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hairy mediates dominant repression in the Drosophila embryo.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
S Barolo  M Levine 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(10):2883-2891
hairy encodes a bHLH repressor that regulates several developmental processes in Drosophila, including embryonic segmentation and neurogenesis. Segmentation repressors such as Krüppel and knirps have been shown to function over short distances, less than 50-100 bp, to inhibit or quench closely linked upstream activators. This mode of repression permits multiple enhancers to work independently of one another within a modular promoter. Here, we employ a transgenic embryo assay to present evidence that hairy acts as a dominant repressor, which can function over long distances to block multiple enhancers. hairy is shown to repress a heterologous enhancer, the rhomboid NEE, when bound 1 kb from the nearest upstream activator. Moreover, the binding of hairy to a modified NEE leads to the repression of both the NEE and a distantly linked mesoderm-specific enhancer within a synthetic modular promoter. Additional evidence that hairy is distinct from previously characterized embryonic repressors stems from the analysis of the gypsy insulator DNA. This insulator selectively blocks the hairy repressor, but not the linked activators, within a modified NEE. We compare hairy with previously characterized repressors and discuss the consequences of short-range and long-range repression in development.  相似文献   

Regulation of even-skipped stripe 2 in the Drosophila embryo.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
S Small  A Blair    M Levine 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(11):4047-4057

We have studied the genetic requirement for the normal expression of the terminal gap genes huckebein (hkb) and tailless (tll) and their possible function in the posterior pole region of the Drosophila embryo. At the early blastoderm stage, both genes are expressed in largely coextensive expression domains. Our results show that in the posterior region of the embryo both the activation and the control of the spatial limits of tll and hkb expression are critically dependent on torso (tor) activity, which is thought to be a crucial component of a cellular signal transduction pathway provided by the terminal maternal system. Furthermore, the spatial control of hkb and tll expression does not require mutual interactions among each other, nor does it require regulatory input from other gap genes which are essential for the establishment of segmentation in the trunk region of the embryo ("central gap genes"). Therefore, the terminal gap genes have unique regulatory features which are distinct from the central gap genes. In the absence of terminal gap gene activities, as in hkb and tll mutant embryos, the expression domains of the central gap genes expand posteriorly, indicating that the terminal gap gene activities prevent central gap gene expression in the posterior pole region of the wildtype embryo. This, in turn, suggests that the terminal gap gene activities prevent metamerization by repression of central gap genes, thereby distinguishing the segmented trunk from the nonsegmented tail region of the embryo.  相似文献   

M Hoch  C Schrder  E Seifert    H Jckle 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(8):2587-2595
Krüppel (Kr), a gap gene of Drosophila, shows complex spatial patterns of expression during the different stages of embryogenesis. In order to identify cis-acting sequences required for normal Kr gene expression, we analysed the expression patterns of fusion gene constructs in transgenic embryos. In these constructs, bacterial lacZ expression was placed under the control of Kr sequences in front of a basal promoter. We identified cis-acting Kr control units which drive beta-galactosidase expression in 10 known locations of Kr expression in early and late embryos. More than one cis-regulatory element drives the expression in the anterior domain at the blastoderm stage, in the nervous system, the midline precursor cells and in the amino-serosa. In addition, two cis-acting elements direct the first zygotic expression of Kr in a striped subpattern within the central region of the blastoderm embryo. Both elements respond to alterations in the activities of maternal organizer genes known to be required for Kr expression in establishing the thoracic and anterior abdominal segments in the wild-type embryo.  相似文献   

The locus hunchback (hb) is a member of the gap class of segmentation genes of Drosophila. A number of X-ray-induced deletions locate the hb locus at the chromosomal site 85A3-B1, to the right of the pink locus, which maps in the same interval. A total of 14 EMS and 3 X-ray-induced hb alleles have been studied. Homozygous mutant embryos show deletions of segments in two separate regions. In the six strong alleles, the labium and all three thoracic segments are deleted anteriorly while posteriorly the 8th abdominal segment and adjacent parts of the 7th abdominal segment are lacking. The eight weak alleles show smaller deletions both in the thoracic and posterior abdominal region. In the weakest allele only part of the mesothorax is deleted. Three hb alleles produce a homoeotic transformation: superimposed on a strong or weak deletion phenotype, head or thoracic segments are transformed into abdominal segments, respectively. This suggests that hb might also be involved in the regulation of genes in the Bithorax complex (BX-C). Fate mapping of the normal-appearing segments in strong mutant embryos using the UV-laser beam ablation technique (Lohs-Schardin et al., 1979) shows that these segments arise from the normal blastoderm regions. The mutant phenotype can be recognized soon after the onset of gastrulation in a failure to fully extend the germ band. In 6-hr-old mutant embryos, two clusters of dead cells are observed in the thoracic and posterior abdominal region. These observations indicate region specific requirement of hb gene function. The analysis of germ line chimeras by transplantation of homozygous mutant pole cells shows that hb is already expressed during oogenesis. Homozygous mutant embryos derived from a homozygous mutant germ line have a novel phenotype. The anterior affected region is enlarged, including all three gnathal segments and the anterior three abdominal segments. In addition three abdominal segments with reversed polarity are formed between the remaining head structures and the posterior abdomen. Heterozygous mutant embryos derived from a homozygous mutant germ line develop normally, indicating that maternal gene expression is not required for normal development.  相似文献   

The effects of mutations in five anterior gap genes (hkb, tll, otd, ems and btd) on the spatial expression of the segment polarity genes, wg and hh, were analyzed at the late blastoderm stage and during subsequent development. Both wg and hh are normally expressed at blastoderm stage in two broad domains anterior to the segmental stripes of the trunk region. At the blastoderm stage, each gap gene acts specifically to regulate the expression of either wg or hh in the anterior cephalic region: hkb, otd and btd regulate the anterior blastoderm expression of wg, while tll and ems regulate hh blastoderm expression. Additionally, btd is required for the first segmental stripe (mandibular segment) of both hh and wg at blastoderm stages. The subsequent segmentation of the cephalic segments (preantennal, antennal and intercalary) appears to be dependent on the overlap of the wg and hh cephalic domains as defined by these gap genes at the blastoderm stage. None of these five known gap genes are required for the activation of the labral segment domains of hh and wg, which are presumably either activated directly by maternal pathways or by an unidentified gap gene.  相似文献   

Cell fates in the anterior and posterior termini of the Drosophila embryo are programmed by multiple zygotic genes that are regulated in response to a maternally encoded signal transduction pathway. These genes specify terminal as distinct from central cell fates, program pattern along the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes of the termini, and also control endoderm specification and terminal morphogenetic movements. Here, we use a genetic interaction test to dissect the zygotic components of the terminal genetic hierarchy. We show that two genes, lines and empty spiracles, act downstream of tailless to repress central and promote terminal cell fates along the anteroposterior axis of the termini. Genes that control dorsoventral pattern in the termini and genes that program terminal morphogenesis act in distinct branches of the genetic hierarchy that are independent of tailless.  相似文献   

Summary The segmental organisation of the tail region in the embryo of Drosophila melanogaster, which is defined here as the epidermal region posterior to the boundary between abdominal segments A7 and A8, has been investigated by means of ultraviolet (UV) laser fate-mapping and phenotypic analysis of embryonic mutants that alter the segmental pattern of the larval cuticle. Wild-type embryos were irradiated in the presumptive tail region with a UV- laser microbeam of 20 m diameter at the blastoderm stage. The ensuing defects were scored in the cuticle pattern of the tail region of the first-instar larva, which is described in detail in this paper. The spatial distribution of defect frequencies was used to construct a blastoderm fate-map of the cuticle structures of the larval tail region. The segmental origin of the larval tail structures was inferred from the phenotypic analysis of segmentation and homoeotic mutants, which revealed pattern repetition throughout the embryonic tail region corresponding to four segment anlagen, A8 to A11, and a non-segmental telson. These data enabled the transformation of the blastoderm fate-map of cuticle structures into a map of tail segment anlagen. The tail anlage occupies about 10% of the egg length (EL), bounded by segment A7 anteriorly at 20% EL and by the proctodaeum posteriorly at 10% EL, as measured from the posterior pole. The anlagen of segments A8 and A9 appear to be narrow dorso-ventral strips of blastoderm cells similar to the anlagen of the trunk segments, whereas the anlagen of A10 and A11 are smaller and produce fewer pattern elements. The telson is represented in the cuticle by the tuft which derives from a very dorsal posterior position. The antero-posterior axis of the entire tail anlage appears curved upward posteriorly. Differences in the mode of development between tail and trunk segments are discussed, as are similarities of larval and imaginal tail development in Drosophila. Comparison with tail development in other insects suggests that, during evolution, the transition from semi-long-germ to long-germ development modified the organisation of the tail region without affecting its primary subdivision into metameric units.  相似文献   

J Müller  M Bienz 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(11):3147-3155
In an attempt to reconstruct the embryonic expression pattern of the homeotic gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) by stable integration of fusion constructs, we identified three key control regions called PBX, ABX and BXD. Each of these confers an expression pattern mimicking certain aspects of Ubx expression. The PBX and ABX patterns are limited to the Ubx domain with anterior boundaries at parasegments 6 and 5. In contrast, the BXD pattern extends from head to tail. PBX or ABX expression boundaries are imposed on the BXD pattern, if PBX or ABX is linked to BXD. These boundaries, although not the PBX and ABX expression limits themselves, are dependent on Polycomb function. We conclude that PBX and ABX are recognized by repressors which act across large distances to suppress BXD activity. Stable and heritable Ubx expression boundaries are thus mediated by this process of long range repression.  相似文献   

The segment polarity gene wingless has an essential function in cell-to-cell communication during various stages of Drosophila development. The wingless gene encodes a secreted protein that affects gene expression in surrounding cells but does not spread far from the cells where it is made. In larvae, wingless is necessary to generate naked cuticle in a restricted part of each segment. To test whether the local accumulation of wingless is essential for its function, we made transgenic flies that express wingless under the control of a hsp70 promoter (HS-wg flies). Uniform wingless expression results in a complete naked cuticle, uniform armadillo accumulation and broadening of the engrailed domain. The expression patterns of patched, cubitus interruptus Dominant and Ultrabithorax follow the change in engrailed. The phenotype of heatshocked HS-wg embryos resembles the segment polarity mutant naked, suggesting that embryos that overexpress wingless or lack the naked gene enter similar developmental pathways. The ubiquitous effects of ectopic wingless expression may indicate that most cells in the embryo can receive and interpret the wingless signal. For the development of the wild-type pattern, it is required that wingless is expressed in a subset of these cells.  相似文献   

Genetic control of cell division patterns in the Drosophila embryo   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
B A Edgar  P H O'Farrell 《Cell》1989,57(1):177-187

Axis specification in the Drosophila embryo.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three genetic hierarchies control cell-fate specification in largely distinct regions of the antero-posterior axis of the Drosophila embryo, whereas a single hierarchy specifies dorso-ventral cell fates. Molecular genetic analysis of these hierarchies is leading to increased understanding of the nature of the regulatory circuitry that controls regional cell-fate specification.  相似文献   

At least 13 genes control the establishment of dorsoventral polarity in the Drosophila embryo and more than 30 genes control the anteroposterior pattern of body segments. Each group of genes is thought to control pattern formation along one body axis, independently of the other group. We have used the expression of the fushi tarazu (ftz) segmentation gene as a positional marker to investigate the relationship between the dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. The ftz gene is normally expressed in seven transverse stripes. Changes in the striped pattern in embryos mutant for other genes (or progeny of females homozygous for maternal-effect mutations) can reveal alterations of cell fate resulting from such mutations. We show that in the absence of any of ten maternal-effect dorsoventral polarity gene functions, the characteristic stripes of ftz protein are altered. Normally there is a difference between ftz stripe spacing on the dorsal and ventral sides of the embryo; in dorsalized mutant embryos the ftz stripes appear to be altered so that dorsal-type spacing occurs on all sides of the embryo. These results indicate that cells respond to dorsoventral positional information in establishing early patterns of gene expression along the anteroposterior axis and that there may be more significant interactions between the different axes of positional information than previously determined.  相似文献   

Cloning sequences from the hairy gene of Drosophila.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A series of mutations that alter the pattern of segmentation in Drosophila embryos has been identified. Mutations in one of these loci, hairy, delete the posterior part of each odd-numbered segment and the anterior part of each even-numbered segment; although the amount deleted depends on the allele. Weak alleles delete less than an entire segment and do not always eliminate structures in every other segment. Strong alleles show the same periodicity in the pattern defect, but delete regions greater than one segment. In such cases the remaining parts of the pattern duplicate with mirror-image symmetry. To study the function of this gene at a molecular level, sequences from the hairy locus were cloned. This was facilitated by the hairy1 (h1) mutation, which is caused by the insertion of the transposable element, gypsy.  相似文献   

Localization of mRNAs is one of many aspects of cellular organization that requires the cytoskeleton. In Drosophila, microtubules are known to be required for correct localization of developmentally important mRNAs and proteins during oogenesis; however, the role of the actin cytoskeleton in localization is less clear. Furthermore, it is not known whether either of these cytoskeletal systems are necessary for maintenance of RNA localization in the early embryo. We have examined the contribution of the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons to maintenance of RNA and protein localization in the early Drosophila embryo. We have found that while microtubules are not necessary, the actin cytoskeleton is needed for stable association of nanos, oskar, germ cell-less and cyclin B mRNAs and Oskar and Vasa proteins at the posterior pole in the early embryo. In contrast, bicoid RNA, which is located at the anterior pole, does not require either cytoskeletal system to remain at the anterior.  相似文献   

The early Drosophila embryo is emerging as a premiere model system for the computational analysis of gene regulation in development because most of the genes, and many of the associated regulatory DNAs, that control segmentation and gastrulation are known. The comprehensive elucidation of Drosophila gene networks provides an unprecedented opportunity to apply quantitative models to metazoan enhancers that govern complex patterns of gene expression during development. Models based on the fractional occupancy of defined DNA binding sites have been used to describe the regulation of the lac operon in E. coli and the lysis/lysogeny switch of phage lambda. Here, we apply similar models to enhancers regulated by the Dorsal gradient in the ventral neurogenic ectoderm (vNE) of the early Drosophila embryo. Quantitative models based on the fractional occupancy of Dorsal, Twist, and Snail binding sites raise the possibility that cooperative interactions among these regulatory proteins mediate subtle differences in the vNE expression patterns. Variations in cooperativity may be attributed to differences in the detailed linkage of Dorsal, Twist, and Snail binding sites in vNE enhancers. We propose that binding site occupancy is the key rate-limiting step for establishing localized patterns of gene expression in the early Drosophila embryo.  相似文献   

The regulatory gene hairy is expressed and required during early embryogenesis to control segmentation gene expression properly and during larval and pupal development to control the pattern of certain adult sensory structures. We have found the hairy protein to be expressed transiently during two stages of eye imaginal disc development, including all cells immediately anterior to the morphogenetic furrow that traverses the developing eye disc, and again in the presumptive R7 photoreceptor cells of the developing ommatidia. This pattern is conserved in a significantly diverged Drosophila species. We show that, surprisingly, ommatidia formed by homozygous hairy- mutant clones are apparently normal, indicating that hairy function in the eye is dispensable. However, we do find that ectopic expression of hairy causes numerous structural abnormalities and the alteration of cell fates. Thus, proper regulation of hairy is still essential for normal eye development. We suggest that the loss of hairy function may be compensated by other regulatory proteins, as has been observed previously for several structurally and functionally related genes involved in sensory organ development. The effects of ectopic hairy expression may result from interactions with proneural genes involved in the development of the eye and other sensory organs.  相似文献   

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