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Cross-linking of cold-insoluble globulin by fibrin-stabilizing factor.   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
Cold-insoluble globulin (CI globulin) was purified from human plasma and identified on the basis of its sedimentation coefficient, electrophoretic mobility, and concentration in normal plasma. CI globulin was distinguished from antihemophilic factor (AHF) by amino acid analysis, position of elution from 4% agarose, and electrophoretic migration in polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate without prior reduction. CI globulin and AHF could not be distinguished by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate after reduction and probably have very similar subunit molecular weights. CI globulin apparently consists of two polypeptide chains, each of molecular weight 2.0 x 10(5), held together by disulfide bonds. CI globulin was a substrate for activated fibrin-stabilizing factor (FSF, blood coagulation factor XIII). FSF catalyzed the incorporation of a fluorescent primary amine, N-(5-aminopentyl)-5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonamide, into CI globulin and also catalyzed the cross-linking of CI globulin into multimers, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate after reduction. In the presence of fibrin, cross-linking of CI globulin by FSF occurred without the formation of CI globulin multimers. Instead, polypeptides with apparent molecular weights of 2.6 x 10(5) and 3.0 x 10(5) were seen. The formation of these polypeptides coincided with the loss of the alpha chain of fibrin and CI globulin. The polypeptides were not seen when fibrin alone was cross-linked. The formation of the polypeptides was greater in fine clots than in coarse clots, and greater in clots incubated at 0 degrees than in clots incubated at 37 degrees. In clots made from purified fibrinogen, CI globulin, and FSF, the concentration of CI globulin in the clot liquor was greater if either FSF or calcium ion was omitted and cross-linking did not take place. These observations suggest that CI globulin is enzymically cross-linked to one of the chains of fibrin, most likely the alpha chain, and is thus covalently incorporated into the fibrin clot. CI globulin is very similar to a protein in the plasma membrane of fibroblasts. The cross-linking of CI globulin to itself and to fibrin may typify reactions also involving the fibroblast membrane protein.  相似文献   

Loss of chymotrypsin binding capacity of alpha 2-macroglobulin in diabetic plasma on in vitro incubation, could be partially prevented by phenylmethyl sulphonyl fluoride and pepstatin A. Prior ten-fold dilution of plasma with 0.02 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) completely arrested the process. The phenomenon could not be reactivated by Ca2+, lecithin or bovine serum albumin. Diabetic plasma, like normal plasma, exhibited maximal hydrolytic activities on H-D-Pro-Phe-Arg-p-nitroanilide, H-D-Val-Leu-Arg-p-nitroanilide and H-D-Ile-Pro-Arg-p-nitroanilide. The hydrolytic activities were not significantly diminished on incubation of plasma at 37 degrees C for 12 hr, unlike alpha 2-macroglobulin activity. On gel chromatography on Sephadex G-200, part of the proteolytic activity in diabetic plasma coeluted with alpha 2-macroglobulin in the VO region. A second activity peak (absent in normal plasma) was eluted with a Ve/V0 value of 1.40. Possible role of free proteinases in diabetic plasma in the inactivation of alpha 2-macroglobulin is discussed.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical properties of human plasma alpha2-macroglobulin.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Alpha2-M (alpha2-macroglobulin) was purified from human plasma by two different procedures. As well as having no detectable impurities by the usual criteria for testing the homogeneity of protein preparations, these alpha2M preparations showed a single component, after reduction in urea, of 185000 daltons by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the alpha2M was found to be 718000 by sedimentation equilibrium experiments using the gravimetrically determined -v of 0.731 ml/g. The interaction of several proteinases with alpha2M was studied by using a novel discontinuous polyacrylamide-gel system, which showed clear separation of the enzyme-complexed alpha2M from the free alpha2M. These studies indicated that urokinase, as well as trypsin, chymotrypsin, plasmin and thrombin forms complexes with alphaM. The cleavage of the 185000-dalton subunit to a 85000-dalton species on interaction of trypsin with alpha2M was demonstrated by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis after reduction of the alpha2M-trypsin complex in urea. The amino acid composition, carbohydrate content, absorption coefficient at 280 nm, the specific refractive increment and the sedimentation coefficient for these alpha2M preparations were measured. The stability of the trypsin-binding activity of the alpha2M preparations was also studied under several storage situations.  相似文献   

The relationship between human cold-insoluble globulin (CIg, plasma fibronectin) and the human serum opsonic alpha2SB glycoprotein was investigated using immunochemical and biochemical techniques. The two proteins appeared to have identical molecular weights by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on 3.3% gels; have identical migration in the native state on 2.7 to 27% gradient polyacrylamide gels; and have a similar amino acid composition within the accuracy of analysis. Human serum demonstrates antigenic identity when diffused against monospecific antisera to both proteins confirming the presence of common antigenic sites on both molecules. Purified human serum opsonic alpha2SB glycoprotein and purified CIg also demonstrate antigenic identity when diffused against monospecific antiserum to either of the isolated proteins. Antiserum to both proteins also inhibits in vitro hepatic Kupffer cell phagocytic uptake of test particles. These results suggest the idenity of these two proteins and reveal a major physiological function for human plasma CIg. Thus, CIg may be important in the regulation of hepatic reticuloendothelial phagocytic activity and nonspecific systemic host defense. This process of systemic host defense has been shown to be depressed in patients following trauma, major surgery, burn injury, and during neoplastic disease, and, in part, mediated by a deficiency or depletion of the alpha2SB glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Human amniotic fluid fibronectin and plasma fibronectin (cold-incoluble globulin) are indistinguishable both immunologically and by amino acid composition. Cyanogen bromide and tryptic peptides also suggest substantial structural homology. However, carbohydrate analysis has demonstrated additional saccharides in fibronectin and an overall increase in carbohydrate content relative to coldinsoluble globulin. Furthermore, limited proteolytic cleavage of the two proteins indicates differences in primary structure or in conformation. Using affinity-purified antibodies to cold-insoluble globulin, a glucosamine-labeled pronaseresistant component, probably proteoglycan, was found to coprecipitate with fibronectin, suggesting an association between these two macromolecules in the connective tissue matrix.  相似文献   

alpha(2)-Macroglobulin (alpha(2)M) is a highly conserved proteinase inhibitor present in human plasma at high concentration (2-4 mg/ml). alpha(2)M exists in two conformations, a native form and an activated, receptor-recognized form. While alpha(2)M binds to numerous cytokines and growth factors, in most cases, the nature of the alpha(2)M interaction with these factors is poorly understood. We examined in detail the interaction between alpha(2)M and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and found a novel and unexpected mechanism of interaction as demonstrated by the following observations: 1) the binding of VEGF to alpha(2)M occurs at a site distinct from the recently characterized growth factor binding site; 2) VEGF binds different forms of alpha(2)M with distinct spatial arrangement, namely to the interior of methylamine or ammonia-treated alpha(2)M and to the exterior of native and proteinase-converted alpha(2)M; and 3) VEGF (molecular mass approximately 40 kDa) can access the interior of receptor-recognized alpha(2)M in the absence of a proteinase trapped within the molecule. VEGF bound to receptor-recognized forms of alpha(2)M is internalized and degraded by macrophages via the alpha(2)M receptor, the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein. Oxidation of both native and receptor-recognized alpha(2)M results in significant inhibition of VEGF binding. We also examined the biological significance of this interaction by studying the effect of alpha(2)M on VEGF-induced cell proliferation and VEGF-induced up-regulation of intracellular Ca(2+) levels. We demonstrate that under physiological conditions, alpha(2)M does not impact the ability of VEGF to induce cell proliferation or up-regulate Ca(2+).  相似文献   

The plasma fibrin-stabilizing factor (pFXIII) function is to maintain a hemostasis by the fibrin clot stabilization. The conversion of pFXIII to the active form of the enzyme (FXIIIа) is a multistage process. Ozone-induced oxidation of pFXIII has been investigated at different stages of its enzyme activation. The biochemical results point to a decrease of an enzymatic activity of FXIIIа depending largely on the stage of the pFXIII conversion into FXIIIа at which oxidation was carried out. UV-, FTIR- and Raman spectroscopy demonstrated that chemical transformation of cyclic, NH, SH and S–S groups mainly determines the oxidation of amino acid residues of pFXIII polypeptide chains. Conversion of pFXIII to FXIIIa proved to increase protein sensitivity to oxidation in the order: pFXIII < pFXIII activated by thrombin < pFXIII in the presence of calcium ions < FXIIIa. The dynamic light scattering data indicate that the three-dimensional structure of pFXIII becomes loosened due to oxidative modification. ESR spectroscopy data also point to conformational changes of the fibrin-stabilizing factor under oxidation. Taking into account these new findings it seems reasonable to assume that the inhibitory/carrier FXIII-B subunits can serve as scavengers of ROS. Hypothetically, this mechanism could help to protect the key amino acid residues of the FXIII-A subunits responsible for the enzymatic function of FXIIIa.  相似文献   

These investigations were directed at furnishing information on the essential structural features of the cold-insoluble globulin of human plasma. Amino acid and carbohydrate analyses showed that it is a glycoprotein (1.2% sialic acid, 1.8% hexose, 2.1% hexosamine) containing all of the amino acids usually found in proteins. Circular dichroic spectral analysis suggested that cold-insoluble globulin contained a very high proportion of beta-structure; no evidence for the presence of alpha-helix was found. Sedimentation velocity experiments at pH 7.0, in the presence or absence of dithiothreitol, plus related gel electrophoretic experiments at pH 8.4, indicated that the integrity of certain disulfide bridges was necessary for its solubility under "physiologic" conditions. In experiments in urea-containing solution, two sedimenting peaks were observed. The major one, amounting to more than 95% of the total, had an s20,w of 5.6 S, the minor peak had an s20,w of 7.3 S. Following disulfide bridge reduction a single symmetrical peak of 3.9 S was formed. Such behavior suggested that cold-insoluble globulin is a multichain molecule whose subunit chains are linked by disulfide bridging. Strong support for this conclusion was obtained from electrophoretic analyses in gels containing dodecylsulfate, in that cold-insoluble globulin manifested an increased rate of migration after reduction of disulfide bridges. The reduced cold-insoluble globulin band could be resolved into a closely spaced doublet, the components of which had molecular weights of 220 000 and 215 000, respectively. Since in sedimentation equilibrium experiments the molecular weight of the unreduced molecule was estimated to be 450 000, values in this range for the size of the subunit chain suggested that each cold-insoluble globulin molecule is composed of two covalently linked chains. The nature of the size heterogeneity of the reduced subunit chains is uncertain. However, the finding of a single type of NH2-terminal sequence ([Glu-Ala) in cold-insoluble globulin preparations, is consistent with the speculation that the smaller subunit may be a catabolic intermediate arising via release of peptide material containing the COOH-terminus of a parent chain.  相似文献   

Subcellular membrane and granule fractions derived from human platelets contain immunologically identifiable alpha2-macroglobulin and alpha1-antitrypsin. These platelet-derived inhibitors show a reaction of immunologic identity when compared to alpha2-macroglobulin and alpha1-antitrypsin purified from human plasma. Further, the platelet protease inhibitors possessed a similar subunit polypeptide chain structure to their plasma counterparts as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis. Studies of the binding of radiolabeled trypsin to the various solubilized platelet subcellular fractions suggest that the granule-associated alpha2-macroglobulin and alpha1-antitrypsin, as well as membrane-associated alpha2-macroglobulin were functionally active. Quantitatively, circulating platelets contain relatively small concentrations of these inhibitors as compared to platelet-associated fibrinogen and factor VIIIAGN. Platelet protease inhibitors may modulate the protease-mediated events involved in the formation of hemostatic plugs and thrombi.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Plasmin inhibitor, a primary inhibitor of fibrinolysis, is cross-linked to fibrin by plasma transglutaminase (glutaminyl-peptide:amine gamma-glutamyltransferase, EC, activated fibrin-stabilizing factor) when blood coagulation takes place. alpha 2-Plasmin inhibitor was found also to be cross-linked to fibrinogen by plasma transglutaminase. The inhibitor was corss-linked exclusively to the A alpha-chain of fibrinogen, and the cross-linking reaction proceeded very rapidly. The reaction was almost completed before the formation of the gamma-chain dimers of fibrinogen which precedes cross-linking polymerization of the A alpha-chain of fibrinogen. The maximum level of inhibitor cross-linking achieved was approx. 30% of the inhibitor present at the start of the reaction. The level of cross-linking of the inhibitor was not changed when the cross-linking reaction was preceded by dimerization of fibrinogen. The cross-linking reaction was found to be a reversible one, since the cross-linked complex of the inhibitor and fibrinogen was partly dissociated to each of its components when the complex was incubated with plasma transglutaminase. These results suggest that the self-limiting nature of the cross-linking reaction between alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor and fibrin(ogen) is due to the reaction equilibrium favoring dissociation of the complex, and not due to the development of structural hindrance in polymerizing fibrin(ogen).  相似文献   

Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), like alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M), is a large protein with homotetrameric molecular conformation. Each monomer has Mr 205 kDa. Total carbohydrate content of PAPP-A (19.4%) exceeded that of alpha 2M (8.6%). In addition to glucose (9.4%), fucose (3.1%), mannose (2.3%) and galactose (0.8%), PAPP-A contained glucuronic acid (3.8%). The amino acid composition of PAPP-A differed most significantly from alpha 2M, in the content of glutamate, glycine and lysine. Although the peptide core of both proteins were of similar size, the difference in size, of native molecules was due to the carbohydrate moiety. Whereas alpha 2M monomer was autolytically cleaved into two smaller non-identical subunits (Mr 128 and 65 kDa), no such breakdown products were observed with PAPP-A. Unlike alpha 2M, PAPP-A is not a broad spectrum protease inhibitor. Both proteins inhibited human granulocyte elastase (HGE) in a dose dependent relationship, with PAPP-A (Ki 0.2 x 10(-6) M) being a more potent inhibitor than alpha 2M (Ki 1.02 x 10(-6) M). Since PAPP-A lacked internal thiolester groups, the mechanism of HGE inhibition was unlikely to be entrapment, as defined for alpha 2M. Inhibition kinetics of HGE for PAPP-A (noncompetitive inhibitor) and alpha 2M (uncompetitive inhibitor) were distinct. Thus, these findings do not support the tenet of a common ancestral protein for PAPP-A and alpha 2M.  相似文献   

Gel filtration of human serum shows that there are two separate peaks of activity that will cause fibroblasts in culture to adopt their characteristic bipolar morphology (i.e., cell spreading). One of these activities has a molecular weight just below 250 000 D while the other is in the range 65 000–85 000 D. The lower molecular weight activity is unlikely to be related to cold-insoluble globulin, yet is quantitatively the more significant.  相似文献   

During blood coagulation alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI) is cross-linked with fibrin by an activated fibrin-stabilizing factor (FSFa) plasma transglutaminase, activated coagulation factor XIII). When alpha 2PI was treated with FSFa in the absence of acceptor amino groups, the inhibitor lost more than 90% of its capacity to be cross-linked to fibrin because of hydrolysis of the gamma-carboxamides of FSFa-susceptible glutamine residues. Chemical modifications of the inhibitor's lysine epsilon-amino groups did not affect the cross-linking capacity of the inhibitor with fibrin, whereas the same chemical modifications in fibrinogen resulted in a remarkable loss of cross-linking capacity. These observations suggest that alpha 2PI plays a role as an acyl donor with its FSFa-susceptible glutamine residues in the cross-linking reaction with fibrin, and fibrin serves as an acyl acceptor with its lysine residues. The number of FSFa-susceptible glutamine residues/molecule of the inhibitor was estimated by measuring the maximum incorporation of [3H]histamine into the inhibitor and by analyzing the distribution of radioactivity in a tryptic digest of [14C]histamine-incorporated alpha 2PI.l It was found that each inhibitor molecule has one glutamine residue that is most susceptible to FSFa. When the radioactive histamine-incorporated inhibitor was reacted with excess amounts of plasmin, a small fragment carrying all the released radioactivity was rapidly released from the NH2-terminal part of the inhibitor moiety of the complex. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of the inhibitor was analyzed before and after treatment with FSFa or before and after incorporation of radioactive histamine. The glutamine residue at the second position from the NH2-terminal end was converted to a glutamic acid residue when the inhibitor was treated with FSFa. When the radioactive histamine-incorporated inhibitor ws analyzed, the radioactivity was found predominantly at the second position from the NH2-terminal end. These results indicate that the glutamine residue susceptible to FSFa in alpha 2PI is located next to the NH2-terminal residue.  相似文献   

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