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Several studies have shown that exposure of amphibians, including the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), to potent estrogens at critical times during development results in feminization and/or demasculinization. However, genotyping of X. laevis has only recently become possible, so studies performed in the past were rarely able to make explicit linkages between genetic and phenotypic sex. Therefore, to further characterize this relationship, X. laevis tadpoles were exposed during development to 0.09, 0.84, or 8.81μg/L 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2), which is the estrogen analog commonly used in oral contraceptives. Exposure to all concentrations of EE2 tested resulted in significant delays in time to metamorphosis. Genotyping showed that genetic sex ratios were similar among treatments. However, morphological evaluation revealed that a significant number of individuals with a male genotype displayed mixed sex and abnormal phenotypes. Additionally, both genetic males and females exposed to EE2 exhibited greater presence of vitellogenin protein relative to the respective controls. Since estrogens function downstream of the initial molecular signals of sexual differentiation, it is likely that genetic male animals received mixed endogenous male and exogenous female signals that caused disordered sexual development. The production of vitellogenin was probably temporally separated and independent from primary effects on sexual differentiation, and might have contributed to delays in metamorphosis observed in individuals exposed to EE2.  相似文献   

After briefly looking into the dramatic twist of history that caused Central- and Eastern Europe to be separated from the West, the author observes the impact of 40 years of cold war and isolation on the state of radiotherapy (RT) in Central Europe. From her privileged position as a staff member in charge of public relations and society development at the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), she witnesses and helps drive the “rapprochement” between radiation oncology professionals from both sides of the former iron curtain. Thanks to substantial support from target tailored EU projects, ESTRO was in a position to give a powerful impulse to the re-integration of Central European RT in the mainstream of European health care. The author describes from her own and privileged perspective the excitement of discovering the rich heritage of a shared common past and expresses her concern that in the dynamic repositioning of Europe''s point of gravity towards the East, the multiple but still fragile links between Central- and West European radiotherapy, tied within ESTRO, should not get dissolved in transition.  相似文献   

A single vertical stripe (long or short) was moved clockwise, with constant speed, around a tethered femaleMusca domestica fly. The yaw torque response of the fly was analyzed as a function of the position of the object. After an interval of 8 s the stripe was moved counterclockwise and a similar analysis of the torque was made. This procedure was repeated a few times and averaged to each direction separately and for all the flies tested. The results suggested that: a) There are at least two mechanisms for computing the optomotor response in the lower part of the fly's eye, one performing a position-dependent velocity computation and the other depending on the position but not on the direction of motion of an object. b) These two components are parametrized over the position on the lower part of the eye. The results also show that: c) There is a significant difference in the response between the upper and the lower part of the eye. The position-dependent component cannot be detected in the upper part of the eye. In addition: d) Two different control mechanisms are proposed, one responding to progressive (from front to back) and one to regressive (from back to front) movement of objects.  相似文献   

Assortative mating is an important factor in the process of speciation. Models of speciation frequently deal with small founder populations often with mating preferences based on ecological traits or habitat preferences. Small populations, on the other hand might suffer from inbreeding. However, few studies have explored the combined effects of assortative mating and inbreeding in such populations. Can they speciate, or are they doomed to eventually go extinct? With this simulation we show that assortative mating based on similarities increases the possibility for change in a population, as long as the population does not suffer from inbreeding depression. Inbred populations seem not to be able to cope with strong assortative mating, as this is likely to elevate the level of inbreeding, increasing the risks of inbreeding depression and as a result decreasing population mean fitness. This in turn hinders the possibility of change, and instead might drive the population to extinction.  相似文献   

Transgenic fish, owing to a number of advantages which they offer over other species, are proving to be valuable model systems for the study of gene regulation and developmental genetics in addition to being useful targets for the genetic manipulation of commercially important traits. Despite having begun only a decade ago, the production of transgenic fish has become commonplace in a number of laboratories world-wide and considerable progress has been made. In this review, we initially consider the various regulatory elements and coding genes which have been used in fish, and subsequently discuss and compare both the transient and long-term fate and expression patterns of injected DNA sequences in the context of the different factors which are likely to have an effect on the expression of transgenes.  相似文献   

Summary The subcellular locilazations of tryrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) in the adrenal glands of the frog and rat have been examined by a peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. TH was localized in the ground substance of the adrenaline-containing cells and noradrenaline-containing cells, but not in the nucleus or in the mitochondria. TH was also located on the outside of the membrane of the chromaffin granules. DBH was observed only inside the granules. PNMT was found not only in the ground substance but also on the membrane of some adrenaline-containing granules. Cortical lipid cells of the frog adrenals did not show TH-, DBH-, and PNMT-reactions. The negative reactions to TH-, DBH-, and PNMT-antiserum exhibited by the summer cells of the frog adrenals prove that they belong to the cortical cells.  相似文献   

The conditions for the submerged and solid-state fermentation of the micromycete Aspergillus ochraceus VKM F-4104D, producing extracellular proteinases that activate protein C of human blood plasma, were optimized. It is shown that the protein C-activating activity of the micromycete in a solid-state culture was 1.5-3.5 times higher than in a submerged culture (as calculated per milliliter of culture medium). Among the extracellular proteins secreted by A. ochraceus VKM F-4104D during submerged and solid-state fermentation, a protein C-activating proteinase with a pI of 6.0–6.3 was identified.  相似文献   

Density functional theory (DFT) calculations at B3LYP/6-31 G (d,p) and B3LYP/6-311?+?G(d,p) levels for the substituted pyridine-catalyzed isomerization of monomethyl maleate revealed that isomerization proceeds via four steps, with the rate-limiting step being proton transfer from the substituted pyridinium ion to the C=C double bond in INT1. In addition, it was found that the isomerization rate (maleate to fumarate) is solvent dependent. Polar solvents, such as water, tend to accelerate the isomerization rate, whereas apolar solvents, such as chloroform, act to slow down the reaction. A linear correlation was obtained between the isomerization activation energy and the dielectric constant of the solvent. Furthermore, linearity was achieved when the activation energy was plotted against the pK a value of the catalyst. Substituted-pyridine derivatives with high pK a values were able to catalyze isomerization more efficiently than those with low pK a values. The calculated relative rates for prodrugs 16 were: 1 (406.7), 2 (7.6?×?106), 3 (1.0), 4 (20.7), 5 (13.5) and 6 (2.2?×?103). This result indicates that isomerizations of prodrugs 1 and 35 are expected to be slow and that of prodrugs 2 and 6 are expected to be relatively fast. Hence, prodrugs 2 and 35 have the potential to be utilized as prodrugs for the slow release of monomethylfumarate in the treatment of psoriasis and multiple sclerosis.
Substituted pyridine-catalyzed isomerization of monomethylmaleate (prodrug, cis-isomer) to monomethylfumerate (parental drug, trans-isomer)  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(3):191-203
We review whether migratory Anatidae, i.e., swans, geese and ducks, could be acting as vectors for dispersal of Zostera, Ruppia and Potamogeton propagules by endozoochory (carrying seeds in their guts). We list six prerequisites that must all be fulfilled, if successful dispersal should occur. Several Anatidae species feed on these macrophytes, and undertake rapid long-distance movements, making dispersal possible. We identify four problems, which in combination leads us to conclude that long-distance dispersal events are likely to be rare. (i) Most long-distance movements are out of phase with the reproductive efforts of the plants, and if birds arrive at sites when plants still bear seeds, they are likely to depart well after seed stocks have been depleted. (ii) Seed transport by birds will usually be uni-directional, from north to south on autumn migrations. (iii) Most of the gut contents of migratory birds are likely to have been discarded within 300 km of departure. (iv) In many cases, birds will arrive in habitats seriously different from those they departed, i.e., any seeds carried along will have low chances of surviving in their new site. We suggest that northbound dispersal by endozoochory can only occur during spring if waterbirds feed on seeds that have not been depleted and remained frozen down or buried in sediments, or during moult- or post-moult migrations. Moult migration takes place in summer in phase with the reproductive efforts of the plants. Also epizoochorous dispersal (external attachment) is subject to restrictions i, ii and iv.  相似文献   

Specimens of Euproops sp. (Xiphosura, Chelicerata) from the Carboniferous Piesberg quarry near Osnabrück, Germany, represent a relatively complete growth series of 10 stages. Based on this growth sequence, morphological changes throughout the ontogeny can be identified. The major change affects the shape of the epimera of the opisthosoma. In earlier stages, they appear very spine-like, whereas in later stages the bases of these spine-like structures become broader; the broadened bases are then successively drawn out distally. In the most mature stage known, the epimera are of trapezoidal shape and approach each other closely to form a complete flange around the thoracetron (=fused tergites of the opisthosoma). These ontogenetic changes question the taxonomic status of different species of Euproops, as the latter appear to correspond to different stages of the ontogenetic series reconstructed from the Piesberg specimens. This means that supposed separate species could, in fact, represent different growth stages of a single species. It could alternatively indicate that heterochrony (=evolutionary change of developmental timing) plays an important role in the evolution of Xiphosura. We propose a holomorph approach, i.e., reconstructing ontogenetic sequences for fossil and extant species as a sound basis for a taxonomic, phylogenetic, and evolutionary discussion of Xiphosura.  相似文献   

Globally, the most widely used wetland classification is that adopted by the contracting parties of the Ramsar Convention, which is the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat. A review of the Inland Wetland component of this system shows that mixed criteria are used to separate the wetlands, and that not all natural inland wetlands have been addressed. A classification system using landform and hydro-period, which results in 13 primary geomorphically non-emergent types for natural wetlands, is proposed to describe the full variety of wetlands at a primary level around the globe, and is suggested to be incorporated as the first-tier of the Ramsar classification.The proposed classification has been designed so wetlands can be described, classified and compared systematically. This paper attempts to reconcile the Ramsar Classification system with the proposed approach. The intention in this paper is not to displace the Ramsar Classification, but rather to indicate its inherent underlying geomorphic structure, and hence re-order its hierarchical framework. This adjustment to the existing classification system would highlight underlying similarities between wetlands so that global comparisons can be more readily made. It also has considerable advantages for a staged, systematic discrimination and classification of the vast array of differing wetlands globally.The use of geomorphic and hydrologic elements as the primary and secondary divisions with the more commonly used Ramsar Classification terms as a tertiary division, provides a logical structure to compare and contrast wetlands globally.  相似文献   

In this paper it is shown that the very different kinetics measured for the rise of the sodium current which follows a depolarization of the membrane in the squid giant axon, the frog node and the frog node treated with Batrachotoxin may be accurately predicted using only the measured equilibrium and static characteristics for the three preparations and the kinetics measured for the gating charge transfer.The kinetic predictions follow the use of the silent gate model for ion channel gating. The model is electrostatic and its chief assumptions are that the channel gate, called here the N-system, has fast kinetics and responds to the gating charge that transfers but not directly to the trans-membrane voltage applied. Because channel gating, corresponding here to the motion of the N-system, does not change its energy in the trans-membrane applied electric field the gating is electrically silent as far as gating charge transfer measurement is concerned. However the probability of gating rises with the quantity of gating charge that transfers due to the electrostatic interaction between the N-system and the gating charge, redistributed under the influence of the applied trans-membrane electric field. With these assumptions the kinetics of sodium channel gating are predictable using only the static and equilibrium characteristics of gating charge and channel activation measured as a function of membrane voltage, and the kinetics of the gating charge transfer. Because of the fast kinetics assumed for the N-system the predicted kinetics are the same for channels with any number of equivalent and independent N-systems or gates acting in parallel.The model predictions for sodium permeability kinetics are compared in detail with those recently measured for the frog node treated with Batrachotoxin and excellent agreement is obtained.  相似文献   

Monitoring of fish and crustaceans in the Wadden Sea (WS) must cope with rapid changes in distribution patterns, access to certain areas and gear efficiency. Application and limitations of a variety of fishing devices (fyke nets, gill nets, enclosures, stow nets, purse seines, beam trawls, push nets, beach seines, bottom trawls, pelagic trawls) are discussed with regard to different objectives of monitoring. Furthermore, the validity of data from three current monitoring programmes is also discussed. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

One candidate for an endogenous mesoderm-inducing factor in Xenopus is derrière, a member of the TGFbeta family closely related to Vg1. In this paper we first show that derrière is able to exert long-range effects in the early Xenopus embryo, reinforcing the view that it functions as a secreted factor required for proper formation of posterior structures. Analysis of the derrière promoter shows that expression of the gene is controlled through a complex inductive network involving VegT and TGFbeta-related molecules and also, perhaps, FGF family members. The work confirms that derrière plays an important role in mesoderm formation and it illustrates the complex regulation to which inducing factors are subject.  相似文献   

Hamerlynck  O.  Hostens  K. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,282(1):497-507
Frequency of occurrence of fish species was monitored on a fortnightly basis in four fykes and a weir in the Oosterschelde estuary from 1979 through 1988. This was done in order to record changes in the fish fauna that may have occurred as a response to the construction of a storm-surge barrier in the mouth of the Oosterschelde (1984–1986) and the concomitant building of compartmentalization dams in the landward part. These compartmentalization dams reduced the freshwater inflow into the system. Principal component analysis using the annual averages in frequency of occurrence suggests a slight shift occurred in the fish community separating a cluster of years 1979–1984 from the cluster 1985–1988. Many of the changes in individual species could be attributed to fluctuations in yearclass strength or were part of changes occurring on a wider geographical scale. The only impact of the construction works seems to be the decrease in a number of anadromous fish. Fish traps seem to be useful as a monitoring tool for a number of species. The value of the data collected could be improved if catch size and length-frequency data are recorded.  相似文献   

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