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Five previously unmapped frameshift suppressor genes have been located on the yeast genetic map. In addition, we have further characterized the map positions of two suppressors whose approximate locations were determined in an earlier study. These results represent the completion of genetic mapping studies on all 25 of the known frameshift suppressor genes in yeast.—The approximate location of each suppressor gene was initially determined through the use of a set of mapping strains containing 61 signal markers distributed throughout the yeast genome. Standard meiotic linkage was assayed in crosses between strains carrying the suppressors and the mapping strains. Subsequent to these approximate linkage determinations, each suppressor gene was more precisely located in multi-point crosses. The implications of these mapping results for the genomic distribution of frameshift suppressor genes, which include both glycine and proline tRNA genes, are discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic Control of Radiation Sensitivity in SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE   总被引:27,自引:12,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文

D. A. Campbell  S. Fogel    K. Lusnak 《Genetics》1975,79(3):383-396
Experiments designed to characterize the incidence of mitotic chromosome loss in a yeast disomic haploid were performed. The selective methods employed utilize the non-mating property of strains disomic for linkage group III and heterozygous at the mating type locus. The principal findings are: (1) The frequency of spontaneous chromosome loss in the disome is of the order 10-4 per cell; this value approximates the frequency in the same population of spontaneous mitotic exchange resulting in homozygosity at the mating type locus. (2) The recovered diploids are pure clones, and thus represent unique events in the disomic haploid. (3) Of the euploid chromosomes recovered after events leading to chromosome loss, approximately 90% retain the parental marker configuration expected from segregation alone; however, the remainder are recombinant for marker genes, and are the result of mitotic exchanges in the disome, especially in regions near the centromere. The recombinant proportion significantly exceeds that expected if chromosome loss and mitotic exchange in the disome were independent events. The data are consistent with a model proposing mitotic nondisjunction as the event responsible for chromosome loss in the disomic haploid.  相似文献   

Riley MI  Manney TR 《Genetics》1978,89(4):667-684
Meiotic segregation of several genes has been studied in tetraploid strains that are trisomic for chromosome III. The segregation data were compared to a computer simulation that assumes trivalent pairing of homologues involved in exchanges, followed by nonpreferential segregation. Trivalent pairing was characterized by higher frequencies of exchange as compared to bivalent pairing, and by the presence of spores resulting from at least double crossovers involving all three homologues. Trivalent segregation was characterized by a unique recombinant class. The strong interference normally exhibited in diploid meiotic recombination was not evident from the frequency of double crossovers in these strains.  相似文献   

We have studied the meiotic recombination behavior of strains carrying two types of duplications of an 18.6-kilobase HIS4 Bam HI fragment. The first type is a direct duplication of the HIS4 Bam HI fragment in which the repeated sequences are separated by Escherichia coli plasmid sequences. The second type, a tandem duplication, has no sequences intervening between the repeated yeast DNA. The HIS4 genes in each region were marked genetically so that recombination events between the duplicated segments could be identified. Meiotic progeny of the strains carrying the duplication were analyzed genetically and biochemically to determine the types of recombination events that had occurred. Analysis of the direct vs. tandem duplication suggests that the E. coli plasmid sequences are recombinogenic in yeast when homozygous. In both types of duplications recombination between the duplicated HIS4 regions occurs at high frequency and involves predominantly interchromosomal reciprocal exchanges (equal and unequal crossovers). The striking observation is that intrachromosomal reciprocal recombination is very rare in comparison with interchromosomal reciprocal recombination. However, intrachromosomal gene conversion occurs at about the same frequency as interchromosomal gene conversion. Reciprocal recombination events between regions on the same chromatid are the most infrequent exchanges. These data suggest that intrachromosomal reciprocal exchanges are suppressed.  相似文献   

Super-Suppressors in SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
R. A. Gilmore 《Genetics》1967,56(4):641-658

D. Wilkie  D. Y. Thomas 《Genetics》1973,73(3):367-377
Yeast strains were constructed carrying multiple mitochondrial markers conferring resistance to the inhibitors erythromycin, chloramphenicol, paromomycin and oligomycin. A pedigree analysis of two crosses was made by micromanipulating buds from zygotes. The first few daughter buds isolated from the zygotes sometimes gave rise to diploid clones which had a mixture of mitochondrial types. All possible classes of mitochondrial parental and recombinant types were found although they never appeared all together as the progeny from a single zygote. It was inferred that multiple recombination events took place in zygotes and in some of the buds derived from them. After removal of the first four or so daughter buds, subsequent buds from the zygote carried one mitochondrial type only. In cross I in which three markers were analyzed this was most frequently one of the parental types. In cross II (involving four mitochondrial markers) the later buds from the zygotes were frequently of recombinant mitochondrial type.  相似文献   

Philip S. Perlman 《Genetics》1976,82(4):645-663
We have studied a number of petite [rho- ] mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae induced in a wild-type strain of mitochondrial genotype [ome- CHL R ERYS OLIS1,2,3 PARS] by Berenil and ethidium bromide, all of which have retained two mitochondrial genetic markers, [CHLR] and [ERYS], but have lost all other known markers. Though stable in their ability to retain these markers in their genome, these mutants vary widely among themselves in suppressiveness and in the extent to which the markers are transmitted on crossing to a common wild-type tested strain. In appropriate crosses all of the strains examined in this study demonstrate mitochondrial polarity, and thus have also retained the [ome-] locus in a functional form; however, five different transmissional types were obtained, several of them quite unusual, particularly among the strains originally induced by Berenil. One of the most interesting types is the one that appears to reverse the parental genotypes with [CHLR ERYS] predominating over [CHLS ERYR] in the diploid [rho+] progeny, rather than the reverse, which is characteristic of analogous crosses with [rho+] or other petites. Mutants in this class also exhibited low or no suppressiveness. Since all of the petites reported here are derived from the same wild-type parent, and so have the same nuclear background, we have interpreted the transmissional differences as being due to different intramolecular arrangements of largely common retained sequences.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae diploids homozygous for the rad52-1 mutation have previously been shown to lose chromosomes mitotically. Spontaneous events and events following low levels of X-ray or methyl methanesulfonate treatment result in monosomic diploids, whereas higher levels of treatment result in near haploidization. This rad52-1-dependent chromosome loss has been used to develop a new mapping method which can be used to assign a previously unmapped gene to a chromosome. Chromosome loss mapping can be done in either of two ways: if a diploid, homozygous for rad52-1 but heterozygous for a variety of other recessive markers, is constructed with an unmapped recessive mutation in coupling with known chromosomal markers, chromosome loss will result in the coordinate expression of the mutation and other recessive markers on the same chromosome; if, however, the diploid is constructed with the unmapped mutation in repulsion to chromosomal markers, then even haploidization will never result in the coordinate expression of the unmapped mutation and other markers on the same homologous chromosome pair--This mapping method and subsequent tetrad analyses have been used to locate hom6 on chromosome X, ade4 on chromosome XIII and cdc31 on chromosome XV and to demonstrate that met5, previously assigned to chromosome V, actually maps to chromosome X; the met- marker on chromosome V has been shown to be met6. GAL80 and SUP5, previously assigned to an unmapped fragment, have now been mapped to the right arm of chromosome XIII.  相似文献   

Proteinase Mutants of SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE   总被引:95,自引:0,他引:95       下载免费PDF全文
Fifty-nine mutants with reduced ability to cleave the chymotrypsin substrate N-acetyl-DL-phenylalanine beta-naphthyl ester have been isolated in S. cerevisiae. All have reduced levels of one or more of the three well-characterized proteinases in yeast. All have reduced levels of proteinase C (carboxy-peptidase Y). These mutations define 16 complementation groups.  相似文献   

Small-Sized Mutants of SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The isolation of mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that divide at approximately half the size of the wild type is described. Three mutants have been isolated in which the small size at bud initiation is due to a mutation in a single nuclear gene.  相似文献   

Yeast cells that inherit mutations at the PEP4 locus exhibit a pronounced phenotypic lag in the expression of the mutant phenotype imparted by these mutations. This lag appears to extend to all of the enzymes that are affected by the pep4-3 mutation. For at least two of the enzymatic activities, phenotypic lag shows mitotic cosegregation. Phenotypic lag is found for meiotic progeny and for mitotic segregants from heterokaryons. The phenotypic lag in the expression of the carboxypeptidase Y deficiency is abolished by nonsense mutations in either PRC1, the structural gene for carboxypeptidase Y, or PRB1, the structural gene for proteinase B. Models to explain these observations are proposed.  相似文献   

Inositol-Requiring Mutants of SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Fifty-two inositol-requiring mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated following mutagenesis with ethyl methanesulfonate. Complementation and tetrad analysis revealed ten major complementation classes, representing ten independently segregating loci (designated ino1 through ino10) which recombined freely with their respective centromeres. Members of any given complementation class segregated as alleles of a single locus. Thirteen complementation subclasses were identified among thirty-six mutants which behaved as alleles of the ino1 locus. The complementation map for these mutants was circular.—Dramatic cell viability losses indicative of unbalanced growth were observed in liquid cultures of representative mutants under conditions of inositol starvation. Investigation of the timing, kinetics, and extent of cell death revealed that losses in cell viability in the range of 2-4 log orders could be prevented by the addition of inositol to the medium or by disruption of protein synthesis with cycloheximide. Mutants defective in nine of the ten loci identified in this study displayed these unusual characteristics. The results suggest an important physiological role for inositol that may be related to its cellular localization and function in membrane phospholipids. The possibility is discussed that inositol deficiency initiates the process of unbalanced growth leading to cell death through the loss of normal assembly, function, or integrity of biomembranes.—Part of this work has been reported in preliminary form (Culbertson and Henry 1974).  相似文献   

Paul E. Hansche 《Genetics》1975,79(4):661-674
It has been shown that specific mutations of the gene that codes for the general acid monophophatase (Aphtase) of S. cerevisiae can increase the affinity of this enzyme for beta-glycerophosphate (BGP) and thereby provide this organism with the capacity to exploit extremely low concentrations of this organic phosphate (Francis and Hansche 1973). In this report two additional avenues are demonstrated to be available to this organism for increasing its capacity to exploit low concentrations of organic phosphates. One avenue is through mutations that increase the amount of Aphtase that associates with the cell wall, where it catalizes the hydrolysis of exogenous organic phosphates. The other avenue is through duplication of the gene that codes for Aphtase, doubling the amount of Aphtase synthesized.--The spontaneous duplication of the structural gene of Aphtase and the incorporation of the duplicate into this experimental population as a means of exploiting low concentrations of exogenous organic phosphates provides direct support for the first step of the mechanism through which new metabolic functions are postulated to evolve.  相似文献   

Arjun Singh  T. R. Manney 《Genetics》1974,77(4):651-659
A large number of genes control growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae at low temperatures (< 10 degrees ). Approximately 47 percent of the mutants selected for inability to grow at 4-5 degrees C show increased sensitivity to cycloheximide. In 3 of 4 cases tested, supersensitivity to cycloheximide and inability to grow at the low temperature segregate together and thus appear to be effects of the same mutation. Since many cold-sensitive mutants of bacteria have been found to have altered ribosomes and since cycloheximide resistance in yeast can be caused by ribosomal changes, this suggests that the mutants having low-temperature-sensitive growth may be defective in ribosome-assembly processes at the low temperatures. Two of the lts loci, lts1 and lts3 have been located on chromosome VII and another two, lts4 and lts10 on chromosome IV. A mutation, cyh10, conferring cycloheximide resistance, but not cold sensitivity, has been located close to the centromere on chromosome II.  相似文献   


Glycolysis Mutants in SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  

本文报道用酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)原生质体融合,得到营养互补的融合子为三倍体,其生长速度、发酵速率均较亲株提高1—2倍。部分融合子酒精的产量高于亲株,同时高于目前使用的酒精发酵生产菌株。  相似文献   

Gene Duplication in SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
P. E. Hansche  V. Beres    P. Lange 《Genetics》1978,88(4):673-687
Five indepdendent duplications of the acid-phosphatase (aphtase) structural gene (acp1) were recovered from chemostat populations of S. cerevisiae that were subject to selection for in vivo hyper-aphtase activity. Two of the duplications arose spontaneously. Three of them were induced by UV. All five of the duplication events involved the transpositioning of the aphtase structural gene, acp1, and all known genes distal to acp1 on the right arm of chromosome II, to the terminus of an arm of other unknown chromosomes. One of the five duplicated regions of the right arm of chromosome II was found to be transmitted mitotically and meiotically with very high fidelity. The other four duplicated regions of the right arm of chromosome II were found to be unstable, being lost at a rate of about 2% per mitosis. However, selection for increased fidelity of mitotic transmission was effective in one of these strains. No tandem duplications of the aphtase structural gene were found.  相似文献   

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