the skin temperature distribution in cold air, the mean skin temperature being the same as the UST. At T(cw) and T(cw) - 3, changes in esophageal and mean skin temperatures were identical in UST and NUST conditions, but the skin temperature of the trunk was higher and that of the limb was lower in the NUST condition. Heat production and the overall skin heat flux at T(cw) were identical in the two conditions, but those at T(cw) - 3 were about 25% lower ( P < 0.05) in NUST than in UST conditions. At T(cw) - 3, the overall tissue insulation was 36% higher ( P < 0.05) in NUST than in UST conditions, mainly because of higher limb insulation. Thermogenesis due to shivering was lower by 62% ( P < 0.05) in NUST than in UST. We conclude that the NUST condition increased tissue insulation and suppressed shivering. This suggests that a high skin temperature of the trunk attenuates shivering in cold water and increases the ability to defend body temperature more economically in cold water.  相似文献   

Heat flux models have been used to predict metabolic rates of marine mammals, generally by estimating conductive heat transfer through their blubber layer. Recently, Kvadsheim et al. (1997) found that such models tend to overestimate metabolic rates, and that such errors probably result from the asymmetrical distribution of blubber. This problem may be avoided if reliable estimates of heat flux through the skin of the animals are obtained by using models that combine calculations of conductive heat flux through the skin and fur, and convective heat flux from the surface of the animal to the environment. We evaluated this approach based on simultaneous measurements of metabolic rates and of input parameters necessary for heat flux calculations, as obtained from four harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) resting in cold water. Heat flux estimates were made using two free convection models (double-flat-plate and cylindrical geometry) and one forced convection model (single-flat-plate geometry). We found that heat flux estimates generally underestimated metabolic rates, on average by 26-58%, and that small variations in input parameters caused large variations in these estimates. We conclude that cutaneous heat flux models are too inaccurate and sensitive to small errors in input parameters to provide reliable estimates of metabolic rates of marine mammals.  相似文献   

We present a design for long-term or removable attachment of heat flux sensors (HFSs) to stationary or swimming animals in water that enables collection of heat flux data on both captive and free-ranging pinnipeds. HFSs were modified to allow for independent, continuous, and long-term or removable attachment to study animals. The design was tested for effects of HFSs and the attachment mechanism on resultant heat flux. Effects were insulative and consistent across water temperatures and flow speeds, resulting in a correction factor of 3.42. This correction factor was applied to all measurements of heat flux from animal experiments to account for the thermal resistance of HFSs and insulative effects of the attachment mechanism. Heat flux and skin temperature data were collected from two captive Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) as they swam in a large habitat tank over time periods ranging from approximately 4 to 9 min. Of the 72 HFSs deployed using the attachment mechanism, data were successfully retrieved from 70. The HFS attachment mechanism was also used on two wild free-ranging Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) off Ross Island, Antarctica, for up to 7 days. Heat flux data were retrieved from all eight sensors deployed. These results, along with those from Steller sea lions, suggest that HFSs can be deployed with success on captive and wild animals using the designed attachment mechanism.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of a thermal swimsuit on body temperatures, thermoregulatory responses and thermal insulation during 60 min water immersion at rest. Ten healthy male subjects wearing either thermal swimsuits or normal swimsuits were immersed in water (26 degrees C or 29 degrees C). Esophageal temperature, skin temperatures and oxygen consumption were measured during the experiments. Metabolic heat production was calculated from oxygen consumption. Heat loss from skin to the water was calculated from the metabolic heat production and the change in mean body temperature during water immersion. Total insulation and tissue insulation were estimated by dividing the temperature difference between the esophagus and the water or the esophagus and the skin with heat loss from the skin. Esophageal temperature with a thermal swimsuit was higher than that with a normal swimsuit at the end of immersion in both water temperature conditions (p<0.05). Oxygen consumption, metabolic heat production and heat loss from the skin were less with the thermal swimsuit than with a normal swimsuit in both water temperatures (p<0.05). Total insulation with the thermal swimsuit was higher than that with a normal swimsuit due to insulation of the suit at both water temperatures (p<0.05). Tissue insulation was similar in all four conditions, but significantly higher with the thermal swimsuit in both water temperature conditions (p<0.05), perhaps due to of the attenuation of shivering during immersion with a thermal swimsuit. A thermal swimsuit can increase total insulation and reduce heat loss from the skin. Therefore, subjects with thermal swimsuits can maintain higher body temperatures than with a normal swimsuit and reduce shivering thermo-genesis.  相似文献   

This study investigated thermal swimsuits (TSS) effects on body temperature and thermal insulation of prepubescent children during moderate-intensity water exercise. Nine prepubescent children (11.0+/-0.7 yrs) were immersed in water (23 degrees C) and pedalled on an underwater cycle-ergometer for 30 min with TSS or normal swimsuits (NSS). The rectal temperature (Tre) was maintained slightly higher with TSS than with NSS. The total insulation (Itotal) was significantly higher with TSS. The DeltaTre, Deltamean body temperature (Tb), and tissue insulation (Itissue) in the NSS condition were correlated with % body fat, which indicated that the insulation layer of subjects with low body fat was thinner than that of obese subjects, and tended to decrease body temperature. Wearing TSS increased Itotal, thereby reducing heat loss from subjects' skin to the water. Consequently, subjects with TSS were able to maintain higher body temperatures. In addition, TSS is especially advantageous for subjects with low body fat to compensate for the smaller Itissue.  相似文献   

A thermal therapy for cancer in skin tissue is numerically investigated using three bioheat conduction models, namely Pennes, thermal wave and dual-phase lag models. A laser is applied at the surface of the skin for cancer ablation, and the temperature and thermal damage distributions are predicted using the three bioheat models and two different modeling approaches of the laser effect. The first one is a prescribed surface heat flux, in which the tissue is assumed to be highly absorbent, while the second approach is a volumetric heat source, which is reasonable if the scattering and absorption skin effects are of similar magnitude. The finite volume method is applied to solve the governing bioheat equation. A parametric study is carried out to ascertain the effects of the thermophysical properties of the cancer on the thermal damage. The temperature distributions predicted by the three models exhibit significant differences, even though the temperature distributions are similar when the laser is turned off. The type of bioheat model has more influence on the predicted thermal damage than the type of modeling approach used for the laser. The phase lags of heat flux and temperature gradient have an important influence on the results, as well as the thermal conductivity of the cancer. In contrast, the uncertainty in the specific heat and blood perfusion rate has a minor influence on the thermal damage.  相似文献   

Specifying exact geometry of vessel network and its effect on temperature distribution in living tissues is one of the most complicated problems of the bioheat field. In this paper, the effects of blood vessels on temperature distribution in a skin tissue subjected to various thermal therapy conditions are investigated. Present model consists of counter-current multilevel vessel network embedded in a three-dimensional triple-layered skin structure. Branching angles of vessels are calculated using the physiological principle of minimum work. Length and diameter ratios are specified using length doubling rule and Cube law, respectively. By solving continuity, momentum and energy equations for blood flow and Pennes and modified Pennes bioheat equations for the tissue, temperature distributions in the tissue are measured. Effects of considering modified Pennes bioheat equation are investigated, comprehensively. It is also observed that blood has an impressive role in temperature distribution of the tissue, especially at high temperatures. The effects of different parameters such as boundary conditions, relaxation time, thermal properties of skin, metabolism and pulse heat flux on temperature distribution are investigated. Tremendous effect of boundary condition type at the lower boundary is noted. It seems that neither insulation nor constant temperature at this boundary can completely describe the real physical phenomena. It is expected that real temperature at the lower levels is somewhat between two predicted values. The effect of temperature on the thermal properties of skin tissue is considered. It is shown that considering temperature dependent values for thermal conductivity is important in the temperature distribution estimation of skin tissue; however, the effect of temperature dependent values for specific heat capacity is negligible. It is seen that considering modified Pennes equation in processes with high heat flux during low times is significant.  相似文献   

Maintaining insulative fat stores is vital for homeothermic marine mammals foraging in cold polar waters. To accomplish this, animals must balance acquisition and expenditure of energy. If this balance is shifted, body condition can decrease, challenging thermal homeostasis and further affecting energy balance. Prior studies of temperature regulation in sea lions have neither quantified basic all-inclusive heat flux values for animals swimming in cold water, nor determined whether they exhibit consistent spatial patterns of heat flux. Heat flux and skin temperature data were thus collected from four captive Steller sea lions using heat flux sensors (HFSs) with embedded thermistors. Optimal sensor placement was established using infrared thermography to locate the major areas of heat flux along the surface of the animals. Experiments were conducted on swimming animals in a large habitat tank with and without a drag harness, and on stationary animals in a temperature- and current-controlled swim flume. All heat flux measurements were corrected by a previously determined correction factor of 3.42 to account for insulative effects of the HFSs and attachment mechanism. Heat flux from shoulders and hips was consistently greater than from mid-trunk and axillary areas in both swimming and stationary animals, suggesting that certain areas of the body are preferentially used to offload excess heat. Mean heat flux for animals swimming with a drag harness was significantly greater than for unencumbered animals, indicating a likely increase in heat production beyond minimum heat loss. Thus, thermal stress does not appear to constitute significant costs for Steller sea lions swimming under conditions of increased drag at speeds of approximately 1 m/s in water temperatures of approximately 8.0 °C.  相似文献   

Four controls and eight burned patients with thermal injury ranging from 7 to 84% total body surface were studied in an environmental chamber at 25 and 33 degrees C ambient temperature and a constant vapor pressure during two consecutive 24-h periods. Hypermetabolism was present in the burn patients in both ambient temperatures and core and skin temperatures were consistently higher than in the normal men despite increased evaporative water loss. The higher environmental temperature decreased metabolic rate in patients with large thermal injuries in whom the decrement in dry heat loss produced by higher ambient temperature exceeded the increase of wet heat loss. In patients with burns smaller than 60%, these changes equaled one another and higher environmental temperature exerted no effect on metabolic rate. Core-skin heat conductivity increased with burn size; patients with large burns were characterized by inadequate core-skin insulation when exposed to the cooler environment, necessitating the compensatory increase of metabolic rate. This increase, however, was small and of the order of 5-8 kcal times m-2 times h-1.  相似文献   

Regional and total body heat loss rates of human subjects at rest were measured simultaneously by means of an array of heat flux transducers and with a tube suit calorimeter. Conditions ranged from thermal comfort to strong cooling. A high degree of correlation was found between heat loss rates determined by the two independent techniques. For the head and arms, the transducer array system measured less heat loss than the suit. For the torso and legs, measurements by the two methods were equivalent. For the whole body, the transducer system yielded a heat loss rate 87% of the suit calorimeter value.  相似文献   

Nurturing vegetation on building envelopes provides an innovative and eco-friendly alternative to urban greening especially in compact cities. Whereas the thermal and other benefits of green roofs have been studied intensively, green walls have received scanty attention. This study evaluates the thermodynamic transmission process of the vertical greenery ecosystem. We designed a field experiment to monitor solar radiation and weather conditions, and developed a thermodynamics transmission model to simulate heat flux and temperature variations. The model was calibrated, tested, and proved to be highly efficient. The results show that seasonal global and direct solar radiation drops to minimum in winter in January and February, and reaches maximum in summer in July and August (1168 W m−2 for global solar radiation and 889 W m−2 for direct solar radiation). Diffuse solar radiation attains maximum in summer (586 W m−2) with moderate rainfall in July and August, and minimum in winter with no rainfall in January and February. Radiation transmission of the green wall strongly correlates with canopy transmittance and reflectance (R2 = 0.83). Thermal shielding effectiveness varies with orientation, with the south wall achieving a higher coefficient (0.31) than the north wall. The south wall has lower heat flux absorbance and heat flux loss than the north wall. The south wall can transfer much more heat flux through the vertical greenery ecosystem due to more intensive canopy evapotranspiration effect. The model matches the transmission properties of green wall radiation, and the model simulation fits empirical transmission results.  相似文献   

In this study, an inverse algorithm based on the conjugate gradient method and the discrepancy principle is applied to solve the inverse hyperbolic heat conduction problem in estimating the unknown time-dependent surface heat flux in a skin tissue, which is stratified into epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers, from the temperature measurements taken within the medium. Subsequently, the temperature distributions in the tissue can be calculated as well. The concept of finite heat propagation velocity is applied to the modeling of the bioheat transfer problem. The inverse solutions will be justified based on the numerical experiments in which two different heat flux distributions are to be determined. The temperature data obtained from the direct problem are used to simulate the temperature measurements. The influence of measurement errors on the precision of the estimated results is also investigated. Results show that an excellent estimation on the time-dependent surface heat flux can be obtained for the test cases considered in this study.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to analyze and model the decreases in skin temperature when the hand makes contact with an object at room temperature so that thermal feedback can be incorporated into haptic displays. A thermal model is proposed that predicts the thermal responses of the skin and object surface as well as the heat flux exchanged during hand-object interactions. The model was evaluated by comparing the theoretical predictions of temperature changes to those experimentally measured using an infrared thermal measurement system. The thermal measurement system was designed to overcome the limitations imposed by contact thermal sensors, and was able to measure skin temperature during contact, together with the contact area and contact force. The experimental results indicated that over the pressure range of 0.73-10.98 kPa, changes in skin temperature were well localized to the contact area and were affected by contact pressure. The pressure in turn influenced both thermal contact resistance and blood flow. Over the range of contact forces typically used in manual exploration, blood perfusion and metabolic heat generation do not appear to have a significant effect on the skin's thermal responses. The theoretical predictions and the measured data were consistent in characterizing the time course and amplitude of the skin temperature change during contact with differences typically being less than 1 degrees C between the two for pressures greater than 4 kPa. These findings indicate that the proposed thermal model is able to characterize and predict the skin temperature responses during hand-object interactions and could be used in a thermal display that simulates the properties of different materials.  相似文献   

A population-based dynamic model of human thermoregulation was expanded with control equations incorporating the individual person's characteristics (body surface area, mass, fat%, maximal O(2) uptake, acclimation). These affect both the passive (heat capacity, insulation) and active systems (sweating and skin blood flow function). Model parameters were estimated from literature data. Other data, collected for the study of individual differences (working at relative or absolute workloads in hot-dry [45 degrees C, 20% relative humidity (rh)], warm-humid [35 degrees C, 80% rh], and cool [21 degrees C, 50% rh] environments), were used for validation. The individualized model provides an improved prediction [mean core temperature error, -0.21 --> -0.07 degrees C (P < 0.001); mean squared error, 0.40 --> 0.16 degrees C, (P < 0.001)]. The magnitude of improvement varies substantially with the climate and work type. Relative to an empirical multiple-regression model derived from these specific data sets, the analytical simulation model has between 54 and 89% of its predictive power, except for the cool climate, in which this ratio is zero. In conclusion, individualization of the model allows improved prediction of heat strain, although a substantial error remains.  相似文献   

The present work was undertaken to examine the effect of wet suits on the pattern of heat exchange during immersion in cold water. Four Korean women divers wearing wet suits were immersed to the neck in water of critical temperature (Tcw) while resting for 3 h or exercising (2-3 met on a bicycle ergometer) for 2 h. During immersion both rectal (Tre) and skin temperatures and O2 consumption (VO2) were measured, from which heat production (M = 4.83 VO2), skin heat loss (Hsk = 0.92 M +/- heat store change based on delta Tre), and thermal insulation were calculated. The average Tcw of the subjects with wet suits was 16.5 +/- 1.2 degrees C (SE), which was 12.3 degrees C lower than that of the same subjects with swim suits (28.8 +/- 0.4 degrees C). During the 3rd h of immersion, Tre and mean skin temperatures (Tsk) averaged 37.3 +/- 0.1 and 28.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C, and skin heat loss per unit surface area 42.3 +/- 2.66 kcal X m-2 X h. The calculated body insulation [Ibody = Tre - Tsk/Hsk] and the total shell insulation [Itotal = (Tre - TW)/Hsk] were 0.23 +/- 0.02 and 0.5 +/- 0.04 degrees C X kcal-1 X m2 X h, respectively. During immersion exercise, both Itotal and Ibody declined exponentially as the exercise intensity increased. Surprisingly, the insulation due to wet suit (Isuit = Itotal - Ibody) also decreased with exercise intensity, from 0.28 degrees C X kcal-1 X m2 X h at rest to 0.12 degrees C X kcal-1 X m2 X h at exercise levels of 2-3 met.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Analytical solutions were developed based on the Green's function method to describe heat transfer in tissue including the effects of blood perfusion. These one-dimensional transient solutions were used with a simple parameter estimation technique and experimental measurements of temperature and heat flux at the surface of simulated tissue. It was demonstrated how such surface measurements can be used during step changes in the surface thermal conditions to estimate the value of three important parameters: blood perfusion (w(b)), thermal contact resistance (R"), and core temperature of the tissue (T(core)). The new models were tested against finite-difference solutions of thermal events on the surface to show the validity of the analytical solution. Simulated data was used to demonstrate the response of the model in predicting optimal parameters from noisy temperature and heat flux measurements. Finally, the analytical model and simple parameter estimation routine were used with actual experimental data from perfusion in phantom tissue. The model was shown to provide a very good match with the data curves. This demonstrated the first time that all three of these important parameters (w(b), R", and T(core)) have simultaneously been estimated from a single set of thermal measurements at the surface of tissue.  相似文献   

Animal coat color and radiative heat gain: A re-evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Thermal resistance and heat gain from simulated solar radiation were measured over a range of wind velocities in black and white pigeon plumages. Plumage thermal resistance averaged 39% (feathers depressed) or 16% (feathers erected) of that of an equivalent depth of still air. Feather erection increased plumage depth four-fold and increased plumage thermal resistance about 56%. At low wind speeds, black plumages acquired much greater radiative heat loads than did white plumages. However, associated with the greater penetration of radiation into light than dark plumages, the radiative heating of white plumages is affected less by convective cooling than is that of black plumages. Thus, the heat loads of black and white plumages converge as wind speed is increased. This effect is most prominent in erected plumages, where at wind speeds greater than 3 ms–1 black plumages acquire lower radiative heat loads than do white plumages. These results suggest that animals with dark-colored coats may acquire lower heat loads under ecologically realistic conditions than those forms with light-colored coats. Thus, the dark coat colors of a number of desert species and the white coat color of polar forms may be thermally advantageous.These results are used to test a new general model that accounts for effects of radiation penetration into a fur or feather coat upon an animal's heat budget. Even using simplifying assumptions, this model's predictions closely match measured values for plumages with feathers depressed (the typical state). Predictions using simplifying assumptions are less accurate for erected plumages. However, the model closely predicts empirical data for erected white plumages if one assumption is obviated by additional measurements. Data are not sufficient to judge whether this is also the case for erected black plumages.List of Symbols A body surface area (m2) - a L long-wave absorptivity of coat - a s short-wave absorptivity of coat - d characteristic dimension (m) - E evaporative water loss (kg m–2 s–1) - h coat thermal conductance (W m–2 °C–1) - k convection constant (s1/2 m–1) - l coat thickness (m) - L i long-wave irradiance at coat surface (W m–2) - M metabolic heat production (W m–2) - m body mass (kg) - P plumage mass (kg) - p probability per unit coat depth that a penetrating ray will strike a coat element (m–1) - q(Z) radiation absorbed at level z (W m–2) - R abs radiation absorbed by animal (W m–2) - r e external resistance to convective and radiative heat transfer (s m–1) - r Ha boundary layer resistance to convective heat transfer (s m–1) - r Hb whole-body thermal resistance (s m–1) - r Hc coat (plumage) thermal resistance (s m–1) - r Ht tissue thermal resistance (s m–1) - r s apparent resistance to radiative heat transfer (s m–1) - r(Z) thermal resistance from level z to coat surface (s m–1) - S i short-wave irradiance at coat surface (W m–2) - S radiant flux going toward skin surface (W m–2) - S + radiant flux going away from skin surface (W m–2) - T a air temperature (°C) - T b core body temperature (°C) - T e equivalent black-body temperature (°C) - T e air temperature plus temperature increment due to longwave radiation (°C) - u wind velocity (m s–1) - V heat load on animal from short-wave radiation (W m–2) - z depth within coat (m) - short-wave absorptivity of individual hairs or feather elements - emissivity - {ie211-1} - latent heat of vaporization of water (J kg–1) - short-wave reflectivity of individual hairs or feather elements - {ie211-2} short-wave reflectivity of coat - {ie212-1} short-wave reflectivity of skin - c p volumetric specific heat of air (J m–3 °C–1) - Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W m–2 °K–4) - short-wave transmissivity of individual hairs or feather elements - {ie212-2} short-wave transmissivity of coat  相似文献   

Penetration of an animal's coat by wind reduces its thermal insulation and increases heat loss to the environment. From studies of the sensible heat loss from a life-sized model sheep covered with fleece, the average fleece resistance -rf(s cm-1) was related to windspeed u (m s-1) by 1/-rf(u) = 1/-rf(0)+cu, where c is a dimensionless constant. As c is expected to be inversely proportional to coat depth l, the more general relation -k(u) = -k(0)+c'u was evaluated, where -k = l/-rf is the thermal diffusivity (cm2 s-1) of the fleece and c' = cl is another constant (cm). The orientation of the model to the wind had little effect on the bulk resistance of the fleece, but the resistance on the windward side was substantially lower than on the leeward side.  相似文献   

湍流是地表与大气间物质与能量交换的主要形式,因而准确观测湍流通量历来是城市边界层研究的重要问题。本研究基于架设在南京信息工程大学内的大口径闪烁仪(large aperture scintillometer,LAS)和涡动相关仪(eddy covariance,EC)的同步观测,对比了LAS测得的感热通量和EC测得的感热通量的差异,结合归一化植被指数(NDVI)和归一化建筑指数(NDBI),分析了下垫面不均匀性对于两种仪器测得感热通量的影响。结果表明:城市地区LAS与EC具有较好的相关性(R2=0.76),拟合线斜率为0.95;白天,LAS的感热通量大于EC的感热通量,二者差值为18.8~39.4 W·m^-2;夜间,二者均在零值附近波动,差值为4.8~28.7 W·m^-2;月尺度上两种仪器的差值8月最大,其次为7月、4月,6月最小;差异产生的主要原因是风向造成的通量源区不同;通量源区内的NDVI值越大,感热通量与净辐射之比越小,二者呈显著负相关(k=-0.34,P<0.05);NDBI值越大,感热通量与净辐射之比越大,二者呈显著正相关(k=1.15,P<0.05)。  相似文献   

The rate of sensible heat loss from a Clun Forest ewe was studied at several fleece depths in a temperature-controlled chamber. A simple resistance analogue was used to describe the heat flow from different body regions. Heat loss from the trunk depends largely on the mean fleece depth l. The fleece resistance was about 1.5 s cm-1 per centimetre depth. Heat transfer through the fleece was accounted for by molecular conduction, thermal radiation and free convection. The fleece conductivity -kb attributed to free convection depends on the mean temperature difference (-Tst---Tct) across the fleece according to the relation -kb = 8.0 (-Tst---Tct)0.53. Estimates of the sensible heat flux from the trunk at environmental temperatures, Ta, between 0 and 30 degrees C range from about 8 W (l = 7.0 cm, Ta = 30 degrees C) to about 160 W (l = 0.1 cm, Ta = 0 degrees C). In contrast, the sensible heat loss from the legs depends mainly on the local tissue resistance. For environmental temperatures between 0 and 30 degrees C, the calculated tissue resistance for this region of the body varied from about 8 to 1 s cm-1. The corresponding heat loss from the legs was between 10 and 20 W, compared with between 3 and 7 W from the head. The fastest heat loss from the legs occurred at an environmental temperature of about 12 degrees C. Although the proportion of the heat loss from the extremities depends on environmental temperature, the total heat loss (sensible or latent) was closely related to the mean skin temperature of the trunk.  相似文献   

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